October 2016

Our shared planetary picture

New Moon in Libra on 1st marks a collective urge to find co-operation and harmony and begins the month’s early focus on Libra.  A lovely conjunction (meeting) of Mercury and Jupiter on 10th-11th, finds our minds are at their most positive, and only then do we become fully aware of all our possibilities.  Make a note of all the ideas that spring to mind at this time so you can follow them up later without forgetting any.

On 14th-15th an opposition between Sun and Uranus points out the need to weigh up how much of our individuality and self-interest we might be willing to trade for making or keeping the peace.  This dilemma develops further as Mars and Pluto join forces from 17th-19th and become the focus of the planetary tension of the Sun – Uranus opposition.

Mars and Pluto bursting out is a massive, raw energy and being in Capricorn which represents hierarchies, authorities and structures we need to be on the lookout for abuses of power.  On an individual level, we need to guard against our own ruthlessness (especially regarding our own ambitions and status) and to stand up to anyone trying to railroad others.

Mars causes further concerns on 26th-29th when it squares Uranus and co-operation may be hard to find.  As Venus leaves Scorpio on 18th, it moves into Sag where it meets Saturn on 29th-30th.  This is a time for us all to reflect on how we have been dealing with relationships (especially inter-cultural ones), creativity and values and how we want to deal with them in the future.

This review is valuable both individually and collectively.  Welcome what it reveals.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   New Moon on 1st falls in your opposite sign, marking the beginning of your relationships and partnerships new year.  Make some resolutions to help bring about what you’d like to find in these areas of life in the year ahead.  (Partnerships can include business relationships as well as personal).  Mercury and Jupiter also join forces in your partnership zone on 10th -11th.  Be ready to develop the brainwaves that burst out then.

Your ruling planet Mars is operating at full force this month, starting on 4th-5th when it squares Jupiter, making you more likely to fight for your beliefs or against the beliefs of others.  This pales into insignificance though later in the month when Mars joins Pluto in your father, career and social status zone.  These two planets operating together are high-powered, pretty much unstoppable and possibly ruthless.  You are very likely to run into these energies and it would be best if the ruthless part isn’t coming from you.  If however others are displaying this, use your strength of will (and this month it’s phenomenal) to battle, expose or speak out against any injustices you uncover.

Later in the month Mars squares Uranus which is also quite an extreme line up and again nothing but the truth will do.  You may find yourself refusing to be restricted or silenced by the status quo and the more honest voices there are out there, the better.  We may be relying on you this month to lead by example and to champion just causes in your forthright way.  Show us all how it’s done!


Taurus:   Your ruling planet Venus is having an interesting run this month.  It continues until 18th in your relationships and partnerships zone, smoothing things along nicely, then glides into your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone which could attract the money or amourous attentions of others.  Who knows, maybe even both!  The Sun also moves into your partnerships zone on 22nd which will highlight these matters through into next month.  On 29th-30th Venus runs into Saturn though which looks like an obstacle or you may apply the brakes on whatever started earlier.  Have a long cool look before continuing (if you decide to).

On 10th-11th Mercury and Jupiter meet up in your 6th House of work, health, daily routine and service to others.  These two planets put the mind at its most positive.  Your communications will be upbeat and great ideas could crop up that can benefit your well-being and that of others.  Be ready to implement them.  .  Physical movement or a new exercise regime could be pleasurable too!

Mars and Pluto join forces in Capricorn from 17th-19th and these two have a strong impact when working together.  For Taureans they fall into your travel, deep study, ethics, legal and publishing zone.  If you have projects at lined up in any of these areas, your willpower and determination will be extra strong at this time.  Equally, you could run into others whose intentions are just as strong…  Make sure that if any misuse of power is happening, it doesn’t come from you.  And don’t be intimidated by others!  (Of course they’d be silly to try… )


Gemini:   Your romance, children and creativity zone is in an upward flow and when your ruling planet Mercury meets expansive Jupiter on 10th-11th, communications are a delight.  Jupiter is bringing growth and expansion to one or more of these areas of your life for the next 12 months so this isn’t just a flash in the pan.

The other area of activity is your 6th House of work, health and service to others.  Venus is passing through here until 18th smoothing relations with colleagues and daily companions and enhancing your sense of well-being.  Pets if you have them or are considering them could also be a source of pleasure.

The tricky T-square mid-month that we’ll all experience places its main impact in your 8th House of transformational processes: birth, sex and death, joint funds, taxes, debts inheritances and sharing.  Mars and Pluto are working together from 17th-19th which means much can be achieved but the energies unleashed can be hard to handle..

On 18th Venus moves into your relationships and partnerships zone bringing ease and pleasure here too.  Things get more serious however when Venus runs into Saturn from 29th-30th when you may run into obstacles, put things on hold or even make a commitment!  Yes you!


Cancer:   The home front is lively this month and New Moon on 1st marks the beginning of a new phase in your mother and home sphere.  Make resolutions for your domestic year ahead and for personal development.   Mercury and Jupiter meet up here too on 10th-11th and new expansive ideas could open up fresh possibilities.  Be ready to take them forward.

Full Moon on 16th falls in your travel, philosophy and ethics zone.  It’s conjunct Chiron which offers opportunities for healing or the realisation of areas that need healing.  Self-awareness is half the battle so be glad of this.

Relationships and partnerships are your other very active area which can include business partnerships too.  On 7th Sun and Pluto square up to each other in a bid for power.  Then on 17th-19th Mars and Pluto join forces and a significant battle of wills could develop or intense interactions of some kind.  On 26th-29th Mars and Uranus are in conflict which could create a clash between partnerships and your ambitions or social standing in some way.  You must be honest with yourself about this.

Venus meets up with Saturn on 29th-30th in your work, health, daily routine and service to others zone.  This is not the time to take action in these areas but it is time to give them a long, cool look.  Next month you can apply your conclusions!


Leo:   For the first three weeks the Sun is in your communications zone, adding warmth and dazzle to whatever you have to say.  Mercury planet of communication is also moving through this area from 7th-24th adding to your mental, verbal and physical agility.  Best of all, Mercury meets Jupiter from 10th-11th putting your mind at its most positive and expansive.  Capture all the thoughts and ideas that come to you – for ongoing development.

The Sun squares up to Pluto on 7th which may raise questions about who’s in charge or how power is being used.  An opposition to Uranus on 14th-15th further questions what or who is or isn’t being authentic…  This also forms part of a tense planetary line up where issues of power and the role of authority is under question.  Mars and Pluto meet up on 17th-19th which are an indomitable pair.  In terms of will power they’re extreme but the biggest danger is ruthlessness.  Make sure this isn’t coming from you and be ready to challenge it in others.

Mars and Pluto fall in your transformational areas of life zone – i.e. birth, sex and death.  Joint funds, the money of others, taxes, debts and inheritances also come into this area.  Sharing in all its many aspects is part of this too which includes how much you share of yourself on an intimate level.  Experiences in any of these areas could be both deep and transformational.

Venus wings its way through your mother and home zone till18th bringing pleasure through entertaining, beautifying the home or spending time with mother figures.  Then the Sun moves in on 22nd continuing this theme.  Make time to enjoy the comforts of hearth and home.


Virgo:   Your 2nd House of finance, security and values is super-active this month with a very fortunate meeting of Mercury and Jupiter from 10th-11th.  Make a note of good ideas that occur around then, as Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity is with you in this area of life for the next 12 months.  Your income, values and self-esteem are all available for growth and expansion too and where you get a sense of security from.  This may not be about money but in finding a sense of security from creativity or a value system that gives you a sense of security.

Communications are also a very active area with Venus lending you a silver tongue until 18th and offering pleasure through physical movement and an ease in relations with neighbours and siblings.  The Sun also moves in on 22nd followed by your ruling planet Mercury on 24th, so lots of energy here all month.  If you have things to say or write, the words are ready and waiting.

The T-square (tricky planetary line up) mid-month will first be felt from 14th-15th in a clash between your finances and joint funds or ‘the money of others’.  Taxes, debts, inheritances and sharing (including yourself intimately) can come into this.  The focus then falls on romance, children and creativity from 17th-19th with a lot of intensity!  The final part of this dynamic comes on 26th-29th when romance, children and creativity clash with joint funds and sharing.  Don’t be coerced into meeting other people’s unreasonable demands.

Full Moon in the midst of this maelstrom on 16th falls in your relationships and partnerships zone.  Chiron is close by too which in addition to high emotion, adds the theme of wounding and healing with the best scenario being healing your own (and perhaps other people’s) wounds.

On 18th Venus moves into your mother and home zone, smoothing things along.  Entertaining, beautifying the home and spending time with mother figures can be sources of pleasure.  This comes to a halt though on 29th-30th when Venus runs into Saturn and things need to be looked at once again.  Take that look!


Libra:   The month begins with New Moon in your sign marking the beginning of your personal new year.  Make some resolutions for your year ahead.  Your ruling planet Venus continues to improve money and finance situations until 18th when it moves into your communications zone, helping you to charm others round to your way of thinking…

A lovely aspect between Mercury and Jupiter in your sign on 10th-11th puts your mind at its most positive.  Make a note of the ideas that crop up at that time for you to develop in the future.

Challenging things are happening in your mother and home zone this month, starting on 7th when Sun in your sign squares Pluto, followed by a Mars-Pluto conjunction on 17th-19th.  Power plays will be strong and applying your will or struggling against the will of others could be very intense.  26th-29th could bring about a clash between mother, home and personal development versus partnerships.  Again this is not a time for compromise.

The month ends with Venus meeting Saturn on 29th-30th which may require you to look hard at relationships, creativity or values to see what is now not serving your needs and how you would like to proceed.  This isn’t a month for the faint-hearted so summon up your courage to be at the ready!


Scorpio:   Your self-talk and creativity behind the scenes are looking good this month, especially around 10th-11th when Mercury and Jupiter meet up, heightening your compassion and positive thinking.  Venus is in your sign too until 18th which intensifies your charms, making you irresistible…  From 18th Venus then moves into your finance zone which should help things along there too.

The month before your birthday is often a time of lowest ebb, as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.  The Sun returns to Scorpio however on 22nd bringing energy and a sense of renewal.  When we say ‘Many Happy Returns’ it refers to the return of the Sun to the same position as when you were born (your solar return).  Your birthday is your new year and it’s good and more meaningful to make New Year’s Resolutions for your year ahead now rather than on January 1st.

Your ruling planet Pluto has an interesting meeting with Mars from 17th-19th in your communications and physical movement, siblings and neighbours zone.  Exchanges could be intense and if you find yourself offering some home truths, make sure your words are measured and fair.  Alternatively this planetary combination could bring about a breakthrough in your own thought processes.  Be open to this possibility!

Full Moon on 16th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone.  Chiron is involved to which adds the themes of wounding and healing.  Aim to heal old wounds.


Sagittarius:   Your ruling planet Jupiter gets to meet up with Mercury this month from 10th-11th which is good news for everyone, especially you!  This falls in your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone bringing great ideas, positive communications and good times!

A lot of planetary activity is also going on behind the scenes in your 12th House of compassion, the pain and suffering of others and your inner workings.  These areas are the most difficult for us to see clearly and the most difficult if not impossible for us to control.  That being the case, courage is needed and any commitment you can make to exploring these areas through therapy, spirituality, healing or prayer will be rewarded.

The T-square (challenging planetary line up) that we are all experiencing from 14th-19th impacts you first of all in clashes between your romance, children and creativity zone and your friends, groups and collective arena.  Then as Mars meets Pluto from 17th-19th, the focus falls very pointedly and intensely on money, possessions and values.  And you will want to take action based on your new insights.

26th-29th brings a further clash of interest between on the one hand – romance, children and creativity and on the other – money, possessions, security and values.  This is immediately followed on 29th-30th by a meeting of Venus and Saturn in your sign which can be finding yourself in a lonely or isolating place and one in which you need to look at relationships, creativity and values.  Equally it could mean the taking on of a commitment.  Whichever it is, you’re likely to come face to face with what is truly important to you.  Stand up for whatever that is.


Capricorn:   This is likely to be a very memorable month as all manner of planetary combinations impact your sign.  Your 10th House of father, career and social status is very lively too and New Moon in this area on 1st is the beginning of your professional new year and you should make some resolutions to help your ambitions along in the year ahead.  Mercury and Jupiter also meet in this area on 10th-11th and a terrific new idea could (if developed) make your world a bigger place!

On 7th Sun in your career zone clashes with Pluto in your sign, indicating the need for more inner change to meet the demands of the world.  The Sun opposite Uranus on 14th-15th shows up incompatible demands of career versus home or mother versus father or ambitions versus personal development.  Whichever it is, look for ways they can work together.

Mars planet of goal-setting, applying your will, assertiveness and the assertive side of sexual expression and use of physical energy in general is in your sign all month.  Mars is exalted in Capricorn (works at its strongest) and your energy reserves should be high.  Mars and Pluto join forces in your sign from 17th-19th and little will be able to stop or block your will.  This is an intense energy and should only be used for high-minded purposes.  Be sure to use and apply it ethically.

Mars in your sign also squares up to Uranus from 26th-29th, making you aware of further changes that are needed either at home or regarding mother figures or in your personal development.  The personal development aspect is echoed in a different way when Venus joins your ruling planet Saturn on 29th-30th.  This may draw you to a halt to examine your inner-workings.  Be open to the information it reveals!


Aquarius:   Your travel, philosophy, cultural and legal zone is an upbeat area this month as the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter bring energy and expansion.  10th-11th is especially fortuitous when Mercury and Jupiter meet, making your thinking broad and inclusive.  This is a great time for trips, embarking on courses of study, exploring the world of ethics, philosophy and different cultures.

Meanwhile Venus is smoothing interactions in your father, career and social status zone until 18th.  If you need favours from people in authority, they’re likely to look favourably upon your request.  The Sun also enters this zone on 22nd warming and energising your ambitions.  Mercury arrives too from 24th helping communications and strategic agility.  Press ahead with your plans.

Your ruling planet Uranus clashes with the Sun and Pluto mid-month which involves you in the collective tension taking place from 14th-19th.  The outlet for this tension lands in your 12th House of inner workings, spirituality, healing and compassion and work behind the scenes and your online life.  Both Mars and Pluto join forces here from 17th-19th which can bring breakthroughs of some kind.

Mars squares up to your ruling planet Uranus from 26th-29th urging you to speak your new truths, however difficult for others it may be to hear them.  Neighbours or siblings may be involved in this in some way.  New ideas, learning a new language or new forms of physical movement could also be possible outcomes.  Be open to all of your possibilities!


Pisces:   The Sun is illuminating your joint funds, and sharing zone until 22nd which highlights taxes, debts, inheritances and ‘the money of others’.  Sharing includes the sharing of yourself on an intimate level, as well as materially.  And on 10th-11th Mercury and Jupiter join hands, expanding communications, positive self-expression and brilliant new ideas about how resources could be better used or shared.  Your ability to bring growth to people in crisis through your way of communicating is another avenue open to you.  And as you know, communications start with listening.

Full Moon falls in your sign on 16th which raises emotions.  Chiron which has been moving through Pisces since 2010 is also involved which adds the themes of wounding and healing to the emotional mix.  The best scenario is healing your wounds and perhaps those of others.

This possibility of healing comes at a very pertinent time as the T-square (difficult planetary line-up) mid-month will challenge us all.  From 14th-15th Sun opposes Uranus which brings up contradictory pulls between your money, possessions, security and values zone and your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone.  Then from 17th-19th this tension springs out at a third point – as Mars and Pluto join forces in your friends, groups, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals zone.  This is an intense focus and your urge to take action will be almost compulsive!

Your travel, studies, ethics, philosophy and legal zone is also very active this month.  Venus smoothes things along until 18th, followed by the Sun on 22nd  and Mercury on 24th.  Venus enters your father and career zone from 18th.  People in positions of power will look upon you favourably.  If you need favours, just ask.

Obstacles or extra responsibilities will cause you to pause and reflect on dealings with father figures, your career or social status around 29th-30th.  Don’t resent this apparent holdup.  It’s an opportunity to double-check that your path is clear so your progress will be true.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart by phone  – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).



To find out more get in touch. To view more horoscopes, please go to the Horoscopes page.