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The Age of Aquarius!!! (Jan 2024)

The Age of Aquarius is here!!!

We have a major shift on January 21st as Pluto moves into Aquarius.  We had an introductory period of this late-March to mid-June but this time we are moving fully into a new era.  The long-heralded Aquarian Age is here!



Known as the precession of the equinoxes, every 2000 years or so, a new age unfolds.  In Western symbology there are references to these in the bible.   When Moses was up Mount Sinai receiving the ten commandments, his tribe waiting below smelted a golden calf (Taurus).  He was in a rage at this discovery and sacrificed a lamb (Aries) as this symbolised the new age.  Christianity repeatedly uses fish (Pisces) as its symbol with Jesus ‘the fisher of men’ etc. etc.

Aquarius is represented in the zodiac as the water bearer, someone pouring water from a large pot.  Aquarius is not a Water sign though.  It is an Air sign (along with Gemini and Libra) and Air rules thought, communication and information.  So, it is information and ideas that are being shared, as opposed to emotion which the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) rule.  The glyph or symbol for Aquarius is two parallel wavy lines.  Again, they are not water waves but air waves!

The Age of Aquarius will last 2,000 years or so.  While Pluto in Aquarius, its decisive start, will last until 2043 and brings a powerful wave of change.  And strangely here in UK we have unusual winds of 90mph on our very first day of Pluto in Aquarius!


First Stage

Jupiter and Saturn moved together into Aquarius around the Winter Solstice in 2020 and now with Pluto moving in, the big guns have arrived.  Pluto is the planet of deep transformation.  It was discovered in 1930 around the time the atom was split and Pluto represents annihilation and elimination for regenerative purposes.  This is invariably uncomfortable, as we so often resist change as hard as we can.  But Pluto represents deep transformation: where and when it is really needed.

Pluto has mostly finished its fifteen-year transit through Capricorn (returning briefly just to finish off finer details next September to mid-November).  During Pluto’s journey through Capricorn, it exposed the defects and unworthiness of many of our leaders and many others holding positions of power (although some still cling on).   Unhealthy hierarchies have been exposed and trust in them shaken as a result.  Although shocking, such exposures are helpful and we have hopefully deepened confidence in our own values, uncowed by authority figures.

This time in its new sign of Aquarius, Pluto will be exposing, transforming and working on different issues.  Aquarius rules friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  Thinking and decision-making is likely to take place on a more collective level, hopefully creating the greater good for the greatest number.

Already over the horizon and on its way, AI will be running our services and lives more and more.  This may bring welcome advances in medical diagnoses and treatments but plans for a cashless society and the use of face recognition technology may bring many perhaps unwelcome changes…  Gender fluidity is already here and will grow.  Aquarius has little time for old, traditional ways of thinking and perhaps we will discover the capacity of the 90% of our brains that we do not yet use.  And who knows, our knowledge of or contact with beings from others planets may occur or become more commonplace.

Along with big sweeping changes in our collective lives, there will as always, be opportunities for individual growth.  Pluto raises power dynamics and perhaps you will run into other people’s or discover some your own.  Responsibility goes with power and it is imperative that you use your personal power for the greater good, not for your personal benefit.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read about your Sun sign and if you are familiar with your birth chart, the sign on your Ascendant too (and any planets you have at the beginning of a sign will also be impacted, apart from those in Capricorn and Pisces).


Aries:   Pluto will bring up issues of power in friendships, groups, community and campaigns.  In your personal life, friendships will play a more dominant role.  Deep transformation could take place for you through a friend or group or vice versa.  Equally you may find yourself in a tussle with a friend or group…

Leading is always a natural choice for Aries.  Perhaps you could form, lead, support or challenge a group or movement you feel passionate about.  Whereas your needs are usually more than clear to you, you may have to subsume these as group needs will be stronger.  Perhaps you will finally find your tribe.  Campaigns may also call loudly.

However it comes about, you will be tested in some way and total self-honesty will be needed for you to fully grow in one or more of these areas of life.  Any campaign group would do well to have you on board!


Taurus:   Pluto has now moved to the top of your solar chart and you may climb to a position of authority in some way, be that professionally or within your circle.  Decisions you make can impact others strongly and you must be absolutely ethically clean in making them.

You may also have to deal with or stand up to parental or authority figures or bodies, possibly do battle with them and discover your own personal authority in the process.  A complete change of status could take place too, either through the kind of work you do, your status within new or existing work or your standing in society in some way.  Involving yourself in transformational processes in the world (where there is a ‘before and after’ element) will be attractive to you and satisfying.

How to fit your talents into the larger framework may be a challenge you have to overcome.  And if you find yourself in a position of power, have regular check-ins with yourself and someone whose moral compass you trust, to make sure all of your actions are above board, ethical and for the greater good.


Gemini:   The power of exploration will be key for Geminis in the 20-year period ahead.  Curiosity is Gemini’s normal position but now you will be drawn further and deeper.  Exploring the world physically through travel, different countries and different cultures or immersing yourself in the great outdoors can bring about great personal change and a massive shift in your world view.

Exploring metaphysically can have enormous impact too.  Deep dives into belief systems, religions and philosophies can transform your understanding of  peoples of the world and the true nature of reality.  Your intuitive understanding of life will deepen.

Deep studies, the internet, learning a new language, teaching, publications and perhaps getting published can also have a big impact.  The truth becomes pressingly important and finding your truth is one of the opportunities on offer.  The next twenty years will be a pilgrimage of a kind.  You may encounter extremism; you may encounter the deluded and the mad.  Observe but do not stay and do not stop until you find your path.


Cancer:   The transformational processes of life: birth, sex and death can offer deep and intense experiences.  They do of course for us all but your understanding around one or more of these processes will deepen considerably.  Abandoned issues from the past may re-emerge for you to address and work through.  There can be a re-birth for you in some way too.

You will come to understand the opportunities that crises provide, either for yourself or others (or both).  As sometimes it is only through a crisis that deep change and growth become possible.  You may also find that others in crisis will be drawn to you as a mast to hold on to during the storm.  And they will have made a good choice.

Joint funds and the money of others (including taxes, debts and inheritances) can be impactful and your understanding of sharing in its smallest and broadest levels will also deepen.   Your instinct in how resources should be used and shared on a collective level will deepen too.  Share your understanding.  The world needs it.


Leo:   Power in relationships and partnerships come to the fore in a very strong way over the next twenty years and you may have to review the power patterns you tend to get drawn into or create in one-to-one partnerships.  ‘Partnerships’ here can indicate business or personal partners and your transformation and growth may come about through intense dealings with either or both.

We can often find ourselves in relationships where we take control or where the other person takes control.  Meeting the needs of someone so deeply that they become dependent on us or vice versa is a subtler but similar dynamic of this too.

But the challenge and opportunity here is to create an equal relationship where both partners are  transformed through sharing power equally, not the power of one over the other.  This is not easy to achieve.  Make it your aim.


Virgo:   Virgos have a natural interest in work, health and service to others which is exactly the area that Pluto is moving into for the next twenty years.  So, although these areas of life are already strongly within your realm of understanding, powerful experiences await you.

Workwise, you may find yourself completely changing the kind of work you do or the times at which you do it.  And work which involves a transformation of some kind, with a ‘before and after’ element, will be particularly satisfying.  Relationships with colleagues could also be intense, even involving power struggles.  Or you may stop working altogether or start working or volunteering.

All of this may impact your daily routine and this is another area up for transformation as Pluto makes its way through.  How we order our day (including the details of what you do first, second and third first thing in the morning etc) can have a massive effect on your well-being and ultimately your health.  And what you include (or exclude) in your day can have huge impact (as can pets).  Be open to scrutinising how your daily routines, rituals, health care choices and diet impact you.  Transformation and a deeper understanding of holistic health is on offer!


Libra:   Pluto is bringing transformation to your creative world in its broadest sense.  This includes love affairs (the transient type), your interactions with children, sports, recreation, fun and games, pleasure and actual creativity itself.

In the West we use the word ‘relationship’ to cover many different kinds of emotional dynamics.  In more conservative cultures, this is not the case and love affairs as opposed to partnerships are viewed quite differently.  Astrology makes this differentiation too.  Information relating to marriage and business partnerships can be found in one area of the chart (the 7th House), whereas love affairs belong to another (the 5th House).

You may therefore find yourself swept away by intense passions, possibly by someone you feel is not even good for you.  But you discover or rediscover the passionate aspect of yourself and this awakening may be more important than the person who seemed to bring it about.

A new sport or creative activity could become massively important and consume you.  Speculating financially or gambling could seem irresistibly attractive too and take hold if you let it…  Your relationship with a child or children (and your own inner child) could deepen your sense of joy too.  Welcome creativity in all of its very broadest forms and enjoy!


Scorpio:  Pluto is your ruling planet and so you, more than anyone understand the powerful waves that transformation brings.  It is your signature in the zodiac.  Your resilience is second to none and you fear deep transformation and what it brings, far less than most.  In fact, you welcome it.

For you, this time, mother, home, roots and foundations, self-nurture and personal development are the spheres up for transformation.  Early conditions in our childhood home have huge bearing throughout life and the more conscious we are of the dynamics we experienced there and their ongoing influence are areas for exploration with professional help.  Yes, a counsellor or therapist or therapy group are your best and necessary companions on this crucial journey.

Relationships with mother figures or any role in which you are motherly will also undergo deep change.  Your current physical home, renovations or a change of home or emotional conditions within the home are possible.  And these too may undergo massive transformation which will reflect your inner growth or trigger the need for you to do some work on yourself.  Do it willingly!


Sagittarius:   You love exploring which is great and this time Pluto is going to pull you along to explore communications, your mindset, dealings with neighbours and siblings and how you deal with everyday life, including your use of language.

These may feel like minor issues to lofty-minded Sagittarians but how we think and deal with others on an everyday level has a massive impact on is all.  Communications are not only the words we use.  Tone of voice carries a louder message, as does physical posture.

How are you dealing on a daily level with others?  And could that be improved?  Pluto may think so and take you in hand, especially related to your dealings with neighbours and siblings.  These relationships could take on new meaning or become more prominent in your life, as could learning a new language.

How we think about things, makes it so.  And your lens on the world is going to be transformed.  Sagittarians often have a good understanding of the higher mind and broader issues but you may now be called upon to share your understanding or to break it into smaller parts that can be understood by others.  Teaching or making knowledge available to more people, may become your mission.  Do it gladly!


Capricorn:   Having just had Pluto moving through your sign for the past fifteen years, you will have got the idea of its transformative way of changing your life.  You still have the finishing touch of this process from September to mid-November 2024 when Pluto goes back one last time into your sign to attend to the final details of your transformative process.

Pluto’s new focus for you in the twenty years ahead is: money, possessions, food, security, values and self-esteem.  Your position on one or more of these areas is in need of transformation.

We often assume that having money, property or possessions brings with it a sense of security but it may become apparent that this is not necessarily the case.  You may have to look in more depth at where the feeling of ‘enough’ comes from and it may not come from the expected material world. Having a value or belief system that gives a sense of security could be the answer or creativity in some form may meet your need.  Explore all possibilities.

We often confuse our financial standing or earnings with self-esteem but valuing who you are quite separately from your material status may be called for, whether you are rich or poor.  How you show up as a human being is more important than what you do or do not have.  Be open to a whole new set of values!


Aquarius:   Pluto, planet of transformation is now in your sign and is going to stay there for the next twenty years!  Being Aquarian, you are open to new things and original ways of looking at things but this will be challenging and you may not be able to adopt the distant, detached position on things that you prefer.  You will understand our new Aquarian Age though better than most and will be called upon to make a contribution to its direction.

Pluto in your sign brings up issues of personal power and you will be challenged to fully claim yours.  How this comes about is less important than that it comes about.  Sometimes it can involve doing battle with another individual or other powers, who are unfit or who wield power unethically and humiliations may even be involved.  But claim your power, you must and will: all four cylinders.

Your identity (and appearance) may also undergo a transformation in some way.  Be open to that too, followed by how do you now express the new you?  Finding outlets and new forms of self-expression will be important.  Be as open-minded and experimental regarding this as you can.  The Aquarian Age is here and you will resonate with it!


Pisces:   Your natural domain in the zodiac is the 12th House of compassion towards the pain and suffering of others, healing, spirituality, institutions (prisons, hospitals, psychiatric units etc), creativity behind the scenes and the collective unconscious.  These are all areas of life you have a natural affinity with and now Pluto is moving through your 12th House and so powerful experiences are at hand.

Your creativity may become a driving force and sharing your creations with the world will be important.  The sending out of creative acts, healing energy (and perhaps prayers) will become more and more important.  Their impact will not be measurable but your understanding that we are all in the pool together and whatever happens to one, happens to us all, will deepen.  You understand that what we ‘send out’ impacts us all and that we can help both individuals and the bigger picture through distant healing and positive thoughts.

An urge to escape the confines of daily life could veer towards addictions – watch out for that and lift the need to merge with something greater, to transcendent paths.  Your already strong intuition will intensify over the next twenty years and possibly develop into psychic ability or spiritual longing.  Seek structural support for yourself from trained experts who know the way, if this does develop.  The power of meditation and spiritual practices can also have a huge impact on you.  Again, choose carefully who or which bodies you align yourself with and who will best nurture and support your growth.


To explore how this will impact you as an individual, get in touch to arrange a birth chart or update by phone or Zoom.

07929 261231

(+44 7929 261231 from outside UK)

Happy Spring Equinox!

Happy Equinox!!!

The Sun moved into 0° Aries last night (at 21.25 GMT).  This is the Spring Equinox or the first day of spring in the northern hemisplere and the first day of autumn in the southern.  (It is also Nawruz, the New Year for Zoroastrian cultures and other cultures nearby).

At the equinoxes day and night are equal length which is a point of balance before our days get longer or shorter.

For those in the Northern hemisphere, we have survived another winter! Well done!  And for those in the Southern hemisphrere, the beauty of autumn and harvest awaits!

New Moon in Aries is also today (at 17.24 GMT).  As well as being ‘the start of Ramadan’ New Moon, this is also a bolt of raw energy which is great for embarking on new projects and forging new pathways.

If you do not have a project or plan in mind, try doing something you have never done before!  And perhaps something you have never dared to do before!

Happy Equinox!!!

February 2023

The Month Ahead

Almost as soon as February is underway (before Full Moon in Leo on 5th) the Sun in Aquarius challenges Uranus in Taurus.  This could enlighten our understanding of the human body and larger realities and finances or creativity could take us by surprise.

More importantly though, February is a month of completion, especially of long-term projects.  Saturn is finishing off its 27-month stay in Aquarius, encouraged by the Sun mid-month to push through one of the humanitarian tasks still remaining.  Saturn has been teaching us about collective responsibilities since December 2020; politically and hopefully ecologically and also about being responsible for each other.

A new awareness of neighbours and who might need support was one positive outcome of lockdown (and hopefully will continue).  Our dependency on technology heightened too in many cases which is going to be a major feature of the Aquarian Age which I believe we have already entered.  (Alexa and Siri think so too… ).

This is also the last full month of Pluto in Capricorn.  Pluto which brings hidden things to the surface, is a purging force and at its best, transformational.  It has certainly exposed many of our hierarchies and their use and abuse of power.  Pluto has been in Capricorn unearthing unpleasant truths since 2008.  What we do about these discoveries will be one of the jobs of Pluto in Aquarius which dawns next month: involving public accountability amongst many other things.

Mid-month while Sun is encouraging Saturn. Venus joins Neptune in search of the ideal.  Romance can be intoxicating but reality may not measure up to the dream.  Act on your urge for compassion though.

Sun moves into Pisces on 18th (at 22.35 GMT).  This is followed by New Moon in Pisces on 20th (at 07.07 GMT) which marks the beginning of a new intuitive cycle.  Venus then glides into assertive Aries less than an hour later.  This gives us the ability to tune into how we and others are feeling, understand what the moment is ready for and to then do something about it.  Be forthright and direct!  Jupiter is already there in Aries, egging us on to be more adventurous, pioneering and more authentic too.

Mars is in Gemini all month providing lots of mental energy and dialogue.  And when Mercury squares Uranus on 21st communications or sudden flashes of understanding may take us by surprise.  And sleep may seem a waste of time.

At the end of the month Venus approaches Mars in Aries and fortune favours the bold!  Make your move!

And have a wonderful month!


Eclipse + 30.4.22 onwards

Our shared planetary picture

Pluto goes retrograde (appears from our perspective to move backwards) usually once a year. Planets moving retrograde require us to carry out a review of some kind. And being the planet of power and transformation, including annihilation for regenerative purposes (Pluto was discovered in 1930 when the atom was first split): the review currently required of us, will be deep and searching.

Pluto is currently moving through Capricorn which represents hierarchies and power structures, so the use (and mis-use) of power is doubly central to our theme. Pluto is the planet of transformation too, so there are huge opportunities for our higher development if we can extricate ourselves from any toxic power structures and learn to let go of any unhelpful compulsions within ourselves.

Power in the world is a very pertinent topic right now and the solar eclipse (at 21.42 BST on April 30th, the day after Pluto goes retrograde) belongs to an eclipse cycle that carries the theme of making a commitment in response to the vulnerability of others. It is up to each of us to interpret this for ourselves as best we can. But here are some guidelines for each astrological sign in the face of these challenges, along with insight into the opportunities presented by our solar eclipse on April 30th and the meeting of Venus and Jupiter (also on April 30th) close to Neptune in Pisces.

Read about your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Pluto has been adding intensity to your career, status and dealings with authority for the past 14 years. This may have involved becoming an authority yourself in some way. But as Pluto goes retrograde from April 29th until early-October, you need to review your handling of power and dealings with those in power. How you have previously dealt with father figures also comes up for appraisal and if you are a father figure yourself, how have you been operating?

Social status is also being reviewed and how and to what extent you have achieved or are achieving your ambitions. If you have ridden roughshod over others on your journey to the top, situations or people may come back to bite you on the bottom. Be a good role model!

The solar eclipse on April 30th falls in your finance zone. A commitment may be called for here. Perhaps you could provide more security for yourself or others in some way over the coming months? Or if already providing for others, could you offer more? Are your values reflected in your financial life? We can exercise some individual power in how and where we spend and invest money.

Values are also up for grabs with the meeting of Venus and Jupiter close to Neptune in your unfathomable 12th House. This heightens ideals and the desire to be selfless and a better version of yourself.. Compassion and spirituality hold a strong appeal, as does creativity behind the scenes. You may find yourself wanting to be more charitable and to make a regular financial commitment to people or causes that support others less fortunate than yourself. This can help to meet your own needs to be compassionately active too. Volunteering, especially within institutions (e.g. prisons, hospitals and psychiatric units) or with societal outcasts can also be fulfilling. Go where you can have most impact.


Taurus:     The solar eclipse on April 30th is in your sign which makes it even more significant for you. The Sun (conscious motivation) and Moon (unconscious motivation) are at one and the theme of this particular eclipse is around making a commitment in response to the vulnerability of others. This involves your sense of identity and how and where, what you have to contribute is most needed. An emerging aspect of your inner self is looking for a new outlet to express itself and it is important that this will also benefit others in some way.

Pluto goes retrograde the day before on April 29th in your travel, religion and philosophy zone. It is time to review your beliefs, ethics and perhaps spiritual practices. Have you broken any of your own principles or any other principles recently? If so, can you make amends? Your understanding or attitude towards different cultures may be important to review now too. And this could also be a time to look again at your online habits and presence…

Your ruling planet Venus joins Jupiter (with Neptune close by) on April 30th. This is a strong wave, bringing with it the need for community and groups that you can relate to on a philosophical level. The questions is not “What can I achieve?” but “What can we achieve?”. Is there a group or community you should join or even start?. Such a group or movement needs to be one that carries ideals forward. And you could be one of the surfers on this new wave, helping compassion to grow.


Gemini:   The solar eclipse on April 30th may feel uncomfortable for you as it falls in the most unconscious part of your solar chart. So you may feel something trying to happen but not be fully aware of what that is. A response is being called for from you to do something about the pain and suffering of others. And this may be people you do not know and will never meet.
The reality is, we are all in the pool together and whatever happens to one person, on some level, happens to us all. The eclipse makes you very, very aware of this and leaves you wanting to do something to alleviate suffering in the world. This could be in a number of ways: regular financial donations to charity, volunteering to help those less fortunate or sending out healing thoughts and prayers to those in need.

Pluto goes retrograde too on April 29th which calls for a review of joint funds, the money of others (including taxes, debts and inheritances) and sharing. Could you share more of your assets with a good cause? Pluto may also be reviewing the transformational processes of life: birth, sex and death. Is a review needed in any of these areas? This can pose all kinds of questions, such as:
To what extent do you share your true self in your sexual expression?
Have you made a will so your wishes will be carried through after you die?
Have you made end of life and funeral plans?
Do you owe something that needs paying back or reciprocating?

Meanwhile, the gathering of Venus and Jupiter near Neptune at the top of your solar chart, creates a longing for growth and expansion in your career or social status and the need for that to reflect your ideals in some way. Authority figures may favour you, so if you need help from someone in a position of power, do not be afraid to ask. Equally, if you are in a position of power or a father figure yourself, use your influence benevolently.


Cancer:    Your ruling planet the Moon is involved in the solar eclipse on April 30th in your 11th House of friends, groups and community. This particular eclipse carries with it the themes of making a commitment to those more vulnerable than yourself. This could involve solidly supporting a friend who is going through hard times or joining or starting a group to work collectively to improve conditions for vulnerable creatures or people. You may well be feeling more political than usual and not in a passive way. If so, is there a cause or movement that would benefit from your input and that you would gain a sense of belonging from?

Pluto has been purging partnerships and relationships for the past 14 years and there has hopefully been a lot of personal growth for you during this process. On 29th April however, Pluto goes retrograde which calls for a review of how you have been operating recently in this area of your life. Do you need to find a partner? Or have you over-stepped the power balance in an existing partnership? (which can apply to business and personal partnerships). Or have you allowed you own healthy boundaries to be broken by others? You have until early-October to think and work through whatever changes are needed in this area of your life.

The gathering of Venus and Jupiter close to Neptune in your 9th House, augments the need for travel or exploring in some way. This could be covering terrain in the great outdoors or learning about different languages, belief systems and cultures through studying and exploring perhaps your own beliefs at the same time too. The world is wide and you want to be an active part of it. You will feel the importance of ethics, ideals and principles very strongly and will want to carry them through into the world in some way. This may apply to the virtual world too!


Leo:    Your ruling planet the Sun gets eclipsed on 30th by the Moon and this is at the top of your solar chart which rules father, career and social status. The Moon may be calling for more compassion and the actual theme of this eclipse is about making a commitment to those more vulnerable than yourself. This could include father or authority figures who are currently vulnerable in some way or if your are an authority or father figure yourself, be benevolent. Could you also lend your professional talents to a good cause?

Ideals are also calling you regarding your financial interactions with others. This could include taxes, debts, loans and inheritances. Have you made a will? Or do you need to? The transformational processes of life are also looking expansive. And you may find yourself wanting growth and expansion regarding births, sex and handling deaths. Would you like a child or another child? Do you need to share more of your true self sexually? Or have you thought about making an end of life and funeral plan? This could be a growthful time to look at any or all three!

Pluto is still purging your work, health and service to others zone as it has been doing for the past 14 years. Pluto goes retrograde though on 29th, calling upon you to review one or more of the following. Is your current work expressively transformational enough for you? Does it have a satisfying ‘before and after’ aspect to it? Do you need a new health regime? How does your present diet and daily routine impact your sense of well-being? Are you making a satisfying contribution to the world through your work or volunteering? You have until early-October to work out and put in place whatever changes need making. We are looking for your optimum well-being here! Don’t neglect it!


Virgo:    The solar eclipse on April 30th falls in your 9th House of travel, religion and philosophy and the theme of this eclipse is making a commitment that will benefit those more vulnerable than yourself. Virgoans are usually wonderful helpers and you may already be doing this. If so, move on to read the next paragraph. But if not, you could possibly increase your sense of well-being by putting your principles into action in the world in a helpful way. This can include studies that can deepen your understanding of different belief systems and cultures or sharing your own beliefs more readily. Volunteering to help those from different countries and cultures can also be hugely beneficial for all.

Pluto goes retrograde on April 29th in your romance, children and creativity zone. It is time to review one or more of these areas of life. Pluto has been purging one or more of these areas of creativity and enjoyment for the past 14 years but now it is time to look at what you have (or have not yet) put in place for yourself to meet needs for pleasure. You have until early-October to acknowledge and address whatever needs correcting. And before you ask, yes, you are entitled to give yourself some slack and enjoy life!

The meeting of Venus and Jupiter close to Neptune in your opposite sign are all calling for growth and expansion through relationships and partnerships. Neptune’s ideals are strong and unfortunately the reality of human beings may be nowhere near the dream but that does not mean you cannot find growth through deep relating! With Jupiter being involved, a partner from a different country or culture or someone philosophically minded would appeal. Or if you are already in a relationship or partnership, you will strongly need to feel a sense of growth within it. And if that seems impossible, you may seek the freedom to grow through being free of that relationship. Listen to your inner voice.


Libra:    The solar eclipse on 30th falls in your joint funds zone and the call is to make a commitment to those less fortunate than yourself. This looks more like an ongoing thing, not just a one-off act of kindness or donation. If your own resources are limited, could you get involved in fundraising instead? Or if volunteering feels appropriate, could you help projects that improve the life chances of others or help people going through the transformational processes of life. This includes births, sexual matters and deaths. You may have expertise or an innate kindness that could help to support people struggling with any of these existential matters.

Meanwhile Venus and Jupiter meet close to Neptune in a different area of your solar chart but this could also be connected. Again the theme of service to others is shouting loudly. Could you offer your services in some way? Work and health are also implicated and it is important not to over-indulge in food, drink or drugs…Your system is more sensitive than usual and can be easily flooded by strong substances or lack of moderation. It could also be worth exploring more subtle forms of treatment if prescription drugs do not feel like they are helping any health conditions you are experiencing. Seek advice first though.

Pluto has been purging the bottom of your solar chart for the past 14 years, presenting you with deep challenges connected to mother and home. This can be the physical building that you live in, emotional conditions within it or your relationship to mother figures or your role being a mother-figure or nurturer yourself. Nurturing has been and continues to be a strong theme, including self-nurture and personal development. Pluto goes retrograde from 29th, demanding that you carry out a deep review of how well you have been dealing (or avoiding) one or more of these matters! Pluto does not mess about and the more remiss you have been (trying to keep the peace?), the more insistent it will be about you be totally honest with yourself and others! You have until early-October to make sure you are on the right path. Just do it!


Scorpio:    Your ruling planet Pluto goes retrograde on April 29th taking you back to review recent communications and your mindset. Pluto has been transforming your world-view for the past 14 years and as a result may have changed the circles you move in. There is no harm though in taking a second look at how you have been dealing with things recently and whether you have been paying as much attention to listening as to speaking… Your use of words or communication style may also need adjusting. Be honest about any recent mishaps, apologise if necessary and give more space to other points of view.

Venus and Jupiter join forces close to Neptune around now too. This opens up channels of pleasure and enjoyment through romance, children and creativity. Your ideals are strong and your need for growth will carry you through to a more expansive period.

The solar eclipse on 30th is in your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships (more serious than the romance zone mentioned above). This could mark an end or a beginning and the need to make a commitment of some kind, possibly to your wounded self…


Sagittarius:    Your ruling planet Jupiter joins forces with benefic Venus and pl idealistic Neptune at the bottom of your solar chart and this is all about growth and expansion of home. This may mean a physical extension to your present home, looking for a bigger place or a home abroad or wanting growth in emotion conditions in your home or a home based on a belief system or philosophy of some kind.

Nurturing is also hugely important and you may find yourself wanting to both give and receive more nurturing at home. Relations with mother-figures could be growful, as could you own role as a nurturer. Self-nurture comes into this too, including how and what you feed yourself both physically and spiritually. Your early roots and foundations can be helpfully explored now too through counselling or therapy. The benefits of personal development are open to you. Grab this opportunity with both hands!

Pluto has been transforming your finances over the past 14 years or your attitude towards them. Your values have been strongly tested and you may now have a completely different take on security and what is most important in life. The power of money will have certainly been a theme and you may now find more security through a faith or belief system or through creativity. Pluto going retrograde prompts you to review your recent take on money, possessions, security and values. If you have gone off track (off your personal track), it is time to haul yourself back to where you truly stand. You have until early-October to carry out this review.

The solar eclipse on April 30th falls in your work, health and service to others zone. This may deplete you energy to some extent but this provides more much-needed time for reflection, including what would benefit your health and well-being. A commitment to yourself on a physical level may be necessary, including work or a daily routine that better serves you. But if you are physically in top shape, is there work or a voluntary position where you could help others? .


Capricorn:    Pluto has been moving through your sign for the past 14 years, bringing transformation in its wake and an opportunity to claim your own personal power. But as Pluto goes retrograde from April 29th, the question is: have you over-stretched your territory and intruded on someone else’s patch? Boundaries are sensitive and important things and as Pluto retreats for a while, you have opportunity to review how well and to what extent you have been using (or abusing) your personal power. You have until early-October to ponder this and make amends if necessary.

The solar eclipse on 30th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone. It is necessary to make some kind of commitment here to those more vulnerable than yourself. How could you go about doing this? We are looking for an ongoing pledge more than a quick fix. And could you also commit to expressing your own personal creativity more too?

Venus and Jupiter, along with Neptune are gracing your communications zone which will help you in all of the above by being more compassionately-minded and more generous in how you think about, speak (and write) to others. Spiritual subjects may take up more of your air-space and your charitable feelings could lead you to help good causes with your communication skills. Relations with siblings and neighbours bring out or require your ideals, trading goes well as do new forms of physical movement. Could there be a latent musician, dancer, martial artist or gymnast lurking behind your Capricornian reserve? Give yourself some space to find out!


Aquarius:    Pluto goes retrograde on April 29th in the unseen area of your 12th House. This calls for a review of how you have been dealing with your mental health and with yourself spiritually and how you can extend your understanding and experience to benefit others. Creative work behind the scenes needs a review too, as might your online presence. You have until early-October to fathom all of this out and get things in place in the way they should be.

A solar eclipse at the very top of your solar chart on 30th could be looking for room to express your charitable ambitions too. Your status (or that of father-figures) could change but could you add the well-being of vulnerable people to your present job description? Or move into a career where this is a central theme? This may not be immediately possible but position yourself so that you give this possibility room to grow.

Finances could reflect this too as Venus and Jupiter which usually increase incomes, meet close to Neptune and an idealism around how you earn your crust may become more important than the money itself. Your value system is going through an expansive change. There could be boundless money but is more likely to be boundless generosity of spirit and perhaps of money too. A sense of security can be gained on a deeper level than just the transitory wobble of financial status. This could come through a value system that meets your needs on a very deep level or through your own creativity. A belief in yourself, your own capabilities and in life itself is up for grabs. Claim it and never be afraid again!


Pisces:    Friends, groups, communities and politics may have had a strong impact on you over the past 14 years as Pluto has purged its way through your life. You may have had transformational experiences through any of these areas or perhaps you have been an agent of transformation yourself! From April 29th Pluto goes retrograde however and it is time to review how this process (or your handling of it) has been going. And you have until early-October to complete your deliberations and make plans for future change.

The solar eclipse on 30th falls in your 3rd House of communications. This has an impact for some months after the actual eclipse (and sometimes before too!) Every eclipse carries a them and this particular one encompasses making a commitment to benefit those more vulnerable than oneself. As a Piscean you naturally tune in to the unspoken, helping you to empathise with others before that have even shared their troubles. This eclipse highlights this gift that you have and you can be hugely helpful as a committed listener or speaking up for those unable to represent themselves. Siblings or neighbours may need your assistance in some way too. Communication in its broader sense. Music, sign language, dance and all forms of physical movement and the arts are outlets for this human need. The question is, where as a communicator can you be most helpful?

Last but not least, four planets are gathering in your sign and Venus and Jupiter meet very close to your ruling planet Neptune and Mars is not far behind too. Your compassion is vast at the best of times but you may never have experienced the all-embracing, spiritual acceptance this stellium (meeting of planets) gives you. Any consciousness-raising exercises and spiritual practices reap rich rewards. You fully understand we are all in the pool together and whatever happens to one person on some level happens to us all. You are finely in tune on a very subtle level right now. Send out positive thoughts and prayers to wherever you feel they are needed and rest assured that this is just as valuable and as potent as any concrete physical act.


To explore what these planetary movements mean for you as an individual, get in touch to arrange a birth chart consultation or an update if you are already familiar with your birth chart. 07929 261231. (++44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


August 2021

Our shared planetary picture

The Leo air of play and creativity continues until 22nd with New Moon on 8th urging us all to get creative.  This New Moon also triggers Uranus in Taurus which gives a necessary shake-up to our values.  Uranus also goes retrograde on 19th, taking us all back to really review how we think about money, possessions, security and our values.  We have until mid-January next year to move to a more uncompromised position.

Uranus’s apparent change of direction puts all of the outer planets (including Saturn) retrograde.  So we all collectively have a lot of reviewing to do at present.  This includes our government and power structures, our collective relationships (both growth and responsibilities), our spirituality and support of others who are vulnerable and our values around money and the importance (or over-importance) we give to it.  So that should keep us all preoccupied and collectively busy.  Full Moon on 22nd (at 13.03 BST, so the lead up is on 21st) also echoes this.

The main personal emphasis this month is work, health, service to others and what we can do to improve our daily routines and general well-being.  Each sign will experience all of the above in different areas of life.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:     This looks like a creative month as the Sun is generating warmth and energy in your 5th House of romance, dealings with children and creativity until 22nd.  Sports and recreation look fun.  You may be feeling more playful too which your playmates will also enjoy.  New Moon on 8th marks a fresh cycle in one of these areas of life that can also shake up your values in some way…

Work and health feature strongly too as your ruling planet Mars forges its way through this area of your solar chart.  If you have been thinking about starting a new regime, your moment has arrived!  And the same applies to looking afresh at your work situation or a voluntary position.  Your daily routine is up for grabs too.  Initiate ways to enhance your well-being.

Uranus goes retrograde in your finance zone on 19th, taking you back to review how closely your finances fit with your values.  Have you gone astray?  Uranus does not accept compromise.  Only radical solutions will do, whether that involves you changing your fiscal habits or reassessing your value system.

Chiron in your sign gets activated by many planets this month which opens up opportunities for personal healing.  Your sense of identity can be better understood which is a helpful, strengthening process.  Neptune in your spiritual zone also gets challenged which again can help with your self-awareness.  Keep an eye open for these opportunities.


Taurus:     There is an emphasis on your 5th House of romance, children and creativity this month as Venus bestows pleasure and ease up to 16th.  Make time for enjoyment.  This may not totally apply from 8th – 10th however when Venus opposes Neptune.  Make sure you do not over-idealise others. Mercury and the Sun make their presence felt at various points, along with Mars which is there all month.  A lot of energy is bouncing around here.  And you will be feeling buoyant and creative.

New Moon on 8th falls in your mother and home zone, marking a fresh cycle in some way.  Self-nurture and personal development come into this too, along with your home conditions, both physically and emotionally.

Saturn and Jupiter are both still retrograde (moving backwards) at the top of your solar chart, taking you back to review your career, social status and dealings with authority figures.  Saturn often represents self-discipline or restrictions and Jupiter, growth.  Full Moon on 22nd is up here too, making you look at the conflicting needs of your public and private life.

Your ruling planet Venus moves into your work, health and service to others zone from 16th.  This makes relations with colleagues and daily companions pleasant and your health should be good, so long as you do not over-indulge.  You also find pleasure through self-care and your daily rituals.  Now and again we are able to fully enjoy the simple things of life.  This is one of those times.

Uranus goes retrograde in your sign on 19th, taking you back to reassess decisions you made in late-April or early-May.  You have until mid-January next year to fathom out where you played safe.  We are looking for the pure uncompromised expression of who you now are, nothing less!


Gemini:     Your 4th House of mother and home is very prominent this month, with Venus around until 16th, urging you to beautify your home.  Your ruling planet Mercury spends much of the month here, filling you with good ideas and Mars delivers the energy and determination all month to see projects through.  Dealings with mother-figures go well and paying attention to self-nurture and personal development go well too.

New Moon on 8th marks a fresh cycle in communications and thought processes.  Uranus triggers your compassion or spiritual life at the same time.  Have you thought of trying meditation?  Or volunteering on a helpline?  Relations with neighbours, tradespeople or siblings could undergo a change.  And this could also be a good time to start an exercise regime.

Romance, children and creativity look sweet from 16th as Venus bestows pleasure and ease right into next month.  Make time for enjoyment.  This may  not totally apply from 14th – 17th however when Pluto and Jupiter may make things feel a bit over the top.  Make sure you are not pleasing others to excess.

The lead up to Full Moon on 22nd brings up the opposing pulls of spending all your energies on everyday chat while your higher mind is hungering for depth and satisfying input.  If chat has to happen, find interesting people from different countries, cultures or views to feed your lust for learning.  And how about signing up for a course of study too?


Cancer:     Communications are especially important this month and luckily you will be mentally and verbally nimble and creative in your choice of words which will be delivered with charm.  Short journeys, trading and dealingss with neighbours and siblings go well, as does physical exercise (be creative here too).

New Moon on 8th marks a fresh cycle in your finance zone.  This is a good time to draw up a budget or to take stock of your finances.  Uranus is electrifying things, urging you to be true to your principles.  Friends, groups or communities may have an impact on your funds or values or you may feel moved make a donation to a humanitarian cause.  Your financial life needs now to truly reflect your values.

Uranus goes retrograde on 19th, taking you back to review how you have been dealing with friends or groupie or community projects.  You may have taken an unhelpful turn around late-April or early-May which needs reviewing.

Full Moon around midday on 22nd BST (so the build-up is on 21st) raises emotions about joint funds (which includes taxes, debts, inheritances and joint accounts), along with intimacy and sharing in general..  Jupiter close by heightens your feelings and wants freer expression.  Think about what that should be.


Leo:     The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 22nd radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  Mercury lends you mental energy too until 11th.  And for you August birthday Leos, your birthday is your personal new year and the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

New Moon in your sign on 8th marks a fresh emotional cycle.  This is also a good point to explore your birth chart and focus on what you hope for emotionally in the year ahead.  The world is looking fresh and new.  Many Happy Solar and Lunar Returns!

This New Moon also triggers Uranus in your father, career and social status zone.  Uranus is planet of change, disruption and revolution, so no compromises here.  Uranus also goes retrograde on 19th, taking you back to review decisions made late-April to early-May.  Did you compromise too much or not enough?

Finances are a hot topic too this month with things looking rosy until 16th.  But Mars is on the case all month, generating energy and ideas for new income streams.

The lead up to Full Moon (around midday on 22nd BST) highlights the opposing demands of individual needs versus relationships and partnerships.  And Jupiter favours relationships and partnerships…


Virgo:      Energy levels may have been low last month.  The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st.  Many Happy Solar Returns!  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

But you do not even have to wait until 22nd as right at the end of July, Mars leapt into your sign (as it does approximately every two years).  This is a change of gear and energy settings around how you see yourself and how you go into the world.  Every planet has a metal which best describes it.  And for Mars this is the metal is iron which describes your determination to push your goals forward.  Others beware!  You will have no trouble being assertive, unless you veer into aggression (which of course we would all like to avoid… ).

New Moon on 8th marks a fresh cycle in your compassionate spiritual life or in creativity behind the scenes.  It also triggers change-bringing Uranus in your travel and philosophy zone.  Exploring new belief systems or adopting a new spiritual practice can be a creative way of working with these energies.  Uranus also goes retrograde on 19th which will demand a review of your beliefs in some way.  You have until mid-January 2022 to work out fully what that is!


Libra:     Many things are bubbling behind the scenes this month and although you are aware of this activity, you may not be able to see what exactly it is.  You will be very sensitive to the pain and suffering of others and will want to actively help others in any way you can.  This can also be a good time to develop a spiritual practice and incorporate it into your daily routine.

New Moon on 8th marks a fresh cycle with friends, groups or communities.  Uranus makes this an unusual fresh start which might impact joint funds, intimacy or sharing.  And just days later the Sun helps partners or partnerships to heal as it aspects Chiron in your opposite sign from 11th – 13th.

Uranus goes retrograde from 19th taking you back to review whether you have been compromising too much over joint funds, intimacy or sharing.  Uranus insists on freedom of expression and a turning you took late April or early May needs to be reviewed.  You have until mid-January next year to work out where you gave in.  You then get a second chance to be more true to yourself.

Your ruling planet Venus glides into your sign on 16th, making you darling of the zodiac.  Your charms will be at their height and co-operation from others comes easily.  It almost seems to fall at your feet (although partners may find that difficult around 25th – 27th).  Think about what you would like co-operation on and from who!


Scorpio:     Friends, groups and community are high profile this month with Venus providing pleasure and ease until 16th and with Mars in this area of your solar chart all month, your energies lean towards friends, groups and community matters.  Collective projects grab your imagination and you may find yourself feeling more political than usual.  Friends, groups and community can also be a source of energy for you.  If you have been thinking of joining a group or campaign, or starting one, now would be a great time!

New Moon at the top of your solar chart on 8th marks a fresh cycle regarding your career, social status or dealings with father or authority figures.  This New Moon also involves Uranus in your opposite sign, so the knock-on effect is to bring changes to your relationships and partnerships in some way.

Uranus also goes retrograde from 19th.  Uranus is planet of change, disruption and revolution and is going back to look at changes you possibly did not make but needed to around late-April to early-May.  Did you side-step matters when you needed to take action?

Saturn and Jupiter are both still retrograde (moving backwards) at the root of your solar chart, taking you back to review your early years and emotional patterns.  Saturn often represents hardship and Jupiter, growth.  The Sun and Jupiter are pulling in different directions from 18th – 20th when the demands of the world (in the form of your career or social status) run contrary to your need for personal growth.  This happens again in the lead up to Full Moon on 22nd.  Which is it to be?


Sagittarius:     The top of your solar chart is looking lively this month as a number of planets are generating energy to help you along the path to your worldly ambitions.  Venus helps to smooth things along until 16th and if you need support from people in positions of authority, just ask (apart from 8th – 10th when Neptune clouds the view).  Mars sharpens your ambitions too and is determinedly pushing ahead all month.

New Moon on 8th marks a fresh cycle in your love of exploration.  This could be through physical travel or mental: learning about different languages, countries and cultures and philosophies.  Uranus gets activated at the same time, bringing unexpected changes to your work or health.  Uranus goes retrograde on 19th too, calling for a long review of how you have been dealing with your daily life and well-being.

From 16th Venus glides through your 11th House, bringing pleasure through friendships.  You will feel co-operative and enjoy group and community gatherings.  You will also be able to help the group or campaign to put their ideas into words.

Your ruling planet Jupiter is sitting on the Full Moon on 22nd.  This is in your 3rd House of communications and heightens your urge to communicate, teach or trade on a wider scale.  You are good at understanding high-minded subjects and the bigger picture.  Now the challenge is to make your understanding (or goods) accessible to others!


Capricorn:     Finances are still under review as your ruling planet Saturn and Jupiter continue to move backwards in your finance zone.  Saturn represents contraction, while Jupiter represents expansion and both need thinking about.  They both start to move forward again in mid-October.

New Moon on 8th also falls in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone which marks a fresh cycle and is a good point to carry out an audit of your financial or intimate interactions with others.  Uranus is calling you to also look afresh at financial involvements concerning lovers, children or creativity.  Some financial changes may be needed in relation to one or more of these.  And when Uranus goes retrograde from 19th, the need for this review cannot be ignored any longer.

From 16th Venus is smoothing your path in your interactions with father or authority figures, career and social status.  If you need favours from people in influential positions, be sure to ask.

Mars starts to stimulate your higher mind this month and your urge to travel (mentally, if physically is not possible) will be strong.  Taking on a course of study could fire your energy, as could exploring different cultures, philosophies or learning a new language.  Exploring the great outdoors on foot could be life-enhancing too.

Ethics and principles take on more prominence at this time too.  Religious and spiritual questions may need answering, leading you to seek out people who can answer them.  And if you have any legal matters to attend to, Mars will spur you onwards!


Aquarius:     Your ruling planet Uranus plays an active role at New Moon on 8th.  This New Moon marks a fresh cycle in relationships and partnerships and Uranus is bringing changes to your career or social status.  Sounds interesting!  Uranus also goes retrograde on 19th, taking you back to review earlier decisions around late-April or early-May.  Have you compromised too much re your social status?  You have until mid-January next year to get back on track.

Your 8th House is a very active area this month which can help joint finances and intimacy during the first half of the month and you may benefit from ‘the money of others’.  Taxes, debts or inheritances could also feature and with Mars on the case here all month, you will follow up anything you are entitled to.  Your passions could be running higher than usual too!

There may be conflict between your individual needs and partnership needs around 21st, in the lead up to Full Moon in your sign around midday on 22nd.  Jupiter in your sign is close to this Full Moon which heightens these mixed emotions.  Your need to be an individual is strong but your need to grow may be stronger.

Venus is smoothing the way in your travel and ethics zone from 16th.  Journeys will be pleasant as will dealings with people from different countries and cultures.  Legal matters look positive too.  And remember, “Life is an adventure or nothing at all!”


Pisces:    Relationships and partnerships are looking lively this month with Venus smoothing your path until 16th and Mars pushing your agenda forward all month.  Mars also suggests conflict or passion, so aim for the latter.  Both Venus and Mercury oppose your ruling planet Neptune from 8th – 10th and 24th – 25th which may feel uncomfortable.  But the Sun moves into your partnership zone too from 22nd, bringing warmth and the urge to fully express yourself.

New Moon on 8th marks a fresh start in your 6th House of work, health and service to others.  This is a good time to start a new regime, seek out new work or volunteer positions and to pay attention to your daily routine and overall well-being.  This also triggers Uranus in your friends, groups and community zone, showing you the need to make changes here too.  Uranus also goes retrograde on 19th, taking you back to review your affiliations and campaigns you may have been involved with.  Have you compromised too much or not enough?

Venus glides into your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone from 16th and you may benefit from ‘the money of others’ in some way.  This includes taxes, debts and inheritances, although your self-generated income may suffer around 25th – 27th and is also good for intimacy and sharing.  The fundamental processes of birth, sex and death are also themes of transformation that you may come across in some way.

In the lead up to Full Moon on 22nd, you become very much aware of your compassionate, spiritual side and your need to grow.  Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity is close by.  Can you add a spiritual practice to your daily routine?  Creativity behind the scenes is also a strong theme.  Now what form could that take?


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

And or more regular postings, join me on Instagram


See you there!






July Horoscopes 2021

Our shared planetary picture

A tricky T-square of planets (two planets opposite each other and another at 90° in a T shape) will be challenging us all this month, in different areas of life for each sign.  This will be most noticeable around 1st – 2nd and 7th – 9th.  The lead up to Full Moon on 23rd – 24th could also carry echoes.  Do your best to address whatever needs addressing!

On a sweeter note, Venus and Mars meet up on 12th and join the Moon.  They are all close together in Leo.  This is a lovely, warm, generous, creative wave of planetary energy that we can all enjoy.

And on 29th Jupiter and Mars both change signs but we will be hearing more from them next month!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   Matters connected to home or mother-figures remind you of old wounds as the month begins.  The Sun and Mercury are highlighting home too until 22nd.  And New Moon here on 10th marks a fresh cycle of some kind and is a good time to make plans or start a new project to do with home, self-nurture or personal development.

There could be conflict between individual creativity and group or collective achievements that impact your finances or values around 1st – 2nd and 7th – 9th.  The demands of friends or groups may clash with your desire to spend time with. lovers or children too in some way.  This also challenges your values (and possibly your finances too).

Romance could be high on the agenda this month.  Both Venus and Mars are moving through your playful zone and actually meet with the Moon on 12th!  Courage favours the bold, so if there is someone who you like, ask them out!  And if romance is not your bag, get creative (and include kids if you have some).

Your ruling planet Mars changes sign on 29th and takes just one step into your work and health zone (more on this next month).  Venus has already paved the way though and from 22nd your daily rituals and relations with colleagues and daily companions are pleasurable.  Now and again we are able to fully enjoy the simple things of life.  This is one of those times.


Taurus:   Your ruling planet Venus is gracing your home zone until 22nd.  Home in every sense should be a source of pleasure, be that the building you live in, its emotional dynamics, your country, Mother Nature or our planet.  You may find yourself wanting to beautify your home and sharing its pleasures with others through entertaining.  Mars is also providing energy and drive to take action on what needs doing.

You may also be looking at personal development and self-nurturing.  Dealings with mother-figures should go well too (including your own interactions, if you happen to be a mother-figure yourself).  The high point is 12th when Venus, Mars and the Moon all meet up in this area of your chart.  This could also mean romance or creativity at home!

There may be conflicts though between career and home (or mother-figures and father-figures), especially around 1st – 2nd and 7th – 9th and in the lead up to Full Moon in the early hours of 24th.  And it seems everyone sees you changing as the answer to present problems.  They may well be right and if you can take the same view and do your utmost to let go of the status quo and be flexible and open to change: the better the outcome.

On 29th Mars joins Venus in your romance, children and creativity zone which could generate nice outcomes.  On the same day Jupiter returns to the top of your solar chart, renewing opportunities to achieve your worldly ambitions or improve your social status in the weeks ahead.  More on these next month!


Gemini:   Your charms are once again at their sparkling best as Venus and Mars move through your 3rd House of communications.  Buying and selling go well, as do relations with siblings and neighbours.  There are a few trigger dates though when ethical or legal matters obstruct your path and you may have to wrestle with your conscience.  These are 1st – 2nd and 7th – 9th and to some degree in the lead up to Full Moon (which is early morning on 24th).

New Moon on 10th falls in your finance zone.  The Sun and Mercury are warming things up here and hatching new ideas both before and after, so this is a good time for drawing up a budget or new financial plan.

From 22nd Venus is highlighting the pleasures of home.  You may find yourself wanting to beautify your home and sharing its pleasures with others through entertaining.  Relations with mother-figures go well too, as do steps towards your personal development.

On 29th expansive Jupiter moves out of your career zone (until December) and back into your higher-mind of studies, ethics and principles.  There is more growing to do here.  Seek out your ideal self..


Cancer:   The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 22nd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  Mercury lends you mental energy too until 28th.  And for those of you with July birthdays, your birthday is your personal new year and the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.  New Moon in your sign on 10th marks a fresh emotional cycle.  This is also a good point to explore your birth chart and think about what you hope for emotionally in the year ahead.

Your finances look a bit stressful at the start the month but then things look up.  Mars is chasing up opportunities until 29th and Venus smoothes things along.until 22nd.  These two even meet your ruling planet the Moon on 12th which could find you feeling very creative (about money, cooking or the arts).

Relations with siblings or neighbours improve after 22nd when Venus smooths along your communication style.  Your way with words will charm others which helps negotiations of any kind.  Venus also helps to make short trips enjoyable and exercise too.

Differences with partners become more apparent mid-month but these are power issues you are fully aware of and can (with a bit of luck) skillfully navigate.  And if partners are oblivious to their own behaviour, you could always help them with their self-awareness…


Leo:   Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change.  The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st.  Many Happy Solar Returns!  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Conflicts between career and home (or mother-figures and father-figures) demand much of you, especially around 1st – 2nd and 7th – 9th and 23rd.  And it seems changing your status, career or dealings with father or authority-figures is the answer to present problems.  Do your utmost to let go of the status quo and be open to change.

You will be active on the amorous or creative front though as Venus and Mars spend most of the month in your sign (Venus until 22nd and Mars until 29th).  This makes you dangerously charming!  Venus and Mars even meet on 12th with the Moon that is also in your sign then.  If you have romantic hopes or plans, arrange to meet your loved or hoped-for one on 12th.  And if no one like that is around, immerse yourself in creativity!


Virgo:   The relationship between your inner-workings and outward health may seem noticeably linked this month.  How we think about things, to a large extent, makes them so (in our minds of course).  So you may have to go hunting in your inner-depths to root out any self-sabotage that may have been hiding there.  Your beliefs and philosophy are also undergoing a change and this month’s dilemmas may push them further (which although uncomfortable, can be helpful).

New Moon on 10th falls in your friends, groups and community zone.  This marks a fresh cycle of some kind.  Have you thought of joining or even starting a group?  Give it some thought.

Jupiter planet of growth and expansion leaves your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships on 29th and re-enters your work and health zone.  It will stay here until December, pushing for further growth.  This should help your overall sense of well-being to improve too.

Also on 29th Mars leaps into your sign (as it does approximately every two years) and you will notice an instant energy shift.  But more on that next month.  Despite their massive capacity for hard work, Virgoans and are not seen as the most dynamic of people.  But Mars might just be about to change people’s minds!


Libra:   You may become aware of a partner’s woundedness as the month begins or vulnerabilities in your relationships and partnerships. This can be helpful, as only by knowing about them, can you do something to resolve them.

Meanwhile, friends, groups and community are a wonderful source of pleasure this month as your ruling planet Venus glides through the area of your chart to do with collective well-being.  This is especially true around 12th when Mars and the Moon join Venus and perhaps even romance could blossom in a group setting or with a friend.   Creative projects go well too.  The only possible fly in the ointment is coming from matters connected to children, gambling or your need for individual creativity.

The Sun and Mercury are at the top of your solar chart, highlighting your career and standing in the world until 22nd.  New Moon here on 10th also rmarks a fresh cycle and is a good point to make plans or make a start on realising your ambitions.

Venus starts to look at more compassionate or spiritual matters from 22nd.  And you will feel more aware of the pain and suffering of others and perhaps how you could help to improve the bigger picture.  Your imagination runs more freely which can inspire creative work behind the scenes too.  Apply your understanding!


Scorpio:   You may be more aware of your vulnerabilities around work or health as the month begins.  Your daily routine can have an impact on this, so review your current habits and focus on self-care.  You may also feel moved to be of service to others and perhaps even become a volunteer in a support project.

Conflicts between home and career (or mother-figures and father-figures) demand much of you, especially around 1st – 2nd and 7th – 9th and 23rd.  And it seems changes to relationships and partnerships are the answer to present problems.  If you can take the same view and do your utmost to let the status quo go and be open to change: the better the outcome.

Lively energy is moving through your career and ambitions zone as Venus and Mars get creative.  They actually meet and join forces with the Moon on 12th which looks interesting.  This is a good time for creative thinking or taking action on your next career move and for thinking more creatively about your social status.  Matters connected to father-figures should improve too.

From 22nd Venus brings pleasure through friends, groups and community.  Make time for communing with others.  And one week later Mars arrives too, ready to take action on collective projects.  Is there a humanitarian campaign you can add your energy to?  Both you and it would benefit from your input.


Sagittarius:   Your higher mind and lower mind are not good friends at times this month (especially around 1st – 2nd, 7th – 9th and 23rd – 24th).  This may take its toll on your health or at work where changes still need to be made.  Travel (if viable) could be fun though, as Venus and Mars jolly things along.  They also actually meet on 12th, along with the Moon which could add romance to your journey or an attraction to someone from a different country or culture.

New Moon on 10th falls in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone, marking a fresh cycle of some kind.  The Sun spends the first three weeks of July warming things up here too and Mercury is not short of ideas…

From 23rd Venus is smoothing your path in your interactions with father or authority figures, career and social status.  If you need favours from people in influential positions, be sure to ask.  And if you happen to be an influential person or father-figure yourself, use your influence benignly.

On 29th your ruling planet Jupiter moves out of your mother and home zone and back into your 3rd House of trading and daily communications.  How you deal with others is central to your growth right now and will be until December.  Sagittarians are not always the most tactful of signs, so choose your words carefully!


Capricorn:   Worries or constrictions around money matters impact you, partners and your children (or creativity and speculation if you do not have children).  Partners’ finances may be the answer as they are operating more creatively at present and may be more forthcoming than usual, especially around 12th ( a good time to ask if you need their help).  This can also be a good time for intimacy and sharing on a deeper level.

New Moon on 10th is also in your relationship and partnership zone which marks a fresh cycle in some way.  What would you like that to be about?  Go forward with positive hope and intent.

You should be feeling more philosophical after 22nd when Venus softens your outlook.  This could be a good time to travel (if conditions allow) or at least to travel mentally, exploring different cultures and philosophies

Full Moon on 24th brings mixed messages about finances but Jupiter returns to your security zone on 29th which should give a rosier picture next month.  Money is not everything and widening your values is the real opportunity on offer.


Aquarius:   Work and health are one of the focuses this month, especially during the first three weeks.  And New Moon on 10th would be a good time to start a new regime, look for a new job or volunteer your services to help others.

Conflicts between you and partners demand much of you, especially around 1st – 2nd and 7th – 9th and 23rd – 24th.  Making changes to your home or even a change of  home could be the answer to present problems.  Do your utmost to be open to change, however challenging that looks.  Perhaps your emotional patterns need to change too…

Apart from the trigger dates above, romance could blossom in relationships or a creative partnership could work really well.  You could even benefit from ‘the money of others’ after 22nd when Venus helps sharing and even intimacy along.

Jupiter re-enters your sign on 29th where it will stay until December, offering further opportunities for growth and expansion.  Keep an eye out for these and grab them!


Pisces:   The inner voice and the physical body and well-being clash with each other a few times this month, especially around 1st – 2nd and 7th – 9th and 23rd – 24th.  There is a way of releasing this build-up of tension though.  And that is by voicing how you feel along with plenty of physical exercise.  Relations with siblings and neighbours may come into this too.  It may be time for uncompromising honesty.

Adding creativity to your daily routine also helps your well-being and including others in the fun could help them too.  12th is a particularly lovely day with Venus, Mars and the Moon all ready for fun.

New Moon on 10th marks a new cycle connected to romance, children and creativity.  How would you like this to manifest?  Do you have a plan?  If so, get started on 10th.

Expansive Jupiter moves out of your sign on 29th, although it will return in December.  Jupiter was the traditional ruler for Pisces before Neptune was discovered and its return to your 12th House of compassion, spirituality, healing and creativity behind the scenes (which Pisces rules) is a kind of homecoming.  There is further to grow here and your inner-workings and self-talk could take a turn for the better at the same time.  Be open to healing.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

And or more regular postings, join me on Instagram


See you there!





June 2021 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

On 10th we have a solar eclipse in Gemini (at 11.15 BST). Every eclipse belongs to an eclipse family called a Saros cycle and this particular one carries the themes of intuitive or even psychic understandings and hunches that can be trusted. Mercury is retrograde (also in Gemini) until 22nd) and communications should improve thereafter.

Saturn and Uranus have been vying with each other for most of the year, demanding self-honesty and courage to make dramatic changes in different areas of life for each sign. This dance is in play for most of the year but on 14th these two planets square up exactly for the second time this year. (The final crunch comes in December).

Mars heats up this dynamic from 28th – 30th when it opposes Saturn and squares Uranus. The only way to release the tension of this dynamic is to strike out and make changes in whichever areas of life Uranus is highlighting at present in your solar chart!

Saturn insists you have to be so honest with yourself for this to work out. And Uranus will only accept the pure uncompromised expression of who you now are: so no half-measures!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Home is looking lovely this month as Venus is gliding through your domestic sphere from 2nd – 27th bringing harmony and pleasure. You may find yourself wanting to beautify your home or share its pleasures with others by entertaining. And relations with mother-figures go well (as do your dealings with others if you happen to be a mother-figure yourself).

Your ruling planet Mars is on the case too until 11th which is normally a good time for DIY or hands on projects but it opposes powerful Pluto from 1st – 8th when power issues could occur. This could be between mother and father figures or the opposing demands of your professional life and emotion needs or home.

Venus then helps to smooth things along until the Sun comes to the rescue, bringing warmth and light from 21st. This area of your solar chart also covers self-nurture and personal development. What might that involve? Put plans into action!

Mercury planet of communication goes direct on 22nd which can help to sort out any recent misunderstandings. And Mars leaps into your romance,children and creativity zone from 11th but runs up against Saturn and Uranus from 28th – 30th…

There is ongoing tension or frustration for most of this year between personal creativity or desires and friendships, groups and the bigger picture. This month these burst out in your finance and values zone. Changes here really, really need to take place to ease the tension. Use money creatively, examine your values and see how you as a creative individual can work alongside others. Or is there confusion around your feelings and wondering whether a friend should be something more?


Taurus:    There is a strong focus on finances this month as the Sun illuminates your material world until 21st. Mercury is already retrograde here until 22nd, reviewing the situation. But New Moon on 10th which marks a fresh start is also a solar eclipse which belongs to an unusual family of eclipses that favour flashes of inspiration, so pay attention to yours!

Your powers of persuasion are strong as your ruling planet Venus is adding charm to all of your communications from 2nd – 27th. Dealings with neighbours and siblings go well and exercise, short journeys and trading are a pleasure. You are fully aware of power dynamics in relationships when Venus opposes Pluto around 22nd – 24th and it is up to you whether you call them out or not…

From 11th forceful Mars leaps into your 4th House of mother and home, ready for action. So what is it to be? Could this be time for a blitz, a makeover, DIY projects or a shake-up of dynamics in the home? Or could it be you being more assertive with mother-figures (or being more assertive if you are a mother-figure yourself)? The 4th House also rules self-nurture and personal development, so it could be time to take action here too!

Mars also stirs up another dynamic which has been brewing for most of this year. Saturn which is adding responsibilities (and perhaps extra work or frustrations) to your ambitions squares Uranus in your sign which is insisting on personal change. Saturn squares Uranus for the second of three times this year on 14th But Mars restimulates this theme again from 28th – 30th, adding the extra consideration of how to make home a suitable base for these changes to take place. Make those changes and be radical!


Gemini:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 21st radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression, although you may lose direction for a couple of days around 13th – 14th when Neptune can be bewildering. But New Moon in your sign on 10th, along with a solar eclipse, marks a new phase of life for you. Trust your instincts around what this needs to be.

And for those of you with a birthday in June, your birthday is your personal new year and the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer. New Moon in your sign on 10th marks a fresh emotional cycle too. This is yet another good reason to explore your birth chart and focus on what you hope for emotionally in the year ahead.

Mercury lends you mental energy, although it is unhelpfully retrograde until 22nd but this can be an opportunity to review how you have been communicating lately. And Mars’s arrival in the communications area of your chart from 11th gives you mental energy too. Try to fit in some exercise!

From 2nd Venus is bringing a rosier glow to your finances but Mars (also interested in financial improvement) runs into opposition from Pluto from 1st – 8th. ‘The money of others’, joint funds, taxes and debts could scupper your plans or your partner’s finances or demands could stop you in your tracks…

Mars runs into further problems from 28th – 30th when it runs up against both Saturn and Uranus. Your ideas, thoughts or words (or dealings with neighbours, siblings or traders) run up against larger legal, cultural or ethical truths which at best could bring about an epiphany or spiritual awakening or wonderful creativity behind the scenes or at worst: self-sabotage. Go for the former!


Cancer:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 21st!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Venus is in your sign too from 2nd – 27th, making you darling of the zodiac for the rest of the month. Your charms will be at their highest and you will attract others to you. And there will extra intensity around 22nd – 24th when Venus opposes Pluto in your opposite sign and the power dynamics in your relationships become very apparent…

Venus also squares Chiron which is at the top of your chart around 12th – 13th. This highlights the theme of wounding and healing in your career or in dealings with father or authority figures. Saturn and Neptune’s involvement from 16th – 24th is not easy to handle, raising questions about commitment and ideals. But even in the middle of this Venus and Jupiter team up from 18th – 19th to create pleasure and fun at the same time.

Mars is on the case moneywise from 11th but triggers ongoing issues between joint funds and friends or groups or brings up intimacy versus friendship and how that might rock the status quo.


Leo:    Your ruling planet the Sun is warming your 11th House of friends, groups and community until 21st. Venus is providing pleasure here too, so make time for socialising (and perhaps humanitarian campaigns after 22nd when Mercury helps communications by going direct).

New Moon and the solar eclipse on 10th also fall in this area of your chart. Every New Moon marks a new cycle but with an eclipse involved, the ‘flavour’ of the eclipse is important. The flavour of this eclipse is listening to your hunches and acting on them. And this applies to friendships, groups, community and political action. So what is it to be?

On 11th Mars leaps into your sign (as it does approximately every two years). This is a change of gear and energy around how you see yourself and how you go into the world. Every planet has a metal which best describes it. And for Mars this is the metal is iron which describes your determination to push your goals forward. Others beware! You will have no trouble being assertive, unless you veer into aggression which of course, we would all like to avoid…

Saturn has been squaring Uranus for most of the year and things get exacting when they are exactly square (which this month is 14th). For Leos this involves conflict between the current hard work or scarcity around relationships and partnerships versus your social status and ambitions for an original, compelling professional future. (Father figures or issues may feature too). Take a good look at all of this mid-month. And you may find yourself having to take another look when Mars triggers Saturn and Uranus from 28th – 30th. The way to relieve this tension is to strike out in a totally uncompromised way in your worldly standing. Grab your daring and courage and go for it!


Virgo:    Your career and social status are prominent this month as the Sun and your ruling planet Mercury move over the top of your solar chart (although Mercury is retrograde until 22nd, so allow for misunderstandings until then).. The solar eclipse on 10th occurs here too and adds a zing to the cycle that starts with this New Moon. Follow up on any innovative ambitions that suddenly come to mind. They have real possibilities.

Friends, groups and community are a source of pleasure for most of the month. Mars makes you pro-active here too until 11th. Joint funds or ‘the money (or monetary demands) of others’ may run against harmony with friends mid-month, as could the pressure or demands of children, lovers or personal creative projects around 22nd – 24th.

Saturn continues demanding your attention around work or health and squares Uranus on 14th, stimulating your world view or belief system. We are all sensitive, physically vulnerable creatures and have to come to some higher view of why we are here and how our beliefs inform our well-being. How we use our minds and states of consciousness are relevant here too. All of this is undergoing an awakening that is taking place all year. It could even be an epiphany. And Mars re-triggers this dynamic again from 28th – 30th.

Jupiter and Neptune are exploring your ideals around relationships and partnerships until 20th and 25th when they go retrograde to review recent developments. They will want to move forwards once again later in the year. And so will you…


Libra:    Your ruling planet Venus is helping your career or social status along from 2nd – 27th. People in positions of power are looking at you favourably. Ask for favours if you need them.

The Sun which is in your 9th House of travel, exploration and philosophy until 21st would love to roam but Mercury is retrograde until 22nd and prior arrangements may need to be re-arranged until after that. The solar eclipse on 10th is also looking for adventure and the nmore unusual: the better!

Venus also has an eventful month, running into the wounds of partners or relationships around 12th – 13th. Look out for opportunities for healing. Venus is in a lovely aspect to Neptune and operating selflessly from 20th – 21st but then power-playing Pluto barges in from 22nd – 24th. Use this time to observe the power balance in your relationships. Is there anything you need to change?

From 11th Mars will be forging its way through your friends, groups and community zone. You have energy to give here but Mars runs up against some opposition towards the end of the month. Your enthusiasm for collective projects runs up against your need for romance, children or individual creativity from 28th – 30th and the tension created by this clash bursts out in your shared zone of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. Only making changes to one or more of these areas of life will bring relief. So what is it to be?


Scorpio:    June is a good month for exploring as Venus glides through your 9th House of new terrains (physical or meta-physical) and the higher mind. This includes studies, ethics, different cultures and beliefs. Meeting people from different cultures is a pleasure and if you can travel to where they are, even better!

Communications in general improve after 22nd when Mercury goes direct. This can also help to clarify joint funds and any misunderstandings around intimacy and sharing. New Moon and the solar eclipse occur in this same area of your chart on 10th marks an unusual fresh start in your intimate life or in shared finances.

On 11th Mars adds extra drive to your ambitions. And from 27th Venus puts some helpful wind behind the sails of your worldly aspirations. People in positions of authority can be helpful then. You just have to ask.

Mars also runs into a big process taking place for Scorpios this year. Saturn is demanding a deep review of your home, early years and how well you meet your emotional needs. And this is squaring Uranus which is insisting on change in relationships and partnerships.

This dynamic is around all year but 14th is the second of three crunches when something has to give… What is it to be? If none of this seems to apply, it could involve issues around mother-figures and emotional patterns in childhood (or your own dealings as a mother-figure if you are one). Mars adds the extra element of desire for worldly ambition and social status from 28th – 30th and father-figures could feature too. Whichever way you look at it, relationships or partnerships HAVE TO change: or your attitude towards them of course


Sagittarius:    Your ruling planet Jupiter and also Neptune are exploring what the ideal home would be for you (physical and emotional). This an exploratory phase as they both go retrograde towards the end of the month but both will be ready to move further forwards later in the year.

Relationships and partnerships are high on the agenda too. New Moon and a solar eclipse on 10th mark a fresh cycle and one in which you should trust your hunches. Mercury is retrograde though until 22nd, so check to make sure everyone has understood the same thing.

Joint funds and intimacy are benefittng from the transit of Venus from 2nd – 27th. ‘The money of others’ may come your way, although the demands of lovers, children or creative projects may work counter to that mid-month. Strong feelings about your own security and survival could show up sharply around 22nd – 24th too.

Saturn and Uranus form a tense aspect (also mid-month), focusing your attention on the connection between your mind and your well-being. The two are linked. This could take the form of work or relations with colleagues or daily companions impacting your mental health. Likewise it could operate in the other direction with your mind and way of thinking impacting your physical health. We are finely-wired creatures and this is a time to take that wiring into account and finding a positive way of working with it. Physical movement and exercise can be key too.

This all gets stirred up again by Mars around 28th – 30th. Remember you are a mere human being and allow yourself some slack.


Capricorn:    Your mind is very much on work, health and daily matters this month. And the re-thinking that started late-May should have drawn its conclusions by 22nd when Mercury goes direct once again. How to help others could now be clearer. Do what you can.

Relationships and partnerships are flowing sweetly, as Venus glides through your opposite sign from 2nd – 27th and things look particularly good on 3rd and 20th – 21st. Mars is urging you to be pro-active in relationships until 11th and the Sun picks up the baton, providing warmth and self-expression from 21st.

The need for financial restrictions or monetary responsibilities clash with unpredictable matters connected to lovers, children or creative projects. This has been looming for a few months. But the first crunch comes on the lead up to 14th. There may be heated feelings around joint funds, partner’s finances and ‘the money of others’ which intensifies matters too…

The solar eclipse on 10th marks a fresh cycle around work, health, well-being and the well-being of others. Trust your hunches. And Full Moon in your sign on 24th presents you with a tricky hot potato… What is the true cost of your relationships and to what extent do they run against your individual needs? Only you know the answer.


Aquarius:    Your ruling planet Uranus which has been insisting on revolution in your career and worldly ambitions, forms an exact square to Saturn in your sign on 14th. This is the second of three such meetings this year. And the message for you is to carry out a deep review of how you have been dealing with self expression and your sense of identity.

In addition to this is the need to strike out doing your own thing, in your own way, out there in the world. Mars stirs this all up again from 28th – 30th when action on the home front forces you to look at what it is that needs to be looked at. None of this is comfortable: but growth rarely is.

New Moon on 10th is also a solar eclipse in your travel, studies, philosophy and world view zone. Publishing (in all its forms) comes into this too and you should follow your instincts. Mercury also goes direct here on 22nd, helping to resolve any recent misunderstandings.

Venus is adding a sense of well-being to daily life and your self-care rituals from 2nd – 27th. Relations with colleagues and daily companions should go well too, apart from possible power surges (not sure whose…) around 22nd – 24th. Venus then glides into your opposite sign but Mars got there first on 11th. This usually raises the temperature in relationships and partnerships. Now could that be due to anger or passion? Venus is onboard from 28th, so maybe the former then the latter?


Pisces:    Your ruling planet Neptune and Jupiter are both calling for the highest octave of what you can offer. This will most likely involve spiritual growth and largesse which is needed in the present situation. This is an exploratory call as Jupiter and then Neptune go retrograde on 20th and 25th to carry out a review of how you have done so far. But they will both be back later in the year, asking for yet more. Restore yourself, appreciate your own progress so far and prepare for more that will be demanded of you later.

Your 4th House which is at the base of your solar chart is being activated. And although this may be confusing until after 22nd when Mercury goes direct: a new cycle is starting here. The 4th House rules matters relating to mother, home, roots, foundations, self-nurture, personal development and dealings with mother-figures. It can also involve how your are dealing with things if you are a mother-figure yourself.

The solar eclipse on 10th falls in this area of your chart too and belongs to an eclipse family that is intuitive, even psychic and gives flashes of hunches that you can trust. Act on your new understanding,even though you may not know where it comes from.

Saturn and Uranus are squaring each other for most of the year but come to an exact square on 14th. For Pisceans this involves the interplay of communications and your conscious mind versus the collective unconscious. Can you voice your inner-voice? Dealings with neighbours and siblings are startling and Mars stirs up these again at the end the month. Meditation, prayer and whatever spiritual practices your are comfortable with are helpful and can allow healing to take place.

Mars leaps into your work, health and service to others zone from 11th. This is raw energy. Attend to your own health and well-being. So much is being demanded of you. And as we are always told: put on your own oxygen mask before you help others. You are a central, important resource for others right now. Look after that resource!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

And or more frequent postings, join me on Instagram


See you there!



May 2021 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

One planet changes sign this month and two planets change direction. Jupiter moves into Pisces from 13th. This heightens our collective intuition and compassion but possibly also our urge for fantasy and escape. Finding a healthy way to do that is probably quite important. (A friend recommends virtual reality table tennis but I haven’t tried it). Incorporating spiritual practice into your day would fit the bill wonderfully too.

New Moon on 11th (at 20.01 BST) is in Taurus. Taurus rules the senses and our need for security. So this could be a good time to draw up a budget, start a new eating plan or embark on a wonderful creative project.

Mars continues in Cancer all month, encouraging us to be active nurturers (to ourselves and others). Home improvement projects could fit into this too.

We have two planets go retrograde this month. Saturn goes into reverse on 23rd until October, taking us back to carry out a deep review (in different areas of life for each sign). And Mercury goes retrograde on 29th, so keep communications as clear as possible after that.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   Finances will be very much on your mind this month and Venus helps things to look rosy until 9th. And if you need to carry out an audit or draw up a budget, New Moon on the evening of 11th marks a new financial cycle for you.

Your ruling planet Mars is forging ahead at the base of your solar chart all month. This gives you lots of energy to tackle projects at home or to move things forward with mother-figures, self-nurture or personal development. Mars squares up to Chiron though from 9th – 12th which will make you aware of your vulnerabilities in some way. Take time to attend to your sensitive self. Healing is trying to take place here and you should help it along

Saturn goes retrograde on 23rd, taking you back to review friendships, team. group or community projects or your relationship with organisations, collective ventures or campaigns. This is a long review and you have until October to give one or more of these areas your considered attention.

Jupiter has been generating opportunities for growth in this collective area since late December but Jupiter moves forward on 13th bringing expansion to your active compassion, spirituality, healing, creativity behind the scenes or your online life. This is just a two-month introduction but Jupiter is coming back for a longer stay in December so lay the groundwork now.

Mercury goes retrograde in your communications zone on 29th too, so double-check from then on, that everyone has the same understanding when making arrangements and drawing up agreements!


Taurus:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too until 4th. And for those of you with May birthdays, your birthday is your personal new year and the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

New Moon in your sign on 11th which marks a fresh emotional cycle is a good point to explore your birth chart and focus on what you hope for emotionally in the year ahead too.

More good news is your charms are also at their height as your ruling planet Venus continues in your sign until 9th with possibly obsessive attractions around 5th – 6th when compulsive Pluto adds intensity to your need to relate…

From 9th Venus helps your finances to look rosier but when Mercury goes retrograde from 29th, things may need reviewing. Saturn goes retrograde too from 23rd at the top of your solar chart. This starts a five-month review of your career,social status and dealings with authority-figures and your own use of power if you are an authority-figure yourself!

Saturn is also starting to square Uranus in your sign which it does three times this year. Your need for personal revolution and your ambitions (professional or social status) are at odds in some way and whichever way you look at it, dramatic change is the only option!


Gemini:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Your personal charm reaches danger level from 9th when Venus glides into Gemini. And with your ruling planet Mercury also in your sign from 4th, your silver tongue can persuade people to do all kinds of things that perhaps they should not. Others beware! And Geminis beware too after your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 29th. That silver tongue may come back to bite you…

Mars is revving in your finance zone all month which may find you in hot pursuit of money or an extra income stream. Security may seem more important these days and you are ready and determined to take action in whatever way needed. You could also move your reputation forward when Mars tunes into Neptune at the top of your chart from 26th – 31st.

Jupiter arrives at the top of your solar chart from 13th, bringing growth, expansion and opportunity to your career, social status or dealings with father or authority-figures. And if you happen to be a father or authority figure yourself, you can have far-reaching influence for the good, if right is on your side.


Cancer:    Friendships and group or community projects continue to bring pleasure at the start of the month. And New Moon on 11th marks a fresh cycle on the collective front in some way. Is there a friend, project or movement close to your heart that you would like to support? Or a campaign or project you would like to start?

Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity makes an introductory move into your travel, studies and ethics zone from 13th. Exploring the physical or philosophical world can bring growth, as can interactions with people from different belief systems or different cultures, especially around 26th – 30th when energetic Mars joins forces with idealistic Neptune.

Saturn goes retrograde on 23rd to carry out a five-month review of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. This is an opportunity to look at how you have been dealing with things in the past, how you want to deal with them in the future but they may not be so easy to deal with in the present. Joint funds includes taxes, debts and inheritances.

Mars continues to forge through your sign all month, giving you energy and determination to push your agenda forward, whatever that might be. Idealistic projects connected to exploring (in the broadest sense) can benefit from this boost of energy, especially from 26th – 30th.

Full Moon on 26th falls in your 6th House of work, health and service to others, highlighting the impact of your physical health on your mental health and vice versa. Improving one will have a beneficial effect on the other!


Leo:    Your ruling planet the Sun starts the month with Uranus (planet of change, disruption and revolution) right at the top of your solar chart which indicates revolution in your career, social status or in dealings with father or authority figures (or in your own dealings if you happen to be one yourself). New Moon on 11th marks a new cycle here too. Venus is also helping you to charm influential people too until 9th. Use 4th – 8th to ask for any favours that would help you along.

Saturn has been demanding a lot of thought about relationships and partnerships since it entered your opposite sign last December. On 23rd it goes retrograde, calling you back to review what has happened so far and what needs to happen next. But making headway in this area is unlikely during this review period. It is time to take stock rather than take action. You have until October to think this through.

Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity has also been in your opposite sign since December. But on 13th it moves into your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone temporarily. This could bring ‘the money of others’ your way or growthful opportunities for ‘sharing’. From 26th – 31st you may also become more aware of how your inner-workings (and perhaps your unconscious) impact these areas.

Friends, groups and community offer light relief as deep processes are taking place. Make time to enjoy some easy company here. This could be good for collective creative projects too.


Virgo:    Your ruling planet Mercury is generating lots of thinking at the start of the month around your world-view, travel, beliefs and people from different cultures. This is followed by a focus on your professional life, ambitions and social status. Venus is smoothing things along here too from 9th and influential people have your back. If you need favours, just ask. But be sure to do so before Mercury goes retrograde on 29th.

Saturn goes retrograde on 23rd which marks the need for a long review around your work, health, service to others and daily routine. How have things been running here and how would you like things to be in the future? You have until October to think this through. Give it lots of your attention.

On 13th Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity moves into your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships for two months. Possible partners from different cultures or belief systems could open up a wider world to you. Business partnership opportunities could widen your horizons too.

Mars is busy all month being decisive in matters to do with friends, groups, community and campaigns. Mars also makes a good aspect to Neptune from 26th – 31st which links friends and partners or a group could offer up an ideal partner. Keep an eye open for all of your possibilities!


Libra:    Your ruling planet Venus is helping joint finances along until 9th. Then it moves into your exploration zone. This is good for travel, philosophy, ethics, legal matters and relations with people from different cultures. Venus forms a helpful link with Saturn too around 18th – 20th which could help to bring concrete outcomes in romance, creativite projects or in dealings with children.

Mars is revving away all month at the top of your solar chart. This is excellent for making headway in your career or pushing your agenda forward with authority or father-figures. You have energy and determination all month to pursue your ambitions, whatever they may be. Partners may feel wounded by this around 8th – 12th or their vulnerabilities may present an obstacle to your plans.

Jupiter makes an introductory move on 13th into your work, health and service to others zone. Volunteering and being of service to others can add to your well-being. Your daily rituals and routines might benefit from regular spiritual practice too or a new regime or new form of exercise could expand your world.. You could find yourself having even more enthusiasm for this from 26th – 30th when energetic Mars joins forces with idealistic Neptune

Mercury goes retrograde from 29th which can bring delays to travel plans, studies or legal matters. You may just have to be patient until it goes direct again in three weeks time.


Scorpio:    Relationships and partnerships continue high on your agenda as the month starts with Venus smoothing things along until 9th. The Sun and Uranus are also here squaring Saturn at the base of your chart though, presenting you with the incompatibility of your present living situation and your need for partnership or your partner’s dislike of the present home situation.

Saturn also goes retrograde from 23rd, pressing you to carry out a rethink regarding your home or emotional patterns. Dealings with mother-figures need thinking about too (or your own dealings if you are a mother-figure yourself). Saturn is retrograde until October. Give this review your full attention.

Your urge to explore is strong all month as Mars seeks to roam. This can be through travel, covering terrain in the great outdoors or exploring the higher mind. Studying can be satisfying and dealings with people from different cultures are lively and heated, possibly due to conflict or passion.

New Moon on 20th marks a fresh start in relationships and partnerships. Romance and intimacy could be on the cards as Mars aspects Neptune around 22nd – 23rd and Venus glides through your intimacy zone from 9th and Jupiter brings growth to love affairs, dealings with children or creativity.

Mercury goes retrograde on 29th though. Avoid signing joint finance contracts. And do not make any promises you might not keep…

Jupiter is also on the move this month, leaving growth in your mother and home zone from 13th for the headier areas of love affairs, children or creativity. Jupiter brings growth, expansion and opportunities. Could be fun!


Sagittarius:    Your ruling planet Jupiter is on the move this month. It glides into the all important area of mother and home from 13th which could lead to thoughts about a bigger home or home abroad or a yearning for more emotional expression within your home. Dealings with mother-figures could take prominence too. Jupiter is just on a short visit here until July but will be back full-time to take things further in December.

Saturn changes direction and goes retrograde on 23rd to review your mindset, communications, trading, short journeys or dealings with neighbours or siblings. Physical movement and exercise could be under review too. You have until October to think things through.

Work, health, service to others and your daily routine remain a strong focus until 20th, then relationships and partnerships (including business partnerships) become more of a focus. And there may be a clash here with home around 20th – 21st. There may also be conflict between your individual needs and partnership needs around in the lead up to Full Moon in your sign on the morning of 26th. Mercury goes retrograde here on 29th which can open the door to misunderstandings. Double-check and check again that everyone is on the same page.


Capricorn:    Romance, children or creativity continue to run smoothly until 9th when Venus moves on to bring pleasure to work, dealings with colleagues and daily companions, health, routine and being of service to others. You will enjoy your daily rituals too.

Meanwhile Mars if firing things up in relationships and partnerships all month. Mars brings heat which could mean conflict or passion or maybe both! Mars triggers feelings of vulnerability around home or dealings with mother-figures or your own dealings as a mother-figure if you happen to be one around 8th – 12th.

Your ruling planet Saturn goes retrograde on 23rd to carry out a long five-month review of your finances and your previous position on security, values and self-esteem. This could even be an opportunity to explore how a belief system or creativity can give a sense of security. It does not have to be monetary.

Jupiter also leaves this area of your solar chart for a while on 13th. Its new avenue for expansion is communications and thinking, short journeys, trading and dealings with neighbours and siblings. How we think about things determines our reality and Jupiter is here to show you life can be more benevolent than you previously thought…

Mercury goes retrograde too from 29th in your work, health and service to others zone. Perhaps one or more of these areas (including your daily routine) could do with a re-think too?


Aquarius:    The Sun joins forces with your ruling planet Uranus as the month begins which makes for a lively you! This takes place in your 4th House of mother and home. Could it be time for a revolutionary change here? A home makeover perhaps or even a new home? And are there any habits you would like to change? Or could it be time to revolutionise the way you nurture yourself or handle your personal development? New Moon on 11th marks a new cycle in one or more of these areas of life, including dealings with mother-figures (or your own dealings as a mother-figure if you happen to be one yourself).

Romance, children or creativity may be increasingly on your mind as Mercury followed by Venus and the Sun move iinto your 5th House this month. Venus is smoothing things along from 9th and the Sun brings warmth from 20th. Mercury goes retrograde here though on 29th so be very clear in your communications from then onwards.

Saturn in your sign which has been demanding serious thought about your identity (since last December), goes retrograde on 23rd to review the progress you have made so far. Saturn is looking at who you now are, how you need to express that and outlets for that expression. You have until October to give all of that some deep thought.

Jupiter has also been in your sign since December, helping to keep things buoyant but it moves into your 2nd House temporarily from 13th, bringing growth, expansion and opportunities to your finances or in establishing a sense of security.

Mars is still catapulting through your work, health or service to others zone all month. Could that be a new regime, job or voluntary position? Yes, I think it could…


Pisces:    You have been busy behind the scenes since December when Saturn and Jupiter moved into your natural home of the unconscious, compassion, healing and inner-workings. You are about to harvest some of the fruits of your inner-homework (assuming you have done some) when Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity moves into your sign from 13th. This is just a two-month stay but Jupiter will be returning to your sign towards the end of the year.

Meanwhile Saturn is still taking you to task and goes retrograde on 23rd to start a long review, also of your inner-workings, healing, spiritual practice or creativity behind the scenes. This is a good time to enlist the help of a counsellor or therapist to explore deep issues which may need an airing and rethinking.

Communications are key as the month starts and New Moon on 11th marks a new cycle here. This can include short journeys, trading, dealings with neighbours and siblings and also physical movement, exercise and your mental health.

Mars adds energy and determination to your dealings with romantic contenders, children and creativity. And through these interactions, around 26th – 31st you may discover an aspecte of your ideal self!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

And for more regular postings, join me on Instagram


See you there!

Venus in Taurus Apr 14th – May 9th

Venus in Taurus April 14th – May 9th

Venus rules two signs of the zodiac: Libra and Taurus. And from 14th April Venus will be comfortably at home in Taurus for four weeks. Venus is the planet of love, beauty and harmony while Taurus is a fixed earth sign that rules the body and the senses.

Any planet in Taurus heightens the senses of colour and form (sight), touch, taste, hearing and smell. And as Venus is the planet of pleasure, these are all avenues that we can enjoy passively and actively. Art, music and food are just a few of the pleasures we can arrange for ourselves and are also areas we can be creative in. Mother Nature is also close to the Taurean heart. Luxuriate in all she has to offer and perhaps growing things yourself could be a satisfying adventure too.

Taurus is also the most tactile sign. The need to touch and be touched is stronger in this sign than any other and Venus will be looking to meet this need too. Venus in Taurus reminds us we are human and that we live on a stunningly beautiful planet and have been gifted with wonderful senses. Enjoy them all!

April Horoscopes 2021

Our shared planetary picture

Three personal planets – the Sun, Mercury and Venus gather in assertive Aries during the first half of this month which is good for initiating things and moving forwards, although Pluto presents strong obstacles around 11th – 17th. Planets in Aries love a challenge (although they might not like the power dynamics that Pluto presents). New Moon on 12th is also in Aries and marks a cycle for us all, in different areas of life for each sign.

From mid-month the same three personal planets move into steady, creative Taurus and meet up with revolutionary Uranus. This hopefully will bring about some awakenings and creative outcomes especially around 22nd – 24th and 29th – 30th. Our understanding of the physical world could change in some way too.

Pluto goes retrograde on 27th in Capricorn, starting a six-month review of how we have been dealing with our ambitions, social status and authority figures. And we may possibly question the validity of those who hold power.

Mars in Gemini is adding to our collective mental energy until 23rd when Mars leaps into Cancer, looking at how we nurture ourselves and what kind of home we create for ourselves. Time to attend to your nest and your need for nurture!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    You will be full of beans this month as Venus in your sign until 14th makes everyone aware of the charmer that you are. The Sun ball also remains in your court until 19th radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. And for those of you with April birthdays, your birthday is your personal new year and the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer, as is New Moon in your sign on 12th which marks a fresh emotional cycle. This is a good point to explore your birth chart and focus 9n what you hope for emotionally in the year ahead.

Finances are on your mind from mid-month onwards. Venus should be giving them a healthy glow then too, although there may be a surprise or two at the end of the month… You mày have some good money-generating ideas too from 19th when Mercury and the Sun get onboard.

Obstacles (perhaps in the form of authority figures) could crop up around 15th – 16th or you may have some dilemmas yourself if you are the one bearing authority. Relationships could get intense too around 11th – 12th which is a good time to be aware of power imbalances in all directions. You may need to review similar issues in your professional life, with your social status or in dealings with father figures from 27th when Pluto goes retrograde.

Your mental energy will be high until 23rd as your ruling planet Mars zooms through your communications zone. Getting some physical exercise can also help to lessen the sharpness of your tongue which may be over-functioning from time to time…

From 24th your focus jumps to home, roots and foundations. DIY projects, dealings with mother-figures (or as a mother-figure) will be ‘energetic’. This is a good time to attend to self-nurture and personal development too. What do you now need to put in place?


Taurus:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 19th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Mental energy arrives on 19th too as Mercury moves into your sign on the same day as the Sun. Venus arrives even earlier on 14th, adding to your considerable charms and making you darling of the zodiac until the end of the month and beyond. Your creative instincts will be strong, with lots of originality around 22nd – 23rd and 29th – 30th (although the demands of the world will make themselves felt around 23rd – 25th). Sudden attractions could take you by surprise too around 22nd – 23rd…

You continue to focus on finances and security as determined Mars forges its way through your 2nd House. This is good for pushing creative projects ahead too. Mars then moves into your communications zone from 23rd, bringing lots of mental energy and could that be… more physical movement?


Gemini:    Your ruling planet Mercury skips across three different signs this month which means a mentally-active you! You are busy with fatherly or work communications up until 4th and then Mercury joins the Sun and Venus in your friends, groups and community zone until 19th. This is a good time to enjoy the circles you move in and you have good ideas for both collective projects and for individual friends. And if you are involved in a campaign of any kind, you will have a lot to contribute.

From 14th the focus starts to change to your inner-workings, self-defeating patterns, healing and creativity behind the scenes. There are long-term changes taking place here as Uranus is around a third way through its seven-year stay here and the arrival of Venus on 14th and the Sun and Mercury from 19th, go on to trigger changes or awakenings of some kind around 22nd – 23rd and 29th – 30th.

Mars continues to forge through your sign until 23rd, giving you energy and decisiveness. It runs up against Neptune though from 6th – 9th when you might have to take your reputation into account… Then from 23rd Mars will be focused on your finances and security.

Full Moon on 27th falls in your work, health and service to others zone. Take time to look at how your unconscious impacts your health and well-being and vice versa. Your physical world and spiritual world need to be in dialogue.


Cancer:    All the planets are above the horizon in your solar chart for most of April. This means your interactions in the world are uppermost this month. You have the blessing of people in positions of authority as Venus smooths your professional path until 14th. If you need any favours, be sure to ask. (You may have to dodge the disapproval of partners at the same time though…).

New Moon on 12th marks a fresh cycle in career and social status. Is there an ambition that you hold dear? If so, make resolutions and take steps to make this a reality. Dealings with father or authority figures take on a fresh air too, as do your dealings with others if you are an authority figure yourself.

There is an emphasis on friends,groups and community during the second half of the month. Make time for social pleasures as best you can. There could be some surprises here too around 22nd – 24th and 29th -30th.

On 23rd Mars leaps into your sign (as it does approximately every two years). This is a change of gear and energy settings around how you see yourself and how you go into the world. Every planet has a metal which best describes it. And for Mars this is the metal iron which describes your determination to push your goals forward. Others beware! You will have no trouble being assertive, unless you veer into aggression which we would all like to avoid…

Full Moon on 27th brings a swell of emotion in your romance, children and creativity zone. And on 27th Pluto goes retrograde in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships. This marks the start of a six -month review of how the power balance in relationships and partnerships has been working (or not working). You have until October to ponder this. Give it the attention it deserves!


Leo:    You are feeling philosophical during the first half of the month as Venus, Mercury and your ruling planet the Sun encourage you to explore the physical or meta-physical world. This is a good time to immerse yourself in studies too. All three planets square up to Pluto though between 11th – 17th which suggests the demands of work, health and daily life run counter to your high-minded aims. So make the most of the first ten days of the month!

From 14th Venus smooths the way in your professional life. If you need help from people in positions of authority, be sure to ask. The Sun and Mercury help you to stand out and shine from 19th as they too reach the top of your solar chart. Be visible and share your creative talents with us all!

Uranus is about a third of the way through its seven year stay at the top of your solar chart. This brings changes to your career, social status or dealings with father-figures. And Uranus gets triggered by Venus and Mercury between 22nd – 24th and the Sun from 29th – 30th, so expect changes, surprises or creative inspiration!

Mars keeps you active on the friends, groups and community front until 23rd and then moves into your 12th House of compassion, healing, spirituality and creativity behind the scenes. This is a good time to be more active online or to start spiritual practices (such as meditation) and to explore your inner-workings. Self-awareness is half the battle. Pluto goes retrograde on 27th (until October) to review some area of your work, your health, your daily routine or service to others. Take a long look.


Virgo:    Your ruling planet Mercury is busy covering a lot of ground this month with its longest stay in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. Venus and the Sun are highlighting things here too until 14th and 19th and you may benefit in some way from ‘the money of others’. Pay attention to details though from 11th – 17th when romantic partners, children or creativity may make demands. New Moon on 12th falls in this shared area of your solar chart. Decide what you want this new cycle to be about.

From 19th the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 9th House of travel, studies and ethics. Exploring the physical or meta-physical world looks exciting, especially around 22nd – 24th and 29th – 30th when Uranus gets stimulated by these personal planets. This may call for a new adventure. What could that be?

You will be hot in pursuit of your ambitions until 23rd as Mars forges across the top of your solar chart. Jupiter puts the wind behind you too from 14th – 17th (although partners or partnerships may muddy the waters around 6th – 9th).

Powerful Pluto goes retrograde on 27th in your romance, children and creativity zone. Something needs reviewing here and you have until early October to work out what exactly that is…


Libra:    Your ruling planet Venus starts the month smoothing along relationships and partnerships until 14th. Then, Venus softens your joint finance zone and you may benefit from ‘the money of others’. This is good for intimacy and sharing too. The only exception to these positives may be from 23rd – 25th when Saturn squares up to Venus. The pull of your joint or partner’s finances or security needs and those of children or romantic partners may clash.

You may also find yourself dealing with taxes, debts and inheritances. There could be surprises too around 22nd – 23rd when you or your partner’s finances could undergo a sudden change. Or a wave of sudden attraction could take you by surprise. And, have you made a will or thought about that? How you share your resources, also matters now. Full Moon on 27th heightens the financial and security pushes and pulls you are under too.

Relationships get intense from 11th – 16th and tensions between partners and your domestic or emotional sphere could occur. It is important to work out what power dynamics are at play. Something in your mother and home sphere needs to change and this will become unavoidable at some point from 27th until early October while Pluto is retrograde here.

Mars leaps into your father, career and social status zone from 23rd and you will push your agenda forward and put energy into achieving your ambitions. You just need to be clear about what they are. Are you?


Scorpio:    Work, health and service to others is a strong focus during the first half of the month. Venus continues to add a sense of well-being until 14th and helps relations with colleagues and daily companions. You take pleasure in your daily rituals too. How we think impacts our sense of well-being and this becomes particularly apparent around 11th – 12th and 15th – 16th.

From 14th onwards the focus moves to relationships and partnerships. Venus smooths things along and the Sun and Mercury encourage you to express yourself more from 19th. There could be surprising developments around 22nd – 23rd and 29th – 30th. Venus runs up against a long-standing need for nurture or personal development around 24th – 25th. And the lead up to Full Moon in your sign in the early hours of 27th, finds an emotional you!

Joint funds, intimacy and sharing remain an active area until 23rd. How you share your resources and yourself physically are areas to work on as Mars heats things up in some way. Any unresolved issues with taxes, debts and inheritances can be pushed forward too.

Mars moves into your travel, studies and philosophy zone from 23rd. The urge to explore the physical or meta-physical world is strong. Make your world wider in whatever way you can.


Sagittarius:    Your ruling planet Jupiter is having a fairly quiet month although it does help you to achieve your aims and objectives in relationships and partnerships from 14th – 17th. Mars is determined to push your agenda forward here, be that in personal partnerships or business ones. (Although things may be tricky around 6th – 9th when ideàls connected to mother and home might get in the way). You have until 23rd to get everything done.

Romance, children and creativity are a strong focus during the first half of the month and a pleasurable one apart from 11th – 17th when power dynamics or money come to the surface… New Moon on 12th also falls in this area of your solar chart, marking a new cycle. Decide what you would like this to be about and then act accordingly.

From 14th Venus glides into your 6th House. This helps relations with colleagues and daily companions and you enjoy your daily rituals of self-care. Uranus has been insisting on changes on the work, health and service to others front since March 2019 (and will continue to do so until 2026). And this month Venus, Mercury and the Sun restimulate your awareness of the need for changes, especially around 22nd – 24th and 29th – 30th.

There is then a gear change from 23rd when active Mars leaps into your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. What needs to be done here? Joint funds includes taxes, debts, inheritances and wills. Pluto goes retrograde on 27th too, starting a six-month review of your finances, income and security needs. Keep in mind that security can be found through creativity and a value system that gives a sense of security, as well as just on a material level.


Capricorn:    Venus is smoothing things along at home until 14th. Home in every sense should be a source of pleasure, be that the building you live in, its emotional dynamics, Mother Nature, your country or our planet. Relationships with mother figures go well too (as do your interactions if you are a mother-figure yourself). The only exception to this is around 11th – 12th when power issues loom large… You may also find yourself wanting to beautify your home and to share its pleasures with others.

Romance, children and creativity look sweet from 14th as Venus bestows pleasure and ease until the end of the month and beyond. Make time for enjoyment. Although finances could get in the way of plans around 23rd – 25th. (This may not come as a surprise as finances seem to be both expanding and contracting for most of this year). The demands (possibly financial) of romantic partners, children or creativity continue to bring unexpected changes too.

Your mission to move things forward on the work front or with your health continues until 23rd. If you did not take the opportunity to put things on a strong footing last month, take action now! Your well-being, daily routine and being of service to others comes into this too, as do your dealings with daily companions.

From 23rd Mars leaps into your opposite sign which means relationships and partnerships become the focus. Mars heats things up (be that conflict or passion… ). Decide what you would like to find here now in your life. Be forthright and head towards it!


Aquarius:    Communications are a strong focus during the first half of the month as the Sun, Mercury and Venus add to your spoken and written charms. Your unconscious demands attention though as all three planets square Pluto from 11th – 17th. And Pluto goes retrograde for six months from 27th to review your inner-workings, self-defeating patterns, your online life, compassion, healing or creativity behind the scenes. New Moon on 12th marks a fresh cycle in communications. This could be a good time to start a new course or exercise regime too!

From 14th Venus glides into your mother and home zone. Home in every sense should be a source of pleasure, be that the building you live in, its emotional dynamics, Mother Nature, your country or our planet. Relationships with mother figures go well too (as do your interactions if you are a mother-figure yourself).

You may also find yourself wanting to beautify your home and to share its pleasures with others. 22nd – 23rd when Venus joins Uranus can bring surprises or original ideas for changes and likewise 29th – 30th. Personal development and self-nurture also come under this area of your solar chart. Think creatively here too.

Mars is pushing for action in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity. A lot of energy is bouncing around here until 23rd and you will be feeling buoyant and creative. Financial uncertainty may get in the way around 6th – 9th though.

From 23rd Mars leaps into your work, health and service to others zone and Mars means action. Could it be time for a new job or volunteer position. Or could that be a new health regime on the horizon? Yes, I think it could…


Pisces:    Finances and security may be uppermost in your mind until 19th and with Venus around until 14th, your finances may be looking rosier than usual. There may be demands from friends, groups or organisations though around 11th – 17th which require some careful thinking. New Moon on 12th also falls in this area of your solar chart. This marks a new cycle and would be the perfect time to carry out an audit or make a new budget for yourself.

From 14th Venus adds ease and charm to your communications, short journeys and dealings with neighbours and siblings. This is good for trading too, especially from 19th when the Sun and Mercury add energy and warmth. Uranus has been pushing for changes here since 2019 and gets re-awakened by these three personal planets, especially around 22nd – 24th and 29th -30th. What changes do you still need to make? Your way of thinking could be an area requiring changes too…

On 27th Pluto goes retrograde in your friends, groups and community zone. Something needs reviewing here and you have until October to work out what exactly that is. Organisations, politics and campaigns come under this too, as does your true tribe.

And from 23rd determined Mars leaps into your romance, children and creativity zone. Decide what you want to achieve here. And take action!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

And or more regular postings, join me on Instagram


See you there!


Venus in Aries MAR 21st – APR 14th

Venus in Aries   21st March  – 14th April

The Sun moved into Aries on 20th, marking the equinox and the first day of spring (or autumn for those of you in the southern hemisphere). And Venus, planet of love follows on 21st. Venus is a harmonious planet and is not traditionally all that comfortable in Aries. But Venus in Aries can help us all to be more direct in expressing what we like, what we want and how we feel which can be refreshing after Venus in Pisces when a lot of guessing goes on.

Venus in Aries loves adventures and loves a challenge. If you have been thinking about a new project or relationship, this could be a great period to get started. Venus is going to be in Aries until April 14th. You might also want to challenge yourself in some way. This is a time when you can reach beyond your normal sticking point. Competition can be exciting too and spur you on to achieve more than you thought possible.

Self doubt gets pushed out of the way when Venus is in Aries which gives us a bigger space to move in. We spend so much time getting in our own way but now the road ahead is clear. We just need to take courage and go for it! The female warrior is the archetype for this brave Venus. Lying or misleading others is of no interest. This Venus is direct and you may find yourself saying what you think more than usual. Honesty can open up whole new dialogues and developments, so do not suppress your voice.

Aries is the sign of initiation. Start what you want to start. Do what you need to do. Say what you need to say. And enjoy the fruits of fearlessness!

March Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

Mars leaps into Gemini on 4th and stays around for seven weeks, livening us all up mentally. We might feel like being more active physically too. The urge to communicate will be strong. This is a good time to catch up on your video correspondence. Catching up with friends should be fun too. Shopping might also hold extra appeal.

Venus is in Pisces until 21st, heightening compassion (and perhaps romance). New Moon on 13th is in Pisces too, including a dreamy meeting of Venus and Neptune on 14th. We will become aware of our ideal dream over these two days (in different areas of life for each sign). And if it imprints strongly enough, we could be inspired to pursue our dream! Mercury and Jupiter meet too on 5th, putting our minds at their most positive. Make a note of all the good ideas that occur to you then.

‘The news’ should be interesting but some things should be taken with a pinch of salt, especially around 23rd and 24th when Mercury in Pisces and Mars in Gemini are at odds . K3ep an eye open for ‘spin’…


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Your ruling planet Mars takes a leap on 4th into your communications zone which gives loads of mental energy. Thinking on your feet will be your favourite mode of operation and you may be more inclined to have ‘discussions’ (I avoided saying arguments) especially when asserting or defending your views. Try to remember your survival does not (usually) depend on ‘being right’. Even so, siblings, neighbours, tradespeople and the general public may get more of your opinion than they bargained for…

Your career path is looking rosier from 20th as Venus helps to clear the path to your worldly ambitions. But Full Moon in your opposite sign on 28th highlights the cost of your relationships to you on a personal level and to what extent they run against your individual needs. Likewise, to what extent does your tendency towards self-interest impact on your relationships?


Taurus:    Finances are rarely far from the Taurean mind and once Mars leaps into Gemini from 4th, you will be applying your energy, thoughts and determination to establish some security. This 7-week burst of energy could even result in a new income stream. Now what could that be? On the other hand, this may not be about money. Values, self-esteem and creativity can also provide a sense of security. Mars is ready to develop these too.

Uranus in your sign is still at odds with Saturn which is at the top of your solar chart. Your ambitions and your capacity to be an authority, cannot fully materialise until you meet their requirement for YOU to change. Do not resist or avoid uncomfortable truths. Face them and make the changes that you need to make.

Your ruling planet Venus brings pleasure through friends, groups and the communities you belong to until 21st. New Moon on 13th marks a fresh cycle here too. This is a great time to join or start a group based on ideals. Venus then glides into your 12th House of compassion, healing and spirituality, joining the Sun which is illuminating previously dark corners of your unconscious. This can smooth your online life along too and creative projects behind the scenes.

Full Moon on 28th highlights the unconscious processes taking place and also involves the need to look at how they impact your work, health, daily routine and service to others. You need an honest dialogue between your conscious and unconscious.


Gemini:    On 4th Mars leaps into your sign (as it does approximately every two years). This is a change of gear and energy settings around how you see yourself and how you go into the world. Every planet has a metal which best describes it. And for Mars this is the metal is iron which describes your determination to push your goals forward. Others beware! You will have no trouble being assertive, unless you veer into aggression (which we would all like to avoid… ).

Fast talking and thinking will be on the agenda too and you may even surprise yourself at the brilliant brainwaves you have around 5th when your ruling planet Mercury joins expansive Jupiter. Make a note of all the great ideas that come to you then.

The top of your solar chart is busy during the first three weeks of this month too which rules career, social status and dealings with father or authority figures (or your role as an authority figure if you are one). Venus gathers support from people in powerful positions, so ask them if you need favours or help (or bestow them yourself). New Moon on 13th also falls in this area of your chart and marks a new cycle in your social status. And Venus joins Neptune at the same time, reminding you of what your dreams are…

Your inner life seems to be the only area of tension at present. Ethical or legal matters may be pulling you in different directions. Your online life may be in a quandary in some way or your principles could run up against the need for compassion. A good use of this tension is to be creative behind the scenes. It is also a great time to explore the patterns of your inner workings and any self-defeating habits, through therapy. While external travel is restricted, the fascinating journey inwards is not!


Cancer:    Creativity behind the scenes is a rich area from 4th when Mars changes signs and your energy and determination to complete projects is fired up. Your appetite for spiritual practices may also be strong and helpful habits can now be put in place. Your urge to help others less fortunate than yourself, could also result in direct action. Have you tried your hand at fundraising or charitable deeds?

The ongoing dilemma between groups and sharing or friends and intimacy continue in some way. Friendships may need to change or a new friend could have a revolutionary impact on you and vice versa! A new cause or campaign could be compelling too.

Your ambitions start to look rosier from 21st when the Sun and Venus move across the top of your solar chart. If you need favours from people in positions of power, be sure to ask. They are looking on you favourably at present. (And if you are able to help others in the same way, do so). Full Moon on 28th though brings up conflicts between your worldly ambitions and home or emotional needs.

But New Moon on 13th marks a fresh start in your urge to gain knowledge and understanding of the world (physical, cultural or spiritual). And you may seek a path of studies or deeper spiritual development. Embark on this journey, it will provide inner riches.


Leo:    Mars changes signs on 4th, firing up energy for friends, groups and community matters. Collective projects grab your imagination and you may find yourself feeling more political than usual. Friends, groups and community can also be a source of energy for you. If you have been thinking of joining or starting a group or campaign, now would be a great time.

Communications in relationships and partnerships go well, especially on 5th when Mercury and Jupiter meet up in your opposite sign. This floods your mind with positivity and good ideas. Make a note of them for future development, so they do not get forgotten.

There is an emphasis in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone during the first three weeks of the month. Venus is helping things to run smoothly and you may benefit from ‘the money of others’ in some way. New Moon on 13th marks the start of a new cycle and things may feel blissful then as Venus joins Neptune at the same time. (And that could include intimate bliss or compassionate donations).

You then move on to a more philosophical stance from 20th when the Sun (closely followed by Venus) wants to understand deeper truths. Exploring will appeal, whether that is travelling in the mind, covering terrain on foot or online surfing. Getting to know more about other cultures or immersing yourself in deep studies or spiritual practices opens up wonderful worlds. Bon voyage!


Virgo:    Relationships and partnerships (including business) are running harmoniously during the first three weeks of the month, as Venus glides through, smoothing things along. New Moon on 13th marks a new cycle here too, helped by the dreamy meeting of Venus and Neptune around then.

Mars leaps into the highest point of your solar chart from 4th, bringing energy and determination to push ahead with your ambitions and worldly status. Dealings with father or authority figures look lively too. You just have to focus and assert yourself. Decide what you want and go for it!

Tensions continue between issues connected to work, health or service to others and your higher principles, beliefs or cultural and legal matters. It could also be helpful to look at your daily routine, rituals and habits to see if they help your spiritual well-being. And if not, what changes or support can you enlist? Or do any aspects of your work run contrary to your ethics?

Venus glides into your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone from 21st and you may benefit from ‘the money of others’ in some way. This could include tax rebates, loans and inheritances. Making donations is pleasurable. You may also find yourself able to communicate in a very helpful way with anyone undergoing a crisis. Virgoans have a pure and lovely way of attending to others. The world needs your loveliness. Do not keep it hidden.


Libra:    Mars starts to stimulate your higher mind from 4th and your urge to travel (mentally if physically is not possible) will be strong. Taking a course of study could fire your energy, as could exploring different cultures, philosophies or learning a new language. Exploring the great outdoors on foot could be life-enhancing too.

Ethics and principles take on more prominence at this time too. Religious and spiritual questions may need answering, leading you to seek out people who can answer them. And if you have any legal matters to attend to, Mars will spur you onwards!

Meanwhile your ruling planet Venus is smoothing along daily life and good relations with colleagues and daily companions (including pets). You take pleasure in performing your daily rituals, attending to your health and being of service to others until 21st.

Venus then joins the Sun in your opposite sign, warming and smoothing relationships and partnerships. Full Moon in your sign on 28th highlights how your partner or relationships impact you. And if your conclusion is not an entirely positive one; let them know about it!


Scorpio:    Romance, children and creativity are high on the agenda this month as the Sun, Venus and Mercury sail through your 5th House of pleasure. New Moon on 13th marks the start of a new cycle here and as Venus joins Neptune the day after, dreams could come true!

Mars is busy too, leaving your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships on 4th for the even deeper waters of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. Sharing is the common theme as intimacy can involve sharing yourself physically as well as emotionally. And joint funds include taxes, debts, inheritances and ‘the money of others’. Mars which will be here for seven weeks, gives courage and determination to pursue your vision.

Uranus is continues to call for change on the relationships and partnerships front, while Saturn is examining your home, roots, foundations and emotional patterns. How have you been dealing with things in the past and how do you want to deal with them in the future? Jupiter is encouraging you to grow. Help this to happen: growing pains and all! Everything is for us not against us.

From 20th the Sun illuminates your 6th House of work, health and service to others. And Venus follows one day later,bringing pleasure to your daily rituals and in dealings with colleagues and daily companions. We sometimes forget the pleasures of everyday routines. But this is a time when you remember.


Sagittarius:    Home life and dealings with mother figures look harmonious through to 21st as Venus brings harmony and beauty to the table. You may also want to beautify your home and give more attention to your emotional needs. New Moon on 13th marks a new cycle in one of these areas of life and as Venus joins Neptune on 14th, you may get a glimpse of how you would like your ideal home to be (physically and emotionally).

Meanwhile from 4th Mars leaps into your opposite sign, bringing energy and determination to do something about relationships and partnerships (including business partnerships). Mars heats things up which can result in passion or conflict…). Decide what you now want from the partnerships in your life and make it happen!

Ongoing tension between your way of thinking and your work, health or well-being continue to squeeze you. How does your daily routine, work or diet impact your mental well-being? The question should be asked in the other direction too. You have most of this year to explore and come to some resolution that helps each side of the equation.

Meanwhile make sure you get exercise, eat healthily, are not involved in soul-destroying work and examine your daily routine and keep thought patterns positive. Your up-beat ruling planet Jupiter is willing to help with this but needs you to play your part too!

Venus glides into your romance, children and creativity zone on 21st which helps relations and creative outcomes. The Sun arrives one day earlier, illuminating any areas that needed more light. And just a minute, could that be some fun on the horizon?


Capricorn:    Mars starts the month by leaping into your work, health and service to others zone on 4th. And Mars means action! So what is it to be? A new job or volunteer position or taking your health and well-being in hand? Mars adds grit and determination to wherever it lands and so this could be the perfect time to start a new regime. And if your daily routine could do with a shake-up, Mars is lending energy and momentum.

Communications go well, especially in trading and relations with neighbours and siblings as Venus helps to smooth things along until 21st. Short journeys are enjoyable and physical movement and exercise will be a pleasure. And is there any writing or correspondence that you need to do? New Moon on 13th is a good time to start a written, dance or audio project. Venus and Neptune are channeling inspiration and helping your imagination to flow too.

Your roots and foundations get fired up by the Sun from 20th and softened by Venus from 21st. You may find yourself wanting to beautify your home. Relations with mother figures goes well too (as does being a mother-figure if you are one). Although Full Moon on 28th presents you with conflicting demands from your public life and worldly ambitions. Navigate them as best you can.


Aquarius:    Your ruling planet Uranus Is still squaring up to Saturn in your sign, extending the ongoing need for change in your worldly status or in you. This may be due to changing ambitions that demand more of you or changes within yourself that inspire you to reach for different goals. This tension is interesting and important to your growth and development.

Finances are looking rosy until 21st as Venus glides through, easing things along. New Moon on 13th falls here too which is the perfect point to draw up a budget or spending plan. Venus and Neptune join forces the next day which can be over-indulgent, so be aware of that too when spending.

Mars leaps into your romance, children and creativity zone from 4th and you may find yourself being more pro-active in your pursuit of that certain someone or in a creative project. You may be feeling sportier too.

And when Mercury and Jupiter meet in your sign on 5th, you become fully aware of all of your possibilities as your mind is at its most positive. You cannot act on all of your ideas at once but write them down so that none are lost or forgotten. Your mind is a treasure trove right now!


Pisces:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too from 15th. And for those of you with March birthdays, your birthday is your personal new year and the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Venus is in your sign from 5th making you darling of the zodiac until 21st. Your charms will be at their highest and you will attract others to you. And in the middle of this Mercury and Jupiter also meet up on 5th to give a positive mindset, good communications and inspiration for creativity behind the scenes.

New Moon in your sign on 13th also marks the beginning of a personal new cycle. Make resolutions that will help to meet your emotional needs and dreams in the month and year ahead! The day after is looking heavenly too when lovely Venus joins your ruling planet Neptune and all is well with the world.

From 4th Mars is revving away at the base of your chart. Home in its broadest sense is going to get your attention. Your determination to forge ahead with domestic projects will be strong, as will your active concern for mother figures in your life and possibly your urge to nurture others. Self-nurture and personal development are areas to work on too. Looks interesting! Pull your socks up and get going!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

And or more regular postings, join me on Instagram


See you there!


Venus in Pisces Feb 25 – Mar 21

When Venus planet of love, harmony and pleasure glides into Pisces, our collective mood changes to a gentler more emotional tone. Pisces is mutable, flexible water, like the ocean that links us all. And the arrival of Venus softens and smoothes those waters. In astrology Venus is ‘exalted’ in Pisces which means this is the best possible sign for it to be in. This is good news for us all!

Compassion will be heightened during Venus’s journey through Pisces. We will feel the pain and suffering of others more keenly and will feel moved to respond and help. Whereas Virgo (its opposite sign) gets involved in the practical side of care; Pisces attends by tuning in and sending empathy on an emotional, intuitive level. In our practical world this may seem a lesser function but it is just as valid as we all long to be understood.

Before we learnt to speak, we were dependent on our carers to intuit what we needed or wanted. This was our earliest unspoken language and we still use it, especially when Venus is passing through Pisces.

Our imagination is also opened by Venus in Pisces and finding outlets for creative expression becomes even more important. Art, music, dance, photography, film and theatre, all benefit from this inspiration which is around until March 21st.

And for any romantic souls out there, whereas Valentine’s Day is always February 14th whatever the planetary line-up: Venus in Pisces is romance itself. You may find yourself more open to this possibility and who knows, so may your loved one or longed for one. And you may find yourselves on the dreamy shores of love.

Pay attention to your dreams too as they can be a source of inspiration and information. Prayer, meditation and healing can be other expressions of this subtle energy. With Venus in Pisces we understand better than ever, that we are all in the pool together and whatever happens to one, happens to us all.

Follow your intuition, express your emotions, be creative and send your positive thoughts and energy out to where they are needed most.

February 2021 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

A gathering of half of the planets in our solar system in Aquarius this month, further reinforces the Aquarian Age that we have just entered into. We have to think more collectively and Mercury retrograde until 21st is part of our need to review how we proceed.

Jupiter and Saturn are presenting us with opportunities and the possibility of consolidating them if we can work together. Venus in Aquarius until 25th even makes this pleasurable. Friendships, groups, community and humanitarian ideals are all more important now than ever. Even with restrictions in place, we can access a sense of belonging online and realise we are still part of a wide and wonderful world. And New Moon on 11th is a good time to join a new group or campaign and find your tribe.

Saturn planet of restrictions, structure and lessons is square (at 90° to and in conflict with) Uranus planet of change, disruption and revolution until 18th. This is a clash of the old and the new, although strangely serious Saturn is in a progressive sign and erratic Uranus is in a conservative sign. Both are insistent on change but in different ways. These two planets square three times this year (again in June and November), so the issues which arise this month will not go away. Much has to be resolved.

As well as collectively, this is happening to us all on an individual level too, in different areas of life for each sign.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    It is all happening in your 11th House this month. Five planets and the New Moon are all focused here which means friends, groups, community, organisations, campaigns and humanitarian ideals are going to be HUGE! Any or all of these will be sources of pleasure as Venus glides through from 1st – 25th. Jupiter is bringing opportunities and Saturn is consolidating your growth.

You may have been rethinking one or more of these areas of life since Mercury went retrograde here at the end of last month. When Mercury goes direct again on 21st you can apply any conclusions you have come to.

Your ruling planet Mars wants to continue pushing ahead in your finance zone but Uranus planet of change, disruption and revolution (also in your finance zone) is squaring Saturn from 1st – 18th. This throws up conflict between your previous position on money, possessions, security and values and this new awakening in your thinking about the bigger picture. Collective projects grab your imagination and you may be feeling more political than usual. Could your values be changing? (Yes they could… ).

New Moon on 11th marks a new cycle in your collective awareness and would be a great time to join or start a group, movement or campaign. Groups usually need leaders and being a natural pioneer, you may find a new role or even find your long, lost, true tribe. Revel in this new sense of belonging!


Taurus:    Half of the planets are gathered at the top of your solar chart this month. This means the BIG focus is father, career and social status. Your ruling planet Venus is also smoothing things along until 25th. People in authority are likely to favour you. If you need their help – just ask. Ambitions should go well too. Jupiter could offer opportunities and Saturn helps you to build on them. The waves part easily for you to make headway!

You may have been rethinking your ambitions since the end of last month when Mercury went retrograde. Mercury goes direct once again on 21st and you can start to move forward once again with your new ideas. Look out for good ideas on 14th too when Mercury and Jupiter meet briefly. New Moon on 11th falls in your father, career and social status zone too. This marks a new cycle in your public life. Make decisions that will help your worldly standing in the month and year ahead.

From 18th the Sun moves into your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone and Venus follows on 25th. Make time for friends enjoy interacting in groups, even if that has to be online.

Mars continues to forge ahead in your sign all month, giving you energy, stamina and determination to forge ahead. But Saturn, one of the planets in your professional sphere squares Uranus in your sign from 1st – 18th. This adds pressur. For you to achieve status in the world, you will have to change. Taureans are often not lovers of change, unless it was their idea but now circumstances or your ambitions demand that change. Go with it!


Gemini:    The focus is on your travel, studies and philosophy zone this month. Five planets are urging you to explore the wider world and all it has to offer. If current restrictions do not allow this physically, you can still explore online and even undertake a course of studies. ‘Meeting’ and learning from people from different cultures or belief systems is another rich avenue to explore. The great outdoors – the locally accessible face of the earth can also be exciting to explore.

Legal matters may loom large or you will feel pulled to reflect in depth on principles, ethics and perhaps your own spiritual development. Your current ideas or opinions maybe challenged around 5th – 7th and New Moon on 11th marks a new cycle here. Is there a course of study or consciousness-raising practice that you could start?

You have probably been thinking about some of these matters since your ruling planet Mercury went retrograde at the end of last month. You should have a better idea of how to proceed once Mercury goes direct once again on 21st.

Saturn is part of the planetary coqtail stimulating your higher mind and squares up to Uranus in your 12th House for the first 18 days of the month. A breakthrough is trying to take place. This could be about compassion, spirituality, healing or original creativity behind the scenes.

Venus starts to smooth your path of worldly status from 25th. Take a fresh look at your ambitions while it is up there!


Cancer:    A huge gathering of planets in your 8th House bring deep experiences around joint funds, ‘the money of others’, sharing and intimacy. New Moon on 11th marks a fresh cycle here and can mark a birth of some kind. Venus helps to create intimacy and also enables you to speak helpfully to others in crisis. Collective projects grab your imagination too and you may find yourself feeling more political than usual. If you have been thinking of joining something, now would be a great time!

Mercury went retrograde at the end of last month in this same area of your solar chart, bringing about a rethink in one or more of these same areas. Mercury goes direct again on 21st which should help you to decide how to look at things and how to proceed.

From 1st – 18th Saturn and Uranus are square which presents a dilemma. This could be between shared funds or ‘the money of others’ and group, community or humanitarian ideals. You may also find yourself dealing with taxes, debts and inheritances too. Have you made a will or thought about that? How you share your resources now, matters too. Alternatively whether someone should be a friend or intimate partner could be a question very much on your mind.

You will be feeling more philosophical from 18th as planets slowly start to drift into your travel, deep study and philosophy zone. From 25th Venus brings pleasure from studying different cultures or meeting people of different ethnicities or belief systems, albeit online. Despite the present restrictions, you are still part of a wide and wonderful world.


Leo:    For any lonesome Leos, February is going to be quite a month! Five out of ten planets are in your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships. And Leos already in relationships will also benefit from this. Venus is gliding through until 25th so harmony and pleasure are on the cards too.

You may have been reviewing your position on relationships and partnerships (including business partnerships) since Mercury went retrograde at the end of last month. Mercury goes direct again on 21st and you can start to apply your conclusions.

Saturn, one of the planets gathering in your partnerships zone, squares up to Uranus until 18th. This presents a dilemma between the need for partnership and the corresponding need for a change to your father, career and social status zone. With Mars still in this part of your chart, you have the energy and determination to push your agenda ahead. You just have to work out what that is!

New Moon on 11th marks a fresh start in relationships and partnerships. Define what are you hoping to find here too and play your part in helping it to happen.


Virgo:    Your natural affinity for work, health and service to others is the massive focus this month. Half of the planets in the solar system are urging you to look deeply and afresh at your well-being. Your daily routine, how you care for yourself on a physical level in terms of nutrition, sleep and exercise and what you include in your daily routine are all up for scrutiny and change! This is the physical side of self-nurture. Give it your full attention.

Venus makes relations with colleagues and daily companions pleasant until 25th. And your daily rituals can be a source of pleasure too! You may have been thinking about all of this recently, since your ruling planet Mercury went retrograde at the end of last month. What do you need to adjust? Reviewing how much time and attention you give to physical movement can be helpful. Having a positive mindset is key too. Mercury goes direct once again on 21st, when you can start to apply the conclusions of this review.

New Moon on 11th is the start of your Work and Health New Year. This is the best time to start a new regime. You are so good at caring for everyone else. Now it is time to do the same for yourself. Do it!

Saturn squares Uranus from 1st – 18th which creates a dilemma between your daily reality, your sense of well-being and belief system. Legal matters, publishing, travel or cultural differences connected to work or health could come up too. Work opportunities or restrictions or health matters could challenge your beliefs, principles or ethics.

Relationships and partnerships start to attract your attention later in the month. And Full Moon creates an emotional high tide around 26th, in the lead up to Full Moon in your sign in the morning of 27th. This may stir up conflict between your individual needs and partnership needs.


Libra:    Half of the planets are in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity for most of the month. Your ruling planet Venus is here too, bestowing pleasure and ease from 1st – 25th. Saturn and Uranus both get involved with Venus around 5th – 7th which could be both challenging and exciting at the same time. This is good for creativity but could bring up a dilemma of whether to stay with the status quo or leap into a new adventure or take your chance with a certain someone… New Moon on 11th marks a fresh cycle here too.

Mercury went retrograde at the end of last month in this same area of your solar chart. This will have called for a review in your thinking about love affairs, creativity or children. Communications may have been difficult in these areas too but your way of thinking about them should get easier after Mercury goes direct on 21st.

Saturn squares up to Uranus from 1st – 18th which presents quandaries around your partner’s finances or ‘the money of others’ and children or creativity. Should you let things continue as they are or bring about a change?

From 18th work, health and service to others take on more importance. This is good for relations with colleagues and daily companions and you will find pleasure in your rituals and daily routine. Taking on a voluntary role could be pleasurable too. Where could you help?


Scorpio:    Half of the planets gather at the bottom of your solar chart this month, in your 4th House. This means mother, home, roots and foundations are your most important focus. Venus is part of this gathering too until 25th. So home in every sense should be a source of pleasure, be that the building you live in, its emotional dynamics, your country or Mother Nature and our planet. Mother figures take on a fresh importance too and your urge to nurture others will be strong. Express it.

You may have been thinking about some of these things since Mercury went retrograde at the end of last month. It goes direct again on 21st and you can start to apply the conclusions you have come to. Deep lessons are taking place here over the coming two years and we need you to do your part in helping this to happen.

New Moon on 11th also marks a new cycle here. Make resolutions that will help you to create and attract the comfort that you need. Self-nurture and personal development should also be part of your plan. Counselling or therapy to explore your roots and emotional patterns can be hugely helpful. Make sure nutrients and emotionally nourishing food are on your menu too.

Saturn squares Uranus from 1st – 18th which creates the need for change in some way. Deep inner-needs are generating an urge for change and awakening in relationships and partnerships. These are big monumental shifts and not a quick switch. Saturn and Uranus will be returning twice more this year, so whatever does not ‘go in’ now, will be repeated until the message hits home.


Sagittarius:    Communications is your big focus this month. And if charm is needed to smooth negotiations, you are full of it. But Mercury is retrograde until 21st, so take care before then, that you are clear in all you say and double-check others have fully understood you and vice versa.

You may have been thinking recently about different forms of communications and how you deal with them and perhaps also physical movement. Drealings with neighbours and siblings could be part of this too.

New Moon falls in your communications zone too on 11th. Are there any trading, speaking or writing projects you would like to try out, study or teach in the year ahead? This could expand the mind, widen your channels of communication, help with trading and keep your thinking buoyant. Keep an eye open for good ideas around 14th too. Your products, ideas and words (spoken or written) could start to reach a wider audience. Lay down the plans and get started!

Saturn is also carrying out a communications review and squares Uranus until 18th. This brings up existing tension between your mindset and your work, health or need to be of service to others. How your thoughts impact your body could also be an area to explore. Communications with colleagues or daily companions (including pets) might need to change too. Whether it is work or health-related, something has to change.

Venus adds ease and pleasure to your mother and home zone from 25th. Personal development and self-nurture can be enjoyable too. Now what about that fantastic food project?


Capricorn:    Five planets are focused on your 2nd House of money, possessions and security this month, including Venus from 1st – 25th which helps to make your finances look rosier. Jupiter and Saturn are part of the line up which suggests opportunities and the ability to consolidate them are very much around.

Mercury went retrograde at the end of last month, leading to a rethink about all of this. But Mercury goes direct again on 21st and you can then start to put your conclusions into action. Keep an eye open on 14th too when Mercury and Jupiter can come up with good ideas.

Your ruling planet Saturn is squaring up to Uranus from 1st – 18th which presents a dilemma around finances and romance, children or creativity. Whether to go with tradition or branch out in your own way could be a big question.

New Moon on 11th marks a new cycle in your finance zone. Draw up a budget for the year ahead that supports your true values. And yes, they are changing…


Aquarius:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 18th, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too. In fact half of the planets in our solar system are in your sign for much of this month! This is all about identity and who you now truly are.

Mercury went retrograde in your sign at the end of last month, so you may have already been giving this some thought. Meanwhile be very clear in all your communications and make sure you have fully understood others and vice versa. Revisiting how much time and attention you give to physical movement can be helpful too. When Mercury goes direct again on 21st, you can be more relaxed about communications and start to put your ideas into action. Keep a look out for good ideas on 14th too. Venus is in your sign until 25th, making you darling of the zodiac. Your charms will be at their highest and you will attract others to you.

Saturn in your sign squares up to Uranus from 1st – 18th. This creates tension between who you are becoming and how well your home, its dynamics, relations with mother-figures and your present position on self-nurture serve you… This is the first of three such transits this year. These issues are not going to go away. Give them your attention. Mars is even on hand, offering you energy to do something about your roots and foundations (past or present).

New Moon on 11th in your sign, marks the start of your Personal New Year. Make decisions that will help to generate what you hope to find in your emotional life in the month and years ahead. Many Happy Lunar Returns! The world is looking fresh and bright. And half of the planets in the solar system are backing you. The stage is set for you. Take heart and reach for the stars. Look! Is that a new you on the horizon?


Pisces:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 18th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer!

Your main focus this month is your 12th House which is naturally ruled by your sign. So much is happening internally. It could be good to get support from a counsellor or therapist to help you to navigate it all. The 12th House rules the pain and suffering of others, institutions (prisons and hospitals etc) charities, compassion, healing, the collective unconscious and creativity behind the scenes.

Opportunities to understand your inner-workings are on offer and you should seek them out. Spiritual practices can be put in place too. You may have been thinking about some of these matters as Mercury has been carrying out a review here since late last month. Mercury goes direct once again on 21st and you can start to apply your conclusions.

Mars is providing lots of mental energy but there may be a clash between your rational mind and your unconscious as Saturn squares Uranus from 1st – 18th. This is another area to be untangled. It can also be powerful fuel for creative work which can be a therapeutic outlet.

There may be conflict between your individual needs and partnership needs around 26th, in the lead up to Full Moon in your opposite sign in the morning of 27th. But your charms are at their height once Venus glides into your sign from 25th. Better warn others you are a heart-melter and perhaps a heart-breaker too!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


And for more regular posts, join me on Instagram


See you there!






January 2021

Our shared planetary picture

We have an interesting month ahead with two strong lunations.  New Moon in Capricorn on 13th falls on transformational Pluto, marking a powerful new cycle for us all (in different areas of life for each sign).  And Full Moon in Leo on 28th involves Jupiter, Mars and Uranus, giving us a big and boisterous, unpredictable planetary cocktail…

On 6th Mars leaps into Taurus and will be in pursuit of satisfying the senses and building things.  Meanwhile Uranus goes direct on 14th, also in Taurus which means weare ready to express ourselves in a less compromised way.  And when Mars joins Uranus from 16th – 20th, anything could happen!  This is a rebellious combination, unwilling to follow direction or orders from anywhere.  Currencies or financial models may take an unexpected turn.  But on a creative level, it gives energy and deep originality (again in different areas of life for each sign).

Our minds should be operating at their most positive as Mercury joins Jupiter in Aquarius on 11th.  Make a note of any good ideas you have then!  The Sun meets up with Saturn on 24th which is good for focusing on long-term group plans.  And Venus and Pluto join forces on 27th – 28th adding emotional intensity to the already intense Full Moon.  We could see some big changes this month!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Venus is helping your professional life from 8th.  This is good for getting backing and support from people in positions of authority.  Do not be afraid to ask for favours or support if you think it could help you.  New Moon on 13th also falls in this area of your solar chart.  This marks a new cycle and as Pluto is only one degree away, this could be a transformational fresh start with father-figures, career or social status.  This is actually a better day to make New Year’s resolutions than Jan 1st!

Your ruling planet Mars leaves your sign on the 6th and moves into the 2nd House of your solar chart.  This heats up your urge to deal with money, possessions, security and values. Uranus is already sitting here and when Mars moves in, it joins Uranus from the 16th to the 20th.  This is not a time for compromise but a time for striking out in your own original direction.  And others will just have to get used to that…

As the month progresses, the emphasis moves to your 11th house of friend, groups, community, society and humanitarian ideals, especially from the 19th when the Sun illuminates these matters.  This new emphasis is echoed in the year ahead too, as Saturn and Jupiter moved in to this area of your solar chart in mid-December.  Jupiter and Saturn chips it brings growth and expansion an opportunity in one or more of these areas and campaigns come into this and politics.  And Saturn brings responsibilities or lessons in some way.

This is where the Full Moon on 28th that we mentioned earlier comes in.   Mars and Uranus are at 90*to the Moon and Jupiter is close to the Sun.  This gives it an extra emphasis which should help to propel you forward to and this might come in quite unexpected ways but it could be quite exciting as well which is some thing that Aries usually welcomes.

Have a good month!


Taurus:   Your ruling planet Venus may help ‘the money of others’ to come your way until 8th but Venus then glides for the rest of the month through your 9th House of travel, deep study, philosophy and ‘the truth’, helping to bring pleasure and good relations with people from different countries and cultures.  New Moon on 13th falls in this area of your solar chart too and also lands on Pluto, making it a regenerative fresh start.  If you have been considering adding a spiritual practice or studies to your life, now could be a good time to start.

On 6th Mars leaps into your sign (as it does approximately every two years).  This is a change of gear and energy settings around how you see yourself and how you go into the world.  Every planet has a metal which best describes it.  And for Mars this is the metal is iron which describes your determination to push your goals forward.  Others beware!  You will have no trouble being assertive, unless you veer into aggression which (of course) we would all like to avoid…

As Uranus has already been shaking up your sense of self for almost two years, when Mars joins forces with it (especially from 16th – 20th), you will want to strike out in a way that truly expresses who you now are.

Your worldly status got a boost from Jupiter and Saturns’ arrival at the top of your chart last month.  Mercury is full of ideas but then goes retrograde on 30th but the Sun brings warmth and light here from 19th.  Full Moon on 28th in your mother and home zone involves Jupiter and also triggers Mars and Uranus.  Venus meets Pluto on the same day, so expect emotional intensity and an awakening…

Have a good month!


Gemini:    Relationships run smoothly for the first eight days of the month and then Venus joins Pluto and the Sun in your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing.  You could benefit from ‘the money of others’ or become more aware of the power of money (or sex) when Venus joins Pluto on 27th – 28th.  But before that there is a New Moon on 13th, also involving Pluto which marks a deep new cycle in one or more of these areas of life.

Meanwhile your ruling planet Mercury is thinking hard about travel, deep studies, different cultures, philosophy and ‘the truth’.  Ethics and legal matters may come into this too.  Jupiter and Saturn activated this part of your solar chart last month and the Sun’s arrival on 19th sheds light on some of the things you have been wondering about.  Mercury goes retrograde on 30th though which will require a period of further thought.

Mars is busy with friends, groups and community until 6th.  It then leaps into your 12th House of the unconscious.  Uranus has been stirring things up here over the pasttwo years and the arrival of Mars will make it impossible to ignore the messages your unconscious is presenting you with.  Dreams can be informative, pay attention to their content.

Full Moon on 28th falls in your communications zone and triggers your beliefs and your unconscious.  You could also get involved in charities connected to the law, different countries or belief systems.  Creativity behind the scenes and your online world could take off too!

Have a good month!


Cancer:    Just when you thought relationship or partnership issues had calmed down and things were getting sweeter (helped along by Venus).  The New Moon on 13th shakes everything up again.  This is a fresh start though and a transformational one too as Pluto is very close by.  Start as you hope to go on.

Mars leaves your ambitions, father, career and social status zone from 6th and moves into your 11th House of friends, groups and community.  This adds extra energy and determination to group projects or campaigns.  As Uranus is already shaking things up here, you can expect further dynamic surprises, especially around Full Moon on 28th.  Friends, groups and communities you belong to can help to bring an awakening to you.

Mixed messages are coming from your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone.  The new arrivals of Jupiter and Saturn bring expansion and contraction while the Sun brings hope from 19th but Mercury goes retrograde from 30th, as further thought is needed on one or more of these matters.

The Full Moon on 28th has Jupiter (planet of growth, expansion and opportunity) alongside the Sun and the Mars – Uranus conjunction at 90° to it.  This will be a ‘big’ Full Moon in terms of repercussions!

Have a good month!


Leo:    Romance, creativity and dealings with children go well until 8th, then Venus moves on into your work, health and service to others zone.  This helps you to find pleasure in your daily rituals and in your dealings with colleagues and daily companions (including pets).  New Moon on 13th also falls in this area of your solar chart marking a fresh cycle.  It also lands on Pluto, planet of transformation which could indicate a transformational new way forward.  This could take be a new regime, job, daily routine, voluntary position or pet.

Your ambitions will get activated by hot, energetic Mars from 6th when it leaps into your 10th House of father, career and social status.  The time for action is here!  Uranus has also been shaking things up here since 2019 and when Mars joins in, who knows where this could go?  This is no time for compromise.  Make your mark!  It will be full of originality.  Mars and Uranus actually meet from 16th – 20th and get triggered by the Full Moon on 28th too.

Relationships and partnerships are big news this month too.  Jupiter and Saturn made their dramatic entry into your opposite sign last month and will stay for many months bringing both opportunities and restrictions or responsibilities.  Your ruling planet the Sun warms things up and gives light from 19th.  But Mercury goes retrograde on 30th to review recent thoughts or communications.

Have a good month!


Virgo:    Home is enjoyable as the month begins, then from 8th Venus brings pleasure through romance, children and creativity.  New Moon on 13th marks a fresh cycle here too and with Pluto nearby, this could be a transformational new cycle in your love life, dealings with children or creativity

Mars leaps into your 9th House on 6th, spuring you into action on the travel, studies, cultural, ethical and spiritual front.  Uranus which has been carrying out a 15-month review here goes direct on 14th, ready to sweep in changes and when Mars joins forces with it from 16th – 20th, there will be no going back!

Another big emphasis this month (and this year) is your work, health and service to others zone.  Jupiter and Saturn both moved into this area of your solar chart last month, in search of growth and structure and perhaps bringing opportunity for you to become an authority in some way.

Your daily routine, self-care and well-being need to be high on your list of priorities.  You can also help others to prioritise theirs likewise, especially once the Sun warms this area of your chart from 19th.  Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde here on 30th, so a review is dues but you will proceed with surety once Mercury goes direct (on 21st Feb).

Full Moon on 28th falls in your spiritual House and forms a dramatic aspect to Jupiter in your work and health zone and also to Mars and Uranus in your 9th House of exploration.  This will trigger you to make your beliefs active: be that a symbolic journey, reaching out to people from different countries or cultures, publishing something with impactful content, having a strong presence online or carrying out in depth research of your own.  We know that as a helpful Virgo, you will also be helping us all along too.

Have a good month!


Libra:    Communications go well until 8th as your ruling planet Venus smooths things along.  Its focus then moves on to your 4th House of mother and home.  Things are starting to calm down a little here compared to the past two years.  And New Moon here on 13th with Pluto is a powerful new cycle of regeneration in one or more of these areas of life.  Are you planning to move home or make major changes in your existing home or major changes in your personal development?  Now would be a good time.  Dealings with mother figures or bring a mother may undergo a transformation too!

On 6th Mars leaves your opposite sign and leaps into your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone.  It also joins Uranus here from 16th – 20th which can bring sudden changes to your finances involving others (e.g. partners, tax departments, loan companies or inheritances.  Your intimate life could take an unexpected turn or you could be struck by revolutionary zeal to recycle or redistribute earth’s resources.

The other lively area of your solar chart this month is your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  Jupiter and Saturn recently moved in here looking for expansion and results.  The Sun illuminates and energises these matters from 19th but then Mercury goes retrograde here from 30th, calling for a review of some kind.

Full Moon on 28th falls in your friends, groups and community zone but this too sparks off the urge for expansion regarding romance, children or creativity and also has repercussions in your shared zone.  This could be hot romance, a creative triumph or having to pay off a partner’s or child’s debts (or vice versa).  It looks pretty interesting whichever!

Have a good month!


Scorpio:    Finances start the month looking rosy but from 8th the focus changes to communications.  New Moon on 13th marks a fresh start here in some way and as your ruling planet Pluto is nearby, this could be a transformational new start.  Old ways of thinking are up for grabs.  And if you have been thinking about taking (or giving) a course, this would be a great time to start.  Relations with neighbours, traders or siblings could also start afresh.  Self-talk can be transformed too.

Mars leaps into your relationships and partnerships zone on 8th, joining Uranus which has been shaking things up there for almost two years.  These two planets dislike compromise and want to express themselves without restraint.  And when they fully meet from 16th – 20th, anything could happen…  The Full Moon on 28th triggers off relationships too and Jupiter’s involvement makes the reaction even bigger.

Jupiter and Saturn freshly in your 4th House of mother and home are calling for expansion and concrete outcomes on the home front, be that the physical home, emotional conditions within it or dealings with mother-figures.  Self-nurture and personal development come into this too.  The Sun helps to illuminate everything from 19th which is helpful.  Mercury goes retrograde on 30th to review recent ideas or communications but all of these matters will be a big focus in the year ahead.

Venus joins your ruling planet Pluto from 27th and you may find yourself having an almost obsessive attraction to someone.  Your patterns of power in relationships may come up too.  Transformation should come about through equal relating, not the power of one over the other.  What is your usual pattern?  Can you talk about it?

Have a good month!


Sagittarius:    You remain darling of the zodiac for the first week of January, as Venus continues to glide through your sign.  It then moves into your finance zone which could help things to look rosier.  The New Moon on 13th falls into this area of your solar chart too, marking a new cycle.  And with Pluto close by, this could be a radical new cycle.  Is it time to make an audit or a budget?   Or can you slim down your possessions and get investments more closely in line with your value system?  Or could you create a new form of income?  On 28th when Venus joins Pluto, the power of money could become apparent too…

On 6th Mars moves out of your romance, children and creativity zone and into your 6th House.  This zaps up work and health issues and you will be more pro-active in attending to matters that need seeing to.  Relations with colleagues or daily companions may be more heated but you will be willing to walk the extra mile to be of service to others.  Uranus has already been shaking up matters here for some time and when Mars joins forces from 16th – 20th, you may want to change your daily routine (or work) completely!

Communications are a big focus now, since Jupiter and Saturn moved last month into this area of your solar chart.  The Sun brings things to light from 19th regarding how you think, speak or express yourself.  Dealings with neighbours, siblings and traders come into this too and have you thought of taking or giving a course of some kind?  Mercury goes retrograde on 30th requiring further thought about all of this but it will be a strong focus for the year ahead!

Full Moon on 28th is a dramatic one and challenges some of your ideas.  Your beliefs may be called into question.  And in terms of being of service, what would a pure, uncompromised expression of your goodwill look like?

Have a good month!


Capricorn:    Jupiter and Saturn may have left your sign last month but there is still plenty going on!  The Sun ball remains in your court until 19th radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  Mercury lends you mental energy too until 8th and Venus glides into your sign the same day, making you darling of the zodiac until early Feb.

New Moon on 13th is in your sign and falls on Pluto, making it especially potent.  This marks a deep new cycle and is your personal New Year and a better time to make resolutions for the year ahead than Jan 1st.  So what would you like to achieve in terms of personal transformation this year?

Mars has been generating ‘energy’ in your mother and home zone for the past six months but moves on from 6th.  This adds heat, conflict or passion to dealings with romance, children and creativity.  Uranus has been shaking things up here for a long while and when Mars joins forces with it from 16th – 20th you will want to do your own thing and others will have to get used to that!

Finances are looking lively but complicated and Full Moon on 28th in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone looks interesting too as Jupiter is close to the Sun and Mars and Uranus are at 90° to both the Sun and Moon.  This may impact your or a partner’s finances (hard to say whether for better or worse).  A lover, child or creative project could be involved too.

Have a good month!


Aquarius:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change.  The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 19th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st.  Many Happy Solar Returns!  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Your ruling planet Uranus goes direct on 14th in your father, career and social status zone.  This completes a four-month review of whether you have been compromising too much in any of these areas.  Mars is hot on the case too from 6th and when it joins Uranus from 16th – 20th, there will be no stopping you!  If you have been kindling any ambitions, now is the time to send them into visible orbit!  And with the Sun joining Jupiter and Saturn (freshly in your sign) from 19th, little can stop you!

Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius from 30th indicating some things will need re-tweaking but once direct (from Feb 21st), it will be full speed ahead once again.

New Moon on 13th involves Pluto and falls in your 12th House.  This marks a deep new cycle looking at healing (yourself and others), the collective unconscious, your online life, charities and creativity behind the scenes.  Whereas Full Moon on 28th falls in your relationships and partnerships (professional or personal) zone and stimulates growth and changes to your social status…

Have a good month!


Pisces:    People in authority continue to look kindly on you during the first week of the month, then the focus changes to friends, groups, community, society and humanitarian ideals.  New Moon falls here on 13th, incorporating Pluto which marks an intense new cycle.  Friends, groups, communities campaigns or organisations can help to bring about transformation for you and vice versa.

Meanwhile Mars leaps into your communications zone on 6th making you active (and perhaps feistier) on the verbal front.  This gives energy for writing, physical movement, trading and being more pro-active with neighbours and siblings.  Uranus which has been bringing changes here since 2019 also goes direct on 14th, completing a four-month review.  Having examined whether or not you have been compromising too much in these matters, you are ready to be a revolutionary force once again.  And when Mars catches up with Uranus (from 16th – 20th) you will express yourself freely and completely in the way you want to!

Another big focus this month is your 12th House of the unconscious.  Jupiter and Saturn both moved into this area of your solar chart last month.  Healing yourself (and others) is now high on the agenda.  Creative work behind the scenes and your online life can be helpful too.

Full Moon on 28th falls in your work, health and service to others zone.  It also involves Jupiter which is looking for growth in your compassionate, creative or spiritual life.  The Sun is also shedding light on your inner workings which can help with healing.  The Mars – Uranus meet-up is looking for new ways of thinking too.  Old ways of thinking have had their day.  Take any negative self-talk out of the equation and express yourself!

Have a good month!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


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See you there!



November 2020 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

Jupiter conjuncts (meets) Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn once again this month which is the planetary marker for our present pandemic. This happened in March and July and although Saturn moved into Aquarius in between, Jupiter and Pluto remained close throughout. We have the last stretch of this trio joining forces this month and half way into December. By 20th December Saturn and Jupiter will haved moved on into Aquarius. Jupiter and Pluto signal extremes and we will just have to ride out this last stretch.

Meanwhile, Mercury goes direct on 3rd, Mars on 14th and Neptune on 29th which helps to move us out of refective mode and into getting some aspects of life moving forward, different for each sign – and thank goodness for that!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Your mind may be weighed down at the start of the month as Mercury runs up against Saturn from 1st – 6th. Passions may be raised too when Venus opposes your ruling planet Mars on 8th – 9th. You will be aware of the attractiveness of others as Venus smooths your relationships and partnerships until 21st. But parents or authority figures may disapprove of your choices or you may be aware that partners and your ambitions may not be compatible… Communications in partnerships should improve though from 3rd, when Mercury goes direct.

Your ruling planet Mars goes direct too on 14th which will come as a relief after treading water for the past two months getting nowhere fast! Hopefully you will have used this time to reassess your approach and can now harness your dynamism in an impactful way!

Joint funds, intimacy and sharing are other active areas this month. ‘The money of others’ (or lack of it may effect your finances too though it is hard to say whether that will be for better or worse. A new cycle begins here with New Moon on 15th.

Travel or exploring different realms of knowledge is well-starred from 21st and can even help to heal internal wounds. Neptune goes direct too on 29th which helps your conscious to be a better friend. Charitable acts or creativity behind the scenes can start to move forwards too. Do your bit financially or compassionately or both!


Taurus:    Communications with colleagues and daily companions start to improve from 3rd when Mercury goes direct and Venus makes work, daily rituals and tending yourself on a physical level, a pleasure until 21st. Relations with colleagues and daily companions go well too (including pets). The only thing in the way of your daily pleasures are ethical, legal, study or travel demands or restrictions which have been an ongoing issue for most of the year…

Your unconscious starts being more helpful from 14th when Mars goes direct. You will also be able to move forward with revised ways of putting your compassion into action. Creativity behind the scenes can also start moving again. Spiritual practices are well-starred too.

Relationships and partnerships are a strong focus all month. New Moon on 15th also falls here, marking a fresh start in some way. From 21st Venus glides into your opposite sign, highlighting the attractions of others and bringing harmony and pleasure. And when your ruling planet Venus opposes Uranus in your sign on 26th – 27th, you could have a romantic or creative awakening. This could be one of the most exciting points of the year!

Neptune goes direct on 29th in your friends, groups and community zone. Any uncertainty around whether to ‘friendzone’ someone or not starts to become clearer and ideals around friends, groups, community or campaigns can move forward once again.


Gemini:    Your ruling planet Mercury goes direct on 3rd in your romance, children and creativity zone which helps communications along and any recent misunderstandings can be sorted out Venus is helping to smooth things along here too until 21st but runs up against the three heavy-weight planets in Capricorn from 14th – 19th. The weighty issues of joint funds (including taxes, debts and inheritances) intimacy and sharing can overshadow Venus’s rosy glow…

Mars goes direct on 14th in your friends, groups and community zone. You can now take action, having reviewed one or more of these issues over the past two months. New Moon on 15th marks a fresh start for you in work, health or service to others. This is a good point to start a new health regime, job or volunteer work. Making adjustments to your daily routine can have a big impact on your well-being too. Explore this.

There may be conflict between your individual needs and partnership needs around 29th, in the lead up to Full Moon in your sign on the morning of 30th. There is a partial lunar eclipse too which may make it more difficult to fathom your feelings and what to do about them.

The last planet to change direction this month is Neptune which goes direct on 29th. This completes a review of your ideals around your career or social status, fatherhood or dealings with authority-figures. With clearer ideals hopefully now in place, you can go ahead and apply them.


Cancer:    Communications at home or with mother-figures should start to improve fom 3rd when Mercury goes direct. There may be differences of opinion with partners though until 6th. Venus is trying to smooth things along at home, especially plans for your home (and perhaps your personal development which may run into resistance from partners around 14th – 19th.

Romance or creativity could very likely take your mind off this. There could be question marks too around whether you have ‘friend-zoned’ someone too hastily. A new or unusual friend or group could get your creative juices flowing. Children could be stimulating and good fun too. And New Moon on 15th marks a fresh start in one or more of these matters.

Mars is the second planet to go direct this month. From 14th you can start to move forwards with your ambitions (or social status) once again. Mars has been retrograde since early-September which has been an opportunity to reflect on how you have been pursuing your goals. Now that movement is possible again, you will hopefully have a better approach to try.

Neptune goes direct on 29th in your 9th House of travel, deep studies, beliefs, ethics and principles. This completes a review of your ideals. And now you can set them in motion!


Leo:    Your thought processes have been under review since mid-October but on 3rd that review is complete and you can move forward with more self-awareness and hopefully a better mindset that will help communications too. Venus helps you to relate with charm until 21st, although the demands of work, health or service to others competes for your attention.

Mars goes direct in your travel, ethics and legal zone on 14th. This completes a nine-week review of how you have been pursuing your studies, legal matters or long-distance plans. And now you can move forward with a hopefully more effective strategy.

Mother and home are a strong focus this month. New Moon on 15th marks a new beginning around home, dealings with mother-figures, self-nurture or personal development. Venus glides into this same area of your solar chart from 21st which helps to smooth all of the above. You may also find yourself wanting to beautify your home or share its pleasures with others. There could also be a surprise here or a new creative idea around 26th – 27th.

Neptune goes direct on 29th in your joint funds, intimacy and shared zone, completing a five-month review. You may benefit from ‘the money of others’ or find dreamy intimacy or a spiritual union or make a donation to a cause you believe in. Applying your ideals is once again possible and is also important.


Virgo:    Your ruling planet Mercury goes direct on 3rd, helping you to think more clearly and communicate better about finances, values and security. Venus in the same area of your solar chart until 21st, usually makes finances look rosier but the demands of romance, children or creativity could challenge that. Jupiter and Pluto could present extremes or intensity of some kind here too.

Mars goes direct on 14th in your 8th House of joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances, intimacy and sharing. This completes a two-month review of how you have been dealing with these areas. Hopefully now clearer, you can apply your conclusions.

New Moon on 15th falls in your 3rd House of communications. Is there a course you would like to study or teach or a new form of exercise that you would like to try?

Relationships and partnerships have been under review since late-June but on 29th Neptune goes direct and you can start to make your partnership ideals, a reality.


Libra:    Your ruling planet Venus is gracing your sign until 21st, making you darling of the zodiac for most of the month! Others will be well-aware of your charms, although the demands of mother and home may feel burdensome and get in the way of enjoying your popularity mid-month. Mercury goes direct in Libra too on 3rd which helps to dissolve any recent misunderstandings.

Mars goes direct in your opposite sign on 14th which helps you to make progress in relationships and partnerships. Partners may feel less blocked too.

Finances are also a focus this month. You will be thinking about them from 10th onwards and things may look rosier from 21st. The Sun lights up your 3rd House from 21st. This helps you to think more clearly and communicate better which can help to heal partnerships.

Neptune goes direct on 29th which enables you to take steps in moving towards your ideals, regarding work, health and service to others. Decide what you would like to achieve here, as the path is open once again.


Scorpio:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 21st, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Having hopefully got to the root of recent unhelpful thought processes, Mercury goes direct on 3rd and moves back into your sign on 10th. This is a bit like finding your voice once again. Use it well. Meanwhile Venus is trying to fix any irregularities between your conscious and unconscious mind. Help it along.

Mars goes direct too on 14th in your work, health and service to others zone. This should release some of the energy that has been caught up in reviewing work and health matters and your overall well-being. With this 9-week review now complete, you can start to put your conclusions into action. This applies to your daily routine and rituals, work, health and service to others. It will be a relief to be able to move forward once again!

New Moon in your sign on 15th marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make resolutions that will help to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead! First of all you will need to work out just what your emotional needs are and then what you can do to fulfil them. Venus moves into your sign on 21st which heightens your charms and makes you more likely to attract the kind of attention you are looking for. Partners or relationships may surprise you in an enlivening way around 26th – 27th.

Neptune goes direct on 29th in your romance, children and creativity zone. This completes a five-month review of looking at past ideals which may no longer be helpful and allows you to move forward with a clearer ideal that can be achieved. Trust your instincts and feel your way forward.


Sagittarius:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Your ruling planet Jupiter catches up with Pluto this month which can result in extremes. We certainly have this collectively but on a Sun-sign level, Sagittarians will experience this in their finance zone. This can have an impact on your income, money, possessions, values or self-esteem. Non-material sources of security can be a helpful area to explore, including creativity and belief systems. New Moon on 15th also favours spiritual practices and active compassion.

Mercury goes direct on 3rd which helps to resolve any misunderstandings with friends, groups and your community. And Mars goes direct on 14th which marks the end of a review and allows you to move ahead with matters connected to romance, children and creativity.

Venus spends the first three weeks of the month smoothing relations with friends, groups and community (although money could be a bone of contention around 14th – 19th).

Neptune goes direct in your mother and home zone on 29th. Having reviewed your ideals over the past five months, can you now make them a reality?


Capricorn:    Communications improve with father or authority figures from 3rd but still remain serious until 6th. And you have their goodwill on your side too until 21st but all of this may require you to examine yourself. Are you ready for an improvement in social status? Perhaps the obstacle in your way is yourself… Make sure you do not get in your own way, especially around 14th – 19th.

Mars goes direct too on 14th which should help to get things moving on the home front. Any projects which have been on hold are once again viable and any decisions you have made around how to deal with mother-figures (or as a mother-figure) can now start to be put in place. The same applies to self-nurture and personal development.

Friends, groups and community are a blessing this month, especially from 21st. Enjoy the pleasures they bring. New Moon on 15th also falls in this area of your solar chart and marks a new cycle in some way. And if there is a campaign you are interested in, this could be both interesting and socially enjoyable.

Neptune goes direct on 29th also helping to sort out communications in so far as you will be clearer and less of a conundrum to the people around you. Your creative flow will also be strong. Writing, dance, art and music can be outlets for the imagery that has been building up in your mind. Share your creative vision!


Aquarius:    Travel, studies and legal matters become easier after Mercury goes direct on 3rd and easier still from 7th. Venus helps you to enjoy the company of people from different countries, cultures and belief systems. This might shake up some of your unconscious assumptions and internal settings though around 14th – 19th which may be no bad thing! Jupiter gets ever closer to Pluto and Saturn and meets Pluto mid-month. These two planets are pushing for transformation to take place here and this meeting might help.

Mars goes direct on 14th in your communications zone. This releases more mental energy as Mars has-been reviewing how you use your mental and physical energy. Time to move around more physically! You may be more assertive in your dealings with siblings or neighbours too.

From 21st Venus is smoothing your path in your interactions with father or authority figures, career and social status. If you need favours from people in influential positions, be sure to ask. New Moon on 15th also falls in this area of your solar chart, marking a fresh start careerwise or in your social status or with authority -figures.

Neptune goes direct on 29th in your finance zone, after being retrograde since late-June. This has been a period of review, looking at where your true values lie. Where you earn, invest, spend and donate your money should fall in line with these values. We are here for the benefit of others, not just ourselves and once Neptune is direct, you can do something about that.


Pisces:    Intensity in friendships, groups or community build up this month as Jupiter joins forces with Pluto, both looking for growth and transformation. Mercury goes direct too on 3rd which helps communications around joint funds, intimacy and sharing. Venus is helping things along here too but bumps into the three big planets in your friendship zone from 14th – 19th. An area of ‘friendzoning’ might need looking at.

Financial movement becomes possible again once Mars goes direct on 14th. You have had a two-month review looking at your values and ways of generating an income or a sense of security. Mars going direct now releases the energy and determination to push ahead with your conclusions.

New Moon on 15th marks a fresh start in your 9th House of travel, studies and ethics. If physical travel is not possible, exploring the higher mind is, whether through studies, interacting with people from different cultures or spiritual practices.

Your ruling planet Neptune has been going retrograde in your sign since late-June. This may have been a bit like looking for yourself… And the good news is Neptune goes direct on 29th, enabling you to move forward with the ideals that are still intact and perhaps with a better idea of how to make them a reality. You can now pursue your dream.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK). And to find out more about the benefits of astrology or more about me, visit

And or more regular postings, join me on Instagram


See you there!

October 2020 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

Pluto the slowest and last of the three heavy-weight planets moving through Capricorn goes direct on 4th, so forward movement is possible once again on the structural, governmental and hierarchy front. Mars retrograde in Aries is unhappy with this and continues to rail against restrictions but largely to no avail.

Mercury goes retrograde in Scorpio on 14th, taking us all back to review our recent communications, in different areas of life for each sign. And from 28th Mercury goes even further back into Libra to revew other matters that may be lingering behind what appears to be the problem.

Venus is gliding through Virgo for most of the month which can help us all tend to our physicality with more care. The New Moon in Libra on 16th (at 20.32 BST) squares Pluto. So this new cycle (in different areas of life for each sign) needs you to add an extra transformational element to it.

We also have two Full Moons this month, one on 1st (at 22.06 BST). And one on 31st (at 15.50 BST, so for that one, the build-up is the night before on 30th). This second Full Moon meets one of the definitions of a ‘blue moon’. It also happens to fall on Uranus in Taurus which should make it memorable. Change is in the air!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Your ruling planet Mars has another challenging month running up against authority figures which can be frustrating! From 4th at least they are moving forwards (which is an improvement on last month) but Mars is still retrograde, hopefully looking at where he has been going wrong. Reflecting is not a favourite activity for Mars but we all have to work on our self-awareness from time to time (in fact fairly often). And now is such a time for the Aries warrior!

Partners may not be too sympathetic either and could oppose your plans, especially around 14th when the Sun is opposite Mars… Misunderstandings may need to be sorted out from 28th when Mercury comes back to iron out what was said, meant or done a few weeks ago. Venus helpfully glides in to smooth things over from 28th though which should help to resolve matters. New Moon on 16th also marks a fresh cycle in relationships and partnerships in some way.

Venus is working quite hard this month and tries to make amends with any authority figures you may have been clashing with recently or within any hierarchies you may have disrupted. Be glad of peacemakers. And borrow a leaf from their book for future use!

Mercury goes retrograde in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone on 14th. Full Moon on 31st could also bring up a stark difference between you and your partner’s views on security, how money should be spent or on issues around intimacy… At least things are finally out in the open!


Taurus:    Travel, study or cultural prospects should start to improve from 4th when Pluto goes direct or your outlook at least feels more optimistic. This completes a six-month deep review, looking at your beliefs and your place in the world. There are still unconscious processes operating though. What could they be? Answering this question may require you to delve deep! There could be a conflict too between compassionate commitments and the opportunity to travel.

Your ruling planet Venus is well-placed this month, offering pleasure through romance, children and creativity. Sports could be fun too which fits in with the New Moon on 16th which falls in your work, health and service to others zone. This is the perfect time to start a new regime! Give your work and daily routine a good look too. Your beliefs will have some impact on this. Something has to change.

Mercury, planet of thought and communications goes retrograde from 14th in your relationships and partnerships zone. It also opposes Uranus in your sign on 7th and on 20th which could unearth unexpected information or surprising communications that challenge your usual way of being and thinking about relationships. There may be conflict between your usual way of being and partnership needs too around 30th, in the lead up to Full Moon in your sign in the afternoon of 31st. This Full Moon will be challenging you to dare to make a change. Gather your courage and take that step!


Gemini:    Your chances of benefitting from ‘the money of others’ heightens from 4th when Pluto goes direct. The three planets that have been weighing down your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing for a long time, are finally all moving forwards once again and by the end of the year, two of them will have completed their stay in this area of your solar chart and will have moved on. (The 8th House covers the transformational processes of life: birth, sex and death and also joint funds including taxes, debts, inheritances and sharing in general).

Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 14th in your work, health and service to others zone. This is an opportunity to review communications with colleagues and to review your regime and daily routine. From 28th Mercury moves even further back to review matters connected to romance, children or creativity. So give this your attention too.

Venus spends most of the month gliding through your mother and home zone. And you may find yourself wanting to beautify your home and share its pleasures with others through entertaining.

Mercury opposes Uranus on 7th and 20th, once going forwards and then going backwards. This can bring flashes of insight into how your work, health and daily routine impact your mental health and vice versa. Full Moon in the afternoon of 31st also falls on Uranus which brings this axis even more strongly to your attention. Listen to what it has to tell you.


Cancer:    Your ambitions and will to push forward with your career or social status runs up against such a strong challenge from partners or partnerships that you have to stop in your tracks to carry out a review of how you have been trying to achieve your goals. Dealings with father or authority figures could also be a part of this and perhaps your own authority may be called in to question too.

Mars the planet of drive, assertiveness, applying your will, the assertive side of sexuality, use of physical energy and dealings with men is retrograde all month. You cannot proceed as planned. But Pluto goes direct on 4th which means that the three major planets in your partnerships zone are at least all now moving forwards. So some movement is possible, albeit not what you planned.

Venus spends most of the month in your 3rd House which helps you to communicate well and manage any tricky situations. Short journeys could be pleasurable as could interations with siblings and neighbours. Physical exercise can be a pleasure too. Walking and talking can also be a helpful way of discussing difficult subjects with partners around 18th – 24th.

New Moon on 16th falls in your 4th House of mother and home. Make plans that will help you to meet your emotional, self-nurture and personal development needs in the future. We also spring into the world from the home, so getting your base right will help your worldly ambitions. Pluto is challenging this New Moon, so deep transformation is being called for. Go with it!


Leo:    Finances should look a bit rosier this month as Venus glides through your 2nd House from 2nd – 28th. Although ‘the money of others’ may cloud the picture around 17th -18th as Venus runs up against Neptune but Jupiter then immediately lifts your income prospects, as do Pluto and Saturn until 24th.

You will be pleased to know that Pluto goes diect on 4th in your work, health and service to others zone which means that all three heavy-weight planets that have been sitting there all year (and longer) are now moving forwards (and two will have moved out of this area of your solar chart before the end of the year). Mars remains challenged all month, trying to get things done on the travel, education, ethics, publishing and legal front. But being retrograde and square three stronger planets, it is difficult to make headway.

Mercury goes retrograde in your mother and home zone on 14th to review communications and movement regarding home and mother-figures. This may include your recent role if you are a mother-figure yourself. From , 28th Mercury moves even further back to examine to what extent your thoughts and mindset have been behind any misunderstandings.

The second Full Moon of the month on 31st falls in your father, career and social status zone. This shows up any tension between parents and whether the demands of mother and home impede your ambitions. We spring into the world from the home and if home is not quite right, giving our best shot in the world can be compromised. What needs to change?


Virgo:    Matters around romance, children and creativity should start to improve after Pluto goes direct on 4th. This has been a weighty area for some time now but finally the three planets weighing things down will all be moving forwards, so progress is within sight.

Mars spends the entire month squaring these same three planets. This is coming from your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. Plans or passionate intentions may have to wait for now, until Mars gets clear of ‘the big three (Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) blocking the way.

Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 14th making communications more difficult, perhaps especially so with neighbours or siblings. This is a time to review how you have been communicating and thinking in general. Your recent patterns of physical movement could be an area to look at too. From 28th Mercury takes a further step back to look at finances, values and security which may in some way be causing the communication issues.

The best thing this month though is Venus gliding through your sign from 2nd to 28th. This makes you darling of the zodiac and we cannot help noticing your lovely qualities and attractiveness. Enjoy the adoration!


Libra:    An angry partner or discordant relationship could put paid to any peace at home this month, just as things were starting to move forwards… You are not the one stirring things up but you may have quite a job trying to calm them down. Your ruling planet Venus is working overtime trying to bring calm and reason to the situation and most importantly of all: dialogue.

Mercury planet of communication goes retrograde on 14th too which may not be the most helpful of things, especially when finances are being discussed. It also moves back into your sign from 28th and you may find yourself questioning your role and communication patterns and to what extent they may have played a part in the present situation… Do not be afraid to take an honest look.

The Sun ball remains in your court until 22nd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. And New Moon on 16th is in your sign, marking a new cycle in your domestic or emotional life. Pluto is square this however which adds intensity and the need for deep transformation. This may involve having to let go of something (or someone) in the month or year ahead. Keep in mind that Pluto usually just removes dead wood.


Scorpio:    Your ruling planet Pluto goes direct on 4th, helping your resolve to keep your mind and communications positive. Your energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Mercury lends you mental energy too until 14th.  It then goes retrograde in your sign, retracing your communications over the past few weeks and your mindset. The Sun opposes Mars on 14th too, urging you to look at how your unconscious impacts your health and how your daily routine, work and diet impact your mental health.

Mars is challenging you all month on the work, health and service to others front. Your thinking (and I mean positive thinking) is central to your well-being. This is always the case but is even more imperative right now!

From 28th Mercury goes even further back to search your unconscious for the answer to what has been driving your thoughts. It can be helpful to have the support of a counseller or therapist on this journey. Friends, groups, organisations or community provide gentle relief from 2nd – 28th. There is comfort here. You just have to find it.


Sagittarius:    Your ruling planet Jupiter has been keeping company with heavy-weights Saturn and Pluto since last December. All three planets have been retrograde recently but the slowest moving of them all Pluto goes direct on 4th, so at last all three are moving forward once again. And you will be glad to know this is in your money, possessions, security and values zone. Progress at last! The only fly in the ointment now is Mars which is making demands in the romance, children and creativity area of your chart…

Meanwhile, Mercury goes retrograde on 14th behind the scenes. To what degree have knee-jerk reactions or your unconscious been getting in the way of achieving an understanding with others? And have you been self-sabotaging with negative self-talk? If so, it is time to iron that out! From 28th Mercury moves even further back into your friends, groups and community zone. Things need thinking through here too.

From 2nd Venus is smoothing your path in your interactions with father or authority figures, career and social status. If you need favours from people in influential positions, be sure to ask. Your ambitions are being helped along, be that professional or personal (although matters close to home may cloud the vision around 17th – 18th). Your improved standing in the world can help you to feel more secure in the world, be that financially or emotionally.

Mercury opposes Uranus on 7th and 20th raising your awareness of the impact of your work, diet and daily routine on your mental health and vice versa. Full Moon on the afternoon of 31st also lands on this axis, bringing the same message home but more emotionally. Respond to that message!


Capricorn:    You will be pleased to know that Pluto, the last of the three heavy-weight planets that have been moving backwards in your sign, goes direct on 4th and once again you can make headway. You have completed a five-month review and will hopefully now know how you need to move forward.

Your resolve is important but there are obstacles in the form of Mars which is retrograde all month, challenging your plans. This is coming from your 4th House of mother and home. This can be to do with projects related to home, dealings with mother-figures (or your own dealings as a mother-figure if you are one). Close family members may not support the changes you need to make but make them you must, for your own growth.

Self-nurture comes into this too, as does personal development. Mars retrograde means for you have to reassess your earlier approach in one or more of these areas. You have until mid-November to take a good look and then you should be ready to make progress in a more appropriate way.

Mercury goes retrograde from 14th in your friends, groups community, organisations and campaigns zone. There are things to rethink here and from 28th Mercury moves back into your 10th House to rethink some area of your worldly ambitions or dealings with authority figures too. New Moon on 16th challenges you to seek transformation too. It falls in your 10th House of father, career and social status, calling for a fresh start here in some way and the need for it to be a radical one. Now what could that be?


Aquarius:    Your unconscious starts to be more helpful from 4th when Pluto goes direct which means all three planets which have been weighing down this area of your chart are at last all moving forwards. (And by the end of the year, two will have moved on completely). Pluto going direct should help with any self-sabotage you may have fallen into and will help you to keep self-talk positive. Mars may be troublesome though, wanting to assert itself when you are communicating. You may have a shorter fuse than usual this month but try to keep a civil tongue…

Mercury opposes your ruling planet Uranus on 7th and once again on 20th (as Mercury goes retrograde on 14th). This is in your father, career and social status zone. Communications may need reviewing and when Mercury retreats even further from 28th, you may have to examine your beliefs and to what extent they have contributed to the present situation.

Venus spends most of the month in your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. This helps to bring harmony and pleasure and you may benefit from ‘the money of others’. Sharing, including yourself physically and emotionally is well-starred too.

Full Moon on 31st lands on your ruling planet Uranus showing up any conflicts between parents, emotional needs and the demands of the world and comfort versus ambitions. What changes need to be made at home? Or do you need a change OF home? We spring into the world from the home. Getting home right has an impact on your trajectory into the world. Where do you need to position yourself?


Pisces:    Pluto going direct on 4th means forward movement is once again possible regarding friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. And you hopefully now understand what direction you need to go in. This may not fit with your financial desires though… Mars is trying to push ahead to achieve a better income or more inner security but is mostly banging its head against a brick wall this month.

Mercury goes retrograde on 14th in your travel, ethics and legal zone, giving you opportunity to review your recent communications. And from 28th Mercury moves even further back to review joint funds and transformational life processes. Could they be connected to the earlier issues? Mercury also opposes Uranus on 7th and 20th, bringing insights into how our day to day communications and higher beliefs are linked. Around Full Moon on 30th – 31st this will all be raised again but more emotionally.

On a more enjoyable note, Venus glides through your opposite sign from 2nd – 28th, highlighting the attractiveness of others and smoothing your path in relationships and partnerships (including business). There may be a short hiccough when your ruling planet Neptune adds confusion around 17th – 18th. This quickly passes though and togetherness beckons.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

And or more regular postings, join me on Instagram


See you there!

September 2020 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

Some of the weight of recent months starts to inch forward in September as two of the three heavy-weight planets in Capricorn go direct after three months of all moving retrograde. Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity completes its review and goes direct on 13th followed by Saturn planet of self-discipline, hard work and boundaries on 29th.

These movements are especially significant as Jupiter and Saturn are on their final stretch in Capricorn and by late December they will be gone. Pluto remains retrograde though until next month and will stay in Capricorn, demanding further transformation of power structures and the status quo for another four years.

None of this is much consolation for Mars in Aries though which has been trying to make headway against the heavy authority of the three planets in Capricorn. This symbolises the struggle of the individual against authority. On 9th Mars goes retrograde to carry out a review of how it has been approaching its goals. Mars in Aries is not easily thwarted though and mid-November it comes back, hopefully with a winning formula.

Venus runs into opposition with Pluto and Saturn during the first week of the month (ouch!) but glides on to happier times from 6th when it moves into Leo. Self expression everyone! Remember that? If not, Venus in Leo will help to remind you!

Venus squares Uranus too on 14th – 15th which can bring about the unexpected. As opportunities for spontaneity have been so squashed recently, a surprise could be welcome!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Career prospects should look a bit brighter this month as Jupiter goes direct on 13th and Saturn on 29th in your social status zone. Pluto is still holding back, looking for deeper transformation but some movement should at least be possible.

Your ruling planet Mars is less happy though as Saturn and to some extent, Pluto are blocking it all month. The powers that be seem not to agree with your plans this month. Mars goes retrograde too on 9th to review your recent efforts and work out how best to proceed once the brakes are off (from mid-November).

Home comforts may run up against the demands of the world early in the month and you may not be able to give as much time as you would like to domestic pleasures. Opportunities for fun (and possibly romance) increase though from 6th when Venus glides into your 5th House of pleasure. This also brings opportunities for enjoyable time with children, being creative, recreation, sports (if that is your thing) and letting your hair down in general.

New Moon on 17th falls in your work, health and service to others zone – the perfect time to start a new regime, new job or volunteering position. Could your daily routine do with a shake-up too? Saturn is on hand offering any self-discipline needed. So why not go for it?


Taurus:    Travel has been on hold for most of us this year but Taureans may have felt the pinch more than most, as three heavy-weight planets have been sitting in your 9th House of exploration, deep study, philosophy, ethics and world view. They have also been moving retrograde for the past few weeks, calling for an internal review of your beliefs and your relationship with the wider world. The good news is two of them go direct this month: Jupiter on 13th and Saturn on 29th. And you can start to apply your conclusions from this review period and move forward once again.

Your ruling planet Venus runs up against these heavy-weight during the first week of the month and frustratingly, Mars does the same all month and itself goes retrograde from 9th. This calls for a review of your inner-workings, your response to those suffering and in need, your online life and your spiritual world.

Your ruling planet Venus brings harmony on the mother and home front from 6th and you may want to beautify your home and invite others to share its pleasures. This is a good time for self-nurture and for personal development too. On 14th – 15th Venus squares Uranus in your sign which challenges you to make internal changes. Make them!

New Moon on 17th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone. Recreational pleasures come into this too. Arrange fun activities for yourself.


Gemini:    Venus glides through your communications zone from 6th, adding sugar to your silver tongue and quick wit. Yes, your charm offensive is high. Others beware! Your ruling planet Mercury is whizzing ahead too and spans three signs this month, stirring up lots of mental stimulation and variety which is just how you like it.

Mars is having a more difficult month though which for Geminis means conflict or frustrations with friends, groups, organisations, community or humanitarian ideals. Admitting defeat temporarily, Mars goes retrograde on 9th to review its recent approach in one or more of these areas.

The main challenge Mars runs into are the three huge planets (Jupiter,Saturn and Pluto) currently residing in your 8th House, calling for growth and transformation in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. All three have been retrograde for months but on 13th Jupiter goes direct and Saturn follows on 29th. And yes, this means the possibility of moving out from a state of feeling stuck.

New Moon on 17th marks a fresh start in your mother and home zone. Are home conditions supporting your personal development? And have you been attending enough to self-nurture? This new cycle is an opportunity to get physical and emotional conditions in the home just right, so you can spring into the world from a healthy base.


Cancer:    Your desire to socialise early in the month, may get scuppered by opposition from partners or partnerships. And your ambitions likewise as Mars tries to square up to the same immovable objects in your partnerships zone all month. There may be a bit of give though when Jupiter goes direct on 13th and Saturn on 29th.

Mars retreats and goes retrograde from 9th to review its recent strategies. You have two months to reflect on how your approach needs to change and to decide on your goals. Then mid-November you will be ready to give your ambitions a push forwards once again.

The Sun is keeping your communications zone warm and active during the first three weeks of September and New Moon on 17th falls here too, marking a fresh start in some way. Do you need to re-establish contact with someone? Or is there a course you would enjoy taking, a new language to learn or a new form of exercise to try? If so, the planetary wind is behind you

Venus spends most of the month (from 6th) in your 2nd House, making finances look rosier and adding to your sense of security. Although there may be a surprise mid-month when friends or the call of community or humanitarian ideals question your values. Be open to looking at these from a fresh viewpoint.


Leo:    Venus is in your sign from 6th making you darling of the zodiac for the rest of the month. Your charms will be at their highest and you will effortlessly attract others to you (which might include a surprise or two mid-month!)

Venus is good for creative flow too and can have an impact on the long-term changes taking place in your ambitions, social standing or dealings with father-figures (or on your own dealings if you are a father-figure yourself).

There should be some long-awaited movement on the work and health front this month as Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity goes direct on 13th. This completes a three-month review where you have been looking at what expansion might look like. Saturn goes direct too (on 29th) providing the self-discipline and grit to put in the hard work needed to make your plans a reality.

Mars is having a difficult time this month which for Leos means frustrations over travel, education, ethics, legal matters, dealings with other cultures and your world-view. You will be keeping an eye on your finances this month too and New Moon on 17th is a perfect point to carry out an audit and put a new budget in place. Make sure it reflects your true priorities.


Virgo:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 22nd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Your ruling planet Mercury lends you mental energy too until 5th, then it moves on to look at your finances. It encounters some opposition here though around 17th, 21st and 23rd from the three heavy-weight planets (Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) still occupying your romance, children and creativity zone.

These three are also causing problems for Mars all month which is trying to make headway in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. Admitting temporary defeat, Mars goes retrograde on 9th to review its recent attempts to push ahead but returns in two months time to continue the progress already made.

Venus planet of love, harmony and relating glides through your inner-workings from 6th. This highlights your compassion for others, adds grace to your spirituality and makes your online life pleasurable. There may be surprises though mid-month when Uranus may startle you with a new awakening.

New Moon in your sign on 17th marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make resolutions that will support your emotional needs in the month and year ahead!


Libra:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Things should start to improve on the mother and home front this month as Jupiter goes direct on 13th and Saturn likewise on 29th. Pluto is going to be hanging around looking for another four years though, so long-term there will be more transformation ahead.

Your worldly ambitions may run up against unhelpful factors at home early in the month when your ruling planet Venus opposes Saturn. Partners or partnerships may run up against obstacles this month and from 9th when Mars goes retrograde, you will need to review how you have been interacting in your relationships. And assertiveness may be something to think about…

From 6th your ruling planet Venus is bringing pleasure in the form of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. There could even be a sudden attraction from this direction mid-month. Be ready for surprises!


Scorpio:    The huge process taking place in your 3rd House of thinking, communications and dealings with neighbours and siblings starts to make some progress this month, partially completing a long review which has been taking place since late-spring. Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity goes direct on 13th and Saturn likewise on 29th. This means you can start to apply any conclusions you have come to over the past three or so months. Your ruling planet Pluto has further to go though and will be demanding even more transformation over the next four years.

Mars is struggling this month however, as it squares up to these three heavy-weights and then retreats going retrograde itself from 9th. This initiates another review, this time connected to your work, health, daily routine and service to others. What adjustments need making here? You cannot make them while Mars in retrograde but once it goes direct in mid-November you should hopefully know how to move ahead.

From 6th Venus is smoothing the path in your father, career and social status zone. If you need support from authority figures, just ask, they are looking on you positively. Equally if you are an authority figure yourself (including being a parent) use your influence in the best way possible. Partners may have a surprising impact mid-month too.

New Moon on 17th falls in your 11th House, marking a fresh start with friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. What would you like this fresh start to be?


Sagittarius:    Your ruling planet Jupiter goes direct this month (on 13th) which may come as a relief in your financial life where the three heavy-weight planets Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto have been moving backwards for three months. Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity brings optimism and hope which are essential for Sagittarians. Saturn goes direct too on 29th adding self-discipline and willingness to work hard, elements which are also needed to succeed.

Mars moving through your 5th House of romance, children and creativity is having a difficult month though and it retreats on 9th and takes you back to review how you have been trying to assert yourself and to look at what changes you need to make to your approach. You have two months to ponder all of this and mid-November you can press forwards once again.

From 6th Venus is offering pleasure through travel and relations with people from different cultures or belief systems. You may enjoy learning a new language or some other course of study too. Keep an eye open for what appeals.

And New Moon on 17th falls in your father, career and social status zone. What would you like this new cycle to be about? Your role as a father or authority figure, a fresh start in your career, a new approach to your social status or all three?


Capricorn:    You may have been feeling stuck for the past few months with three heavy-weight planets moving retrograde in your sign. This has been an opportunity to review deep aspects of yourself which can now hopefully move forward in a more positive way as Jupiter goes direct on 13th and Saturn on 29th.

Relationships and partnerships may have to take second place during the first week of the month. And matters to do with mother, home, roots and foundations may be a source of frustration. Home improvement projects and personal-development plans run up against your need for control and your need to focus on processes happening deep within yourself.

Mother-figures could be a pain and if you happen to be a mother yourself, the difficulties of that role may become even more apparent than usual. Mars goes retrograde here from 9th, giving you two months to review how you have been dealing with any or all of these matters.

You may benefit from ‘the money of others’ this month as Venus glides through your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone from 6th. This is good for all three and there may be some surprises mid-month when Uranus calls for a fresh approach.

Mercury will have you thinking about father, career and social status for much of the month and the Sun arrives from 22nd to illuminate and energise one or more of your ideas. Which will it be?


Aquarius:    Venus glides into your relationships and partnerships zone on 6th and stays there harmoniously for the rest of the month, smoothing things along and making you more aware of the attractiveness of others. There may be a surprise too when Venus squares your ruling planet Uranus around 14th – 15th which can bring changes or nudge you to consider changes to your social status in some way!

Your inner-workings, creativity behind the scenes and online life start to move forwards this month when Jupiter goes direct on 13th and Saturn does likewise on 29th. This can help your spiritual development to move forwards too although there is further to go, especially during the next four years.

Communications, dealings with neighbours and siblings or short journeys may be frustrating as Mars runs up against the big-boy planets presently resident in your unconscious. Mars goes retrograde from 9th for two months to review your recent approach. Try to take out any frustrations this causes in exercise and physical movement so that the energy does not just rev around your nervous system.

New Moon on 17th falls in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone, marking a new cycle. Decide what this needs to be about and follow through.


Pisces:    There may be conflict between your individual needs and partnership needs around 1st in the lead up to Full Moon in your sign in the early hours of 2nd. The Sun is lending warmth to relationships and partnerships too until 22nd when it moves on to illuminate joint funds, intimacy and sharing.

Mars is struggling to make headway with your finances but keeps running into what is happening on the collective front. (The three heavy-weight planets in your friends, groups, organisations, community and humanitarian ideals zone). Mars goes retrograde on 9th to review recent efforts and gather itself together for a hopefully more effective approach, starting mid-November.

There is movement though this month in your collective zone as Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity completes its three-month review and goes forward on 13th. Saturn follows on 29th adding self-discipline and willingness to work hard to the mix. This is all good news.

Venus enhances your daily pleasures from 6th through good relations at work and with daily companions. Tending to your physical needs and your daily rituals are a source of pleasure too, although a new idea or new form of physical movement may shake things up mid-month.

New Moon on 17th marks a fresh start in relationships and partnerships. Define what are you hoping to find here and play your part in helping it to happen…


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK). And to find out more about the benefits of astrology or more about me, visit

And or more regular postings, join me on Instagram


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August 2020 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

Mars is forging forward in a forthright manner in its own sign Aries all month but one after another it clashes with the three heavy-weight planets in Capricorn (Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn). The urge to move forward clashes with the authorities…

Venus does not have an easy time either. It moves into Cancer on 7th and later in the month (24th onwards) faces opposition from Jupiter and Pluto. This brings up how far we are prepared to go to please authority figures and the power balance in these relationships. So we may not have a peaceful boat this month…

Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus from 15th, calling for a review of recent standards, finances and values. Also perhaps in our understanding of our bodies. A new look at creativity could come up too.

New Moon in Leo on 19th (at 03.43 BST) is looking for new creative outlets too. Do you have any in mind to try?


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.

And if you have been perturbed by articles about Ophiuchus and think you might now be a different sign, fear not! The mainstream media roll this kind of thing out every summer but they usually wait until August, official silly season…


Aries:    Your ruling planet Mars is zooming along in your sign all month but it runs up against the big boys (Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn) one by one, possibly in the form of authority figures… It could also be a clash between your personal desires and your responsibilities. Venus gets involved from the mother and home front towards the end of the month which makes you even more determined to push ahead. This should be an interesting month!

Career or matters connected to father-figures continue to be weighty. Home though can be a source of pleasure once Venus glides in from 7th. You may want to beautify your home or enjoy sharing its pleasures with others through entertaining.

Finances remain unpredictable, even more so from 15th when Uranus goes retrograde. Any changes you have made over the past two years may need looking at again. Your values may need reassessing too.

You will be thinking about romance, children and creativity from 5th to 20th when Mercury skips into your 5th House, joining the Sun which is warming things up. And New Moon on 19th marks a fresh cycle in these same areas of life. What would you like this fresh start to be?


Taurus:    Your urge to be actively compassionate to others (and perhaps yourself), spiritual and creative runs up against the deep processes happening in your travel, study and world view zone for most of the month.

This is uncomfortable as both processes need to happen. This could be a clash between your spiritual instincts and religious dogma, a longing to escape but restrictions on travel, a tricky legal situation, a troublesome online dilemma, intense interactions with people who hold different beliefs to you or bumping into conflicts between generally-held views and the collective unconscious in some way.

Your ruling planet Venus is smoothing communications from 7th but it too runs into Jupiter and Pluto (two of the four planets involved above) from 24th. You want to be co-operative but there are principles that need to be challenged and things that need saying. We trust you as a calm, reasonable, trusted Taurean to not be the messenger who gets shot. But speaking truth to power can be tricky.

Uranus goes retrograde n your sign on 15th which takes you back to review how true you have been to yourself during the opportunities for change in the past two years. You are still in the early years of a seven-year period of revolutionary personal change but have you been dodging radical options that have been open to you?

New Moon on 19th marks a new cycle in your 4th House of mother, home, roots and foundations. Self-nurture is included in this and personal development. So what are you going to feed yourself on every level?


Gemini:    Your intention to get active with friends or join group movements keeps getting scuppered this month by demands (from others) to share your resources or yourself intimately. Your individual income or sense of security gets caught up in this too from 24th onwards when Venus opposes Jupiter and Pluto. How far should you go in pleasing others? And what power dynamics are at play? Taxes, loans, debts and to inheritances can come into this too.

Venus spends the first seven days of the month in your sign, extending your recent stretch of dazzling charm (others beware!). Venus then glides into your 2nd House of money, income, possessions, security and values which all look rosier until other start making demands from 24th.

On 15th Uranus goes retrograde behind the scenes which may require you to back-pedal and review whether your more recent approach to dealing with yourself needs any adjustments. If you have over-compromised to please others, you will start to become aware of the toll this is taking on your inner-integrity. You must be true to yourself! (You have until mid-January next year to mull this over).

Your ruling planet Mercury is dashing swiftly through the signs this month and coincides with New Moon on 19th in your communications zone. Yes, your new ideas can be embarked upon. Set them in motion!


Cancer:    Your ambitions will be sharpened by Mars rocketing through your 10th House of father, career and social status all month but unfortunately it keeps running up against partnerships too… Is your partner fully behind you? It could be helpful to check. And if they are not, why is that so? It may feel very frustrating to have to deal with this right now as you are so keen to push ahead in the world but the enormous processes taking place in relationships and partnerships cannot be ignored.

You will be thinking a lot about finances this month too and up to 22nd the Sun could help you to come up with creative money-making ideas. And New Moon on 19th could be a great time to make an audit and start a new budget.

Uranus goes retrograde on 15th in your friends, groups and community zone. This calls for a review of how well your friends and associates meet your need for refreshment, renewal and excitement. And with all of this partnership intensity this year (and last), have you been neglecting the important nourishment of friends. And do your friends reflect the new you?

Venus glides into your sign too on 7th, making you darling of the zodiac. Strangely partners may not be fully pleased about this, during the last week of the month. Use that charm to reassure them. We all need to feel special from time to time.


Leo:    Mars is revving away in your 9th House of travel, study, law and ethics all month, ready to forge ahead but it runs into three heavy-weight planets in your work, health and daily routine zone which is frustrating. Achieving a sense of well-being will be one of the challenges, perhaps made more difficult with an agitated world-wide.

Venus gliding through your unconscious zone from 7th would usually help but it too opposes Jupiter and Pluto from 24th. Pleasing others in your daily life and power patterns in relationships could be an issue. How your health and mental health impact each other is another area to explore. As is translating creative inspiration into reality.

Uranus in your father, career and social status zone goes retrograde on 15th. This calls for a review of any sudden changes you made around two years ago. This could be connected to father-figures, ambitions or your public standing. Have you been too extreme or have you compromised your true ambitions?

On a positive note, the Sun ball remains in your court this month until 22nd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too from 5th – 20th. And New Moon in your sign on 19th marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make resolutions that will help to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead!


Virgo:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd! (You will have lots of mental energy too after your ruling planet Mercury’s arrival in your sign on 20th).

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Travel, study plans or your world view could take a turn from 15th when Uranus goes retrograde. Ethical matters may need to be reviewed too. Have you been compromising too much? Or have you been too exacting with yourself (and possibly others)?

Mars is trying to make headway in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone but it keeps running up against the three big planets (Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn) in your romance, children and creativity zone. And although Venus is sweetening friendships and your experiences with groups from 7th, it too runs up against these three from 24th. Look for creative solutions.


Libra:    Relationships and partnerships are full of energy this month as Mars forges forwards in your opposite sign Aries. Unfortunately Mars keeps clashing with deep processes taking place in your roots, mother and home zone though which may throw up dilemmas around whether your main commitment is to your partner or yourself?

The demands of mother and home may need your attention, so may your deep need for growth and expansion and if this does not seem possible within your relationship, could your needs be better met outside of such a relationship? Could it be time to move on? These are uncomfortable issues for Librans but perhaps they need a review.

Uranus goes retrograde on 15th in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. Things may need looking at here too. Review joint accounts and any loans, debts, taxes and inheritances. And although it may seem a strange question, have you made a will? Or do you need to adjust an existing one?

Your career path is looking rosier this month as your ruling planet Venus helps to clear the path to your worldly ambitions. This is good for getting support from influential people too. Ask them before 24th when home looms large once again!


Scorpio:    Mars is pushing forward all month, trying to make headway in your work, health and service to others zone. Meeting your daily needs feels urgent but deep processes taking place in your mind and way of thinking are causing obstacles to what Mars is trying to achieve.

Your challenge this month is to find ways of working with your mindset and your communication style and choice of words that will enable progress to be made at work, with colleagues and daily companions (including pets). Or finding a way of thinking and looking at things that will allow you to achieve a sense of well-being within yourself.

Trying to establish positive daily practices will help your head to be onboard. Dealings with neighbours and siblings need to be weighed up against your need for a daily routine that enhances your well-being too. Look for solutions.

Uranus goes retrograde in your relationships and partnerships zone from 15th. This is a time to review recent relationships and their validity in terms of who you are now.

New Moon on 19th falls in your father, career and social status zone. This marks a new cycle. What do you want it to be?


Sagittarius:    Your ruling planet Jupiter is getting challenged this month in your finance zone. Pluto nearby has been goading it to go to extremes (which has been around since last autumn) and this month Mars is being insistent and dogged in wanting to pursue pleasure (and perhaps take action regarding a love affair or children or a creative project).

Venus joins in from 24th when joint funds, loans, debts or inheritances are making demands on your personal resources. Or perhaps the hypnotic charms of a certain someone, shakes your sense of security. And what to do about that?

Uranus goes retrograde on 15th taking you back to review recent changes on the work or health front. Regarding daily routine, If you have gone to extremes in any way, you may have to re-pedal. Or likewise if you have compromised too much, it may be time to take a purer path, in line with your true self.

New Moon on 19th follows the Sun and Mercury which have been provoking thoughts about travel, studies, the world and truth. Principles and ethics are part of this new cycle. Pursue what is true!


Capricorn:    Action on the mother and home front ploughs ahead but this unsettles you on a deep level for most of the month. You are being asked to grow and as we all know, growth can be painful.

Relationships and partnerships run smoothly from 7th – 23rd with Venus gliding smoothly through your opposite sign but from 24th this too unsettles you in some way. This is an opportunity to look at power patterns in your relationships and how much you or your partner (past and present) require you to please them or vice versa.

Romance, children or creativity need some extra thought too from 15th when Uranus goes retrograde. This requires a review of how true you have been to yourself in the past two years.

New Moon on 19th falls in your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. This marks a fresh cycle in one or more of these areas. An audit of joint accounts, loans, debts, taxes and inheritances could be timely. As could looking at how open you are to intimacy.


Aquarius:    You have lots of mental energy this month but your thoughts and mind run up against huge processes taking place in your unconscious or in the collective unconscious that you are tuning into. This does not make for a peaceful state of mind so it can be helpful to get lots of exercise to get any nervous tension out of your system. Siblings or neighbours may be an annoyance too.

Venus helps health matters along from 7th (as long as you do not over-indulge) and you should enjoy carrying out your daily rituals of self-care and enjoy good relations with colleagues and daily companions. From the 24th though Venus too runs up against the planets in your 12th House that are frustrating Mars. It can be helpful to observe how your health and mental health impact each other too.

Your ruling planet Uranus goes retrograde on 15th in your mother, home, roots and foundations zone. Changes have been trying to take place here for the past two years but have you allowed them full expression or have you gone for a compromise? You have until mid-January next year to think about this. Self-nurture and personal development come into this too. What do you need to do for yourself?

There may be conflict between your individual needs and partnership needs in the lead up to Full Moon in your sign on 3rd (at 17.00 BST). In fact you will be giving relationships and partnerships lots of thought during the first three weeks of the month as Mercury passes through your opposite sign, highlighted by the Sun. New Moon on 19th also marks a fresh start in relationships and partnerships. What would you like that to be?


Pisces:    Your urge to press ahead with your finances to achieve some sort of security for yourself, keep running into major planets in your 11th House of friends, groups, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals. And as if this was not frustrating enough, even Venus (which has been creating harmony in your romance, children and creativity zone)) runs up against one or more of these issues too from 24th.

Uranus goes retrograde on 15th in your communications zone, calling you to review or change your mind about any new ways of thinking or recent ideas… Meanwhile Mercury, planet of communication is busy rushing through different terrains, landing in your partnerships zone from 20th. The Sun moves in too from 22nd. It is time to look and think again about relationships and partnerships.

The Sun and Mercury pave the way for New Moon on 19th in your 6th House of work, health and service to others. This is the perfect time to start a new regime and to add (or subtract) items in your daily routine with view to enhancing your well-being. Start as you mean to go on!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK

And or more regular postings, join me on Instagram


See you there!

July 2020 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

We have an interesting month ahead as retrograde Saturn moves back into its own sign Capricorn on 1st. Saturn has been in Aquarius since March 22nd and we have been looking at our collective accountability to one another. But with Saturn back in Capricorn, we have to take stock and look once gain at the fundamental structures of our society and world. We have until the winter solstice to do this, as Saturn then moves full-time into Aquarius (for more than a two-year stay).

Heavy-weights Jupiter and Pluto are also in Capricorn and meet once again this month (as they did late-March to early-April this year). This combination of planetary energies can lead to extremes but this time they are moving backwards. This is a second chance to look at events and issues that erupted in March and April. Jupiter and Pluto meet in Capricorn for a third and final time from late-October to mid-November…

Mercury in Cancer goes direct on 12th which smoothes communications along, especially at home. This also helps to resolve recent misunderstandings. New Moon on 20th marks a new cycle to do with nurturing and the home. This a blue moon, the second New Moon in Cancer (we had one in June too) and we have a second chance to get our nurturing and home just right, including self-nurture and relations with mother-figures.

Venus is having fun in Gemini all month, doing what it loves to do in Gemini: communicating, visiting, flirting and shopping.

And Mars is freshly in its own sign Aries for the next two months. This makes raw, dynamic action possible (in different areas of life for each sign). Mars also runs into Chiron around 10th – 15th. Chiron is an asteroid (although we astrologers speak of it as a planet) which represents a point of wounding and healing.

Mars can be abrupt in its approach, so we may need to accommodate the vulnerability of others (and perhaps our own) as we forge ahead. Direct action that helps towards a path of healing would be an ideal outcome.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries: The past few months have been frustrating for many and for Aries more than most. But all of that is now behind you as your dynamic ruling planet Mars is freshly in your sign! This is the kind of unstoppable energy that you love. And its forward-moving thrust is around for two months. What are you going to use it for?

Mid-month (10th – 15th) Mars catches up with Chiron. This is an opportunity to address any area of your internal world where you feel wounded or vulnerable. Mars is not the most sympathetic planet and it is important not to be harsh with yourself but to put a plan into action that will help your sensitive side too.

Dealings with friends, groups and community lighten up this month as Saturn leaves this area of your solar chart and heads back into its own sign Capricorn. This starts the last stretch of a long review to do with father, career and social status. Give it your attention. Jupiter and Pluto meet again in this area of your chart too which can lead to extremes. Be aware of this. And Full Moon on 5th could add extra emotion and make you aware of the conflict between the demands of the world and your emotional needs.

Mercury goes direct on 12th which helps communications at home and with mother-figures. New Moon on 20th also falls in this area of your solar chart and marks a second chance in your domestic life, roots and foundations. , This includes self-nurture and personal development. Set off on a growthful path!


Taurus: Saturn starts the month by moving out of your career zone and back into your 9th House of exploration. This requires more reflection on travel and different cultures, ethics, philosophy and your world view – continuing a personal review that has been taking place for over two years. At the same time Jupiter and Pluto meet once again in this area of your solar chart, pressing for both transformation and expansion. How can you achieve this?

Meanwhile Mars is revving in your 12th House of internal workings which adds to this shaking up of both your external and internal world. With Mars on board you will want to take things in hand which could be pursuing the mysteries of your own psychology, putting compassion and charitable instincts into action , dealing with online conflict or launching a creative project behind the scenes. And when Mars meets Chiron (planet of wounding and healing) from 10th -15th, you can take steps to put some active healing in place.

Finances are looking rosier than recently as your ruling planet Venus glides through your 2nd House of income, values and security. Communications should improve too from 12th when Mercury goes direct.

New Moon on 20th also falls in your communications zone. This is a second chance to get things right. Get your head straight and your mind working positively for you and for us all.


Gemini: Dazzling charm is yours once again as Venus stays in residence in your sign for the whole month. Your ruling planet Mercury goes direct too on 12th which helps everything along and gives a clearer view of your finances and income (which is always helpful).

On 1st Saturn moves back into your 8th House for yet another look at your joint funds. intimacy and sharing zone. You have a further six months to draw up your conclusions. Jupiter and Pluto meet up again here too this month which adds to the intensity and need for growth and expansion. Taxes, debts, inheritances and ‘the money of others’ come into this too. Full Moon on 5th also falls in this area of your solar chart and presents you with things to resolve…

Mars is forging through your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals all month, giving you energy and passion for collective activity. And campaigns close to your heart will benefit from your input, especially from 10th – 15th.

New Moon on 20th falls in your finance zone which is the perfect time to take stock and carry out an audit and draw up a budget – in line with your freshly-discovered new values. You may have tried to do this last month. But try again.


Cancer: The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 22nd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too, especially after 12th when Mercury goes direct which helps communications in general. Any recent misunderstandings can be sorted out too.

Relationships and partnerships are presented to you strongly once again this month as Saturn moves back into your opposite sign Capricorn. This is the final part of an over two-year review looking at one of these areas of life. You have until late-December to decide what needs to be done.

Meanwhile Jupiter and Pluto are upping the anti as they join forces once again, insisting on growth and transformation relating to partnerships. Full Moon on 5th highlights the cost of your relationships to you on a personal level too and to what extent they run against your individual needs.

Ambitions come to the fore this month as Mars forges through your 10th House of father, career and social status. Energy and determination are yours to push ahead in the world and you will be assertive with authorities and authority figures. You may bump into a vulnerable spot though (yours or theirs) around 10th – 15th when Mars reaches sensitive Chiron. Tread gently during that period.

New Moon on 20th is in Cancer and marks the beginning of your personal New Year. This is a blue moon (the New Moon was in Cancer last month too) and is a second chance to make resolutions that will help to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead. Take it!


Leo: Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as your ruling planet the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

You will be glad to know that on July 1st Saturn takes its restricting influence out of your relationships and partnerships zone. It will be back in December to continue but meanwhile it wants to see to unfinished business in your 6th House of work, health and service to others.

Meanwhile, Jupiter and Pluto meet up in this area of your solar chart too, pressing even harder for growth and transformation (nothing less) and again to do with your work, your health, well-being and daily routine and being of service to others. (Pets may also come into this).

Time spent with friends, groups and community projects is enjoyable this month and your unconscious thinking takes a turn for the better from 12th when Mercury goes direct. . Your higher mind is zooming ahead too as Mars forges through your 9th House of travel, culture, ethics and exploration. Deep studies (in the form of structured courses of self-directed interest) bring energy and excitement, along with some helpful self-realisations around 10th – 15th. Factor these into your plan ahead!


Virgo: The recent weight and responsibilities of work, health and service to others lifts on 1st as Saturn heads back to finish its review of your romantic life, dealings with children and creativity. Jupiter and Pluto meet once again in this same area of your solar chart, pressing for growth in a very intense way… What do you need to do? Full Moon adds emotion to the mix on its build-up (in the early hours of 5th, so you may feel it most on 4th).

Your career path is looking rosier this month as Venus helps to clear the path to your worldly ambitions. If you need help from authority figures, be sure to ask, as they are looking kindly on you all month. It might be best to ask after 12th though when your ruling planet Mercury goes direct, helping communications in every respect.

New Moon on 20th falls in your friends, groups and community zone. This marks a second chance. Now that some of the pressure is off from work, could you allow yourself more time with friends or to join (or start) a group or community activity?

Mars is forging ahead in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone all month. If you have taxes, debts or inheritances to sort out, the planetary wind is behind you. Your passions and need for intimacy may be heightened too, to the point that you may take steps to do something about it. From 10th – 15th Mars reaches Chiron which unearths some vulnerabilities here too. Be brave!


Libra: Saturn starts the month by taking its heavy presence out of your romance, children and creativity zone (where it has been since late-March), back into your 4th House of mother and home. There is another six months to review your dealings with mother-figures (or being a mother yourself) and your domestic situation which also includes self-nurture and personal development. Jupiter and Pluto also meet here once again this month, insisting on growth and transformation in one or more of these areas of life. Which is it to be? New Moon on 20th gives you the second chance for a fresh start. Be sure to decide what needs changing.

All of this month your ruling planet Venus is softening your world-view and makes exploring different cultures and ethics a pleasure. Relations with foreigners and people with different belief systems are enjoyable too. Mercury also goes direct on 12th which help communications of all kinds, especially in professional relationships and with authority figures.

Meanhile, Mars spends all month forging ahead dynamically in your relationships and partnerships zone. This can arouse passions and/or anger and you become aware of a wound (yours, your partner’s or your relationship’s) around 10th – 15th when Mars encounters Chiron, planet of wounding and healing. Mars is an active planet, so act on your discovery!


Scorpio: Your mind and thinking take on a serious tone once again as Saturn moves back into your communications zone on 1st. It will be here for roughly six more months to complete its two-year review. Your ruling planet planet Pluto also reunites with Jupiter in this same area of your chart. This compels you to grow, in terms of understanding your mind and the power of words and thought. Make space for this to happen.

Relations with neighbours and siblings may be transformational too. And communications of all kinds (including physical movement) should improve after 12th when Mercury goes direct.

Your traditional ruler Mars is busy all month taking action with work, health and service to others. Your may be more assertive with colleagues and daily companions and you will want to improve your overall well-being. This is a great time to start a new regime. You may also come across vulnerabilities (your own or others’) during this process. Be glad of these discoveries as they will deepen your understanding. What do you now need to do?

Venus is helping joint funds, intimacy and sharing all month. Your need for intimacy will be strong and you may benefit from ‘the money of others’ in some way.

New Moon on 20th falls in your 9th House of travel, discovery, deep study and ethics. Even more than last month, your world view is open to new insights. Welcome them and remain open.


Sagittarius: Your mind will feel lighter this month as Saturn takes its brooding presence out of your communications zone. Communications in general improve too after 12th when Mercury goes direct in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. The Sun helps to illuminate the situation here too until 22nd.

Saturn’s return to your 2nd House of money, possessions, income, security, values and self-esteem brings about the final six-month stretch of a long review that has been taking place over the past two years. Finances may be tight and as your ruling planet Jupiter reunites with Pluto in this same area of your solar chart, things may feel urgent and and you may get compulsive. A transformation is taking place here and Jupiter is pushing for growth. Could this mean freedom from focusing on material things through a change of values?

Meanwhile relationships and partnerships seem to be going smoothly but your main interest will be in romance, children and creativity. Mars will send you in hot pursuit of your desired outcome. Although you may bump into some vulnerabilities around 10th – 15th when Mars reaches Chiron (planet of wounding and healing).

New Moon on 20th falls into your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. There is a second chance here. Take it in a positive direction.


Capricorn: Finances should feel a lighter matter this month as your ruling planet Saturn moves out of our money zone on 1st and back into your sign to continue its deep review of who you truely now are. Your identity and outlets for its expression may feel like urgent matters as Jupiter reunites with Pluto in your sign, pressing for growth and transformation. So what is it to be?

While this existential angst continues, the going looks smooth in your 6th House of work, health and service to others, as Venus glides along here all month. Relations with colleagues and daily companions go well. Pets can be a source of pleasure too. The only thing to look out for is going to excess on the food, drink or substance front.

There may be conflict between your individual needs and partnership needs around 4th, in the lead up to Full Moon in your sign in the early hours of 5th. Communications with partners improves though after 12th when Mercury goes direct and any recent misunderstandings can be sorted out. New Moon on 20th marks a second chance in relationships and partnerships. Start as you hope to go on.

Mars is doing dynamic things in your 4th House of mother and home all month and so might you. This transit provides the energy and determination to start domestic projects and see them through, though you may run into sensitive situations around 10th – 15th. Dealings with mother-figures may be fragile then too. Do your best to be understanding.


Aquarius: You may find yourself feeling lighter this month as Saturn moves out of your sign on 1st after a heavy three-month stay. Saturn is always somewhere though and it goes back into your 12th House of the unconscious which rules the pain and suffering of others, compassion, charity and healing, the collective unconscious and creative work behind the scenes.

Jupiter and Pluto reunite here too this month which adds intensity to your inner-workings and the need for growth and transformation. This can be on a compassionate, psychological or spiritual level or give a pressing need for creative expression. Your online world could be intense too. If you need help with any of these, be sure to ask.

Mercury goes direct on 12th in your work and health zone. This helps communications in the workplace and with colleagues and daily companions (including pets). Physical agility could improve too, especially if you add more variety and exercise to your regime. New Moon on 20th is a second chance to start a new regime too.

Venus could sweeten up your romantic life this month or make dealings with children a pleasure. Venus helps with creativity too. Meanwhile Mars fills you with mental energy and also the resolve to speak, write and move more decisively.

Neighbours and siblings may find you more assertive than usual and you may run into some vulnerability (yours or theirs) around 10th – 15th when Mars bumps into Chiron, planet of wounding and healing. Be compassionate towards the vulnerable party, perhaps yourself?


Pisces: Saturn moves back into your friends, groups, community and organisations zone on 1st, to continue its two-year review of how you want to proceed here. This may be changing by the minute though as Jupiter reunites with Pluto in this area of your chart, sparkling off powerful issues, along with your need for growth and transformation. Campaigns close to your heart may feel compelling too and perhaps you could use your influence here.

Mercury goes direct in your romance, children and creativity zone on 12th which helps with communications and resolving misunderstandings. New Moon on 20th marks a second chance here too in some way.

Meanwhile, Venus is smoothing along your domestic life too. You may want to beautify your home or invite others to share in its pleasures by entertaining (if that becomes possible once again…).

On a more active front, Mars is forging forwards in your finance zone and is going to be doing so for the next two months. This adds energy, determination and enterprise to establish a better financial footing and you may develop a new stream of income. Mars encounters Chiron though around 10th – 15th which can give you a better understanding of your vulnerabilities (perhaps income and self-esteem?) and the possibility of starting to heal them. Do it!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

And for more frequent postings, join me on Instagram


See you there!


June 2020 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

There are three changes of direction this month as Mercury and Neptune go retrograde (on 18th and 23rd) and Venus goes direct on 25th. A direct Venus helps harmony along but as Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter were already moving retrograde as June began, we have on average half the planets retrograde all month. So here we are reviewing and reviewing again, many areas of life (different for each astrological sign).

Two of these retrograde (appearing to move backwards) planets are in Capricorn, so collectively we are still reviewing our governments and structures that we have arranged our world and countries around. Jupiter moves back to meet Pluto once again at the end of the month which was one of the markers that led us to our present situation during the second half of March. Changes that took places then, need reviewing.

Saturn is also retrograde in Aquarius which examines how we live together and arrange and run our societies nationally and internationally. This started on March 22nd and we now have the last stretch of its three-month stay in Aquarius until it returns full-time in December (for over two years).

Our summer solstice on 20th involves a solar eclipse too, belonging to an eclipse family that carries the difficult themes of restrictions, illusions and difficulty assessing situations… Does that remind you of anything? (The impact of an eclipse is felt a few months before and a few months after it actually occurs).

Mars leaps into its own sign Aries on 28th for a 6-month stay. This is three times longer than its usual stay in a sign. But we may need Mars in decisive, action-packed Aries to get the ball rolling and sort us all out!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Your ruling planet Mars meets up with Neptune this month in your 12th House of the unconscious. This means activity behind the scenes. And could include: taking action on the charitable front or doing much soul-searching or even hitting the bottle (or whatever your favourite means of escape is) and escape will look like a very attractive option. Dreams and visions will be strong and at best, you could give birth to something creative.

The eclipse on the solstice falls in your 4th House of mother and home, self-nurture and personal development. This is an area of life where we expect to find comfort but comfort may be harder to find. Make sure at least that you are seeing to the basics I.e. eating helpful food.

Mercury goes retrograde in this same area of your solar chart from 18th. So one, some or all of these matters require more thought. Dealings with mother-figures may be trickier than usual too. Be as clear as you can be to avoid misunderstandings.

As the month draws to an end, Jupiter rejoins Pluto in your father, career and social status zone. Could that be another crunch coming up? Thank goodness Arians have enough initiative to deal with almost anything and when Mars enters your sign on 28th, little can stop you!


Taurus:    Finances continue to look confusing as the Sun squares Mars and then Neptune during the first half of the month. Any friends, collectives or organisations you have financial links with may be hard to read too. At least your ruling planet Venus goes direct on 25th in your income zone which should bring some benefit, even if only clarity as to the real situation.

Mercury planet of communication goes retrograde in your solar House of communications on 18th so if you have any important correspondence to see to, make sure it arrives before then. Neptune goes retrograde too from 23rd which may call for you to review your beliefs about the current collective situation.

New Moon and the solar eclipse on 20th also fall in your communications zone. You may experience waves in your way of thinking and have emotional dealings with neighbours or siblings. Physical movement and agility may come to your attention too. And creative works may be more emotional in terms of subject matter or you may invest more of yourself emotionally when giving birth to them. Keep your mind positive and be sure to get plenty of exercise.

Jupiter and Pluto are once again within range of each other this month and actually meet at the very end of the month but this time retrograde. Whatever changes have been taking place for you on the travel front or in your world view, including your beliefs: it is time to take a second look…


Gemini:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Venus remains retrograde in your sign though, urging you to review your relationships, creativity and values. But on 25th it happily goes direct once again.

Finances may seem problematic, especially after your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 18th, followed by New Moon and the solar eclipse on 20th. This is usually a good time to make an audit or draw up a budget that will help you to navigate the days ahead but all of this may seem hard to decipher. Do your best regardless.

Joint funds do not look any easier either as both Jupiter and Pluto move backwards through your 8th House of taxes, debts and inhertances. Birth, sex and death are also represented by this house, symbolising deep transformation.

Jupiter and Pluto meet for the second time at the end of the month which is an opportunity to review the changes you put in place during their first meeting in late March. Do you need to make further changes or put to one side the measures you have put in place over the last few months?

Mars zaps up dealings with friends, groups, community and organisations from 28th. You will find new stores of energy to apply to any or all of these. You may become more politically active too. Viva la revolution!


Cancer:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before your birthday you may sometimes feel at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.

The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

The summer solstice is when the Sun moves into Cancer but this year it happens to also be New Moon, the start of your emotional new year. Make resolutions that will help to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead! This New Moon also happens to be a solar eclipse, that you may feel more than most, as it falls in your 1st House of identity.

Mercury goes retrograde in your sign too on 18th which calls for a re-think about your identity too. Which version of ‘you’ do you want to carry forward (on July 12th) when Mercury goes direct?

Jupiter rejoins Pluto in your partnerships zone towards the end of the month. This time they are both retrograde which marks another big review in relationships and partnerships (including business).

Then on 28th dynamic Mars leaps into your father, career and social status zone. Prepare for massive action!


Leo:    Your ruling planet the Sun is squaring up to Mars and Neptune during the first half of the month which makes joint finances hard to fathom. Taxes, debts, inheritances and ‘the money of others’ may need sorting out and good luck!

Mercury, planet of communication goes retrograde on 18th and the New Moon and solar eclipse follow two days later, all in the same area of your solar chart – your 12th House. This may bring up waves of emotion (seemingly from nowhere) and repressed memories. You will be strongly aware of the suffering of others and also perhaps of your own suffering. Make time for rest and healing. The emotions which come up can help you to develop spiritually and creatively but if it all becomes too much, reach out for help.

Venus goes direct on 25th in your friends, groups and community zone which helps your social life along. You will also feel more adventurous when Mars leaps into your 9th House of exploration on 28th. Even if travel is not so possible, exploring different cultures and travelling in the mind still is.

Jupiter and Pluto are retrograde all month, moving ever closer to eachother in your 6th House of work, health and service to others. Many changes have already taken place since these two met for the first time in late March. Now it is time to review how you have handled these changes and whether adjustments or further major changes need to be made…


Virgo:    There seems to be some conflict between partners and career or father-figures during the first half of the month as the Sun squares up to Mars and then Neptune but when Venus goes direct from 25th, authority figures are once again on your side.

Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde from 18th in your 11th House of friends, groups, community and organisations. New Moon and the solar eclipse on 20th, mark a fresh start in some respect but the way ahead is hard to make out just now. Your family of friends, community or movements you are involved with may feel this eclipse strongly. And you may find yourself being more political too.

Jupiter and Pluto, two planetary heavy-weights are once again close together and actually meet at the end of the month in your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity. Whatever changes you made in late March need looking at again, especially in relation to these areas of life.

Mars leaps into your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone on 28th. And it is in for an unusually long stay. If taxes, debts or inheritances need attending to, here is your cue. Equally if it is your emotional or sexual life that needs your time and attention, make space for that too.


Libra:    Mars and Neptune meet up in your 6th House of work, health and service to others from 9th – 13th and you may find yourself busy volunteering or helping others along in some way. Your regime or daily routine may be up for scrutiny too as you try to apply mindful practices to enhance your well-being or move closer to the ‘ideal you’ physically. (Pets could feature as part of the ideal picture too this month).

Your ruling planet Venus has been reviewing your higher mind, looking at beliefs, your understanding of the world and principles. She goes direct on 25th, allowing you to start putting your conclusions into action. This would normally be a green light for travel but as that is so difficult at present, covering terrain in your mind could be a good alternative. A course of study could be one way of doing this. Is there anything that you feel drawn to learn more about?

The solar eclipse falls in your 10th House of father, career and social status. Ambitions may be hard to achieve during this period but that need not stop you doing the groundwork and making preparations. Mercury goes retrograde here too from 18th which carries the danger of misunderstandings, so be extra-clear in all of your professional communications and with father-figures.

Jupiter rejoins Pluto towards the me of the month in your 4th House of mother and home. These two are strong planets planets which in combination have the potential to go over the top in some way. They are both moving retrograde though which could indicate a review of your earlier stance or actions. Mars leaps into your partnership s zone on 28th, so lots of heat here – passion or conflict both possible…


Scorpio:    Joint finances may feel a bit tricky this month, particularly in relation to your love-life or with children or your creative projects. Things may improve from 25th though when Venus goes direct and you may even benefit from any of the above or ‘the money of others’.

Your ruling planet Pluto has Jupiter within range of it once again and they actually meet for a second time this year (the first time was late-March) but this time both are retrograde. This is happening in your 3rd House of thinking, communications, short journeys, trading, physical mobility and dealings with siblings and neighbours. Time for a deep second look at one or more of these.

Mercury, planet of communication goes retrograde for us all on 18th, followed by the New Moon and solar eclipse on 20th. These all fall in your 9th House of exploration. This creates waves in how you cover terrain, be that the great outdoors, cultural studies, your world-view or how you seek the truth. Courses of deep study come into this too.

Mars leaps into your 6th House of work, health and service to others on 28th. Time to shake up your regime or find new work or new ways of doing things. Or have you thought of volunteering your sklls to help others in some way? Mars provides all the energy and resolve to get the show on the road. Fasten your seatbelt!


Sagittarius:    Your ruling planet Jupiter is retrograde all month, heading towards extremist Pluto (which is also heading backwards). This falls very heavily in your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values… These two planets joined forces for the first time the second half of March and whatever changes were brought about then, need to be reviewed. This is extreme measures part two…

The Sun in your partnerships zone is squaring Mars and then Neptune in your 4th House of mother and home during the first half of the month. This may highlight differences of approach between partners and you about the home, parenting, dealings with mother-figures, food or personal development. But for those two weeks, talking about it may not solve the problem.

On 18th Mercury goes retrograde in your joint funds zone (which includes taxes, debts, inheritances and ‘the money of others’. New Moon on 20th here calls for new measures but the solar eclipse may make that more difficult in some way. The need for intimacy arises too, both emotionally and sexually.

Dynamic Mars leaps into your 9th House of exploration on 28th where it will stay for almost six month (more on this next month). There will be much new terrain to explore which is just how you like it.


Capricorn:    Well-being is high on the list as the month begins and you may find yourself wanting to do something about communications when Mars joins Neptune from 9th – 13th. Your way of thinking could be the place to start or how you communicate with siblings or neighbours. Equally, taking action on a business idea could fit the bill or perhaps putting pen to paper in a burst of creativity.

Mercury goes retrograde on 18th in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships, so a review of communications is needed here too and New Moon including a solar eclipse on 20th also highlights partnership matters. Give them your full attention.

Venus goes direct on 25th in your work, health and service to others zone which helps you to move forwards with your daily regime and perhaps work schedule. Jupiter meets Pluto in your sign too for a second time this spring but this time retrograde. This is an opportunity to review your use of power and how you have been progressing in terms of personal development. Have you been trying to change everyone else, instead of yourself?

On 28th Mars leaps into your 4th House. Time for action on the home front and time to be decisive about mother-figures and your own nurture-style if you are a mother-figure yourself. Remember self-nurture comes into this too!


Aquarius:    Saturn spends its last month in your sign for the moment, requiring you to review your identity. It will be returning in December for a much longer stay but the theme of reinventing yourself remains insistent all month. Your ruling planet Uranus in your career and social standing zone agrees. What will you do next?

Finances are highlighted this month by the Sun squaring Mars and Neptune in your income zone. But try as you may, it is very difficult to get a clear picture of what is happening (or is going to happen) with your income and future security.

Mercury planet of communication goes retrograde on 18th and the New Moon and solar eclipse follow two days later, all in your 6th House of work. health and service to others. Changes need to be made here too but with a solar eclipse, seeing the way ahead is obscured. One thing very clearly in your own hands though is attending to your health, well-being and daily routine. Just do it! And if work is hard to find, how about volunteering in the area you would like to move into?

Jupiter and Pluto continue to rumble in the background as your inner-workings undergo their long and deep transformation. Repressed memories and realisations can be unearthed and your awareness of pain and suffering in the world. If it all feels too much, ask for help. This can also be a spriritually and creatively rich time.


Pisces:    The Sun spends the first half of the month squaring Mars and then Neptune in your sign which indicates conflict between what is required of you career-wise and what your dreams of your ideal-self are. And when Mars meets Neptune from 9th -13th, you will hang on to your inner-resolve for dear life The demands of the world may feel harsh and reality too real. But thicken your skin as best you can and aim for the best possible outcome.

Mercury goes retrograde on 18th and the New Moon and solar eclipse on 20th all fall in your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity. Be as clear as you can be in your communications and expect emotional waves in one or more f these areas of life.

Jupiter and Pluto are retrograde and close together all month in your 11th House of friends, groups, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals. It was these two heavy-weights that met up for the first time in late-March. Whatever started then needs reviewing. Your true tribe are still calling loudly too.

Mars leaps into your finance zone on 28th for a 6-month stay. This is three times longer than usual which you may just need to get your finances sorted out. Got the message?


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

And for more regular postings, join me on Instagram


See you there!

May 2020 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

A flash of lightning starts the month as Mercury and Uranus burn a fresh image into our minds. This is a fleeting moment but the Sun, also in Taurus can carry forward the possibility of this vision, for us all. Can we find security in some way other than the material? Mercury and Uranus ask, “What about creativity or a value system that gives a sense of security? Or what about sharing what we have so others do not have to suffer?” The first world and developing world come strongly to mind.

It may feel like we have already done a lot of reflecting recently but three planets go retrograde within three days of each other this month which means we have yet more reflecting to do.

Saturn is first to go retrograde in Aquarius on 11th, Venus in Gemini on 13th and Jupiter in Capricorn on 14th. On a collective level this requires a deep review of the responsibilities of being part of the human race (especially our accountability to others), how we communicate and what true growth would look like (as opposed to meaningless expansion).

Also on 13th Mars leaps into Pisces, intent on active compassion and moving us forward spiritually. Neptune planet of ideals is in residence here already and takes exception to empty words which are being bandied about (square to Venus in Gemini), especially during the first half of the month.

New Moon on 22nd is also in Gemini. This is a fresh cycle in communications. Let us hope for better things.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    The month starts with a brainwave or sudden change in your way of thinking about finances. Ideas which seem way out of the box, might just work! The Sun provides sustained energy for you to follow through too until 20th.

Communications are also looking pretty interesting this month. Things seem to be going well until 13th when Venus’s move retrograde calls for a review of how you have been relating on an everyday level. This could also involve a review of how you make information available to others. Dealings with neighbours or siblings may require more thought too and whether or not you have been showing compassion to those in difficulty (which might even include yourself).

Saturn also goes retrograde from 11th, calling for a review of your responsibilities regarding friends, groups, communities or organisations you belong to and humanitarian ideals or campaigns. Have you been showing up?

Jupiter also goes retrograde in your 10th House of father, career and social status on 14th and heads back towards Pluto (which is also mid-review). More transformational change is on the way in your professional or social standing… The power of authority and father-figures is still very dominant, as is the need to look at your own use of power if you happen to be an authority yourself. This too impacts how you think about finances, security and values.

From 13th your ruling planet Mars wants to take action on a compassionate, spiritual or creative front. Exploring your inner-workings could energise you. And your online life could be ready for lift-off. Could it be you have spotted a potential rocket? Fasten your seat belt!


Taurus:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. You are full of creative ideas too as the month begins. In fact your ideas are so startling, they may even keep you awake. If so, get up and use that time to work on carrying your vision through. This could involve new ways of thinking about yourself which is exactly the purpose of Mercury meeting Uranus in your sign!

Finances seem mixed in May. Everything starts off looking ok but your ruling planet Venus goes retrograde on 13th which requires a review of how good (or how bad) things really are. Neptune is also asking how you can personally be ok when humanity is suffering and whether you have a social conscience? Community action, political campaigns or making donations could be a good outlet for these tensions. This Venus-Neptune square could also be an opportunity to revisit a creative idea you could revive to fulfill a future vision in some way.

Your career zone has a clear run with Mars and Saturn on board until 11th, then Saturn goes retrograde to review what needs to happen here. Mars moves on too on 13th when your energies lean towards friends, groups and community matters. Collective projects grab your imagination and you may find yourself feeling more political than usual. This can also be a source of energy for you. If you have been thinking of joining or starting a group, now would be a great time! Go with it!

Jupiter goes retrograde too on 14th and heads back towards Pluto in your 9th House of exploration, travel and study. Your worldview is still undergoing deep change and you may want to take action in some way in line with how things look to you now. As travel is out for most of us, if an area of study beckons, your immersion in it could be life-changing, as could making your voice heard more widely (perhaps online?)


Gemini:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

You will also be pleased to know that Venus continues in your sign all month, making you darling of the zodiac. But on 13th it goes retrograde, calling you to review how you have been relating and whether this fits with your ‘ideal self’ and desired standing in the world. What changes need to be put in place?

Saturn goes retrograde too on 11th in your travel and philosophy zone – another review needed here and Jupiter goes retrograde on 14th in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. Have you been overdoing things? Or have decisions about joint finances and intimacy been in line with your principles?

From 13th your father and career zone is high energy as Mars forges ahead there. Ambitions and the energy to achieve them are at hand. You just have to focus and assert yourself.

New Moon on 22nd marks the start of your emotional New Year. Aim your energy in a direction that will help you to find all you hope for in your emotional life in the year ahead. Apart from the deep reviews we are all going through, the world is looking fresh and new. Many Happy Solar and Lunar Returns!


Cancer:    There are many things to review and reflect on this month, so it is lucky that Cancerians by nature, are prone to doing just that. The month starts with a lively burst of mental energy in your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. A sudden brainwave could be a winner and you could be just the person to excite others to join you in your vision!

The big review period starts on 11th when Saturn goes retrograde in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. Some matters here need to be looked at again. This is just part one, as Saturn will be returning full-time, in December for a much longer stay.

The second planet to go retrograde is Venus on 13th in your 12th House of compassion, the unconscious and creativity behind the scenes. How have you been relating to those less-fortunate and to your inner-creativity? Neptune is looking at how closely you have been following spiritual principles too…

Jupiter is the third planet that about-turns from 14th in your relationships and partnerships zone. Have you been overdoing something here? Or not acknowledging your need for growth?

While all of these planets move backwards, Mars at least forges onwards, leaping into your travel, philosophy and worldview sector on 13th. Your urge to explore will be strong and while it may not be possible to do this in person geographically, the higher mind and deep study are areas still open to us all. Exploring different cultures and belief systems could also fill you with energy and interest and your online world could enrich your mind!


Leo:    Creative Leos are fuelled by appreciation from their audience and with social-distancing currently in place (as I write in late-April), the remoteness of your fans makes it harder to feel that energy. You may come up with some great ideas however when Mercury and Uranus meet in your career zone at the very start of the month. This could involve sparkling ideas around teaching, finding new ways to share your talents or an idea for a new creative project. Your ruling planet the Sun is ready to follow through too!

Partnerships (including creative ones) also progress well until 11th when Saturn goes retrograde to review matters here. Venus goes retrograde too on 13th in your friends, groups and community zone and Jupiter likewise on 14th in your 6th House of work, health, daily routine and service to others. Have you been over-doing things here in some way? Or could you inspire yourself better on a daily level or explore spiritual routes to well-being and developing your skills?

So much to review and think about during the second half of the month. But this too can be fuel for future creative projects. And meanwhile Mars is urging you forwards from 13th, re joint funds, intimacy and sharing. If action is needed in any of these areas, you have the energy and determination to push things forwards.

New Moon on 22nd falls in your solar 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. This is a good time to join (or start) a group, community or campaign. Now what might that be?


Virgo:    Your ruling planet Mercury starts the month in dazzling form as it joins revolutionary Uranus on 1st in your philosophy and worldview zone. Your online life could be exciting too. In fact Mercury is fast-moving all month, covering many ideas and giving much food for thought.

Saturn goes retrograde on 11th requiring a review of work, health, daily routine and service to others. This is just an introduction to a longer review that starts late-December. So notice what you notice and keep you observations somewhere safe until later in the year.

Jupiter also goes retrograde on 14th in your romance, children, creativity and speculation zone. Have you been over-doing things here in some way or alternatively, have you not been expansive enough? You have until September to mull this over before moving forwards once again.

Venus continues to smooth your career path this month but from 13th it goes retrograde, requiring you to review some aspect of how you have been relating professionally or with father figures (or with your children or subordinates if you happen to be an authority figure yourself).

Neptune in your partnerships zone could also cloud the view and sits uncomfortably in some way with your worldly standing. New Moon on 22nd also falls in your career zone. If you have ambitions in mind, start making plans!

Mars keeps the work and health front active until 13th, then it leaps into your relationships and partnerships zone. Mars is heat and energy which can generate passion (or conflict). Either way, it will not be boring!


Libra:    Your finances could be impacted by partners as the month begins when Mercury meets Uranus in your joint funds zone. This could be a fleeting shake up. Intimacy and sharing could be startling too. The Sun helps you to look on this creatively though which is a blessing. We make our own reality by how we think about things.

On 11th Saturn goes retrograde in your romance, children, creativity and speculation zone. This is just the first part of a long review that starts full-time later in the year. Mars is still pushing ahead here until 13th but then turns its attentions to work, health, service to others and daily routine. Yes, an excellent time to put a new regime in place or to take steps towards a job change.

Jupiter goes retrograde too from 14th in your mother and home zone. Have you been overdoing things here? Or have you not been paying attention to your emotional and domestic needs or your need for personal development?

Your ruling planet Venus starts the month off happily enough in your travel and philosophy zone but goes retrograde on 13th to take a second look at beliefs and principles. And New Moon on 22nd marks a fresh start here too. Your online-life may offer fresh perspectives too. Be open to different cultures.


Scorpio:    Exhilarating thoughts about relationships and partnerships could take you by surprise on 1st when Mercury and Uranus join forces, close to the Sun which is creatively moving through this area of your solar chart until 20th.

Intimacy, joint funds and sharing run smoothly until 13th when Venus goes retrograde. Your pattern of relating is up for review, as is to what extent you are helped or hampered by your ideals around romance, children or creativity as Neptune challenges from an uncomfortable angle.

Progress can be made on the home-front until 11th when Saturn also goes retrograde. And two days later Mars leaps into your romance, children and creativity zone, looking for action…

Jupiter goes retrograde too from 14th back in your 3rd House of ideas and communications which continues in its deep and profound transformational process in your way of thinking.

Emotion may be high with Full Moon in your sign on the morning of 7th (so the big build-up is on 6th). And New Moon on 22nd falls in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. Could you share more of yourself?


Sagittarius:    Sudden realisations about work, health or well-being may take you by surprise as the month begins and your nervous system may need a project or some long walks to even itself out.

Reviews are taking place in many areas of your life as three planets go retrograde from 11th – 14th, including communications, partnerships and finances.

Communications is the first area to look at as Saturn goes retrograde from 11th. Your everyday dealings are up for scrutiny as are dealings connected to trading, neighbours or siblings, any of which may feel like heavy jelly… Your ruling planet Jupiter goes retrograde on 14th in your finance zone. Have you over-extended yourself? Time to take a second look.

Partnerships are seemingly fine until 13th, when Venus goes retrograde. But even before then, ideals around mother and home bring partnerships into . question. Reality and the dream may seem far apart and what to do about that? And when Mars leaps into your mother and home zone on 13th and onwards, you may find yourself very much wanting to do something about it…
Self-nurture and your need for personal development should be part of your focus too.

New Moon on 22nd falls in your relationships and partnerships zone. In view of all the above, could it be time to turn over a new leaf?


Capricorn:    A mental jolt as the month begins, enlightens your worldview. And the Sun ponders on this before getting busy from 20th. (Changing your beliefs is allowed!)

Although Mars is trying to make headway with your finances at first, your ruling planet Saturn goes retrograde on 11th and starts heading back towards your sign. Fiscal arrangements need looking at again, as does your position on security and values.

Work and health seem to be running smoothly until 13th when Venus goes retrograde, leaving more room for disquieting thoughts to take hold. Venus can sometimes represent over-indulgence. Could that have been the case recently? A healthier regime may be needed or a more structured daily routine. Relations with colleagues and daily companions may need reviewing too (including pets).

Jupiter is the last planet to go retrograde, this time and in your own sign. Being the planet of growth, expansion and opportunity, the question is have you been over-extending yourself or alternatively not taken risks that would have made your world wider? Your have until September to give this some thought.

From 13th Mars generates the urge for physical exercise and ups your mental energy and you will want to act on your ideas which is fine but try not to antagonise others by your tone…

New Moon on 22nd falls in your 6th House of work, health, daily routine and service to others. Your suspicions were right. You do need to start a new regime.


Aquarius:    The Sun is highlighting your home for the first three weeks of May. Mercury and your ruling planet Uranus give a flash of insight as the month begins and the Sun boosts your energy and enthusiasm to see projects through that need to happen in line with this new vision.

We spring into the world from the home and this is a time to build a good base for yourself, so you can take the world by storm without domestic disruptions later on. Personal development comes into this too. Mother figures take on a fresh importance and your urge to nurture them and others will be strong. Express these feelings.

Your unconscious is undergoing a review too as Jupiter goes retrograde from 14th, looking at how expansive you have been on the humane or creative front. Your spirituality might be calling more loudly.

Romance, creativity and dealings connected to children seem to be running smoothly too until Venus goes retrograde on 13th. Misgivings about income and security were already running counter to this and the whole thing needs to be reviewed and thought out once again.

Saturn goes retrograde in your sign on 11th, taking you back to look at your identity, self-expression and outlets for your creativity. This theme is then picked up by the New Moon on 22nd which will call for a new, creative way forwards.

Mars applies itself to your finances from 13th but with Neptune emitting fog nearby, its attempts may be scuppered until things are clearer. Meanwhile seek a sense of security through creativity and value systems.


Pisces:    A flash of brilliance could lift your thoughts as the month begins and you may try to make it into a concrete reality as the Sun illuminates your mind until 20th.

Unconscious processing about friends or groups or a campaign or your tribe continue to preoccupy you from 11th. An opportunity for growth may have been missed here (along with the responsibilities involved). You have until September to reconsider your position.

But meanwhile on 13th Mars leaps into your sign (as it does approximately every two years), adding dynamism and determination to your creative self-expression. This is a change of gear and energy settings around how you see yourself and how you go into the world.

You will have no trouble being assertive, unless of course you veer into aggression which we would all like to avoid… But if there is something you have been wanting to achieve, now could be your moment.

Your 4th House of mother and home are demanding your attention too. Things seem on the surface to be going well until 13th when Venus goes retrograde. But however well things looked from the outside, they have not been sitting comfortably with you. Happiness at home is one of our fundamental foundations of life. Give this all the attention it needs, especially at New Moon on 22nd when a fresh start is possible.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


And for more regular postings, join me on Instagram      #positiveelementsastrology

See you there!

April 2020 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

We have another dramatic month ahead. Jupiter (God of the Heavens) and Pluto (God of the Underworld) meet in Capricorn from 1st – 5th. This can generate extremes. Jupiter inflates whatever it touches and Pluto represents annihilation for regenerative purposes… They are both in Capricorn, the sign of structure, government, big business, corporations and hierarchies. Our infrastructure is undergoing a deep transformation.

Jupiter could make this process more benevolent. The best outcome being generosity from people operating at their finest which brings hope and optimism, despite the current challenges. The worst outcome however would be a terrible mis-use of power and authorities going over the top.

Jupiter and Pluto will meet again in June and November this year. And astrologically, the present issues that we are facing will continue in some form or other at least until the winter solstice in December. Even so, Pluto has not yet finished and goes retrograde on 25th to review its recent use of authoritarian power… and current structures. But on December 21st, Jupiter joins Saturn in Aquarius and we start to move away from hierarchies to a more collective, collaborative vision and way of being. And thank goodness for that!

Saturn’s first full month in Aquarius, requires us to review how we have operated collectively in the past and how we need to proceed in the future. Mars joins Saturn on 1st. This is an uncomfortable concentration of energy. Mars wants to move forwards but Saturn is applying the brakes and demanding discipline. (Although both are intent on collective well-being and bringing people together).

From 11th – 15th a headstrong Aries Sun squares Jupiter, Pluto and then the Moon in Capricorn. The need for independence and personal freedom clashes with authority and restraint… From 19th the Sun gives us a calmer, steadier grounding in Taurus. New Moon is in Taurus too on 23rd but very close to Uranus which shakes things up. This marks a new cycle in how we contain ourselves and meet our sensual needs.

The Sun joins Uranus too on 25th – 26th. We have to look afresh at our values. Aggressive capitalism and materialism are not the way forward. We also need to find new creative outlets and new ways of achieving a sense of security and well-being.

As I write, an economist on the radio is speaking about how our current form of capitalism is based on constant growth and making money, at the expense of others. Perhaps this time is an important opportunity for us to find a better way forwards.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 19th, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury joins Neptune on 3rd – 4th and then joins Chiron in your sign on 15th, adding insight to your decisive way of thinking, speaking and style.

And pressing matters are at hand, especially from 1st – 5th when Jupiter (God of the Heavens) and Pluto (God of the Underworld) meet in your 10th House of father, career and social status. This can generate extremes and we may need you to demonstrate leadership and largesse.

At best, you can bring about a benign transformation for others in your orbit. At worst, we could see a power-trip by others (or by you) which is of course to be avoided. Whichever form this takes, you may run up against authority figures or structures from 11th – 15th or even lead a revolt!

Another active area in your solar chart this month is finances. You will be taking a good look here and although things may look problematic early in the month and even more so around 20th – 21st, New Moon on 23rd marks a fresh start and is a great time to draw up a budget. An added flash of genius also gets things on a more creative roll when the Sun joins Uranus, around 25th – 26th.

Your ruling planet Mars starts the month uncomfortably, stifled by Saturn in your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. Mars of course always wants to take action but Saturn insists on restraint which may not be a bad thing as it allows time to make sure your approach is correct. If you have ever harboured dreams of leading a group, community, campaign or organisation (especially if it is built on humanitarian ideals), this could be your moment!


Taurus:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb, as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is, the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 19th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Your ruling planet Venus glides into your money zone on 3rd which usually makes finances look rosier or helps you to feel more secure. Venus also runs along in harmony with Mars from 10th – 30th. This is a longer than usual, helpful aspect. And as Mars starts the month in your 10th House of career and worldly standing, it looks like your income or prospects could improve. Mars also provides the drive and determination to make that happen!

Saturn too is in your 10th House of father, career and social status. Although this sometimes takes the form of hardship, it can also indicate taking on more responsibility and being trusted to carry that responsibility. So it will be interesting to see how this manifests in the next three years, as Saturn slowly makes its way through your public and professional zone. This a time when you will reap what you have sown. It is also a time to review your standing in the world and think about adjustments you would like to make.

New Moon with Uranus in your sign on 23rd marks an unexpected new era in your personal life. Your Sun also joins forces with revolutionary Uranus on 25th – 26th. Direct your intentions towards what you hope to find in your personal and emotional life in the month and year ahead. All kind of things could be possible. Do not limit yourself with old ideas!


Gemini:    Your popularity is riding high as Venus glides into your sign on 3rd (for a long 4-month stay). This makes you more irresistible to others and heightens your cheeky charms! Venus is also having a long, positive run with Mars, generating creative harmony and a healthy, philosophical world view. Seeing the bigger picture comes easily to you this month.

Jupiter and Pluto continue to generate intensity in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone, especially from 1st – 5th. Pluto also goes retrograde from 25th, taking you back to review one or more matters linked to these themes. This is a long review that will take a few months for you to work through.

Meanwhile, many things are bubbling away in your unconscious and new insights into your inner workings could take you by surprise around 23rd – 26th. Buried memories and realisations could also surface. This can bring depth to any creative work you do behind the scenes which can strongly impact others. Your antennae are tuned in to the collective unconscious and you find yourself able to movingly respond to the moment.

Your ruling planet Mercury joins Neptune in your father, career and social status zone on 3rd – 4th. This can provide inspiration around what you want to do in the world. Now what might that be?


Cancer:    Relationships and partnerships continue to be intense as Jupiter meets Pluto in your opposite sign This can take the form of power battles or mutual growth and transformation. Steer things if you can, in the direction you would prefer. The Sun in your father, career and social status zone is at odds with this partnership picture from 11th – 15th. And your reputation or ambitions may play a role in this…

Interestingly, all the planets are above the horizon in your solar chart this month, indicating that your interactions with others and the world are the main focus, much more than internal matters. This is unusual for most Cancerians but in a way it makes things clearer and opens up a less insular way of being.

Mercury meets Neptune on 3rd – 4th which also helps you to extend your compassion beyond your personal circle. Mercury then helps you to overcome self-doubt from 11th and fills you with ideas about what you might want to do in the world or how you might want to be.

Your 11th House of friends, groups and community is active this month too. Surprising or uplifting events connected to friends, groups and community could cheer you around 23rd – 26th. Be open to new experiences!


Leo:    Mars and Saturn hit your 7th House of relationships and partnerships together on 1st. Mars represents the accelerator and Saturn the brakes, so who knows how this will pan out? They both stay in this area of your solar chart all month, so whatever issues get triggered on 1st, will continue but with less intensity as Mars moves quickly forwards. Venus is in good aspect to Mars from 10th onwards which indicates partnerships or help from friends, groups and community.

The Sun squares Jupiter and Pluto from 11th – 15th when your beliefs and principles clash with the restraints of daily demands… We are all subject to this tension but in different areas of life. If you can, give us a creative example to follow.

Intensity continues to rule in your work, health and service to others zone. Jupiter and Pluto meet here from 1st – 5th which can be expansive, as well as extreme. Your daily routine will be intense, as worries may be about health but this is an opportunity to transform your daily routine and well-being. It also provides the concentration and sense of purpose to hone your practical skills or develop new ones.

Your ruling planet the Sun meets Uranus on 25th and 26th. And New Moon on 23rd is even more significant as it marks a fresh cycle to do with father, career or social status. And with Uranus nearby, this is a radical fresh start in some way. We look to Leos for creative genius and with original Uranus on board, you will not disappoint in the month and year ahead. Whatever ambitions have been put to one side or which suddenly occur to you, their hour has come!


Virgo:    Practicalities call at the start of the month as Mars and Saturn present you with duty. Saturn is calling for a review of work, health or service to others and Mars will be decisively pushing ahead wanting to be useful. These are areas of life Virgoans understand very well. Your daily routine and your own well-being are areas to attend to too.

From 3rd Venus is smoothing your path in your interactions with father or authority figures, career and social status. If you need favours from influential people, be sure to ask. And if you happen to be a father or authority figure yourself, extend your influence generously. From 10th Venus is helping Mars along too, in its decisive action around work, health or service to others. So your career and worldly standing are looking good.

Strong intensity is coming from Jupiter and Pluto in your romance, children and creativity zone. They meet exactly for the first time from 1st – 5th. This is a BIG energy and needs to be expressed in an expansive way. The greatest danger is being over-powering towards children. We all need the freedom to form our own views and belief systems and that includes young minds. Why not get creative instead? Virgos have clever hands for crafts – give your creativity free reign!

Your ruling planet Mercury joins Neptune on 3rd – 4th, when your antennae will be working well and your urge to soothe others will be strong. This also generates idealistic thoughts and ideas around relationships and partnerships and perhaps even romantic conversations…

On 25th Mercury in Aries squares up to Pluto in Capricorn (just as Pluto is going retrograde to review its use of authoritarian power). Mercury is usually no match for Pluto but today your views might just win!


Libra:    The focus of the month, particularly during the 1st – 5th is in your mother and home zone. Jupiter and Pluto are still insisting on growth and transformation. Freedom could be an issue too and then there is the issue of power and how it is balanced, shared and used. Self-nurture is also important at present and this is an opportunity for personal development. Pluto goes retrograde on 25th, so one or more of these areas will need looking at again.

Mars the planet of action and Saturn the planet of restraint are uncomfortable companions but they start the month side by side in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity. This is Saturn’s first full month here which necessitates a review of how you have dealt in the past with romance, children, speculation or creativity and how you want to deal with them in the future. Mars quickly leaves Saturn dwelling on this and starts to take action.

Your ruling planet Venus glides into your 9th House of the higher mind, principles and beliefs on 3rd and helps you to maintain a balanced mind and equanimity. This also helps Mars along from 10th, providing a calm overview for the tasks ahead.

Partners or relationships could get frustrating or frustrated around 11th – 15th when an impulsive Sun in Aries squares Jupiter, Pluto and then the Moon in your mother and home zone. And New Moon on 23rd close to Uranus marks a new cycle concerning joint funds, intimacy and sharing. Find a new way forward!


Scorpio:    Your ruling planet Pluto is operating at full force right now as Jupiter expands its influence for deep transformation. This is happening for us all collectively, in different areas of life. For Scorpions the impact is in your 3rd House of communications. This covers your mind, your way of thinking and your way of communicating.

Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion which can make for a wise and hopeful state of mind. But it can also push the mind to overload and to extremes, so consciously steer your thoughts along calm routes. Physical movement and exercise greatly help. This can also be a very good time to expand the mind through courses and mental training techniques such as positive-thinking courses, meditation and mind-body exercise such as yoga and tai-chi.

Mars and Saturn start the month close together in your 4th House of mother and home. This is not particularly comfortable but Mars quickly forges ahead, ready to attend to things on the home front. DIY or cooking projects could fit the bill and all forms of personal development. We all spring into the world from the home and Saturn’s arrival here indicates it is time to look at self-nurture, your early roots and foundations and how well your current home supports you.

Uranus is close to the New Moon on 23rd in your opposite sign. This marks an exciting and unconventional fresh start in relationships and partnerships. Be open to new experiences.


Sagittarius:    Your ruling planet Jupiter is a major player in the current situation. Jupiter (God of the Heavens) has been approaching Pluto (God of the Underworld) and they fully meet from 1st – 5th. This signifies extremes but also hopefully adds a benevolent energy to Pluto’s power-wielding ways. This is the first of three meetings of these two planets this year.

For Sagittarians, the Jupiter-Pluto impact is in your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values. Your previous standpoint is being shaken but it could also be widened. And security is as much a state of mind as anything material. Creativity is a good outlet for this energy. Get writing, singing, painting or whatever your preferred outlet is.

On April 1st there is a tense meeting of Mars and Saturn in your communications zone. Mars of course always wants to take action but Saturn insists on restraint. This may not be a bad thing as it allows time for you to adjust the aim of your arrow (and words) before you forge ahead for the rest of the month. Venus in your partners and relationships zone helps Mars along too from 10th, softening what you have to say and making it more digestible to others and therefore better heard.

Relationships and partnerships benefit from Venus gliding through your opposite sign from 3rd. There is at least harmony here. And New Moon on 23rd with Uranus marks an unexpected new cycle in work, health, service to others and daily routine. This is the perfect time to start a new regime. And could a pet be part of it?


Capricorn:    It is all happening in your sign at present. The biggest planet Jupiter and the smallest planet Pluto are setting off a massive reaction as they meet in Capricorn from 1st – 5th. This is calling for growth, expansion and transformation on a personal level. These two meet twice more this year, so this process will be ongoing. Help it along as best you can.

Your ruling planet Saturn has an uncomfortable start to the month as Mars tries to goad it into action in your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values. But Saturn will not be pushed! Saturn in this position can bring up fears around not having ‘enough’ which leads to the interesting question of where does the feeling of ‘enough’ come from? The answer may lie in a value system or through creativity, rather than the material world.

From 11th -15th the Sun in Aries in your father, career and social status zone clashes with your planets of personal transformation. And your urge for a high reputation may run contrary to your inner need for true growth. Appearances may have to be put to one side.

New Moon on 23rd is close to revolutionary Uranus. This marks a new cycle in your outlook, belief system and world view. Your online life or a course of study could also present new opportunities. Take a fresh look at what you always assumed to be true. And be open to change.


Aquarius:    Your unconscious continues to rumble along this month; and LOUDLY from 1st – 5th when Jupiter and Pluto fully meet up. This can raise awareness of your own psychological patterns. It can also be rich food for creative work behind the scenes and give impact to your online presence.

The meeting of Mars and Saturn in your sign on 1st make an uncomfortable start to the month too but Mars moves swiftly on, giving you the energy and determination to achieve your objectives, while Saturn ponders over identity and who you may now be. You have three years to figure this out. Just let the process take its course.

Mercury joins Neptune in your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values on 3rd – 4th. Your finances seem to be no clearer and may continue to mystify you. You will be feeling compassionate though, to those in financial need and understand that we are all in the pool together and that whatever happens to one person, happens to us all.

Your ruling planet Uranus has the final word this month as it highlights the New Moon in Taurus on 23rd and conjuncts the Sun two days later. This marks an exciting (albeit uncertain) new cycle in your mother and home zone. This may involve making changes to your home physically or emotionally. Realisations about your early life may come to the surface. And dealings with mother figures could be enlightening. You may start to nurture yourself in new ways. (Personal development comes into this too). Think in the widest terms and be open to what comes in the month and year ahead!


Pisces:    The call of your true tribe is so strong as the month begins. Jupiter and Pluto are calling loudly in your 11th House of friends, groups and community and it will feel almost impossible to ignore their call. Humanitarian campaigns and ideals will pull you too. You have a lot to contribute. Throw your energy into the mix.

Saturn and Mars are busy behind the scenes. While Saturn is taking stock, Mars may burst out in unconscious anger… Channel it into creativity instead and if all else fails, put on some music and dance!

Mercury meets your ruling planet Neptune, in your sign on 3rd – 4th. This is a kind of mental and spiritual homecoming. Capture all the ideas that occur to you over these days. Inspiration could be ready to emerge!

Venus is gliding through your mother and home zone from 3rd. This heightens your love of home and inspires you to beautify it. Dealings with mother-figures goes well too (and with those you care for, if you happen to be a mother-figure yourself).

New Moon on 23rd is in your communications zone. And Uranus is close by which can bring flashes of information to you (seemingly from out of the blue). Your antennae will be sharp and you may be able to communicate what the collective is ready to hear. Get lots of exercise to expel nervous energy and try new forms of physical movement!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

March 2020 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

There are some intense energies around this month as Mars in Capricorn moves over Jupiter and then Pluto. The former indicates daring expansion but the latter can be hard to handle as the will to get what you want can become obsessive. Willpower will be strong and can be transformative. It is imperative though that this does not veer into ruthlessness.

Mercury goes direct on 10th after three weeks moving retrograde and moves back into Pisces on 16th. This helps to clear up recent misunderstandings and helps communications all round.

Saturn moves into Aquarius on 22nd to review how we are working collectively. Mars wants to take action when it too leaps into Aquarius on 30th but Saturn is still taking stock.

On 20th the Sun enters Aries, marking the spring equinox (at 03.51 GMT), when day and night are of equal length: the first day of spring. For those of you in the cold north, we have survived another winter. And for those in the south, autumn is just beginning.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Venus starts the month in your sign until 5th, heightening your charms. Your inner-dialogue should get more helpful too after 16th when Mercury, once again direct, moves into your 12th House of the unconscious. This should help communications, including with yourself.

Career and social status continue to occupy you as your ruling planet Mars meets Jupiter (16th – 20th) and Pluto (19th – 23rd). These are momentous meetings and if it is a joining of forces, much can be achieved. But if you see a confrontation looming, make sure it is a necessary one. You will be encountering power, authority and discipline: either in others or yourself. Whichever is the case, stay ethical!

From 5th Venus gives a rosier glow to your finances. There could be a surprising or original new idea or source of income as Venus joins Uranus from 5th – 8th. Be open to the unexpected.

On 22nd Saturn moves into your friends, groups and community zone, starting a deep review of how you have been dealing with your collective and political life and how you want to be in the future. Mars joins Saturn on 30th, wanting immediate action but Saturn will not be rushed. Yes, this could be frustrating…

General energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th! This also marks the start of spring.

New Moon in your sign on 24th falls on Chiron (asteroid of wounding and healing). This is an opportunity to look afresh at old wounds and move on in a healing way. This New Moon also marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make resolutions that will help to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.


Taurus:    Your ruling planet Venus graces your sign from 5th which heightens your attractiveness to others. It also immediately encounters Uranus (from 5th – 8th) which can bring sudden attractions or flashes of creative genius! Full Moon on 9th (at 17.49 GMT) intensifies this theme as it falls in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.

The big guns this month though are out in your 9th House of exploration. Mars moves over Jupiter and Pluto, bringing intense experiences through travel, dealings with people from different countries and cultures, deep study, philosophy and ethics. Mars first encounters Jupiter (16th – 20th) when you may find yourself wanting to be part of a wider world or a more just one. You will be prepared to fight for your beliefs or to fight against what you think is wrong. You may want to spread your influence (perhaps online) or through teaching. Or undertaking a course of study that widens or deepens your knowledge could provide the expansion that you are looking for.

When Mars meets Pluto (19th – 23rd) you may feel like going to extremes. This is a strong energy and needs to be used carefully. Your will to bring change to the world is second to none. It is important to remember though that (in most cases) your survival does not depend on converting others round to your way of thinking. Act on your convictions but do not become a tyrant.

Mars meets up with Saturn at the very end of the month in your father, career and social status zone. This can be frustrating as Mars wants to take immediate action wherever it is. And Saturn wants to think carefully and have long-term goals before attempting anything…. Making a clear, rational strategic plan to achieve your ambitions, could be the way forward.


Gemini:   Your ruling planet Mercury starts the month still retrograde and moves backwards leaving Pisces for Aquarius on 4th. This is a time to àâreview your principles and what you hold as true. On 10th Mercury starts to move forwards again and on 16th it skips back into Pisces, hopefully. Your career, social status and dealings with father or authority figures (or 1your own dealings if you happen to be one yourself) will hopefully now be clearer.

Joint funds, intimacy and sharing are the main focus of the month. This includes taxes, debts, inheritances and the fundamental processes of life: birth, sex and death. Mars is shaking Jupiter and Pluto to take action on 16th – 20th and 19th – 23rd, respectively. Powerful issues and energies are at play here, so remain aware of what you are doing or getting into.

Mars does not catch up with Saturn until 30th, after Saturn has moved into your 9th House of exploration. Wherever Saturn lands, a review is called for. And the Saturnian review that starts on 22nd is looking at how you have explored in the past (which includes physical travel, belief systems, your online life and world view) and how you want to approach the world in the future. Mars is pushing Saturn for action from 30th but the focus for Saturn is inward reflection.

New Moon involving Chiron on 24th, marks a new cycle in friendships, groups and community. Chiron’s presence adds the possibility of healing old wounds through the groups you attend, start or join and healing rifts in fiendships or with organisations. Go with it!


Cancer:    People in influential positions are willing to help you with your ambitions until 5th, then Venus glides into your friends, groups and community zone, bringing good times and possibly sudden attractions around 5th – 8th. Have you considered joining (or starting) a group that you would find stimulating? This is not a month to be alone.

Philosophical and legal matters and dealings with in-laws and people with different belief systems start to improve after 10th when Mercury, once again direct, re-enters your 9th House. If you have any legal matters or anything important to sign, wait until after that if you can.

Relationships and partnerships are looking dynamic as Mars meets Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn each in turn, triggering determination to find growth for yourself either within or outside of current partnerships. Passions will be high (and possibly battles of will) when Mars hits Pluto from 19th – 23rd. Keeping the status quo will not feel like an option. And your will to push your agenda forwards will be unstoppable. If you do not claim this energy yourself, you may find your partner exhibiting it themselves. Be pro-active!

Mars joins Saturn in your 8th House from 30th onwards. But joint funds or intimacy start to look serious before that, from 22nd when Saturn starts to weigh up the present situation. What now needs to be done?

New Moon on 24th falls on Chiron (asteroid of wounding and healing) in your father, career and social status zone. This marks a new cycle with the possibility of leaving old wounds behind. For this to happen though, you have to let go of them. And in case that did not quite go in… You have to let go of them!


Leo:    Things are looking good professionally from 5th when Venus starts to smooth your path in your interactions with father or authority figures, career and social status. If you need favours from people in influential positions, be sure to ask. It also meets Uranus from 5th – 8th when surprises, unexpected help from people in positions of power or your own social status changes for the better in some way. Creative ambitions are well-starred too.

Mercury goes direct on 10th in your relationships zone. Joint funds, intimacy and sharing improve too from 16th when Mercury returns. This helps to clear up any recent misunderstandings and opens the path to applying the conclusions you have come to over the past three weeks.

The big focus this month though is work, health and service to others. Mars is pressing for action here, starting with Jupiter which it hits16th – 20th, wanting expansion in your range of work or daily activities. Could you add a consciousness-lifting activity to your daily routine? Or find a job or volunteering position that widens your world?

The most intense process this month is when Mars hits Pluto from 19th – 23rd. This is also in your 6th House and also demanding not just change but transformation. If you want to make changes to your health, habits, daily routine or working world or develop skills that require willpower; this is your moment! Also be alert to colleagues or daily companions going on power trips… Side step them if they do and be sure not to go on one yourself (unless it is taking yourself in hand).

Saturn’s final planetary meeting this month is in your relationships and partnerships zone. Saturn solemnly steps in on 22nd, starting a deep review looking at how you have dealt with relationships and partnerships in the past and how you want to deal with them in the future. Mars starts pushing Saturn for action from 30th but will it succeed?


Virgo:    There is the promise of pleasure from 5th when Venus glides into the travel and exploration zone of your solar chart. This is good for physical exploration, covering terrain and also for philosophical travel, exploring different beliefs and cultures. From 5th – 8th Venus meets Uranus which is already in residence here and this brings excitement and sudden attractions, possibly to someone from a different country or culture. Taking a course of study could also be exciting.

Full Moon in your sign is on 9th, bringing an emotional wave with it. And your ruling planet Mercury goes direct the following day, having decided what to do about a work or health situation. On 16th Mercury moves back into your relationships and partnerships zone and you will now hopefully know what you want to say.

The strongest emphasis this month though is your urge for growth, expansion and transformation in either romance, children or creativity. Mars meets expansive Jupiter from16th to 20th and again you may meet someone who makes your world a bigger place. Dealings with children may feel freer and more expansive or maybe the creative urge will claim you.

When Mars joins Pluto from 19th to 23rd, things could get very intense and you may be swept away on a wave of passion (or compulsive fear from feeling out of control). This is a huge (and often sexual) energy and it will need an outlet that involves taking action. Take it!

New Moon on 24th brings a new cycle with the possibility of healing old wounds to do with joint funds, intimacy and sharing. This could take he form of tax rebates, iinheritances or a new era in sexual expression. Be open to that too!


Libra:    Your ruling planet Venus softens relationships and partnerships until 5th and then moves on to either improve your intimate life or income from ‘the money of others’. Whichever of these it is, there could be some surprises and possibly sudden attractions around 5th – 8th.

Home however looks stormier or at the very least, dynamic. Mars is stirring things up and you will be taking action or experiencing it from others which impacts you on a deep level. Mars meets Jupiter from 16th – 20th when the need for growth and expansion within the home will feel like a must. This could involve searching for a bigger home or one abroad or wanting growth in emotional conditions in the home or possibly freedom from your home altogether.

Whichever it is, the following meeting of Mars with Pluto from 19th – 23rd brings up power issues and the power of the will and commitments but whether that will be yours or a mother-figure’s, remains to be seen…

On 22nd Saturn moves into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity, starting a deep review there. When action-loving Mars joins it from 30th, there may be some frustrations as Saturn will not be hurried or pushed.

New Moon on 24th marks a fresh cycle in your relationships and partnerships. It is also on Chiron (asteroid of wounding and healing). This could be an opportunity to put away oldqwq wounds and move forwards.


Scorpio:    Relationships and partnerships will be grabbing your attention from 5th when Venus glides into your opposite sign. Venus immediately triggers Uranus from 5th – 8th which can act as an exciting awakening to aspects of your partner and relationship that you had not fully appreciated before. Another possibility is the prospect of a new partnership, whether business or personal. Be open-minded.

Mercury planet of communication goes direct on 10th, helping to clear up any misunderstandings or uncertainty regarding romance, children and creativity. But your way of thinking is undergoing a much deeper process that will be presented to you in no uncertain terms this month, as Mars triggers two heavy-weight planets in your 3rd House of communications.

In the first encounter, Mars joins Jupiter (from 16th – 20th) when you will be prepared to fight for your beliefs or expand their field of influence in some way. You may join a course of study or offer one to others. Dialogue will be important too, so surround yourself with enriching minds.

The next trigger is (from 19th – 23rd) when Mars joins your ruling planet Pluto. Passions will run high during this learning process. And we are looking for a learning process, not a knee-jerk reaction. The possibility of harnessing the power of thought, the power of words and the power of the mind is phenomenal right now. Use it to good effect. This may be all too much for one to one relationships. Apply it to yourself. It is fantastic too for public speaking!

Mars hits Saturn when it has already moved into your 4th House of mother and home which it does on 22nd. This is the start of a deep review looking at your roots, foundations, emotional conditions in childhood and what is still left to work through. You will be looking with a sober eye too at your present home, emotion conditions within it, personal development and self-nurture. What are the next steps that you need to now take?

Another opportunity presents itself at New Moon on 24th in your work, health and service to others zone. This New Moon falls on Chiron, the asteroid of wounding and healing. And so we have the perfect time for a new regime: one that meets your need to move away from self-harming habits, in search of a deeper sense of well-being.


Sagittarius:    Health, work and service to others take on a new pleasure from 5th when Venus arrives bringing a sense of well-being. Your daily rituals and the way you tend yourself physically are sources of well-being too, as are colleagues and daily companions, including pets. Venus also immediately runs into Uranus from 5th – 8th, bringing surprises, creative impulses and perhaps even sudden attractions. Work can take on a new zest or you may find volunteering your services gives you a new !ease of life.

Mercury goes direct on 10th and from 16th helps to sort out any recent misunderstandings to do with mother-figures or home. And there is further need for reflection about your habitual ways of thinking and speaking, when Saturn moves into your 3rd House of communications from 22nd.

But the big guns this month are in your finance and security zone. Determined Mars is shaking up the big boys presently moving through this area of your life. And the first planet it meets is your ruling planet Jupiter from16th to 20th. This brings an urge for action and expansion and to fight your corner if need be.

When Mars joins Pluto though from 19th to 23rd, your will to survive may feel intense and show itself in compulsive ways. This is a huge energy that needs to be kept in hand. Your willpower will be unbeatable (and your sex drive possibly ditto) but guard against ruthlessness, even if others are displaying it. If you are trying to bring a new income stream into action, little can stop you at this time.

New Moon on 24th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone. Chiron is here too which brings the theme of wounding and healing to this new cycle. Make opportunities for healing old wounds.


Capricorn:    The month begins with domestic pleasure as Venus completes its stay in your mother and home zone on 5th. Mercury goes direct too on 10th which helps to resolve any recent misunderstandings, especially conversations about values or money. This includes conversations with yourself.

You may be displaying memorable behaviour this month, as an intense build-up of planets can make things feel extreme. Mars the planet of goal-setting, assertiveness, sexual expression, dealings with men (or manhood), physical energy and applying your will; activates two big planets, one after the other and this all happens in Capricorn, your sign.

The order of sequence Mars fires them up is Jupiter (from 16th – 20th) generating energy to fight for your beliefs or expansion and then Pluto (from 19th – 23rd) when power rushes, battles of will or dealingss with men or your own sexuality take on huge proportions. Compulsive behaviour may try to take over in your determination to be right: do not let it!

Your ruling planet Saturn is on the move too and leaves your sign for the first time in over two years, on 22nd. It will come back again in July but this is the first opportunity to weigh up how far you have come since the end of 2017 and how that should now be expressed in your values and dealings with money and security.

And when Mars joins Saturn from 30th, it can feel like hitting a brick wall and the outcome can never be sure. Will you get through that wall or have to go back and review your approach yet again?

New Moon on 24th marks a fresh cycle in your father, career and social status zone. This falls on Chiron, asteroid of wounding and healing. Can you pursue your ambitions in a way that will help old wounds to heal?


Aquarius:    Your ruling planet Uranus gets triggered by lovely Venus (from 5th – 8th) in your mother and home zone. This can bring pleasing and unexpected changes to your home, the emotional conditions within it (and in you). Dealings with mother-figures should be enjoyable, as should self-nurture and personal development. You could have a sudden attraction to someone you meet through any of the above too. Venus is going to stay in your 4th House until early-April and you will be creative in beautifying your home and enjoying the company of others there, perhaps through entertaining.

Your 12th House of the unconscious is hyper-active this month making your unconscious processes more noticeable which can be helpful if you are willing to look at what is going on internally. You will also want to make compassion active. And creativity behind the scenes will be coming from a deep place too. The more you can discover about yourself: the better.

On 22nd Saturn moves into you sign for an introductory stay of justthree months but he is coming back in December. This is the first part of an internal review looking at how you have dealt with the issues of identity and self-expression and its outlets in the past, how you want to deal with these things in the future but the focus during this review process will be inwards.

Mars stirs things up from 30th onwards which contradictory to Saturn, wants to take action. Saturn has pressed the brakes but Mars is stepping on the gas. Making plans for your path ahead may be your best bet with these two on the scene.

New Moon involving Chiron on 24th, marks a new cycle in communication. Chiron’s presence adds the possibility of healing old wounds through approaches you make where there have been misunderstandings. New ways of thinking and new forms of physical movement can bring healing to you too. Give them a go!


Pisces:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. And when the Sun joins your ruling planet Neptune around 7th and 8th you feel well with the world. This is also the lead-up to Full Moon on 9th in your relationships and partnerships zone. And it will be interesting to see what or who you attract from your position of well-being.

Mercury goes direct on 10th and moves back into your sign from 16th. This helps you to communicate better and from a more authentic place than last month when Mercury went retrograde. Venus glides into your communications zone too from 5th and stimulates Uranus from 5th – 8th. This can bring exciting ideas to the fore, even flashes of brilliance! Trying new forms of physical movement can be exciting too! Be experimental!

The biggest impact this month though is Mars which impacts two heavy-weight planets in your friends, groups and community zone. The first of these is Jupiter which it hits from 16th to 20th. You will want to expand your circle of friends or be part of a wider world through joining (or starting) groups, communities or finding your tribe!

Mars them moves into Pluto from 19th to 23rd which is a huge intense energy that stirs up survival issues, linked in some way to these same matters, including organisations, campaigns and political movements. If you have not previously been political, this could be an intense awakening!

Saturn has been applying the brakes here for the last two years but it moves off for a few months from 22nd. This allows you to see how far you have come since the end of 2017 and it also allows you to start applying some of your conclusions from this long review. Saturn moves into your 12th House of the unconscious from 22nd which is the first step of reviewing your inner-dialogue and psychology.

New Moon on 24th marks a fresh cycle in your finances and with Chiron nearby, this could be a healing process. This is a great time to draw up a budget or financial plan. Get out the calculator!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK). And to find out more about the benefits of astrology or more about me, visit


February 2020

Our shared planetary picture

Our two collective main areas of focus this month are our worldly aspirations and the leaders we choose and our ideals and how we organise ourselves with like-minded people,to make our views heard..

From 16th Mars joins Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn which makes us want to have a more active role in what is happening at higher levels. Mercury goes retrograde the next day though (until March 10th) which does not help communications. It is a good time though for us to reflect on how we have been communicating (and communicated to) in the past, how we would like communications to be handled in the future and to be extra clear in what we say and write and to check what others are telling us. This includes deciding what sources can be trusted…

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Your ruling planet Mars is looking for adventure during the first half of Feb as it races through your 9th House of travel and exploration. People and ideas from different cultures could intrigue you which provides the impetus for finding out more and expanding your world view. You may be more energetic online too.

Your popularity stakes are also at their annual high from 7th when Venus starts to glide through your sign for four weeks. If you are looking for good company on your adventures, you are likely to find it. And achieving all your objectives will be easier with the gift of your heightened charm. You may run into challenges from authority figures though on 23rd and 28th.

From 16th Mars joins Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in your father, career and social status zone, revving up your ambitions. Your determination to move forward will be strong and there could be new income streams in view around 20th – 21st.

Mercury goes retrograde though from 17th (until March 10th) which can skew communications through mistrust or misunderstandings. Avoid signing contracts then too. As this takes place in the unconscious area of your solar chart, could it be self-doubt or unhelpful inner-dialogue getting in the way? Take time (and help?) to fully explore this. And yes, counsellors work with Aries clients too!


Taurus:    You have the energy of Mars to press ahead in sorting out joint finances, loans, debts, taxes, pensions and inheritances until 16th. Taureans like to know where they stand financially and Mars lends extra determination to wade through the details that make up the whole picture.

Friends groups and communities you belong to are important this month as Venus, Mercury and the Sun join resident Neptune for a while in this area of your solar chart. Your sympathies are heightened and causes or campaigns that inspire you will have a strong pull this month. Mercury, planet of communication goes retrograde here though from 17th, when you may need to be extra clear in everything you write and say (including to organisations).

New Moon on 23rd falls in this area of your solar chart too and coincides with your ruling planet Venus squaring Jupiter. It goes on to square Pluto too on 28th. This may challenge your values in some way or you become more aware of power dynamics in relationships.

From 16th Mars joins Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in your 9th House of travel, exploration, culture and world-view. This adds energy to forge ahead in whatever aspect of the outer or inner world that is being presented to you. Deep and transformative processes are taking place in your understanding of what is true which is spurring you on to take action in some way, in line with this knowledge. And this action may even bring a personal awakening with it around 21st – 22nd when Mars ignites Uranus in your sign. Embarking on a course of study could also be transformational.


Gemini:    Venus glides into your friendships, groups and community zone on 7th, bringing harmony and pleasure to your social life and through any causes or campaigns that you are involved in. Mars is heating up your relationships and partnerships too until 16th which could see you in hot pursuit of a partner, enflamed by passion or in fiery battle (all different aspects of Mars).

From 16th Mars takes a leap into your 8th House of fundamental life processes (birth, sex and death), joint funds, intimacy and sharing. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are already occupying this area of your solar chart, insisting on deep transformation and the arrival of Mars helps to make this process more conscious. If you feel our of your depth, get the support of a counsellor or therapist to sort through the issues.

Your ruling planet Mercury is busy this month too. From 3rd it is thinking about father, career or social status. But on 17th it goes retrograde to review how you have been communicating with the world and authority figures and structures… (and as a father, if you are one yourself).

Have you been clear and have you been communicating in a way that would help to achieve your goals and ambitions? Time to give this some thought. New Moon on 23rd is also in this area of your solar chart. This is usually a time to make a fresh start here in some way but your communications review needs to be completed first. Mercury starts to move forwards once again on March 10th and fully catches up to where it was on March 30th. So keep any new plans or ambitions fluid until then.


Cancer:    You are most likely still feeling energetic during the first half of the month as Mars continues to forge ahead in your work, health and service to others zone. This is good for exercise and taking yourself in hand (in whichever way seems necessary). You will have an extra spurt of energy work-wise too, either within your present position or in looking for a new one. Volunteering your services could add to your well-being too, as well as helping those you give your time to.

From 7th Venus is smoothing your path in your interactions with father or authority figures, career and social status. If you need favours from people in influential positions, be sure to ask. But do this before Mercury goes retrograde on 17th when communications can go awry. Legal matters and travel plans could go the same way too, so be flexible and allow time to make adjustments if necessary.

The two big areas of focus in your solar chart this month though are relationships and partnerships and your world view. Mars leaps into your partnerships zone, joining Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto which are already there. This adds determination to push your agenda forwards. Mars brings heat too which can express itself through passion, conflict or decisive energy.

Your world-view is the other focus, as you explore different belief systems, countries or cultures and what rings true for you. Learning a new language could be expansive. But wth Mercury temporarily going retrograde in this area of your solar chart, choose your words carefully online. New Moon here on 23rd marks a fresh philosophical start in some way. Time to expand your horizons!


Leo:    Full Moon is in your sign on 9th and goodness knows we could do with some of your sunny self-expression to brighten our cold February days here in the Northern hemisphere. And for Leos in the South, just bask in those long, sunny days and recharge your batteries.

Two days before this on 7th, Venus glides into your travel and philosophy zone, smoothing relations with people from different countries and cultures. This could also help legal matters along. You find pleasure physically exploring or meta-physically exploring the world and different truths. And you may resent the intrusion of daily demands (work?) around 23rd and 28th when you would much rather follow your train of thought.

Mercury is retrograde in your shared zone from 17th, so watch communications, especially around joint funds and intimacy. Meanwhile Mars is still heating up romance, children and creativity until 16th, then it moves into your 6th House, the main focus this year: of work, health and service to others. Mars equals action, so whatever needs to be done here, get going!

This includes your line of work, how you look after yourself physically (e.g. diet, exercise and what you include in your daily routine), developing skills that are needed in your line of work or hoped-for line of work and sharing your skills with others in some way. These may seem like very mundane things but any or all of these are transformational right now and central to your future path in life. Yes, it is that important!


Virgo:    ‘The money of others’ may be sailing your way this month or the promise of it, as Venus starts to rosy the picture from 7th onwards. This can be good for tax rebates, loans, inheritances and benefitting from partners. In fact relationships and partnerships are an active area too this month, especially from 19th when the Sun brings illumination to this part of your life.

Mars starts the month off activating things at home. This is good for home improvement projects, de-cluttering and just getting things done. It is also helpful in getting you moving on self-nurture and personal development. We know how much time you devote to others but you should be one of the recipients of your attentions too!

On 16th Mars leaps into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity. Three heavy-weight planets are already here: Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto which are insisting on long-term transformation. Mars’s arrival helps to make this a more conscious process in which you can play a pro-active role. What could you do to enhance the romance, dealing with children or creative side of your life?

Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 17th (until March 10th) in your relationships and partnerships zone. This calls for a review in how you have been dealing with communications, especially in partnerships. It is also a chance to step back from any emotional reactions to look calmly and objectively at the facts. Also avoid signing anything important if at all possible during this period. New Moon on 23rd marks a fresh start in relationships and partnerships in some way. What would you like that to be?


Libra:    Your ruling planet Venus glides into your opposite sign on 7th for a four-week stay which brings harmony and pleasure to relationships and partnerships. Although there may be a couple of hiccoughs around 23rd and 28th when home issues or matters connected to mothering stir things up.

Home life and mothering issues get even more intense from 16th when Mats leaps into action on the home front. This could signal conflicts or getting things done at long last. And around 20th -21st matters connected to home could impact joint funds. Personal development is up for grabs too as Mars heats things up.

Mercury goes retrograde on 17th however which may not help communications and work or health may demand a second look. How have you been communicating with colleagues and daily companions? And have you been getting enough exercise etc? How we think strongly impacts our well-being too. Is this an area that could use some scrutiny?

New Moon on 23rd is the perfect time to start a new regime. Now what should that include?


Scorpio:    Your daily rituals become a source of pleasure from 7th when Venus glides into your 6th House of work, health and service to others. This is good for harmonious relations with colleagues and daily companions (including pets). You will enjoy attending to the details of your physical well-being too. making good choices for yourself. And yes, diet and exercise come into this too…

Home continues to be pleasurable too up until 16th. Fun romance, children or creativity then take your attention, although misunderstandings could occur from 17th onwards when Mercury goes retrograde. But New Moon on 23rd could be a fresh start in some way.

Mars spends the first half of the month energising your finance zone. You will be pushing forward here to establish security for yourself in some way. But from 16th Mars leaps into your 3rd House of communications where the big boys Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto already sit. They are all working deeply on your thought processes and Mars adds heat and determination to this process.

As Mercury, planet of communication is retrograde from 17th, this is no time to get hot-headed with others, just keep your Scorpion if cool. It is time though to carry out a conscious and vigorous review or your thought processes. Though. Unhelpful patterns of thought can start to be ironed out with the help of a counsellor or therapist. But only you can initiate this process. Do it!


Sagittarius:    You will continue to be in full vigour during the first half of the month as Mars forges onwards through your sign. Your physical energy,and dynamism will put you in the limelight and your willpower and determination will win the day. Meanwhile Venus glides into your travel and philosophy zone on 7th, bringing pleasure and good relations with people from all over the world. (This could also be online).

From 16th Mars leaps into your finance zone, sharpening your resolve to improve or create new income streams. Your ruling planet Jupiter is already in residence here, along with Saturn and Pluto, signifying that a major transformation is taking place in your understanding of what security truly means. With the added arrival of Mars, you can be more in the driving seat of this long process for a while.

The following day on 17th Mercury goes retrograde however and communications will need to be reviewed and double-checked as you move forward, to avoid misunderstandings. The mis-communications are coming from your 4th House of mother and home. It would be better to avoid signing anything important between 17th and March 10th if you can.

This is also a helpful time to review how you have been communicating at home and with people you care for or who care for you. Self-nurture and personal development are also areas to reflect on. How have you been caring for your own needs? New Moon on 23rd is a good time to start a fresh path forward.


Capricorn:    Home life could see an improvement from 7th when Venus glides into your 4th House of mother and home. This is good for harmonious relations with mother figures and in your own maternal roles, whether you are female or male. You may also find yourself wanting to beautify your home and to invite others to share its pleasures. This is a good time for entertaining.

On 16th Mars leaps into your sign (as it does approximately every two years). This is a change of gear and energy settings around how you see yourself and how you go into the world. Every planet has a metal which best describes it. And for Mars this is the metal is iron which describes your determination to push your goals forward. Others beware! You will have no trouble being assertive, unless you veer into aggression which we would all like to avoid…

On 17th, Mercury the planet of communication, goes retrograde in your 3rd House of communications. This will require you to be very, very clear in what you say and to double-check that everyone has understood the same thing, in any discussions. In fact if you can move discussions forward or delay them until after March 10th, so much the better. The other most critical part of communications is listening. Make sure you attend carefully to what people are saying and how they may be feeling.

New Moon on 23rd also falls in your communications zone. This is a good time to learn a new language, brush up on your writing or public-speaking skills and to try new forms of physical movement, all of which can help you to think more clearly.


Aquarius:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 19th, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too until 3rd when it shoots off to think about your finances. They look rosy during the first week of the month but become more and more baffling, especially from 17th onwards, when Mercury goes retrograde there. Avoid signing anything important if you can and take some time to review your thinking about finances, security and values. Be careful in your communications too about these matters.

Venus glides into your 3rd House of communications from 7th bringing pleasure from short journeys, neighbours, siblings and conversation. Physical movement can become more pleasurable too or become easier in some way. Meanwhile, Mars provides energy for friendships, groups and communities that you belong to until 16th. It also provides heat and this can take the form of enthusiasm, action (or even conflict). Aim for the first two.

Then from 16th Mars takes an already highly active area of your solar chart by storm: your 12th House. This covers your inner-workings and also the collective unconscious which is the pool that we all swim in, where whatever happens to one, happens to us all. Empathy, compassion and spirituality come into this too. The 12th House also covers how we undermine ourselves (including drink, drugs and negative self-talk, creativity behind the scenes, our online life and even fame.

The arrival of Mars here, where the mega-planets Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are already in residence, can help to make the huge transformation taking place within, more conscious. Consider taking a counsellor or therapist to be your sounding-board and guide on this journey.


Pisces:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 19th!

You have the added charms of Venus during the first week of Feb and then on 7th Venus glides into your money zone, making the financial picture look rosier or creating a sense of well-being regarding security, possibly through being creative.

Mars is driving your ambitions forward too until 16th. It then leaps into your friend, groups and community zone which is already undergoing long-term transformation driven by Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. Mars hands more decisions over to you, so make them.

Mercury goes retrograde on 17th in your sign. This is an opportunity to step back and reflect on how you have been dealing with communications and how you want to deal with them in the future once this review period starts to move forwards (on March 10th).

New Moon in your sign on 23rd marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make resolutions that will help you to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead. Your birthday whether this month or next is also your personal new year. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK). And to find out more about the benefits of astrology or more about me, visit


January 2020 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

January 2020 is an intense start to an intense year. Mars leaps into Sag on 3rd urging us collectively to seek the truth and wisdom. And Uranus goes direct on 11th in Taurus, enabling us to make changes in our attitude towards consumption, ownership and values (which have been under review since mid-August).

This happens during the most intense few days of the month when Full Moon in Cancer on 10th leads on to a gathering of the Sun, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn until 13th. We have collectively been undergoing a long process of transformation in relation to hierarchies and the leaders we have lived under or voted for and the first crunch of mass awareness (and most likely dissatisfaction and awakening) will be felt from 10th – 13th. And there is more to come this year…

New Moon in Aquarius on 24th marks a fresh start in humanitarian principles and collective thinking and in what the individual has to offer the collective and vice versa. Is there a movement that resonates with you, that you would like to join? If so, you may find your new tribe there.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   Your ruling planet Mars sharpens your urge to travel from 3rd. Is there a part of the world or the great outdoors that you would like to explore? Different cultures and belief systems and studies may also carry an allure and if you have legal or publishing matters to sort out, your determination to do so is high. Neptune clouds the view around 26th – 28th which is a good point to pause. But otherwise it is full speed ahead.

The mystery surrounding your finances should clear from 11th when Uranus goes direct. Money will be valued for the freedom and experiences it can provide and you may be looking at generating an income that is more closely in line with your values.

The busiest area of your solar chart though is your 10th House of father, career and social status. And when Mercury joins Jupiter on 2nd and then the Sun, Pluto and Saturn intensely group together around 12th, you will have both ideas and insight into these areas of your life.

New Moon on 24th falls in your friends, groups and community zone. This marks a fresh cycle and is the perfect time to join or start a new group. And if there is a cause you feel strongly about, your dynamic leadership skills and energy will find good company and will help towards the changes you are working for.


Taurus:    Taxes, debts, pensions, wills and inheritances are looking active from 3rd when Mars leaps into your 8th House, determined to sort things out. Joint funds need to be crystal clear too. The 8th House also covers the transformational processes of life – i.e. birth, sex and death. Sharing is an aspect of this too, including emotional and physical intimacy. And Mars will be shaking things up and pushing things forward or perhaps you will!

The main emphasis this month is in the travel and exploration area of your solar chart. Opportunities to travel, study, publish, explore the great outdoors or different cultures or languages can all have a big impact. Legal matters could be weighty too.

On 11th Uranus goes direct in your sign, having been retrograde since mid-August. This has been a review period, looking at whether you have been compromising and not fully expressing the pure essence of yourself. So what do you think? Have you? Opportunity to do just that is open to you once again. Go with it.

Things look in your favour careerwise as Venus charms authority-figures to be on your side until 13th. New ideas arrive too from16th and you will be fully expressing yourself from 20th when the Sun warms and illuminates your social status. New Moon on 24th also falls in this area of your solar chart and marks the beginning of a new cycle. Do you have ambitions? You do? Then start now to make them become a reality!


Gemini:    Mars leaps into your relationships and partnerships zone from 3rd which turns up the heat. This may find you in hot pursuit of a certain someone or vice versa. Or the heat may take the form of conflict through either you or a partner being more assertive than usual. Passion can take different forms…

Joint funds, intimacy and sharing are the big focus this month though, with a gathering of planets from 10th – 13th making things pretty intense. We know Geminis like to keep things nice and light but there will be very little chance of that during this period… Transformational processes are at work which may include births, sex and deaths. Taxes, debts and inheritances may take on a more serious tone too, as could joint accounts and loans.

From 14th Venus is smoothing your path in your interactions with father or authority figures, career and social status. If you need favours from people in influential positions, be sure to ask. You may also become aware of your dream ambition around 26th – 27th when Venus meets up with Neptune at the top of your chart but this may be incompatible with your present choice of partner.

From 16th your ruling planet Mercury is thinking about travel and exploring new ideas. The Sun provides energy for this too from 20th. Now where would you like to go? Or what would you like to learn?


Cancer:    Energetic Mars leaps into your work, health and service to others zone on 3rd and livens things up here immediately. If you have been thinking about looking for a new job or volunteering, Mars will provide the energy to do so. And could it be time to start a new regime? Mars specialises in determination too which is exactly what you need to embark upon and stick to a new, healthier way forward. Your daily routine is up for grabs too and we are looking at how to enhance your health and well-being.

Full Moon on 10th is in your sign, highlighting contradictions between your needs and your partner’s. Partnerships are an ongoing focus and particularly so this month. On 2nd Mercury meets Jupiter and your mind will be at its most positive, giving a wider, more philosophical view. Deeper insights are available too on 12th which may not be altogether comfortable but you need to look at issues or realisations that arise then, straight in the face.

Any unhelpful disruptions to friendships, groups and community start to sort themselves out from 11th when Uranus goes direct. This is a changing area anyway but at least things will be moving forwards once again.

Travel is well-starred from 13th as Venus glides into your 9th House of exploration. The great outdoors may hold extra appeal. Dealing with people from different countries and cultures is a pleasure and learning about other cultures and perhaps a foreign language could be fun. And if you have been considering studying something in depth, you will enjoy it!


Leo:     Romance, dealings with children or creativity stir your creative juices from 3rd when Mars leaps into your 5th House and energises you to pursue your desires. You will enjoy good-natured competition with others and sports may appeal. You may be more attracted to speculation too.

But the main focus this month is work, health and service to others. A build-up of tension around 10th – 13th may squeeze you to look deeply at how well your physical needs are being met and how well (or otherwise) you have been tending yourself. Your daily routine and habits come into this, as does diet and exercise. What you mentally focus on is important too. Saturn and Pluto are looking for transformative change which may require a job change or a health change. This may need a lot of self-discipline… Just find it!

Relationships with colleagues and daily companions could be intense. It is important to be conscious of how you use your power and influence. Be as ethical as possible, even if others are not being so. Pets could be important too and have a strong impact on your well-being and daily routine.

The review that has been taking place since mid-August in your 10th House of father, career or social status completes on 11th and you will then hopefully be aware of whether you have been compromising too much (or too little). And you will also be in a position to do something about your conclusion. A seven-year revolutionary process is taking place in your worldly standing. Position yourself to go with it.


Virgo:    If you have been planning projects to do with your home, the planetary wind is behind you from 3rd when Mars leaps in giving you the energy and determination to get things done. Mars also represents heat, so the personal dynamics at home could be feistier than usual, as could dealings with mother-figures. And if self-nurture and personal development have been on a back-burner, you may want to push them forwards too.

Planetary intensity gathers around 10th – 13th this month which for you means romance, children or creativity will be burning issues. Whichever of these demands your attention, creativity can be a good outlet for any build-up of tension.

During the same period, Uranus goes direct on 11th which is part of the 7-year shake-up of your belief system and world-view. A review has been taking place here since mid-August but you can now move forwards once again. Dealings with in-laws and people from different countries and cultures could play a part in this, as could writing, publishing and legal matters. Ethics could be central to whatever form this takes too.

From 13th Venus glides which into your relationships and partnerships zone, helping to smooth things along. And New Moon on 24th is calling out for a fresh start in your 6th House of work and health and service to others. Could it be time for a new regime, a new job or voluntary position? Or have you even considered getting a pet?


Libra:    Mentally you will be on top form from 3rd when Mars leaps into your communications zone. This gives lots of mental energy and the determination to make your voice matter. Mars is good for physical exercise too and if it is competitive, all the better.

The other side of Mars is combat and others may notice an unexpected inclination to defend your views more energetically than usual. You may also want to tackle matters relating to siblings and neighbours that you have let ride until now.

Mother and home continue to be the main focus this month with three big planets in residence and Mercury passing through. Good ideas occur to you on 2nd when Mercury meets Jupiter and you might have deeper insight into some of these matters around 12th.

Your ruling planet Venus glides into your work and health zone on 13th which makes relations with colleagues and daily companions harmonious. You take pleasure too in tending to your daily needs and enjoy your daily rituals.

New Moon on 24th is in your romance, children and creativity zone. This marks a fresh cycle. What would you like it to include? Take action, in line with the answers to that question.


Scorpio:    Finances are high on your list from 3rd when energetic Mars leaves your sign and leaps into your 2nd House of money, possessions, income, security and values. This may prompt you to pursue an additional stream of income or to yank your life closer to your true values.

Communications is the big focus this month though, especially from 10th – 13th when the Sun, Saturn and Pluto meet two days after the Full Moon on 10th. It is important to keep your mind (and tongue) positive at this time as the intensity will be high.

This could also indicate a breakthrough though in understanding what triggers your self-sabotaging outbursts or moments of doubt. Find outlets for these build-ups of tension: singing, dance or other forms of physical movement can be helpful, as can meditation, martial arts and exploring past traumas with a counsellor or therapist.

In the midst of this maelstrom, Uranus goes direct on 11th in your relationships and partnerships zone. This completes a review that has been around since mid-August, looking at whether or not you have been completely true to yourself and others in your relationships. And if you have not, it is time to start now!

Mother, home, self-nurture and personal development are also highlighted by Mercury and the Sun from 16th and 20th and New Moon here marks an opportunity for a new committment to meeting your needs for a home-life that supports you and your personal development. Just do it!


Sagittarius:    On 3rd Mars leaps into your sign adding extra dynamism and determination to your creative self-expression. Your daily habits will be ready for a change too when Uranus goes direct on 11th. If you have been mulling over a change of job, a new health regime or becoming a volunteer, now is the time to forge this new path.

Finances are a massive focus at present, particularly this month from 10th – 13th when storm clouds gather in your income, security and values zone. The focus may seem to be purely financial, but it may not be. The present planetary squeezing that is going on could be forcing you to undergo a transformation that changes your values. Creativity or a value system that gives a sense of security may become more important than physical currency or possessions that you can count.

Venus glides into your mother and home zone from 13th, easing relations at home and with mother-figures. You may find yourself wanting to beautify your home at the same time. And sharing its charms with others through entertaining will be a pleasure too.

New Moon on 24th falls in your communications zone. This is a perfect time to start a new course or to start sharing your skills with others by offering a course yourself. New forms of physical movement can also have a positive impact on your state of mind. Be experimental!


Capricorn:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too until 16th with consciousness-raising possibilities on 2nd and 12th. This is also your first full month of Jupiter in your sign which adds an upbeat swing.

Finances are looking rosy too with Venus smoothing things along until 13th. Mercury adds income-generating ideas from 16th and the Sun adds creativity from 20th. New Moon on 24th also falls in your income zone which is an excellent time to plan finances and draw up a budget.

Full Moon in your opposite sign on 10th illuminates the different pushes and pulls of your partner’s needs and your own or the longing for a partner if there is not one around. There is also a shift in romance, creativity or dealings with children from 11th when Uranus forges forwards once again to look at what further changes are needed.

Communications run smoothly from 13th. Dealings with siblings and neighbours go well and your flow with words enrapture others (apart from a few hiccoughs around 26th – 28th when you would do well to keep your own counsel). But your silver tongue (or pen) sings once again from 29th onwards.


Aquarius:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th! Venus also continues to heighten your desirability until 13th and few will be able to resist your charms. From 13th Venus adds a rosy glow to your finances too.

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer. New Moon on 24th is in Aquarius too which is a natural point to reflect on your emotional needs in the month and year ahead and to take steps in how to best meet them.

Your ruling planet Uranus goes direct on 11th, enabling much-needed changes on the mother and home front (that have been on hold since mid-August) to resume. There are more changes that still need to be made. This can include your home, relations with mother-figures, self-nurture and personal development. Welcome and help along the changes that are on their way. This coincides with a period of intensity from 10th – 13th when realisations about your psychology and inner-workings come to light.

Mars leaps into your friends, groups and community sector from 3rd. These are all areas of life that you love and you will be firing on all four cylinders here over the next six weeks. You will have a lot of energy to offer groups, even enough to start a new one. You may be feeling politically active too. And if there is a campaign that is close to your heart, get out there and change the world!


Pisces:    Mars leaps into your social status zone on 3rd and stays for six weeks, sharpening your ambitions and giving you the determination to do something about them. What standing would you like to achieve in the world? Dealings with father and authority figures may be heated too during this period, as either you, them or both will be feeling more assertive…

The big focus this month though (and this year) is friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. An intense gathering of planets around 10th – 13th focuses your mind very strongly on who your true tribe is and on what you need to achieve collectively. Campaigns and causes become super-important and there can be personal growth for you this year and growth that you take to others, if you take an active role. Events or interactions from 10th – 13th may present you with the difficulties that you will face along this path: but also with the resilience to navigate them.

Venus is helping creativity behind the scenes along until 13th. This can help to soften your self-talk too. On 24th New Moon marks a fresh start here too. Have you thought of adding a meditative practice or ritual to your daily routine? From 13th Venus is going to be in Pisces, making you darling of the zodiac until 7th Feb. Enjoy your popularity!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


December Horoscopes 2019

Our shared planetary picture

A new area of exploration is opening up for us all as Jupiter makes its annual change of sign this month. After a one-year stay in Sag, Jupiter jumps into Capricorn on 2nd. And in doing so, it joins two other big boy planets – Saturn which arrived there two years ago and Pluto which has been there since 2008.

All three planets bring growth but Jupiter is by far the most up-beat and enjoyable one of this trio. So be ready for new, expansive opportunities to explore and wider horizons ahead.

The Winter Solstice (on 22nd at 04.21 GMT this year) is when the Sun moves into Capricorn. And New Moon on 26th is in Capricorn too. New Moons always mark a fresh cycle but this particular one involves Jupiter and revolutionary Uranus. So change is longing to happen (in different areas of life for each sign). Remove inner obstacles and help it along.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it, to find out.


Aries:    Your ruling planet Mars is still busy asserting itself in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. Decisiveness is one of your strengths, (even when you think you might be wrong). But this is unlikely to be the case from 10th – 13th when Neptune backs up Mars and everything feels right.

Your ambitions get a huge boost from 2nd, as Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity leaps into your 10th House of father, career and social status. Saturn and Pluto have been adding responsibilities and power issues to this area of your solar chart for the past few years and will continue to do so. But optimistic, joyful Jupiter is going to be in residence here for a year too, so fasten your seatbelt for full speed ahead!

Venus encourages people in power to ease your path, as it glides through your professional sphere until 20th. This should ease relations with authority and father-figures. And if you need their help, be sure to ask (but preferably not between 10th – 13th).

New Moon on 26th also falls in your 10th House and marks a new cycle, again in father, career and social status. Jupiter stars in this New Moon too, as does revolutionary Uranus which involves your finances . Make plans for the year head. The sky is the limit! Aim high!


Taurus:    Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity is on the move this month and on 2nd it takes residence in your travel and philosophy zone for a year. This creates new opportunities for travel and getting to know people from different countries, cultures or belief systems. It can bring about an expansion of your world view too. Venus has been smoothing things along here until 20th but there may be delays and intense encounters from 10th – 13th.

New Moon on 26th marks a new cycle of exploration. This can be covering terrain in the great outdoors, discovering new countries and cultures or exploring the higher mind through deep study, religion or philosophy. Ethics can become very important too. And have you considered learning a new language? Whichever adventures you embark upon, they will bring personal change. Give this change all the space and encouragement it needs!

Mars continues to assert itself all month in your relationships and partnerships. (Partnerships includes business partners too). If you have desired goals in either of these areas, go for them!

From 20th your ruling planet Venus starts to ease your path in dealings with authority or father figures. Career and social status look good too. And if your ambitions need people in positions of power to help them along, be sure to ask!


Gemini:    Jupiter which has provided a year of growth in your relationships and partnerships, glides into a new area of your chart on 2nd and takes residence in your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion and opportunity and the coming 12 months could produce expansion via ‘the money of others’.

This could take the form of your partner’s income helping things along, a loan or tax rebate or even an inheritance. Another possible manifestation could be personal growth through aspects of sharing and intimacy (the emotional and physical sharing of yourself). Venus is already smoothing things along here until 20th but runs into obstacles in the form of Saturn and Pluto from 10th – 13th which have been weighing things down over the past few years.

Mars continues to heighten your energy and resolve over work, health and service to others. If you have been thinking about starting a new regime or looking for a new job or volunteering opportunity, the determination you need to make it happen, is on hand all month. Mars also forms a harmonious alliance with Neptune around 10th – 13th which can enhance your status or move you closer to your ideal self.

Full Moon is in your sign on 12th in the middle of all of this and it can be helpful to notice the emotions that present themselves then. Who or what kind of person would your ideal partner be? Or how can you help current partnerships to move closer to that ideal?


Cancer:    So much is happening in your relationships and partnerships, it may be hard to keep up with it all. But boring it is not! In addition to the two heavy-weights Saturn and Pluto slowly purging their way through this area of your solar chart, Jupiter joins them from 2nd. Jupiter is planet of growth, expansion and opportunity and it is going to stay for a year, insisting on growth and expansion in your relationships. And if this is not possible, you may seek freedom from them altogether!

Meanwhile the Sun sheds warmth and light onto relationships and partnerships from 22nd and New Moon here on 26th is nudging you to make resolutions that will help you to meet your relational needs in the month and year ahead.

Mars continues to bring intensity and drive to romance, children and creativity and pulls idealistic Neptune into play from 10th – 13th. But partners may create obstacles, as Venus runs into Saturn and Pluto during the same period. It is hard to say how all of this will pan out. But its impact will be noticeable.

Venus glides into your joint funds zone from 20th and you may benefit from ‘the money of others’ which could mean from partners, banks or well-wishers. Friends, groups and collectives could have some bearing on this too from 21st – 22nd.

Work or health matters may be on your mind as Mercury whips up new ideas from 9th – 28th. Have you considered new forms of physical movement? Why not give them a go?


Leo:    Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity nurtures growth through work, health and service to others in the year ahead. This adds optimism and positivity on the job front and in how you attend to your well-being. Saturn and Pluto have been weighing down heavily here for the last few years, demanding discipline and willingness to surrender to transformation or greater powers than your own.

Both of these are forms of growth. But Jupiter’s arrival from 2nd augurs good-time growth during the year ahead. And New Moon on 26th continues this theme and is the perfect time to start a new regime (physical and/or spiritual).

Jupiter is philosophical and jovial in its approach, so adding mind-expanding or spiritual practices to your daily routine is very helpful. The only caution is over-expansion or going over the top in terms of what you feed yourself, in every respect e.g. food, drink and other stimulants. And how you feed your mind.

It can be good to explore different forms of exercise this year and if that is in the great outdoors, all the better! Pets can be a bonus too. Venus adds pleasure to your daily rituals until 20th and relations with colleagues and daily companions goes well too. A few obstacles may surface around 10th – 13th but nothing that you cannot handle.

Venus glides into your relationships and partnerships zone from 20th, smoothing ruffled feathers with the promise of pleasure and harmony. This may bring a change of status from 20th – 22nd either in personal relationships or creative partnerships. Whichever it is, enjoy it!


Virgo:    Your ruling planet Mercury is moving fast this month and your mind will be covering lots of ground too. As the month begins, thoughts of home, mother-figures and self-nurture take precedence, closely followed by the very active theme in your chart this month: romance, children and creativity.

Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity moves into this area of your solar chart from 2nd for a year-long stay. Saturn and Pluto have been keeping things serious and intense in these matters for the past few years but Jupiter should help to open things up and bring hope of new possibilities. Venus smoothes things along here too until 20th. And although some old chestnuts may crop up once again around 10th – 13th. Use creative thinking to keep a fluid approach.

Mars continues to fire up mental energy and the need for physical exercise. All of that mental energy needs directing too. Is there a project you can pour it into? If not, find one, so that it does not just rev up your nervous system.

New Moon on 26th marks the beginning of a fresh cycle in your creative life. Make resolutions that will help you to meet your creative needs in the month and year ahead.


Libra:    You are still hot on the trail of your finances this month, as Mars forges through your security zone. Work and being of service to others helps the overall picture during the second week of the month too.

Home comforts are a source of pleasure this month until 20th, as your ruling planet Venus smoothes and soothes your mother and home zone. Structural and power issues may feature though around 9th – 14th.

Expansion is a new theme here as Jupiter leaps in from 2nd, looking for growth and new opportunities. This could be about a bigger home or one abroad or inspired by a philosophy in some way. You may also find yourself wanting to emotionally care for others and be cared for more than before. Self-nurture and personal development may become more important too.

New Moon on 26th also falls in your mother and home zone and it can be helpful to make your New Year’s Resolutions then, as this marks an expansive new cycle, buoyed up by Jupiter and exhilarating Uranus. We spring into the world from the home. And if you can get home just right, in every sense, then who knows what you could achieve?


Scorpio:    Mars is still forging ahead in Scorpio this month and you may find yourself being more assertive and forthright than usual. This coincides with the entry of Jupiter into your 3rd House of communications which opens the door to deeper, freer communications and thinking. Jupiter adds optimism and hope to the present seriousness of your mind. New forms of communication, study, teaching and physical movement can have a growthful effect too.

New Moon on 26th also falls in this area of your solar chart and gathers Jupiter with it and Uranus. This marks a new cycle in your communications that brings about an awakening in partnerships. The more open you can be, the greater the opportunities for growth.

When Venus runs up against Saturn and your ruling planet Pluto around 10th – 13th, you may run into some old, hot potatoes but Mars in your sign is in good aspect to Neptune at the same time and idealism helps you to address the obstacles on your desired path.

From 20th Venus glides into your mother and home zone and you may find yourself beautifying your home and wanting to share its pleasures with others by entertaining. Dealings with mother-figures go well too, as does personal development and self-nurture. Enjoy them all!


Sagittarius:    Your ruling planet Jupiter is on the move on 2nd when it leaves your sign after a year-long stay. Hopefully this completes a year of growth and expansion for you. And the good news is that Jupiter has now moved into your finance zone which can either increase your income or generate a sense of security that comes from within, perhaps connected to creativity or philosophy. This too is a year-long process.

Venus is also making your finances look rosier until 20th (although there may be a couple of hiccoughs around 10th -13th). And New Moon on 26th is a good point to draw up a budget and financial plans for the year ahead.

On 20th Venus glides into your 3rd House of communications, offering pleasure through everyday interactions, learning, teaching, short journeys and dealings with neighbours and siblings. Physical movement can be pleasurable too.

Meanwhile, the Sun ball remains in your court until 21st, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too from 9th – 28th. Sagittarians rarely mince their words but with Mercury the winged messenger on your shoulder, your ‘to-the-point’ tongue is likely to hit its mark with ease. Have you thought of writing too?


Capricorn:    New opportunities are about to enter your life in the year ahead as Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion jumps into your sign on 2nd for a year-long stay. This only happens once every twelve years and it usually brings a wave of optimism with it. And this may be very welcome as the two heavy-weights Saturn and Pluto have been weighing heavily in your sign for the past few years.

Venus in Capricorn until 20th softens your personna too and heightens your charms. Although your current internal processes may get in the way for a while around 10th – 13th.

Energy levels may also have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is that in addition to Jupiter, the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! This is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

New Moon in Capricorn on 26th marks the start of your personal new year. And this is another good time to make resolutions, particularly ones that will help you to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead!


Aquarius:    Your unconscious is working over-time this month as three of the planetary big-players are joined by three personal planets passing through your 12th House. The big shift though is Jupiter’s arrival in this area of your chart. Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion and opportunities and this could have consciousness-raising effects. Any type of spiritual or meditative practice can have wonderful outcomes. Counselling or therapy can shed light on earlier confusion. And healing is a possibility for yourself, as is helping others to heal too.

Your understanding of those on the edge of society is heightened and you can find growth for yourself and others if you put your empathy into action. You can also have a positive impact on, or experience of institutions of any of kind (e.g. prisons, hospitals, psychiatric units, refuges and charities etc).

Creative work behind the scenes can also be fruitful and make your world bigger. If you have a creative project in mind, the New Moon on 26th would be a good point to draw up your blue-print and get started. The one thing to look out for though is going to excess with mind-numbing substances, especially around 26th and 27th. Jupiter wants to expand your consciousness, not drown it.

From 20th Venus glides into your sign, making you irresistibly attractive to others. You could also be a good mediator and gather the co-operation of others to achieve peaceful goals.

Meanwhile, Mars is fuelling your ambitions and determination to improve your standing or social status all month. And your plans could look financially promising around 10th – 13th. Keep that energy going and keep pushing ahead!


Pisces:    Your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals is a big focus this month. Venus starts things off smoothly but runs into tricky matters from 10th – 13th. Full Moon highlights the conflicting demands of father versus mother or career and home on 12th. But your ruling planet Neptune gets backing from Mars then too, so an understanding but assertive approach should work well for you.

Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity takes residence in this same collective area of your chart from 2nd. This is a welcome up-beat presence that should help to counter-balance the weighty impact that Saturn and Pluto have been having here for the past few years. New friends, groups and communities can enhance your life during the year ahead; and you them.

Friends from different countries, cultures and belief systems may feature. You may feel and be more political in some way. And if a campaign of any kind attracts you to join in, the impact can be strong (for both you and your cause). New Moon on 26th is a perfect time to embark on such a journey or to join a group (or start one) that resonates with your beliefs.

Venus helps to make tranquil moments pleasurable from 20th. Make time for creative work behind the scenes. You will be able to relate easily to outcasts and people who are in pain or suffering too. They will feel your kindness which is a help in itself.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).





November Horoscopes 2019

Our shared planetary picture

Mercury and Neptune have been carrying out reviews recently but both go direct this month. This completes a three-week communications review to an end on 20th and then an almost five-month review of our ideals (and how far away our present reality is from them) on 27th.

Mars is working on collective fairness and co-operation until 19th but runs into power structures almost immediately from 2nd – 5th, in the form of Pluto. Battles of will are unhelpful. Try to be creative in your problem-solving.

Mars opposes Uranus too from 20th – 24th when any repressed rebellious streaks make themselves known. And yes, that includes yours too… And as extra encouragement (as if you needed any) Venus meets Jupiter in Sag on 23rd and 24th which is perfect for rip-roaring fun! Looks like an interesting month!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Your ruling planet Mars is fully occupied in achieving hoped for outcomes in relationships and partnerships until 19th. Getting your own way is always desirable but when Mars squares Pluto from 2nd – 5th you may have to bow to stronger forces, especially in the form of authority figures. Accommodating partners’ needs can give you the edge. Remember to have that in your repertoire too.

The main emphasis this month though is in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone. With Mercury retrograde, things are not entirely clear and there may be misunderstandings here until 20th when Mercury goes direct. Your ruling planet Mars then jumps into action here, ready to push your agenda forwards. Although it may bump into some surprises when it moves opposite Uranus from 20th – 24th…

Travel or dealings with people from different countries, cultures or belief systems is enjoyable this month. And when Venus joins Jupiter around 23rd – 24th, good times roll. New Moon on 26th marks a new cycle of exploration too. This can include covering terrain in the great outdoors, discovering new countries and cultures or exploring the higher mind through deep study, religion or philosophy. Ethics look like they could become very important too.

From 26th Venus is smoothing your path in your interactions with father or authority figures. This can help your career and social status. If you need favours from people in influential positions, be sure to ask.


Taurus:    Your determination to make headway with your health, work and daily routine, continues until 19th. Colleagues and daily companions may find you more boundaried or assertive than usual and this is due to your focus and vision. Being of service to others could be part of your mission right now too.

The big focus this month though is relationships and partnerships. Full Moon on the afternoon of 12th could stir an emotional high tide. Misunderstandings could also crop up with Mercury retrograde here until 20th. But from 19th Mars follows up immediately to make up for any lost time and passions could be high…

Your 8th House of joint funds, sharing and intimacy is highlighted this month too. Venus glides through until 26th which indicates you might benefit from ‘the money of others’, especially around 23rd – 24th when Venus joins generous Jupiter. If your financial situation allows, this is a good time for helping others out too.

Venus and Jupiter also spell out fun. Be sure to seek out others to share it with. Intimacy could be on the cards too. New Moon on 26th marks a fresh start here and this is a good point to sort out joint finances, debts and taxes. And you might even find yourself embarking on a new erotic adventure.

From 26th your ruling planet Venus smoothes your path with travel and dealings with people from different countries and cultures. It also triggers excitement around 26th – 28th. This looks like an enjoyable awakening. The world is a wide and wondrous place!


Gemini:    Mars is turning up the heat in the romance, children and creativity stakes until 19th. But you may run up against obstacles around 2nd – 5th. It may be best to avoid battles of will then and resist trying to railroad others round to your point of view.

Your ruling planet Mercury remains retrograde until 20th in your work, health and service to others zone which is a good point to take stock and look at communications. Be alert to possible misunderstandings during this period too. But when Mars replaces Mercury from 20th you will be ready for action and perhaps a new regime or even a new job.

Relationships and partnerships are high-lighted this month too. Venus is smoothing things along until 26th with the Sun bringing warmth from 22nd. And when Venus joins Jupiter on 23rd – 24th, the feel-good factor and chance of fun is high! New Moon in your opposite sign on 26th marks a fresh cycle in relationships and partnerships too. What are your hopes here? And how can you start to realise them?

Neptune goes direct on 27th in your career and social status sector. This starts to turn around any confusion that may have been bothering you since late-June. Dealings with authority or father-figures may have been tricky. And if you happen to be an authority-figure yourself, the fog that has been hindering your path, should now start to clear.


Cancer:    You are full speed ahead on the home front as the month begins and continue to be so until 19th when Mars changes signs. DIY projects or tackling issues at home keep you busy and you may find yourself being more assertive in your domestic sphere and with mother-figures. And if you happen to be a nurture-figure yourself, those you care for may notice this change of gear. You may run into opposition from partners though around 2nd – 5th. This is an old hot potato. Just do your best to deal with it.

The main emphasis this month though is romance, children and creativity. A retrograde Mercury until 20th may skew communications here but from 19th assertive Mars turns up just as Mercury goes direct, to sort out any mis-communications and push things forward.

Work, health and service to others is your other strong focus this month, with Venus helping to make relations with colleagues and daily companions good. You will also enjoy tending to yourself on a physical level and your daily rituals and routines will be a source of pleasure. New Moon here on 26th is also a good time to start a new regime or a new job. And have you thought about getting a pet?

Venus moves into your relationships and partnerships zone from 26th. This usually smooths things along but it teams up with unpredictable Uranus from 26th -28th and anything could happen!


Leo:    You are still buzzing with ideas and ready to put them into action as Mars continues to forge through your communications zone until 19th. Some daily obstacles (health matters or having to go to work?) may get annoyingly in the way of your flow around 2nd – 5th. But the coast is clear again from 6th onwards.

This all runs alongside the main focus of your month – mother and home. Your ruling planet the Sun is generating warmth and energy here until 22nd. Communications may be tricky though until after 20th when Mercury goes direct. And when Mars jumps in from 19th, it is all cylinders go for any projects that you have in mind for your physical home, emotional conditions within it and dealings with mother-figures.

Mars is hot, so this may not be entirely harmonious and you may be expressing yourself with fiery displays. (At least no one can accuse you of being half-hearted). Personal development is governed by this area of your solar chart and you will not be complacent when dealing with yourself either. Self-nurture can be another area for action too.

Venus spends most of the month gliding through your romance, children and creativity zone. The Sun joins in too from 22nd and when Venus meets up with big, bountiful Jupiter on 23rd and 24th, let the good times roll. Make sure you have some good company to hand then. New Moon on 26th marks a new cycle in this area of your chart too. Start out as you mean to go on.


Virgo:    Your ruling planet Mercury stays retrograde until 20th in your communications zone which highlights the need to be alert to misunderstandings and to make sure that everyone is on the same page and knows what has been agreed. If something important needs to be negotiated, try to leave it until after 20th if you possibly can. Mars will be providing you with lots of mental energy and resolve then too which will help you to make up for any lost time.

Finances continue to fire you up until 19th. Your determination is strong and securing your income will be a high priority. You may even add a new strand to it. Home is a strong focus this month too and should be pleasurable as Venus glides through from 2nd – 26th. You may find yourself wanting to beautify your home or entertaining others to share its pleasures. The best dates for doing this are 23rd and 24th when Venus and Jupiter (the two benefics) join forces. New Moon on 26th marks a fresh cycle connected to mother and home too.

Relationships and partnerships may have been unclear or hard to fathom since late-June when Neptune went retrograde in your opposite sign. But from 27th Neptune goes direct once again and the mist that has been surrounding everything should start to clear. What you hope to find in partnerships or who you would ideally like to have as your partner, may become clearer too.


Libra:    Your ruling planet Venus is busy this month, making aspects to Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus. This creates confusion from 13th – 14th, fun from 23rd – 24th and excitement from 26th – 28th. The fun part is in your communications zone. And New Moon here on 26th could be a good point to embark on a class that interests you or to take more interest in siblings and neighbours.

You will be in decisive mode until 19th and even assertive, as Mars forges ahead in your sign. But be ready for obstacles in the form of mother figures or the demands of home around 2nd – 5th. This comes from a long-standing issue that by now you must be aware of. Even so, it is frustrating to run into it once again while you were in full flow.

Finances are a hot topic too this month with lots of planetary activity here, including Mercury retrograde until 20th. This does not help to clarify matters and it is better to wait until after that if you can, to carry out any important financial transactions. From 20th Mars adds determination to sort out financial matters and you may even initiate a new source of income.

Home looks sweeter from 26th as Venus glides in, highlighting its pleasues. You may want to beautify it further but ‘the money of others’ may be needed to do this and that looks unpredictable as the month comes to a close…


Scorpio:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 22nd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too, even more so after 20th when it goes direct. Be attentive to your communications until then and double-check that you have understood and been understood by others.

Full Moon on 12th falls in your relationships and partnerships zone, early afternoon on 12th, creating an emotional high tide. Your ruling planet Pluto is tuning in to this emotional event too, adding intensity to the mix.

On 19th Mars leaps into your sign, making you dynamic, assertive and even more passionate than usual. Things get interesting almost immediately as unpredictable Uranus stands opposite Mars from 20th – 24th. Any efforts to press your agenda onto partners is unlikely to succeed but this will just attract and fascinate you more. You may be feeling sexually experimental too.

The other area of interest this month is finance. Venus spends most of the month (until 26th), making for a rosy picture. And when Venus joins expansive Jupiter from 23rd – 24th, things look particularly good. A sense of well-being usually accompanies this pairing which may come from being creative, having fun with others or just counting your many blessings.


Sagittarius:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Venus is gliding through your sign from 2nd – 26th making you No.1 in the popularity polls this month. Your charms will be at their height and you will be especially irresistible around 23rd – 24th when Venus joins your ruling planet Jupiter in your sign. This is a wonderful feel-good wave that only occurs every 12 years. It can be great fun too. Enjoy it with others!

Domestic issues and dealings with females in the family begin to get clearer from 27th when Neptune starts to go direct (after almost five months moving retrograde). Your vision of what an ideal home means to you, becomes clearer too. This means ‘home’ in the widest sense and includes your neighbourhood, town, country and the planet).

New Moon in your sign on 26th marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make resolutions that will help you to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead!


Capricorn:   Ambitions are at the forefront as the month begins, with dynamic Mars forging ahead in your career and social status zone until 19th. The only person who might get in your way is yourself, around 2nd – 5th when Mars runs up against a deep inner process that you are going through at present. You may run into difficulty in your dealings with father or authority figures around then too.

Your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals is busy this month too. Mercury is retrograde though until 20th which could cause misunderstandings. But Mars leaps in from 19th to salvage any temporary damage and pushes things forwards, in line with your goals.

Neptune goes direct on 27th which helps to resolve any misunderstandings that may have taken place over the past five months. And relations with neighbours and siblings should also improve.

Your unconscious is busy too this month and you may enjoy tranquil time alone to help process some of the inner events taking place. Creative work behind the scenes is well-starred, especially at New Moon on 26th and the days following it when Venus and Uranus could trigger creative flashes or even romance… And with Venus in your sign from 26th onwards, your charms will be certainly be noticed!


Aquarius:   You may find yourself fighting the ethical fight this month, as Mars continues through your travel, legal and philosophy zone. Even so, you may get in your own way around 2nd – 5th when Mars might bump into a compulsive streak or your self-sabotage zone…

Ambitions are high on the agenda as the month begins but things may not be straight forwards here either, until Mercury goes direct on 20th. The arrival of Mars here from 19th, puts you in the driving seat and you will be determined to push ahead with your career and social status. Your dealings with father and authority-figures may be ‘brisk’ too!

Friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals are always close to Aquarians hearts. The good news is, Venus is making any or all of these a source of pleasure until 26th. The Sun warms things beautifully here too from 22nd. And when Venus teams up with optimistic Jupiter on 23rd and 24th, the feel-good factor is high! New Moon on 26th falls here too. Is there a group, movement or campaign that you would like to join or perhaps even start?

The financial fog that has been surrounding you for the past five months starts to clear from 27th when amorphous Neptune goes direct. Who knows, you may even be able to see what is going on with your finances and make a decision about what to do about it at last!


Pisces:    Travel or educational plans may go awry during the first two and a half weeks of November, as Mercury continues its retrograde journey until 19th. If you have to travel, double-check bookings and leave plenty of time to get to your destination. Misunderstandings could occur too, especially with people from different cultures. Be as clear as you can and double-check that you both understand and have been understood.

It is full speed ahead though once Mercury goes direct as Mars leaps in from 19th and pushes your agenda forwards. Until then Mars is busy in your shared area, i.e. sorting out joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances. Sharing is a big subject. You may be more forthright in seeking out someone to share yourself with intimately too.

Career and social status are looking rosy as Venus glides through your 10th House from 2nd – 26th. People in power are willing to ease your path if you ask them. It may be best to do so after 20th when Mercury is direct and before 26th when Venus moves on. Dealings with father figures go well too. And all of these matters benefit from a positive approach and could be lucky when Venus and Jupiter join forces on 23rd and 24th.

Your ruling planet Neptune has been retrograde in your sign since late-June, working on your sense of identity. With some inner-homework now hopefully completed, your ideal self and true self should now be closer and ready to express themselves in the world. New Moon on 27th marks a fresh outlook on life too. Take this with you on your new adventure!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

October 2019 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

There are two planetary changes of direction this month when Pluto goes direct on 3rd and Mercury goes retrograde on 31st. Pluto has been retrograde since late-April, scrutinising on a collective level, ‘our’ use of power and the authority figures we give power to.

Having now completed this possibly troubling review, it is our joint responsibility to make sure that our representatives are fit to be in the positions they hold. We may also run up against authority structures on 7th and 14th when the Sun squares Saturn and then Pluto.

At the same time, on a personal level, different signs will be experiencing a parallel processing in different areas of life. And if you have your own birth chart and know where to look, it will show your individual learning process.

Mars leaps into Libra from 4th, determined to find co-operation and make things harmonious and fair (again in different areas of life for each sign). Saturn throws up some frustrations from 23rd – 27th but there is no harm in checking for a few days, that your approach is right. We may run up against authority structures too on 7th and 14th when the Sun squares Saturn and then Pluto.

Full Moon in Aries is usually a boisterous affair and this year on 13th (at 22.09 BST) it is pumped up even further by Jupiter and squared by Pluto.  Avoid conflicts then if you can, as they can quickly get out of hand. New Moon in Scorpio on 28th (at 4.40 BST) also has another planet involved… It is directly opposite unpredictable Uranus.

New Moon always offers a fresh start or new cycle in some way and this month with Uranus, there is an electrical, awakening aspect to it. Mercury goes retrograde (also in Scorpio) just three days later, so this will not be a smooth start. More thinking has to take place before you can freely proceed. Be patient and do not get discouraged by this wait.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Relationships and partnerships are your main focus this month, with Venus smoothing the waters until 8th. Your ruling planet Mars takes over from 4th though and you will be hotly pursuing your goals. ‘Partnerships’ includes professional as well as personal ties. And Mars generates heat which could take the form of conflict or passion, so be ready for both.

Full Moon on 13th is in your sign and a Venus-Uranus opposition on the same day could bring about the unexpected (romantically or financially) and Jupiter lends you extra bravado. New Moon on 28th is a call to sort out joint finances which includes taxes, debts and inheritances. Intimacy could be an area to look at afresh too.

Mars squares Saturn from 23rd – 27th which may not be too comfortable. This is often a period of frustration as you cannot push ahead as usual. Rather than hit your head against a brick wall, take this transit for what it is: a review period to stop and look at how your have been using your Mars recently.

And that means reviewing one or more of the following: goal setting, applying your will, assertiveness, use of sexual expression, use of physical energy in general and dealings with men. Whichever it is, your approach to one or more of these needs adjusting.


Taurus:    Pluto completes its five-month review in your travel, ethics and culture zone on 3rd. Your principles may have been tested during this period as your belief system or world view was reassessed. You may also have had cause to observe how power is used nationally and internationally. Journalism, legal matters and ‘the truth’ may have been under scrutiny and dealings with people from different countries, cultures or belief systems can have a strong impact on you. Your responsibility now is to carry your deeper understanding in any of these areas, into the world. And yes, that is a big job!

Work and health matters may keep you busy too this month, with Venus and the Sun enhancing your well-being until 8th and 23rd respectively. Things get shaken up though by the arrival of Mars on 4th which demands action… This could be the perfect time to start a new regime and Mars adds the energy and determination to actually stick to it. Work is another domain that can benefit from this fresh, new thrust. Is it time to make changes there too? Your daily routine can also be revved up. Are there elements that need adding? (And yes, exercise could be one of them… ).

Your ruling planet Venus enters your opposite sign on 8th, smoothing the way for harmonious relationships and partnerships this month. New Moon on 28th marks a fresh start here too in some way. Uranus in your sign also happens to be opposite this particular New Moon which could bring unexpected and exciting changes for you personally.

Mercury goes retrograde on 31st, also in your relationships and partnerships zone, so things may not go as hoped to start with. But Mercury goes direct again on November 20th, so do not despair if things are bumpy at first.


Gemini:   Romance, children and creativity are well-starred with Venus providing pleasure until 8th and the Sun adding warmth and energy until 23rd. But Mars leaps in from 4th making you more assertive and insistent and you may find yourself in hot pursuit of a certain someone… If this seems unlikely, it could be someone in hot pursuit of you! Or you may turn your energies to achieving hoped for outcomes for children or a creative project.

Pluto changes direction on 3rd and goes direct after five months in retrograde. This has been a long review in your joint funds zone which includes taxes, debts and inheritances. Matters connected to birth, sex and death, intimacy and sharing may have featured too. With this review now complete, you will hopefully now know understand to best proceed.

From 8th Venus glides through your 6th House, bringing pleasure through work, colleagues and daily companions and service to others. Attending to your physicality can be a source of comfort too and you will hopefully appreciate your health, daily rituals and routines. Make sure though that you do not abuse your system with over-indulgence.

New Moon on 28th marks a fresh start here too and is the perfect time to start a new regime. Your unconscious is playing a part here too. On 31st your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde and puts things on hold to some extent. You have to get your mind and thoughts on board. And after November 20th it will be full speed ahead.


Cancer:    Things are looking lively at home this month as Venus and the Sun complete their happy transits here on 8th and 23rd. But the main action arrives on 4th when Mars spurs you into action on the home front or in your dealings with mother-figures (and possibly your own dealings if you are a mother yourself). Personal development features here too and this is no time to be complacent. Is there a course that would broaden your knowledge, skills or self-knowledge? Or have you considered exploring your inner-world through counselling or therapy?

Partners may not be fully behind you whatever you choose but Pluto goes direct on 3rd, completing a five-month review of power issues between you or the need for transformation, so you can now make headway here too.

Full Moon on 13th highlights the conflicting demands of career and home, father and mother or career demands versus personal development. Or is your home situation getting in the way of your ambitions? Issues with partners may feature here too…

Romance, children or creativity are a source of pleasure from 8th onwards as Venus smoothes things along, although Uranus may stir things up around 11th – 12th. And New Moon on 28th marks a fresh start here with Uranus adding the unexpected. Mercury goes retrograde on 31st though, so watch out for misunderstandings and double-check that both you and everyone involved is on the same page.


Leo:    Communications are looking creative this month with Venus and your ruling planet the Sun keeping things running smoothly until 23rd. But there is a great change from 4th when Mars leaps into your thought zone and you will have mental energy and the determination to put new ideas (or old ones) into action!

A deep review in your work and health zone reaches a turning point on 3rd when Pluto goes direct after five months moving retrograde. This unleashes a lot of creative energy too and the ability to bring transformation to your work, health or daily routine. Pets and being of service to others may come into this too.

Meanwhile home is harmonious as Venus glides through your solar 4th House of mother and home. You may find yourself wanting to beautify your home and perhaps inviting others to share its pleasures with you. Dealings with mother-figures go well. Personal development projects can be pleasurable too. And when the Sun joins Venus from 23rd there is even more creative energy for you to play with.

New Moon on 28th also falls in this area of your solar chart and marks a fresh start in some way. Uranus is opposite this New Moon, indicating unexpected events happening in your father, career and social status zone which also play a part in this new cycle. Uranus is also about awakenings and revolution, so it will be interesting to see what this brings.

Mercury goes retrograde in this same area of your chart from 31st. So whatever began on 28th will not have a smooth start and how you have communicated in these new situations needs a quick review. Do your personal homework and did not throw the baby out with the bath water during this bumpy start.


Virgo:    Finances are looking rosy as the month begins, with Venus and the Sun providing a creative, optimistic approach. Then from 4th Mars gets to grips with plans to develop income streams, possibly even new ones and also throws in the energy and determination to really get things on the road.

On 3rd Pluto goes direct in your romance, children and creativity zone, completing a five-month review of how you have been, should be or could be using your power here. It is also a reminder of the transformative impact of creativity, sports and fun. And yes, that means on you too!

Communications start the month well. Short journeys, trading and dealings with neighbours and siblings are pleasurable too. New Moon here on 28th marks a fresh phase of some kind. This can be to do with taking a course, teaching one or new forms of communication (including physical movement).

Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde here on 31st though, so do not despair or abandon ship if your first attempts do not have the hoped for outcomes. Your efforts should start to make headway after November 20th.


Libra:    Your ruling planet Venus graces your sign and adds to your charms until 8th. The Sun ball also remains in your court until 23rd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. This is all looking good and to add resolve to the mix, Mars leaps into Libra on 4th and adds fire to your belly, helping you to be more focused, determined and assertive. If you have projects in mind, push them forwards now!

From 8th Venus sheds a rosy light on your finances but around 11th – 12th, the ‘money of others’ (taxes, debts and inheritances) or your partners finances may have an unexpected impact on your sense of security, as unpredictable Uranus strikes a bolt of lightning. Keep in mind that we should welcome light of any kind, even when it illuminates things we might prefer not to look at.

Pluto which is in long-term residence in your 4th House, goes direct once again on 3rd (completing a five-month review). So forward-movng transformation is once again within your grasp, regarding your dealings with mother-figures, home and personal development.

Full Moon on 13th in Aries, your opposite sign, may cause ructions at home. And the challenge of this Full Moon may be just what you need to act on the changes that need to happen. And New Moon on 28th marks a fresh start in your finances but Mercury goes retrograde in this same area on 31st. Try to avoid signing anything important until after November 20th if you can.


Scorpio:    Your ruling planet Pluto which has been retrograde since late April, goes direct on 3rd. And this comletes a long review in your thoughts and communications zone. How we think ceates our personal reality and there are many choices to be made on a daily basis on how helpful your mindset is. Hopefully having had this opportunity to look at this over the past five months, you can now proceed with the changes that need to be made.

The other area under review has been how you use your words and the tone and attitude you take towards others in your own communications. We are looking for better self-awareness here too.

Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 23rd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

New Moon in your sign on 28th marks the beginning of your emotional New Year. Make resolutions that will help you to meet your needs in the year ahead. Uranus is opposite the Moon this time too which can bring revolution through partnerships. Mercury retrograde from 31st creates doubt at first. But keep an open mind and be open to everything that you can learn.


Sagittarius:    Your financial outlook or position on security and values takes a turn for the better on 3rd when Pluto goes direct, completing a five-month review. This has been an opportunity (possibly not a comfortable one) to look at your relationships to money, security, values and self-esteem.

So often in the modern world we equate our income or earning-power with our self-worth which is neither helpful not true. You can now apply your hard-earned deeper understanding of this (or whatever you have been looking at) to your present situation.

Friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals are calling you strongly right now. Good relations are on offer here and from 4th Mars will spur you on to be active in offering the your energies to collective movements or organisations. It may be a week or so before you find your flow, so do not give up in the initial teething stage.

Your unconscious is busy this month too and your compassion for others will seek an outlet or creative expression, initially behind the scenes. New Moon on 28th marks a fresh start here too but Mercury retrograde from 31st makes it difficult to gather momentum at first. Once again, hold in there. You have a lot to say and your words will not be lost, even if you have to wait until after Nov 20th to be fully heard.


Capricorn:    A five-month review comes to an end on 3rd when Pluto goes direct once again, in your sign. This may have been an opportunity to look at how you generally use (or abuse) your personal power. And although this may have stopped you in your tracks, it is for good reason. With Pluto’s forward change of direction, you can now proceed, hopefully with better self-awareness.

Career, social status and dealings with authority are also high on the agenda this month. Influential people can smoothes your path up until 8th and the Sun illuminates your standing in the world until 23rd.

The big news though is that assertive Mars leaps into this area of your solar chart on 4th, sharpening your ambitions and providing you with the energy and determination to push your professional agenda ahead. Mars represents heat which can mean you forging ahead on all four cylinders or possibly running up against opposition, competition or conflict. Having just completed your Pluto review, you should now be able to handle this in an ethical manner.

Full Moon on 13th carries some personal impact for you as it squares the heavy-weights Saturn and Pluto in your sign. And New Moon on 28th in your friends, groups and community zone, marks a fresh start here in some way and there may be an unexpected zing as Uranus adds an element of excitement to the mix. This is coming from your romance, children and creativity zone, so who knows how that could manifest.

Mercury goes retrograde in this same area of your chart on 31st so things may not proceed as hoped (not right away at least) but hold on in there as Mercury goes direct once again on November 20th!


Aquarius:    Your travel, ethics and philosophy zone is busy this month with Venus and the Sun adding pleasure and Mars revving up your energy levels and determination from 4th. Your world view is important now too and you may find yourself feeling angry about world events. You also have the energy to add your voice and resolve to movements that share your view. Convincing others of your viewpoint may feel important too.

On 3rd Pluto goes direct behind the scenes in your inner-workings. Any ways in which you may have been undermining yourself can now start to be overcome. Pluto has been retrograde since late-April, demanding a lot of self-searching. But now it is time to move forwards. Check that the settings on your self-talk are turned to ‘Positive’ and if any creative ideas have been brewing, get those moving too!

From 8th Venus glides into your professional spherewhich is good for career and ambitions. Dealings with father-figures and people in authority go well too. Do not be afraid to ask for their help as they will be looking on you kindly during this period. And if you happen to be a father or authority figure yourself, use your influence in the best way you can.

New Moon on 28th is opposite your ruling planet Uranus. This marks a new phase in your worldly standing which may be connected to unexpected events at home or to do with women in the family. However things look at this point, hold on before putting all of your eggs in one basket as Mercury goes retrograde in this same area of your chart from 31st. All will become clear in November.


Pisces:    Pluto goes direct on 3rd in your friends, groups and community zone, after five months of moving retrograde. This helps to bring growth through friends and membership of groups. You can also be very effective in joining campaigns that you feel strongly about as your voice is now ready to be heard.

There is a gathering of planets in your 8th House this month which draws your attention to the transformational processes of birth, sex and death. ‘The money of others’ is also highlighted, including taxes, debts and inheritances. Intimacy and sharing are major themes too. When Mars takes residence in this area of your solar chart, you will be proactive in pushing forward processes that need to now happen.

Mercury is in good aspect to your ruling planet Neptune on 15th which gives a flow with words and movement. Venus follows likewise around 21st which creates a sense of harmony and one-ness with whatever (or whoever) is around you.

Travel, philosophy and ethics become more important as the month progresses and you may want to respond to how you now see the world. Deep study, in-laws or legal matters may feature too, especially around New Moon on 28th. Is there an article or campaign material forming in your mind that is waiting to be written? Results may not show themselves for some time but do not let that discourage you.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

September Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

We have an unusual month of two very distinct halves with a Full Moon in Pisces bang in the middle, in the early hours of 14th (so the build-up is on 13th). Full Moon is when the Moon opposes the Sun and this month we have a Pisces/Virgo polarity which echoes the challenges during the first half of the month.

Four personal planets in Virgo are exacting and demand our full attention (in different areas of life for each sign). Doing things to our best ability and with attention to detail will be important, in our health, work and service to others. While the Virgo focus is on how we are different, Neptune in Pisces (opposite these planets) focuses on how we are all in the pool together and not separate at all.

Jupiter in Sag is the outlet for these conflicting energies and requires us to take a broader, wiser more worldly, philosophical position. Be inclusive and engage your higher self.

Saturn goes direct in its own sign Capricorn on 18th. It went retrograde at the end of April, bringing about a review (again in different areas of life for each sign). Saturn is ‘the teacher’ of the zodiac and from 18th you can start to apply whatever you have learnt during this four-month impasse.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Your work, health and service to others is the focus for the first half of the month. And it may be time to start a new regime… Four planets in Virgo, including your ruling planet Mars are keen to attend to details for once and the details can have a huge impact on your well-being.

This includes your daily routine, how you tend your physical self (including the order that you usually do things in) and of course what you feed yourself, sleep patterns and exercise. Aries are usually too busy to give these things time and attention but now you must and the benefits from fine-tuning your daily routine can be huge!

On the career, social status and ambitions front, Saturn goes direct on 18th after being retrograde for four months in this area of your solar chart. This has been a deep review of looking at your career, relations with authority or father figures or social status. What has so far been achieved? What ambitions have still to be fulfilled? And what changes will that demand of you? If you happen to be an authority yourself, this review may include how you have been using that privilege?

From 14th Mercury and Venus light up relationships and partnerships but run up against Saturn and Pluto from 24th – 30th. The demands of the world may not allow time for love. Could it also be that the partner (or business partners) you have chosen may not be helpful in your rise to the top? New Moon on 28th marks a fresh start in relationships and partnerships in some way. What would you like that to be?


Taurus:    Romance, children and creativity are priorities during the first half of the month, as all the personal planets pass through your 5th House in Virgo. Mars stays there all month, adding energy and determination to the mix. What do you want to see through to completion on a creative level? Mercury in good aspect to Uranus (in Taurus) at the start of the month, provides some original ideas.

‘The money of others’ features large too from 2nd – 14th but whether that is heading towards your inbox or outbox remains to be seen. Sharing and intimacy come into this too. And there can be growth through either channel.

On 14th your ruling planet Venus glides into your work and health zone, along with Mercury, planet of communication. This is good for relations with colleagues and for enjoying physical exercise. Are you getting enough? Gyms may not be a favourite places for many Taureans but any form of movement outdoors (especially in nature) may appeal and of course dance. Give your senses more outings.

New Moon on 28th marks a fresh start here too. Time for a new regime? Keep in mind that for it to work, it needs to be pleasurable too!


Gemini:    Home, security or women in the family fully occupy the first half of the month, although the demands of the world are calling too. Details have to be seen to which may feel neverending at times. Venus and Mars find creative solutions and your ruling planet Mercury helps to speed things along until 14th.

The focus then changes to romance, children and creativity which look more pleasurable. And when the Sun joins Mercury and Venus from 23rd you can probably breathe a sigh of relief! New Moon here on 28th marks a fresh start in some way too.

Saturn has been retrograde in your joint funds zone since the end of April but it goes direct on 18th which enables forward movement on whatever you have been mulling over. This may include taxes, debts and inheritances, sharing and intimacy.

Relationships and partnerships may grow as you contend with the challenges the first half of the month presents you with. Or perhaps you just come to appreciate them more.


Cancer:    What you say and how you say it may take on huge proportions during the first half of the month as planets in critical Virgo cannot help noticing what is wrong… How you address this will determine the outcome. Choose your words carefully. Dealings with neighbours and siblings could be sensitive too.

If this does not seem to apply to you, the planetary line-up could be telling you that you need to move your mind and body moe. Taking a course or physical exercise should be part of your schedule. Likewise, if you are in a position to share your skills and knowledge with others, it may be time to start teaching others. Work, health and service to others is highlighted from 2nd – 14th too and can offer growth for you and for others if you are pro-active.

On 14th Mercury and Venus move into your 4th House of mother and home. You may have some new ideas to apply here and Venus will encourage you to beautify your home and share its pleasures with others through entertaining. Partners may not be fully behind this though (from 24th – 30th) so a large part of your task is getting them on board…

New Moon on 28th falls in you mother and home zone too, starting a new cycle. This could be to do with domestic matters and dealings with mother-figures (or possibly your own dealings if you happen to be a mother-figure yourself). But personal development and self-nurture come into this too. Nevermind everyone else, what needs to happen for your growth and well-being?


Leo:    Finances are a big feature in September with four planets focusing on income, security and values during the first half of the month. And Mars drives you on all month providing the energy and determination to attend to details, improve your present position and perhaps even create a second income?

However, the financial situation (or demands) of ‘others’ is running counter to this from 2nd – 14th. Whether this is to your advantage or disadvantage, may not be entirely clear. One unexpected outcome of these tensions though is an outburst of energy in creativity, romance or dealings with children. And Leos can make more of this than most.

Your ruling planet the Sun works well with Saturn and Pluto around 6th and 18th which is good for productivity. Saturn also goes direct on 18th, completing a four-month review of your work, health, service to others and daily routine. You can now apply your conclusions and make adjustments to improve your well-being.

New Moon on 28th marks a fresh cycle in communications. Uranus adds to this, coming in on a diagonal so we are looking for unique expressions of who you truly are. Relations with siblings and neighbours enter a new phase too, as does studying, teaching or learning a new language. New forms of physical movement are also recommended. Now what are you going to try?


Virgo:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 23rd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too and Venus also in Virgo, makes you darling of the zodiac until 14th. You may not be the pushover people imagine though, as Mars in your sign all month gives you an assertive edge that they may bump into… Mars also gives you the energy and determination to push your agenda forwards.

You may find opposition from others or partners may be pulling in a different direction. Despite this, it is important to see your plans through and there can be personal development or a broader base for you to operate from as a result. Relationships with women in the family can grow too. Full Moon on 13th/14th, in your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships raises emotions too.

There is also a planetary change of focus from 14th when your ruling planet Mercury and Venus move into your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values. Venus usually eases things so to fingers crossed that it will do the same for your finances. The Sun helps to shed light on security issues too from 23rd and New Moon on 28th is a fresh start here in some way.

Saturn has been retrograde in your romance, children and creativity zone since the end of April which has required a review of one or more of these. On 18th Saturn goes direct once again and whatever insights you have gained during this period, can now be applied. Creative structures can be helpful.


Libra:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 23rd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year. Many Happy Solar Returns! This is a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

The first half of September may find you riddled with anxiety, imagining what may go wrong. This is due to a number of planets in your 12th House where your unconscious workings live. The imagination is a powerful tool that needs to be kept positive. And a large part of your job during this period is doing just that.

Wanting things to be perfect is another driver this month. And this too needs to be kept in hand, bearing in mind that as mere humans, perfection is often beyond our reach. Include yourself in the people you are compassionate towards and communicate (talk, write or sing?) about how you are feeling.

Your ruling planet Venus glides into your sign from 14th making you darling of the zodiac for the rest of the month. Your charms will be at their highest and you will attract others to you. (Although Saturn and Pluto’s involvement on 25th and 30th is less easy to handle). Enjoy your popularity but make sure you do not fall into over-pleasing others.

New Moon in your sign on 28th marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make resolutions that will help to support your emotional needs in the month and year ahead!


Scorpio:    You may find yourself giving a lot of thought to friends, groups and community this month as a group of planets gather in your 11th House of collectives during the first half of the month. And with Mars in residence all month, this will be followed by action too.

Neptune’s longing for individual creativity, romance and children runs counter to this in some way from 2nd – 14th and any tensions this causes finds an outlet through Jupiter which is currently widening your values and sense of security.

Others may have noticed that you have been deep in thought and less communicative than usual. But what they do not know is that as you have been undergoing an internal review since Saturn went retrograde in your communications zone at the end of April. On 18th Saturn goes direct and you can start to apply your conclusions as you begin to move forwards once again. This may help with physical agility too.

Meanwhile from 14th Mercury and Venus are busy behind the scenes with creative ideas. The Sun joins them from 23rd, shedding light on unconscious thought patterns which can now be turned around to a more helpful setting. We are looking for positive self-talk, affirmations and have you ever considered meditation?


Sagittarius:    The demands of the world may feel heavy during the first half of the month as an exacting group of planets occupy your father, career and social status zone. Details must be attended to which may be your least favourite part of the process. And at times they may feel neverending.

The call of mother, home and women in the family is strong too and even more so around Full Moon on 13th/14th. And if you can measure up and meet all of these conflicting demands, you cannot help but grow.

Finances, values and security have been under review since the end of April when Saturn went retrograde in this area of your solar chart. The good news is that Saturn goes direct on 18th and things that had ground to a halt (possibly assess to cash), start to move forwards once again as you apply your conclusions from this review.

Friends, groups and community offer pleasure from 14th and may feel like a reward for your efforts earlier in the month. The Sun adds warmth and light here too from 23rd. New Moon on 28th also falls here which could be the start of collective projects. Make time to enjoy the people in your community.


Capricorn:    The wider world is demanding your attention during the first half of the month. This could take the form of travel, the higher mind, legal matters or dealings with in-laws. Neptune in your 3rd House of daily communications finds it hard to decipher the truth of things as you may ‘hear’ what people are thinking more loudly than what they are saying (and of course the two may bear no resonance to each other). Your antennae are sharp mid-month though, so go with your intuition.

Many things have been under review recently and the most important one of all is: you. Your ruling planet Saturn went retrograde at the end of April, setting in motion a deep internal review of identity, self-expression and creativity. That review comes to an end on 18th and you can start to move forwards once again, hopefully with a clearer idea of who you now are, how that should be expressed and outlets for that expression.

On 14th Mercury and Venus move into your career zone, providing fresh ideas around how to enhance your social status and ambitions. Venus also attracts the good intentions of authority figures who can help you on your way. Be sure to ask if you need their influence. This may not sit comfortably with you around 24th – 30th. But find the largesse to deal with it.

New Moon on 28th marks a fresh start also in your father, career and social status zone. Make resolutions for what you hope to find here in the month and year ahead.


Aquarius:    Your ruling planet Uranus starts the month on a mental high as it forms a good aspect to Mercury and you will be full of good ideas. You might be thinking about travel, studies or relations with people from different countries or cultures too from mid-month as Mercury and Venus turn their attention to the wider world. New Moon on 28th marks a new cycle here too.

The main focus this month though is joint funds, sharing and intimacy. This includes taxes, debts, inheritances and ‘the money of others’. You have four planets analysing matters here during the first half of the month and Mars remains here into early October, determined to tackle all the details and push things ahead.

This sequence of planets oppose Neptune (and the currently misty view of your own finances) and square Jupiter from 2nd – 14th. This unexpectedly brings about expansion and growth within and through friendship, groups and community. You could also make a helpful contribution (financially or with your skills and support) to a campaign or cause that you believe in.

Saturn goes direct on 18th in your 12th House which rules the unconscious, healing, your online world and creativity behind the scenes. Your compassion for those less fortunate will be strong and your inner-workings are moving forwards. This helps with self-talk too. And as always we are looking for positive!


Pisces:    Relationships and partnerships are at the forefront during the first half of the month as all of the personal planets gather here until 14th. This may not be especially comfortable as one by one they oppose Neptune in your sign which would just prefer to float along without all of these demands. There can also be growth (perhaps from being freed) in relation to father-figures, career and social status.

From 14th the focus changes to joint funds, sharing and intimacy. And with Venus present, you may benefit from ‘the money of others’. This could be in connection to taxes, loans, debts and inheritances. New Moon here on 28th marks a fresh start in some way too.

On 18th Saturn goes direct in your friends, groups and community zone. One or more of these has been under review since the end of April but you can start to move forwards once again as your four-month review is now complete and you can put your conclusions into action.

Full Moon in your sign in the early hours of 14th (so the build-up is on 13th) finds an emotional you. Nurture and protect your sensitivity.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK). And to find out more about the benefits of astrology or more about me, visit


August Horoscopes 2019

Our shared planetary picture

We have a symbolic opening this month with New Moon in Leo on 1st. And Mercury goes direct in Cancer on the same day, after being retrograde for almost one month. With three planets in Leo at the start of the month (and four from 11th) this is a very creative period. Make time for fun too!

From 11th we can move forward once again as Jupiter goes direct in Sag. after four months moving retrograde. This has been a period of review about how well we have been taking up opportunities and seeking growth (in different areas of life for each sign).

Uranus goes retrograde on 12th in Taurus, taking us all back to look at how well we have taken up the challenge to be true to our unique, uncompromised selves. This also is in different areas of life for each sign.

From 18th we want to make ourselves useful as Mars moves into Virgo (closely followed by Venus on 21st and the Sun on 23rd). Things need to be done, especially regarding work and health. Details have to be seen to and others might need our help.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    New Moon on 1st falls in your 5th House of fun and games. This kicks the monh off with a blast of exhuberance – the kind that you love! Your ruling planet Mars is already having fun here, along with Venus up until 18th. This is great for boisterous games and creative self-expression. Time spent with children will be enjoyable, as will chasing your desires… You might even catch them!

Mercury goes direct on 1st too which can help to resolve any recent misunderstandings at home or with mother-figures. And Jupiter follows suit on 11th, ready for growth and expansion in your outlook and world view.

Uranus goes retrograde on 12th to review how closely your financial dealings reflect your true values,… This includes how you make a living, how you invest and spend your money and how much of it you give away to others who might need a hand. Uranus retrograde here suggests you need to make your life more congruous.

From 18th Mars leaps into your work, health and service to others zone. Time for a new regime perhaps? Or even a new job more in line with your principles? With Jupiter pressing ahead from 11th to act more ethically and in line with your beliefs: it may be time to make your world a bigger place!


Taurus:    New Moon on 1st falls in your mother and home zone and with Venus, Mars and the Sun already in residence, there will be many creative thoughts about possible homes or possibilities for your current home. What you need from a home is an important question too. Personal development and self-nurture benefit from this creative new phase too. And Mars enables you to put thoughts into action.

Uranus which has been in your sign full-time since March (and is residing there for another seven years) goes retrograde on 12th. This suggests you may not have fully stretched beyond your comfort zone to discover new ways of being. Have you been clinging to old familiar ways? You have until January to give this some thought. Sooner or later you will have to take courage and make a leap. A bigger picture is immerging over the next seven years and you will have lead role in this personal revolution!

Full Moon on 15th presents you once again with the need to balance the demands of the world with your emotional needs. And from 18th onwards, the focus changes to romance, children and creativity. Mars drives you onwards (possibly to pursue the object of your desires or a creative goal) and your ruling planet Venus provides the charm to win others over from 21st onwards.

Jupiter goes direct in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone from 11th. This completes a four-month review of your principles around sharing and financial dealings with others. (This can include taxes, debts and inheritances). And how much you share of yourself on an intimate level. You will need faith in life, for future growth.


Gemini:    Your ruling planet Mercury goes direct on 1st after four weeks going retrograde. It quickly starts making up for lost time by spanning three signs this month. And that is the kind of speed and variety that you like! New Moon is also on 1st and marks a fresh start in communications for you too. Are there any courses you would like to take or give? Ideas that have been on hold can be implemented now too.

On 11th Jupiter also goes direct in your opposite sign, completing a four-month review of relationships and partnerships. You can now once again move forwards and this time hopefully with new understanding.

Meanwhile, Uranus goes retrograde on 12th behind the scenes. This is a chance to take a second look at your inner-workings, self-talk, online world and spiritual life. A new era began here in March but compromises may have led you away from the call for an internal spring-clean. You have until January to work out a more authentic relationship with yourself.

From 18th the focus moves on to mother and home as Mars ups the energy for DIY or domestic projects and personal development. Venus glides in soon after on 21st, followed by the Sun on 23rd. You may find yourself wanting to beautify your home and inviting others round to share its pleasures.

Dealings with mother figures take on a fresh energy too. And with Mars around action could be needed or things could get heated. But Venus and the Sun should help you to find creative outcomes from 21st onwards.


Cancer:    Your ruling planet the Moon makes a fresh start on 1st in your finance zone. This has been a lively area recently with Venus and Mars coming up with all sorts of creative ideas. And from 11th you will have a way with words, to hopefully convince others of your great ideas!

Communications get a little more heated when Mars jumps into your 3rd House on 18th. Siblings and neighbours might notice you being rather more ‘assertive’ too… But Venus will be helping to find agreement and acceptable compromises from 21st, followed by the generous Sun on 23rd.

Work and health matters may have been on hold for the past four months when Jupiter was retrograde but progress becomes possible once again when Jupiter goes direct on 11th. Is it time to add some consciousness-raising activities to your daily routine? Or a more principled approach to the work you do or the food you nourish yourself with? Or do you need to spend more time in the great outdoors?

Full Moon on 15th falls in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone and you may be called upon to honestly examine the sometimes contrary demands of ‘your money and income’ and that which is shared with others. This includes joint finances, taxes, debts and inheritances. Now how to talk helpfully about that?


Leo:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 23rd, filling you with exhuberance and creative genius. Mars is in your sign too until 18th and little will get in your way as you confidently take the lead. Venus also makes you darling of the zodiac until 21st which makes for a very helpful, planetary wind behind you. And who would want to resist your plans and your warm charms?

Of course there is a price of sorts to pay for all this adulation. We need you to entertain us as your batteries fill up with sunlight. Some limelight should help to fill them up too!

New Moon is also in Leo on 1st which marks the beginning of your Personal New Year – a time to make resolutions for what you hope to find in your life emotionally in the month and year ahead.

Uranus has been in your father, career and social status zone, full time since March. The challenge for you is to find the pure, uncompromised expression of your talents and their place in the world. On 12th Uranus goes retrograde which suggests that perhaps you did not get the full hint that we are looking for radical change here… You have until mid-January to drop the compromises!

Jupiter goes direct on 11th in your romance, children and creativity zone. Time for expansion here too. Attractions to people from different countries, cultures and outlooks could make your world a bigger place and there is a green light for creativity too.

Finances or security issues capture your attention from 18th onwards and Mars will be looking for ways to push ahead. You also have the energy to create a new income stream, if that is of interest. Venus helps the fiscal picture to look rosier from 21st and your ruling planet the Sun sheds light on security matters from 23rd.

All in all, this is one heck of a month! Enjoy it all!


Virgo:    New Moon on 1st is active behind the scenes and marks the start of a new phase in your inner-life. This includes self-talk (and of course we are looking for positive reinforcement) and you may also have ideas for creative projects and also for healing yourself and others. Your ruling planet Mercury goes direct on 1st too which helps to resolve mis-communications, especially with friends, groups, organisations and communities.

Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 23rd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your Personal New Year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Your energy levels may rise even sooner as fiery Mars leaps into your sign from 18th. Dynamic action is yours. Venus makes you charmer of the zodiac too from 21st. And the Sun joins in from 23rd to melt any opposition to your projects or plans. Forge ahead!


Libra:    New Moon on 1st marks a new phase with friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. Your ruling planet Venus has been smoothing the path here since late July. And Mars adds a zest of extra energy until 18th. Any campaigns for a better world would benefit from your support.

Mercury goes direct on 1st too, helping to clear up any recent misunderstandings with authority figures. Librans are rarely caustic in their communications so this might involve you forgiving or understanding others better.

Joint finances, sharing and intimacy also take on a new light as Uranus goes retrograde on 12th. Have you been clinging to old ways in any of these areas of life? This applies to loans, taxes, debts and inheritances too. You have until January to reflect on this.

Jupiter also goes direct on 11th giving you a more expansive and positive mindset. And once Venus glides into your 12th House on 21st, your unconscious should be operating in a more helpful way, softening self-sabotage that sometimes holds you back.

From 18th compassion for those who are unable to improve their own circumstances is also strong. Can you help: financially or with your time and skills? Listening to the troubles of others and empathising can also be a huge help. Offer whatever you can.


Scorpio:    New Moon on 1st falls in your career and social status sector which is the perfect time to embark on a new career plan or a strategy to achieve your ambitions. Dealings with fathers and authority figures come into this too (and your own approach if you happen to be one yourself).

Venus is also present in this area of your solar chart.until 21st, helping to smooth your path and inclining others in positions of power to help you (so do ask). Mars is spurring on your ambitions too until 18th. Use this burst of determination to push your plans ahead.

Any compromises you have been making in relationships and partnerships will be under review over the next five months as Uranus goes retrograde (from 12th). A lot is being asked of you during this period of challenging growth. But Scorpios’ inner resources are rarely outfaced. Only this time, you are being called upon to be completely honest: with yourself and others.

Finances start to look more positive from 11th when Jupiter goes direct. This could be an increase in income or a more positive view of how your needs for security are met. This might not at its root, be about money or material possessions. Security can be achieved through a belief system or philosophy and also through creativity, so do explore the wider picture.

Friends, groups and community become more important from 18th when Mars (and later Venus on 21st) take their creative energies to collective pursuits. Make time for friends and perhaps you could add your talents or skills to a campaign that you believe in.


Sagittarius:    New Moon on 1st is the start of a new phase in exploration – one of your favourite activities. This can be through travel, cultural encounters or covering terrain physically or metaphysically. Venus makes these pleasurable too until 21st.

Mercury also goes direct on 1st which should help to clarify any recent confusion or misunderstandings around joint funds, sharing and intimacy. (This can also include taxes, debts and inheritances).

Your ruling planet Jupiter changes direction this month too and goes direct, in your sign, on 11th. This completes a four-month review of how you have been approaching personal growth and opportunities for expansion. Any conclusions you have reached, you can start to apply now.

On 12th Uranus goes retrograde in your work and health zone. It moved into this area of your solar chart full-time in March, challenging you to come up with the true uncompromised version of what your true calling is. If work is not relevant, then it may be about the best way to fill your days, how you should handle your health or how you can use your unique talents and skills to be of service to others.

Your father, career and social status zone revs up from 18th when Mars sharpens your ambitions or fills you with determination to tackle issues with father-figures (or with those who look up to you, if you are a father-figure yourself). From 21st Venus inclines authority figures to smile upon you. Ask for favours if you need some!


Capricorn:    Your approach to joint funds, sharing and intimacy takes on a fresh light with New Moon on 1st. And it may be time to be more generous… Mercury goes direct on the same day too, helping to resolve recent misunderstandings in relationships and partnerships (which can also be helped by a more generous attitude). And these themes may reoccur once again around Full Moon on 15th.

Jupiter goes direct in your unconscious zone on 11th. It has been retrograde for four months, reviewing your response to the pain and suffering of others and how you deal with your own painful issues. Opportunities for healing are open to you once again. Seeking them out (especially with the help of a professional) will make your internal world a much bigger and freer place. Perhaps you need to be more generous with yourself too!

Travel, different cultures, studying and ethics get an extra bolt of energy from 18th when Mars provides the energy and determination to push your agenda or plans forward. Legal matters and dealings with in-laws can be active too. Venus steps in to smooth over any discord from 21st onwards and the Sun’s arrival on 23rd helps to shed light on things that were not entirely clear.

Uranus goes retrograde on 12th in your romance sector. This introduces a review of how true you have been to yourself in your dealings with lovers and children. And then there is your creativity. What would be the most free, uncompromised expression of who you now are? Work towards it.


Aquarius:    Relationships and partnerships take on a different light with New Moon in your opposite sign on 1st. This marks a fresh start in some way. Make resolutions that will help you to work towards what (or who) you hope to find in your relationships in the month and year ahead.

Venus and Mars are enhancing the view too and adding to your passions until 18th. And Full Moon in your sign on 15th also brings up the axis of your needs as an individual versus relationships… But this is a familiar old chestnut for freedom-loving Aquarians.

Your ruling planet Uranus makes a change of direction on 12th in your domestic sphere. Uranus (the bringer of change, disruption and revolution) leapt into your mother and home zone full time in March, although there was a lead-up to this last autumn. (And you, more than others may have felt this coming).

Disruptions are likely but rather than focusing on what is causing your discomfort, examine and acknowledge what feelings are brought up for you in the midst of it all. Getting the help of a counsellor or therapist makes this easier and keeps you from going round in circles.

Any compromises you have made may not work out long term as Uranus demands the pure version of what you need a home to be and how you need to nurture and be nurtured. You have until early January to work some of this out. Uranus is going to revolutionise this area of your life over the next seven years. Personal development comes into this too. Welcome it in!


Pisces:    A new cycle begins on 1st with New Moon in Leo, regarding work, health and service to others. Could it be time for a new regime or a new job? Your daily routine also comes into this. Can you make a creative addition to your day or week? With the Sun, Venus and Mars now backing this up, whatever you envision can become a reality.

Mercury goes direct on 1st too, helping to improve communications with children, lovers and playmates. And from 11th Mercury can also make daily physical exercise easier.

Your career, social status and dealings with father-figures have been under review for four months but on 11th Jupiter goes direct, enabling you to apply your conclusions and move forward once again. This could mean you going for career expansion, daring to take a chance or improving your relationship with father figures.

Uranus goes retrograde on 12th, taking you back to look at how you have been thinking and communicating. Physical movement, courses, trading and dealings with siblings and neighbours come into this too. Uranus moved into this area of your solar chart full-time in March, looking for the uncompromising version of how you communicate in the widest sense. New ways of thinking are needed. Also new forms of physical movement can open up extra neural pathways but only if you give them a go!

Relationships and partnerships grab your attention from 18th onwards. Action is needed here too! And only you know what that should be.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK). And to find out more about the benefits of astrology or more about me, visit

July Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture


We have a dramatic start to the month with a total solar eclipse on 2nd when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. Each eclipse belongs to an eclipse family that repeats approximately every 18 to 19 years. And this particular eclipse family was the fore-runner to the Wall Street crash in 1929, the Indian Partition in 1947 and the twin towers incident in 2001… It carries the themes of worrying news, obsessively going over the top and taking big-scale action. This applies to different areas of life for each sign.

Mercury is moving retrograde for most of the month, first of all in Leo from 7th – 19th and then in Cancer from 19th – 2nd August. Try to avoid starting new initiatives during these periods if you can.

Mars spends all month freshly in Leo, calling us all to be creative. And yes, that means you too!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Home, nurturing and mother-figures are a strong focus for you this month with New Moon on 2nd marking the start of your domestic New Year. Venus glides into this area of your solar chart too on 3rd with the promise of pleasure through beautifying your home, enjoying time there and perhaps entertaining others. Dealings with mother figures should go well too (and dealings with those you care for, if you are a mother-figure yourself). The Sun adds creative self-expression here too until 23rd.

The only flies in the ointment are when the Sun and then Venus run into opposition from Saturn and Pluto in your career, social status and ambitions sector. Saturn and Pluto are both heavy-weights and may take the form of authority figures ‘over-functioning’… This can get particularly frustrating around 9th and 17th when Saturn stops play. And 14th and 21st when Pluto might be prone to power trips.

While all of this is playing out, your ruling planet Mars is having fun in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity. The Sun shows up too with more cheery energy from 23rd and Venus also glides in too from 28th. When Mars and Jupiter team up from 24th – 27th, lots of buoyant optimism shows up. Make time for recreation and maybe even sports?

New Moon on 2nd is also a solar eclipse belonging to a series that carries the theme of big scale action. This applies to your roots and foundations, including self-nurture. Without becoming obsessive, how can you apply it?


Taurus:    The New Moon on 2nd falls in your communications zone. We create our own realty by how we think and this New Moon is an opportunity to look at your mindset (and change the settings if necessary…). Physical movement is another form of communication, so trying new moves can be very helpful too.

One theory is that crawling when young opens up new neural pathways in the brain and as adults we can continue to open more pathways through new forms of physical movement. (Early in the month may be best for this, as Mercury goes retrograde here from 19th to 2nd August).

This particular New Moon is also a solar eclipse, belonging to an eclipse family that carries the themes of big scale action. Work out creative ways of incorporating these qualities into your mental, verbal or physical self-expression (without going over the top).

Your ruling planet Venus helps to make these areas of life pleasurable for most of the month, apart from opposition from Saturn and Pluto on 17th and 21st. Ethics, principles or cultural expectations may run counter to what you are trying to achieve. In-laws, people in or from different countries and belief systems could feature, as could ‘the law’. (The Sun has similar struggles around 9th and 14th).

Mars is freshly in your mother and home zone all month. If there are projects that need attending to, spring into action up until 7th and after 19th, as Mercury is retrograde in between. The Sun brings added energy to your efforts from 23rd and Venus helps to smooth things along from 28th. Dealings with mother-figures and nurturing are included in this too. And do not forget self-nurturing!


Gemini:    Finances may be an unpredictable mystery this month which kicks off with a solar eclipse and New Moon in your fiscal zone on 2nd. This eclise also brings an urge for big-scale action to the table which will call on you to address your income, value system, self-esteem or creativity. Venus brings a passing rosy glow from 3rd – 28th but matters raised by the eclipse usually play out for some months.

The financial demands of others continues to spoil the view somewhat (taxes, debts and inheritances included). Demands for more intimacy may rile too. Whatever form these demands take, your tranquility may be disrupted. Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde here too from 19th – 2nd August, so put off important financial decisions during that period if you can.

Mental energy is high this month as Mars charges through your communications zone. Exchanges may be more heated than usual which may be due to you being more ‘assertive’. Misunderstandings could occur though from 7th – 19th when Mercury is retrograde here too. Double check during this period that everyone is clear about what has been agreed (including youself).

The Sun adds energy to your communications and self-expression from 23rd and Venus brings mental pleasures from 28th. Physical movement, short journeys and dealings with neighbours and siblings come into this too. So does teaching others your skills.


Cancer:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 23rd radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. But this may fade into the background due to the total solar eclipse in your sign along with New Moon on 2nd. New Moon in your sign marks the start of your emotional New Year and so you may feel this eclipse more keenly than most.

The eclipse family this eclipse belongs to is to do with undertaking big-scale action. So this may be a pertinent theme in your emotional life in the months ahead. It is important too not to become obsessive about what you choose to do.

Venus is in your sign too until 28th, making you darling of the zodiac. Others will not be immune to your charms. This may not be apparent though when Saturn and Pluto oppose you from your relationships and partnerships zone around 17th and 21st. (The Sun also gets blocked by these two on 9th and 14th).

Mars is pressing ahead in your security and finance zone all month but finances are unclear as Mercury goes retrograde here from 7th – 19th. Something needs rethinking connected to your income, finances or linked to security, values or creativity. Self-esteen could come into this too. You have until mid-August to put things straight so that you can move forward once again.

Full Moon on 16th falls in your opposite sign Capricorn. Emotions may run high in relationships and partnerships around then too. When Venus opposes Saturn on 17th, you may feel blocked. But Venus and Neptune co-operate and are more forgiving around 18th. Navigate relationships as best you can this month!


Leo:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as your ruling planet the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 23rd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal New Year. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead, than January 1st and the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

On 1st Mars leaps into your sign too adding extra dynamism and determination to your creative self-expression. Mercury goes retrograde though from 7th – 19th, so use this time to review how you have been expressing yourself creatively rather than pushing ahead then.

Your unconscious is busy this month too but so is your creative imagination which is great for creativity behind the scenes. Your work or health or daily routine could get in the way of this though, especially around 9th, 14th, 17th and 21st. Try to accommodate the real world as well as attend to your inspirational life.

New Moon and the solar eclipse on 2nd fall in your 12th House too. The better you know yourself and your inner-workings, the greater your well-being will be. This particular eclipse challenges you to take massive action in your psychological, creative or spiritual life, at the same time as avoiding obsession…


Virgo:    Your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde for most of this month. From 7th – 19th it will be reviewing your thinking or communications coming from your unconscious. And from 19th July – 2nd August it will be reviewing your communications, thoughts and dealings with friends, groups and community. New Moon and the solar eclipse on 2nd are also concerned with these matters and call for big action (without getting obsessed about it). Have you thought of joining (or starting) a group?

Neptune remains retrograde in your relationships and partnerships zone all month, keeping things on hold. There is a nice aspect though between Venus and Neptune around 17th – 18th which represents the kind of devotion that Virgos specialise in.

Your unconscious is a busy place this month with Mars revving away behind the scenes. This could motivate you to put compassion into action, get creative or take up a spiritual practice. From 19th, once Mercury is out of the way, all should go well as the Sun illuminates your efforts from 23rd, Mars engages expansive Jupiter from 24th – 27th and Venus brings pleasure and ease from 28th. So what are you waiting for?


Libra:    Your ambitions run smoothly for most of the month as your ruling planet Venus smoothes your path. People in authority can be helpful too. . (Ask them for favours if you need any but before 19th when Mercury goes retrograde). New Moon on 2nd falls here too, marking a new phase relating to career, social status or dealings with father-figures. The Sun is around until 23rd too, shedding light on different matters and urging you to be creative.

The only hitches are when Saturn and Pluto loom up in your 4th House of mother and home, roots and foundations. Saturn may bring frustrations around 9th and 17th (do not bother to press forwards then) and power plays may raise their head around 14th and 21st when Pluto intervenes. Libran are usually able to charm their way through but give yourself a rest on these days if you can.

Mars is freshly in your friends, groups and community zone all month. You have energy to give and find in interactions here. The Sun adds extra inspiration from 23rd and Venus brings harmony from 28th. Arrangements and agreements may need double-checking though from 7th – 19th when Mercury is retrograde here.

New Moon on 2nd is also an eclipse and part of a family of eclipses that ushers in big action. How can you apply this to your father, career, ambitions or social status?


Scorpio:    Travel, studying and your world view begin a new phase on 2nd as New Moon falls in this area of your solar chart. If you have been thinking about broadening your explorations (physical or meta-physical: this could be a good time to start). A solar eclipse occurs at the same time as New Moon which adds the theme of big-scale action to your explorations. Incorporate this but in a non-obsessive way.
Mars is heating up your 10th House of father, career and social status this month and you will feel keen to push your ambitions towards. Step back from this though between 7th – 19th when Mercury is retrograde. The Sun arrives to assist you however from 23rd and Venus encourages people in positions of power to look kindly on you from 28th. (If you need any favours, ask them).

Your ruling planet Pluto is challenging the Sun around 14th and Venus around 21st. You are perceptive and can usually see to the heart of things. Be careful how you use this power, especially around those dates as not everyone is as resilient as you are. Try not to dampen other people’s optimism too around 9th and 17th. There is always a place for realism but we must allow others their dreams too.

Jupiter continues to move backwards through your finance zone, continuing your review on what place expansion should or should not take. Be patient and accept this for now as you are almost at the end of your review period (more next month).


Sagittarius:     The month begins with a fresh start in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone in the form of a New Moon and solar eclipse on 2nd. This eclipse calls for big-scale action that will change the situation in the months ahead and you may have felt this coming.

Venus glides through this same area of your chart from 3rd – 28th which can indicate benefitting from ‘the money of others’ or opportunities for intimacy in some way. There seems to be some difficulty though coming from your side, particularly around 9th, 14th, 17th and 21st.

Could it be your reactions or values are blocking this? Are you being overly-independent, controlling or going against your own principles? Or are others demanding money from you? This can include taxes, debts or requests for a loan or legacy. Or are you contemplating a terrifyingly large loan or expense? Whatever it is, your security needs are reacting.

Mercury goes retrograde in this area of your chart from 19th – 2nd August and it might be an idea to avoid signing anything important during that period if you can.

Mars may be stirring up feelings of restlessness this month. And the urge to explore, travel or study may be strong. Mercury goes retrograde here from 7th – 19th which is not ideal for journeys, so be prepared for hold-ups or changes of plan if you are travelling during that period.  The Sun joins Mars from 23rd and Venus does likewise from 28th. Mars is on board with your ruling planet Jupiter from 24th – 27th. So we have energy, expansion, self-expression and harmony all on your side. Now what or where are you going to explore?


Capricorn:    New Moon and a solar eclipse in your opposite sign on 2nd starts the month off in a memorable way. The New Moon in Cancer usually marks a fresh phase in relationships and partnerships but this year it carries the added theme of big-scale action which this eclipse family belongs to. Be as creative as you can in dealing with or incorporating these issues in your relationships in the month and year ahead.

Venus helps to smooth things along from 3rd and you will be especially aware of partner’s charms. The difficulties that arise though seem to be coming from your side… With Saturn and Pluto insisting on your transformation, you are being challenged, pressed and stretched to come up with the new version of you.

Being in a chrysalis is very tight and uncomfortable but this is an essential stage of transformation! Do your best not to get in your own way during this period of intense growth, especially around 9th, 14th, 17th and 21st. (And give partners a break from time to time…).

Joint finances may be a hot topic this month as Mars generates energy to tackle this. Mercury goes retrograde here though from 7th – 19th so watch what you say and be patient as things are unlikely to be sorted during this period. Sharing in general is another topic, including yourself on an intimate level. Discussions around this are probably best saved for after 19th when Mercury has moved on. If this does not seem to apply to you, taxes, debts or inheritances may be the hot potato you are trying to deal with.


Aquarius:    New Moon on 2nd falls in the work, health and services to others sector of your solar chart. And if there was ever a time to start a new regime: this is it! There is a solar eclise at the same time which adds the theme of taking massive action to this fresh start. Make headway straight away as Mercury is retrograde from 19th onwards which may require a few adjustments (and is not a good time to start).

Venus might even find someone to keep you company at the same time. Relations with colleagues and daily companions go well for most of the month, apart from a few hiccoughs (or altercations) around 9th, 14th, 17th and 21st when Saturn and Pluto may trigger unconscious reactions on your part. Self-awareness is your best friend this month, more than ever. Be ready to apologise for any unreasonable reactions too, if necessary.

It could also be that fears get in the way of what you are trying to achieve at work or in your well-being. Engage professional help to explore this material and any self-sabotage patterns created when young; if you are ready for the deep and fascinating adventure of self-discovery! Creative work behind the scenes can be rich and fruitful, as can tending or showing compassion to those unable to tend themselves.

Mars leaps into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships at the start of the month which heats things up. Whether this results in passion or conflict is partly in your hands. Pressing ahead with things may not be a good idea while Mercury is retrograde in this area of your chart from 7th – 19th. But from 23rd the Sun is on your side and Venus joins in too from 28th. The Sun is challenging your social status too around 28th – 29th. Could be interesting!


Pisces:    Romance, children and creativity are high-lighted this month, starting with a New Moon on 2nd. This marks the start of a new phase here. There is also a solar eclipse at the same time, belonging to an eclipse family that carries the theme of big-scale action that will change your current situation. So what is it going to be Pisceans?

Venus glides into your 5th House too from 3rd, bringing pleasure until 28th. Although Venus runs up against opposition from Saturn and Pluto around 7th, 9th, 14th and 21st. Mercury goes retrograde here too from 19th – 2nd August which may not be the best time to initiate things, so start right away on July 2nd!

Mars is revving through your 6th House of work, health and service to others all month. Taking action here is needed too. Time for a new regime, volunteer programme or job? Or is there a helpful daily practice that could be added to your regime? Mercury goes retrograde here though from 3rd – 19th, so start either before or after then if you can.

Neptune remains retrograde in your sign but there is a lovely aspect from Venus around 17th – 18th when it is good to appreciate your blessings. Could registering gratitude towards life become one of your daily practices?


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

June 2019 Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

We have a chirpy start to the month with New Moon in Gemini on 3rd, followed by Venus gliding through Gemini from 9th. This is generally good for light communications, short journeys and catching up with others.

A build-up of planets in Cancer are taking a much more serious view though, especially from 11th – 20th when Mercury and Mars run up against the heavy-weights: Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This is not an easy dynamic for any of us, especially Arians, Cancerians, Libran and Capricorns. The themes of frustration, force and resistance could be around and possibly a collective reminder of how power should not be used.

Ironically, later in the month the benefics Venus and Jupiter create confusion too when they oppose each other and square up to Neptune around 23rd – 24th. This can result in self-over-indulgence, killing others with kindness and generally well-meant but misleading behaviour. Be aware that some may speak with forked tongue. And try not to let your unconscious take over completely…

On a more concrete note, the 21st is the Summer Solstice (at 16.55 BST). This is the first day of summer when the Sun moves into Cancer and we experience either the longest or shortest day of the year, depending on which hemi-sphere of the world we live in.

The Sun squares Chiron, also on 27th, reminding us that just as we have wounds, so does everyone else. And that we all have a better chance of healing them if we open them to the light, rather than keeping them hidden.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:     Powerful forces are at play in your 10th House of father, career and social status, especially at the beginning of the month from 1st – 3rd, when Venus meets Pluto and people in authority could help you a great deal. If you happen to be such a person yourself, use your influence in the best way possible.

New Moon is also on 3rd in your communications zone. If you have been thinking about a new idea for a project, this could be the perfect time to put it into action (trading, dealing with the general public, studying and sharing your skills with others included).

Your ruling planet Mars continues to energise your 4th House of mother and home. This is good for taking action and getting things done but it can also heat things up in dealings with mother figures and in domestic relations.

Mars also runs up against a strong challenge between 11th and 20th. But what is life without a challenge? If someone else resorts to ruthlessness, do not follow suit. Communications could be a bit loaded between 15th – 19th. Be very clear in what you say. And make sure you mean it!


Taurus:     Your ruling planet Venus remains in your sign until 9th, heightening your charms and attracting others to you even more than usual. Venus then glides into your 2nd House, helping your finances to look rosier. New Moon on 3rd marks a new phase here too and is the perfect time to draw up a new budget.

Take this opportunity to look at ways of increasing your sense of security (which may not be about money at all). This could be to do with creativity or a value system that gives a deeper sense of security. When Venus opposes Jupiter and squares Neptune from 23rd – 24th, you may be called upon to help others (friends, groups or charities), possibly financially.

You are mentally active all month and possibly more assertive than usual. Neighbours or siblings may be the first to become aware of this… Standing up for your principles could also be important but try not to enter into battles of will, especially around 11th – 20th when others may be doing just that.

You may find yourself wanting to talk to mother-in-law’s from 27th. Guests or creative ideas about home could arrive too. Be ready to receive, enjoy and run with them.


Gemini:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 21st, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. New Moon on 3rd is in your sign too and marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make resolutions that will help you to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead!

New Moon on 3rd is also in your sign which marks the beginning of your personal new year too. Focus on what you hope to find in your emotional life in the month and year ahead. Harmony (and even romance) may be easier to find after 9th when Venus glides into your sign, adding to your sparkle. Gifted with a silver tongue anyway, others should be on their guard!

Mars continues in your finance zone all month, making you even more entrepreneurial than usual. Your go-getting skills will be running on all four cylinders. You could even generate a new stream of income. Forge ahead up to 9th and then push forward again after 20th. (Planetary oppositions get in the way of all of us trying to make headway mid-month).

Full Moon on 17th falls in your opposite sign, when relationships and partnerships get emotionally charged. The Sun and Venus get caught up with Jupiter and Neptune too from 10th – 11th and 23rd – 24th with unclear outcomes. You have the ability to please others but do not put yourself on the wrong side of honesty in doing so…


Cancer:    The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 21st!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Your determination remains high all month as Mars continues to forge through your sign. You may be more assertive too. Your efforts may be blocked around 11th – 14th thoigh, when Mars opposes Saturn. This is frustrating but use this time for reflecting on how you have asserted yourself in the past and how you want to assert yourself in the future. By 12th you can apply your conclusions.

Partners or adversaries may not like the outcome of this review however, especially around 16th – 20th. And you could have the challenge of how to best deal with this, without backing down. Could it be that they feel threatened? If they have been making themselves too comfortable, then they may…


Leo:    The first nine days of June, Venus helps you to get support for your ambitions whether these are to do with career or social status. Venus then glides into your 11th House of friends, groups, communities and humanitarian ideals. New Moon on 3rd marks a new phase in one or more of these areas of life too. Is there a group you would like to join or even form? Venus could even stir up romance here if you are open to it.

Your ruling planet the Sun runs up against Jupiter and Neptune around 10th – 11th when you need to make sure any plans for expansion are not going to be to your detriment – i.e. not over-expansion. This is a good planetary line-up for creativity though (but watch out for excessive drinking etc).

Full Moon on 17th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone. There are lots of other planetary dynamics going on around 15th – 20th too on an unconscious level and in your work, health and services to others axis. Is your daily routine getting in the way of creativity? Or is your unconscious interfering with your well-being in some way?

The Sun squares up to Chiron around 27th. This is an opportunity to illuminate any flaws in your studies, world view, belief system or legal position. The Sun is your ruling planet. Let its light shine in.


Virgo:    New Moon on 3rd marks a new phase in your career, ambitions or social status. Venus joins in too from 9th which inclines people in positions of power to view you warmly. If you need their help, just ask. Try not to do this though around 23rd – 24th when Venus gets caught up in a confusing planetary line-up with Jupiter and Neptune.

There is an uncomfortable dynamic for us all from 11th – 20th this month, when Mercury and Mars oppose Saturn and Pluto. For Virgos this looks like possible conflict between individual and group demands. This could be regarding creativity, dealings with children or a dilemma between friendship and romance. Full Moon on 17th in your mother and home zone falls right in the middle of this too. Make sure you manage to look after yourself amidst any dramas that crop up.

Neptune goes retrograde on 21st in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships. Something here needs looking at again. This could be whether the dream has lived up to expectations or whether your expectations need to be reviewed. And things get even more confusing around 23rd – 24th when attempts to please others give unfathomable results. Could you have been over-idealising a certain someone? Or under-valuing yourself?


Libra:    New Moon on 3rd is a good point to take a fresh look at the world. Is there somewhere you have always wanted to visit? This could be the time to make future plans or to even go now. Exploring different cultures, philosophies and spiritual practicex can be done closer to home. Take physical or meta-physical steps to make your world wider.

Your ruling planet Venus has an interesting day then too as it joins power-wielding Pluto. Sudden obsessions could occur, as could a new awareness of the power patterns you tend to fall into in relationships, especially at home and with mother-figures (or with your children if you are a mother). Try to keep an objective eye on this (although that. might not be easy at present).

You may be wanting to push ahead with ambitions but unresolved matters in your roots and foundations are not co-operating. 11th – 20th could be especially difficult. Could it be time to explore some of this early material with the support of a counsellor or therapist?

The lure of different countries and cultures gets stronger from 9th. Meeting people with different belief systems and viewpoints could bring pleasure too. Now where might you find some?


Scorpio:    Venus continues to smooth relationships and partnerships until 9th. Communications are satisfying and deep too. Venus then glides into your 8th House of joint funds which is usually helpful but watch out for miscommunications around 23rd – 24th when you may lose your sense of perspective. Direct any excess energy then, into creative projects if you can.

New Moon on 3rd marks a new phase in joint funds, sharing and intimacy. Discussions around these are helpful. You can also take this opportunity to come to joint decisions on future direction and plans.

Your ruling planet Pluto runs into opposition from Mars (from 16th – 20th) and Mercury (from 18th – 19th). Try not to impose your will and ideas on others. Dialogue is fine. Just make sure it is two-way.

Principles and ethics grow in importance as the month progresses. Your curiosity may also lead you to explore different cultures and belief systems either through physical, inter-cultural or meta-physical travel. We all belong to a big, wide world.


Sagittarius:    New Moon on 3rd is in your opposite sign which marks a new phase in relationships or partnerships. Venus glides in to smooth things along too from 9th, although it runs into some opposition around 23rd – 24th. If something seems too good to be true then, it probably is… Be aware of how far you go in pleasing others too. It could be misleading as they may expect it to continue and for you this may just be a passing phase (which is fine if you make it clear).

Finances continue to look gritty as Saturn and Pluto get closer to each other. Minimalism could be one answer. Pushy financial or intimate demands from others (or yourself) could cause all sorts of dilemmas and crash straight into your bank balance, sense of security or values, especially between 11th – 20th. Full Moon in your sign on 17th (09.32 BST), in the middle of all of this, adds to the raised temperature too.

Neptune goes retrograde on 21st, indicating that your dream home, dealings with mother figures or your nurturing style (including self-nurture) may need reassessing. And it may take some months of reflection before you feel you know how to proceed.

Lighter relief comes in the form of Mercury from 27th, beckoning you on to distant horizons. Time for a trip, a new course of study or cultural exploration?


Capricorn:    Good times continue during the first nine days of June as Venus glides through your 5th House of romance, children and creativity. And New Moon on 3rd marks a fresh start in your working life, health or daily routine. Could it be time for a new job or health regime? And what about devoting some of your time to being of service to others? These areas of life are central to your well-being. Take a fresh look at some or all of them.

Venus brings pleasurable from 9th onwards in one or more of these areas of life too. Relations with colleagues and daily companions go well. Romance could even be in the air. And attending to your daily rituals can be a source of pleasure and comfort too.

Planetarily it is looking like partners may not agree with you on a number of matters this month, especially from 11th – 20th. Keep communications civil and make room for both points of view to be heard. Your survival does not depend on being ‘right’. And listening to others will not diminish you. You might even learn something. Others will also listen to you better, if they can see you are listening to them.

The Sun and Chiron may bring up childhood wounds around 27th. Take this opportunity to make time and lend an ear to your inner-child.


Aquarius:    Harmony at home continues for the first nine days of June, then Venus glides into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity. Make time to enjoy some or all of these. New Moon on 3rd marks a new phase here too. The only danger is over-indulging around 23rd – 24th. Watch spending then as you might be more susceptible to sales pitches and Neptune could confuse the rational eye…

There is lots going on in your 6th House of work, health and service to others too. Mars valiantly presses forward in its mission to find new work or a healthier regime. Mercury keeps your mind busy with communications and new ideas. And the Sun provides fresh light from 21st onwards.

Saturn and Pluto operating from your unconscious, may get in the way of work or health goals around 11th – 20th though. Rather than force things, take this time to reflect, review and fine-tune your plans and intentions. Look at ways of getting your unconscious on board too (hypnosis, affirmations, therapy or meditation perhaps?).

On 27th the Sun brings to light aspects of your conscious mind or communications that do not serve you well. Thoughts and ideas around partnerships begin to emerge then too. Notice what they tell you.


Pisces:    New Moon on 3rd marks a fresh start in your mother and home zone. Are there any changes you would like like to make? Venus joins in too from 9th and stays all month. This usually creates pleasure in the home. You may beautify your home or want to share is pleasures with others by entertaining. Dealings with mother figures usually go well too. If making special plans, it might be a good idea to avoid 23rd – 24th though, when Venus and Jupiter square up to Neptune, creating possible confusion.

Your 5th House of romance, children and creativity is busy all month with Mars determined to push things forward but it runs into opposition around 11th – 20th from Saturn and Pluto in the form of friends, groups, community or humanitarian ideals? Or are you pushing for a friendship to be more? Or is a friend pushing you?

Your ruling planet Neptune goes retrograde on 21st in your sign. And it is time for another deep review of your identity, how it should be expressed and outlets for that expression. This is not a quick process as Neptune stays retrograde until late November. Your ‘current self’ and ‘ideal self’ may seem far apart. The challenge is to either move them closer together or to embrace and accept that gap. Feed this inner process over the coming months, with your love and attention.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

May Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

In the Northern hemisphere spring is now fully underway and dormant plants, trees and shrubs are filling out in their full glory. It is the Taurean time of year and New Moon in Taurus late on 4th presents us all with an opportunity to be fertile – in different areas of life for each sign.

Venus enters Taurus too (one of her own signs) on 15th. This heightens the senses and a longing to embrace Mother Nature, wherever in the world you are. There may be surprises and sudden attractions around 16th – 18th when Venus joins Uranus. Perhaps a new form of creativity will grab you too!

Mars finishes its tour of Gemini on 16th and leaps into Cancer for the rest of the month. Home, nurturing (including self-nurture) and dealings with mother figure, all get a bolt of energy. Personal development comes into this too.

What do you need to do for yourself? If you already know or can work it out, this could be your time to get started!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   New Moon on 4th falls in your finance zone which is the perfect time to draw up a budget or financial plans for the month and year ahead. These may not go entirely to plan as Uranus (which is occupying this area of your solar chart for the next seven years) brings the unexpected… but Venus adds a rosy glow to your present financial picture from 15th.

Communications may be tricky from 1st – 9th or you may rub up authority figures in an unhelpful way. But with Venus in your sign until 15th, you should be able to charm your way through any prickly situations.

Your ruling planet Mars leaps into your mother and home zone from 16th when it will be all stations go on home improvement projects, dealings with mother figures (or the need to be more assertive if you are one yourself). Personal development raises its head too. Give it your full attention and push for more enlightened vistas!


Taurus:   The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 21st, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. And New Moon on 4th marks the start of your emotional New Year. Make resolutions that will help to generate what you hope to find in your emotional life in the year ahead. The world is looking fresh and new. Many Happy Solar and Lunar Returns!

You will be actively working on your finances until 16th as Mars provides the energy and impetus to sort things out. And perhaps you will work out op ways of generating a new or second income.

Your ruling planet Venus glides into your sign from 16th, adding to your charms. Others will notice them too, especially around 17th – 18th which coincides with Full Moon in your opposite sign. Could love be knocking at your door? Creativity is exciting too!


Gemini:   The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 21st!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal New Year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Your ruling planet Mercury is zooming around and skips into your sign from 21st. Mars stays in your sign too until 16th, adding resolve and determination to your endeavours. It then moves into your 2nd House of money, possessions, income, security and values. This could be the bolt of energy you have been looking for, to start up a new or second stream of income. Now what could that be?


Cancer:  Despite possible initial misunderstandings from 6th – 9th, Venus helps to eventually get authority figures on your side up until 15th. The same applies to dealings with father figures (or your own dealings as a father, if you are one). Harmonious outcomes can be found around 10th.

Time spent with friends and in groups and community is interesting and enjoyable, especially from 15th onwards. You may also be introduced to new ideas or new people which will be refreshing and enlivening. Have you thought about joining a group? Or maybe even starting one?

On 16th Mars leaps into your sign, filling you with energy and determination to push your agenda forwards. Make headway immediately as after June 12th it may run into some opposition from Saturn and Pluto.

Venus and Uranus could spark attraction tto a friend around 16th – 18th. And Full Moon on 18th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone. Who knows what this wave may bring?


Leo:   Your principles and daily demands may clash around the start of the month. Work commitments may get in the way of taking a trip, taking up studies or sorting out legal matters. This should pass by 9th though and you can then proceed.

Mars in your 12th House after 16th can help you to confront and sort out any self-sabotage that has been going on. It can also help you to get creative behind the scenes.

If your career has been in the doldrums, that is about to change as New Moon on 4th marks a fresh start and time to put new resolutions in place. How would you like to be seen in public? And what can you do in the year ahead to bring that about?

Venus glides in to help here from 15th (until 9th June). Influential people in positions of authority will want to help you advance. If there is a way they can help you, be sure to ask!


Virgo:   If you are thinking of planning a trip, a course of study or attending to legal matters, the New Moon on 4th may be a good point to get started. Venus’s arrival from 15th favours you and makes interactions pleasurable. And when it joins Uranus around 16th – 18th, unexpected outcomes could take you by surprise!

Mars continues to forge your career and social status onwards until 16th. And your ruling planet Mercury takes over with quick-thinking, bright ideas from 21st. Your sparkling voice (whether spoken or written) is out there in the public eye.

From 16th Mars energises dealings with friends, groups and community. This is good for leadership and getting things done. Have you been thinking of joining or starting a group? The planetary wind is now behind you. Forge ahead!


Libra:   Your ruling planet Venus keeps relationships running smoothly until 15th, despite a choppy start to the month on the mother and home front. These two areas of life are not that compatible right now and your Libran charms may be tested.

New Moon on 4th falls in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. This is a good point to sort out loans, debts, wills, inheritances and joint accounts. Venus helps things along here too from 15th but it immediately encounters unpredictable Uranus around 16th – 18th when anything could happen (including sudden, intense attractions… ).

Mars zooms into your father, career and social status sector from 16th. If you have been holding back on ambitions for any reason, get back on track as Mars will provide the energy, drive and determination to push things forward.


Scorpio:   Work and health are looking good during the first half of the month as Venus smoothes relations with colleagues and daily companions (apart from a few differences of opinion around 6th – 9th when you should avoid being dramatic…).

Your personal relationships and business partnerships are looking good too, especially from 16th onwards when Venus creates harmony and co-operation. New Moon on 4th falls here too, marking a fresh phase in relationships and partnerships. Make resolutions that will help them along.

Full Moon in your sign on 18th follows an exciting two days of Venus and Uranus creating attraction and excitement. Be experimental!


Sagittarius:  New Moon on 4th marks a fresh start in work, health or service to others. Pets could come into this too. Have you been thinking about a new daily companion? Or perhaps a new job or health regime?

Venus joins Uranus around 16th – 18th in this same area of your solar chart. This is an exciting combination and could generate a passing attraction to a work colleague or to a creative new regime.

Mars keeps things sparky in relationships and partnerships until 16th, then it changes focus onto joint funds (including taxes, wills, debts and inheritances), sharing and intimacy. Do you have matters that need sorting out? Here is the bolt of energy to get you started.


Capricorn:   If you have plans concerning romance, children or creativty; May 5th (following the New Moon late on 4th) is a good point to roll them into action. This becomes even more enjoyable after Venus arrives on 15th.

The first half of the month presents some challenges, when keeping things harmonious at home or with mother figures, demands much of you. Or the process of beautifying your home could be challenging in some way too. All of this will have blown over by 9th though and you can hope to enjoy the results of your efforts from 10th – 15th.

Mars completes its energetic tour of your work and health zone and leaps into relationships and partnerships on 16th. Mars generates heat which can express itself in passion or conflict. Opt for the former!


Aquarius:   Home sweet home is looking even sweeter this month with New Moon on 4th marking the start of a new cycle. Make resolutions that will help you to achieve the home that you want. We all spring into the world from the home, so how things are domestically, colours our trajectory into the world. This also includes dealings with mother figures and working on our personal development.

Venus joins the picture too from 15th and you may find yourself wanting to beautify your home or inviting others to share its pleasures with you. When Venus joins your ruling planet Uranus here around 16th – 18th, memorable experiences are likely. If entertaining, be ready for surprises.

You may even find romance while sitting at home! This is not to be confused with lasting love. But what would life be without some excitement? Another possibility is a brand new design to an area of your home or making a new space for creative activity. This is exciting too!

Mars leaps into your work and health zone from 16th. Time to look for a new job perhaps or to start a new health regime?


Pisces:   Communications and your way of thinking are ready for a breath of fresh air which comes in the form of New Moon on 4th. This is a good point to practise positive thinking and affirmations and to take classes or to teach your skills to others. Or perhaps create a new presence on the internet?

Finances look mostly rosy until 15th, apart from some tricky dynamics around 6th – 9th. But from 15th onwards, Venus smoothes things along in communications which makes for enjoyable conversations and pleasure from short journeys, trading and dealings with neighbours and siblings.

You might have a brainwave around 16th – 18th when Venus meets Uranus. Full Moon on 18th could intensify this and Mars moving into your romance, children and creativity zone at the same time (from 16th) could result in the unexpected. This does not always produce long-lasting situations but it is an awakening. Awaken!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

April Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

Three planets go retrograde this month: Jupiter on 10th, Pluto on 24th and Saturn on 30th.  This indicates we all need to go back and look a second time at a number of areas that we have skimmed over.  This includes opportunities and growth (not to be confused with mindless expansion), responsibilities and our use of power.

Full Moon on 19th (at 12.03 BST) is in Libra for the second month running.  This is one of the definitions of a Blue Moon and offers a second chance in relating to others that we might not have used in the best way last month.  This is in different areas of life for each sign.

With Mars in Gemini all month, communications may take on extra heat.  And we all need to remember that insisting on ‘being right’ is often counter-productive.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:      The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  This is good for creative pursuits along with a sense of positive well-being.  You may notice the impact of authority figures around 8th – 13th but take this as a testing of the validity of your path.  Mercury lends you mental energy too from 17th when it skips into your sign.

Your ruling planet Mars is also freshly in your communications zone, adding even more impact to your mental punch.  Others may regret entering into discussions (and especially disagreements) with you, as your determination to win will be strong…  Bear in mind though that allowing others to hold different opinions does not diminish you in any way.

New Moon in your sign on 19th marks the beginning of your personal New Year.  Make resolutions that will support and meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead.

Full Moon on 19th falls for the second month running in your relationships and partnerships zone, creating an emotional night tide and possibly a second chance to grasp an opportunity missed in March.  Now what could that be?


Taurus:    Spending time with friends and in groups and the communities you belong to are all pleasurable this month, as your ruling planet Venus glides through our communal zone until 20th.  Around 9th – 10th Venus also joins Neptune, heightening your ideals of friendship or humanitarian causes.

You are active on the money-making front too this month as Mars ploughs through your finance zone.  Whatever needs sorting out, can be sorted out with the forthright energy of Mars on board.  You may even be able to create a new income stream.  Jupiter in your joint funds zone goes retrograde from 10th so you may also be reviewing joint accounts, taxes, debts and inheritances.  Your attitude towards sharing and intimacy may undergo a review too.

Energy levels in general, may have been low recently but that is about to change.  The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st.  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.  Many Happy Solar Returns!

The Blue Moon on 19th is in your work, health and service to others zone.  This is a second chance to take one or more of these areas in hand.  Then the Sun joins unpredictable, exciting Uranus in your sign from 20th – 22nd which is a reminder of the Taurean awakening which has only just begun…


Gemini:     On 31st March Mars leapt into your sign adding extra dynamism, energy and determination to your creative self-expression and this will last until mid-May.  Your ambitions are looking good too as Venus glides through your professional zone.  If you need favours from people with influence, be sure to ask before 20th.

New Moon on 5th falls in your friends, group and community zone.  This is a good time to form or join a group or to campaign for a cause close to your heart.  You might also make new friends at the same time!

Jupiter goes retrograde in the relationships and partnerships area of your solar chart on 10th.  This calls for you to revisit opportunities missed or positions taken that may not have been helpful.

Joint funds, taxes, debts, inheritances, sharing and intimacy continue to be heavy jelly, as Pluto and then Saturn go retrograde from 24th and 30th respectively.  Some difficult ground here needs looking at for a second time.


Cancer:     The Sun is keeping your professional zone warm and creative until 20th.  And New Moon on 5th falls here too, marking the start of a fresh new phase to do with father, career or social status.  Mercury arrives with new ideas from 17th, followed by Venus on 20th which further enhances your ambitions.

Relationships and partnerships continue to rumble with growing intensity as the heavy-weights Saturn and Pluto move closer together from 4th onwards.  They may intervene and disrupt worldly plans between 8th and 13th.  And Mercury runs up against Saturn which may restrict ideas or communications around 30th.

Our Blue Moon on 19th – the second in the same sign (Libra) falls once again in your 4th House of mother and home.  This is a central area of importance for Cancerous.  And a second chance is on offer here.  What opportunity did you not grasp last month?  Include self-nurture and personal development, as well as mother and home in your ponderings.

Travel and exploration are well-starred too until 20th with pleasure on offer, on trips and interactions with people from different countries and cultures.  When Venus joins Neptune around 9th – 10th, your dreams will come to the fore.  Is there a dream destination you could make a reality?  Or perhaps an exotic romance?


Leo:     The bigger picture and distant horizons are high on the agenda as the month begins with your ruling planet the Sun warming your 9th House of exploration.  The allure of travel, deep study and different cultures are strong and your principles will guide you through ethical matters.

New Moon on 5th falls in this area of your solar chart too which is a good point to make or plan a trip or enquiry (physical or meta-physical) that will broaden your understanding of the world and perhaps your spiritual purpose too.  This should also be creative as the Sun illuminates your path until 20th, followed by Venus from 20th onwards.  Relations with people from different countries or cultures, exploring new ground or learning a new language could be a source of pleasure too.

Heavy-weights Saturn and Pluto may create obstacles to explorations from 8th – 13th via the demands of work, health and service to others.  Both planets go retrograde too towards the end of the month which means previous issues connected to one or more of these areas of life, need a second look.

From 20th the Sun highlights your father, career, social status and ambitions.  This happens every year around now.  But this year is different as the Sun immediately meets Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution from 20th – 22nd.  Uranus moved into this area of your chart last month for a seven-year stay.  And this is the first time it has been activated by the Sun which may give a taste of the awakening adventure to come!


Virgo:     Your ruling planet Mercury spends the first half of the month helping communications in relationships and partnerships.  Venus is helping here too until 20th and you could be swept away on a wave of rapture when Venus joins Neptune around 9th – 10th!

New Moon on 5th falls in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone.  This could be a good chance to look afresh at joint accounts, taxes, debts and inheritances.  The Sun helps to shed light on these matters until 20th.  Mercury adds good ideas from 17th and Venus’s arrival from 20th could indicate that you could be the beneficiary of ‘the money of others’ or intimacy and sharing.

Jupiter goes retrograde in the mother and home area of your solar chart on 10th.  This is calling for a review of your base, either in terms of the physical building or the emotional dynamics within it.  And plans for a bigger or overseas home may have to wait.  Self-nurture comes into this too and if you have been over-nurturing yourself, this too can be brought back into balance.  Dealings with mothers and mother-figures may need reviewing too.

Meanwhile, Mars spends the whole month (and half of next) in your father, career and social status zone.  This boosts your energy and ambitions and makes you more forthright than usual in your dealings with people in authority.  This is no bad thing as Virgoans often put their own agenda on a back-boiler.  This is not a time to do so!  And if you happen to be a person of authority yourself, others will notice your determination to make things happen as they should!


Libra:     The Sun keeps relationships and partnerships warm and creative until 20th and communications should be good too from 17th when Mercury enters this field.  The demands of mother and home may run contrary to your desires but this is only from 8th – 13th.  New Moon on 5th also falls in this area of your solar chart, offering a fresh start or new phase in your relationships and partnerships.  And Venus’s arrival in your opposite sign from 20th, points towards this being a harmonious time.

Your ruling planet Venus spends most of the month in your work, health and service to others zone.  This is good for relations with colleagues and daily companions (including pets).  Your daily routine and tending yourself physically can be pleasurable too and general well-being should be high.

Mars is freshly in your 9th House of travel, exploring and ethical matters.  You may be feeling more adventurous and find yourself being more forthright about your beliefs and cultural views.  Your roots and foundations are also undergoing a deep change and you may start to hear the rumblings of this , more loudly this month.

Full Moon on 19th is in Libra, for the second month running.  This offers you a second chance in some way.  Be alert to what this may be and be ready to seize your opportunities this time!


Scorpio:     Romance, children and creativity start the month off sweetly with Venus providing harmony until 20th and Neptune adding ideals around 9th – 10th.  Communications should be good too as Mercury lightly steps through until 17th.

Meanwhile, your mind is operating at depth as Saturn and Pluto move closer together in your 3rd House of communications.  These are heavy-weights which also move retrograde this month, indicating old ground needs to be recovered.  This could be suppressed memories or re-examining fundamental thought patterns.  And getting he support of a counsellor or therapist is helpful here.

Work, health and service to others looks good as the Sun keeps creativity going until 20th and Mercury and Venus keep communications and relations open, once it leaves.  New Moon on 5th falls here too which h is the perfect time to start a new regime!  Changes to your daily routine can be helpful too.

From 20th the Sun warms up your relationships and partnerships zone. This gets enlivened even more when it joins Uranus from 20th – 22nd.  This is just the start of your seven-year awakening.  Enjoy!


Sagittarius:     New Moon on 5th marks a fresh start in romance, children or creativity.  The Sun keeps things warm too until 20th and then Venus takes over on the same day, bringing harmony and pleasure too.

Your ruling planet Jupiter goes retrograde on 10th in your sign.  This is an opportunity to look again at your personal growth, expansion and opportunities and choices that you have made (or avoided) since late January.  If over stretching yourself or making promises you cannot deliver has been a problem, this could be a helpful period of catching up with yourself.  This review continues up to mid-August and then you have until early-November to get yourself fully back on track.

Your finances are under review too as heavy-weights Pluto and Saturn go retrograde towards the end of the month (24th and 30th respectively).  Pluto can indicate compulsive attitudes or actions around money and security or deep changes to your value system that now needs to be recognised and reflected in your use of money.  And Saturn sometimes brings a sense of austerity or responsibility.  Do your finances now reflect your changing values?  You have until next February to make any necessary adjustments.

Mars spends the entire month in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships.  This adds energy and heats things up.  Whether this comes out as passion or conflict, is largely in your hands…


Capricorn:     You may find yourself with the gift of the gab as the month starts, with Mercury and Neptune lending you a poetic turn of phrase.  Venus nearby helps you to charm others with winning words too.

Meanwhile, Saturn and Pluto are moving closer together in your sign which is a gathering of seriousness and intensity.  Despite your pleasing words, your internal transformation is continuing at depth.  These two layers also go retrograde this month which means some ground already covered, will have to be re-assessed in some way.  You have until February to get back on track.

Mother and home are a focus this month too with the Sun and then Venus keeping things warm and creative.  New Moon on 5th falls here too which is a good point for spring-cleaning, redecorating or taking a fresh look at your domestic environment in some way.  Once Venus moves in from 20th you may want to share the pleasures of your home with others and will enjoy entertaining or having visitors.

At the end of last month, Mars jumped into your 6th House of work, health and service to others, for a six-week stay.  This is the perfect time to start a new health regime and make changes to your daily routine and perhaps look for a new job if you are unhappy with your present daily reality.  Mars brings energy, enthusiasm and determination, so make the most of its stay!


Aquarius:     Your finances look interesting this month as Venus gives a rosier glow until 20th but Neptune, also in your finance zone, can give an unclear picture.  So bear in mind your situation is fluid rather than solid.

New Moon on 5th falls in your communications zone.  This is a good time for trading, putting new ideas into action, making short journeys or starting a new class.  New forms of physical movement, photography, music, languages, painting and writing could be good outlets too.

Mars spends all month in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  This provides energy, enthusiasm and determination to any project you undertake connected to these.

From 20th the Sun moves into your mother and home zone and meets your ruling planet Uranus from 20th – 22nd.  This will be the first trigger to activate Uranus’s potential for.change, disruption and revolution and may give you a taste of the awakening to come over the coming seven years.


Pisces:     Finances are high on your agenda as the month kicks off.  And a new strand of income could come into view with the New Moon in your finance zone on 5th.  Failing that, this is the perfect time to draw up a new budget.  And possibly one that is more closely in line with your values.  Venus is in your finance zone too from 20th which usually adds a rosy glow.

Prior to that, Venus is in your own sign, making you darling of the zodiac for the rest of the month.  Others will be attracted to you.  And your glamour will be at its highest around 9th – 10th when it joins your ruling planet Neptune.

Mars in your 4th House makes you active on the home front all month.  You will have energy to push DIY and home-improvement projects forwards, apart from 7th – 9th  Dealings with mother-figures could be ‘lively’ too.

Jupiter goes retrograde on 10th in your father, career and social status zone.  This indicates the need to review recent expansion and where true growth lies.  You have until mid-August to fathom this out and until early-November to get things back on track.

Friends, groups and community need to undergo an even longer review too, starting on 24th.  Who do you truly want to commune with?  This may be more important than you realise.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


March Horoscopes 2019

Our shared planetary picture

We have a fascinating month ahead this March, with all manner of exciting and possibly bewildering planetary events.

New Moon in Pisces on 6th (at 16.05 GMT) is at almost the same degree as Neptune (the ruling planet of Pisces).  This generates a misty, dreamy, idealistic new cycle for us all, in different areas of life for each sign.  One slight catch is that Mercury (also in Pisces) goes retrograde the day before and stays in reverse until 28th.

In a way, this intensifies the Neptunian mist as resorting to rational thought and discussion, might not come easily.  We need to learn to swim alongside each other empathically, without interrogation or demands.

Creatively this can be wonderful.  Imagination and and inspiration will be strong, as will our sensitivity to the arts, compassion for others and healing.  We will also have chance to collectively remember that what happens to one person, happens to us all.  We are all in the pool together.

From mid-month onwards, Saturn gets closer to Pluto in Capricorn.  These are two heavy-weights (that finally meet next January).  Existing structures and hierarchies are heading for a crunch.

On the concrete front, Mars in Taurus will be taking practical matters in hand.  But even reliable Taurus is in for a jolt, as also on 6th Uranus jumps into this sign, where it will stay for the next seven years.

Uranus is the planet of change, disruption and revolution.  It brings about awakenings (which may come as a shock to the nicely settled).  Represented as a flash of lightening and with a glyph (symbol) that resembles our old TV aerials, Uranus is electrical by nature: and likewise can provide a ‘shock’.  For those more open to change, it can offer excitement and an awakening, inviting us to move away from compromised situations to those of pure expression.  It is freeing, unpredictable and exciting.

Taurus is the fixed Earth sign and almost represents planet Earth itself.  Uranus brings innovation and we might feel its impact in ecological matters, new paradigms in medicine and our understanding of the physical world, financial systems and what we presently assume to be real.  Agriculture and farming could undergo a revolution, as could our values and how we seek security for ourselves.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:     Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change.  The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your Personal New Year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st.  Many Happy Solar Returns!  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

The biggest shift this month is Uranus’s jump from your sign on 6th.  Uranus has been in Aries for over eight years, calling for the true, uncompromised  you to reveal itself.  With that now hopefully in place, the next step is to revolutionize your finances and values to reflect this new you.  You have just over seven years to bring this about, starting from 6th!

Time spent communicating with friends, groups and community goes well until 26th with Venus promising harmony and pleasure, apart from a short hiccough around 21st when your finances or values might clash with theirs.

The daily focus this month though is your 12th House of your inner workings, compassion, the pain and suffering of others, spirituality and creativity behind the scenes.  Amidst an action-packed life, it can be easy to over-look the nascent buds forming here.  Give them your time, nurture and attention.  New Moon on 6th marks the start of a new cycle here and with Neptune on board, ideals will be high.  How can you make them into an active force?


Taurus:     Friends, groups, communities, organisations and humanitarian ideals are a busy area this month, although not all in a straight forwards way.  Mercury goes retrograde here from 5th – 28th which can make for misunderstandings or people having to give back word on earlier agreements (possibly including you).

New Moon on the afternoon of 6th marks your collective Humanitarian New Year.  Neptune close by makes this even more potent.  Your ideals about friendship and community will be strong.  And your vision can help humanitarian causes, organisations, friends, groups and communities.  Perhaps joining others can help you to further your vision of a better world

Your ruling planet Venus is gliding through your professional zone until 26th.  You will be making a good impression but remember to stay flexible around 21st when the urge to dig your heels in may not be helpful.  People in authority are in a position to help you with your ambitions.  Ask them to do so.

You will not be easily thwarted at present, as Mars in your sign is adding to your energy and determination until 30th.  The major shift this month though is Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution, moving into your sign on 6th for a seven-year stay.  Remember just where and who you are today because at the end of this awakening process, you may not recognise yourself.

It is time to reach for the true uncompromising version of yourself.  And for this to happen, you may have to let go of many things (and perhaps unhelpful people) you now cling to.  There is no room for baggage on this adventure.  Let it go!


Gemini:     Your ruling planet Mercury cannot make its mind up this month, as it goes backwards and forwards in your father, career and social status zone.  Communications here need reviewing, as might your way of thinking about one or more of these areas of life.  Although Mercury is retrograde from 5th – 28th, the Sun helps to compensate, bringing warmth and visibility to you.  New Moon on 6th is particularly relevant as it joins Neptune, adding ideals to your worldly ambitions.  Make sure they have achievable content.

Uranus finishes its seven-year stay in your friends, groups and community zone this month.  The circles you move in may have changed during this time and some people, even old friends, may have fallen by the wayside.  This has been a period of being true to yourself.  And being selective about who you choose to have around you, has been an important part of this process.

From 6th, Uranus changes its revolutionary focus to the compassionate, spiritual and creative sides of your inner world.  This can be a good time to delve deeper and bring unconscious emotional or behavioural patterns to light.  Getting help from a therapist can be very helpful.  And spiritual practices (including meditation) and working with the unconscious can offer important new awakenings.

Venus spends most of the month in your travel, legal and philosophy zone which is good for trips and dealings with people from different countries and cultures.  There may be a touch of friction around 21st when your unconscious gets in the way.  But by 26th Venus starts to smooth things out around your worldly achievements and status.  If there are people who can help with this – ask them.


Cancer:     ‘The money of others’ may benefit you this month as Venus eases joint finances.  Tax rebates, returned loans or inheritances may come your way.  The only thing to look out for is any spend-thrift tendencies that crop up but even they could be pleasurable.

Your most active area this month is your 9th House of travel, deep study and ethical matters.  New Moon on 6th falls here, close to Neptune and a new idealistic resolve may carry you to make plans for dream trips, courses of study or cultural explorations.  People who you meet from other countries or cultures could inspire you and Venus’s arrival in this area of your solar chart from 26th brings pleasure and possibly romance too.

The only fly in the ointment is that Mercury, planet of communication is retrograde from 5th – 28th which could foster misunderstandings.  Double check everyone is on the same page re agreements, legal matters and trip itineraries or even wait until after 28th to go ahead if you can.

Mars continues to add heat to your friends, groups and community zone.  This could either take the form of action or conflict (opt of course for the former).  And if you are involved in any humanitarian projects, your energy and determination will be high.

Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution leaps into this area of your solar chart too from 6th, for a seven-year stay.  Having just completed its long revolution in your father, career and social status zone, it is now time for a new awakening through or with friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. If you have been sitting on the fence with regards to one or more of these areas of life, you will soon find yourself leaping off it and making revolutionary changes.  Be open to new collectives!


Leo:     Joint funds, intimacy and sharing are very busy areas in your solar chart this month with an idealistic, New Moon there on 6th.  Neptune sends emotions to a higher octave but beware of putting others on a pedestal.  Mercury goes retrograde in this same area of your chart from 5th – 28th, so keeping things clear in your own head is not the easiest of things, not to mention how others may read your actions or words.  Keep checking that no-one is being misled (even if it seems they want to be…).

Relationships and partnerships should go smoothly for most of the month as Venus promises ease and pleasure up to 26th, although career priorities may clash with togetherness around 21st.  Deep rumblings in your work, health and service to others zone may start to be felt from mid-month.  But  the demands for change may not fully surface until January.

Mars is heating and sharpening your ambitions all month, providing you with the energy, will-power and resolve to push your professional agenda forwards.  And an even huger, monumental shift takes place in this same area of your solar chart when Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution bolts into the picture from 6th.

Although Uranus is symbolised by lightening, this is no flash in the pan.  Uranus is going to be in your 10th House for over a seven-year stay.  What to expect?  A revolution in one or more matters to do with father, career and social status.  Be open to this exciting adventure of awakening!


Virgo:     So much is going on in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships this month.  Four planets are buzzing around there, including your ruling planet Mercury.  The Sun keeps things warm and expressive until 20th, although Mercury going retrograde from 5th – 28th might create some confusion.  Check everyone is on the same page, to avoid misunderstandings.

New Moon on 6th is very close to Neptune and marks the start of a new cycle in your relationships and partnerships.  And with Neptune involved, ideals will be strong but avoid rescue scenarios and self-denial.  Venus adds pleasure and harmony to partnerships from 26th.  You will be aware of the attractiveness of others and vice versa…

Mars is keen to explore the wide world and you will be pushing ahead with projects to do with travel, religion, different cultures and philosophies.  If you have a head for deep study, this could be exciting too.  Self-discipline will be strong from 10th – 14th and your willpower will be running on all four cylinders from 17th – 20th.

Mars only ever stays in any sign for a while to push things forwards but from 6th, Uranus moves into this same philosophical area of your chart for seven years!  As the planet of change, disruption and revolution, you will be called to be true to your beliefs, without compromise.  Travel, whether physical or meta-physical can be life-changing, as can exploration of cultures, including your own.


Libra:     Romance, fun and creativity are on the cards for most of the month (from 1st – 26th) as your ruling planet Venus glides smoothly through your pleasure zone, with just a touch of tension around 21st when Venus squares Mars.

The planet of love then goes on to ease matters in the busiest area of your solar chart this month: your 6th House of work, health and service to others.  Things are pretty busy here all month.  Mercury, planet of communication goes retrograde from 5th – 28th (try to avoid signing work contracts then if you can).

There is a spectacular New Moon here on 6th that includes nearby Neptune.  And an idealistic fresh start is on offer.  This could involve exploring your ideal work situation or how you can help others and work better with colleagues and daily companions (including pets).  Your health and well-being are another avenue to explore.  This could include nutrition, your daily routine and how they could nourish you better.

Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution finally leaves your relationships and partnerships zone on 6th, completing its eight-year stay.  You hopefully now have a less-compromised approach towards them and things probably stand very differently to how they did back in 2010 when this learning process began.

Your new area for awakening is joint funds (including taxes, debts and inheritances) intimacy and sharing.  Revolutionising one or more of these is your next seven-year adventure!


Scorpio:     Romance, children and creativity are high on the agenda this month, especially around New Moon on 6th when Neptune adds its dreamy glow to the two ‘lights’ and mystifies the picture too.  Falling in love is not out of the question, nor is wondrous creative inspiration.

Actual communications may not be at their best when Mercury goes retrograde from 5th – 28th but you will probably not be concerned with the nuts and bolts of daily life, with this rare tide sweeping you along.  Not misleading others is quite important though, so make sure they are reading you correctly.  Home is looking good too up to 26th, with Venus urging you to beautify your nest or to share its pleasures with others, perhaps by entertaining.

From mid-month onwards, Saturn joins your ruling planet Pluto.  This is the slow beginning of a long review, looking at your need for transformation.  This is in your 3rd House which rules thought patterns, how you communicate ideas and physically move and your daily dealings with others.

Learning and teaching skills come under this umbrella too.  As do trading, short journeys and dealings with neighbours and siblings.  This first step is taking stock of how you have been dealing with things in the past, until now.

An even larger planetary event this month is Uranus moving into Taurus.  Having just completed an eight-year revolution through work, health and service to others; Uranus now starts a seven-year awakening in relationships and partnerships.  Be open to learning new things.


Sagittarius:     Your mind is in a pleasant place this month, as Venus glides through your 3rd House of communications, short journeys and physical movement.  But the main focus though is mother and home, with an important New Moon here, late afternoon on 6th.  This falls less than one degree away from Neptune, adding idealism to this new cycle.

‘Home’ can be the building you live in, the dynamics within it, your town, geographical area, country, the planet or Mother Nature.  You will feel the need for a fresh start or a more creative, humanitarian or ethical approach in some way.  And your emotional well-being is somehow linked to this.

Explaining this to others (and possibly to yourself) may be beyond you right now, as Mercury is retrograde from 5th – 28th.  But Venus’s arrival on 26th will help you to get others on board.

You should have lots of energy for work and attending to your health this month, as Mars revs up your pursuit of well-being.  Dealings with colleagues and daily companions look energetic too.  Steer these away from conflict by engaging others in joint projects if you can.

The biggest shift this month though is Uranus which ends its eight-year stay in your romance, children and creativity zone.  This may have been a disruptive time for children connected to you.  They are now hopefully living closer to their true drum which should make life easier for you too.  It may have been an exciting time creatively or romantically for you too.

Uranus’s new area for awakening from 6th and for the next seven years, is work, health, service to others, daily routine and daily companions (including colleagues, housemates and pets).  Your life and well-being can be reolutionised through major changes in these areas of life and you can also become an agent of revolution to others.  Be open to new forms of well-being!


Capricorn:     Money matters should run smoothly this month, as Venus glides through your finance zone until 26th.  It then joins Mercury and Neptune in your busiest area of life this month: communications.  New Moon on 6th falls here too, marking a new cycle.

Neptune happens to be close by too which adds idealism to this fresh start.  Ironically Mercury, planet of communication is retrograde from 5th – 28th, so others may not be able to fathom out what exactly you are up to.  But all should become apparent by next month.  Meanwhile, creative writing, music and creative flow should go well.

A deep and possibly invisible-to-others, process is going on too from mid-month onwards.  Your ruling planet Saturn starts its slow approach towards Pluto in your sign.  This is the crunch in some way and crystallises the need for deep inner transformation.  This has been on the cards ever since Pluto entered your sign back in 2008.  Saturn will want to know how you have been dealing with this and at some point (probably next January), it will be expecting to see some results.

Mars continues to reinforce your determination in matters to do with romance, children and creativity.  Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution leaps into this area of your solar chart too from 6th, for a seven-year stay.  This should bring surprises and perhaps excitement.  If you’ve been compromising in some way in any of these areas, you will be challenged to discover and express the true, pure expression of your unique self.  Accept this new adventure!


Aquarius:     Your financial world looks very busy this month but clarity may be hard to find.  New Moon on 6th would normally mark the perfect time to draw up a budget but a Neptunian mist is in the way.  On the plus side, this adds an idealistic urge but whether that is a thirst for mega-bucks, investing ethically or giving all your money to a worthy cause; is hard to tell.

Mercury goes retrograde in your finance zone from 5th – 28th which also indicates comings and goings.  And it might be better to avoid signing any important papers during that period if possible.

Home life is looking active all month as Mars continues to forge ahead here.  Domestic, DIY or self-development projects can be pushed forwards.  And your ruling planet Uranus makes a monumental shift on 6th, also into your mother and home zone.  This is the start of a seven-year awakening which will shake your foundations.  Revolution is required and you may find yourself moving house, having unexpected dealings with mother-figures or taking a different new approach to self-nurture.

A few immediate questions that spring to mind are: Does your present home meet your current needs?  (This could be in terms of space, design, location or the emotional dynamics within).  Do relations with mother-figures need a new approach?  (Including how you think about your own upbringing).  And are you meeting your own needs for nurturing and personal development?

And last but not least, Venus is gliding through your sign all month which adds extra charm and irresistibility to your persona.  Yes, it is your turn to be darling of the zodiac.  Enjoy it!


Pisces:     The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  Mercury lends you mental energy too until 5th and once again after 28th.  But in between it goes retrograde, to review communications and your thought processes.  Have they been working for or against you?  Get your mind on your side.  If not sure where to start, positive daily affirmations can be helpful.

New Moon in your sign on 6th marks the beginning of your Personal New Year.  It is also extra-strong as this New Moon is less than half a degree away from your ruling planet Neptune which enhances your vision of a fresh start, in line with your values and dreams.  Make resolutions that will support these in the month and year ahead!

Your mental energy remains high this month, as Mars continues to make headway here.  This can be good for physical movement too and trading projects.  You may be more assertive than usual (and yes, that could mean more argumentative… ).

Uranus leaps into your communications zone too from 6th for a seven-year stay!  Old ways of thinking may need to go and trying new forms of physical movement can open new neural pathways, so give that a go too!  Dealings with neighbours and siblings may undergo big changes; as may the circles you move in.  New ways of thinking will need new people who share them.  Find your tribe!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).




February 2019

Our shared planetary picture

Commitments and responsibilities loom large this month as Venus and Saturn in Capricorn remind us of our duties and obligations from 16th – 18th.  We also have chance to observe power patterns in our relationships from 22nd – 23rd. with Venus joining Pluto, also in Capricorn.   Mars is on the move this month too.  It finishes its stay in Aries in spectacular fashion from 10th – 13th when it meets up with Uranus for a rebellious finale.

Chiron (planet of wounding and healing) which has been moving through Pisces for eight years, finally leaves on 18th and moves into Aries for a seven-year stay.  Time for us all to round up healing in one area of life and move on to another.  Aries is about assertiveness and going after what we want.  If you feel you may have wounds connected to this, an opportunity to work through them is opening up.

From 14th Mars in Taurus adds energy and determination to help us build solid foundations (in a different area of lifw for each sign).  All of the planets are direct for the whole month, so this is a good time to press forwards.


So what will this mean for us all?


Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:     The month starts with a bang as your ruling planet Mars squares Pluto.  You may find yourself at odds with authority figures.  Or if you are the authority, you may find others challenging you.  No one is likely to bend and each will resist any show of power by the other.  Deal with this as best you can. Authority figures continue to feature throughout the month, sometimes helpful and sometimes not.

Mars continues to forge ahead in your sign, adding to your grit and determination and propelling you ever forward until mid-month.  And from 10th – 13th Mars meets up with Uranus, urging you to do your own thing in your own way.  The raw, uncompromised core of yourself can achieve the unexpected and surprise us all.  This is not a time for pleasing others.  Do what you must do.  Be who you must be.  Do not compromise!

New Moon on 4th opens a fresh chapter in your friends, groups and communal life.  Have you thought about joining or starting a group or humanitarian project?  This is a good point to do so.

From 14th Mars will be in your 2nd House and you will be pouring your energy into building up money reserves, acquiring possessions and you will want to take action with regards to security, values and self-esteem.  You have the raw energy to get a second income or a new project off of the ground.  And others would be advised to keep out of your way!

Chiron moves into Aries on 18th for a long stay.  This opens up a seven-year period when you have the possibility to heal old wounds to your identity in some way.  Take the possibility and make it a reality.

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Taurus:     New Moon on 4th marks the start of your Professional New Year.  Make resolutions that will help to generate whatever you hope to find in your career and social standing in the month and year ahead.

Your ruling planet Venus has an eventful month ahead too.  From 3rd it is in your 9th House which usually smooths out travel, philosophical and ethical matters but this month it has encounters with three heavy-weights.  The first is a meeting with Saturn around 16th – 18th when duty calls.  Though this can result in a commitment or a product if you have been working creatively.

Pluto is close behind from 22nd – 23rd.  This brings about intensity either through a creative process or an intense attraction (even obsession) towards a desirable someone.

And then Venus squares Uranus from 27th – 28th which shakes up any pre-conceived ideas around relationships, creativity and values.  If you have been compromising in some way, here is a challenge to be true to yourself, starting now!

On 14th, Mars leaps into your sign adding extra dynamism and determination to your creative self-expression.  Any projects that need an extra thrust, will benefit from this fresh turbo charge.  The bull has got loose.  Others beware!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Gemini:     There are many bumps and starts in your joint funds this month.  Venus which graces this area of your solar chart usually helps things along here but it runs into Saturn from 16th – 18th which may draw things to a thought-provoking halt.

Joint funds includes taxes, debts and inheritances.  ‘The money of others’, sharing and intimacy are also included.  This Venus-Saturn aspect from can generate fears of loss or separation and commitments are sometimes taken on, in response to this.  Venus then joins Pluto from 22nd – 23rd and power issues or fatal attraction get added to the mix too…

Mars continues to liven up your dealings with friends, groups and community.  Surprises could come too as it finishes its stay in an encounter with Uranus – calling for the pure uncompromised version of who you truly are, to express itself here.  Do you need to change the terms of a friendship or perhaps join or leave a group?

From 18th the Sun is illuminating your father, career and social status zone.  Chiron (planet of wounding and healing) leaves here too after an eight-year stay.  With lessons hopefully learned and healing hopefully in place, you can now go into the world as a more integrated human being.  Your new area for healing is friendships, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Cancer:     New Moon on 4th (at 21.05 GMT) is in Aquarius and marks the start of a new cycle to do with joint funds, sharing and intimacy.  This includes taxes, debts and inheritances.  Mercury helps with ideas and communications until 10th too.

Mars helps you to forge ahead with your ambitions until 14th and may cause quite a stir when it joins forces with Uranus from 10th – 13th.  If anyone imagines you are a pushover, they will quickly learn otherwise.  You will not tolerate shows of authority from anyone.  This is not a time for compromise.  Be true to yourself.

From 14th Mars livens up your experiences with friends, groups and community.  You will have energy to offer here and your determination can help group projects, humanitarian ideals or a friend in need.  Collective goals will be the sweetest.

Relationships and partnerships continue to be the hot potato as Venus runs into Saturn around 16th – 18th.  This could result in restrictions or a commitment of some kind.  And when Venus reaches Pluto from 22nd – 23rd powerful feelings come to the fore.  This may be around power patterns in your relationships or an intense attraction to someone (possibly to someone you know might not be good for you).  But when Venus squares Uranus from 27th – 28th you will insist on freedom to do whatever you like.  Unexpected attractions may crop up then too!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Leo:     New Moon on 4th falls in your relationships and partnerships zone.  It may be time to turn over a new leaf here either in an existing relationship or by finding a new one.  Make resolutions that will help you to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead.  Mercury and the Sun add energy and thought to this process until 10th and 18th respectively.

Work, health and service to others are a big focus this month.  There will be demands on your patience and things could get intense but there can be creative outcomes.  Actual products could be the result of a Venus-Saturn meet-up from 16th – 18th.  And observe powerful dynamics around 22nd – 23rd with work colleagues or daily companions.  You could learn something helpful about your patterns of relating.  An intense attraction to a colleague is another possibility…

During the first half of the month Mars is forging ahead in your 9th House of exploration.  This gives energy for travel, studies, legal matters and publishing (including the internet).  And from 10th – 13th Mars joins Uranus, pushing for pure uncompromised expression.

On 14th Mars jumps into your professional zone.  This puts you in the driving seat, determined to push your career and ambitions forward.  Dealings with father or authority figures could be heated.  If you happen to be one yourself, use your influence well.

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Virgo:     It may be time for a new job or health routine as New Moon on 4th (at 21.05 GMT) flags up an opportunity for a fresh start.  Your ruling planet Mercury is on board too until 10th, providing ideas and willingness to be more physically active or open-minded.  What you include in your daily routine (and when) makes a big difference to your sense of wellbeing.  Experiment to see what works best for you.  It may be time to consider or start a new line of work too.

Your romance, children and creativity zone is also fully occupied this month as Venus tries to glide through but not without incident.  From 16th – 18th it runs into Saturn which carries a serious note.  This can also result in a concrete product of some kind if you are active, creatively.

Venus then runs into Pluto from 22nd – 23rd when powerful feelings (and perhaps actions) may emerge.  These can be realisations around power patterns in your relationships or an obsessive fascination with a certain someone.  These are passing transits but learn what you can about yourself from them.

Mars spends the first half of the month in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone, urging you to sort out debts, loans, taxes and inheritances.  Compromise will not be on the cards from 10th – 13th when Mars meets Uranus and you must be true to your inner self.  Then from 14th Mars revs up your appetite and energy for travel, deep study, philosophy and ethical or legal matters.

Then from 18th, your attention turns to relationships and partnerships.  Chiron has hopefully been attending to old wounds here over the past eight years.  It is replaced by the Sun on the same day.  And your new area for healing is joint funds (including joint accounts, taxes, debts and inheritances), intimacy and sharing.

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Libra:     Your ruling planet Venus loves harmony and a tranquil time but this month is not likely to provide that.  From 3rd it is in your 4th House of mother and home which usually helps to smooth out domestic matters, self-nurture and dealings with mother figures but this month is looking very eventful.  Venus’s first encounter is with Saturn around 16th – 18th when duty calls.  Hard work may be called for: be that practical or emotional obstacles in the home.

Pluto is close behind from 22nd – 23rd.  This brings about an intense desire for transformation in or of the home.  Watch out for power plays.  This could also symbolically be a deep desire to work on your personal development.  Be open to this possibility too.

Then Venus squares Uranus from 27th – 28th which shakes up any pre-conceived ideas around relationships, partnerships, creativity and values.  If you have been compromising in some way, here is a challenge to be true to yourself, starting now!

Mars continues to heat your relationships and partnerships zone until 14th with a big rebellious jolt around 10th – 13th.  It then leaps into your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing.  This includes taxes, debts, joint accounts and inheritances.  Do you need to take action in one of these areas?  Mars will help you to press forwards.

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Scorpio:     It may be time to turn over a new leaf at home as New Moon on 4th marks the start of your Domestic New Year.  Make resolutions and plans that will help you to achieve a home that supports you.  Personal development also comes into this.  Are there any courses that would benefit you?  The Sun and Mercury lend energy and thought to this process too.

Finances continue to look good, especially up to 3rd.  Then Venus glides into your communications zone.  This is a busy area this month and not without challenges.  When Venus meets Saturn around 16th – 18th, your mind will be serious.  Give time and attention to how you are relating to others in your daily life.  If a letter needs writing or a creative project working on, you could come up with a concrete result.

Venus meets your ruling planet Pluto around 22nd – 23rd and the issue of power in relationships presents itself, along with the power of thought and the power of words.  Is your self-talk doing a helpful job?  Venus and Pluto can also take the form of obsessive attraction…  This could be a good time to examine your emotional patterns.

Uranus is on its last lap shaking up your work, health and service to others zone and Mars joins it from 10th – 13th.  This is a call for change and doing your own thing, in the way you want to do it.  Changes to your diet, exercise and daily routine are up for experimentation.  Then from 14th, Mars leaps into your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships, bringing heat and energy.  Will you direct that towards conflict or passion?

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Sagittarius:     Venus spends the first few days of the month in your sign.  Enjoy your popularity.  But from 3rd onwards it is doing its best to smooth out your financial wrinkles.  This is not all plain sailing as Saturn gets in the way from 16th – 18th, followed by Pluto from 22nd – 23rd and Uranus from 27th – 28th.  These could signify delays, power plays and sudden changes.  Keep a calm head regardless.

New Moon on 4th falls in your communications zone.  If you have been considering taking or teaching a new course, a new exercise or dance regime or a written or spoken project; now is a good time to start.  Singing looks good too!  A new approach to relations with siblings and neighbours can also be timely.

Mars completes its run through your romance, children and creativity zone until 14th then it leaps into your 6th House of work, health and service to others.  This is another indicator that it is time to start a new regime or job search if you are unhappy in your work.  Your daily routine as well as diet can benefit from a clean sweep and daily companions may notice you being more ‘feisty’ than usual…

Chiron, planet of wounding and healing, finishes its eight-year stay in your mother and home zone and from 18th moves on to heal wounds around romance, children and creativity for the next seven years.

Mercury zips through your mother and home zone from 10th and the Sun joins it from 18th.  This will provide new ideas about your home and you may find yourself moving furniture around or ringing in the changes in some way.  And when Neptune throws in an idealistic mist on 18th – 19th, make sure you have been understood by mother-figures and housemates.  Navigate with your antennae.

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Capricorn:     You have an eventful month ahead as Venus glides through your sign from 3rd but not without incident.  Its first encounter is with Saturn around 16th – 18th when fears of loss or separation might colour your mood and even your decisions.  Sit this out though.  It is a passing transit and fear-based decisions rarely turn out to be the best ones.

Venus then runs into Pluto around 22nd – 23rd and the power balance in your relationships may become apparent.  The person you are mainly tussling with this month: is yourself!  Deal with this as honestly and as best as you can.  Self-awareness is 90% of the battle.

New Moon on 4th (at 21.05 GMT) is in your money and security zone.  This is a perfect time to draw up a new budget or financial plan for the year ahead.  It is also an opportunity to look afresh at non-material ways that offer a sense of security.  This can be through a philosophy or through creativity.

Around 10th – 14th Mars joins Uranus and ends its stay in your mother and home zone in an unexpected way.  You will want to do your own thing, in your own way and others may just have to adjust to that this time.  Self-nurture, personal development and dealings with mother figures come into this too.

From 14th Mars brings energy to your romance, children and creativity zone.  Time to get the show on the road!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Aquarius:     The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 18th radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  New Moon on 4th (at 21.05 GMT) is also in Aquarius.  The world is looking fresh and new.  Many Happy Lunar Returns!  This marks the start of your Personal New Year.  Make resolutions that will help to generate whatever is needed to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead.

Your 12th House of spirituality and creativity behind the scenes is very active this month.  Your compassion will be heightened and you will be especially sensitive to the pain and suffering of others.  There can be creative products from your understanding and imagination too.  Dreams and visions could be informative, as could the internet.  Pay attention to your self-talk too and keep it positive.

Communications and movement in the physical world are also high-lighted this month with a burst of revolutionary thought or movement on offer around 10th – 13th!  Express yourself in your pure uncompromised way.  (Keep dance in mind as an outlet for expression too!)

On 14th Mars leaps into your mother and home zone.  Any DIY or home improvement projects will benefit from this burst of energy.  Self nurture and personal development are areas to take action on too.  Dealings with mother-figures could be energetic…  Make them fair and productive too!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Pisces:     Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change.  The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 18th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your Personal New Year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st.  Many Happy Solar Returns!  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Mars completes its energetic stay in your finance and security zone in a surprising flash, as it joins forces with Uranus from 10th – 13th.  This brings up raw, primal energy that urges you to be completely true to your values.  Compromise is not an option right now.  This could be to do with how (or how not) you are willing to generate an income and what money should (or should not) be spent on.

From 14th Mars livens up communications and physical movement.  This could be good for writing, dancing and your day to day communications.  Add self-talk to your list of priorities and be sure to keep it positive!

On 18th Chiron completes its eight-year stay in your sign.  This has been an opportunity for healing old wounds around identity.  Its next area to work on over the next seven years is money, possessions, security, values and self-esteem.  Time to heal old wounds here now.

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).



January 2019

Our shared planetary picture

The Sun and Saturn start the year together which is a grounded, serious note but at the same time, Mars leaps into Aries on 1st (at 02.21 GMT) and this is a bolt of pure can-do energy (in different areas of life for each sign).

Uranus goes direct, also in Aries on 6th (a second bolt of energy) after which ALL of the planets will be going direct for two months!  Move forward with them!

We have a partial solar eclipse with New Moon in Capricorn on 6th (01.42 GMT).  This is has two heavy-weights surrounding it: Saturn on one side and Pluto on the other – duty and power structures loom large although the cycle this eclipse belongs to is generally genial and favours groups.  The total lunar eclipse in Leo on 21st (at 05.13 GMT) finds Mars slowed down by Saturn at the same time but Venus and Jupiter living it up.

Venus joins Jupiter in Sag. on the weekend of 18th – 20th.  This is super-buoyant, exuberant energy which could be lots of fun!  Make time for a few days to enjoy the company of others and all that is on offer in the feel-good department.  It may only be a mirage as Neptune is casting its nets at the same time.  But mirages can be fun too!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:     You have a dynamic start to 2019 as your ruling planet Mars leaps into Aries on 1st (at 02.21 GMT).  This is your favourite kind of fuel.  And whatever goes onto your to-do list will not stay there long, as you amaze us all with your energy and decisiveness!  Mars continues to propel you forwards until mid-Feb.  Many people’s New Year’s Resolutions may get forgotten but not yours!

Venus and Mars team up from 16th – 18th which is good for creativity and romance.  It may not be all plain-sailing after that however as Mars squares Saturn from 18th – 21st.  This could put obstacles in your path, causing you to question your approach…  Jupiter reassures you however from 20th – 25th.  And power struggles (or battles) may crop up from 29th when Mars squares Pluto.  Be high-minded in all of your actions, even when others are not.

New Moon on 6th marks the start of your Professional New Year – a good time to draw up plans for the next phase of your career or social status ambitions.  These matters are also emphasized around 10th – 11th when the Sun and Pluto join forces at the top of your solar chart.  Authority figures could feature big style, as could you, if you happen to be one yourself.  Power of course should be used for the good of the many, so be alert for egos on the prowl (including your own).  Play your cards cleanly and big creative transformation could be yours.

To find out how to make the most of 2019, get in touch and we can explore your personal planets together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Taurus:     The solar eclipse and New Moon on 6th are in your travel, study and ethical zone and falls between the two heavy-weights of Saturn and Pluto.  This marks a new cycle in one or more of these areas of life in some way.  Publishing could come into this, as could legal matters and dealings with in-laws or people from different cultures.

Your ruling planet Venus helps relationships and partnerships along for the first six days of the month.  It then changes sign on 7th when it glides into your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone.  And when Venus catches up with Jupiter on the weekend of 18th – 20th, you could benefit from sharing and also ‘the money of others’ or even find yourself unexpectedly in someone’s arms or they could find themselves unexpectedly in yours…

You will be busy with the world this month as all of the planets are positioned above the horizon for you.  You will be actively thinking about your career, father figures or social status from 5th – 24th and new ideas could take you by surprise here.  Consider new forms of public communication too.

During all of this busy-ness your unconscious is actively rumbling away.  Pay attention to your dreams, self-talk and make time for creativity behind the scenes if you can.  Your imagination is rich and ready to take new form too.  Help it to happen!

To find out how to make the most of 2019, get in touch and we can explore your personal planets together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Gemini:     Your ruling planet Mercury is moving fast and zips through three different signs this month, bringing variety, variety, variety which is exactly how you like it.  Starting with your relationships and partnerships, it dances with a light tongue until 5th when it cleverly flits into negotiations around joint finances, sharing and intimacy.  Although heavy matters cannot be side-stepped around 13th, Mercury will manage pretty well until it skips into your travel, studies and legal zone from 24th onwards.

Mars makes this a dynamic month too.  Leaping into Aries in the early hours of 1st, you will find high energy in dealings with friends, groups and any communities you belong to.  You may be the energetic driving force behind this or others will energize you.

Uranus goes direct on 6th in this same area of your solar chart, which adds to the full-speed-ahead nature of proceedings.  There may be a hold up when Saturn puts in a protest around 18th – 21st but this is just to help you adjust your approach before you continue.

Health and well-being are well-starred up until 6th, then Venus brings harmony to relationships and partnerships.  There could also be pleasurable expansion around 18th – 20th when Venus joins joyful Jupiter in your opposite sign.  Stay open to partnership opportunities, whether personal or business!

To find out how to make the most of 2019, get in touch and we can explore your personal planets together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Cancer:     Your ambitions start the year in bright-red mode as Mars leaps into action during the early hours of 1st in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  Any worldly ambitions that have been lurking, are ready for movement and you have even extra tenacity to follow them through.

Uranus goes direct in this same area of your chart on 6th, resulting in all the planets moving forwards for two months clear.  Make the most of this positive run.  Uranus went retrograde in August to try redress matters that arose last April.  Compromise may have something to do with this, whether that was too much or not enough, at the time.  Uranus seeks the pure uncompromised version of yourself.  And hopefully you have re-found this

Relationships and partnerships remain a central focus with the Sun high-lighting this until 20th.  New Moon on 6th falls here too.  This marks the beginning of your Relational New Year.  Make resolutions that will help you to meet your emotional needs in these areas of life in the month and year ahead.

Venus brings pleasure on the romance, children and creativity front until 6th.  It then glides into your 6th House of work, health and service to others.  This is good for health and well-being.  You find pleasure in your daily rituals of self-care.  And when Venus catches up with Jupiter on the weekend of 18th – 20th, this is even stronger (as long as you do not over-indulge).  Relations with colleagues and daily companions are a real pleasure.  Pets feel like a life-enhancing blessing too.  And with Jupiter it might feel like the bigger (size or number) the better.  Spiritual practice could also enter your daily routine.  What form appeals to you most?

To find out how to make the most of 2019, get in touch and we can explore your personal planets together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Leo:     Mars kicks the year off with a bolt of energy in your 9th House of exploration.  This provides lots of energy to study the face of the earth (travel, different cultures and the great outdoors) or the metaphysical world and deep study of any subject.  Getting published could be one line of pursuit, as could sorting out legal or ethical matters.  You may come across obstacles around 18th – 21st when Saturn throws a spanner into the works.  Review your approach and then from 22nd continue to push ahead.

Uranus (the only planet going retrograde at the turn of the year) goes direct in this same area of your solar chart from 6th with the very positive result of all the planets moving forwards for the next two months!  Uranus went retrograde to revisit events or possibilities that either did or did not take place last April.  With the benefit of hindsight, you may now know how to be truer to yourself.

Your ruling planet the Sun starts the month on a serious note as it joins Saturn on 1st – 2nd and then takes on a powerful charge as it meets Pluto on 10th – 11th.  Full Moon on 20th/21st in Leo brings up relationships and partnerships.  And the Sun’s arrival in your opposite sign on 20th, makes these a conscious focus.

Your 5th House of romance, children and creativity look sweet from 7th when Venus glides in.  And things get even better on the weekend of 18th – 20th.  Allow good times to roll!

To find out how to make the most of 2019, get in touch and we can explore your personal planets together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Virgo:     Your ruling planet Mercury is on the move this month, spanning three different signs.  Mentally busy as always, this month might find you mentally speeding.  Make sure you get plenty of exercise, rest and relaxation to balance this out.  The areas of thought most active are mother and home until 5th, romance, children and creativity until 24th and then work, health and service to others.

Mars is a new stick of dynamite in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone this month, starting on 1st.  If there are matters to attend to (including taxes, debts and inheritances), see to them now.  Saturn may present obstacles around 18th – 21st for you to adjust your approach but this is only a temporary hiccough.

ranus goes direct in this same area of your chart on 6th and any compromises you made last April with respect to joint funds, sharing and intimacy, may now need to be ‘un-compromised’.  You have until late-April this year to make things right.

Venus helps communications to go well until 6th.  It then glides into your 4th House of mother, home, self-nurture and personal development.  You may find yourself wanting to beautify your home or entertain others there or take pleasure from dealings with mother-figures.  And when Venus reaches Jupiter on the weekend of 18th – 20th you will want to do things big style!

To find out how to make the most of 2019, get in touch and we can explore your personal planets together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Libra:     Relationships and partnerships rev into gear on 1st as Mars leaps into your opposite sign (at 02.21 GMT).  This indicates full speed ahead!  Mars can mean heat too, be that conflict or passion.  Around 16th – 18th a harmonious aspect between Venus and Mars, suggests the latter.  You may also feel creative around then.  And with Jupiter in the picture, it could be fun too!

The demands of mother and home keep you grounded though as there will be demands and responsibilities to meet, throughout the month and especially around 1st – 2nd, 10th – 11th at New Moon on 15th and from 18th – 21st.

Uranus goes direct on 6th, also in your relationships and partnerships zone.  Unresolved or mis-handled matters from last April have needed your attention.  You may have compromised too much then but hopefully self-awareness has since been claimed and carried forward.  You have until late April to fine-tune your findings.

Saturn slows Mars down around 18th – 21st but overall, from 7th all the planets are moving forward and so can you!

To find out how to make the most of 2019, get in touch and we can explore your personal planets together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Scorpio:     Venus remains in your sign for the first six days of the month, adding to your charms.  It then glides into your 2nd House of money possessions, security and values and joyously joins Jupiter on the weekend of 18th – 20th.  This usually augurs well financially or spiritually, finding security through the non-material.

Mars kicks the month off leaping into your 6th House of work, health, service to others and daily routine.  This gives cast-iron determination to take action.  And if any New Year’s Resolutions are linked to any of these areas of life, little will thwart you.  Uranus goes direct here too on 6th and from 7th it is full speed ahead.  Saturn challenges your progress around 18th – 21st.  Pause then to make any necessary adjustments and then carry on.

Your thoughts could present a challenge too from 29th when Mars squares Pluto.  Side-step battles of will.  The challenge is to get your mind working positively.  You have two full months with all the planets moving forwards.  Make the most of them!

Your focus this month is mostly the inner world and not the outer.  Communications are a big focus, with the Sun highlighting seriousness on 1st – 2nd and then on the transformative power of thought and words around 10th – 11th when it meets up with your ruling planet Pluto.  There are many forms of communication that can be cathartic and also moving for others.  Explore the possibilities.  Physical movement and its ability to open up new neural pathways comes into this too.  New Moon and the solar eclipse on 6th favour new forms of communication and groups.  Why not join one?

Mother, home and self-nurture are high-lighted towards the end of the month, with new ideas flashing through from 24th and the Sun ready to run with them for a month from 20th.  Again, new forms of movement are beneficial, changes in self-soothing, new ideas in the home and even re-arranging your personal space perhaps?

To find out how to make the most of 2019, get in touch and we can explore your personal planets together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Sagittarius:     January 2019 is the kind of dashing, daring month that you thrive on.  The fiery leap of Mars in the early hours of 1st into your romance, children and creativity zone is dynamic and exciting.  And others may see these same qualities in you too.  There is an even higher gear change on 6th when Uranus goes direct in this same area of your chart.  Uranus has been revisiting something that was compromised in April.  This might be the time to uncompromise it…

Amidst all of this excitement, finances remain somber, especially around 1st-2nd and 10th – 11th.  New Moon on 6th lands here too which could be an excellent time to draw up a budget or financial plans.

Despite the financial rumblings, your ruling planet Jupiter in your sign, keeps you optimistic and hopeful.  Venus glides into your sign too on 6th and stays there for a month, making you popular darling of the zodiac for a month!  And when Venus reaches Jupiter on the weekend of 18th – 20th, with Saturn preventing Mars from pushing ahead for a few days, you might as well abandon yourself to pleasure and fun!

To find out how to make the most of 2019, get in touch and we can explore your personal planets together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Capricorn:     The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  It starts the year on a serious note, conjunct your ruling planet Saturn on 1st – 2nd.  New Moon and a solar eclipse are in your sign too on 6th.  This marks the beginning of your Personal New Year.  Make resolutions that will help you to create the right conditions to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead.

When the Sun joins up with Pluto in your sign around 10th – 11th, be aware of your own power and use it well.  Your magnetism and charisma will be high.  Use it for the greater good.

Meanwhile, Mars leaps into your mother and home zone from 1st and forges ahead there for the next six weeks.  Uranus goes direct here too on 6th, enabling you to make adjustments to whatever happened (or did not happen) last April.  Around 18th – 21st, the adjustment needed may be you…

Make time for friends, groups and community during the first six days of the month, as Venus brings pleasure.  Your unconscious then becomes its focus which is also good for relating to your inner-self.  Creativity behind the scenes is well-starred too, especially around the weekend of 18th – 20th.  Explore different spiritual practices or forms of creativity.

To find out how to make the most of 2019, get in touch and we can explore your personal planets together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Aquarius:     Your ruling planet Uranus goes direct on 6th after re-visiting old ground to do with communications, synaptic connections or old ways of thinking.  Something here needed looking at again.  And this could possibly be something linked to last April.  Having hopefully found an important nugget of information, you have until late-April to apply your newly-found knowledge.  Mars in the same area of your solar chart, will give you all the energy and determination that you need to do just that.

Uranus going direct, also marks the start of a two-month stretch when all the planets are (from our perspective) moving forwards: a positive, can-do time!  What would you like to achieve?

Energy levels may have been generally low before this started.  The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th.  Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st.  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Full Moon and the lunar eclipse are on 21st is in your opposite sign, Leo.  This completes an up-beat weekend as Venus and Jupiter join forces in Sag which is a great time for enjoyment with friends, groups and your communities.

To find out how to make the most of 2019, get in touch and we can explore your personal planets together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Pisces:     Finances start the month off on a dynamic note as Mars jumps into your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values in the early hours of the New Year.  And this means action!  Mars provides the energy and determination to get things off the ground.  It also offers the raw energy needed to make something happen from scratch, from just an idea.  Could that be a new source of income?

Uranus goes direct in this same area of your solar chart on 6th which results in ALL the planets moving forwards for the next two months!  Make the most of this!  Uranus has been retrograde (appearing to move backwards) since October, in order to resolve something that missed the target last April.  With this new awareness hopefully under your belt, it is time to move forwards – without the compromises.

There is also a strong focus on your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone.  And the New Moon here on 6th .marks the beginning of a new cycle in some way.  There are two heavy-weight planets here too but the Sun is shedding light on everything until 20th.  Have you thought of starting or joining a group?

Venus glides into your 10th House of father, career and social status from 7th.  People in authority can be helpful.  If you need favours, ask them.  When Venus meets up with Jupiter on the weekend of 18th – 20th, expansion or carving out new opportunities for yourself are very possible too!  This is also the last full month of Chiron in your sign and a chance to heal old wounds and get unhelpful patterns out of your way.  Take this opportunity to make room for all of the others!

To find out how to make the most of 2019, get in touch and we can explore your personal planets together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK)

December Horoscopes

Our shared planetary picture

Most of the planets are doing their own thing this month with not as much interaction as usual.  This makes it easier to get on with our own projects.  There are some big opportunities on offer too.

A Venus-Uranus opposition on 1st – 2nd starts the month with a flash of awareness about how things stand right now which is helpful information, if not always comfortable.

Mercury makes a loop, leaving Sag on 1st in its backward movement into Scorpio, to resolve misunderstandings or missed opportunities in late-October.  It goes direct on 6th and moves back into Sag once again on 12th where the Sun and Jupiter are keeping things warm and buoyant.

When Mercury catches up with Jupiter on 21st our minds are at their most positive.  Only then do we see our full range of possibilities.  Make a note of these ideas so that they do not get forgotten.  New Moon in Sag is on 7th in this same area of our collective chart.  This is a good time to explore the world, whether through travel, studies, different cultures or the great outdoors.

Mars meets up with Neptune from 6th – 7th in Pisces.  This is good for daydreaming, imagination, creative work and making compassion active.  Your energy reserves may be lowered by this temporarily so that we can be more reflective for a while.

The Winter Solstice when the Sun enters Capricorn is on 21st (at 22.24 GMT).  This used to be considered the start of the year and with a Mercury-Jupiter conjunction on the same day, perhaps we can dare to hope for a more magnanimous world.  And that of course starts with each one of us.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:     Uranus continues to shake up your sign this month and from 1st – 2nd it opposes Venus, attracting partners who find you intriguing.  They may also of course, find you eccentric and unpredictable (and they may have a point) but this is just a passing aspect.

Venus spends the rest of the month smoothing your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing and you may benefit from the money of others, be that through partners, loans, taxes or inheritances.  Mercury revisits this area too from 1st – 12th as part of its circular journey this month, trying to resolve issues from late-October.

Mercury goes on to broaden your outlook and world view when it meets Jupiter on 21st.  This is wonderful for travel, deep studies, languages and an appreciation of the world and its many cultures.  The great outdoors may be a source of wonder too!

Your ruling planet Mars joins Neptune in your 12th House of compassion, spirituality and the unconscious around 6th – 7th.  Your antennae will be sharp and you will want to address the collective needs that you pick up around then.  Pay attention to your dreams too, as they can be a source of inspiration and important inner information.  This is also excellent for therapy and creativity behind the scenes, as is 27th – 30th.

On 21st the Sun joins Saturn and Pluto in your father, career and social status zone which marks the start of a month when you will want to push ahead with your ambitions.  Full Moon on 22nd will want your attention on the home front too but your worldly focus and self-discipline get stronger and stronger as the year comes to an end.


Taurus:     Your ruling planet Venus starts the month in a quandry as Uranus zaps it from your unconscious.  This can have surprising effects connected to work, health and daily routine but it can also spark off a burst of original creativity.  This is only from 1st – 2nd so allow some time for creative inspiration to excite you.  Unexpected attractions could take you by surprise too…

Venus quickly moves on to your opposite sign and stays there all month, bringing pleasure and ease to relationships and partnerships.  Communications here are not straight forwards from 1st – 6th but misunderstandings can be sorted out from 6th -12th as Mercury completes its visit but in direct motion.  Try not to idealise someone too much though around 21st when Neptune may sweep you away.  We are all mere humans, not perfect…

You have energy for friends, groups and community this month, although your efforts may feel futile around 6th – 7th.  You may also be able to address the old wounds of others or your own from 27th – 30th.  Take great care that you do not accidentally wound others around then too.

Mercury meets Jupiter on 21st in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone.  This gives a wonderful and generous mindset.  Make a physical note of the possibilities that come to mind so that you do not forget them.  Your understanding of how resources should be used and shared is at its optimum and if you can spare some resources or skills of your own to make the world a better place: do so.

From 21st the Sun joins Saturn and Pluto in the travel, deep study, ethics, philosophy and publishing area of your solar chart.  There are no lucky breaks here but many things are possible if you put in the hard work.


Gemini:     There could be some romantic excitement at the start of the month as Venus opposes Uranus on 1st – 2nd.  New Moon on 7th falls in your relationships and partnerships zone which marks a new phase here too.  Make resolutions that will help towards what you hope to find here in the month and year ahead.

From 2nd Venus glides into your 6th House of work, health and service to others.  Relations with colleagues and daily companions should go well after 6th.  And you will enjoy your daily rituals and routines.  (Just be sure not to overdo it in the food and drink department…).

Mars continues to give you the energy and detrmination to push head in your father, career and social status zone.  This is good for ambitions but you may hit a lull when it meets Neptune around 6th – 7th.  Take time off for a bit of reflection to check your actions (or manner) are not running contrary to ‘the overall dream’.  (And if they are, take corrective action from 8th).

Your ruling planet Mercury makes a round trip this month.  On 1st it steps back into your work, health and service to others zone, to resolve whatever communications went awry in late-October.  Things start moving forwards again on 6th and by 12th all should be hopefully remedied and you can apply your silver tongue to relationships and partnerships!

Things get even better around 21st when Mercury meets Jupiter, putting your mind at its most positive.  These two planets met up in late-October in your work, health and service to others zone.  Now they meet once again in relationships and partnerships.  This can widen your outlook and deepen your mindset.  And you may find yourself thinking about partnerships as a means of growth.  Partners from different countries or cultures could appear too.

The month ends with the focus on joint funds, intimacy and sharing – and all the hard work and honesty (including self-honesty) that these require…


Cancer:     Home bird that you are, you will enjoy Venus in your mother and home zone at the start of the month but the demands of the world (in the form of revolutionary Uranus) will not let you rest as a new uncompromising version of your social status is still being required.  This seemed to have been completed in May but there is still further to go.  Who you truly are now, needs to find new expression in the world.

Meanwhile, there is pleasure on offer as Venus glides into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity from 3rd.  Mercury helps communications here too but after 6th until 12th.

Your work, health and service to others zone is busy too.  Are your skills finding an outlet in your work or daily life?  Perhaps it is time for a new job or a more expansive daily routine.  Mercury joins Jupiter for the most positive mindset on 21st.  Make a note of all the possibilities that occur to you then.  You can make them a reality.

Relationships and partnerships take on more importance after 21st.  And Full Moon in your sign on 22nd raises emotions around your needs versus the needs of others you are relating with.

You may have the urge to travel or explore cultural or philosophical fields this month.  But as the Sun approaches Saturn towards the very end of the month, the hard work and dutiful side of relationships will require you to ‘do your bit’.  Do it!


Leo:     Leos in the Northern hemisphere sometimes struggle around this time of year as their ruling planet the Sun has its shortest appearance.  But from the Winter Solstice on 21st, that slowly starts to change.  Use these short days to develop creative ideas that you can bring to light, either now or later.  We all need to see or hear them.  For Leos in the Southern hemisphere, though, your battery is on full charge.  Enjoy it!

There may be some coming and going on the home front at the start of the month as Mercury cannot make its mind up whether to stay or go but things get sorted out from 6th – 12th when Mercury goes direct again.  Venus adds pleasure to your home life and to dealings with mother-figures from 2nd onwards.  You may find yourself beautifying your home or entertaining others there.  Personal development is well-starred too.

Mars provides the energy and determination to move forwards with joint funds this month.  This includes sorting out taxes, debts and inheritances.  Intimacy will feel important too and you may get swept off your feet (or get disappointed) around 6th – 7th when Neptune dissolves boundaries or makes things unclear.

Romance, children and creativity are also highlighted this month.  New Moon falls in this area of your solar chart on 7th, marking the start of your Creative New Year.  Make some resolutions for the year ahead. . Also around 21st Mercury and Jupiter meet up for a super-positive mindset.  And your horizons get even bigger.  Only when we are at our most positive do we see what could be possible.  Follow through with your vision!

From 21st the Sun moves into your work, health and service to others zone.  And first of all, it heads towards Saturn, getting closer and closer as the year comes to an end.  Mercury and Jupiter provided the inspiration, now Saturn demands hard work to make it all happen.  Put in that hard work!


Virgo:     From 1st – 2nd there may be a flash of awareness that highlights conflicts between your security and financial well-being and the financial demands of others.  They are opposites.

Venus then moves into your everyday mind zone, giving you smooth delivery in all of your communications, whether spoken or written and the offer of pleasure through physical movement and short journeys after 6th.  Dealings with siblings and neighbours should go well for the rest of the month too.

Your ruling planet Mercury completes a full circle between 1st and 12th.  It heads back to your communications zone to clear up a misunderstanding or missed opportunity from late-October.  And it starts moving forwards again from 6th and by 12th everything should be once again in order.

Mars continues to push forwards in relationships and partnerships all month but also around 6th – 7th it runs into Neptune which clouds the view.  Have you been over-idealising someone?  Or running roughshod over other people’s feelings?  Give yourself some time reflect during this period so that you can continue to make headway, in the right way.  You may also be ready to address old wounds of your own from 27th – 30th!

Your mother and home zone have big bouncy Jupiter all month (and in fact for the coming year) and also the Sun until 21st.  This is good for warmth and optimism.  From 12th Mercury joins them too and on 21st Mercury meets Jupiter bringing grand visions of what may be possible in terms of a home for yourself, emotional conditions in that home, dealings with mother-figures and personal development.  Make a careful note of all the ideas that come up, so that you do not lose them to the busy-ness of life.

The Sun moves into your romance, children and creativity zone from 21st and heads towards Saturn.  This can be a very productive period but you must put in the hard work to get a good result.  As you know more about hard work than many other signs, you should be able to put your head down and just do it.


Libra:     Your ruling planet Venus spends the first two days of the month in your sign which is an extra-strong charm offensive but truculent partners may miss this altogether as they head ever further along their individual agenda.

Meanwhile, Venus graces your money, possessions, income and values zone for the rest of the month and by the end of the month, your finances may look rosier than they have done for a while, despite comings and goings from 1st – 12th.

Communications and dealings with traders, siblings and neighbours are looking good from 12th – 21st as Mercury joins the Sun and Jupiter in the communications area of your chart.  Short journeys and physical movement can be an expansive area to explore too.  And have you thought of learning a new language, starting a course of some other kind or teaching others a skill that you have?

From 21st the planetary emphasis moves to your mother and home zone.  Hard work may be awaiting you here and your duties pile up as you head towards the end of the year.  Mars in your 6th House of work, health and service to others gives you the energy and determination to see things through.


Scorpio:     Venus glides into your sign early in the month and from 3rd you will feel like the seductive centre of the universe.  And at least one other person will probably agree….  Any recent misunderstandings may continue until 6th but then as Mercury goes direct in your sign from 6th – 12th, you should be able to sort them out.

Mercury then turns its mind to money-making ideas and a new strand of income could come into view with New Moon on 7th.  This is also a good day for drawing up a new budget and making financial plans.  On 21st the plans may get even bigger as Mercury joins Jupiter giving the best mindset possible around security and values.  Material things, however much or many we acquire do not always deliver a sense of security but creativity and values can and are more reliable.

Late October Mercury met Jupiter in your sign which was a high-point for self-belief and optimism.  These two planets, meeting again, now in your 2nd House, offer the opportunity for you to make that self-belief your guide for the values you now choose to live by.  Choose generously.

Mars is urging you to be creative too this month, as it forges through your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  You may be called upon to be selfless or you may lose yourself around 6th – 7th when Mars meets up with Neptune.  Try to schedule in some time for day-dreaming and dipping into the pool for inspiration during this period.

The focus moves on to communications from 21st.  As you get closer to the end of the year, this may feel like hard work.  But your concentration is strong.  And nothing is achieved by being half-hearted.  Keep communications open and give them your best!


Sagittarius:     Your ruling planet Jupiter and the Sun (until 21st) put two big, positive balls in your court this month and Mercury joins the party of warmth, optimism and freer self-expression from 12th.  Even better, when Mercury catches up with Jupiter around 21st, your mind will be at its most positive.  This will make you aware of possibilities that had never occurred to you.  Or possibilities you had never considered before.  Consider them!  This super-buoyant wave in your sign only hits every 12 years.  Literally make a note of all the thoughts and ideas that come to you, for future development.

New Moon in your sign on 7th also marks the beginning of your personal New Year.  Be attentive to yourself and make resolutions that will help to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead.

You are still active on the mother and home front this month as Mars continues to drive you forwards with projects here and also with personal development.  You may have to slow down or take stock though around 6th – 7th when Mars runs into Neptune, planet of ideals and spirituality.  These two are not the most comfortable of companions but Mars can help to keep one foot in reality during a Neptunian mist.  Or Neptune can add ideals to the current project or check you are not running counter to your own values.

From 21st onwards your focus turns to finances and security as the Sun enters your 2nd House and heads towards demanding Saturn.  Here is a big reality check that will require honesty and possibly a lot of hard work too.  Be ready to get to grips with whatever is required.


Capricorn:     The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 21st.  Your birthday, whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead, rather than January 1st.  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

You may start the month with hopeful worldly ambitions but Uranus shaking up your mother and home zone demands attention.  There are inner changes needed too, so you can spring into the world from a base that is right for who you now are.  This inner repositioning seemed to be complete last May but there is still further to go, to find the true uncompromising version of your inner-self and ways to better meet your needs.

From 3rd Venus lines up nice times with friends, groups and community.  Make time for pleasurable pursuits.  Mercury is trying to sort out misunderstandings here from 1st – 6th and manages to move things forward from 6th – 12th.

On 21st Mercury joins Jupiter in the unconscious part of your solar chart and any self-defeating mindsets can be shifted.  The Sun moves into your sign on the same day, starting a fresh year for you.  Full Moon in your relationships and partnerships zone the next day (22nd) reminds you that there are others to consider as well as yourself.  Give them the attention that they deserve!


Aquarius:     Your ruling planet Uranus starts the month off challenging Venus to step outside her comfort zone and walk on the wild side…  New ways of thinking and people from different countries, cultures or with different values attract you and you them.  And you give each other much to think about!

Venus then moves into your father, career and social status zone, attracting support from people in high places.  If you have any favours to ask, do so after 7th.  Likewise, if you are in a position to help others, do not hold back.

Mars is urging you to push ahead with financial plans, perhaps another stream of income.  It may be hard to see the wood from the trees around 6th – 7th when a Neptunian mist descends for a while.  Do not force anything then, just take a step back until things are clearer.  You may also be able to address money matters in a more forthright way around 27th – 30th, as a salve for past wounds.

Friends, groups and community (some of your favourite areas of life) are also high focus this month.  The Sun keeps things warm until 21st and the meeting of Mercury and Jupiter on the same day, put you on a super-sonic high.  When your mind is as positive as this, the impossible becomes possible.  Make a map of how to reach your vision!

Spend some time for the rest of the month working on your unconscious.  Any self-defeating patterns need turning around and affirmations and self-talk should be positive, so that you do not inadvertently get in your own way, on this new quest.


Pisces:     A financial hiccough at the start of the month may be helped by ‘the money of others’.  But you soon forget about this as from 3rd Venus reminds you of the pleasures of exploring the face of the earth and the higher mind, either through travel, deep study, different cultures or the great outdoors.  Stretch your physical or philosophical legs!

Mars in your sign adds to your determination and resolve to push your own agenda forwards this month.  It runs into Neptune though around 6th – 7th which slows it down.  This is difficult for most signs but as Neptune is your ruling planet, this should not be a problem for you.  In fact it can help you to blend the ‘present you’ and the ‘ideal you’ into a closer fit.  You may also be able to move old wounds on from 27th – 30th when Mars joins Chiron in your sign.

New Moon on 7th falls in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  This marks the beginning of a new year in one or more of these areas.  Make some resolutions that will help you to keep on track in the month and year ahead.  The Sun and Jupiter provide warmth and optimism here too.  And when Mercury joins Jupiter on 21st, your mind and vision will be at their most positive.  Capture all the possibilities that occur to you at this time.  They only come along in this area of your solar chart, every 12 years!

From 21st the Sun joins Saturn and Pluto in your 11th House of friends, groups and community.  Some hard work is needed here.  Put it in!


To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth chart consultations by phone, wherever in the world you are, please get in touch – – 07929 261231 or ++44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK.







November 2018

Our shared planetary picture

There is lots of planetary activity his month.  Two planets (Venus and Neptune) go direct (on 16th and 25th).  Mercury goes retrograde on 17th and Mars, Uranus and Jupiter change signs!

Uranus, planet of change disruption and revolution jumps back into Aries on 6th to finish off its 8-year radical revolution that started full-time in 2011.  This is in different areas of life for each sign.  Uranus moved into Taurus briefly in May and will return but for now it needs to finish its life-changing mission in Aries.  Uranus will stay in Aries until early-March.  It also opposes Venus from 28th – 30th which can spark creativity and shake up values and relationships – sudden attractions or experimentation perhaps?

Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity glides into its own sign, Sagittarius on 8th, starting a year of growth, again in different areas of life for each sign.  Jupiter will stay here for almost 13 months but Mercury goes retrograde also in Sag. on 17th for three weeks, causing a review of how we have been communicating and thinking in the areas of life coloured by Sag. (different for each sign).

Mercury puts things on hold temporarily which may feel frustrating but it is also helpful in a way.  Jupiter is associated with ‘luck’ but how we think and communicate and how ready we are to recognise, grasp and respond to opportunities may be key in attracting this ‘luck’.  So a mental review is perhaps the best preparation for this wave of optimism (albeit a slow start).

Mars leaves Aquarius and jumps into Pisces on 15th and on 25th Neptune goes direct in Pisces too, completing a 5-month review of our ideals.  Mars will pick up the baton to carry our collective vision forwards.  And this will also be true for us as individuals in different areas of life.

Venus goes direct on 16th smoothing diplomatic projects along until it gets challenged by Uranus around 28th – 30th.  This could be exciting as well as disruptive.  Be ready for change!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:     2010 to 2018 was an awakening period for you as Uranus shook the foundations of your identity.  This process appeared to complete in May when Uranus moved into your 2nd House, looking afresh at your values and to what extent they inform your finances.  But the self-awakening process needs just a little more work before you can fully apply your values onto your life (and perhaps other people’s).  This starts on 6th when Uranus jumps back again into your sign.  It is going to stay here until early-March, so use this time to uncover the pure uncompromised version of who you truly are now.

Your ruling planet Mars changes sign on 15th, completing its present mission in your friends, groups and community zone and moving into your 12th House of the unconscious, creativity behind the scenes, healing and compassion for others.  You will be active and pushing ahead in one or more of these areas.  But this may not be apparent to others just yet.

Another major shift this month is Jupiter which moves into your travel, studies, cultural, philosophy and ethics zone from 8th.  This is Jupiter’s natural home and its gift is buoyant optimism, expansion and exploration.  Opportunities will come your way in the 12 months ahead that expand your scope, range and understanding.  This may seem like ‘luck’ but in fact it is a reflection of a widening in your outlook and world view.  Other cultures, and people who hold different beliefs to you could become important too.

Your words may also travel further either through your travels, the internet or other forms of publishing.  This upbeat wave is with you for just over a year.  Be ready to leap into new terrain with your enthusiasm and faith in life before you!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Taurus:     Uranus has been shaking up Taureans since May when it entered your sign but from 6th it retreats back into your 12th House of the unconscious.  Big change is coming but there are some further internal changes that need to be completed before you are ready for the next eight years of personal revolution!

To help this process along, it can be helpful to take a good look at self-talk and iron out any undermining messages there.  Engaging professional assistance to help turn around unhelpful emotional patterns is a timely idea too.  Uranus returns to Taurus in March, so do as much inner-work as you can until then.

New Moon on 7th falls in the relationships and partnerships part of your chart.  This marks the start of your Relating New Year.  Put in place plans and resolutions that will help you to build the kind of partnerships you hope to find in the month and year ahead.

Your ruling planet Venus goes direct on 16th in your work, health and service to others zone.  This reminds you to enjoy the simple pleasures of daily rituals and self-care.  Relations with colleagues and daily companions can be a source of pleasure too (including pets).

Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunities changes sign on 8th.  Its new area of exploration for the next 13 months is joint funds (including taxes, debts and inheritances), transformation (including birth, sex and death) and sharing (including physical intimacy).  These are all areas for growth and hopefully deeper understanding.

Mercury goes retrograde in this area of your chart from 17th, so if there are things to sign, try to do so before then or after Dec 6th.  The Sun joins Jupiter on 25th – 26th and a vision of your expansion in the year ahead could fill you with optimism and hope!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Gemini:     From 2011 until earlier this year, Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution has been shaking up your dealings with friends, groups, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals.  This seemed like it was finished but some further changes are needed.  This final flash of Uranian lightning starts on 6th and carries on until next March.  Go with these changes.

Jupiter is on the move too.  After a year’s stay in your work, health and service to others zone, on 8th Jupiter glides into the relationships and partnerships area of your solar chart.  This is a call for growth in your relationships.  And this could take the form of a new relationship (possibly with someone from a different country or culture), growth in an existing relationship or the need for freedom from existing structures.  Jupiter is going to be around for almost 13 months. Be ready for growth!

Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 17th, also in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships.  This is a time to pause and look at how you have been communicating with partners (business as well as intimate).  And how you want to communicate with them in the future.  Mercury goes direct again on Dec 6th but meanwhile on 25th – 26th the Sun joins Jupiter and you may get a glimpse of the growth to come.

From 15th Mars will be in your father, career and social status zone, adding energy and determination to your ambitions.  This can be good for getting things done.  It can also heat up interactions with authority figures (or with others if you are the authority figure… ).  Again this can be good for joint action or heated if others do not share your opinion.  Neptune turning direct on 25th should add vision to your actions too.

Venus goes direct in your romance, children and creativity zone from 16th which opens the path to pleasure in one or more of these areas and possible surprises around 28th – 30th!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Cancer:     Uranus the planet of change, disruption and revolution spent most of the last eight years revolutionising your father, career and social status zone.  This moved off in May but from 6th Uranus moves back to fully complete the process in your ambitions and social status.  Any compromises you may have reached in any of these areas or with father figures, require further change.

Cancerians excel at holding on to things but this will require you to let go.  We all from time to time need the refreshment and stimulation that change can bring.  This is one of those times.

New Moon on 7th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone which is a good time to start new projects related to any of these.  Sports and speculation come into this too.  The next day Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity completes its 1-year stay here and takes its urge for exploration to your 6th House of work, health and service to others.  This is good for relations with colleagues and daily companions (including pets) and you may come into daily contact with people, daily rituals or ideas from different countries or cultures.  Be open to the expansion that they bring.

The Sun joins Jupiter here on 25th – 26th which is a feel-good factor.  Your daily routine and how you tend yourself physically and look after your well-being are part of this too.  Mercury goes retrograde in this area of your chart too on 17th, beginning a review of these areas of life which can be helpful before you surge forwards.

Venus goes direct on 16th in your mother and home zone.  The 6-week review of how you want to proceed here is now complete and you can put your conclusions into action.  Whether you intend to beautify your home or extend its comforts and pleasures to others, enjoy your nest and all it offers!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Leo:     Uranus has been shaking up your father, career and social status since May but on 6th Uranus turns back to finish off its revolutionary effect in your 9th House of travel, religion, philosophy, deep study, ethics and publishing.  It has already recently completed seven years in this area of your chart but over the next four months it will push past any compromises you have settled on in any of these areas…

The Sun continues to warm your mother and home zone this month until 22nd when it joins other planets in your 5th House which is the main focus.  Leo is particularly comfortable in this area of the solar chart which rules romance, children and creativity.  Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity leaps into this part of your solar chart on 8th for a 13-month stay.  This is also good for fun, recreation, sports and you may be more open to risk-taking than usual.

Mercury goes retrograde however on 17th in this same area of your chart which brings about a review of how you have been dealing with communications in these areas and how you would like them to go in the future.  It is helpful to give all of this some thought before Jupiter takes full flight.  But you may get a brief view of some of the possibilities ahead when your ruling planet the Sun joins Jupiter on 25th – 26th.

Venus which has been retrograde in your communications zone since early-Oct, goes direct on 16th.  This should help in your dealings in trading and relating to neighbours and siblings.  Short journeys could become more pleasurable, as could physical movement.  (Give it a try if you have been more sedentary recently).

On 15th Mars leaves your relationships and partnerships zone where it has been heating things up since May.  (This may have taken the form of conflict or passion… ).  Mars then leaps into your 8th House of joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances.  Sort out whatever needs sorting out.  Sharing comes into this too. including yourself in an intimate level.  Neptune goes direct here too on 25th which gives more clarity and a better view.  Put your ideals into practice.

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Virgo:     Uranus has been shaking up your joint funds for most of the past seven years.  But last May it moved on into your travel, study, philosophy and ethics zone to revolutionise one or more of these areas of life.  On 6th however, Uranus zips back into your shared zone to bring about further changes that need to take place.  If you settled with a compromise at the time, this may no longer be your true and honest position.  Further radical changes may present themselves as the best solution.  If so, do not be afraid to go with them!

Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity changes sign this month too on 8th.  Completing a year of expansion in communications, it now leaps into your 4th House of mother and home, self-nurture and personal development.  This could mean a bigger home in some way (either in dimensions or emotional conditions), a home in a different country or one that is run on philosophical principles.  Relationships with mother-figures can improve.  And also a deeper understanding and meeting of your own needs makes for growth and well-being!

Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde here too from 17th which requires you to stop and reflect on how you have been communicating or thinking about your roots and foundations.  Give this plenty of thought, before your path clears on Dec 6th.

Mars completes its tour of your work, health and service to others zone on 15th and directs its energies into your relationships and partnerships (business or personal).  Neptune goes direct here too on 25th, clearing up recent uncertainties or misunderstandings.  And you may find yourself pushing forwards for an ideal relationship once again.

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Libra:     2010 to 2018 was a disruptive period in your relationships and partnerships as Uranus shook up many assumptions and the status quo for you and partners.  This moved on in May but there are some remaining changes to make, starting on 6th when Uranus moves back into your opposite sign.  Any compromises you may have settled on will no longer do.

On 7th New Moon in your finance zone is a good time to draw up a budget.  And on 8th Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunities completes its 12-month tour of your money, possessions, security, values and self-esteem part of your chart and moves into your communications zone.  This introduces positive, big ideas, productive short journeys and opportunities to teach or make your understanding available to others in some way.  The Sun joins forces with Jupiter on 25th – 26th which should give a flavour of things to come too.

Your ruling planet Venus goes direct on 16th, enabling you to put recent reflections into action and helping you to charm others round to your way of thinking.  The following day Mercury goes retrograde in your communications zone.  This puts Jupiterian expansion on hold for a while which helps you to review your ideas and get off to a good start once it goes direct again next month on Dec 6th.

When Venus opposes Uranus from 28th – 30th, changes are called for once again.  This could be the need for more experimental expression in existing relationships, sudden attractions elsewhere or new forms of creativity.  The status quo is no longer a helpful thing to hold onto.  Be ready to surf the waves!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Scorpio:     The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 22nd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  New Moon on 7th is also in your sign which marks the beginning of your Personal New Year.  Make plans and resolutions for what you hope to find in your emotional life in the month and year ahead.

Meanwhile, Uranus has been shaking up your 6th House of work, health and service to others over the past eight years.  In May this year it turned its revolutionary attentions to your relationships and partnerships and there is more of this to come but on 6th Uranus goes back to see to still unfinished business on the work and health front.  You have until March to make the further changes that are needed.  Give them your attention.

Jupiter finishes its 12-month tour of your sign on 8th and moves into your 2nd House of money, possessions, security, values and self-esteem.  This usually brings an expansion in some way which could be about opportunities for more income or a greater sense of security through a deepening of your values, creativity and self-esteem.

Mercury goes retrograde in this same area of your chart on 17th.  If you have to sign anything financial, do so before then or after Dec 6th if you can.  Even so, the Sun and Jupiter join forces on 25th – 26th which should give you a view of broader vistas in the year ahead.

There is still more action on the home front as Mars continues to forge ahead here but on 15th it jumps into your romance, children and creativity zone.  Be ready for fun and adventures and even new sports?  Neptune goes direct here too on 25th, clarifying your ideals and Mars gives you the energy to apply them.  Go forth!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Sagittarius:     The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd.  Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st.  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

On 6th Uranus moves back to finish what it started in your romance, children and creativity zone.  One or more of these areas have been shaken up over the past eight years.  This partly moved off from mid-May this year but Uranus has a few more further adjustments to make.  Any half-way compromises may have to be pushed to more radical positions.  You have until March to reach the pure uncompromised result of your Uranian revolution.  So help further changes to happen.

One of the reasons Sagittarians are so buoyant is their ruler Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunities.  Jupiter has a 12-year cycle spending approximately one year in each sign.  And the good news is, Jupiter moves into your sign on 8th and will stay there for over a year.  This is great for confidence, optimism, daring and well-being!

However, Mercury goes retrograde in your sign from 17th which is a time to pause and ponder on your identity before the big Jupiterian leap forward.  It goes direct again on Dec 6th when you can fully launch your year of growth.  Do the background thinking and planning meanwhile!

Things start looking active on the mother and home front from 15th when Mars takes things up a year.  Neptune goes direct in this area of your chart too on 25th which lends vision to your projects and heightens the chances of making your ideals a reality.  Push for better things.

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Capricorn:     Your roots and foundations had Uranus shaking them up from 2010 to 2018.  In May Uranus then moved on to shake up your romance, children and creativity zone but from 6th Uranus is back once again to complete its revolution in your mother and home zone.  This will require you to make whatever changes you held back on previously.  Uranus does not like compromise and any half-way points you stopped at earlier, now need to be taken to completion.  You have until March to achieve this.  Be glad of this second chance.

Another major shift this month is Jupiter which completes its year of expansion in your friends, groups and community zone on 8th when it leaps into your 12th House of the collective unconscious.  This can raise your awareness to the pain and suffering of others and you could have expansive experiences through time spent in seclusion and contact with institutions (including hospitals, prisons and psychiatric units) where others are removed from the demands of daily life and perhaps more receptive than usual.  You could be an agent for growth for those in need or confined.

Charities could very much benefit from your input too.  And your sharpened antennae enable you to plug into the collective unconscious and what the world is now ready for.  Creativity behind the scenes is therefore well-starred and its products hopefully well-received.  Spiritual and consciousness raising practices (such as meditation, healing and training to heal others) can have a big impact too.  This is all looking for growth and expansion in the next 13 months.  Be active in these pursuits!

Venus which has been retrograde in your 10th House of father, career and social status for the past six weeks, goes direct on 16th and having reviewed your position, you can now once again move forward with your conclusions.  Mercury goes retrograde on 17th revisiting self-doubt and any unhelpful self-talk until Dec 6th.  But the Sun joins forces with Jupiter on 25th – 26th which should give some foresight into the kinds of opportunities that you could generate and attract once Mercury has moved on.  This could be life-changing, so give it your full attention!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Aquarius:     Your ruling planet Uranus kicks the month off with a jolt.  After shaking up your communications zone for seven years, it moved into your 4th House of mother and home in May but returns this month on 6th to complete the push for new ways of thinking and communicating.  You have until March to break through to your pure uncompromised free-thinking (and free-talking) self!

The dynamic charge of Mars in your sign continues to keep you revved up until 15th but then Mars moves its focus onto your finances and you may find a well of energy to ready to sort out financial matters and even develop a new stream of income.  Neptune goes direct here too on 25th which removes the fog of uncertainty, leaving you with a clearer view of how things stand.  You may also look to seek security through creativity or through a value system that gives a sense of security.

Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunities is on the move too this month.  On 8th it finishes its 12-month stay in your father, career and social status zone and moves into its new abode – your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion and opportunities and here is the promise of expansive experiences through any or all of these in the year ahead.  If you have been thinking of joining or stating a group – do it!

Friends from different countries or cultures or mindsets could also show up this year.  Your community could benefit from your input, as could you.  Humanitarian movements and organisations in general could make your world a bigger place too.

Meanwhile, Mercury goes retrograde in this part of your chart too from 17th.  This brings about a review of how you have been communicating with and thinking about friends, groups and community.  Take this natural pause to reflect.  And around 25th – 26th when the Sun joins Jupiter, you may get a glimpse of the expansive times to come.

Venus goes direct on 16th which can make travel pleasurable and also  dealings with cultural matters and people different from yourself.  Your sense of justice will be strong and you may find yourself challenging the status quo around 28th – 30th if anything seems unjust.  And if you find others joining you, do not be surprised!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


Pisces:     Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution is on the move this month and on 6th it makes its way back to shake up your 2nd House of money, possessions, income, security, values and self-esteem.  You had seven years of this prior to this May but some things were left unresolved or you settled on a compromise that is no longer tenable.  It is now time to revisit one or more of these areas to find a radical solution!

Jupiter changes sign too on 8th, kicking off a year of growth, expansion and opportunity, in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  This only happens every 12 years and usually makes your world a wider place.  You may find opportunities in other countries or meet people professionally from other parts of the world or from different cultures.  Authority figures can probably be helpful too and relations with father figures deepen or they find a new freedom for themselves.  Your social status could improve too.

Mercury goes retrograde on 17th in this same area of your chart.  This brings about a review to examine how you have been dealing with communications professionally and with authority figures.  You have until Dec 6th to work through this (and possibly your CV) and then you will be fully ready for that big, Jupiterian wave that is waiting for you.

Chiron remains back in your sign too, extending your possibility of healing old wounds.  And on 15th Mars leaps into your sign adding extra dynamism and determination to your creative self-expression.  Meanwhile, Venus goes direct on 16th and softens your joint finance zone and you may benefit from ‘the money of others’.  This is good for intimacy and sharing too.  The only exception to these positives may be around 28th – 30th when your own security needs get shaken.

Your ruling planet Neptune goes direct in your sign on 25th which will help you to feel more in tune with yourself.  And the ideal you, once again feels within reach!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).






October 2018

Our shared planetary picture

Pluto planet of annihilation and regeneration went retrograde in late April, plunging us all into a deep review (in different areas of life for each sign).  But on October 1st Pluto goes direct and releases a big burst of energy for forward motion once again.  On a collective level, this points to hierarchial power structures.  And questions whether we want to continue with the status quo?

Venus goes retrograde in Scorpio on 5th, also reviewing the use of power in relationships.  Meanwhile, New Moon on 9th is in Libra (at 04.48 BST) which is good for negotiations, and gathering co-operation from others, not to mention offering it ourselves.

Mars is pushing for collective achievement in Aquarius all month too and may come up with new solutions to old problems.  And Full Moon on 24th (at 17.46 BST) lands on Uranus which is also about collective awakening.  It is in Taurus so practical, physical, earthy and financial matters could get shaken up and bring about a change of awareness.

This is followed by a high when Mercury joins Jupiter which it does only once a year.  This generates a positive mind and outlook.  And only when our mind is at its most positive, do we become fully aware of all of our possibilities.  Ideas will be expansive and plentiful and we cannot implement them all at once.  Be sure to make a note of all the possibilities that occur to you during this period, to inspire and move you forwards in the month and year ahead!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   The Sun in Libra continues to warm your relationships and partnerships until 23rd and Mercury joins in until 10th, helping you to express yourself here too.  Your worldly ambitions or the opinion of father figures may not coincide with your partners however, which may become apparent around 2nd – 3rd and 11th – 12th.  Pressing others to conform to expectations will not work, so take it as an opportunity to learn more about your own inner conflicts.

New Moon on 9th is in Libra too.  This marks the beginning of a new cycle in your relationships and partnerships.  Make resolutions that will help you to manifest what you hope to find in this area of your life in the month and year ahead.  This applies to professional partnerships as well as personal ones.

The other high-lighted area of your solar chart is your 8th House of joint funds, sharing and intimacy.  This includes taxes, debts and inheritances.  Venus is moving backwards from 5th onwards, calling for a review of one or more of these areas of life.  There may be surprises too about your own income at Full Moon on 24th.

Mercury helps with ideas and communications to do with all of this and ‘the money of others’ from 10th – 30th (apart from a brief run-in with Mars from 18th – 19th).  And when Mercury meets Jupiter around 28th – 29th, your mind will be at its most positive in relation to all of this.  Make a note of all the good ideas that come your way.

Your ruling planet Mars continues to forge ahead in your friends, groups and community zone all month, enabling you to put direction, energy and enthusiasm into group projects.  How would things ideally be for the greater good?  Picture it clearly.  Then make it happen!


Taurus:   Your ruling planet Venus starts the month softening your relationships and partnerships but it soon goes retrograde and from 5th onwards you will be reviewing relationships and perhaps events that took place during the first weekend of September.  Venus also squares Mars around 10th – 11th, when your personal tastes and attractions may not please authority figures or compliment your social status in some way.  Mars continues to motivate your ambitions though for the whole month.  You will also find you have the energy and enthusiasm to push your project or agenda forward.

The review that has been taking place since late-April in your travel, philosophy, culture and ethics zone, completes on 1st and you can start to move forwards once again with your conclusions.

New Moon on 9th falls in your work and health zone.  This is the perfect time to start a new health regime or a new daily routine.  The demands of modern life sometimes takes us far from a balanced existence and this is a good opportunity to attend to your well-being and put healtn higher up on the agenda.

Your eye remains on work, health and service to others until 23rd.  But then the main focus is relationships and partnerships.  The Sun opposes Uranus (which is in your sign) on 23rd, reminding you that partnerships can revolutionise your life.  Mercury and Jupiter meet in your relationships zone too around 28th – 29th.  This is great for communications and positive thinking.  Full Moon on 24th is also in Taurus and it lands on Uranus.  This wave of emotion is an awakening and will require much of you.  And yes, that means change…


Gemini:   The last five months you may have been reviewing your joint funds, including taxes, debts and inheritances.  On 1st, Pluto which has been taking you back on this journey, goes direct.  This marks the end of your review and you can now move ahead with your conclusions.  Intimacy and sharing come into this too.

But on a cheerier note, the Sun lights up your 5th House of romance, children and creativity until 23rd.  This should be enjoyable, apart from some tension around 2nd – 3rd and 11th – 12th.  New Moon on 9th also falls into this area of your chart.  This is a perfect time to start a new creative project.  Do you have one in mind?

Mars is also revving in your travel, deep studies, culture and ethics zone.  If you have plans here too, Mars adds an extra boost of energy that could prompt you to move ahead.

The main emphasis this month is work, health and service to others.  Four planets are jostling here, including your ruling planet Mercury from 10th.  This is a good month to put your work-life balance straight and attend to your physicality.  Are you getting enough and the right kind of exercise?  Is your daily routine helpful to you or does it need adjusting?  This could involve adding or removing things.  Venus goes retrograde from 5th which will also bring relationships with colleagues and daily companions under review. And self-indulgence is up for scrutiny too…

Full Moon on 24th shakes up your unconscious as it lands on Uranus.  Pay attention to your dreams and make time for creativity behind the scenes.  Then from 28th – 29th Mercury joins Jupiter, making your thinking super-positive.  Act on your decisions!


Cancer:   Mother and home continue to be a big focus up until 23rd as the Sun lights up and warms this area of your solar chart.  New Moon on 9th falls into this area of your chart too which marks the beginning of your Domestic New Year.  This is a good time to make resolutions and plans to create a nurturing supportive home for yourself (and perhaps others).  Put self-nurture plans in place and think about your personal development too.  What would stretch you and help you to grow in the month and year ahead?

There is also a strong focus on an even busier area in your chart this month – romance, children and creativity.  From 5th Venus goes retrograde here, taking you back to review recent dealings.  Mercury is on hand to help you think about this from 10th and friends may offer interesting insights.  The interests of partners may change the picture around then too.

Pluto planet of deep transformation has been retrograde in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships since late-April.  This has brought about a much-needed review in relationships and partnerships.  The good news is that Pluto goes direct once again on 1st which means you can start to put your conclusions into action this month.

Domestic matters may get in the way of this around 2nd – 3rd and 11th – 12th but the coast is then clear to the end of the month.  Creative ideas may help you along too on 22nd.

Full Moon on 24th lands on Uranus in your 11th House of friends, groups and community.  This could be electrifying.  Be open to what friends and groups have to offer you, and you them.  Whatever it is, it looks stimulating!


Leo:   Pluto which has been moving backwards since late-April in the work, health and service to others area of your solar chart, goes direct on 1st.  This is good news as you have had time to reflect on what changes you need to make in one or more of these areas of life.  And the coast is now clear for you to put all of your conclusions in place.

Communications are well-starred too as the month begins, apart from possible misunderstandings around 2nd – 3rd and 11th – 12th.  New Moon on 9th also falls in this area of your chart which is a good time to learn something new and try new forms of communication (including physical movement).

The main emphasis this month though is mother and home.  You may have already improved your home last month but perhaps bigger changes are now needed?  Mercury may help you to come up with some bright ideas from 10th and when it meets up with Jupiter around 28th – 29th your mind will be at its most positive and who knows what brainwaves may occur to you!  A bigger home or a home in a different country or run on wider principles are all possibilities.

Full Moon on 24th could bring differences between mother and father figures to light.  Or there could be a clash between home and career.  We spring into the world from the home.  What kind of home do you now need, to spring into the world in the way you want to?


Virgo:   Decisions that have been on hold since late-April can be made this month as Pluto helpfully goes direct on 1st.  This is regarding romance, children, creativity, speculation or sports or a mixture of these.  You will be pushing ahead on the work, health and service to others front too as Mars gives you a strong drive to make further headway.

Your ruling planet Mercury joins the Sun for the first ten days of the month, generating ideas about different sources of income or different takes on security and values.  New Moon falls here too on 9th which is a perfect time to make a budget or financial plans for the month and year ahead.  (But avoid transactions around 2nd – 3rd and 11th – 12th if you can).

Mercury then enters the busiest area of your solar chart this month: your communications zone.  Venus starts the month well here but goes retrograde from 5th, to review how you have been dealing with daily communications, physical movement and relations with neighbours or siblings.

Full Moon on 24th shakes things up in your travel, studies, religion, philosophy and ethics zone.  Cultural awakenings or legal situations could take you by surprise or you may be challenged to reassess your world view in some way.

The month ends on a high when your ruling planet Mercury joins Jupiter from 28th – 29th.  This indicates that your mind will be brimming over with positive ideas and possibilities.  Write them all down as they occur.  Thoughts like these are gold.  Be sure to capture them for future use!


Libra:  The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 23rd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  Mercury lends you mental energy too until 10th when it moves on to give some thought to your financial situation.

Finances are a major focus too, including income, possessions, security, values and self-esteem.  Your ruling planet Venus is trying to smooth things out but then goes retrograde from 5th to review one or more of these areas.

Mercury is scratching its head about all of this, especially around 18th – 19th but then the Sun brings light and optimism to the picture from 23rd.  Full Moon on 24th brings the unexpected, when a partner’s finances, ‘the money of others’ or intimacy takes you by suprise.

The month should end well as Mercury joins Jupiter from 28th – 29th and your mind will be at its most positive.  Make a note of all the ideas that spring to mind.  You will not be able to act on them all at once but capture them to use in the future!


Scorpio:   Your inner world is busy this month as the Sun illuminates hidden corners until 23rd and until 10th Mercury helps you to think afresh about whatever you discover about yourself.  New Moon on 9th also falls in this area of your chart and is a good time to add healing habits to your daily routine.

The most helpful approach is to try things that address your unconscious, such as meditation, hypnosis and affirmations.  Self-talk is important too.  But if none of these are really up your street, creativity behind the scenes can be helpful too.  Or have you thought of learning to heal others?  Helping with charities and reaching out to those less able than yourself can also be a good expression of this new wave.

Your ruling planet Pluto goes direct on 1st, completing a review of your communications.  This has been in place since late-April.  Whatever conclusions you have come to during this period, can now be put into action.  We make our own realities by the way we think.  With this in mind, make your reality a positive one.  The power of thought and the power of words are huge.  Work with them for your and everyone else’s benefit.

The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 23rd.  Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st.  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Venus stays in your sign all month, adding to your charisma.  But it goes retrograde on 5th, taking you back to review how you were relating or what values you were operating under during the first weekend of September.  Something needs looking at again and you have until mid-December to work out what that is and put things straight.

Full Moon on 24th falls in your opposite sign and lands on Uranus.  This can bring surprises to your relationships and partnerships.  You or your partner may need more space or a new form of relating or freedom from the whole thing.

Mercury meets Jupiter in your sign shortly afterwards around 28th – 29th which is lucky as your mind will be at its most positive.  Make a note of all the ideas that come to mind.  They cannot all be acted on at once but be sure to capture them for future development!


Sagittarius:  Finances, values and security have been on your mind for almost half of the year as Pluto plunged you back into the underworld.  But your five-month financial review ends on 1st when Pluto goes direct.  You can now move ahead, having hopefully decided upon which path to take.

Your mental energy is also strong this month as Mars helps you to assert yourself.  You will have energy for short journeys, physical exercise and trading.  Your mind and tongue are ready for mental and verbal combat if necessary.  And if neighbours or siblings have been bothering you, you will be able to deal with them effectively and assertively.  Others should beware, as you will not tolerate nonsense or any attempts at manipulation.

New Moon on 9th is a good time to join or groups, your community or a  humanitarian campaign.  It can also indicate a new phase in friendship or friendships may grow from being in a group together.  Full Moon on 24th shakes things up in your work, health and service to others zone.  Be ready for surprises!

When Mercury meets your ruling planet Jupiter from 28th – 29th, your mind will be at its most positive.  This is good for programming your unconscious whether through hypnosis, meditation, affirmations, manifesting, healing or prayer.  Try whichever appeals to you.


Capricorn:   The month starts on a positive note as Pluto goes direct in your sign on 1st, after being retrograde for five months.  Your current underlying need for growth and transformation may have taken a wrong turn at New Year.  And this could have been connected to a possible misuse of power.

The planets are strongly behind your growth at present and you may become aware of your own personal power which is not a bad thing but it should be used for the greater good, not just self-interest.

Having had five months to mull this over, you can now start to put your conclusions into place.  You have until January 11th next year to get yourself fully on the right path.  Make sure you re-position.

The Sun in your 10th House continues to brighten your career and social status prospects until 23rd.  Mercury helps with communications here too from 4th – 10th.  Dealings with authority figures should go well, apart from a couple of hiccoughs around 2nd – 3rd and 11th – 12th.  New  Moon falls here too on 9th which marks the start of your Professional New Year.  Make resolutions and plans that will further your ambitions in the month and year ahead.  This could mark a new phase with (or for) father figures too.

The main emphasis this month though is friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  Venus, planet of relating stays in this area of your chart all month but on 5th it goes retrograde, taking you back to review dealings you had in early September.  This too may have involved father-figures or people you know professionally.  While you are mulling this over, Mercury helps you to keep positive and communicating and the Sun brings warmth and optimism to your interactions from 23rd.

Full Moon on 24th lands on Uranus in your romance, children and creativity zone, bringing stimulation and surprises.  And from 28th – 29th Mercury and Jupiter generate ideas for group projects and friends offer pearls of wisdom.


Aquarius:   Pluto which has been unearthing buried information in your unconscious, goes direct on 1st.  Whatever realisations about your inner-self that you have come to since late-April, has created a big bolt of energy, now working for you, not against you.  Mars is in your sign all month too, adding even more energy and determination to your persona.  Stride forwards with your deepened self-knowledge.

Travel, studies and legal matters are well-starred until 23rd (apart from two  short hiccoughs around 2nd – 3rd and 11th – 12th).  New Moon on 9th also falls into this area of your chart.  This is a good time to start or plan journeys, courses of study, cultural exploration and ethical matters.

The main focus this month though is in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  Four planets: Mercury, Venus. Jupiter and then the Sun are heightening communications, opportunities and self-expression.  Venus usually smooths the path wherever it is but from 5th it will be retrograde, calling you to review how you have been dealing with authority figures and what your ambitions now are.  From 28th – 29th your mind will be at its most positive however.  Make a note of all the possibilities that come to mind.

Full Moon on 24th lands on your ruling planet Uranus in your 4th House of mother, home, self-nurture and personal development.  The Full Moon occurs when the Moon is opposite the Sun, so this will deliver a jolt between your ambitions and personal development or career and home or father and mother figures.  Full Moon hitting Uranus is an awakening.  Be open to what it can show you!


Pisces:   Friends, groups, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals may have been much on your mind since late-April.  Pluto has been going retrograde in this area of your chart for over five months but on October 1st it goes direct and you can set about putting your conclusions into action.

Creativity behind the scenes is a rich area this month too.  Your energy and determination are strong to complete projects.  Your appetite for spiritual practices may also be strong and helpful habits can be put in place.  The demands of daily life may at times feel like an unwelcome intrusion but reconcile them as best you can.

Joint funds, sharing and intimacy are a focus early in the month and New Moon falls here on 9th.  This is a good time to sort out joint accounts, taxes, debts and inheritances (apart from 2nd – 3rd and 11th – 12th when power plays could get in the way).

Travel, study, cultural and ethical matters push themselves to the fore as the month progresses.  From 5th Venus goes retrograde here to review how you have been dealing with one or more of these areas.  Full Moon shakes up your everyday thinking and communications on 24th.  But Mercury and Jupiter meet up on 28th – 29th, making your mind at its most positive.  Keep hold of the positive world view that it presents!



To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).



September 2018

Our shared planetary picture

The long review that started mid-April, looking at our individual and collective responsibilities, completes this month as Saturn goes direct in Capricorn on 6th.  Mars, also in the same sign is ready to pick up the baton and run forward with our conclusions from 6th until 11th.

Meanwhile, New Moon in Virgo on 9th reminds us to pay attention to our work-life balance and to tend ourselves physically with healthy food and exercise.  This is also a good time to start helpful, new daily habits (and maybe drop some less helpful ones…).  Using our hands in a creative way is also highlighted, as is giving others a hand too.

Venus also changes sign on the same day and forms a tense aspect with Mars and Uranus.  This is a reminder that we may need to look afresh at how we assert ourselves and relate to others.  Sudden attractions could take place too or new forms of self-expression.

From 11th Mars moves into Aquarius giving us more energy for friends, groups and community.  Mars can also be hot-headed, so avoid ego scenarios and use this energy to push group projects ahead.

Full Moon is in the early hours of 25th (so the build-up is on 24th).  This Full Moon is in Aries and lands on Chiron, planet of wounding and healing.  This gives us the emotional energy to address old wounds which is an opportunity to begin to heal them.  This is in different areas of life for each sign.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:     The long review of Saturn’s transit through your father, career and social status zone ends on 6th which means the brakes that have been in place since mid-April are off and you can start to apply your hard-earned conclusions.  Your ruling planet Mars is raring to go in this area of your solar chart too until 11th, so push ahead with whatever needs to be done.

The Sun is in good aspect to Pluto which is in this area of your chart too from 10th – 11th.  Daily, creative hard work will help you to achieve your ambitions.  New Moon on 9th falls in your work, health and service to others zone.  This is a good time to take a health audit.  Have a good look at your daily routine too and make sure healthy habits are in place!

From 9th there is some conflict between your earnings and sense of security and ‘the money of others’ and sharing.  The way out of this tension is to focus your energies into friends, groups, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals.  The more you make headway here, the better you will feel.

Full Moon in the early hours of 25th is in Aries.  You will doubtless feel the build-up on 24th.  Old wounds may get triggered which reminds you to do something about them.  Surf that wave!


Taurus:     Saturn which has been bringing about a review in your travel, deep study, ethics and philosophy zone since mid-April, goes direct on 6th and you can start to put your plans into action.  Mars has been trying to push things ahead here since March (on and off) and finally can break through past old obstacles now that you are ready to make your decision.  The planetary coast is clear from 6th – 11th, so push ahead with your conclusions!

Your ruling planet Venus starts the month sweetly in your work, health and service to others zone, bringing pleasure through the rituals of daily life.  Then on 9th Venus glides into your relationships and partnerships zone.  This should be a harmonious thing but Uranus in your sign will demand some changes within yourself to allow this harmony to happen.

From 11th Mars leaps into your father, career and social status zone and you will have the energy and determination to push your ambitions forwards.  Any projects which have been on hold since late June, look viable once again.  Take steps to get them moving.  This too will require willingness on your part to change how you see yourself.  Stretch to meet this challenge!

New Moon on 9th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone.  This is a good time to start new projects here too.  Ideas will be thick on the ground, especially around 6th – 7th when a flash of inspiration or a certain someone captures your imagination.

New things are ready to come your way but for these to come to fruition, things will have to change.  And that means you too…


Gemini:     Since mid-April, retrograde Saturn has had you in its grip regarding joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances.  But on 6th it goes direct and you can finally put your hard-earned conclusions into place.  Intimacy and sharing come into this too.  Mars is standing by to push a new way forwards until 11th, so make the most of that period from 6th – 11th.

Your ruling planet Mercury will be on top form and full of creative ideas around 6th – 7th.  Ideas and plans about changes to the home or your nurturing responsibilities are active this month too, especially around New Moon on 9th.  This is a good time to make plans for home improvement or even better, get things started.  Nurturing, including yourself and your personal development also come under this umbrella.

Venus changes sign on 9th too and glides into your 6th House of work, health and service to others.  This brings pleasure through relating to colleagues and daily companions and through the rituals of your daily routine.  The only caution is not to go to excess in what you eat or drink.

On 11th Mars pours energy into your travel, deep studies, culture and ethics zone.  And Full Moon in the early hours of 25th falls in your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  Chiron gets triggered by this too which heightens the possibility of healing old wounds in any of these areas.  Take yourself in hand and make this possible.


Cancer:     Saturn has been retrograde since mid-April, putting things on hold and forcing you to review your relationships and partnerships.  The good news is – you can start to put your conclusions in place from 6th when Saturn goes direct.  Mars will help you to put this into action while it stays in this area of your chart until 11th.  Aim to move things forward swiftly from 6th until then.

Mars then leaps into your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing.  Are there any financial matters involving others that need sorting out?  This can include taxes, loans, debts, inheritances, making a will and money that you share with others.  This may not be straight forwards as Venus and Uranus trigger off Mars from 9th – 21st.  But the discomfort of this will prompt you to take action.

New Moon on 9th falls in your communications zone.  This is a good time to make plans for an exercise regime, sign up for classes of any kind and work on relations with neighbours and siblings.  It is also good for photographic projects.  And if you have ever thought of doing some writing, this is a perfect time to start!

Full Moon in the early hours of 25th, falls in your father, career and social status zone.  It also touches Chiron, planet of wounding and healing, in this area of your solar chart.  Emotions will be raised in connection to one or more of these areas.  The possibility of healing old wounds is there too.  Help it to happen!


Leo:     Finances and security are uppermost in your mind until 23rd.  New Moon on 9th also falls into this area of your solar chart which is the perfect time to make a financial audit and draw up a budget for the year ahead.  New ideas for ways of generating income crop up too, especially around 10th – 11th.

Saturn retrograde has had you on hold since mid-April in your work, health and service to others zone.  But this changes on 6th when Saturn goes direct and you can move forwards once again with your newly-found conclusions.  This applies to your daily routine and how you create well-being for yourself too.  Mars provides the energy and determination to immediately push ahead with this.  Act quickly after 6th and before 11th when Mars then moves on.

Venus moves into your mother and home zone from 9th and you will want to beautify your home and perhaps invite others to enjoy its pleasures with you.  Dealings with mother figures are harmonious too, although there may be conflicts between home and career or mother and father figures from 9th – 15th.  Your best bet if this does occur, is to apply your energies to your own relationships and partnerships, rather than getting tangled up in theirs…

Full Moon on 25th falls in your travel, philosophy and culture zone.  It also triggers Chiron, revealing any wounds you have been carrying in any of these areas or in your overall outlook or world view.  Self-awareness is more than half the battle.  Attend to what you discover.


Virgo:     The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 23rd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  Your ruling planet Mercury gives you mental energy too from 6th – 22nd and you will be on top form and full of creative ideas around 6th – 7th.

Saturn goes direct on 6th too in your romance, children and creativity zone.  This allows matters that have been on hold since mid-April, to move forwards once again.

New Moon in your sign on 9th marks the beginning of your personal New Year.  Make resolutions that will support and meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead.

After helping your finances along for the first nine days of the month, Venus changes signs on 9th and softens your style and smile.  Your communications whether spoken, written, capturing images or through movement, have the ability to please and captivate others.  You find pleasure too through your interactions.  Relationships also go well with siblings and neighbours (apart perhaps from possible unexpected exchanges around 9th – 15th).  Short journeys will be a pleasure too.

Full Moon in the early hours of 25th falls on Chiron in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone.  This can prompt you to heal earlier wounds that may have arisen from sharing in some way.  Loans or debts can be negotiated, wills can be made or adjusted and sharing yourself on an intimate level can be improved or considered once again.


Libra:    You will be pleased to know that Saturn goes direct in your mother and home zone on 6th after being retrograde since mid-April.  This has brought about a much-needed review of your nurturing and self-nurturing style and what you want from a home and how and where that should be.  Relations with mother figures may have been prominent too.  Mars is in this area of your chart too until 11th so put your conclusions into action as soon after 6th as you can.

Mars then leaps into your romance, children and creativity zone and gets involved in a dispute between your ruling planet Venus and Uranus.  This could involve money (and ‘the money of others’ which looks unpredictable), sharing or intimacy.  Creative solutions are your best choice!

The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 23rd.  Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st.  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Full Moon in the early hours of 25th is in your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships.  It also falls on Chiron which brings the themes of wounding and healing to the emotional mix.  Aim for the healing aspect: be that healing your relationship, your partner or yourself.


Scorpio:     The five-month review period that has been keeping things on hold in your communications zone, changes gear on 6th and you can start to put your hard earned conclusions into action once again.

Mars is on hand to help you press ahead until 11th.  You may also be able to clear any impasses that have occurred with siblings or neighbours.  Physical movement may become easier in some way too.

Your ruling planet Pluto gets the benefit of the Sun’s warming rays around 10th -11th which helps to generate positive thoughts.  Mercury too helps to keep your mind flexible around 15th – 16th.

From 11th Mars jumps into your 4th House of mother and home.  This is great for making your home a friendlier place and being proactive in self-nurture and personal development.  You know what you need for future growth.  Take steps to make this possible.

Venus glides into your sign on 9th which is also New Moon.  This is a good time to join groups, your community and humanitarian organisations.  Venus too adds to your charms and charisma.  Enjoy the fruits of your agreeability!


Sagittarius:     The long review of your finances that has been in place since mid-April completes on 6th.  Any hold-ups should resolve themselves, as should indecisiveness about how to proceed.  Mars is also on hand until 11th to help you put your conclusions into action and press them forward.

Mars then moves once again into your communications zone and mental energy follows.  Your general feistiness may not always be appreciated at work or by daily companions, so keep a watch on any tendency to be sharp-tongued.  Apply your mental energy to projects, exercise and physical movement.

New Moon on 9th falls in your father, career and social status zone.  This is a good time to put plans into place regarding your ambitions in any of these areas.

Venus changes sign on the same day and moves into your 12th House encouraging you to be creative behind the scenes.  Your compassion for the pain and suffering of others is softened too.  And you find you relate well to invalids, outcasts and people on the edge of society.  This brings pleasure to you and them, as do altruistic donations to charities.  We are all in the pool together and whatever happens to one person happens to us all.

Full Moon in the early hours of 25th, lands on Chiron in your romance, children and creativity zone.  This gives you emotional energy that can be used to help heal wounds or wounded ones in these areas of your life.  Being creative is therapeutic too – for all concerned.


Capricorn:     Your ruling planet Saturn goes direct on 6th, after five months of being retrograde.  This has been an opportunity to review your identity or self-expression in some way.  And now that it is direct you can put your conclusions into action.  Mars in your sign until 11th will be urging you forwards too so make as much headway as you can from 6th – 11th!

Mars then jumps into your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values.  You will want to make headway here too and will have energy to apply to new money-making projects.  Venus and Uranus are not entirely on board with this and may cause some waves but push ahead anyway!

Career prospects or dealings with authority figures look good both early and late in the month.  And New Moon on 9th is a good time to plan or make a trip or to sign yourself up for classes in cultural subjects – be that languages, philosophy or different cultures.  Also from 9th Venus offers pleasure from time spent with friends, groups and community.

Full Moon early on 25th falls in your mother and home, nurturing, self-care and personal development zone.  It also lands on Chiron which opens up the possibility of healing old wounds in one or more of these areas.  Be open and ready to work with this opportunity!


Aquarius:     The three planets in your 12th House of compassion for others, your inner workings and creativity behind the scenes, keep these areas of your life very active this month.  And even better, Saturn goes direct here on 6th, completing a five-month review of how to best deal with yourself.  Mars stays around too until 11th to push your newly-found conclusions ahead.

Mars then moves into your sign, making you a force to be reckoned with.  And with this extra determination and energy, you have a good chance of achieving whatever you set your mind to.

Meanwhile, Venus glides into your father, career and social status zone from 9th.  This smoothes the path of your ambitions and inclines people in authority to lean your way.  If you need favours from them, do not be afraid to ask.  And if you hold influence yourself, use it to help others along.

Even so, unexpected events or changes to do with your home or mother figures may pull in the opposite direction to your ambitions.  Or you may need to make changes at home or of your home to accommodate career moves and any new personal plans.

New Moon is also on 9th in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone.  This is a good point to sort out taxes, debts and loans and even make a will.  Mercury helps with communications and good ideas here too from 6th – 22nd, with flashes of inspiration around 6th – 7th.

Full Moon in the early hours of 25th falls on Chiron in your communications zone.  This can help to bring healing to your mindset, communications and dealings with neighbours and siblings.  Physical movement could be helped in some way too.  Stay open to all of these possibilities.


Pisces:     Saturn goes direct on 6th in your friends, groups and community zone, helping to resolve things that have been on hold since mid-April.  This has been a long review and hopefully you will now know how things should be handled.  Mars in this area of your chart is more than ready to push ahead with your conclusions from 6th – 11th.  Act quickly, before Mars springs off on other missions.

The Sun opposes your ruling planet Neptune around 6th – 7th and Mercury does the same from 13th – 14th.  These may take the form of challenges from partners or people you are in relationship with.  Relationships are always challenging but we grow through them and New Moon on 9th marks the beginning of your Relating New Year.  Make resolutions that will help you to find or build what you hope to find in your relationships in the month and year ahead.

Mars changes signs on 11th, energising your imagination (which is good for creative work behind the scenes).  It can also give you the energy and determination to work on unconscious patterns.  And as they are unconscious, doing this alone is not the way.  This is a courageous journey and if you are ready for it, find some good, professional help to support you on your voyage.

Full Moon in the early hours of 25th lands on Chiron in your finance zone.  This activates opportunities to help heal your finances or sense of security.  We often wrongly link self-esteem to our income.  Make sure you are not doing this.  Your values are also up for grabs.  Make time to ponder these and give yourself a compassionate break from harsh self-judgement.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).



August 2018

Our shared planetary picture –

We have an unusual month ahead with six out of eight planets going retrograde from 7th – 19th and five retrograde for most of the rest of the month.  This means it is time for us all to have a big review of many areas of life, both individually and collectively.

Only Venus and Jupiter (the two benefics) are direct all month which allows us to make progress in creating co-operation and harmony and expand our understanding.

Mars especially is in search of something that we should have actioned differently around 11th – 12th May.  Mercury too is retrograde until 19th in Leo and the New Moon and solar eclipse take place in Leo too on 11th.

Every eclipse belongs to an eclipse family that reoccurs approximately every 18 years.  And our eclipse on 11th is from a family that carries the theme of the collapse of existing structures to make way for a new direction.  This will be felt in different areas of life for each sign.

The impact of an eclipse can also be felt for a number of months, sometimes starting before the actual eclipse and sometimes afterwards.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:     Along with everyone else, you will be carrying out big reviews on how you have been operating recently.  Your ruling planet Mars is part of this too, taking you back to review during the first half of the month, how you have been dealing with friends, groups, community and organisations.

Then on 13th Mars moves back to review how you dealt with goal-setting, applying your will, assertiveness and the use of physical energy in general, just before mid-May.  This applies particularly to actions you did or did not take regarding career, social status and dealings with authority figures.  Mars then begins to go forwards on 27th and you can start to put your conclusions into action!

Romance, children and creativity are under review too as the New Moon and solar eclipse on 11th bring matters to your attention which can be felt for some months (both before and/or after the eclipse).  This eclipse represents the collapse of existing structures to make way for a new direction.  And its effects can be felt for some months, sometimes starting before the actual eclipse.  Mercury is retrograde too in this area of your chart until 19th which puts an emphasis on the need to be clear in your communications.

Overall health seems to be looking ok with Venus helping things along until 6th and then the Sun bringing warm energy from 23rd.  The Sun forms a lovely dynamic with Saturn and Uranus from 24th – 25th which should help with career and income if you are ready to put the work in.

From 6th Venus glides into your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships helping to create harmony and co-operation.  Joint funds, sharing and intimacy have the benefit of forward-moving Jupiter all month too so enjoy these aspects of life while learning more about the others.


Taurus:     Career matters and dealings with authority figures start the month on a go-slow or even in reverse as Mars heads backwards to review matters you either did or did not put into action last May.  The root of the problem lies in your philosophical outlook in some way.  Have you been too passively fatalistic?  Or has a lack of faith held you back from taking risks?  Have you imposed your beliefs on others in an unhelpful way or allowed others to do that to you?  Whether one of these or a different scenario, you can start to put matters right from 27th when Mars goes direct once again.

Mercury is retrograde too in your mother and home zone until 19th.  The New Moon and solar eclipse fall here too.  This particular eclipse carries the themes of a collapse of existing structures to make way for a new direction.  Its impact can be felt for some months, sometimes starting before the eclipse, sometimes after.  Other countries or more prestigious homes may feature as part of this.

Your ruling planet Venus glides into your chart sector of work, health and service to others from 6th.  This brings pleasure through helping others and your daily rituals can be a source of pleasure too.  Relations with colleagues and daily companions go well.  And the only danger is over-indulgence.  Look for pleasure through attending to your health and daily needs rather than going over the top.

From 24th – 25th there is a Grand Trine, an equilateral triangle of planets in Earth signs.  This is fortunate for building a product from your creative ideas.  Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity remains in the area of your solar chart that rules relationships and partnerships.  And this is one of the two planets that stay direct all month.  Make hay while the sun shines!


Gemini:     Your ruling planet Mercury starts the month retrograde in your communications zone until 19th.  If you have any important communications to see to, wait until after then if you can.  New Moon and the solar eclipse on 11th fall into this area of your solar chart too.  This eclipse carries the themes of the collapse of existing structures to make way for a new direction.  This could include old ways of thinking too.

Mars is also retrograde in your 9th House of travel, religion and philosophy.  It has been so since late June and retreats even further from 13th to the root of the problem – your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing.  Steps taken this May will need looking at again.  From 27th Mars starts to go direct and you can make the adjustments needed.

Venus glides into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity from 6th, bringing harmony and co-operation.  Your creative instincts will be strong and pleasurable (apart from a spot of confusion around 21st – 22nd).  Jupiter is direct all month too in your work, health and service to others zone.  Enhance your daily routine!


Cancer:     We are all facing obstacles this month which are also opportunities for growth.  Yours start in the joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone where Mars is taking you back to review the root of the problem which lies in relationships and partnerships.

Just before mid-May a course of action you took (or did not take) has to be looked at again and this time actioned in a more appropriate way.  You may not realise until after 27th what this should be but be sure to then put your conclusions into action.

Mercury starts the month retrograde too in your income, security and values zone.  This may involve back-tracking on financial decisions, money going temporarily missing or misunderstandings.  Try not to sign anything important until after 19th when Mercury goes direct.

The New Moon and eclipse on 11th also fall in this area of your solar chart.  This can bring a big change in where and how you find a sense of security in life.  The more flexible you can be in your response, the better.

Jupiter continues direct in your romance, children and creativity zone all month.  And from 6th Venus glides through your mother and home zone.  This is good for beautifying your home, enjoying its pleasures and sharing them with others.  If you are in the mood for entertaining, your guests will be well taken care of!


Leo:     The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 23rd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  New Moon on 11th is also in your sign which marks the beginning of your Personal New Year and interestingly there is a solar eclipse at the same time.  New Moon in your sign is usually the best time to make plans and resolutions for what you hope to build in your emotional life in the month and year ahead.  And the eclipse adds further depth to this.

Every eclipse belongs to an eclipse family that reoccurs approximately every 18 years.  The one on August 11th belongs to a family which carries the theme of an existing structure collapsing to make way for a new direction.  These may be significant themes in your month and year ahead.

Mercury starts the month retrograde in your sign too.  Up until 19th be extra clear in your communications or you may be misunderstood.  Double-check you have got your facts straight and have fully understood others before jumping to conclusions too.

Mars has been retrograde in your opposite sign since late June.  This has made it difficult to make headway in relationships and partnerships as a necessary review is taking place.  From 13th Mars moves even further back towards the root of the problem which is in your 6th House of work, health, service to others and daily routine.  Something you did or did not do around mid-May needs revising and once Mercury goes direct on 27th you can start to put your daily life straight.  You should also know by then, what exactly that means…


Virgo:     The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 23rd.  Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st.  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Mars remains retrograde in your work, health and service to others zone.  It has been going in reverse since late June, so it may have been hard to make headway in one or more of these areas.  From 13th it moves even further back into your romance, children and creativity zone.  Actions taken or not taken around mid-May are at the root of your recent impasse.  But when Mars goes direct on 27th you can start to move forwards, correcting your earlier stance as you go.

Your ruling planet Mercury starts the month retrograde too in your 12th House of the unconscious, compassion for others, spirituality and healing.  It goes direct again on 19th but the New Moon and solar eclipse fall here too on 11th and can have an impact for some months.  This can start before the eclipse or after and the theme involved this time is the collapse of existing structures to make way for a new direction.  Pay attention to any self-defeating patterns or negative self-talk that has undermined you.  It may be time to let go of these things.

Venus is sweetening your finances from 6th (although beware of the demands of others around 21st – 22nd).  The Sun in your sign forms a positive aspect with Saturn and Uranus from 24th – 25th too which is good for getting things done.  Jupiter also spends the month direct in your mother and home zone.  The themes of ‘a bigger home’ either in size, location, philosophy or emotional dynamics remains a rich area to explore…


Libra:     The month starts well as from 6th your ruling planet Venus glides into your sign and stays there until the end of the month and beyond.  This makes you darling of the zodiac and adds to your charms.  Getting co-operation from others should be easy, except perhaps from children and mother-figures, as these areas of life are still under review.

Mars which has been retrograde in your romance, children and creativity zone since late June, continues to reverse and in fact goes even further back from 13th, into your mother and home zone.  Actions taken (or not taken) around the middle of May, need reviewing.  Once Mars goes direct on 27th you have a second chance to proceed in matters to do with mother figures or home, in a more forthright way.

Mercury starts the month retrograde too in the friends, groups and community area of your solar chart.  Double-check that you have been clear in your communications, to avoid misunderstandings.  Mercury goes direct on 19th so things should be more straight forwards from then onwards.

The second solar eclipse of this eclipse season is on 11th and is also in your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone.  This eclipse carries the themes of the collapse of present structures to make way for a new direction.  The effects of this can be felt for months, sometimes before or after the eclipse.

Jupiter keeps going direct all month in your finance zone, indicating opportunities for growth in your personal income or in how you achieve a sense of security: and this may not be materially.  Faith in life can do the job just as well and is a rich area to explore.


Scorpio:     This is a challenging month for us all but Scorpios are resourceful and better equipped than most to ride the waves, however bumpy they may be.  The bumps for you come in two main places – your 4th House and 10th House.

Mars has been moving retrograde through your 4th House of mother, home and nurturing since late June.  This indicates a review was needed and is taking place in how well you have been applying your energies in these areas.

On 13th Mars goes even further back to the root of the problem: communications and your way of thinking.  The period this is rooted in, is just before mid-May when you may have been ‘applying’ your thoughts or words in an unhelpful way.  This has been making home life, self-nurturing, personal development or dealings with mother figures unfulfilling in some way.

On 27th however, Mars turns direct and you can begin to put right whatever went wrong, be this actions, words or negative thinking.

Mercury planet of thought and communication also starts the month retrograde and remains so until 19th, in your father, career and social status zone.  Try to avoid signing any contracts until after this date if you can.

New Moon and the solar eclipse also fall in this area of your chart.  Eclipses can have impact over a number of months, sometimes before and sometimes after the actual eclipse.  This one belongs to an eclipse family that is to do with the collapse of existing structures to make way for a new direction.

Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity remains direct in your sign all month.  This happily puts the wind in your sails to stay buoyant amidst all the challenges!


Sagittarius:     Communications may continue to be tricky during the first half of the month as Mars remains retrograde.  It has been moving backwards in your communications zone since late June, indicating the need for a review of some kind in your way of thinking, speaking or moving.  Dealings with neighbours and siblings comes into this too.

On 13th Mars goes even further back into your 2nd House of money, security and values.  This suggests that the root of your communication problem lies here somewhere.  And actions you took or did not take around mid-May could be the cause of recent frustrations.  Once Mars goes direct on 27th you can start to apply your conclusions and proceed in a more helpful way.

Mercury planet of communication is also retrograde at the start of the month.  This can cause hiccoughs in travel plans or misunderstandings with people from different countries, cultures or belief systems.  Mercury goes direct on 19th but the New Moon and solar eclipse are also in this area of your chart on 11th which can have an impact over some months.  This particular eclipse belongs to a series that covers the collapse of existing structures to make way for a new direction.  This can include studies, travel, beliefs, ethics and dealings with in-laws, publishers and the legal system.

Your ruling planet Jupiter remains on course and moving forwards all month.  It is helping to bring unconscious matters to light and is helpful in compassionate acts and creativity behind the scenes.  Be open to messages that your dreams or creative work are trying to tell you!


Capricorn:     Making headway feels harder than usual this month as six planets are moving retrograde and from 13th, three of them are in your sign!  Mars starts the month retrograde in your money, security and values zone and then retreats back to the source of the problem… you!

Just before mid-May decisions you took around your identity and actions you did or did not take around self-expression, need to be re-visited as this has had an unhelpful effect on your income, sense of security or values.  From 27th onwards you can start to put things right, if you have done your inner homework.

Mercury starts the month retrograde too in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone.  Try not to sign joint agreements until after 19th when the chance of misunderstandings lessens.  The New Moon and solar eclipse also fall in this area of your solar chart on 11th which carries an impact for some months.  This can sometimes be felt before the eclipse, after or both!

This eclipse belongs to an eclipse family that is to do with the collapse of existing structures to make way for a new direction.  Be aware of self-imposed limitations and try to free yourself of them.


Aquarius:     Mars starts the month retrograde in your sign this month, continuing the review that started late June about how you have (or not) been asserting yourself, especially around mid-May.  On 13th Mars reverses even further into your 12th House to get to where the root of the problem lies: your unconscious, time spent alone and undermining self-talk.  Once Mars goes direct on 27th you can start to put your best foot forward in correcting whatever went wrong earlier on.

Mercury starts the month retrograde too in your relationships and partnerships zone.  Be extra clear in your communications and make sure you have fully-understood others to avoid misunderstandings until 19th when Mercury goes direct.

On 11th the New Moon and solar eclipse is also in your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships and marks a possible collapse of existing structures, to make way for a new direction.  This can unfold over a number of months sometimes before or after the actual eclipse.

Venus glides into your exploration zone from 6th.  This brings pleasure through travel, different cultures and people who hold different beliefs to your own.  This is also good for dealings with in-laws, publishers and the legal system.

Your ruling planet Uranus goes retrograde on 7th, taking you back to review any compromises you may have made to do with mother and home, self-nurture and personal development.  Earlier ways of thinking or compromised communications are at the root of this and you have until early January to get to the bottom of the reasons this review is needed.

Meanwhile Jupiter continues to steer forwards in your father, career and social status zone all month.  Keep an eye open for new opportunities.  At least the path is clear here!


Pisces:     Jupiter is in good aspect to your ruling planet Neptune all month which creates the sort of intuitive current you thrive on.  You would do well to swim in these waters as there are many challenges for us all to tackle out on dry land.

Mars continues to be retrograde in your unconscious.  It has been here since late June and you may have stumbled upon some unconscious anger that has been lurking undetected from long ago.  On 13th Mars moves even further back into your friends, groups and community zone.  Your recent turmoil may hark back to events around mid-May.  From 27th Mars goes direct and you have a second chance to resolve matters and move forwards.

Mercury starts the month retrograde too in your work, health and service to others zone which can cause misunderstandings with colleagues or daily companions or trigger health irritations.  It goes direct once again on 19th but New Moon and the solar eclipse on 11th fall in this area of your solar chart too.  This eclipse belongs to an eclipse family that carries the theme of the collapse of existing structures to make way for a new direction.  Be open to changes in your daily routine, be pro-active in fact and be alert to new opportunities in work and well-being.

The Sun enters your relationships and partnerships zone from 23rd and Venus softens your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone from 6th.  This can be helpful regarding ‘the money of others’ including tax rebates, loans and inheritances.  Jupiter is keeping your travel, studies, culture and ethics zone buoyant all month.  Whether you choose to go physical or meta-physical – explore!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).





July 2018

Our shared planetary picture

This is our first full month of summer or winter, (depending which hemisphere you live in) and a lot of planets are changing direction. Jupiter goes direct on 10th after being retrograde since March. This period has been a review of how well we have been recognising and grasping the opportunities on offer for growth.

Sometimes we do not recognise opportunities for what they are and at others we (wrongly) think they will always be there and so do not grasp them at the time. Self-importance can be another wrong turning that fans a sense of expansion but does not result in true growth.

Hopefully now aware of our earlier mis-readings, we can now once again move forwards, ready for all the opportunities that come our way. Jupiter is presently in Scorpio, so transformation is on offer too.

Pluto, Neptune, Saturn and Mars remain retrograde all month and we will be looking at this more closely next month. Mercury joins them too from 26th which can cause misunderstandings or communications to go astray. Bear this in mind if any information goes missing too.

We also have two intense eclipses this month. New Moon on 13th is a lunar eclipse that opposes Pluto and the Full Moon on 27th is a solar eclipse that falls exactly on retrograde Mars. These are emotional waves that can stir up unconscious power surges, anger and frustration. The second one on 27th is also close to the nodal axis which is about our collective evolutionary development. It also triggers Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution, so the outcomes can be sudden and unpredictable too.

As well as collectively, we will all experience this individually, in different areas of life for each sign.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    The Sun continues to warm and activate your mother and home zone until 22nd. But most of the action this month is in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity. Venus promises good times until 10th and Mercury keeps things lively until 26th when it goes retrograde. Clinch any deals before then.

New Moon on 13th is also in this area of your solar chart which is a good time to make plans towards what you hope to find in your emotional and domestic life in the month and year ahead. Pluto is opposite this, so career demands may run contrary to your emotional needs. Or there could be a clash between mother and father figures or you may need a better base to spring into the world from.

Venus moves into your work, health and service to others zone from 10th. This helps relations run smoothly with colleagues and daily companions, apart from some possible confusion around 23rd – 24th. The rituals of daily life can be pleasurable too.

Jupiter goes direct on 10th in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. This marks the end of a review period that has been brought about by opportunities that you either didn’t take or took wihout questioning around mid-December last year. Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion and hopefully now you will know how future expansion should go ahead. And you have until early-October to make a better job of it this time.

The ongoing review in your father, career and status zone continues. And your ruling planet Mars spends the whole month retrograde. This is in your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone, so a review is taking place here too.

Full Moon on 27th is also a solar eclipse and also falls on Mars. So Moon and Mars oppose the Sun, setting up tension between personal creativity and group collective aims. Whether a person of interest should be a love interest or a friend is also a possible dilemma in this line up, as could be the conflicting demands of family or friends. These tensions burst out in your 2nd House which shakes up your finances, values or sense of security. Acknowledge the discomfort and learn more about yourself.


Taurus:    Communications continue to go well for the first three weeks of the month as the Sun encourages you to express yourself. Short journeys, trading and dealings with neighbours and siblings should go well too (apart from a spot of tension around 11th – 12th).

Your ruling planet Venus makes time at home and relations with mother figures pleasurable until 10th. Communications could get heated around 4th – 5th but then continue well until 26th when Mercury goes retrograde.

Meanwhile, Jupiter which has been retrograde in your relationships and partnerships zone since March, goes direct on 10th, opening the way for growth and expansion. This could mean new opportunities, growth within an existing relationship or freedom from whoever may be laying claim to you at present. Venus moves into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity on the same day, offering pleasures here too, so things are looking up! Resist any impulse to rescue people around 23rd – 24th though, when all may not be as it seems.

Mars remains retrograde in your father, career and social status zone all month, continuing the review of how you have been applying yourself in these areas and what action might be needed once this period is over, to make headway.

Full Moon on 27th falls on Mars too and triggers off Uranus which is still newly in your sign. The impetus for change will be strong as an eclipse is involved too. And the main change needed could be your whole identity and the version of yourself that you settled on, until now… Time to look at yourself afresh. This is a call for an awakening which may be uncomfortable, unwanted and unexpected. But that is the price of awakening and excitement!


Gemini: You’re active on the money-making front this month and a new strand of income could come into view with the New Moon on 13th. This is a good time to make a budget and plans for your financial year ahead. Keep an eye out though for financial demands coming from others (possibly taxes, debts, inheritances or partners). Sharing can be growthful, so give it some thought but the decisions should be yours, not other people’s.

Communications are well-starred for most of the month, especially before 10th when Venus creates pleasure through daily interactions and dealings with neighbours and siblings. Short journeys can be fun too. Your ruling plant Mercury keeps you busy here all month. And you can probably talk anyone into anything. This is good for trading too until Mercury goes retrograde on 26th.

On 10th Venus moves into your mother and home zone and you may feel like beautifying your home or inviting others round to share in its pleasures. Relations with mother-figures is pleasurable too.

Jupiter also goes direct on 10th in your 6th House of work, health and service to others. This completes a four-month review of how well you have been tending to your physical well-being. Jupiter is planet of growth, expansion and opportunity, so we are looking for growth here (and not in your girth…). What could you add to your daily routine that would enhance your well-being? Or perhaps, what could you remove? Jupiter here could also mean a new job or the opportunity to learn about different cultures and philosophies through daily companions, perhaps colleagues or even pets.

Full Moon and the solar eclipse on 27th falls in your travel, philosophy, publishing and legal zone. Things have been put on hold or have been going backwards since late June and you have until late August to work out what needs to be done differently. In-laws could be a bit of a nightmare too… This is not a time to push ahead but it is a time to take stock.

Uranus gets triggered by this tension which has just move into your 12th House of inner-workings. Dreams and even visions could bring you nuggets of new awareness about the present and past which can helpfully (albeit disruptively) inform your future. If you practice any form of creativity, Uranus will mark a new era of originality and excitement in your work behind the scenes. Dealings with vulnerable people and institutions (prisons, hospitals etc) could be awakening too and your spiritual views could change.


Cancer:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 22nd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. New Moon on 13th is also in your sign which marks he beginning of your Personal New Year. Make plans and resolutions for what you hope to find in your emotional life in the month and year ahead. Pluto is opposite this New Moon which indicates partners will play a huge, transformational role in this and may undergo their own transformations which strongly impact you.

Your finances are looking fine as the month starts out, specially up until 10th. There may be lots of movement and activity too as Mercury steps up communications until 26th when it goes retrograde. (Sign anything important before then). From 10th communications in general go well, as do trading and relations with neighbours and siblings. Short journeys can be a source of pleasure too.

Jupiter goes direct on 10th in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity. This completes a long review, assessing how you dealt with opportunities that were around mid-December last year. Hopefully you now know how best to proceed as the path is open once again until early-October.

Chiron and Saturn are square this month which can bring up old wounds around your experience of your father and how that has impacted your relationships, including the type of partners you choose. Be alert to patterns of relating that you notice in yourself. Self-awareness is the first step to turning things around to a more helpful pattern.

Full Moon on 27th is also an eclipse and also falls on Mars which is still retrograde in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone. This clash between what is yours and the demands of others, bursts out in your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone. Awakening experiences can turn up here. Be ready for them!


Leo:    Venus continues to add to your charms until 10th and then moves on to help with money matters for the rest of the month. You will be feeling communicative too until 26th when Mercury goes retrograde in your sign. Get important negotiations out of the way before then.

Your energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as your ruling planet the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd. Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunities goes direct on 10th in your mother and home zone. Things have been under review and moving backwards since early March or even last December but from 10th onwards there is forward movement and the opportunities for growth are strong. This could involve a larger home or one in another country or culture, expansion in the emotional dynamics of your home or an improvement in your relationships with mother figures or new vistas for them. Things are looking better, whichever way it manifests. Self-nurture comes into this too.

Your internal processes are active during the first three weeks of the month, as is work behind the scenes. You want to express your soul and superficial exchanges just will not do. The demands of daily tasks and attending to your health may also feel like unwelcome intrusions into your creative flow.

Relationships and partnerships are still under review and will continue to be so until late August. Full Moon and the solar eclipse on 27th land heavily in this area of your solar chart and have implications for your father, career and social status in some way too, (something or all of whichever have just started to undergo revolutionary change…).


Virgo:    The Sun is encouraging you to make space for pleasant times with friends, groups or your community until 22nd but even better than this, Venus glides into your sign on 10th and stays there until early-August. This adds to your charms and makes you desirable and popular too!

New Moon on 13th opposes Pluto. This marks a new phase with friends or groups, including community and organisations. This would be fine, except your personal need for self-expression is powerfully strong right now and you may not want to appease group opinion. Or there could be conflicting demands between family and friends.

Your 12th House of compassion, unconscious, healing and spirituality is also busy this month. Your soul might be trying to talk to you which could take the form of dreams, nunexplainable experiences and highly-tuned antennae. Listen carefully.

Your mind and thought patterns may not have been your best friend over the past four months, as Jupiter has been going retrograde in your 3rd House of communications. This can easily blow things out of proportion, either in your own mind or in your dealings with others. Equally this may have been a period of reviewing such tendencies. Whichever it has been, Jupiter is now heading forwards which is good for positive thinking. (And Virgos are always the better for that).

Mars continues retrograde in your 6th House of work, health and service to others all month. How you assert yourself at work and in your daily life is under review. And whether or not you are in the right job may be a question mark too.

Your daily routine could also do with some scrutiny. Are you using and directing your energies in a helpful way? (This includes being helpful to yourself). Or have you been dissipating energy fruitlessly? Would a digital holiday (abandoning all electronic gadgets) enhance your well-being at this time?

Full Moon on 27th falls directly on this point in your solar chart. There is also an eclipse which lengthens its impact. This can sometimes be felt during the months leading up to the eclipse or in the months after. Some of the tensions from this, burst out in your 9th House of travel, religion, philosophy, deep studies and world view. Your viewpoint and what you hold as true, is at the start of a seven-year revolution. And you might become very aware of it, this month.


Libra:    Career and relations with authority or father figures go well until 22nd as the Sun keeps interactions warm and expressive. New Moon on 13th also falls in this area of your solar chart. This marks the beginning of your Professional New Year. Make plans for what you hope to find in the month and year ahead.

Pluto gets triggered at the same time which means deep events relating to mother figures, self-nurture or the home will have a transformational impact on what you achieve in the world. So make sure your base (physical and emotional) is right for you to spring into the world from.

Your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals is busy too with your ruling planet Venus smoothing thngs along until 10th. Mercury aids communications here until 26th when it goes retrograde.

From 10th onwards, Venus is in your 12th House of compassion, spirituality and creativity behind the scenes. Tranquil, reflective time alone can be a pleasure. Try to schedule this in.

From 10th Jupiter goes direct in your finance zone, allowing you to finally move ahead with plans for expansion that have been under review for most of this year. This also relates to values and security needs.

We usually seek security through material things but Jupiter may want to expand your thinking around this. Where does the feeling of ‘enough’ come from? This is a time to explore and find new answers. And if you are open to going even deeper, where in your past did the feeling of ‘not enough’ come from? You have until early October to make a good start on this.

Full Moon on 27th falls on Mars in your romance, children and creativity zone and squares Uranus in your 8th House of joint funds, sharing and intimacy. You may feel shaken up by this, as an eclipse is involved too. Be alert for the awakening quality of events that take place. They are for you not against you.


Scorpio:    Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity goes direct in your sign on 10th after a four-month review of how you have been responding to opportunities for growth. This may have involved your sense of identity, self-expression and outlets for that expression. From 10th onwards you can apply your conclusions and continue to do so up until early-October. Jupiter only visits your sign every 12 years, so be sure to grasp this offer of growth.

Travel, deep studies and cultural exploration go well during the first three weeks of the month, although a Sun – Pluto opposition around 11th – 12th and New Moon on 13th may pull you in different directions.

The main emphasis this month though is in your 10th House of father, career and social status. Venus is smoothing things along until 10th, inclining people in authority to help you along. The Sun comes to encourage your self-expression here too from 22nd and Mercury helps communications all month up until 26th when it goes retrograde.

Your home situation and dealings with mother figures continues to be taxing. A review is going on here too. How have you been asserting yourself at home? And could it be too much or not enough? This is brought to a head around Full Moon on 27th which is also an eclipse that falls right on retrograde Mars in this part of your solar chart.

Uranus gets triggered by this too which highlights the need for change in relationships and partnerships. If your partnerships are not nurturing you, why are you in them? Or what needs to change? Perhaps on the other hand, you do feel nurtured by them. But does your partner? Honesty and self-honesty are the only way forward.


Sagittarius:    ‘The money of others’ looks promising during the first three weeks of this month, although your own financial priorities or security needs may clash with this around 11th – 13th.

Your ruling plant Jupiter goes direct on 10th after being retrograde since last March. Optimism (if it was temporarily hard to find) should return and you may feel this in your sense of compassion, creatively behind the scenes or even spiritually. If you have been going through writer’s block (or any other creative equivalent) the brakes should now be off.

Travel and dealings with people from different countries, cultures or belief systems is stimulating all month. Venus offers pleasure through these pursuits until 10th and Mercury keeps communications open until 26th when it goes retrograde. Try to arrange trips for before then. Publishing, legal matters and dealings with in-laws could feature too.

On 10th Venus glides into your 10th House of father, career and social status. This helps you to find co-operation from others in professional matters. People in positions of authority will be inclined to help you too, so do not be afraid to ask.

Mars remains retrograde all month in your 3rd House of communications. Watch your tongue! Sagittarian honesty can be too much for some, especially if it comes with a sharp edge. Why not channel discontent and observations into your creative work rather than directing it at individuals?

Full Moon on 27th is also an eclipse and hits this very spot in your solar chart. This sets off a chain reaction that finds an outlet in your 6th House of work, health and service to others. Make sure you get plenty of exercise so that this energy does not just rev round your nervous system.

Ideals about mother and home (on a personal or collective scale) continue and late July you may find yourself on a rescue mission. This could be towards a person you feel protective towards or even Mother Nature.


Capricorn:    Relationships and partnerships are warm and expressive as the Sun keeps things buoyant through to 22nd. Joint funds, sharing and intimacy go well too, especially up until 10th when Venus creates a sense of ease and well-being. Mercury is keeping communications open here too until 26th when it goes retrograde. Settle important matters before then.

New Moon on 13th also falls in your relationships and partnerships zone, marking the start of your Relational New Year. This is a time to make plans for what you hope to find in your partnerships in the month and year ahead. The only possible difficulty here is that Pluto (still in your sign) is opposite all of this, meaning that the only spanner in the works may be you… The massive transformation that you are undergoing these years will automatically impact your partners and partnerships and you will need people who can undsrstand and roll with your deep internal changes.

Venus is in your 9th House of travel, study, philosophy and culture from 10th which makes it a good time to travel or enjoy exploring different cultures and people with different viewpoints to your own. Publishing and legal matters could go well too.

Jupiter has been carrying out a review of your approach towards friends and groups or community and humanitarian matters. And also from 10th you can start to apply your new conclusions as the door opens for forward movement.

Your personal finances and income are still undergoing a review as Mars continues to head backwards in this area of your solar chart. This may not help your sense of security but take it as an opportunity to review your values as you may have been expressing inappropriate actions in your finances. Full Moon on 27th triggers this too and further stimulates the beginning of the new seven-year revolution that has just started in the romance, children and creativity area of your solar chart. There is an eclipse here too, so this will have some impact for months to come.


Aquarius:    Relationships and partnerships start the month well as Venus adds a warm glow and harmonious vibe. The Sun arrives too on 22nd encouraging self-expression and Mercury keeps communications open all month until 26th.

Jupiter which has been retrograde in your father, career and social status zone since early March, goes direct on 10th meaning the way is now clear to pursue professional opportunities. Which direction to take may be not that clear though as Mars is still retrograde in your sign which leaves you wondering just where you should apply yourself.

The Full Moon and eclipse on 27th is in Aquarius and lands right on Mars in your sign which will have quite an impact. The tension of this bursts out in your 4th House of mother and home too, into the next few months. Your ruling planet Uranus has recently moved into this area of your life which will be shaking things up for the next seven years.

At the end of the month the pressing question may be: is your home or the emotional dynamics in it, supportive to you? And what changes might you need to take re self-nurture and personal development? There could be sudden changes happening to mother-figures too.

Any of the above could be a source of emotional disruption but the important thing is to focus on what feelings are brought up for you, rather than the events themselves. Buried childhood memories can come to the surface which is rich material to work with to help turn around any unhelpful emotional patterns. Take support from a counsellor or therapist if you are ready to embark upon this journey. You will not regret it.


Pisces:    Romance, children and creativity look warm and cheerful during the first three weeks of the month. The weekend of 7th – 8th looks dreamy too!
Partnerships also take on a warm glow from 10th when Venus glides in, creating harmony. (Apart from a brief hiccough around 23rd – 24th when Venus opposes Neptune but this soon passes).

New Moon on 13th also marks the start of a new phase for you in romance, children and creativity. Pluto opposes though from your friends, groups and community zone and you may have to choose between personal and collective goals.

Work, health and well-being are a big deal this month . Up until 26th, Mercury helps communications with colleagues or daily companions. Mindfulness and physical exercise can go well too.

Jupiter which has been retrograde for four months in your travel, studies and ethics zone, goes direct on 10th, allowing you to move forwards once again.
Mars is still retrograde in your 12th House of the unconscious, healing and spirituality. And Full Moon on 27th falls on this, high-lighting any unconscious anger or self-sabotage that has been going on. This could burst out in impulsive words too…

The best way to heal unresolved pain is with the support of a counsellor or therapist. And now could be a good time to begin your inner explorations as this planetary combination could up-root previously buried memories that you could be ready to now work on.

Creativity is another helpful path to channel emotions into. Add this string to your bow too.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


June 2018

Our shared planetary picture

There are lots of minor confrontations this month as Venus runs up against Pluto, Uranus and Mars.  What we want in relationships seems to fluctuate between the need for depth and intensity at one point and freedom at another.  It may be best to keep things on an experimental level rather than commit at present.

Mars in Aquarius all month arouses our humanitarian feelings.  Time spent with friends, groups and community feels positive and so might campaigns that you agree with.  Do what you can before Mars goes retrograde on 26th.

Neptune also goes retrograde on 18th and stays that way until late November.  This is a time to review our ideals around the disenfranchised and those in need.  And this review period relates to decisions taken or events that took place or did not take place in late February this year.  Use your antennae to work out which wrong turn was taken.  And offer your voice in putting it right.

Full Moon in Capricorn on 28th (04.54 GMT so the build-up is on 27th) falls within one degree of Saturn, planet of responsibilities, limitations, boundaries and lessons.  This is a serious emotional wave that reminds us of our duties and obligations.  The more you accept these, the easier the flow.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:     The month kicks off with a burst of mental energy as your ruling planet Mars teams up with Mercury on 1st – 2nd.   This is good for putting ideas into action which is one of your favourite activities.  Communications in general go well too during the first three weeks of the month as Mercury and the Sun keep things moving.  This is good for physical movement too, including moving your body and short journeys.

New Moon on 13th also falls in this area of your solar chart which is a good time to make plans for trips, trading, short courses, writing, learning languages and interactions with siblings and neighbours.

Meanwhile Venus is casting a warm glow over your mother and home zone until 13th and then moves on to highlight romance, creativity and anything to do with children.  There may be an uncomfortable jolt around 14th – 15th when Venus squares Uranus, challenging your sense of security in some way.  Mars also opposes Venus around 21st – 22nd when the demands of friendship and romance are at odds.  Do you want to move someone from one category to the other?  Or does someone want to do that to you?

Things are likely to get even less clear when Mars goes retrograde from 26th and you may need to rethink earlier assumptions.  Full Moon on 28th (with the build-up on 27th) falls in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  It lands on Saturn too which adds weight to the swell.  Are you balancing demands of the world and your emotional needs?  Take a good look at that axis.


Taurus:     We spoke last month about Uranus bursting into your sign and its dynamic effect and this is going to be your first full month of just that.  Uncomfortable as this may be, it is time to cast any fixed ideas to the wind and to look at yourself afresh.  This includes self-talk “I’m not the sort of person who would….”  Previously not but now who knows?  It is time to be experimental too in how you dress and present yourself to the world.  When you have time, go into a shop and try on things you would never have dreamt of wearing.  You do not need to buy anything, just open your mind to new possibilities.

Your ruling planet Venus is smoothing communications during the first half of the month apart from a short burst between 3rd – 6th when power surges (yours or others’) could cause some waves.  Your response to this does not need to be pleasing others at any cost or others pleasing you (ditto 24th – 25th).  Aim for equality during both periods.

New Moon on 13th (19.44 GMT) falls in the finance area of your solar chart.  This is the perfect time to set yourself a new budget or to rearrange work commitments to fit around your values or need for creativity.

From 13th onwards you will be wanting to beautify your home but your ambitions, career demands or father figures may have other plans for you around 19th – 21st.  Mars is pushing forwards in your father, career and social status zone all month and you will have energy to go with it but on 28th it goes retrograde and you will need to review your actions and responses to events or opportunities that you made around mid-May.  Missed opportunities may come again between late –August to mid-October.  Do your inner-homework so you will be ready to grasp them next time.


Gemini:     The Sun ball remains in your court until 21st, providing warmth and energy and the joy of self-expression.  You should have lots of mental energy on 1st and 2nd too when Mercury and Mars happily team up.  Ideas may also be running through your head about finances and new forms of income, as your ruling planet Mercury skips through your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values.  Venus adds a rosy glow to your financial outlook too until 13th.

New Moon on 13th (at 19.44 GMT) is in Gemini which marks the beginning of your Personal New Year too.  Make resolutions that will lead towards what you hope to find in your emotional life in the month and year ahead.

Also on 13th Venus glides into your 3rd House of communications.  This runs into a tense dynamic with Uranus briefly on 13th – 15th which may jolt your inner workings.  This can be helpful in bringing buried memories to light or raising your awareness in some way.

Venus then moves on adding charm to your silver tongue.  It also offers pleasure through mental and physical agility, correspondence, short journeys and dealings with siblings and neighbours.

There may be a danger of pleasing others at your own expense around 24th – 25th.   And from 26th your long-distance travel, legal or study plans may need reviewing, as Mars goes retrograde.  Mercury, planet of communication ends the month in your 3rd House of communication and immediately lines up with Uranus and Chiron.  This is a lot of mental energy that could rev up your nervous system.  To avoid this unhelpful outcome, apply this energy to projects and get lots of exercise!


Cancer:     The month before our birthday we are often at lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time.  This year the Sun returns to your sign on 21st bringing energy and a sense of renewal.  Your birthday is your true New Year, not January 1st.  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Venus is still moving through your sign until 13th, heightening your charms.  Mercury joins in too from 12th, helping you to think on your feet.  Your way with words will be on good form too.  From 13th onwards Venus helps things along in your finance zone.  The only fly in the ointment may be the financial situations and demands of others…

Jupiter keeps reversing through your romance, children and creativity zone and will continue to do so until July.  This is a period of review to look at how you have dealt with these matters in the past and how you want to deal with them in the future.

Holiday plans or dream journeys may have to be put on hold from 18th.  Joint finances and ‘the money of others’ may grind to a halt too from 26th.  Partnerships continue to need lots of attention and could be particularly demanding around 6th, 16th, 23rd and 27th as your personal planets run up against Saturn and Pluto.  Full Moon on 28th (at 04.54 GMT) is poignant too, as will be the day leading up to it.

Your mission throughout all passing turmoil at present is to keep a sense of security through creativity or a value system that gives a sense of security.  These are the important things to hold on to.


Leo:     Friends, groups and community are a bright and breezy area for you until 21st and you will have lots to say to keep everyone amused and vice versa.  New Moon falls here too on 13th which is a good time to think about joining a group or starting one of your own.  You will be pushing forwards in relationships and partnerships too up until 26th when Mars goes retrograde to review decisions and actions taken mid-May.

The month also starts with three planets in your 12th House of the unconscious, compassion and creativity behind the scenes.  Your creative juices are flowing and your communication skills and creative outcomes will reach others and can have a healing effect.  Be sure to keep self-talk positive so that you can benefit from this too.

From 13th Venus is in your sign, heightening your charms and making you darling of the zodiac for a month.  The first few days of this (13th – 15th) may not go as expected when Uranus gets triggered.  And 24th – 25th decisions have to be made about how far you are prepared to go in pleasing others.  (This includes family too).

Joint finances and ‘the money of others’ may seem illusive after 18th when Neptune goes retrograde.  And Full Moon on 28th touches Saturn in your 6th House of work, health, service to others and daily routine.  Saturn concerns structures and responsibilities, so take this time to look at how you have been arranging your daily routine and rituals.  A health review can be helpful too.  Are you being your own best friend in this respect?


Virgo:     Your father, career and social status zone is looking lively up until 21st and Mars makes a good aspect to Mercury there on 1st – 2nd when you find it easy to put your ideas into action.  In fact Mars is in your 6th House of work, health and service to others all month.  This is a good time to attend to your daily routine and add or remove habits to enhance your well-being.  Do this before 26th though as Mars goes retrograde from then until late August.

Venus brings harmony and pleasure to your dealings with friends, groups and community until 13th apart from a brief hiccup when it opposes Pluto from 4th – 6th.   Be on the lookout for power games then, so as to avoid them.  Your ruling planet Mercury takes over as Venus moves on and from 21st the Sun brings warmth to this area of your solar chart too.  Make time to express yourself with others.

Neptune in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships goes retrograde on 18th, taking you back to review decisions or stances taken regarding relationships last February.  Have you been too idealistic or too self-sacrificing?  You have until late November to mull this over and put it right.

New Moon on 13th falls in your father, career and social status zone.  This is the start of your Professional New Year.  Make plans and resolutions that will help you to achieve your ambitions in the month and year ahead!


Libra:     Travel, study and legal matters are a highlight during the first three weeks of the month.  The world of ideas and philosophy can be a source of pleasure too.  New Moon on 13th is also in this area of your solar chart which makes it a good time to make plans to explore the physical or meta-physical world in the month and year ahead.

Finances continue to look uncertain as Jupiter keeps heading backwards.  It will continue to do so until July.  There is little you can do about this, other than review your previous stand on security and on how it can be achieved.  Most people pursue this by trying to gather together money and possessions but a more lasting sense of security can be achieved through creativity or through a belief or value system that gives a sense of security.  This is another area to explore.

Your ruling planet Venus is gliding through your 10th House of father, career and social status until 13th.  This would normally be helpful in career terms, especially in getting people in authority on your side but Plutonian power dynamics are opposing this until 8th.

From 13th Venus moves into your friends, groups and community zone.  Make time to enjoy these.  Full Moon on 28th lands on Saturn in your mother and home zone.  This highlights current restrictions and responsibilities.  Seek comfort and support from friends.


Scorpio:     You may feel like you are swimming against the tide as Jupiter continues to go retrograde in your sign.  This is not to discourage you, it is an opportunity to take time for inner-reflection on how you have previously dealt with yourself (and as a result, others) and how you would rather do things in the future.  This is the last full lap of this long swim, so give it the time and thought that it needs.

Joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances are looking lively during the first three weeks of the month.  Discussions about these, intimacy and sharing can be fruitful too.  Meanwhile Venus is offering pleasure through travel, deep studies and exploring the world, different cultures and philosophies.  This may not be apparent in your communications or thought processes around 3rd – 6th though.  Keep your cool, however compelling your thought patterns may be and get plenty of exercise to dilute them.

Mars in your mother and home zone makes you very active on the home front and you will have the energy and determination to push projects forward.  Mars goes retrograde on 26th though which may slow things down or draw them to a halt, so make as much headway as you can before then.

From 13th Venus glides into your 10th House of father, career and social status.  This usually brings support from people in authority.  If you need any favours, go ahead and ask (apart from 19th – 21st and after 26th).  Although your focus is more on the home front at present, take this opportunity to get people in the world behind you.


Sagittarius:     Relationships and partnerships are looking lively this month up until 21st as Mercury and the Sun help to keep things warm and communications open.  Joint funds ‘the money of others’ (including taxes, debts and inheritances) are looking healthy too during the first half of the month (apart from a possible clash of interests around 3rd – 6th).

Travel, study or legal plans should run more easily from 13th onwards as Venus helps things along.  There may be some disruption though from unexpected health or work demands around 13th – 15th, a challenge from opposing egos from 19th – 21st and some discomfort when Venus squares your ruling planet Jupiter from 24th – 25th.

Ideals around mother and home need a second look from 18th when Neptune goes retrograde.  Have you been giving enough attention to your personal development and self-nurture?  Opportunities that presented themselves last February may not have been taken up or you may have been unrealistic about their possibilities.  You have until late November to reflect and work through this.

Mars adds to your verbal and mental bite this month.  Mental energy is one aspect of this.  Hasty words are another.  If you have correspondence or important communications to see to, attend to these early in the month.

Full Moon on 28Th (at 04.54 GMT so the build-up is on 27th) falls in your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values.  It lands on Saturn too which will require deeper thought about one or more of these issues.  Be honest with yourself.


Capricorn:     Work, health, service to others and your daily routine are top of the list as the month begins.  New ways of looking at things and new forms of exercise are helpful.  You might be prepared to financially invest in a new way to enhance your well-being around 1st – 2nd too.

Relationships and partnerships are also active this month.  You may run into power surges (yes, possibly yours) as Venus opposes Pluto from 3rd – 6th.  If harmony is hard to find, ask yourself how much you may have been contributing to that.  Venus then tries to smooth everyone’s feathers until 13th.  It then moves on to help joint funds and ‘the money of others’ look more promising.  But here too, self-interest and your need to assert your financial needs could be cause for friction, especially around 19th – 21st.

You will be hot on the tail of your own income and finances all month as Mars forges onwards.  But when Mars goes retrograde on 26th you may need to review your approach and the responses to current financial situations that you have made since mid-May.  Could you have been overly assertive?  Or not assertive enough?  Only you (and probably your partner) will know.  Give it some thought.

Full Moon on 28th is in your sign and falls on Saturn your ruling planet.  This is a call to work towards a balance in meeting both your practical and emotional needs.  And this need not be at the expense of others…


Aquarius:     Romance, children and creativity look lively during the first three weeks of this month.  And with Mars in your sign you will have the energy and determination to pursue desirable outcomes.  This may run into some difficulties around 19th – 21st though.  So pursue your ambitions earlier in the month.  On 26th Mars goes retrograde, taking you back to review decisions made or actions taken around mid-May when you might not have been serving your own best interests.

This is the first full month of having your ruling planet Uranus in your 4th House of mother and home, personal development and self-care.  And there may be a slight clash between mother and home v. relationships and partnerships when Venus squares up to this around 13th – 15th.

Your finances seem to be in line with your career sector but also remain unfathomable in some way, especially from 18th when Neptune goes retrograde.  But work, health and service to others goes smoothly for most of the month, apart perhaps from a telling Full Moon on 28th (at 04.54 GMT so the build-up will be on 27th).

On 13th Venus glides into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships, smoothing the path for harmony and relatedness.  The only fly in the ointment seems to be coming from you.  Uranus may resist a change of social status around 13th – 15th (i.e. what do you really want?).  And Mars in your sign opposes Venus from 19th – 21st (i.e. what do you really, really want?).  It looks like it may be time to answer that question…


Pisces:     Things are lively on the home front as the month begins, especially on 1st – 2nd when Mars adds energy and determination to do some work behind the scenes.  Things are looking good too in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  And Venus smoothes things along here until 13th, followed by Mercury and then the Sun on 21st.

New Moon on 13th falls in your mother and home zone.  This marks the beginning of your Domestic New Year.  Make plans and resolutions for what you hope to find and build in your home in the month and year ahead.  This includes practical projects and emotional conditions.  Personal development and self-nurture also come into this.   Make sure they are on your to-do list too.

Your ruling planet Neptune goes retrograde on 18th and remains that way until late November.  This is an opportunity to review steps taken or not taken around late February this year.

Venus glides into your 6th House of work, health and service to others from 13th.  It runs into some obstacles from 13th – 15th when you may surprise yourself and others with unexpected movements or words.  Venus opposes Mars too from 19th – 21st when your unconscious may get in the way of your well-being.  Apart from these two periods, take pleasure in your daily routines and rituals.  And keep in mind that exercise and pets can be life-enhancing too.


To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth chart consultations by phone, wherever in the world you are, please get in touch – – 07929 261231 or ++44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK.

May 2018

Our shared planetary picture

We have a major shift this month as one of our slow-moving outer planets Uranus finishes off its eight-year stay in Aries and moves into Taurus, where it will stay for the next seven years.

Uranus is the planet of change, disruption and revolution so wherever it heads, things get shaken up. Arians have mostly weathered this well but Taureans are generally more averse to change but that does not mean they will not benefit from this burst of fresh air.

Collectively this is likely to impact our banks, currencies, stock exchanges and view of security. Money may be valued for the freedom it can provide, rather than for its own sake and our values may take a major shift.

For those who are presently financially secure, this period of uncertainty may look scary but money is the most temporary of things and our finances can change overnight for better or worse at any time, so why base our sense of security on such a transitory thing?

How we seek and find security is likely to be a whole new challenge. And finding security through philosophies, belief systems and through creativity may give us a firmer foothold on what really matters.

The planet, our Mother Earth may be more unpredictable too and our expectations may have to take that on board. Collective action is likely too which seems to be already starting with raised awareness about plastics. Concrete results from collective action can be a very good outcome of this new era. Talking the talk will no longer do, we have to walk the walk, sometimes barefoot, to reconnect to our planetary home.

Architecture and how we build could take on new forms and methods. Agriculture could get revolutionised too (and hopefully not down a Monsanto-esque route…). Our very understanding of reality is ready for change. The workings and mending of our physical bodies could also take surprising turns. And the power of touch is an area to further explore and Nature Therapy.

Taurus rules the senses and so the arts are likely to get shaken up and will perhaps lead the way to a better relationship with the divine spark within us all.

If your life-style has taken you far from a direct relationship with the natural world, add your voice to campaigns, join groups and then put aside your screens and get out there and feel some blossom or leaves or trees and the Earth under your feet. It is all containing, healing, abundant and free. And it is one of the few aspects of life that accepts you unconditionally.

Uranus will also be shaking things up specific things in different areas of life for each sign. This is a new awakening. Be ready to respond.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:    Communications will be your forte up until 19th with Mercury in your sign speeding up your thought processes and Venus in your 3rd House of communications, providing the charm to make your plans acceptable to others.

6th – 15th May finds your ruling planet Mars squaring Uranus in your sign. This is not a compromising position and you may find yourself swimming upstream against the odds but your determination is nothing short of miraculous, so who knows what you might be able to achieve.

For the past eight years Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution has been freeing your identity and sense of self. But on 15th it leaves your sign for Taurus. This means your 2nd House (of money, possessions, security, values, income and self-esteem) is going to get shaken up. And you are going to have this process going on for seven years.

You may start to value money for the freedom it provides, rather than anything else. Your values may also change in line with the new uncompromised version of yourself that you have had chance to discover over the past eight years. You may also stop equating your true value with your income. New Moon on 15th coincides with this shift and is a good time to draw up a budget or financial plan for the year ahead.

From 21st – 24th the Sun encourages you to forge ahead with career plans. Meanwhile Chiron – planet of wounding and healing is settling into Aries for its nine-year stay. This will provide you with the opportunity for healing any wounds you have around your identity. How well your father did or did not back this up, may be an area to work on too. This has all been rumbling under the surface for some years but now it will come into full view. Welcome it and be ready for personal growth.

From 16th your energies lean towards friends, groups and community matters. Collective projects grab your imagination and you may find yourself feeling more political than usual. Friends, groups and community can also be a source of energy for you. If you have been thinking of joining something, now would be a great time! Go with it!


Taurus:    The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 21st radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. But however smoothly life may have been going recently, that is all about to change. Uranus planet of change, disruption and revolution is about to move into your sign on 15th for a seven-year stay! Whatever version of yourself that you have so far settled on, it will no longer do!

We all make compromises in our attempts to adapt to the world and others but Uranus will not settle for that and you are about to be challenged over the next seven years to come up with the pure, uncompromised version of who you truly now are. This may not be comfortable but it will be exciting. So unfasten your seat belt! Inner and outer change will need some space. Your appearance may undergo big changes too as an expression of inner-freedom!

As chance would have it, New Moon in your sign is also on 15th. This marks the beginning of your emotional New Year too and is a good time to think about what you would like to find n your emotional life and what steps could be taken to bring that about.

Your ruling planet Venus helps to make your finances look rosier until 19th. Then it moves into your 3rd House of communcations, adding charm and ease to your words, both written and spoken. Trading and relations with neighbours and siblings should go well too.

Mars is keeping things active in your travel, deep studies and legal zone. You will have energy to pursue cultural interests and ethical challenges too. Principles are just hot air unless you apply them…

From 16th Mars is revving up your father, career and social status zone. If you have ambitions, now is the time to start doing something about them. Go for it!


Gemini:    Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 21st!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

The month starts well too as Venus is in Gemini until 19th which heightens your charms and enables you to talk people into doing things that they probably should not do… Then from 19th it is in your finance zone making everything look rosier there.

Meanwhile Mars is trying to sort out joint finances, including taxes, debts and inheritances. Sharing in general takes on a more active form, including the sharing of yourself on an intimate level. Then from 16th Mars jumps into your travel, deep studies, philosophy and legal zone, giving you energy to attend to one or more of these.

Career, work and health are looking good, just as long as you do not over-indulge!


Cancer:    For the past eight years Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution has been shaking up your father, career and social status zone but on 15th it completes its stay and moves on to your friends, groups, community and humanitarian needs zone. This will bring unusual and stimulating friends into your life. If you join or start any groups or community projects, this will have an exhilarating effect too. And you might be an agent of revolution in these arenas or in an organisation or become more political.

Relationships and partnerships continue to be an intense hot potato with Mars wanting to push things ahead until 16th. The outcomes of such insistence may be unexpected, so be prepared for that.

From 16th, Mars will be tackling joint funds. This is a good time to start sorting out debts, inheritances, taxes and financial interests you hold with others. Sharing in a broader sense comes into this too, including on an intimate level.

From 19th Venus glides into your sign where it will stay until mid-June. It is your turn to be darling of the zodiac. Enjoy the responses to your charms!


Leo:    Your ruling planet the Sun opposes Jupiter from 8th – 9th when your ambitions or dealings with father figures and situations to do with mother or home are in conflict. In general career matters look good though with the Sun warming your path in the world until 21st.

A major change is about to take place as Uranus moves into your father, career and social status zone on 15th. This is the start of a seven-year revolution that will change your standing in the world, hopefully by finding the pure uncompromised expression of your talents and potential. This may be as surprising to you as it is to others as Uranus always challenges the status quo.

Work, health and daily routine are intense as Mars adds its energies to the mix. If you want to bring about changes in any of these areas, you have the energy and will-power to do so up until 16th, although the outcomes may not be quite what you expected…

Mars then moves into your relationships and partnerships zone bringing heat and determination. If there is a certain someone you would like to be in a relationship with, this could provide the impetus to go after them or perhaps you will find someone hot-footedly pursuing you. For existing partnerships, the heat could be passion or conflict or both! From 21st – 24th the Sun and Mars are in tune with each other so passions might have the upper hand then!


Virgo:    Joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances have all been on an unsettling roll for the past eight years as Uranus has worked its way through your 8th House. This has also had an impact on how you view sharing in general and on an intimate level. Many things may have come into full view during this process which although perhaps challenging, has made it easier to work with and through these issues.

Uranus’s next port of call is in your 9th House of travel, religion, deep studies, philosophy, publishing, different cultures, law and ethics. Whatever the status quo is now on one or more of these topics, big changes are on the way, starting on 15th. The New Moon is also in this part of your solar chart on 15th. Your outlook and world view is about to be revolutionised. Be open to a more freeing stance.

Jupiter and Neptune are in good aspect all month which helps communications and partnerships to work well together. Your father, career and social status zone is well-balanced too as Venus smoothly gains the co-operation of others up until 19th.  Ask for assistance from the people who can help you, especially those with high status. They want you to do well.

The Sun warms your path here too from 21st while Venus moves into your friends, groups and community zone, bringing good times and pleasure. Be sure to make time for these too!


Libra:    Communications with partners go well at the start of this month as Mercury helps to keep channels open until 13th. Two days later on 15th, Uranus helps too by moving out of your partnerships zone after an eight year stay which may have brought disruption, shocks and uncertainty.

Uranus is now about to shake up your joint funds, taxes, debts, inheritances and intimacy zone for the next seven years. Your finances will be impacted by others – (whether for better or worse, remains to be seen). You might also welcome more personal space in terms of intimacy or feel more experimental.

Your ruling planet Venus is smoothing travel, studies and dealings with different cultures up until 19th. It then moves into your 10th House of father, career and social status. People in authority will help you if you ask them and your ambitions will feel more reachable.

Meanwhile your currently intense 4th House of mother and home, also has Mars adding action and energy until 16th. If you have domestic projects or personal development projects that need to be started or pushed forward, get going. With Uranus in aspect, the outcomes may not be what you expected but that is not a reason to hold back.


Scorpio:    Relationships and partnerships may feel restrictive around 8th – 9th when the Sun opposes Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion in your sign. Keep calm, this will pass and partnerships have a lot to offer this month as the Sun and then Mercury keep channels open.

The big news this month is that Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution (which as been shaking up your work, health, service to others and daily routine for the last eight years), jumps into your relationships and partnerships zone on 15th for a seven-year stay. New Moon falls here on 15th too so this is a double fresh start!

Jupiter and Neptune are in tune all month which helps you to apply your ideals in romance, dealings with children and creative projects. Joint funds look healthy too until 19th when Venus moves on to offer pleasure through travel, deep studies, philosophy and cultural pursuits.

Mars starts to move away from your ruling planet Pluto but remains in your 3rd House of communication until 16th. It is also square Uranus from 6th – 15th when any show of verbal, mental or written forcefulness may back-fire and upset your sense of well-being. The gentler your message, the better its chances of being heard.


Sagittarius:    Finances and security continue to compulsively grab your attention and you will be active in attending to them up to 16th but even so, the outcomes may not be what you expected as Uranus throws its famous spanner into the works. Make sure that your work, health and well-being do not suffer as a result. It is only money after all!

Stress levels are likely to drop though about love affairs, children and creative projects as Uranus completes its eight-year whilrlwind stay in your 5th House on 15th! But as one troublesome door closes, another opens and this time it is to do with your work, health, service to others and daily routine. Uranus’s next mission is to shake things up here to hopefully free you into a wider view of well-being. Being pro-active can take the bite out of Uranus transits which only want the best for us anyway but not in respect to the status quo…

If you have had any thoughts of volunteering or helping your fellow humans in any way, this is a good time to start. Trying new eating patterns or new forms of daily exercise can have a revolutionising effect too, as can the impact of pets.

Your ruling planet Jupiter is in good aspect to Neptune all month which makes for soothing and perhaps spiritual growth relating to mother and home. This can be the building you live in, the dynamics within it or your country, Mother Nature or the planet as our home. Ecological ideals may become more active too. Seek out others who share your vision.

Relationships and partnerships go well up until 19th and then intimacy gets easier too. Mars heads into your 3rd House however from 16th which may make you more assertive on the communications front. By all means put your ideas into action but try to modify the verbals unless it is for the collective good!


Capricorn:    Your drive and energy are second to none as Mars pushes forwards full steam ahead in your sign until 16th. With Pluto and Saturn already there for the long term, there is little you cannot have an impact on during the first half of this month. Be warned however that Uranus is square Mars and so ruthless actions are likely to backfire. The greater good has the upper hand, so apply your energies in that direction for the best outcomes.

From 16th Mars turns its focus to your finances with an iron-fist determination to sort them out. It is time to pull your head out of the sand. This could also be a good time to start generating extra income. And you may already or soon have thoughts about how that might come about.

There are two other gear changes at around the same time, as the New Moon coincides with Uranus leaving your 4th House of mother and home after an eight-year disruptive stay. The next new area of your life to be shaken up by this planet of change, disruption and revolution is your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity. If a creative hobby or project has been on your mind, this is a perfect time to make a start.

Your health or daily well-being will probably be on a high this month with Venus offering pleasure in daily routines and rituals until 19th, closely followed by the Sun. Venus then moves into your relationships and partnerships zone, smoothing things along in a harmonious way for the rest of the month – enjoy!


Aquarius:    Your ruling planet Uranus has been revolutionising your means of communication for the past eight years. But on 15th it is moving into your 4th House of mother and home, so prepare for change! This will be a seven-year process that might find you or a mother figure moving home or undergoing some big domestic changes. Your style in how you nurture people may change too, including self-nurture.

Personal development also comes under the 4th House’s domain and Uranus’s presence can open up previously locked away memories that can shed light on emotional patterns set up in childhood. It can also move them around to a more helpful position. Taking support from a counsellor or therapist can be especially helpful during this time.

New Moon also on 15th is also in your 4th House of mother and home so this is also a good time to make plans for how your home and self-nurture patterns can better meet your needs in the month and year ahead.

On 16th Mars leaps into your sign, filling you with optimism, energy and determination. Anything you turn your hand to looks possible, so get moving. Jupiter in your professional zone and Neptune in your finance quarter are working well together all month too. Make hay while the Sun shines!


Pisces:    Jupiter is in good aspect to your ruling planet Neptune all month which is good for travel, deep studies, philosophical and spiritual matters and a generally compassionate world view. Venus is helping to create harmony at home too and you may be occupied beautifying your home or creating harmony with those already in it or by entertaining others. This continues until 19th when Venus turns its soft focus to romance, children and creativty.

The major game player this month though is Uranus which moves out of your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values where it has been shaking things up unpredictably for eight years… to your 3rd House of communications. It will stay here for the next seven years, revolutionising how, what and who you communicate with, your ideas, trading patterns and dealings with neighbours and siblings.

You can help this along by being experimental in trying different forms of physical movement, trying new forms of self-expression – music, art, film are just a few and welcoming new ideas, views and concepts into your world. One school of thought believes that we open up neural pathways through crawling as infants and likewise new forms of movement can expand our mental possibilities as adults too. Explore this!

Mars remains until 16th being pro-active with friends, groups and community. As Pluto is close by, make sure this does not take the form of stirring things up just for the sake of it. Friends too may help you to get more active and increase your enthusiasm for group and community projects.

From 16th Mars moves into your unconscious, stirring things up there. Welcome information that comes up from your hidden depths and act on it. It has been internalised for long enough. Your intuition will be strong too and creativity behind the scenes is another area to plough your energies into. Be open to inspiration!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

April 2018

Our shared planetary picture

We have a dramatic month ahead with major planetary meetings.  The Sun meets Uranus at the same time as New Moon in Aries on 16th, just one day after Mercury going direct on 15th.  This is an awakening for all of us, in different areas of life for each sign.

Mars and Saturn also meet in Capricorn around 1st – 2nd which can be slow and frustrating.  But things get intense from 21st – 28th when Mars meets Pluto (also in Capricorn) which can be an unleashing of hard to control forces…  Power plays and ruthlessness are dangers with these energies which require us all to be self-aware.  Will power will be strong.  Direct it towards your goals and the higher good.

Chiron moves into Aries on 8th where it will stay for nine years.  This offers a collective opportunity for us to heal old wounds around identity.  But on an individual level it opens healing in different areas of life too.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:     The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  And mid-month (16th – 18th) it joins Uranus in your sign which frees you up even further.  You will attract the unexpected.  Be experimental.  New Moon in Aries is also on 16th.  This marks the start of your personal New Year and with everything else going on (including Mercury going direct in your sign on 15th), this looks like a pivotal point of the year.

Venus smoothes your finances along until 24th and the Sun warms up prospects there from 20th onwards.  Venus tunes into Saturn around 6th– 7th which adds a practical tone but aspects to both Jupiter and Pluto around 16th – 17th might tempt you to go to extremes…

Your ruling planet Mars is still busily pushing ahead in your father, career and social status zone.  Saturn slows it down around 1st – 2nd but it is full steam ahead after that and dramatically so when Mars reaches Pluto from 21st – 28th.  You will is indomitable at this time which makes it even more important that your goals are high-minded and aimed at improving things for everyone (not just yourself).  If you run into others who have lower principles, lead by example!

Chiron planet of wounding and healing also moves into Aries this month on 18th where it will stay for the next nine years.  This is an opportunity to look at your identity anew and work through any areas in which you feel you have been wounded in some way.  This will take scrupulous self-honesty.  Give it all you have got!


Taurus:     Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change.  The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead, than January 1st.  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Plans to make your world bigger start the month slowly but you may not notice this, as your ruling planet Venus is in your sign until 24th.  This gives a high feel-good factor, increases your magnetism and helps you to effortlessly charm others.

Venus does have some tricky dynamics to deal with though, especially around 6th – 7th and mid-month when it trines Pluto and opposes Jupiter around 16th – 17th.  Mid-month is also very active behind the scenes and you may have surprising experiences connected to compassion, spirituality or creativity.  Your dreams might point to helpful information too.

Chiron moves into this area of your chart for nine years from 18th.  This is an opportunity for healing.  This could be through self-talk, spiritual practices and meditation.  Creativity can be a good route to reach and explore your unconscious.  Therapy is another.

The month ends dramatically as Mars and Pluto join forces in your travel, studies and cultural zone.  Be ready to stand up for your principles.  And on 30th Full Moon falls in your opposite sign, ending the month in a tsunami of emotion…


Gemini:     Joint funds, taxes, debts, inheritances and sharing all preoccupy your mind at the start of the month.  They then take on mammoth proportions around 21st – 28th when Mars and Pluto push forwards as one irresistible force.  This could also take the form of grand passion with a life and death intensity…

Your ruling planet Mercury goes direct on 15th in the friends, groups and community area of your solar chart, after three weeks in retrograde.  This has been to review decisions taken or words spoken around March 9th.  By early May this will all be resolved.

New Moon falls in this area of your chart on 16th too, along with a Sun-Uranus conjunction which is a triple chance to bring about change.  Make resolutions for the year ahead if you are not able to put everything into action immediately.

On 24th Venus glides into your sign making you darling of the zodiac for a month.  Your charms will be heightened and difficult for others to resist.  Tempting as it is to flirt (and we know how good you are at that), keep your eye on the opportunity for deep transformation.


Cancer:     The month begins with a go-slow or stand-off in partnerships when Mars runs into Saturn on 1st – 2nd but the pace accelerates as the month progresses, leading to high intensity from 21st – 28th when Mars joins forces with Pluto.  This is dramatic and transformational.  Power plays are not out of the question either.  You will know what you want.  And however badly others may be behaving, make sure you are ethical in your own actions.

Your father, career and social status zone is busy this month too.  The Sun is keeping things warm here until 20th.  Mercury goes direct here on 15th too, helping to clear up misunderstandings or faulty thinking that may have led to bad decisions.  New Moon on 16th also falls here, marking the start of your professional New Year.  The Sun and Uranus add a revolutionary note to this.  Make changes that will help your status and ambitions in the year ahead.

Chiron planet of wounding and healing moves into your 10h House too on 18th and will stay for nine years.  This is an opportunity to work through wounds you may have felt from father and authority figures or disappointments in your career or social status.  If you are a father or authority figure yourself, perhaps this is an area you would like to heal in some way?  Or perhaps you could help others to heal their wounds by being a positive and supportive presence.

Make time for friends, groups and community this month as both Venus and the Sun are offering nice times.  A bit of pleasure and enjoyment would not go amiss with all this intensity going on!


Leo:     Venus is helping you professionally this month as it glides through your 10th House of father, career and social status.  Relations improve with all of the above and people in authority smile down on you.  If you need favours, do not be afraid to ask, preferably after 15th (when Mercury goes direct again) and before 24th when Venus moves on to bring pleasure with friends, groups and your community.

Work, health and service to others is a dramatic area this month.  Mars and Saturn meet around 1st – 2nd which focuses you on what needs to be done to enhance your well-being.  You may not be able to act on these realisations though until later in the month when Mars and Pluto join forces around 21st – 28th.  Massive, life-changing surges of energy are available to you then, to bring transformation to your daily life in some way.

The other active area of the month is your 9th House of travel, deep studies, religion, philosophy and the truth.  (Publishing and legal matters can come into this too).  Things you held as true, may be up for question after Mercury goes direct on 15th and your ruling planet the Sun meets Uranus, planet of change and revolution around 16th – 18th.  Your opinion on serious matters may change, allowing you to take on a more positive outlook.

On 18th Chiron planet of wounding and healing moves into this area of your solar chart too, for a 9-year stay.  This provides an opportunity to heal areas that have had an unhelpful impact on your world view.  Be open to this healing process.


Virgo:     Romance, children and creativity start the month on a serious note.  Your hands may be tied as you review matters in one or more of these areas.  Later in the month though, decisive, almost surgical action can take place when Mars and Pluto apply with double force around 21st – 28th.  This is an intense burst of energy that can have transformational effects.  Passions may be heightened and creative acts leap from deep within.

Travel, philosophy, deep studies and principles go well as Venus eases your path until 24th.  This is also helpful for legal and publishing matters and anything to do with different cultures and ‘the truth’ however you view it.

Joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances start to improve after Mercury goes direct on 15th.  New Moon is on 16th along with a Sun-Uranus conjunction on the same day, which all offer a new beginning in some way.  Intimacy and sharing in the broadest sense are also subject to a new phase.  Start as you mean to go on.

Chiron (which some consider to be the true ruling planet of Virgo), carries the themes of wounding and healing.  It too moves into your 8th House on 18th.  And it is going to stay here for nine years.  This opens a period of opportunity to heal any outstanding wounds in joint funds, taxes, debts, inheritances, intimacy and sharing.  Face whatever needs to be faced, so you can take full benefit of this chance to grow.


Libra:     Communications with partners may have been tricky recently but this should improve when Mercury goes direct in your opposite sign on 15th .  (And by early May, this should all be water under the bridge).  There are still some surprises in store however when the Sun joins Uranus in your relationships and partnerships zone around 16th – 18th.  Sudden attractions (new, current or old) could take you by surprise and you may feel more experimental than usual.  Breathe in this fresh air.

New Moon on 16th falls in your partnership zone too which is a good point to make resolutions that will help to create whatever you hope to find in partnerships in the month and year ahead.

Your personal finances are still under review but joint funds and intimacy are looking more promising as your ruling planet Venus smoothes the way, apart from a spot of intensity around 16th – 17th, when being reasonable may not be uppermost in your mind…  This could involve grand passions (and hiding the credit card might not be a bad idea).

Intense situations may crop up connected to mother and home around 21st – 28th.  And power plays may be apparent.  Keep your side of things clear and fair and do not fall in with anyone trying to manipulate.

From 18th Chiron, planet of wounding and healing, falls in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships and it will stay here for nine years.  This is an opportunity to work through whatever wounds you, your partner or your partnerships have endured.   Welcome this with both hands!


Scorpio:     Communications slow down at the start of the month when Mars meets Saturn in your 3rd House.  Your mind will be serious.  Dealings with neighbours and siblings take a lot of energy and short journeys may get delayed.  These frustrations are pointing at the need to sort your thinking out.  Observe your thought patterns and see if they serve you well.

This theme continues in different ways all month.  From 16th – 17th Venus helps your ruling planet Pluto to relate to others better.  And from 21st – 28th Mars and Pluto join forces and deep insights and power issues could come up.  Your main job will be thinking calmly and fairly about them.  It can be helpful getting professional support to explore whatever arises with a counsellor or therapist.  Welcome this new perspective.

Lots of things are happening this month too around work, health and service to others.  On 15th Mercury goes direct here, helping to resolve misunderstandings or faulty thinking.  New Moon occurs on the same day which is an opportunity to make resolutions that will enhance your well-being and that of others in the month and year ahead.  The likelihood of a shake-up or awakening is made even stronger by the Sun-Uranus conjunction from 16th – 18th.  Be open to new ideas and changes to your daily routine.

Venus smoothes and eases the way in relationships and partnerships until 24th.  And Full Moon on 30th raises emotions as it falls in your sign.  This could be a dramatic month.  Welcome the insights on offer.


Sagittarius:     Security and finances start the month on a sober note and you may need to reconnect with your deeper values to manage your own responses and those of others.  Things ease from 3rd onwards but intensify later in the month when Mars reaches Pluto around 21st – 28th, which could throw up power surges and survival instincts in some way.  This is a learning process.  Avoid ruthlessness and observe and learn more about yourself and others.

Meanwhile, romance, children and creativity demand your attention.  Mercury goes direct here on 15th, helping to clear up recent misunderstandings.  New Moon occurs the following day, as does a meeting of the Sun and Uranus.  These are three opportunities to embark on a new path or approach.

Chiron, planet of wounding and healing also joins the cocktail from 18th.  And it is going to stay in this part of your solar chart for nine years.  This is a long-term opportunity on offer to heal old wounds connected to love affairs, children, speculation and creativity.  If you are not sure where to begin, start with creativity.  This should open the door.


Capricorn:     Anyone crossing your path may regret it this month as Mars revs you up to full strength.  The start of the month may be more subdued but by 21st you will be running at full force as Mars, and Pluto in your sign mow all opposition down.  Avoid any temptation to get ruthless though as that would defeat the higher purpose of the transformative energies available to you now.

Mid-month the emphasis is on your mother and home zone.  Mercury goes direct on 15th, clearing up misunderstandings.  New Moon on 16th marks a fresh start too, with a few extra surprises thrown in.  Redesigning your home looks exciting.  Be open to trying something new.  This need not involve going out on a limb financially.  Moving furniture around can create a new space to move in and space is what you will want with Uranus around.

Personal development is another area to be experimental with.  Trying something you have always wanted to do or suddenly want to do will be enlivening and take you closer to your true needs.

On 18th Chiron planet of wounding and healing, moves into your mother and home zone for a 9-year stay.  This is an opportunity to look at and work with emotional patters that were set into motion in childhood and how that has impacted your life and your own style of nurturing others, including yourself!

This may involve exploring painful areas and it would be helpful to get a counsellor or therapist on board to work alongside and support you during this process.  Pluto moving through your sign supports such a transformation.  And this is what is on offer – transformation.  Take courage and dive in!


Aquarius:     Your unconscious is working over-time this month, starting with a serious review around 1st – 2nd.  This covers work behind the scenes, compassion for others, spirituality and creativity.  Realisations about your psychological patterns (and possibly self-defeating behaviours) could become apparent.  And when Mars meets Pluto in this area of your solar chart around 21st – 28th, deep emotions may surface that can lead to transformation.

Jupiter remains retrograde in your father, career and social status all month but Venus is gracing your 4th House of mother and home until 24th.  Relations with mother-figures go well and you may want to beautify the home or extend its pleasures to others.  Personal development is well-starred too.

Communications are key this month too.  Mercury planet of communication goes direct on 15th in your 3rd House of communication which is followed the next day by New Moon and the Sun meeting Uranus.  This is a triple best foot forward time.  Make the most of it.  Chiron planet of wounding and healing moves into this area of your solar chart too from 18th and will remain there for the next nine years.  This is a long healing process available to you, should you choose to take it.  The areas up for healing are: communications, mindset, physical movement, trading and relationships with neighbours and siblings.

Uranus has almost completed its 7-year journey through these areas of your life and next month takes its revolutionary effect to a new area of your solar chart.  You are more attuned to change, disruption and revolution than most, as Uranus is your ruling planet.  Take some time to reflect and celebrate your progress and successes over the last seven years, in having developed new and uncompromised forms of communication.


Pisces:     Dealings with friends, groups, community and organisations start the month gravely as Mars runs into Saturn.  You may feel weighed down in some way until things lighten up from 3rd onwards.  Later in the month however, issues re-appear on a grand scale as Mars meets Pluto (the two most forceful planets) in these areas of life.  Power plays may get triggered and it is imperative that you act in a high-minded way, regardless of the conduct of those around you…

Venus moving through your communications zone helps to soften the effects of Mercury retrograde.  Dealings with siblings and neighbours should get easier too.  Physical movement and short journeys can be a source of pleasure and trading could go well from 18th – 24th.

Finances and security are also key themes this month.  Mercury goes direct here on 15th, helping to resolve misunderstandings or losses.  New Moon occurs on 16th which is a good point to draw up a new budget or financial plans for the month and year ahead.  Sun and Uranus also blow the winds of change around 16th – 18th so this should be an interesting few days.

Chiron completes its long residence in your sign this month.  For the past eight years it has been offering opportunities for healing wounds around your identity and perhaps how it was not backed up when young.  Hopefully it now leaves you with heightened self-awareness and a stronger sense of self.  From 18th it begins its 9-year stay in your 2nd House of money, possessions, security, values and self-esteem.  Be open to all the opportunities that come along to heal old wounds in these areas too!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).




March 2018

Our shared planetary picture

The two planets of thought go retrograde this month. Jupiter planet of the higher mind goes retrograde on 9th and Mercury planet of the lower on 23rd. This will result in two reviews – firstly on whether we have taken opportunities for growth since mid-December and secondly how we have been communicating and thinking recently on a daily level.

A third review will also be taking place when Mars moves into Capricorn and approaches Saturn from 28th. Mars the god of force and Saturn the god of resistance are not comfortable companions. Their close proximity can bring up realisations around how we get in our own way. Self-imposed restrictions and limitations may come to your attention. Although challenging, this is helpful information and enables us to work on these obstacles and through them, if we apply self-honesty and determination.

New Moon on 17th is in Pisces and occurs close to Chiron. This could enable a new way forward that can heal old wounds – yet another opportunity for growth and healing on offer this month. We also have two Full Moons this month: one on 2nd in Virgo and a second (a Blue Moon) on 31st in Libra.

The Spring Equinox arrives too on 20th as the Sun moves into Aries (at 16.17 GMT). For those in the Southern Hemisphere this is the first day of autumn. And for those in the North, this is the first day of spring and cause for celebration. We have survived another winter!

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is that both Mercury and Venus move into Aries from 6th adding to your charms and the Sun brings fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year. It is also a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. And the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Your ruling planet Mars also changes sign this month on 17th when it joins Pluto and Saturn in your 10th House of father, career and social status. This adds determined ambition to the weighty dynamics already operating in these arenas. Towards the end of the month Mars catches up with Saturn which could either muffle your push ahead or remove self-imposed obstacles. Whichever it is, you will need your self-awareness to be working at its maximum.

On 23rd Mercury goes retrograde in your sign which is a time to reflect on communications and your current ideas. It goes direct again mid-April but if you can avoid launching projects during this period, it could save you time in the long run.

Full Moon in your opposite sign on 31st involves this retrograde Mercury and the Mars-Saturn square. Notice the emotions brought up for you and take comfort and refuge at home.


Taurus:   Your unconscious is working busily this month as Mercury and your ruling planet Venus look for a compassionate, creative or spiritual outlet from 6th. The Sun joins them from 20th adding warmth and energy but Mercury goes retrograde on 23rd which indicates more thought needs to be applied to how you have been expressing yourself in these areas.

Your style of relating or being creative gets challenged on 13th and 23rd but Venus finds an uncompromised original position from 28th–29th when you will be open to unexpected attractions and will attract others too.

From 9th Jupiter goes retrograde in your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships. Any recent headway you have made in either of these areas needs to be reviewed. There may have been expansion but has there also been growth? Or would true growth mean freedom from such ties? Only you know the answer and an answer will be needed by mid-July.

Mars leaves your intimacy and joint funds zone from 17th and starts applying its energies to your 9th House of travel, studies, legal matters and philosophy. Saturn has been sitting heavily here since late December and Pluto has been transforming things since 2008. The determination of Mars will want to push things forward but resistance from Saturn looms large from 28th. These delays can help you to examine how you have been asserting yourself, setting your goals and moving forward. Or Mars could blast obstacles (possibly self-created ones) out of your path. It may be uncomfortable either way but growth often is!


Gemini:   Friends, community and groups are prominent this month as your ruling planet Mercury moves into your 11th House, along with charming Venus. You will enjoy spending time with your peers and will be able to charm them even more than usual. The Sun lights up this zone too from 20th and you may also lend your support to humanitarian movements.

Mercury goes retrograde however from 23rd and you may have to back-peddle or stop and review your recent movements and communications. Jupiter goes retrograde too on 9th in your work, health and service to others zone.

Your health may demand your attention if you have been over-indulging recently. Dealings with co-workers or daily companions may need a review too. And although you may have added activities to your daily routine, which ones offer real growth? Might you have over-committed yourself in some way? You have until mid-July to give all of this more thought.

Mars changes signs on 17th and moves into your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. Weighty Saturn and Pluto are already in residence here bringing difficult issues to your attention. Mars will want to take action and tackle some of the areas you are already aware of, especially from 28th when it steps on Saturn’s toes. New self-awareness could be one of the prizes from this uncomfortable encounter. Welcome it.

New Moon on 17th falls in your father, career and social status zone. This is a good time to make a plan that will help you with ambitions in any of these areas. Chiron is also close by which adds the opportunity of healing old wounds at the same time. Make this possible too!


Cancer:   Your present philosophical mindset starts to shift this month as Mercury and Venus change signs on 6th and move into your 10th House of father, career and social status. If you need favours from anyone in authority, they will most likely feel inclined to help you, if you ask before 23rd. The Sun illuminates your ambitions too from 20th. And you have three days to make headway before Mercury goes retrograde on 23rd.

Reviewing your ideas and particularly recent communications can in these domains can be a helpful focus during this time, until Mercury goes direct again in mid-April

Mars moves into your relationships and partnerships zone from 17th, joining Saturn and Pluto which have been weighing things down here for some time. Mars provides energy and determination to tackle issues that need addressing but it runs into Saturn from 28th. This could result in frustrations as your momentum is slowed down, possibly to a halt (which will require an internal review of some kind). The other possibility is that this could help to blast unhelpful obstacles out of the way. And these could be your own fears or self-imposed limitations. Be open to this possibility!

Your ruling planet the Moon is busy this month with a Full Moon in your communications, siblings and neighbours zone on 2nd and a further Full Moon (a Blue Moon) on 31st . This falls in your mother and home zone, catching the current partnerships dynamics too. Notice what you notice and bear in mind that all things pass.


Leo:   Planets are gradually gathering in your 9th House of travel, deep study, religion and philosophy and legal matters from 6th onwards. Mercury and Venus are the first to arrive, helping communications and relations with people from different cultures or belief systems (apart from spots of tension on 11th and 13th). Then your ruling planet the Sun brings light and energy to these areas from 20th.

The last part of the month is more complicated than its beginning as from 23rd Mercury goes retrograde, calling you to look again at how you have been communicating and your position on ‘the truth’. You have until mid-April to fathom this out. Give it the time it deserves.

From 9th Jupiter goes retrograde in your mother and home zone. The opportunities for growth, expansion and freedom that have been active in these arenas since October may now start to look compromised. The question is, have you incorporated personal growth into your relations with mother figures and home or just gone for expansion? Self-nurture is really important too.

Mars changes signs on 17th and leaps into your work, health and service to others zone. Two heavy-weights – Saturn and Pluto are already operating here and Mars will want to stir things up for sure. From 28th it approaches Saturn and symbolically this is ‘force’ confronting ‘resistance’ which creates tension at the best of times. Look after your health and work on any unhealthy blockages or self-defeating habits or behaviours. Relations with co-workers and daily companions may be challenging but this is only a reflection of your inner conflicts. Work on these and on what needs to feature in your daily life for your own well-being.


Virgo:   Your ruling planet Mercury is busy this month as it moves into your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. This enables difficult conversations to take place and the presence of Venus close by also helps to smooth ruffled feathers. You could benefit from ‘the money of others’ during this period too. The Sun adds generosity from 20th but Mercury goes retrograde from 23rd when you may have to reconsider recent decisions.

Jupiter goes retrograde on 9th in your communications, siblings and neighbours zone. This indicates a review in how you have been looking at expansion. Has your approach also included growth? You have until mid-July to give this more thought, before continuing to move forward.

New Moon on 17th falls in your relationships and partnerships zone. This is a good time to make resolutions towards a fulfilling year ahead. Chiron adds the possibility of healing old wounds within this new cycle. Factor in this possibility as you make your plans.

On 17th also, Mars jumps into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity. Saturn and Pluto have been making their heavy presence felt here for some time. The arrival of Mars will stir things up and from 28th any self-imposed restrictions or limitations will come to light and you could overcome them. This is not a comfortable process but it can be a freeing one. Aim for that freedom!


Libra:   The focus gradually moves this month from work, health and service to others to relationships and partnerships. On 6th Mercury and your ruling planet Venus glide into your opposite sign and others cannot fail to notice your charms: and you theirs. The Sun also joins these two from 20th and your energy and appetite for partnerships will be strong.

From 23rd Mercury goes retrograde in your partnerships zone which could bring about temporary misunderstandings. This is a time to reflect on your communications and your thinking behind them. If you have business partners, try to avoid signing anything if possible until after mid-April. Even so, there may be surprises around 28th–29th when unpredictable Uranus gets triggered.

Mars joins Saturn and Pluto in your 4th House of mother and home from 17th. This should give you determination to work on the tricky dynamics already operating there. Towards the end of the month Mars catches up to Saturn which could either grind progress to a halt or blast through self-imposed fears and obstacles. The more honest you can be with yourself, the better the outcome.

The second Full Moon of the month (which makes it a Blue Moon) falls in your sign on 31st (at 12.36 GMT). This will raise emotions and highlight communications and the weighty situation at home or with mother figures. Again self-awareness will help to weather the day. Be open to your inner workings.


Scorpio:   Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity has been expansively gliding through your sign since October. But from 9th it goes retrograde for four months. This requires a review into whether you have been making the most of the opportunities on offer. And if so, whether or not they have been a source of true growth or just expansion. There is a difference which you are being called upon to think about during this period and of course, we are looking for true growth. Have you been settling for less?

Work, health and service to others becomes increasingly important as the month progresses too. Mercury and Venus involve themselves in your communications and relations with co-workers or daily companions from 6th and the Sun adds extra energy from 20th. On 23rd however Mercury goes retrograde which provides further food for thought about how you represent yourself on a daily level. This includes tone and manner as well as the content of your communications.

Meanwhile, on 17th Mars moves into your 3rd House of communications, trading, short journeys, neighbours and siblings. These areas are already challenged by Saturn and your ruling planet Pluto, bringing about a serious review and a possible change in world view. What you hold as true and what you become ready to communicate may need fresh circles to move in.

While you may be aware of this already, you may not have yet taken steps to do anything about it. Mars will want to. From 28th you may have to face self-defeating beliefs that have been blocking your way. Uncomfortable as this is, it is an opportunity to look at your path objectively. Do your inner homework – with scrupulous self-honesty of course.


Sagittarius:   Mars stays in your sign firing you up with energy until 17th when it changes its focus to your finances. You may look at new ways of generating some extra income or adding to your security in some way. This could even involve creativity as your 5th House of romance, children and creativity is active this month too.

Your ruling planet Jupiter goes retrograde from 9th in your 12th House of compassion, spirituality, unconscious and creativity behind the scenes. This will require you to carry out a review in whether or not you have been pursuing growth in one or more of these areas.

New Moon on 17th falls in your mother and home and personal development zone. This is a good time to make resolutions for the year ahead around these matters. Chiron is close by too which adds the opportunity of healing old wounds in some way. Be open to that possibility as your make your plans.

Towards the end of the month Mars catches up with Saturn from 28th. This is the planet of force confronting the planet of resistance and the arena they are battling in is your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values. The discomfort this generates could raise awareness of any outstanding issues you have going on here. Mars could blast through any blockages you have here or alternatively could grind to a halt. Either way give it your full attention. This is an opportunity to break through self-limiting beliefs and behaviours. Take it!


Capricorn:   This month your focus gradually changes to mother, home and personal development. As Mercury and Venus lead the way from 6th, you will want to beautify and brings changes to your home and the Sun’s arrival from 20th will bring the energy to make a start. It may be a short start however as Mercury goes retrograde from 23rd and a rethink may be required in some way.

Meanwhile Mars leaps into your sign on 17th bringing energy and determination to you personally. Mars is exalted in Capricorn (it really loves to be in your sign and works super-well there) so if you want to push ahead with projects, you have the energy store to do so. But do so quickly before Mercury goes retrograde on 23rd and before Mars catches up with Saturn from 28th.

Pluto and Saturn have been testing you and bringing about deep inner change for some time. The arrival of Mars to the mix could force anything you have been avoiding or brushing under the carpet, into full view. This could include aspects of self-sabotage. When Mars catches up with Saturn from 28th you will probably not be able to proceed as wanted. So stop and take stock and make time for an internal review. Only then will you realize how best to proceed, once the brakes are off around mid-April.

Full Moon on 31st is a Blue Moon and also brings up current conflicting demands between your home life, mothering needs and personal development versus the demands of father, career and social status. Give these plenty of thought too.


Aquarius:   As your focus on finances quietens down, communications become your new area of activity this month, beginning on 6th when Mercury and Venus move into your 3rd House.

When Mercury, planet of communication moves into your 3rd House of communications, you should be on a roll. Your mind and tongue will be bright and quick and Venus close by adds charm to what you have to say (or express in other ways). Physical agility should be easier too (apart from around 11th), as should trading, short journeys and dealings with neighbours and siblings..

The Sun adds its warmth and energy from 20th but Mercury goes retrograde soon afterwards on 23rd bringing about a review in your thought processes. Your unconscious receives a jolt too from 17th when Mars joins Saturn and Pluto in your already busy 12th House. This is your compassionate spiritual arena which fires creativity behind the scenes.

Mars will want to get active here but it approaches Saturn from 28th which may cause discomfort. Progress may become difficult or may draw to a halt or an unconscious obstacle may come to your awareness which gives the chance of overcoming it. We will all be experiencing this (in different areas of life for each sign). You have a better chance than most though as Venus joins your ruling planet Uranus at the same time. This adds originality, creative flair and charm to your repertoire which can only help to make a leap over these difficulties (and also get other people on your side).


Pisces:   The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Its glow then moves to your finance zone which has been previously warmed by Mercury and Venus from 6th. Venus usually helps to smooth finances along so all should proceed positively until 23rd when Mercury goes retrograde. This will require a review in your thinking around security and values. You have until mid-April to think this through.

New Moon on 17th falls in your sign and marks the beginning of your personal New Year. This is a good time to make resolutions towards what you hope to find in your emotional life in the year ahead. Chiron adds its energies to this too, offering the possibility of healing old wounds. Leave room in your plans for this too.

Mars changes signs also on 17th and moves into your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. The two heavy-weights Saturn and Pluto have been weighing things down here for some time. The arrival of Mars will make everything more volatile. Old self-limiting beliefs or behaviours may become apparent and changes in friendships and groups you belong to could bring up many feelings and spur you on to find new circles to move in..

Jupiter also goes retrograde this month from 9th. This is in your travel, studies, philosophy and legal zone. There may have been expansion in these areas but which contain real growth? And what is your current position on ‘the truth’?

Your Solar Return (or birthday) whether last month or this also marks a new cycle for you. This is also an ideal time to explore your planets for the year ahead, with a good astrologer.There are many opportunities for growth this month. Embrace them all!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).




January 2018

Our shared planetary picture

The year starts on a positive note with Mars (planet of drive and assertiveness) and Jupiter (planet of growth, expansion and opportunity) conjunct in Scorpio.  As well as stimulating personal passions, this also adds to our collective determination to get to the bottom of previously hidden information and murky secrets.  Symbolically this is a healthy start to a new year and it also provides us with the stamina and resilience to face whatever is unearthed in our pursuit of the truth.

Uranus which has been retrograde since early August goes direct on 2nd.  This marks the end of a five-month review into how far we have been compromising ourselves (in different areas of life for all signs).

A mass gathering of planets in Capricorn keep us focused this month.  Power dynamics could break out too around 7th – 9th when the Sun, Venus and Pluto join forces in a compelling (and possibly compulsive) way.  Observe your reactions and behavior and that of others, as unconscious patterns can come to light.

You may not care for what surfaces but self-awareness (and a deeper understanding of how you relate to those you are in relationship with) is more than half the battle and all information towards this should be welcomed.  New Moon here on 17th also provides a timely opportunity to put resolutions in place for an emotionally healthier path forward in the areas of life highlighted for your sign of the zodiac.

There are two Full Moons this month.  The first is in Cancer on 2nd (02.25 GMT) and the second is in Leo on 31st (13.31 GMT).  This second Full Moon falls under one of the definitions of ‘a blue moon’ and we should take this rare-ish event to express ourselves fully – creatively!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   Your ruling planet Mars is running on all four cylinders (or possibly five) for the first week of 2018 when it joins Jupiter in your 8th House of transformation and joint funds.  Passionate agendas and intimacy urges could forge ahead and joint funds or ‘the money of others’ adds an allure of promise.  You may be open to risk-taking more than usual too.  Power dynamics dominate from 7th – 9th.  Stay ethical, even if others do not.

Your father, career and social status zone has Venus smoothing your way forward until 18th and the Sun illuminating your ambitions until 20th.  Mercury helps with communications in hierarchies from 11th – 30th helping you to find the right words to sway those above and those below you to follow your ideas and accept your lead.  Saturn is freshly in this area of your chart too for the next two years and this is the first full month when you can start to make your plans.  It may take two years to materialize them.  There is no mystery here.  The secret to success is hard work.

New Moon on 17th marks the beginning of your Professional New Year.  Make your resolutions then for your professional year ahead.  Two Full Moons this month raise emotions: on 2nd around mother and home and on 31st around romance, children and creativity.

This month also brings a change of direction for Uranus which goes direct in your sign on 2nd after five months in retrograde and you can once again go for that pure and uncompromised version of yourself that has been hatching over the past seven years.  And only the totally uncompromised version will do.


Taurus:   Relationships and partnerships are on a rolling wave during the first week of the month as determined, passionate Mars joins upbeat, boisterous Jupiter in your opposite sign…  Communications could get emotional on 1st during the build-up to Full Moon.  (The actual Full Moon is on 2nd at 02.25 GMT).  Uranus goes direct on 2nd too getting inner obstacles (that have been holding you up since early August) out of your way.

Your travel, studies, philosophy publishing and legal zone are very active this month with a compelling attraction or power play around 7th – 9th…  Uranus provides surprises too around 12th – 13th.  Your ruling planet Venus is helping things along here in general until 18th and New Moon on 17th marks a fresh start in these areas of your life.

From 18th Venus changes its focus to sweetening up authority figures who will smile upon your ambitions.  And your ambitions look rosy.  Ask for favours if you need some.

The build-up to the second Full Moon of the month is on 25th – 26th and the focus of your emotions will be mother and home.  Mars changes signs on 26th too and you will end the month pushing ahead with joint finances and possibly a passionate agenda…


Gemini:   Mars and Jupiter burst out in a determined manner during the first week of the year in your 6th House of work, health, daily routine and service to others.  Freedom and operating on a wider scale will feel important.  Perhaps a daring, new hobby or exciting work would fit the bill or a new pet or including a spiritual practice into your daily routine?

Your ruling planet Mercury is rushing around all month, trying to express itself in relationships and partnerships until 11th.  Uranus goes direct on 2nd, completing a five-month review on how you have been compromising with friends, groups, community or humanitarian ideals.  Around 6th Mercury tunes into this new outlook and your ideas or words may surprise you.

From 11th Mercury moves towards the main gathering of planets this month in your 8th House of transformation – which covers birth, sex, death, joint funds (taxes, debts and inheritances) and sharing, including yourself on an intimate level.  Tensions may build or even erupt around 7th – 9th when compelling attractions burst out or power plays get acted out.  Try to be as self-aware as possible.  New Moon on 17th falls in this area of your solar chart too.  Make resolutions to help transformation along in the month and year ahead.

From 26th Mars leaps into your relationships and partnerships zone and you will have energy to pursue your goals.  And you will not take ‘no’ as an answer…


Cancer:   A big, boisterous surge of energy is pushing its way through your romance, children and creativity zone from 1st – 7th and playing safe may not look like an attractive option…  Uranus goes direct on 2nd too in your father, career and social status zone, ending a five-month review of where compromise has been going wrong.  Whether this has been too much compromise or not enough, only you can know.  Full Moon in Cancer is early on the same day (so the build-up is on 1st) and emotions will be kicking off in the upsurge too – should be interesting…

Relationships and partnerships continue to hold centre stage this month, especially around 7th – 9th when the Sun, Venus and Pluto bring up irresistible fascinations or power dynamics raise their head (or even both).  Resist emotional melt-downs and observe the role you take in power dynamics in your relationships.  Is it a fair one?  Or perhaps partners are taking too much for themselves.  Voicing your observations is a healthy use of power and Uranus may bring flashes of information or add an electrical quality to your words.

The second Full Moon of the month falls in your finance, security and values zone is on 31st.  On the same day Mercury joins the Sun and Venus which have been illuminating and smoothing your path in joint finances, intimacy and sharing.  Reconciling personal income with joint funds (including taxes, debts and inheritances) or a partner’s financial situation is one of the equations for the end of the month.  You may even benefit from ‘the money of others’ from 18th onwards.

You will be thinking about your work, health, daily routine and service to others until 11th.  But thoughts may not be put into action until Mars leaps in from 26th.  With so many emotions swimming around this month, keeping a balanced mind is key.  And exercise gives a fresh perspective to everything.  Now how to stretch those legs and think clearly?


Leo:   Your 4th House of mother and home starts the year with a big burst of energy as determined Mars and freedom-loving Jupiter join forces.  This is from 1st – 7th and could be about the pursuit of a bigger home or one in a different country or a home built around a philosophy that makes your emotional base bigger in some way or mother figures seeking more freedom.

But the biggest congregation of planets this month is in your 6th House of work, health, daily routine and service to others.  Pluto and Saturn two planetary heavy-weights are now resident in this area of your solar chart and your thoughts around one or more of these areas of life will be serious around 12th – 13th.

From 7th – 9th the Sun, Venus and Pluto make for some intense dynamics also in your work and health zone.  And New Moon falls in this part of your solar chart on 17th which is a perfect time to make resolutions for a healthier year ahead – adding or removing daily habits – to enhance your well-being in the coming month and year ahead.

From 18th Venus sweetens up your relationships and partnerships zone and your ruling planet the Sun adds warmth and light from 20th.  Now what might that mean?  Mars ups the energy in your romance, children and creativity from 26th too.  And Full Moon in Leo on 31st sees you ending the month with wonderful flair.  You know we all depend on you for that!


Virgo:   Ideas and words will be bursting out of you from 1st – 7th as Mars and Jupiter give you daring, courage and the mental energy to think and talk big.  Uranus goes direct too on 2nd ending a five-month review on how far you have been compromising re joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances, sharing and intimacy.  Your ruling planet Mercury tunes into this too around 6th and flashes of insight might give you further impetus to put your money where your mouth is.

The main focus this month though is your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  A deep and slow process is taking place here which may become very apparent around 7th – 9th (or at least your internal dynamics that feed into it).  Observe patterns that show up at this time, especially the power balance in how you relate in these areas of life.  New Moon falls here on 17th.  Make resolutions for a fulfilling month and year ahead.

Your ruling planet Mercury is busy thinking about mother, home, self-nurture and personal development until 11th.  Later in the month on 26th Mars jumps into your 4th House to take up these ideas and push them forward.  DIY or self-improvement projects will appeal and you will have the energy and determination to get things moving.

From 18th Venus will be in your 6th House of work, health, daily routine and service to others.  Relationships with colleagues and daily companions should go well and your daily rituals are pleasurable.  The Sun helps to warm up your well-being too from 20th.  Meanwhile, have you considered the health-enhancing benefits of having a pet?


Libra:   Mars and Jupiter start the month pushing for grand action on the finance front from 1st – 7th and risk-taking may look more appealing than usual.  Uranus goes direct in your partnerships zone on 2nd.  It has been retrograde since early August, urging you to review to what extent you or partners have been compromising.  Uranus is heading in a straight line forwards now until early May to finish off any adjustments that still have to be made.

Your ruling planet Venus is smoothing the way and looking for harmony around mother and home and you will be looking at ways of sharing the pleasures of your home by beautifying it or entertaining others there.  Power dynamics may get in the way of harmony around 7th – 9th though.  Be aware of your own role in these and try not to repeat self-defeating patterns.  Uranus provides surprises too around 12th – 13th.

New Moon on 17th marks the start of your Domestic New Year.  Make resolutions towards a happy home in the month and year ahead!  Partners may challenge your thinking about this around 27th – 28th.  Appreciate different points of view without being cowed.

On 18th Venus glides into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity, followed by the Sun on 20th.  Make time to enjoy these pleasures!


Scorpio:   Mars and Jupiter join forces in Scorpio during the first week of 2018 which is a massive, energetic and optimistic wave.  Push forward with expansive projects.  Massive action is possible and your world can become a bigger, more trusting place!  Uranus goes direct on 2nd too which means more forward movement in your work, health, daily routine and service to others.

Your 3rd House of communications, trading, neighbours and siblings is also highlighted this month, especially around 7th – 9th when your ruling planet Pluto conjuncts the Sun and Venus.  Compelling attractions could occur or some other form of power dynamics.  You need to be alert and observe any power patterns of relating which show up around this time.  They may be your habitual patterns.  Take this opportunity to make them conscious rather than be run by them.  Observe your thoughts and watch your words on 24th too.

Venus glides into your 4th House of mother and home from 18th.  This creates an urge to beautify your home and perhaps invite others to also enjoy it by entertaining.  The Sun follows on 20th and you will want space to express yourself creatively at home too.

You will be active on the money-making front from 26th when Mars leaps into action in your finance, security and values zone.  Full Moon falls in your 10th House of father, career and social status on the same day which raises ‘grand’ emotions.  Watch these!


Sagittarius:   Many things are going on behind the scenes during the first week of the month as your ruling planet Jupiter joins Mars.  This may result in unexpected behavior which will probably be as unexpected to you as everyone else.  Uranus goes direct on 2nd too in your romance, children and creativity zone, completing a five-month review of whether you have been compromising too much or not enough in these areas.  With the answer to this hopefully now clear, you can proceed with a new approach.

The main focus of the month though is your 2nd House of money, possessions, security, self-esteem and values.  Two heavy-weight planets are pressing you to look deeply into your values and any compulsiveness that may be operating in your financial life or need for security.  These may become very clear around 7th – 9th when you should be alert to your patterns of behavior in these respects.  New Moon on 17th falls here too which is the perfect time to make a new budget or resolutions that better reflect your present values.

Venus may be of some superficial help to your finances until 18th.  Its focus then moves into communications, helping you towards agreeability and thereby easing relations with neighbours, siblings and anyone you trade with.

Mercury lends you mental energy until 11th, then it too becomes preoccupied with your finances…  This may look serious around 12th – 13th and bewildering around 27th – 28th.  On 26th Mars leaps into your sign, adding extra energy and determination.  Call on Venus to make your communications more tactful, so you can smoothly achieve your goals.


Capricorn:   Venus in your sign until 18th continues to make you irresistible to others which is quite handy as you have many agendas on the boil…  The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  New Moon on 17th also marks the beginning of your Personal New Year.  Make resolutions towards what you hope to find in your emotional life in the month and year ahead.

Your ruling planet Saturn is freshly in your own sign, adding ballast and authority to your actions.  An unpredictable meeting of the Sun, Venus and Pluto also in Capricorn around 7th – 9th also brings up power dynamics.  Stay ethical if you want to keep your head above water!

Mars and Jupiter are expanding your circle of friends or community during the first week of the year.  Your optimism about these or organisations or humanitarian ideals will be super-persuasive and you can take action on a big scale which you should aim at helping others too.

Finances start to look up from 18th when Venus softens your financial view.  The Sun adds energy and optimism here too from 20th.  The second Full Moon of the month may raise emotions around how joint funds or others impact your finances.  Be philosophical if you can.


Aquarius:   Your ambitions and dealings with authority figures start the year in a big burst of energy.  Mars and Jupiter are pushing for expansion from 1st – 7th and freedom or a wider world, look appealing – even enough to take risks…  Your ruling planet Uranus goes direct on the 2nd too after five months in reverse.  This has been an opportunity to review to what extent you have been compromising on the father, career and social status front.  With your review now complete, it is time to apply your discoveries.  Your thinking or words will reflect this on 6th too.

A bundle of planets are at the same time making their way behind the scenes through your inner workings.  This will be particularly apparent around 7th – 9th when you should be sure not to repeat self-defeating patterns…  Notice what you notice at this time.  Important realisations may come to light.

The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you when it moves into Aquarius from 20th.

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st.  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.  On 18th Venus glides into your sign too, making you charmer of the zodiac for the rest of the month and into Feb.  Now that could come in handy…


Pisces:   Your restlessness will be strong at the beginning of the month when Mars and Jupiter press you to explore and make your world wider, either through travel, deep study, the internet or cultural and philosophical expansion.  You may also be feeling litigious or want to press forward with a publishing project.

On 2nd Uranus goes direct in your finance zone after five months in reverse.  This has provided a review around your finances and position on security and self-esteem (which should not be confused with earned income) and to what degree you have compromised in how you generate an income.  You will be thinking about career options too or ambitions of some kind until 11th and when Mars jumps in to push things forward from 26th, it will be all engines go!

The main focus this month though is your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  Two deep processes are slowly unfolding here and you may get a burst of insight into them around 7th – 9th when compulsive patterns or power plays could emerge.  Amidst your reactions, try to observe how you and others behave and keep hold of this for further reflection.  New Moon on 17th falls in these areas of life.  And this is a good time to make resolutions around friendships and groups you might want to join or form in the year ahead.

From 18th Venus glides into your 12th House of your inner and spiritual world, compassion to others and creativity behind the scenes.  The Sun joins in too from 20th and any or all of these arenas can be a source of harmony and pleasure.  Breathe deep!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).



December 2017

Our shared planetary picture

Mercury goes retrograde this month on 3rd which is the same day as the Full Moon.  Communications and short journeys may not be straight forwards and things may get mislaid or go missing.  If you can, avoid signing anything important until after 23rd when misunderstandings start to be resolved.

Mars moves into Scorpio on 9th, pursuing secrets and all things hidden.  Be open to revelations, including self-revelations too.  Passions could also get roused…

But the most momentous planetary change this month is Saturn’s move from Sag. to Capricorn on 20th.  (One day before the winter solstice).  Saturn is not a light-weight planet.  It represents time, responsibilities, restrictions and lessons.  The restrictions have an important purpose though.  They make the going tough so that we are thrown upon ourselves to carry out an internal review (in different areas of life for each sign).

This usually involves self-questioning and looking at how we have been dealing with certain things in the past and how we want to deal with them in the future.  It stays for approximately two and a half years in each sign.

Saturn is always somewhere of course and as it leaves one area of your solar chart, it moves into another.  So the good news is – on 20th it finishes its lessons in one area of your life.  And you can then apply your hard-earned conclusions.

You will then have new challenges in new areas of life in the two years ahead!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   On 1st your ruling planet Mars opposes Uranus in your sign which is like a flash of lightning.  What this reveals or you suddenly realise may shock you.  It is to do with you and relationships or partnerships.  With this startlingly in mind, you have until 9th to push your agenda forward.  And compromise will not be on your mind!

Mars then moves into your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone.  You may hotly pursue anyone owing you money or vice versa…   Or you may encounter anger about lack of intimacy or sharing.  This could be yours but if it is someone else’s… try to listen!

Saturn moves out of your 9th House on 20th, ending three years of delays, responsibilities or restrictions in travel, deep study, ethics, philosophy, publishing or legal matters.  Your new area of seriousness is your 10th House of father, career and social status.  When Saturn reaches this zenith of your chart, you find yourself reaping whatever you have sown over the last seven, fourteen or 28 years.

This could be very sobering if you have neglected responsibilities.  However if you have worked hard over the years, this period over the next two years could be the culmination of your achievements and authority may be bestowed upon you.  This will not be in the form of a lucky break but in recognition of your hard work, worthiness and effort.

Venus joins the Sun and Saturn from 25th when father figures or those in authority smile down on you.  And if you happen to be one yourself, give credit where it is due.


Taurus:   Efforts around work, health and daily routine continue until 9th, then Mars joins Jupiter in your relationships and partnerships zone, making for a buoyant roller-coaster sort of energy.  If you have objectives in mind you can push them forward in an exhilarating way!

Joint funds, intimacy and sharing continue to occupy you this month too.  Venus helps with relating until 25th but Mercury retrograde between 3rd and 23rd can give a misleading reading of situations regarding intimacy and sharing and confusion about joint funds (including taxes, debts and inheritances).

At the same time, Saturn which has been weighing things down in this area of your chart for three years, moves out on 20th.  This will lighten things up and your self-knowledge should now be better if you have carried out the internal review required.

Saturn’s new area of lessons is going to be in your 9th House of travel, deep study, the internet, religion, philosophy, different cultures, ethics, publishing and legal matters.  This could take the form of restrictions or responsibilities in some way.  Or you may become an authority in one of these domains.

Pluto has been stirring things up here since 2008 and now Saturn is adding structure to that transformation.  As a Taurean you know how to make creative ideas a reality.  So your focus now, for the next two years, are these arenas.

Your ruling planet Venus squares Neptune on 9th and 10th when unrealistic expectations or self-sabotage cause discomfort.  On 25th Venus conjuncts Saturn and ‘the work’ of loving someone presents itself or a creative product can come into being.


Gemini:   Full Moon in your sign on 3rd gives an emotional start to the month.  Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on the same day, so you may lose your footing and find yourself in a river of emotion.  Geminis generally avoid such environments but being out of your element can bring growth and new experiences, if you have the courage to over-ride your fears and trust the current.

Your ruling planet Mercury goes direct on 23rd and you will start to feel more like yourself again.

Venus keeps relationships and partnerships pleasurable up to 25th.  Saturn is in there too finishing off three-year’s worth of lessons learnt.  So there is both a sense of relief and seriousness too.  Solid new structures may even be forming.  And New Moon on 18th is the time to make resolutions towards what you hope to find and give in partnerships in the month and year ahead.

Saturn’s new port of call is your 8th House.  This is the House of transformation.  It covers birth, sex and death, joint funds, intimacy and sharing.  Joint funds covers taxes, debts, inheritances and financial dealings with others.  Many lessons lie ahead.  Be open and honest with yourself and others.


Cancer:  Events connected to mother and home may take you by surprise at the beginning of the month and your energy to push ahead with things remains until 9th.  Then Mars jumps into your romance, children and creativity zone which is already buoyant and afloat with Jupiter its new resident.  This is a feel-good, push-forward wave that attracts positive things and attracts others.  Enjoy it!

Work and health carry more concerns however.  Venus smoothes things along until 25th but Mercury is retrograde from 3rd – 23rd causing hiccoughs and misunderstandings with colleagues or daily companions or passing health annoyances.  The good news however is that Saturn which has been weighing things down in this area of your chart for three years, moves out on 20th.  So things will then start to feel much lighter than they have done for a long time!

New Moon on 18th also falls in this area of your chart and marks the beginning of your Work and Health New Year.  Make resolutions that will increase your daily well-being in the month and year ahead.

Saturn’s new area of focus is your 7th House of relationships and partnerships (which covers both business and intimate partners).  Pluto has been shaking things up here for nine years and now Saturn brings its scrutiny to bear.  Things may not be so easy to handle with Saturn around which will prompt you to carry out a deep internal review of: how you have been dealing with partners or partnerships in the past and how you want to deal with them in the future.  This will not be easy (perhaps with regards to realisations about yourself) but give it your full attention.


Leo:   A dilemma between romance and friendship or group achievement versus personal creativity crops up with Full Moon on 3rd.  Mercury planet of thought and communication goes retrograde the same day until 23rd.  So you may not be able to go by what others say.  Your own words may not do that good a job either.  Creative expression has a better chance but even there you may not be at your best…

Meanwhile the focus is on your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity.  Saturn has been weighing you down in these areas for three years, calling for a deep internal review in one or more of these areas.  But the good news is, Saturn completes its long, hard lessons here on 20th which frees you up to apply your hard-earned conclusions.

Your ruling planet the Sun continues to warm things up here until 21st.  Venus is in this area of your chart too until 25th, giving creative flow, softening your feelings and attracting others.  New Moon on 18th also falls here, marking the beginning of your Romantic and/or Creative New Year.  Make resolutions for a creative month and year ahead.

Late in the month three planets move into your work and health zone – Venus on 25th, the Sun on 21st and most importantly of all – Saturn on 20th.  Work, health and service to others are your new areas of life under review.  How you tend yourself on a physical level, daily routine and well-being in general are included too.  Pets might crop up in a serious way too.

All three planets coincide on 25th which may give a flavour of things to come.  Be ready to meet them.


Virgo:   Career and home crash against each other at Full Moon on 3rd and your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on the same day.  This is in your mother and home zone so double-check up until 23rd that everyone is under the same understanding.

Mars moves into your 3rd House of communications, short journeys, trading and dealings with siblings and neighbours from 9th.  This adds heat and determination to your actions and interactions and provides the energy to see things through.  You may find yourself being verbally sharper too, perhaps with good reason.

The main focus this month though is your 4th House of mother and home, self-nurture and personal development.  Saturn has been weighing you down here for the past three years, bringing about a much-needed review of how you have been dealing with one or more of these areas of life.  On 20th Saturn completes its call for scrutiny in these arenas and you will be free and able to apply your conclusions.  New Moon is in this area of your chart too on 18th.  Make resolutions towards a happy home in the month and year ahead.

As one challenge closes, another opens and your new areas for learning and growth are romance, children and creativity.  Be ready to embark on this new adventure.  Who knows what could materialise!


Libra:   If partners expect you to be a push-over at the beginning of the month, they have a surprise in store, especially on 1st!  And you continue to be assertive up until 9th when Mars leaves your sign and turns its energies to your finances.

Jupiter has already been improving things here since October and now Mars adds determination to the opportunities around.  Another income stream could be pushed forward, especially around 24th – 28th.

Communications, trading and dealings with neighbours and siblings are a particular area of interest this month with mixed events and mixed emotions running with them.  Your ruling planet Venus is helping to smooth things along until 25th but Mercury goes retrograde from 3rd – 23rd when changing decisions, mislaid items or misunderstandings cause confusion.

The good news is that Saturn which has been weighing down this area of your chart for three years, moves on 20th into your mother and home zone where it will stay for two years.  This is in addition to Pluto with has been transforming this area of your life since 2008.

Saturn’s presence will present you with many things, perhaps extra responsibilities or realisations about the early home and how you were nurtured and how that impacts your own style of nurture and self-nurture.  Do not avoid whatever shows up in terms of external or internal events.  This is for you not against you but you must do your inner homework!


Scorpio:   Since October you have been riding the upbeat Jupiterian wave but from 9th Mars leaps into your sign and joins it, adding extra dynamism, energy and determination to forge head with your creative self-expression and expansive projects – including yourself!

Finances are a big focus this month too.  Venus usually helps to improve them and that may be the case but it is hard to get a clear view.  Mercury creates misunderstandings or things get mislaid and you may have to do or re-do things more than once in the current mix-ups between 3rd and 23rd.

Saturn moves out of this area of your solar chart on 20th after three years of slow progress (so slow it may not have been apparent at all).  The internal review this called you to make has been about money, possessions, income, security, self-esteem and values.  If you carried out you inner homework, you should now have a better sense of your values and your worth.

Saturn now joins your ruling planet Pluto in your 3rd House of communications, short journeys, teaching, trading, physical movement and dealings with neighbours and siblings.  Pluto’s transformational residence in this area of your solar chart since 2008 will have already made you aware of the power of words, the power of thought and the power of the mind.  Saturn now requires you to work on how you apply all three.

It will not be easy but nothing worthwhile ever is.  Self-honesty is the starting point and a carefully worded extension of that in being honest with others.  You have the resilience to do this.  Take courage and do it.  And if you have been over-stating your case in the past and over-using power in your dealings with others, Saturn will require you to do some painful listening.  Do it!


Sagittarius:   The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 21st, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression.  Mercury is in your sign too but goes retrograde from 3rd which can skew communications.    Double-check everyone is on the same page during this period.  Mental and physical agility may be trickier to come by too.  Full Moon on the same day creates an emotional high tide in partnerships (business and/or intimate).

Although you risk being misunderstood, Venus also stays in your sign until 25th, making you charmer of the zodiac this month.  It then moves into your 2nd House to help smooth finances along.  And finances may need that help…

New Moon on 18th is also in your sign, marking the start of your Personal New Year.  Make resolutions that will help to generate what you hope to find in your emotional life in the month and year ahead.  Many Happy Lunar Returns!

The big news however is that Saturn which has been weighing you down for the past three years, moves out of your sign on 20th.  This will come as a relief and you will feel lighter as a result.  You will also then be able to apply the conclusions of your long internal review about identity, self-expression and how and where that should be applied.

Your new area of learning is your 2nd House of money, possessions, security, values and self-esteem.  Be ready for possible frustrations and more importantly, the opportunities for growth within them!


Capricorn:   Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change.  The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time.  The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st.  Many Happy Solar Returns!  It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Another big shift this month is that your ruling planet Saturn moves into your sign on 20th.  This only happens every 28 years or so and it marks a kind of homecoming.  Saturn will also be demanding a review over the next two years of how you have been dealing with identity and self-expression and the current outlets for that expression and how you would prefer to deal with these things in the future.

Pluto has already been stirring power issues up for you since 2008 which can be transformational if you look it straight in the face.  Saturn’s arrival will require even more self-honesty.  Be willing to go there.


Aquarius:   Mars opposes your ruling planet Uranus on 1st which starts the month off on a jolt.  Compromises will not look attractive but your mind will be serious and focused as Mercury approaches Saturn.  Any decisions you feel you have made, may turn around though as Mercury goes retrograde from 3rd until 23rd.

Mars moves into your father, career and social status zone from 9th.  This will sharpen your ambitions and give you the drive and energy to pursue them.  More of this to follow next month when Mars joins forces with big-boy Jupiter!

You will be glad to know that Saturn completes its demanding journey through your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals on 20th.  You will then be free to apply your conclusions in these arenas.

Your next area of intensive learning is going to be in your 12th House of compassion, the pain and suffering of others and the institutions where they can be found (prisons, hospitals and refuges), creativity behind the scenes, spirituality, the internet and the collective unconscious.  Saturn can bring restrictions, responsibilities or …authority…  If you have been working conscientiously in these areas, be ready to step up.


Pisces:   Opposite pulls between your finances and the requests or financial demands of others start the month.  Things kick off between your private and public life too from 3rd.  Communications to do with father, career and authority figures may not go smoothly either from 3rd – 23rd when Mercury is retrograde.

Mars adds determination to travel, study or legal plans from 9th.  This is followed by Venus squaring your ruling planet Neptune from 10th – 11th which may not be encouraging but this soon passes.

The big focus this month is your father, career and social status zone.  The Sun is lighting things up until 21st and Venus helps to smooth things along but with Mercury retrograde, avoid signing anything important if you can, until after 23rd.  Watch your own words too or they may come back to haunt you.

The main news though is that Saturn removes its heavy three-year presence here on 20th.  Whatever you have hopefully learned during this period can now be applied.  And your new area of learning is your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  You have two years of learning ahead.  Welcome this deepening of your understanding.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


November 2017

Our shared planetary picture

Full Moon in Taurus heightens the senses around 4th and a Venus – Uranus opposition creates emotional or creative excitement around the same period. Saturn and Uranus are co-operating from 1st – 11th, helping young and old, the traditional and the modern and structure and freedom to work well together.

Mars is striving to bring balance, peace and fairness as it makes its way through Libra. Venus helps it to smooth the waters up to 7th but then Mars is on its own for the rest of the month. A power struggle between Mars and Pluto from 15th – 19th does not look too good. There could also be unpredictable events around 28th – 30th when Uranus challenges Mars, wanting it to reject compromise.

A gathering of planets in Scorpio this month create intensity and the urge to get to the bottom of things. And with the Sun illuminating things until 22nd, more secrets will be brought to light around passions, sexual behaviour and the use or misuse of joint funds (i.e. corruption).

Venus meets Jupiter in this arena from 11th – 13th which adds an upbeat note. This is a very sociable aspect, the only danger being over-indulgence or pleasing others to the extent that it is bad for you. On 18th New Moon in Scorpio calls for a fresh start in some way, in the areas listed above.

Neptune goes direct in Pisces on 22nd restoring a clearer sense of ideals, after five months in retrograde. And the Sun moves into Sag. on the same day, prompting us to be philosophical. Mercury has been voicing inconvenient truths all month since 5th. From 26th – 28th, it pauses to consider what next, as Saturn slows it down to review all that has been said so far.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   Your ruling planet Mars is still forging ahead all month in relationships and partnerships. Venus excites you as it opposes Uranus in your sign until 7th then it is down to your willpower to push your agenda forward and express your passion (and there is no shortage of that!)

When Mars squares Pluto from 15th – 19th, people in authority may block your plans (or you may block theirs…). Power games rarely benefit anyone in the long run so lead by example and be ‘big’.

New Moon on 18th falls in the other active part of your solar chart – the 8th House of intimacy, joint funds and sharing. This is the house of transformation. Where do you seek transformation in the year ahead?

You will be looking at the need for inner change from 1st – 11th and what you want in partnerships may be a challenge even to yourself from 28th – 30th. You will have to stretch to meet your goal. But what is life without a challenge?


Taurus:   Your ruling planet Venus starts the month in a state of excitement as it opposes unpredictable Uranus from 2nd – 5th. Full Moon in your sign, early on 4th heightens emotions too around this time. Venus also moves into your partnerships zone from 7th, adding to the already feel-good presence of the Sun and Jupiter there. 11th – 13th is especially up-beat. Enjoy it with others.

This leaves Mars as sole occupant of your 6th House of work, health and service to others. Health matters that need taking in hand can be moved forward this month. Although travel, ethics or cultural issues may intervene from 15th – 19th when Mars runs into conflict with Pluto. Putting a good work-life balance in place is a good aim this month. Positive additions to your daily routine can be made too. How you tend yourself physically and to your daily well-being, needs your attention. Give it!

Joint funds, sharing and dealings with financial institutions are on your mind from 5th. Taxes, debts and inheritances come to mind and the events surrounding them. And is your own will (if you have made one) relevant and up to date?

As well as smoothing relationships and partnerships, Venus enters a romantic or creative flow from 14th – 16th. Healing opportunities are around too from 25th – 27th. This is followed by surprising events from 28th – 30th when you unconscious intervenes…


Gemini:   You will be pushing ahead with romantic or creative projects this month as Mars makes its way through your 5th House. You may be more assertive with children too, although no one may notice this until after 7th. Your progress may be challenged around 15th – 19th by demands from others for money or intimacy. Friends may challenge your plans too from 28th – 30th.

Your main focus this month though is work, health and service to others. The Sun is highlighting these until 22nd and Venus adds pleasure and ease from 7th. When Venus meets Jupiter around 11th – 13th your sense of well-being will be high (as long as you do not over-indulge). Relations with colleagues go well and pleasure can be found in mindfully carrying out your daily routine and looking after yourself physically.

New Moon falls in this area of your solar chart on 18th which is the perfect time to start a new work or health regime. What you include or exclude from your day can have a strong impact, so choose healthily. Neptune goes direct on 22nd which makes the way forward clearer in your father, career and social status zone. This will be welcome and marks the end of a long five-month period of confusion.

Your ruling planet Mercury is busy thinking about relationships and partnerships from 5th. The Sun adds creative energy to your plans from 22nd. But your thoughts and communications will be serious from 26th – 28th. Say what you mean. And mean what you say.


Cancer:   Your sights are still set on pushing projects through regarding mother and home this month. Mars is plugging away and Venus helps too until 7th, albeit with some surprises from your father, career and social status zone.

Partnerships may stall your progress from 15th – 19th when Mars squares Pluto. This looks like a possible power battle. Handle it as creatively as you can.

Romance, children and creativity are glowing as the Sun, Venus and Jupiter give an upbeat, feel-good vibe. 11th – 13th is especially enjoyable, gather loved ones around to enjoy it with them. New Moon on 18th also falls in this area of your solar chart, making this a good time to make resolutions for your creative year ahead.

From 5th Mercury comes up with lots of ideas about how to improve your health, working conditions and daily routine. Communications go easily with colleagues and daily companions and your physical agility could improve too. You may have to slow down though around 26th – 28th when your thoughts or communications get more serious.

The month ends with a clash between mother and father or home and career and compromise on either side may not seem possible. Look for creative solutions.


Leo:   You continue to be assertive in your communications this month which may not be apparent to others until Venus moves its attention to other matters after 7th. Even so you will try to be fair but power-wielding situations around 15th – 19th will stand out starkly. Be fair then too, even in others are not being (though there is nothing wrong in pointing that out). Travel, cultural or ethical matters challenge your current train of thought from 28th – 30th. However unsettling, allow this insight in.

The main emphasis this month is mother and home. Your creative energies are running high here and you will want to beautify your home or extend its pleasures to others, especially around 11th – 13th when Venus meets Jupiter – the ultimate feel-good aspect. New Moon falls in your mother and home zone too on 18th. This marks the beginning of your domestic new year. Make resolutions that will help to create a happy home in the month and year ahead. Self nurture and personal development come into this too. Include them in your plans.

From 5th your thoughts turn to romance, children and creativity. The Sun adds energy to carry out your plans from 22nd. Although serious thought or a re-think may seem necessary around 26th – 28th.

Joint funds, sharing and intimacy get clearer from 22nd. It has been a confusing time over the past five months but the way ahead is now more visible.


Virgo:   You will be pushing forward on financial fronts all month as Mars continues resolutely on its quest for some security. The results could be good early in the month as Venus helps things along until 7th. There will be a challenge to your plans though around 15th – 19th when compulsive desires connected to romance, children or creativity burst in. You may also be thrown by financial demands from others from 28th – 30th.

Your main focus this month however is communication of all kinds. The Sun is focusing on these until 22nd, providing warmth and energy. And Venus helps to smooth everything along, especially from 11th – 13th when it joins Jupiter. This can provide mental delights that come from a positive mind, happiness through exercise and physical movement and lovely exchanges with others, particularly neighbours and siblings. The only danger here is going too far in pleasing others. Keep boundaries while having fun.

New Moon also falls in this arena on 18th which is a perfect time to start a new exercise regime, learn a new language or begin a writing project.

Your ruling planet Mercury is busy thinking about mother and home from 5th. The Sun highlights these matters too from 22nd, followed by serious thoughts or communications from 28th – 30th.

Neptune also goes direct on 22nd in your partnerships zone, after five months of confusion. Your ideals are still in place but the reality of things should become clearer now.


Libra:   Mars stays in your sign all month filling you with determination. Your ruling planet Venus is also with you until 7th, providing you with a velvet glove for that fist of iron. Partners or your need for change in partnerships could be adding to your resolve and driving you forward too. Power issues around mother and home may stop you in your tracks though from 15th – 19th.

You will be active on the money-making front this month as four planets busy themselves in your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values. Venus is usually good for your finances , especially when it joins Jupiter from 11th – 13th. And a new strand of income could come into view with the New Moon on 18th. This is also the perfect time to draw up a budget or financial plan for the year ahead.

From 5th Mercury moves into your communications zone. This helps your mental, verbal and physical agility. The Sun warms things up here too from 22nd and dealings with siblings, neighbours and trades people goes easily, apart from 26th – 28th when serious discussions may be needed.

From 28th – 30th Mars in your sign opposes Uranus in your partnerships zone. Librans usually bend so easily to compromise but this time others will have to accommodate you… Stick to your guns!


Scorpio:   The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 22nd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too until 5th when it turns its focus to your finances. And your silver tongue could generate some extra income. The Sun adds energy and creativity to your plans too from 22nd.

Venus is in your sign from 7th, adding to your charisma and making you compellingly attractive to others. This is heightened even further from 11th – 13th when Venus joins Jupiter in your sign. Your positive, feel-good benevolence attracts the same from others and rewards of its own. Romance and creative flow could be on the agenda too from 14th – 16th.

Your unconscious bursts into your communication around 15th – 19th. Be conscious of your words as they could leave lasting wounds on others. The end of the month is eventful too as buried memories come to light.

New Moon in your sign on 18th marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make resolutions that will help to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead!


Sagittarius:   Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is that the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Friends, groups and community events continue to go well until 7th, leaving Mars forging ahead here for the rest of the month. Collective ambitions can move forward as your determination wills them onward. There may be a hiccough though around 15th – 19th when money becomes an issue. The unpredictability of children or romantic interests causes a disruption to your plans too from 28th – 30th.

On 22nd Neptune goes direct in your mother and home zone, making things clearer after a five month period of confusion. Your ruling planet Jupiter is also in good aspect to this from 21st – 30th. This is good for pursuing dreams as your unconscious is for once on board too. Include self nurture and personal development in your plans!


Capricorn:   Your ambitions are still riding high and so is your determination to push them forward. Authority smiles on you too until 7th, although unexpected events concerning mother or home cause some distraction. A square between Mars and Pluto (which is presently in your sign) from 15th – 19th is striking. This is a time when your ambitions will even challenge you!

Full Moon on 4th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone. Venus and Uranus add a frisson too which means this could be a time to be experimental!

Friends, groups, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals are your big active areas this month. From 7th Venus joins Jupiter and the Sun, making this a pleasure zone, especially from 11th – 13th. You will benefit from communing with others. Make time for social events.

Your thinking gets more serious towards the end of the month from 26th – 28th when Mercury meets your ruling planet Saturn. This could also be a good time to review your communications to see what changes would be helpful. Mars opposes Uranus straight afterwards (28th – 30th) which puts the cat amongst the pigeons. No time to think, take action!


Aquarius:   Venus opposes your ruling planet Uranus from 2nd – 5th when your thoughts turn to travel, studies, culture and ethics. Mars is active in these areas all month and any ambitions you harbour can be moved forward. This may prove challenging though around 15th – 19th when unconscious dynamics could stop you in your tracks. Different ideas surprise you too around 28th – 30th.

The main emphasis this month though is in your father, career and social status zone. While a year of expansion in these areas has just started with Jupiter’s recent arrival, The Sun’s creative energy is here too until 22nd. And from 7th Venus smooths everything along too. If you need favours from people in authority, just ask. They will be looking on you favourably at present. 11th – 13th is particularly positive and expansive for ambitions of all kinds!

Saturn is in good aspect to Uranus from 1st – 11th when a sense of responsibility around friendship or humanitarian ideals, grounds your thoughts and guides communications. Your thinking is serious about these matters too from 26th – 28th.

New Moon on 18th falls in your father, career and social status zone too. This marks a new cycle in your public life. Make plans and resolutions that will help your worldly standing in the month and year ahead!


Pisces:   You will continue to push forward with joint funds such as taxes, debts or inheritances this month. How money is shared and resources used is also a focus or sharing (including yourself intimately) stays determinedly on your agenda. You may also see some results early in the month until 7th.

The main focus this month though is your 9th House of travel, deep studies, philosophy, ethics and legal affairs. The Sun is illuminating these areas until 22nd and from 7th Venus offers ease and pleasure too. Around 11th – 13th Venus joins Jupiter in a lovely aspect which can widen your understanding of different cultures and spiritual matters. It then forms a flowing aspect to your ruling planet Neptune from 14th – 16th which helps you to feel understood.

New Moon on 18th also falls in your busy 9th House and marks a good time to start a journey of some kind. This could be physically covering terrain (on foot or otherwise), a course of studies, cultural or inter-cultural explorations, a publishing project or a new spiritual practice.

On 22nd Neptune goes direct in your sign after five months in retrograde. This may have been a bewildering period but your ideals and sense of self start to become clear to you once again. What a relief!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK). And to find out more about the benefits of astrology or more about me, visit


October 2017

Our shared planetary picture

Venus and Mars continue their creative journey through Virgo until 14th and 22nd. You may find yourself wanting to make things with your hands and you may think of ideas to help others too.
A collection of fast-moving planets move through Libra this month too and we will be seeking balance, peace, beauty and justice.
Mercury joins Jupiter from 17th – 18th. This happens just once a year and expands the mind to its most positive state. Only when the mind is at its most positive, do we see the full range of our possibilities. Make a note of all the ideas that occur to you then, so you can keep that vision open to pursue in the future. This will be in different areas of life for each sign.
The big news this month though is Jupiter changing signs, from Libra to Scorpio. Physically, Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system and its magnetic field is the largest and most powerful. So BIG opportunities could come along (also known as luck).
Some would say good luck is the degree to which we are ready to grasp new opportunities. Whether you agree with this or not, it is a good stance to take. Jupiter is going to be in Scorpio until November 2018.
As well as being deep and searching, Jupiter in Scorpio embodies the courage to honestly explore matters we prefer to skim over and push under the carpet. We can all apply this resilience to areas of our life over the coming year, again different for each sign. Enjoy Jupiter in Scorpio, use it well and be ready to discover how your world can be deeper, more honest and therefore bigger.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   Relationships and partnerships are looking lively this month. The Sun continues to shed a warm glow until 23rd. Mercury helps communications until 17th and Venus smooths your path from 14th onwards, offering pleasure and harmony. Make the most of this tranquil spell as your ruling planet Mars joins in from 22nd and assertiveness, passion or even aggression could feature too. Or perhaps you will be in determined pursuit of a certain someone…

New Moon on the evening of 19th also marks a new phase in relationships and partnerships. Make resolutions that will help you to find and build a good partnership. (This applies to your professional and personal life.)

On 10th Jupiter completes its year of expansion in your partnerships zone and glides into your 8th House of transformational processes which includes birth, sex, death and joint funds. Growth and expansion can be found in or through these areas.

There may also be financial benefits from others, perhaps through partners, inheritances or tax rebates. Regardless of whether this materialises or not, learning to share is the big opportunity on offer in the year ahead – not just your resources (those too) but yourself intimately. This may look scary – but growth lies in this direction!


Taurus:   Your ruling planet Venus spends the first two weeks of October in your romance, children and creativity zone, bringing harmony and pleasure. Mars is there too until 22nd adding energy, drive and determination to the mix (anger and passion are other possibilities too…).

Venus’s next mission is smoothing your path in work, health and service to others. Relationships with colleagues and daily companions should go well and your general well-being looks good. Mars joins Venus from 22nd which could mean a romance at work or setting your sights on a new health goal. Mercury helps with physical movement from 1st – 17th and New Moon on the evening of 19th falls in this area of your chart too and is a perfect time to start a new regime.

The big deal this month though is Jupiter’s leap of faith on 10th when it moves into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships (personal and business) – your next realm for expansion. This could either be a new partnership, growth in a current one or a breaking of existing bonds for the freedom of new choices. Some of the characters involved, may be philosophically inclined or culturally different too.

On 17th – 18th Mercury joins Jupiter and your thinking and communications around partnerships is at its best. One way or another, your world will feel bigger and better over the coming year. Be open to what is on offer!


Gemini:   You take a creative approach towards home and nurturing during the first half of the month and Mars continues until 22nd to put energy into domestic or nurture projects. Venus and Mars then move into your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity on 14th and 22nd which should make things interesting. Your ruling planet Mercury will already have planted ideas in your mind about what direction this could take…

Differences of opinion with others or obsessive thinking could crop up around 9th. Avoid downward spirals as this will soon pass. Mercury opposes Uranus too on on 15th which could change your mental voltage briefly. Your mind will be at its most positive though from 17th – 18th when it meets Jupiter and your wide range of creative possibilities in work and health come into view. Remember them for later.

New Moon on the evening of 19th, marks the beginning of your romantic and creative New Year. Make resolutions that will help to bring about a fulfilling month and year ahead.

Jupiter, the biggest planet in our solar system is on the move too. From 10th it will be in your 6th House of work, health and service to others. Your daily world is going to feel bigger in the year ahead and you may find a philosophy or spiritual practice that informs your work and daily life. So long as you avoid over-indulgence, your health and daily well-being should improve in the year ahead. You will learn to take pleasure in your new routind and daily companions bring you joy!


Cancer:   Venus and Mars continue to make your communications creative until mid-month and shortly after. Physical movement benefits you and can be a source of pleasure too, along with neighbours and siblings.

Mother and home continue to be a big focus this month as the Sun spends most of the month highlighting these areas. Mercury keeps you on your feet until 17th and Venus and Mars add creative talents to domestic projects, dealings with mother figures and personal development from 14th. New Moon on 19th marks a new phase here too. Make resolutions towards a home that will support and nurture you in the month and year ahead.

The main planetary event this month though is from 10th, when Jupiter moves into your 5th House. This indicates romance, children and creativity are your arenas for growth and expansion in the year ahead. People from different cultures or those of a religious or philosophical outlook might feature too.

Gambling and speculation may look more attractive (but be sure to avoid extremes). And sports come into this too. Feeling more athletic? Don’t rein it in. Experiment and explore. Jupiter can expand your world in many different ways! Go with it!


Leo:   Your financial creativity is strong up to 22nd and you will be determined to forge ahead with income-generating plans that add to your sense of security.

The Sun and Mercury add to your physical and mental agility up to 23rd and Venus adds ease and charm to your style and smile from 14th. Short journeys and dealings with neighbours, siblings and trades people go well too. You may get brisker from 22nd though when Mars enters the picture too.

The big shift this month though is from 10th when Jupiter enters your 4th House. This is the start of a new period of growth and expansion that will last until Nov 2018. With Jupiter in your 4th House an expansion on the home front is in store. That could mean a bigger home, or one in a different country or an expansion in emotional conditions in the home which makes your world feel bigger. Personal development, nurturing and self-nurturing is part of your new area to explore too.

On 17th – 18th Mercury joins Jupiter which is one of the points when our mind will be at its most positive. Make a note of all the possibilities that occur to you then. They cannot all be followed up at once, so keep them safe for future development. Your ruling planet the Sun joins Jupiter too from 23rd – 25th. This is a lovely up-beat buoyant wave. And gives you even more confidence to make waves yourself. Make them!


Virgo:   Venus and Mars continue to spark your attractiveness to others and ignite your passions until 14th and 22nd. You may be more assertive than usual but your charms will disarm others to the extent that they may not even notice you pressing ahead.

Your 2nd House is getting a lot of planetary attention this month too as Mercury, the Sun, Venus and then Mars highlight your finances, security, values and self-esteem. Your ruling planet Mercury may come up with money-making schemes from 1st – 17th. And Venus’s arrival from 14th could indicate an improvement in your earnings. New Moon on the evening of 19th is the perfect day to set a new budget. And from 22nd Mars will add to your determination to follow through.

But the big news is – Jupiter takes residence in your 3rd House of communications for a year, starting on 10th. This could expand your mind, widen your channels of communication, help with trading and keep your thinking buoyant. It gives you the ability to inspire anyone you are teaching or training. Your physical agility may improve too, so try new forms of movement alongside the expansion in your mental agility.

Jupiter is here to liberate your mind and remind you that everything is neutral and that all pain and suffering come from how we interpret and think about things. When you think positive, communications improve accordingly, as could relations with neighbours and siblings. Look out for great ideas from 17th – 18th and 23rd – 25th. And in the year ahead your products, ideas and words (spoken or written) could start to reach a much wider audience…


Libra:   Mercury adds lightness to communications from 1st – 17th and the Sun ball remains in your court until 23rd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Your ruling planet Venus is on the move too.

After a couple of choppy aspects from 7th – 8th and 11th – 12th when self-sabotage should be carefully avoided, Venus glides into your sign on 14th. This heightens your charms and parts the waves as you move forwards. Mars follows on 22nd and will add ambition and determination to the mix.

New Moon in your sign on 19th marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make resolutions that will support your emotional needs in the month and year ahead!

On 10th Jupiter ends its one year tour through your sign. This should have been a year of growth and expansion for you. Jupiter’s next area of growth and expansion is your 2nd House of money, possessions, security, values and self-esteem.

This could mean an increase in security but not necessarily through your finances. It can be found in other ways too. Developing a value system that gives a sense of security can meet the mark just as well, if not better. So can creativity. Generating your own income rather than relying on others could be part of this or adjusting your values, both of which could bring about growth in your self-esteem. Explore your possibilities in the year ahead!


Scorpio:   Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 23rd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Mercury reaches your sign on 17th helping you to articulate your deep processes more easily. And even earlier than that on 10th comes the biggest planetary event this month – Jupiter moves into Scorpio!

Jupiter’s entry into your 1st House marks the completion of one 12 year cycle of expansion and the beginning of another. Devote some time to thinking about what you would like this new 12-year period of growth to be about. Then stretch to reach it. This will probably involve letting go of certainty and old ways of doing things.

On 17th – 18th Mercury and Jupiter meet in your sign, making your mind positive and open to all of your possibilities. Make a note of these options – a written note, so the inspiration does not get lost. And 23rd – 25th is also a high when the Sun and Jupiter meet in Scorpio too.

Your confidence will blossom this year. Let optimism give you courage and make your world a bigger and better place. It has been a long time since things looked this good. Position yourself for growth!


Sagittarius:   Your ruling planet Jupiter makes its annual move this month which means growth and opportunities completing for now in one area of your life and a fresh burst of growth in another.

Jupiter has just spent a year of expansion in your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone. A collection of lower impact planets will keep these arenas active this month and next, especially from 14th when Venus brings pleasure and ease. Mercury whizzes through too from 1st – 17th bringing ideas and fun and New Moon on the evening of 19th offers a fresh start in one or more of these areas of life.

From 10th Jupiter’s new area of growth is your 12th House which can bring about a spiritual flowering, informative dreams, a heightening of empathy and a better understanding of the collective unconscious. This includes healing, self-talk, internet activity and compassion for those less fortunate. What should firey Sag do with all of this? Make your compassion active, consider therapy, be creative and share your fears and dreams. The latter may not come easily but practice makes perfect and the outcomes can be rewarding and healing, both for you and those around you.

On 17th – 18th Mercury joins Jupiter and your mind will be at its most positive. Capture the possibilities that come to mind at that time. From 23rd – 25th the Sun joins Jupiter which is a positive, boisterous wave. Enjoy it. Jupiter is going to be in your 12th House for a year. Growth, expansion and opportunities are going to be just waiting for you to say ‘Yes’. Say it!


Capricorn:   Full Moon on 5th raises dilemmas between domestic and status needs. Your ruling planet Saturn gets shaken up by Mars from 7th – 11th too but this all falls into insignificance from 10th when Jupiter changes sign.
For the past year Jupiter has been expanding your father, career and social status zone but its focus now changes, as it moves into your 11th House.

Meanwhile Venus helps your professional standing or status from 14th when people in positions of authority view you in a positive light. If you need favours from them, just ask. From 22nd Mars jumps in too, sharpening your ambitions and desire to make headway in the world.

New Moon on the evening of 19th falls in your father, career and social status zone too. This marks a new cycle in your public life. Make plans that will help your worldly ambitions in the month and year ahead.

Jupiter’s new position in your 11th House offers expansion through friends, groups and community. People who are philosophical, possibly religious or from other countries or cultures could also come into your life. And they will enrich your world and make it wider. Joining or starting a group or community project or campaign could bring you growth. Be open to collective nourishment. Sitting and waiting for opportunities would be a waste. Carve some out yourself and include others. That Jupiter wind is behind you all year!


Aquarius:   Venus and Mars continue to inflame your passions and urge for transformation until 22nd. You will want to try and be fair in situations where resources are shared too. On 14th Venus leaves Mars behind though and moves into your 9th House, heightening your attraction to different philosophies, countries and cultures and the people from them.

New Moon on 19th breathes fresh wind into your sails on the travel, study, ethics and legal front this month and Mars follows up on 22nd providing the energy to sustain whatever you started.

But the big new focus is in your 10th House of father, career and social status. From 10th Jupiter is taking residence. A growth in worldly status could be yours, as could career expansion or freedom from all that. What would you like to achieve in the world? You can charm the birds from the trees in the year ahead, including big influential ones! And if you happen to be influential yourself, extend your benevolence as far as you can.

Mercury joins Jupiter from 17th – 18th and your awareness of all your possibilities in terms of status is heightened. Keep a note of all the ideas that come up at this time. The Sun joins Jupiter from 23rd – 25th and your optimism and courage will be high. Let the world see it! And prepare for a year of growth and opportunities ahead!


Pisces:   Relationships and partnerships (business and pleasure) continue to be creative and even passionate up to 22nd as Venus and Mars smoothe and fire your interactions. On 14th Venus glides into your 8th House of transformation and helps you to relate to yourself and others dealing with birth, sex and death. You may also benefit from ‘the money of others’ in some way and from sharing.

The 8th House is being activated by Mercury and the Sun and later Mars too which generate ideas, creative acts and determination to make sure resources are used and distributed as best they can be. You may also find yourself dealing with taxes, debts and inheritances too. Also, have you made a will or thought about that? How you share your resources now, matter too. New Moon on 19th marks a fresh start here and would be a good time to take action.

The big shift this month though is Jupiter changing signs and solar Houses. On 10th, Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity flows into your 9th House where it will stay until November 2018.

Your 9th House rules travel (physical and metaphysical), religion and philosophy, deep study, different cultures, ethics, principles, in-laws, publishing, the internet, legal matters and ‘the truth’ whatever that means to you. Your outlook, world view and understanding are about to expand. Jupiter in your 9th House can widen your horizons, free you and fill you with optimism. The world can be a welcoming place. Throw away those slippers and let it show you!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK). And to find out more about the benefits of astrology or more about me, visit



September 2017

Our shared planetary picture

Mercury goes direct this month on 5th. This helps to clear up recent misunderstanding and possibly bring things to light which have gone astray. The build up to Full Moon in Pisces is on the same day. And Mars jumps out of Leo and into Virgo on 5th too!

On a collective level, Mars directs its energy to tackle work, health, service to others and well-being issues. This applies doubly to Aries but every other sign has additional areas of life that Mars is ready to get to grips with (described in your horoscope below).

Mercury also moves into Virgo on 10th, followed by Venus and New Moon on 20th – the perfect day to start a new regime!

Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity is opposite Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution from 16th – 30th which suggests our need for growth and our need for uncompromised freedom lie in opposite directions…

Pluto completes its five-month review on 28th and goes direct. This helps us all press forward with our newly-gained information. Again, in different areas of life for each sign.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   Your ruling planet Mars leaps into action in a fresh part of your solar chart on 5th. And its new agenda is work, health, service to others and daily
routine. Your determination to get things done will be high. And if your health needs taking in hand, now is a good time to get started.

Mercury helps communications at work from 10th onwards. This is good for physical movement too, so if a new exercise routine would be helpful, the wind is behind you.

The Sun generates a creative approach towards work and daily routine until 22nd and Venus adds pleasure from 20th onwards. If you are preoccupied with other things early in the month (perhaps the nice Venusian flow in your romance, children and creativity zone), take the opportunity of New Moon on 20th to kick-start a new regime. What do you need to incorporate (or get rid of) in your daily routine for your own well-being?

Give and take in relationships is high-lighted from 16th – 30th when Jupiter in your partnerships zone is pushing for growth and Uranus in your sign wants uncompromised freedom. Finding a comfortable place in the push and pull of this axis is part of your challenge this month.

Pluto goes direct in your father, career and social status zone on 28th. Your five-month review is complete and you should now be clearer about how power should be used professionally or regarding father figures. You should also be better informed about what ambitions you truly want to pursue. And Pluto is now at hand to pursue them!


Taurus:   Your ruling planet Venus is smoothing your mother and home zone until 20th. Home in every sense should be a source of pleasure, be that the building you live in, its emotional dynamics, your country, Mother Nature or our planet. Relationships with mother figures go well too. You will want to beautify your home and offer its pleasures to others, perhaps by entertaining.

A dilemma between romance and friendship could crop up at Full Moon on 5th – 6th. Or could it be conflicting demands between personal creativity and group achievement? Mars leaps into action in your romance, children and creativity zone also on 5th. Energy will be bouncing around here, joining the Sun which has been warming things up for two weeks beforehand.

Passion or conflict are two of the possible outcomes, perhaps both. New Moon on 20th marks the beginning of a new year here too. Make some resolutions to help bring about what you hope to find in your love life and creative life in the month and year ahead.

Pluto goes direct in your travel, philosophy, cultural and ethics zone on 28th. Having reviewed matters here over the last five months, you can now put your conclusions into action. Publishing and your online life come into this too. Which of these areas have you decided to transform?


Gemini:   You will be communicating with charm this month as Venus softens your style and smile until 20th. Relationships go well too with siblings and neighbours and short journeys should be pleasurable.

Meanwhile your ruling planet Mercury goes direct on 5th and moves into your 4th House of mother and home on 10th. Mars jumps in too on 5th to join the Sun. Home in its broadest sense is the focus this month. Your determination to forge ahead with domestic projects will be strong, as will your active concern for mother figures in your life and possibly your urge to nurture others. You will also be keen to prioritise your own emotional needs and personal development.

Venus joins these planets too on 20th, adding pleasure to the mix. And New Moon falls in your mother and home zone, also on 20th. This is the beginning of your domestic new year. Make resolutions towards a home that will meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead.

You may feel a bit restricted around 24th – 26th when Mercury squares Saturn but on 28th Pluto goes direct in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. One or more of these areas has been under review since late April and now you should know how to move forward. Move forward!


Cancer:   Your finances continue to look good until 20th and recent mix-ups get sorted out as Mercury goes direct on 5th. Mars changes signs on the same day, ready to tackle communications, physical movement and dealings with neighbours and siblings.

Your mental energy will be high and if you have been thinking about learning a new language, undertaking other studies or starting a writing project, your determination now should carry you through. Mercury, the Sun and Venus add their energies too as the month unfolds. And New Moon on 20th marks a fresh start in some way. Short journeys should be enjoyable too.

From 16th – 30th Jupiter which is pushing for growth in your mother and home zone is opposite Uranus which is pushing for change and freedom in your father, career and social status zone. Finding a comfortable compromise between these two opposing needs is part of your challenge during the second half of this month.

From 22nd the Sun tilts the balance towards expressing yourself more fully in the home or with mother figures. Other planets follow suit next month. Meanwhile Pluto goes direct in your partnerships zone on 28th. Your review of relationships and partnerships is now complete and you can start to make the necessary changes you have identified.


Leo:   Venus is still boosting your charm rating and the waves continue to part to let you through until 20th. Your finances should then start to look rosier as Venus glides into your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values. Things may look a little rockier though from 3rd – 5th and 28th – 30th when joint or shared finances or the unrealistic expectations of others (or your own) create confusion.

When Mars jumps into your finance zone from 5th, your finances become a big focus. You will find the energy and determination to increase your sense of security. This may not necessarily be about money. Your values, self-esteem and creativity can provide a sense of security too. Be open to all of these possibilities. New Moon on 20th also falls here and marks the beginning of your new financial year – a good day to make a new budget!

Your ruling planet the Sun squares Saturn from 12th – 14th which may feel restrictive but Venus, Saturn and Uranus form a flow of creative energy at the same time. This is good for self-expression, romance, children, creativity, travel, studies and publishing.

Your work, health, service to others and daily routine change gear on 28th when Pluto goes direct. One or more of these areas has been under review since late April and the way is now clear for you to put your conclusions into action!


Virgo:   The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 22nd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. On 5th Mars leaps into your sign too adding extra dynamism and determination to your creative self-expression. You may find yourself being more assertive and this is fine. Your ruling planet Mercury also goes direct on 5th and you may feel the benefit of the double gear change that day.

Full Moon early on 6th (with the build up on 5th) falls in your relationships and partnerships zone, creating an emotional high tide. New Moon in Virgo follows on 20th, marking the start of your emotional New Year. Make resolutions that will help to generate what you hope to find in your emotional life in the year ahead.

Venus is in your sign from 20th making you darling of the zodiac for the rest of the month. Your charms will be at their highest and you will attract others to you. (Although Neptune’s involvement from 28th – 30th is less easy to handle, raising questions about pleasure versus ideals).

Pluto goes direct on 28th in your romance, children and creativity zone. One or more of these areas has been under review since late April and you can now bring transformation to where it is needed.

All in all, the world is looking fresh and new. Many Happy Solar and Lunar Returns!


Libra:   Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is that the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time than January 1st to make resolutions for the year ahead. It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Your ruling planet Venus makes dealings with friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals pleasurable up to 20th. And Mercury going direct on 5th helps to clear up any recent misunderstandings. Then creativity behind the scenes takes over as a more private pleasure.

Mars is already active here from 5th and your inner-workings can be accessed and worked on. Counselling and therapy can be very effective at this time. Your compassion towards others will also be strong and this could leap into action too. Be sure to check first with the recipient what is needed.

Jupiter in your sign opposes Uranus from 16th – 30th and your need for personal growth runs counter to your need for freedom and excitement in partnerships (or your partner’s need for them). Pluto goes direct on 28th in your mother and home zone. And you should now be clearer about how power should be used at home and in dealings with mother figures. Your personal development journey will be ready to recommence too. Fasten your seat belt!


Scorpio:   Venus spends the first three weeks of the month in your father, career and social status zone. Ambitions go well and if you need support from people in authority, just ask (from 6th – 20th). They are likely to look on you favourably during this period. Mercury goes direct on 5th too, helping to clear up any recent misunderstandings in your public life or with father figures.

Full Moon early morning on 6th (with the build-up on 5th) could highlight a clash between romance and friendship. Or could it be conflicting demands between personal creativity and group achievement?

The main focus this month is your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. The Sun has been encouraging creativity here since late last month. And on 5th Mars jumps in too. Collective projects grab your imagination and you may find yourself feeling more political than usual. If you have been thinking of joining a group, now would be a great time! New Moon on 20th falls in this area of your chart too and marks a fresh start. Go with it!

Your ruling planet Pluto goes direct in your communications zone on 28th. A review has been taking place since late April on how you think and how you express (or do not express) yourself. This may have brought up difficult things to look at. Luckily, Scorpion resilience and self-honesty always carry you through difficult waters.

From 28th you can start applying your conclusions about what in your thinking or communications now needs transformation. And be sure to remember, it is not a weakness getting or asking for help from others. We are all human.


Sagittarius:   Your ruling planet Venus is smoothing the way in your travel and ethics zone until 20th. Journeys should be pleasant as are dealings with people from different countries and cultures. Legal and publishing matters look positive too from 6th – 20th.

Mercury goes direct and Mars changes sign on 5th. And this month’s boost of energy is in your father, career and social status zone. The Sun has been keeping things warm since last month and Mars now adds determination to achieve your ambitions. From 20th Venus attracts a good response from others here too.

Your ruling planet Jupiter is opposite Uranus from 16th – 30th and your need for growth through friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals, clashes with your need for unrestricted personal freedom, especially regarding romance, children and creativity… Find the place that is most comfortable for you along this axis.

Pluto goes direct in your finance zone on 28th. This marks the end of your financial review that started late April. Your values, need for security and self-esteem need to be reflected in your approach towards finances. Hopefully more aware of these, you now know how to proceed.


Capricorn:   Mercury goes direct on 5th and Mars leaps into a new area of your solar chart on the same day. This is a new call for action regarding travel, deep studies, belief systems, different cultures, ethic, legal matters and publishing. Your determination to make headway will be strong and you will find energy to give to one or more of these areas and get energised by them too.

Meanwhile your joint finance zone looks good until 20th and you may benefit from ‘the money of others’. This is good for intimacy and sharing too. The only exception to these positives may be from 28th – 30th when Venus opposes Neptune and unrealistic expectations or a lack of clarity may trip things up.

Jupiter opposes Uranus during the second half of the month. The urge for growth in your worldly standing clashes with the changes taking place in your domestic sphere and personal development. There can also be a clash, with or between, mother and father figures.

Pluto goes direct in your sign on 28th. This completes a five-month review of what further transformation needs to take place with you. With this new self-awareness, move forward.


Aquarius:   Mercury goes direct in your opposite sign on 5th which helps communications in relationships and partnerships to improve. Venus is helping to smooth the way here too until 20th and you will find pleasure through partners.

Mars also changes sign on 5th and moves into your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone. This will energise you to claim any money which may be owed you. Sharing and intimacy will be more active areas too: be that passion or conflict. Venus intervenes here too from 20th, adding harmony and pleasure to the mix. You may also benefit from ‘the money of others’. And New Moon on 20th falls here too, marking a fresh start in some way.

Jupiter opposes your ruling planet Uranus from 16th – 30th when your need for growth through friends, groups or community, clashes with your need for freedom of expression. Or romance and friendship pull in opposite directions.

Pluto goes direct on 28th behind the scenes and the review of your inner-workings is complete. Your unconscious depths are available for creative work and your hunches can inform you how best to express your compassion.


Pisces:   Venus is in your work, health and service to others zone until 20th. This makes relations with colleagues and daily companions pleasant and your health should be good, as long as you do not over-indulge. Mercury goes direct here too on 5th, helping to clear up any recent misunderstandings.

Full Moon is in your sign on the morning of 6th, so the big build up is the night of 5th. Mars leaps into your opposite sign on 5th too, joining the Sun which has been keeping things warmth since late last month. Mercury joins in too from 10th and Venus from 20th. The significance of your opposite sign is that it is to do with relationships and partnerships. So this is the BIG focus this month.

New Moon on 20th is also in your partnerships zone and marks a fresh start in relationships. Challenges arrive from 19th – 30th when a series of personal planets oppose your ruling planet Neptune. Take this as a helpful (albeit uncomfortable) testing of your ideals. If you have a tendency towards escapism, this will be challenged too.

Pluto goes direct on 28th in your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone. A review has been taking place in one or more of these areas since late April which is now complete. The use of power in any of these arenas may have been under question or you may have identified an area that needs transformation. You can now put your conclusions into action.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

August 2017

Our shared planetary picture

We have quite a dramatic month ahead, starting with Uranus going retrograde on 3rd. Uranus demands that we are true to ourselves and when it goes retrograde, we need to re-‘view’ where we might have been going wrong – i.e. compromising too much or not at all. We have until early January to think this through.

Mercury also goes retrograde this month on 13th and appears to remain in reverse until September 5th. Work, health, service to others, general well-being and what we include in our day, are areas for us all to review.

Meanwhile, Saturn which has been retrograde since early April, goes direct on 25th and begins its last stretch in Sag. where it has been for almost three years. When Saturn is going retrograde, we have to reflect on how we have been dealing with things (in areas of life specific to each sign). Once it goes direct, we can start to apply our conclusions and move forwards. From 25th this applies to us all.

Perhaps the most dramatic event of the month is a total solar eclipse in Leo on 21st. Each eclipse belongs to an eclipse family which reoccurs at a different geographical point every 18 – 19 years. The effects of an eclipse can often be felt a couple of months before it takes place and up to six months afterwards.

This particular eclipse belongs to a ‘family’ which is unpredictable in nature. Mars is also close to the Sun and Moon this time which heats things up and Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution is coming in at an angle which heightens the unpredictable even further.

The path of this eclipse crosses USA and Donald Trump may feel the effects as it occurs very close to Mars in his birth chart (and perhaps his Ascendant too, if the time of birth given is correct).

If an eclipse occurs at the same degree as one of your natal planets or a sensitive point in your chart, you will feel it. If it does not, you will still experience the general effects in whichever House (astrological area) of your chart that it falls into – each House covers different areas of life, as described in your horoscope below.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   Venus spends most of the month (from 1st – 26th) in your mother and home zone. Home in every sense should be a source of pleasure, be that the nest you live in, its emotional dynamics, your country, Mother Nature or our planet. Relationships with mother figures go well and your own nurturing instincts may be more active too. The urge to beautify your home will be strong and sharing its pleasures with others perhaps through entertaining, goes well too up to 14th.

From 14th – 17th Venus gets caught up in a T-square (some tension) with Jupiter and Pluto and you may find yourself making an effort to create harmony in partnerships. Venus goes on to square Uranus (which is still in Aries) from 22nd – 24th when you may surprise yourself and others.

Your ruling planet Mars stays in Leo all month, activating romance, children and creativity. You may also be more attracted to speculating and taking risks than usual…

New Moon on the evening of 21st is also in this part of your solar chart which happens to also be a total solar eclipse. The impact of eclipses can be felt for a few months before and after the event. So romance children and creativity are highlighted during this period.

Mercury goes retrograde on 13th in your work and health zone. Avoid signing anything important until after September 5th if possible. Aspects of your daily routine, work and health need rethinking. Rethink them!

Education, travel, legal and ethical matters start to move forward from 25th as Saturn has completed its review of past miscalculations. With head now straight, move forward.


Taurus:   Home in its broadest sense is the focus this month. Your determination to forge ahead with domestic projects will be strong, as will your active concern for mother figures in your life and possibly your urge to nurture others.

The New Moon and total solar eclipse also fall in this area of your chart which marks a big swing (hopefully an upswing) in these areas of your life. Self-nurture and personal development come into this too. You may have felt this starting in the last month or two and its effect will continue into the coming months.

Your ruling planet Venus adds ease and charm to your communications, short journeys and dealings with neighbours and siblings from 1st – 26th, with just a short period from 14th – 17th when pleasing or over-pleasing others may become an issue.

From 22nd – 24th Venus squares Uranus which brings unexpected attractions or interactions. Then on 26th it too moves into your mother and home zone, making you keen to make your home a place of harmony. Saturn goes direct on 25th and ‘the money of others’ may be a little less hard to come by. You may also be more open to intimacy and sharing.

Mercury goes retrograde in your romance, children and creativity zone from 13th. Your communications or movements in these areas need further thought or looking at again. The Sun keeps things warm though from 22nd until Mars pushes things forward next month…


Gemini:   Your ruling planet Mercury is keeping your head busy in your mother and home zone this month. Communications in or about the home or mother figures could be on the cards, as could house moves or changes within the home. On 13th Mercury goes retrograde and any of the matters above may need re-thinking. Be very clear in your communications.

Venus in your 2nd House of money and security gives a rosier glow to your finances up to 26th. But there may be demands on your finances from others around 14th – 17th. Love affairs, children, recreation and speculation are possible drains on your pocket. From 26th however, you could in fact benefit from ‘the money of others’.

The main emphasis this month though is in your 3rd House of communications. Mars is helping you to be more forthright than usual – at least more assertive and perhaps even argumentative at times. Mars also fills you with determination to put your plans into action.

The total solar eclipse on 21st also falls in this area of your chart, bringing the unexpected in some way. Short journeys, trading, dealings with neighbours and siblings and physical movement could take an unexpected turn. Trying new forms of physical movement with friends or groups or following up a friend’s suggestion to try something new, is a good way to direct this energy.

On 25th Saturn goes direct on your relationships and partnerships zone, completing a four-month review. Apply your conclusions!


Cancer:   Venus spends the first 26 days of the month in your sign, making you darling of the zodiac! Your charms will be even stronger than usual and others will find it hard to resist your requests, especially from 1st – 14th.

14th – 17th is trickier as partners and your domestic sphere clash but Venus moves on to more exciting things from 22nd – 24th when ambitions, father, career or status matters take you by surprise. Steer a creative path over unexpected events.

Full Moon on 7th falls in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone. Mars is close by which raises the temperature and determination to get what you want…

The biggest focus this month though is in your finance and security zone. Your energy and determination to make headway are strong and New Moon which is also a total solar eclipse on 21st falls in this arena, bringing the unexpected.

Security need not be a financial thing. Creativity or values which give a sense of security can be just as important and being internal, they are less vulnerable to changes of situation. It can be helpful to reflect on this in the coming months. You may have already begun…

Saturn goes direct on 25th in your work, health, service to others and well-being zone. The responsibilities and possible restrictions are still there but now at least they are moving forwards and so can you.


Leo:   The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 22nd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Venus enters your sign too on 26th heightening your charms. But the main event of the month is the New Moon and the total solar eclipse in Leo on 21st.

New Moon in your sign marks the beginning of your personal new year. So when this also happens to be an eclipse with Mars nearby and Uranus having a say too, events could get interesting! You may have felt this coming and its effects may be felt for up to six months.

On 3rd Uranus goes retrograde in your 9th House, taking you back to review how true you have been to yourself in your studies, in travel and in legal and ethical matters. You have until early January to think this through.

Meanwhile Mercury is busying your head with thoughts about finance and security. On 13th it goes retrograde to review recent ideas and communications about these. If anything needs signing, do it before 13th or after September 5th!

And last but not least Saturn goes direct on 25th in your romance, children and creativity zone. You have had since early April to have a good look at one or more of these areas of life. Now you can apply your conclusions!


Virgo:   Uranus planet of change, disruption and revolution goes retrograde in your joint finance zone on 3rd and it is time to re-examine how you have been conducting your finances with regard to others – too much compromise or not enough? You have until early January to work this through so that you can then proceed from a fully authentic position.

Your ruling planet Mercury changes direction too on 13th when it goes retrograde until early September. Be very clear in all your communications and make sure you have fully understood others. Revising how much time and attention you give to physical movement can be helpful too.

Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb, as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead, rather than January 1st. It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Venus makes dealings to do with friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals pleasurable up to 26th, with a brief exception from 14th – 17th when individual creativity clashes with group objectives.

The solar eclipse on 21st falls in your spiritual, compassion and creativity behind the scenes zone. Big changes may occur but you may have already felt them coming for a month or two.

On 25th Saturn starts to move forward on the mother and home front. You have just four more months to deal with the current challenges. Then things will feel much lighter. The end is in sight!


Libra:   Your ruling planet Venus spends most of the month (from 1st – 26th) in your father, career and social status zone. Ambitions go well, especially from 1st – 14th and if you need support from people in authority, just ask. They are likely to look on you favourably during this period.

From 14th – 17th Venus gets caught up with Jupiter and Pluto and you may be tempted to over-please others… While this may seem to work short-term, balance is not achieved in this way, so pursue fairness instead!

Venus triggers Uranus from 22nd – 24th which may make partners seem uncomfortable or unpredictable. Learn what you can from this. Meanwhile things improve with communications, siblings and neighbours from 25th when Saturn goes direct. The brakes are starting to come off.

New Moon and the solar eclipse on 21st fall in your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. These areas may be highlighted for some time which may have already started. On 26th Venus glides the into this zone too, helping to smooth things along, with more to come next month!


Scorpio:   Uranus, planet of change, disruption and revolution goes retrograde on 3rd in your work, health and service to others zone, to check whether you have been compromising too much or too little in these areas of life.

On 7th Full Moon falls in your mother and home zone raising emotions. But your ambitions career and social status are centre stage this month as Mars gives you determination to push ahead and New Moon and the solar eclipse on 21st give a memorable swing. Father figures could feature too. All of this aligns with the changes that have been taking place in your work, health and daily routine zone over the past six years.

Venus smooths your travel, studies, ethics and legal zone from 1st – 26th. The first two weeks of the month are especially good for trips, publishing and dealings with people from different countries and cultures. Make time to explore the physical and meta-physical world. From 14th – 17th Venus runs up against your ruling planet Pluto and Jupiter which may be frustrating. Whatever the annoyance: be fair.

Mercury goes retrograde in your friends, groups and community zone on 13th, taking you back to review communications in these areas. The Sun adds energy here from 22nd which should keep up your motivation to think this through.

And finally, Saturn goes direct in your finance zone on 25th. At last you can start to put financial plans in place!


Sagittarius:   On 3rd Uranus goes retrograde in your romance, children and creativity zone. This leads you to review your earlier stance on any one or more of these matters. Have you been compromising too much or too little? Have you yet given your authentic response? You have until early January to mull this over.

Exacting Saturn has been in your sign since December 2014 bringing responsibilities and burdens that test your spirit and resilience. After being retrograde since early April (reviewing your position on identity, self-expression and creativity), on 25th Saturn goes direct. At last you can start applying the conclusions you have come up with during this time. You will be pleased to know that this is Saturn’s last stretch in your sign. Hang on in there!

Meanwhile, Venus softens your joint finance zone until 26th and you may benefit from ‘the money of others’. This is good for intimacy and sharing too. The only exception to these positives may be from 14th – 17th when your ruling planet Jupiter squares up to Venus and Pluto. The pull of your own security needs and those of others may clash.

Communications in your father, career and social status zone are busy all month as Mercury hovers back and forth. Make sure all your communications are clear and if anything important needs signing, do it before Mercury goes retrograde on 13th, if you can. Otherwise, hold out until after September 5th.


Capricorn:   Career expansion or matters connected to father figures may not sit comfortably with you from 1st – 3rd and later on from 14th – 17th when partnerships may get involved too. Discomfort can be productive though, in encouraging us to stretch beyond our previous limits. This helps personal development and your range of response.

Full Moon on 7th falls in your finance and security zone, when your income versus ‘the money of others’ could raise emotions… Meanwhile, Venus is smoothing relationships and partnerships until 26th, bringing pleasure (apart from a brief period from 14th – 17th).

Your travel, study and legal zone is gathering in importance. Mercury goes retrograde here from 13th which could mean a change of plan or things having to be re-arranged. Try not to sign any legal documents between 13th and Sep 5th.

The solar eclipse on 21st falls in your 8th House of transformational processes (i.e. birth, sex and death) and joint funds, sharing and ‘the money of others’ including taxes, debts and inheritances. The impact of an eclipse can sometimes be felt in the months leading up to it and the months following, so this should be an interesting period.

Sharing on every level comes into this too. It is a helpful area to explore.


Aquarius:   Your ruling planet Uranus goes retrograde on 3rd in your communications zone. This starts a five month review to look at how true to yourself you have been recently in your communications, including dealings with neighbours and siblings and physical movement. What needs to be changed?

Emotions are high on 7th when Full Moon falls in your sign. Mars is close to the Sun which raises the temperature even higher and your famous Aquarian, cool detachment may be hard to find…

The main emphasis though this month is relationships and partnerships. The Sun and Mars are pushing things ahead which culminate in the New Moon and total solar eclipse on 21st. This can bring about the unexpected which you may have felt coming since late June. Its impact may be felt for at least six months afterwards too. You should be able to ride this better than most as your ruling planet Uranus is in good aspect to the eclipse.

Venus spends the month (until 26th) in your work, health and service to others zone. This makes relations with colleagues and daily companions pleasant and your health should be good, so long as you do not over-indulge. Just 14th – 17th may be tricky. Stick to your path.

Joint finances (including taxes, debts, inheritances) and sharing (including the sharing of yourself on an intimate level) are food for thought. Avoid making commitments between Aug 13th – Sep 5th if you can, when Mercury goes retrograde.

Saturn goes direct on 25th and things start to ease in your friendships, groups and community zone. Dealings with organisations should improve too and barriers to your hopes and dreams may not look quite so insurmountable…


Pisces:   Romance, children and creativity look sweet this month as Venus bestows pleasure and ease up to 26th. Make time for enjoyment. This may not totally apply from 14th – 17th however when Pluto and Jupiter may make things feel a bit over the top. Make sure you are not pleasing others to excess.

Your finances continue to look changeable as Uranus goes retrograde from 3rd. Have your fiscal dealings been truly reflecting your values? You have until early January to fathom this out. The aim being to find your true authentic position on money, possessions and security in line with your values and self-esteem.

Mercury is busy in your relationships and partnerships zone all month and goes retrograde on 13th. A review is needed here too in looking at how you have been communicating with partners.

The big eclipse this month on 21st falls in your work, health and service to others zone. Mars has been adding energy and resolve to this area of your chart since early June. Expect a swing of some kind which may be helped along in some way by ‘the money of others’, sharing or intimacy. Venus gives a rosier glow to work and health from 26th, just as long as you do not overindulge…

Saturn goes direct in your father, career and social status zone on 25th. Hold ups and restrictions should start to relax. Now is the time to start applying your hard-earned lessons. More authority may come your way too, having shown you have the gravitas to handle it.



To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


July 2017

Our shared planetary picture

July starts with a lively Mars-Pluto opposition on 1st – 2nd when shows of strength will be resisted by others. Self-mastery is more helpful than trying to pressurise others.

On 4th – 5th self-expression and growth are at odds with each other but then things start to smooth out as the Sun and Neptune form a good aspect from 5th – 6th.

Communications are well-starred for most of the month as Venus moves through Gemini. The period from 16th – 24th may be more difficult though when Neptune and Saturn cloud the picture. Full Moon in Capricorn is on 9th too, along with a Sun – Pluto opposition from 9th – 10th which again can involve battles of will or status scuffles. Avoid these as best you can!

The main emphasis until the 20th are planets in Cancer which draw our attention to nurturing, mother and home. Mars is here too until 22nd which means lots of energy is available for projects on the home front.

From 20th the focus moves to Leo which encourages us all to get creative and be more expressive. Mars moves into Leo too on 22nd, adding extra oomph and New Moon on 23rd is also in Leo, marking a new creative phase for us all. And yes, that includes you!
So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   The month begins with a tussle as your ruling planet Mars opposes Pluto from 1st – 2nd. Power battles could present themselves with both sides being unwilling to bend to the will of the other. Manage this as fairly and as best you can.

The Sun is highlighting your home for the first three weeks of July and Mars boosts your energy and enthusiasm to see through projects that need to be started or are already underway. We spring into the world from home and our earlier roots and foundations. This is the time to build a good base for yourself, so you can take the world by storm without disruptions from home later on.

Personal development comes into this too. And any areas that did not go as hoped in your early life can be helpfully tackled now too. Commitment to counselling, therapy or any measure to expand your self-wareness and understanding is helpful. And if this is not your thing, make sure nutrients and emotionally nourishing food are on your menu.

Mother figures take on a fresh importance too and your urge to nurture others will be strong. Express it.

You will be communicating with charm this month as Venus softens your style and smile. Relationships go well too with siblings and neighbours, apart from possible misunderstandings around 16th – 24th. Mercury helps communications at home until 6th and then moves into the other main focus this month: your 5th House…

The Sun and your ruling planet Mars jump into this area too on 20th and 22nd which means lots of energy for romance, children and creativity. New Moon on 23rd marks the beginning of a new phase here too. And all being well – fun! Yes for you! About time too!

Taurus:   Your finances should look rosier this month as your ruling planet Venus glides through your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values from 5th. Things make be a little rockier though from 16th – 24th when joint or shared finances create confusion, especially if friends are involved.

Your communications zone is busy until 20th and you will have bigger than usual reserves of mental energy. There may conflicting demands from your higher mind and need to study or reflect and the daily demands of comings and goings, especially around 9th – 10th.

From 20th the Sun changes focus and moves into your 4th House of mother and home. Mars follows on 22nd and New Moon on 23rd. This marks a new phase, with energy and determination to get your home ‘right’ (which includes self nurture and personal development). Make resolutions for the month and year ahead – to create a home that will support you and meet your needs. Just do it!

Gemini:   Finances start the month with a bang as Mars and Pluto oppose each other from your personal finance and shared finance zone. Taxes, debts, inheritances or ‘the money of others’ is problematic in some way or the fear of change and intimacy may look like a threat to your security or the status quo. Observe your reactions and think about them. This information is useful and can shed light on areas you usually prefer not to look at. Take this opportunity to look!

Venus is in your sign from 5th making you darling of the zodiac for the rest of the month. Your charms will be at their highest and you will attract others to you. (Although Saturn and Neptune’s involvement from 16th – 24th is less easy to handle, raising questions about commitment and ideals). But even in the middle of this Venus and Jupiter team up from 18th – 19th to create pleasure and fun at the same time too.

Your finances are a big focus until 20th and you have the energy and determination to increase your sense of security. This may not be about money. Your values, self-esteem and creativity can provide a sense of security too.

From 20th the focus moves to your communications zone. You will be busy multi-tasking and your mental energy and way with words will be bright and clear. Relations with siblings and neighbours could be lively too. New Moon falls in your communications zone too on 23rd. Are there any trading, speaking or writing projects you would like to try in the year ahead? Lay down the plans now!


Cancer:   A Mars – Pluto opposition starts the month in your identity and partnerships zones from 1st – 2nd. There may be a stand off between you and partners – each being unwilling to accept any show of authority in the other. Battle is fruitless so aim to be self-aware, ethical and fair. By 3rd or 4th this planetary dynamic will have passed.

On a positive note, the Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too until 6th and Mars adds energy and determination until 22nd. If there is a personal agenda that you would like to push forward, this is a helpful time to forge ahead. Though you may run into some opposition around 1st – 2nd and 8th – 10th as Full Moon coincides with a Sun -Pluto opposition but otherwise your willpower will see things through.

Ideas to improve your finances capture your attention from 6th – 25th, as Mercury skips through your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values. Make a note of them to put into action once the Sun and Mars join in ready for action from 20th (and 22nd). New Moon on 23rd marks a fresh start in this area of life too. Draw up a budget for the year ahead that supports your true values.


Leo:   Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th.

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

Creativity behind the scenes is a rich area this month. Your energy and determination are strong to complete projects. Your appetite for spiritual practices may also be strong and helpful habits can be put in place. The demands of daily life may feel like an unwelcome intrusion around 1st – 2nd and 8th – 10th. Reconcile them as best you can.

On 22nd Mars leaps into your sign adding extra dynamism and determination to your creative self-expression. New Moon follows on 23rd marking the start of your emotional New Year. Make resolutions that will help to generate what you hope to find in your emotional life in the year ahead. The world is looking fresh and new. Many Happy Solar and Lunar Returns!

Virgo:   Personal creativity, romance and children clash with your friends, groups and community zone on 1st – 2nd. But from 5th Venus is smoothing your father, career and social status zone. People in authority are likely to favour you. If you need their help – just ask. Ambitions should go well too. Apart from a tricky patch between 16th – 24th, the waves part easily for you to make your way ahead!

Friends, groups and community are an active area until 20th and you may be feeling more political or more forthright than usual. From 20th the Sun moves into your 12th House of activity behind the scenes. Mars follows two days later and New Moon on 23rd marks the beginning of a new cycle in the following areas of life: the pain and suffering of others , compassion, healing, spirituality and creativity behind the scenes.

Your ruling planet Mercury is busy this month. From 25th it is in your own sign and you will be at your sharpest and best. Finances are still looking good. Count your blessings!

Libra:   Conflicts between career and home kick off the month as Mars opposes Pluto from 1st – 2nd. Respect differences of opinion and stand your ground. (The 8th – 10th could be tricky too).

From 3rd your father and career zone is top priority for the first three weeks of this month. Ambitions and the energy to achieve them are at hand. You just have to focus and assert yourself.

Your ruling planet Venus is smoothing the way in your travel and ethics zone. Journeys should be pleasant as are dealings with people from different countries and cultures. Legal matters look positive too although for all of these areas of life, things are trickier from 16th – 24th….

From 20th your energies lean towards friends, groups and community matters. Collective projects grab your imagination and you may find yourself feeling more political than usual. Friends, groups and community can also be a source of energy for you. If you have been thinking of joining something, now would be a great time! New Moon on 23rd falls in this area of your chart too and marks a fresh start. Go with it!

Scorpio:   Your ruling planet Pluto has a tricky start to the month as Mars opposes it from 1st – 2nd. This can brew up power-wielding storms which should be avoided. Notice your feelings and reactions but do not ‘act out’! Battles of will could crop up. If this seems to involve others, change the focus to your own dynamics and keep your actions ethical. This could provide a helpful model for other people involved. Lead by self-possessed example.

The month gets easier from 3rd when the focus moves to your travel, studies and philosophy zone. Exploring other cultures and belief systems through travel, meeting others or your own research is a rich and lively area. Your current ideas or opinions maybe challenged around 5th – 6th and around Full Moon from 8th – 9th. Allow that to be the case and respect differences of opinion. Your survival does NOT depend on being ‘right’. Flexibility is a stronger position to take. Try it.

Joint finances and intimacy look positive as Venus smoothes things along all month, apart from a rocky patch from 16th – 24th. Meanwhile on 20th the planetary focus moves to your father, career and social status zone and from 22nd you will have the energy and determination to persue your ambitions. New Moon falls here too on 23rd. Make resolutions for your professional and public year ahead!

Sagittarius:   Finances start the month with a bang as Mars and Pluto oppose each other from your joint finance and personal finance zone from 1st – 2nd. Taxes, debts, inheritances or ‘the money of others’ or money needed by others is problematic in some way. Or changes in a partner’s finances may impact your income and look like a threat to your security or the status quo. This is echoed again around 9th – 10th. Self-awareness is half the battle, observe your reactions.

Conflicting needs for security and freedom may raise their heads too around 5th – 6th when the Sun and Jupiter pull in different directions. Again, ‘know thyself’.

Venus spends most of the month in your relationships and partnerships zone which smoothes things along, apart from 16th – 24th when responsibilities or restrictions kick in. Even so a lovely aspect between Venus and your ruling planet Jupiter manages to generate fun around 18th – 19th.

The Sun and Mars change focus around 20th and travel, studies, ethics and legal matters become the priority. New Moon on 23rd also falls in this area of your chart. Make travel, study or cultural plans for the month and year ahead!

Capricorn:   The month begins on an intense note with a Mars – Pluto opposition in your identity and partnerships axis on 1st – 2nd. There may be a stand off between you and partners – each being unwilling to accept any show of authority in the other. Power surges should be resisted whether in yourself or others. Aim to be self-aware, ethical and fair. By 3rd or 4th this planetary dynamic will have passed.

Conflicts may raise their head again around Full Moon in your sign (early on 9th so the big build up is on 8th) which coincides with a Sun – Pluto opposition from 8th – 10th. This is a second chance to master self-awareness and self-composure if you did not do so well at the start of the month…

Relationships and partnerships are the main focus until 20th and you will find your drive and energy high in these areas, with lots of ideas about the best way to make the most of resources and joint funds.

From 20th the focus moves to ‘the money of others’ shared funds and intimacy. Mars adds to your determination to make headway in these areas from 22nd and New Moon on 23rd marks a fresh start of some kind. Take it!

Aquarius:   The planetary focus during the first three weeks of July is in your 6th House of work, health and service to others. Your daily routine, how you care for yourself on a physical level in terms of nutrition, sleep and exercise and what you include in your daily routine are all up for scrutiny and change! This is the physical side of self-nurture. Give it your full attention.

Meanwhile Venus is making your romance, children and creativity zone look rosy all month. It will not be all plain-sailing though from 16th – 24th when commitment or self-love and honesty or ideals come into play. They are always factors in love affairs but very plainly so during this period. Honesty on both sides is all that is needed.

From 20th the focus moves on to relationships and partnerships. Mars heats things up from 22nd (be that conflict or passion…) and New Moon on 23rd marks the beginning of a new phase in relationships and partnerships. Decide what you would like to find here now in your life and head towards it!

Pisces:   A clash between romance and friendship starts the month with a jolt from 1st – 2nd. Or could it be conflicting demands between personal creativity and group achievement? This uncomfortably but quickly moves on but there is a following echo from 8th – 10th. Meanwhile from 5th – 6th things are flowing well as the Sun aspects your ruling planet Neptune in a favourable way.

Venus is smoothing your mother and home zone too from 5th. Home in every sense should be a source of pleasure, be that the building you live in, its emotional dynamics, Mother Nature or your country or our planet. Relationships with mother figures go well too. There is a hiccough from 16th – 24th when Saturn applies restrictions or responsibilities and ideals are heightened, sometimes unrealistically.

The main focus however is your 5th House of romance, children and creativity. A lot of energy is bouncing around here until 20th. And you will be feeling buoyant and creative.

From 20th the Sun highlights your work, health and service to others zone. Mars adds determination from 22nd and New Moon here on 23rd is the start of your work and health New Year. This is the best time to start a new regime and take your daily routine and self-care in hand. Do it!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

June 2017

Our shared planetary picture

We have a dazzling start to the month as Venus and Uranus join forces from 1st – 3rd in Aries. This blows our cobwebs away in an unexpected flash and acts of daring may beckon. Many

Sudden attractions to people, unusual recreational activities or an urge to completely change your routine may surprise you. Although this may all pass as quickly as it started, enjoy the moment for what it is worth. And recognise that this is showing you your need for variety and excitement!

Mars leaps forward on 4th, leaving Gemini for Cancer, to be joined on 21st, (the Summer Solstice) by the Sun and Mercury. This makes for a ball of assertive energy that wants to take action – in different areas of life for each sign. New Moon on 24th also falls here, marking a new year in these same areas of life.

Venus heads for home in Taurus from 6th, smoothing the way, making security look more attractive and heightening our senses.

On 9th Jupiter goes direct in Libra, ending a four-month review of where true growth and expansion lie. Hopefully better informed, we can now move ahead with real content, not just bluster. Full Moon in Sag falls on the same afternoon (14.11 BST).

Neptune changes direction on 16th and heads retrograde, taking us all back to review our ideals and how near or far our lives are from them. It will take until late-November to get the full picture.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   The month begins with a zing as Venus joins Uranus in your sign from 1st – 3rd. This is exciting, fun and brings the unexpected. Sudden attractions could surprise you. And although fleeting, they make you aware of your need for variety and fun.

Your charms are still at their height until 6th as Venus continues to ease your path. It then moves into your money and possessions zone and which is usually helpful to your income but the lure of beautiful purchases will be stronger too…

Relationships and partnerships also start to get easier from 9th when Jupiter goes direct in your opposite sign. This marks the end of a four month review about where true growth lies regarding partnerships and at last you now know where that is and you can move forward.

On 4th your ruling planet Mars leaps into your mother and home sphere. If home improvement plans have been pending, this is your month for action! Self improvement (personal development) is up for grabs too. These areas take off with extra zest from 21st when the Sun and Mercury join Mars adding creative strength and lots of ideas!

On 24th New Moon falls in this area of your chart too and marks the beginning of your domestic New Year. Make resolutions that will help self-nurture and a happy home in the year ahead.


Taurus:   There is a shake up at the start of the month (1st – 3rd) as your ruling planet Venus meets Uranus behind the scenes. Make time for creativity as your juices will be full of originality. On 6th Venus glides into Taurus and your charms will be heightened for the rest of the month.

Your powers of persuasion will be strong this month. Mars will be making itself felt in your 3rd House of communications. This makes you more assertive than usual but others may not notice, with your Venusian power to please operating at full strength too… The Sun and Mercury add their energy and talents to Mars’s efforts from 21st and Venus – Pluto team work on 23rd – 24th give you full advantage. Siblings or neighbours could be feistier than usual but so could you.

Thoughts and creative ideas about security and your finances continue until 21st. They need to be in line with your values. What could you do to get them closer?

On 9th Jupiter goes direct in your work, health and service to others zone. You have had four months to work out where you have been going over the top. This could be about over-working, over-eating or over-indulging in some way. In these cases ‘less is more’. Put your realisations into action.

New Moon on 24th marks the beginning of a new year in your communications, physical movement, siblings and neighbours zone. Make resolutions for your year ahead!


Gemini:   Friends, groups and community provide an exciting start to the month as Venus and Uranus bring excitement and fun! Romance and partnerships look interesting too on 9th when Full Moon, early in the afternoon, in your opposite sign Sag. coincides with Jupiter going direct after four months in retrograde. This helps to bring growth to romance, dealings with children and creativity.

Your ruling planet Mercury is moving quickly this month which is how you like it. It is also in your own sign from 6th – 21st which means you will be on good form. A square with Neptune on 14th may be the only exception when all may not be as it seems or you cannot take what other people say at face value.

The Sun ball remains in your court until 21st radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. But your mind is probably going to be focused on money as Mars jumps into your finance zone on 4th and stays into July. Mars is action oriented and spurs you on to improve your income and security. The Sun and Mercury join in from 21st adding creative energy and fresh ideas to your drive forward. Your values need to be reflected in whatever financial steps you take. Keep them close by.


Cancer:   Venus and Uranus bring surprises to your father and career zone from 1st – 3rd which can shake up your social status too. New ambitions could raise their head, however briefly and the need for change and refreshment is strong.

On 6th Venus moves on to bring pleasure through friends, groups and community, right into July. However pressurised things may be, make time to enjoy these.

Energy levels may have been low recently as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time – but that is about to change. Mars leaps into your sign on 4th and the Sun and Mercury join it on 21st which means three green lights saying – GO!

Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer!

Full Moon on 9th (14.11 BST) falls in your work and health zone. Be open and attentive to the information your emotions offer. Also on 9th Jupiter goes direct in your mother and home zone. This completes a four-month review on how growth and expansion in these areas and in personal development and self-nurture should be applied. Your conclusions are now clear for you to take forward. Follow them!


Leo:   Venus and Uranus liven up your travel, studies, philosophy and legal zone from 1st – 3rd bringing fresh insights or a sudden attraction to someone or something from a different country or culture. Ethical situations may look different too.

This is quickly followed on 4th by Mars jumping into your inspiration zone, giving energy to your creative, compassionate or spiritual life behind the scenes. The Sun and Mercury join it from 21st and New Moon on 24th marks the beginning of a fresh year in this area of your life too. If you have been thinking of starting a new spiritual or creative practice, this would be a great month to begin.

From 6th Venus is smoothing interactions in your father, career and social status zone. People in positions of power or influence will be happy to help you, so do not be afraid to ask. A good aspect between Venus and Pluto on 23rd – 24th is good for work and career and for getting your daily routine in line with your ambitions.

On 9th Jupiter goes direct in your communications zone, taking your mind to a more positive place after four months of going backwards. Physical movement can be helped too and if you had it in mind to learn a new language or communicate in a new way, the winds of Jupiter are behind you. 

From 22nd – 27th you may become aware of how your unconscious patterns may have been undermining you. Jupiter is ready to widen your thinking. Iron out any self-sabotage that has been going on and become aware of your full possibilities!


Virgo:   Unexpected events occur in your shared finances or in your intimate life from 1st – 3rd and ‘the money of others’ or how others deal with you financially, could take you by surprise. Sudden attractions ditto!

In terms of your own income, this starts looking better from 9th when Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity goes direct after four months in retrograde. This has been a time of review about how to best approach expansion. And now you can put your conclusions into action.

Full Moon, also on the afternoon of 9th falls in your mother and home zone, raising emotions about these, your personal development and self-nurture. And on 16th Neptune goes retrograde in your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships, in search of ideals or lost ideals.

Career matters are forefront up to 21st as the Sun and your ruling planet Mercury light and negotiate the way (with perhaps just a hiccough on 14th when all is not clear). Meanwhile from 6th, Venus is enhancing travel and dealings with different countries, cultures, philosophies, publications and legal matters.

From 4th Mars jumps into your friends, groups, community and political zone, where you will both find and give energy and want to get things done. Mercury and the Sun add their energies too from 21st. You have a lot to offer!


Libra:   There is a flurry of excitement from 1st – 3rd when Venus and Uranus join forces and shake things up in your relationships and partnerships. This could produce sudden attractions or refresh your current situation in some way!

On 6th Venus glides into your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing, helping things along there too. ‘The money of others’ may come your way, sometimes in the form of loans, inheritances or tax rebates or a partner may be more generous, including during intimacy.

The Sun and Mercury intensify these benefits from 21st, adding energy and better communications to the mix. And New Moon on 24th marks a new beginning also in this area of your solar chart. Give what you hope to find.

Jupiter which has been going retrograde in your sign since early Feb goes direct on 9th, indicating that the review of your need for growth in self-expression is now complete and the best way forward should be clear. You have until mid-October to make the most of the opportunities on offer. Be ready for growth and expansion!


Scorpio:   Surprises or unexpected events to do with work, health, service to others or your daily routine, shake things up from 1st – 3rd as Venus and Uranus join forces. Be open to new insights that get thrown up then.

Communications in relationships and partnerships continue to be fruitful up until 6th too. Then ideas about sharing resources and yourself (on an intimate level) occupy your mind until 21st.

Relationships and partnerships continue to benefit as Venus glides into your opposite sign on 6th and smooths things along all month. From 23rd – 24th Venus works together with your ruling planet Pluto to deepen communications in a satisfying way too.

The other area of activity this month is your travel, studies, philosophy, legal and publishing zone. Mars stirs you to action from 4th and the Sun and Mercury join in offering creative energy and ideas from 21st. New Moon falls here too on 24th marking a fresh start and a good time to make resolutions for a wider world in the year ahead. Stretch your horizons!


Sagittarius:   Fun and excitement start the month as Venus and Uranus light up your romance, children and creativity zone from 1st – 3rd. Sudden attractions could grab you, as could unusual recreational activities or creative inspiration!

On 4th Mars jumps into your joint funds zone, spurring you on to take action on shared finances (including taxes, loans, debts and inheritances) and possibly on an intimate level too. From 6th Venus enhances relations with colleagues or daily companions. Health matters could improve too – unless you over-indulge…

On 9th your ruling planet Jupiter goes direct after four months in reverse in your friends, groups and community or political zone. Full Moon falls just one hour earlier (14.11 BST) in Sag. which gives an emotional high tide of a day.

Relationships and partnerships are highlighted until 21st when the focus turns to how they operate on a practical level – in intimacy and financially. New Moon on 24th marks the beginning of a new phase in these areas too. Start as you mean to go on.


Capricorn:   Sudden surprises at home or to do with mother figures or personal development shake things up from 1st – 3rd as Venus and Uranus join forces. On 6th though Venus moves on to enhance your romance, children and creativity zone for the rest of the month, offering pleasure through all three.

Mars jumps into your relationships and partnerships zone on 4th, heating things up. This could include passions or conflicts but the Sun and Mercury’s arrival on 21st add creativity and more communication to the picture. New Moon on 24th also marks the beginning of a new phase in relating. Make resolutions to help partnerships in the year ahead.

Jupiter goes direct on 9th in your father, career and social status zone. This completes a four-month review of how expansion should go. Apply your conclusions. There may be friction between partnerships and your father and career zone from 22nd – 27th. Be as creative as you can to find a good solution.


Aquarius:   Fun is on the agenda from 1st – 3rd and it is the kind of fun you like as Venus joins your ruling planet Uranus in your communications zone. Make time to be around people.

On 6th Venus glides into your mother and home zone and you will want to enjoy domestic things and perhaps beautify your home or entertain there. Relationships with mother-figures are enjoyable too or perhaps you will enjoy nurturing others.

On 9th Jupiter goes direct in your travel, studies, publishing and philosophy and law zone. Human existence may now seem clearer. Or how you or your activities fit into the scheme of things, may be make more sense. People or philosophies from other countries and cultures have much to show you. Be ready to learn.

Mars jumps signs this month too. On 4th it moves into your work, health and service to others zone. Make the most of this fresh energy to take action in whatever areas need it. The Sun and Mercury add creative energy and ideas from 21st and New Moon on 24th is also in this area of your chart.

This marks the beginning of your work and health New Year. Make some resolutions for the year ahead. This is an excellent time to look at how well you have been tending your physical body and to start a new health regime or a new job. Take action!


Pisces:   Finances are spinning from 1st – 3rd when Venus and Uranus turn things around and catch you unawares. This is not the main focus of the month however as the Sun and Mercury are being creative (and perhaps wanting to move things around) in your mother and home sphere until 21st.

This may not suit you around 4th and 14th when the Sun and then Mercury run up against your ruling planet Neptune. We all have ideals but we need to be practical too

On 4th Mars moves into your romance, children and creativity zone, to be joined on 21st by the Sun and Mercury. You will want to take action and the strong determination of Mars and its two helpers should enable you to make good headway. New Moon on 24th falls here too, so make some resolutions for the year ahead that will help to manifest what you would like to create in these areas of life.

On 9th Jupiter moves forwards after four months in reverse in the area of your chart that covers joint funds and intimacy. ‘The money of others’ may benefit you, be that repaid debts, loans, tax rebates or inheritances. This follows a review of how you have been dealing with joint funds and intimacy. It should now be clear where true growth lies.

Your ruling planet Neptune goes retrograde on 16th to review how close your current self is to your ideal self. This is not a quick peep. It will take until late November to get the full view. Be open to what you find.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

May 2017

Our shared planetary picture

Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all running retrograde this month, re-teaching us things that passed us by first time round.  Mercury goes direct though on 3rd after over three weeks in reverse.  This helps communications to move forward and as it is in Aries, we are likely to be more direct than usual and at the very least ‘clear’…

Mercury and Uranus meet up in Aries from 3rd – 10th which ushers in startling new ideas and unexpected developments.  At first sight these ideas may look unlikely but Saturn helps to ground some of them from 9th – 11th and we will be ready to give these deeper thought at the end of the month.

Venus is in Aries all month which also urges us to be more direct.  It runs into opposition from Jupiter and squares up to Pluto from 17th – 27th.  This tends to stop us in our tracks but at the same time raises our awareness of power patterns in our relationships.

Do you give your power away?  Or do you take other people’s?  Or stand passively by as others lose their rights?  We all have much to think about.

Saturn planet of structure, tradition and responsibility teams up with Uranus planet of change, disruption and revolution all month.  This helps the traditional and the modern to inform and help each other.  Change can be brought to existing structures and structure can be given to new ideas.  Young and old should get along well too

Mars in Gemini all month also gives a martial tone to communications.  Neptune clouds the view from 7th – 11th but Jupiter supports and encourages action from 9th – 14th.  When Mars opposes Saturn from 25th and squares Chiron, obstacles require us to reflect on our wounds and how they might be mended.

Full Moon on 10th is in Scorpio and New Moon on the evening of 25th is in Gemini.

31st is perhaps the most interesting day of the month.  Venus meets Uranus which can spark sudden attractions or unusual fun.  And Mercury teams up with Pluto deepening our thoughts.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   Mercury goes direct in your sign on 3rd after more than three weeks in reverse.  This helps to clear up communication misunderstandings and after 21st should help to clarify money, matters too that have been on hold.  Venus is in your sign too all month which makes you darling of the zodiac but you might prefer to describe it as being irresistible to others!  Power plays could emerge from 17th – 27th.  Spot your pattern and make equal power-sharing a conscious goal.

Your mental powers will look electrifying as Mercury and Uranus meet together in your sign from 3rd – 10th to light up the skies with dashing new ideas!  You may find yourself needing or getting less sleep than usual as your mental energy is so high.  Direct this into projects and get more exercise to avoid it revving round your nervous system.

Your ruling planet Mars is also busy with physical movement and short journeys, trading and communications all month.  Dealings with neighbours and siblings may be succinct and you will make yourself very clear…  Neptune calls for more subtlety from 7th – 11th and Saturn and Chiron have other plans from 25th – 31st.  But Jupiter puts wind in your sails from 9th – 14th!

Uranus – planet of change, disruption and revolution continues in your sign and is helping serious Saturn to integrate new ideas and ways of doing things.  So on a collective as well as an individual level, you are revolutionising the status quo.

May 31st looks interesting as Venus joins Uranus in your sign bringing sudden attractions or the unexpected.  Mercury and Pluto are working together too bringing depth to self-expression.  Professional finances could be involved or your social status.  Be experimental and keep an open mind.  Life can still surprise you!


Taurus:   Mercury goes direct on 3rd and immediately gets into a startling meeting with Uranus from until 10th.  This is in your behind the scenes zone which triggers new ideas and approaches to compassion, spirituality, healing and creativity.  Although some of these ideas may seem a bit way out, from 9th – 11th Saturn points out which hold real content and your ideas around these deepen from 31st.  There may be emotional excitement around then too!

Your ruling planet Venus is working behind the scenes for you all month, helping to integrate unconscious material into consciousness.  This does not always sit comfortably with your present health or work situation, your daily routine and your philosophy.  Travel plans, legal matters or your world view may undergo deep changes which are necessary to make room for your fresh insights.

The Sun continues to warm you as it lights up your self-expression until 20th.  And from 16th Mercury steps into Taurus, helping communications and physical movement.  Full Moon is in your opposite sign on 10th.  Relationships and partnerships may feel more emotional and not entirely within your control.  And perhaps not everything should be under your control.  Only that which is freely given is truly yours.

Mars continues to activate your money and finance zone and new income streams may be possible with this thrust of energy.  New Moon falls in this area of your solar chart too, late in the evening on 25th.  Roll up those sleeves and make a new budget!  Planetary co-operation may not be apparent from 28th – 31st but remember your long-term plan and hold steadfast!


Gemini:   The month before our birthday we are often at lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time.  This year the Sun returns to your sign on 20th bringing energy and a sense of renewal.  Your birthday is your true New Year, not January 1st.  (It’s also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a fantastic astrologer!)

Mars is revving in your sign all month, making for a dynamic, assertive you!  Apart from Neptune misting up the view from 7th – 11th and some planetary challenges around 28th – 31st, little can stop you as you forge ahead.  Jupiter is also blowing wind into your sails from 7th – 11th and optimism will drive you on.

On 3rd your ruling planet Mercury goes direct in your friends, groups and community zone.  This opens up communications and startling new ideas may crop up when it meets Uranus from 3rd – 10th.  Venus is gliding through the same areas of life making relating enjoyable.  The only possible exception to this is 17th – 27th when Jupiter and Pluto get involved and power dynamics could break out around romance, children or joint funds, taxes, debts or inheritances.

New Moon on the evening of 25th is also in Gemini.  This marks your personal New Year and is a good time to make resolutions to enhance your emotional life in the year ahead.  Mercury teams up with Pluto on 31st which is an interesting day for other reasons too.  Be open to the unexpected!


Cancer:   Mercury goes direct in your busy father, career and social status zone on 3rd which helps to clear up earlier misunderstandings.  Venus is in this area of your solar chart too all month and people in positions of power are likely to look favourably on you.  If you know people who could further your ambitions, ask for their help.  The best dates to do this are 4th – 15th or after 29th.

From 17th – 27th your public ambitions seem to run in opposition to your need for domestic growth or personal development.  This shows itself in power dynamics in your partnerships zone.  Spot your pattern and make equal power-sharing a conscious goal and keep communications open.  Everyone has a right to voice their feelings and views.  New ideas could emerge around 3rd – 10th and get solidified on 11th and taken further on 31st.

Full Moon on 10th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone.  And New Moon on 25th is in your behind the scenes arena of compassion, spirituality, healing, inner workings and time spent alone.  Mars is active in this area all month too, stirring up realisations from the past.

From 28th – 31st Mars is halted by Saturn residing in your area of work, health and service to others.  This triggers Chiron in your travel, legal and ethics zone.  There are opportunities for healing here and a softening of unhelpful beliefs.  Be open to what you are shown and integrate new realisations for a wider view of the world.


Leo:   The Sun continues to light up self-expression in your father, career and social status zone until 20th and Mercury takes over here from 16th helping your professional communications and flexibility.  While on a less conscious level, Full Moon on 10th falls in your mother and home zone which raises emotions around this.

Your travel, studies, legal and ethics zone is highlighted this month.  Mercury goes direct here on 3rd which helps to sort out important communications and Venus smooths everything along for much of the month.  This can be good for your philosophy and world view and also relations with people from different countries, cultures and belief systems.

Mercury meets up with Uranus in this same higher mind zone from 3rd -10th which can revolutionise your outlook or how you communicate in the world.  Have you been thinking of trying a new language, exploring a new religion or philosophy or immersing yourself in a new culture?  If so, do it.  If not, consider putting at least one toe in!

Mars is active in your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  You will find lots to give and take in these areas.  From 20th your ruling planet the Sun also moves into this zone, offering warm self-expression to the energy pool.  Saturn and the demands of personal creativity or children may get in the way of all this communal fun which leads you to look once again at sharing, intimacy and joint funds.  Help any areas that need healing.


Virgo:   Many things are happening professionally as Mars lends its determined energies to your ambitions and public standing.  This is not entirely straight forwards however as Neptune clouds issues from 7th – 11th.  Despite this Jupiter is pushing for expansion from 9th – 14th and your optimism and energy should be high.  When Saturn puts on the brakes from 25th – 29th, there are opportunities for healing in partnerships.  Be aware of that potential.

The Sun also enters your father, career and social status zone from 20th helping self-expression and heightening your profile.  This is followed by New Moon on the evening of 25th which marks the beginning of your Professional New Year.  Make resolutions or a plan that will further your ambitions – professional or social.

The other active area of your solar chart is your 8th House of joint finances, intimacy and sharing.  Mercury goes direct helping communications from 3rd and startling new ideas may emerge about how to best use or share resources.  Inheritances, loans, taxes and debts could come into this, as well as money in partnerships.

Venus generally helps to improve joint funds this month, either financially or in smoothing negotiations.  This may not apply though from 17th – 27th when power dynamics could get acted out.  Resist the attempts of others to manipulate and of course don’t resort to such tactics yourself!


Libra:   Misunderstandings in partnerships start to clear up from 3rd when Mercury goes direct after three weeks of mix-ups, possibly including intimacy or joint funds.  Your ruling planet Venus is busy smoothing ruffled feathers in partnerships too all month which should create a bit more room for you to manoeuvre than recently.

New dialogues become possible around 3rd – 10th as Mercury and Uranus open up fresh channels of communication and Saturn’s influence around 9th – 11th suggest that concrete solutions are available too.

What partners want or your desires in partnerships seem to be diametrically opposed to your growth around 17th – 27th.  Power dynamics in relationships are visible too.  Spot your pattern and make equal power-sharing a conscious goal.  The fall-out from this clash will be felt in your mother and home zone or in awakenings about your own needs in terms of personal development.  We know how obliging you usually are but right now, compromising may not be in your best interests.

A Venus and Uranus team-up on 31st brings surprises in relationships and partnerships which could be a sudden new attraction, new business partnership opportunities or a fresh spark of interest in existing partners.  Whichever it is, enjoy it!


Scorpio:   Work and health matters improve from 3rd when Mercury goes direct and helps to sort our misunderstandings and issues related to agility either in body or thought.  Mercury meets with Uranus from 3rd – 10th bringing new ideas and approaches towards work, health and service to others.  Saturn helps to ground some of these into real possibilities from 9th – 11th which you can take a step further on 31st.

Venus is smoothing the way in relations with colleagues and daily companions.  Conflicting interests demand your attention from 17th – 27th when how you think and speak colour your outcomes.  Be open, fair and inclusive, regardless of what you want.

Full Moon on 10th is in your sign which will raise emotions.  Matters to do with joint funds or intimacy are active all month too as Mars forges ahead raising energy to negotiate shared finances or passions.  Mars runs into some opposition from 28th – 31st when Saturn reminds you of restrictions in your personal finances or self-esteem.  The tension from this opposition bursts out in your romance, children and creativity zone.  There are opportunities for healing in one or more of these areas.

Keep in mind you always have to acknowledge pain, to grow and move forward beyond it.


Sagittarius:   Work and health should continue to improve this month as the Sun continues to bring warmth, light and energy until 20th and Mercury helps communications and movement from 16th.  But the main areas of activity are romance, children, creativity and partnerships.

Communications improve in these spheres from 3rd when Mercury goes direct.  Not only do they improve but startling new ideas come to mind that help to look at existing challenges afresh!  Saturn which is transiting your sign spots ways to make these unlikely approaches possible and by 31st your understanding of new options will be deeper.

Venus is also easing relations in romantic liaisons and with children.  There may be a hiccough though around 17th – 27th when power dynamics temporarily raise their head.  Speculation and sports could also be sources of pleasure this month but team dynamics could be tricky during the same period.

Mars continues to forge its way through your relationships and partnerships zone.  You may find yourself or partners being more assertive than usual but Neptune clouds the picture from 7th – 11th.  Your ruling planet Jupiter is on board during this period though and offers the added gift of optimism to your energy and efforts from 9th – 14th.

New Moon on the evening of 25th marks the beginning of your Partnerships New Year.  Make resolutions for a happy year ahead.  28th – 31st is a tricky period but the planetary line ups on 31st bring excitement or surprise which leaves a delightful taste in your mouth as the month ends!


Capricorn:   Misunderstanding and mix-ups with mother-figures and home start to melt and mend from 3rd when Mercury goes direct.  Venus is in this area of your solar chart all month too, bringing pleasure through beautifying your home or entertaining and sharing it with others.  This might not apply to the period between 17th – 27th when conflicting demands (internal or external) come from your father, career and social status zone.  Power plays abound.  Spot your pattern and make equal power-sharing a conscious goal.  The tension created by all of this is an added boost to your personal transformation which is impacting your identity over these years.

New ideas about domestic situations or personal development crop up between 3rd – 10th when Mercury and Uranus bringing startling possibilities to light.  Your ruling planet Saturn is weighing up the options in a helpful way from 9th – 11th and by 31st the next step is clear.

Mars is busy in your 6th House of work, health and service to others all month.  New Moon falls here too on the evening of 25th which would be a great time to put a new health regime in place.  Now what should that include?


Aquarius:   Communications get better after 3rd as Mercury planet of communication goes direct in your House of communication until 16th, so much better!  This can apply to physical and mental agility too.  Venus is also gliding through your communications zone all month so you will come across as extra charming and persuasive.

Mercury joins your ruling planet Uranus from 3rd – 10th which brings flashes of insight and new ideas.  Thought of learning a new language or trying a new form of exercise?  The planets are behind you.  Keep in mind too that new forms of movement can open up new neural pathways – new avenues of thought in your brain.

Your mental energy will be high during this period and it is helpful to channel this into projects and you may need less sleep and more exercise than usual so that all of this electrical charge does not rev round your nervous system.  Direct it outwards.

The Sun continues to warm your mother and home arenas until 20th.  Self-expression at home goes well apart from a brief pause on 10th when Full Moon in your father and career zone draws your attention in the opposite direction.  Mercury moves in too from 16th which is good for rearranging furniture and having discussions or meetings at home.

Mars is activating your romance, children, speculation, sports and creativity zone all month.  You will have energy to give and receive to these areas of life.  New Moon falls here too on the evening of 25th which marks the beginning of your Creative New Year.  Make resolutions for the year ahead!  Mars runs into some opposition from the demands of friends, groups or community from 28th – 31st which results in pointing a finger at your finances – whether they will be better or worse remains to be seen.

Fun, excitement and possible sudden attractions draw you on 31st.  Enjoy them!


Pisces:   It’s all happening in your mother and home zone this month.  Mars has got its boots on wanting to push ahead with DIY, nurturing, personal development or projects which are based at home.  Your ruling planet Neptune isn’t fully on board from 7th – 11th but Jupiter is fanning the flames of activity from 9th – 14th and optimism carries things forward.

From 25th – 31st Saturn causes an obstruction to this progress which presses you to acknowledge wounded areas of your own.  With this realisation come opportunities for healing.  Take them.

Your finances are active this month too.  Mercury goes direct here on 3rd, clearing up misunderstandings.  Uranus is still having an erratic impact though but it could throw up new ideas for generating income from 3rd – 10th.

Venus generally helps to improve your income up to 16th and after 27th but from 17th – 27th the financial demands of others (e.g. joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances) run opposite to your interests.  A solution needs to be found and going to a mediating body could be the answer.  Avoid power plays and make sure you’re not the one to start them!

The Sun lights up your mother and home zone from 20th and New Moon falls here on the evening of 25th which marks the beginning of your Domestic New Year.  Make resolutions to make your home a happy place in the year ahead.



To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth chart consultations by phone, wherever in the world you are, please get in touch – – 07929 261231 or ++44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK.


April 2017

Our shared planetary picture

Three planets go retrograde this month starting with Venus on 3rd and then Saturn on 6th and Mercury on 9th. This means we are going to be doing a lot of reviewing, in different areas of life for each sign.

The Sun, Jupiter and Pluto reform a T-square around 8th – 9th when power plays may be apparent. Try to ensure they are not yours and do not be brow-beaten by others.

Full Moon on the morning of 11th is in Libra (at 07.09 BST) which means the emotional build up is on 10th. And New Moon on 26th (at 13.17 BST) is in Taurus. This is a good point to look afresh at finances, although Mercury stays retrograde until May 3rd so it may be best to put plans into action after that.

Venus and Saturn aspect Chiron this month, bringing old wounds to the surface. Work with them as honestly as you can. These are opportunities to create deeper self-knowledge and growth.

The Sun meets up with Uranus on 14th and Mercury does the same on 26th. These are like two flashes of lightning that bring fresh insights and cast new light on blind spots, once again in different areas of life for each sign.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries: The Sun ball remains in your court until 19th radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression, though you might get distracted by its opposition to Jupiter and square to Pluto around 8th – 9th. This could bring extremes of some kind around partnerships and social status. Full Moon is also in your partnership zone early morning on 11th, so the big build up of this emotional high tide will be on 10th…

You will be happy to know that Venus finishes it’s review through your unconscious from 3rd – 28th and glides back into Aries on 28th. You should now know what you really want and will be in a position to go after it. This applies especially to relationships, creativity and values.

On 14th the Sun joins Uranus in your sign encouraging you to cast cares (and concerns about the opinions of others) to the wind. Venus goes direct the next day too, having worked out what it was that stumped you in late January. This also leads to the kind of terrain you like for action – a clear coast!

Finances may not be as straight forwards as hoped after Mercury goes retrograde on 9th. Avoid signing anything important if possible. Your ruling planet Mars changes its focus from your finances to communications from 21st. Ideas will be buzzing and your powers of persuasion will be strong, albeit more direct than others are used to… Teach what you know. Avoid ego involvement in differences of opinions with others and get plenty of exercise!


Taurus: Many things are taking shape in your unconscious and in your creativity behind the scenes zone. Your ruling planet Venus starts the month here but then moves back on 3rd into your friends, groups and community zone to see what steps were or weren’t taken in late January. Venus starts going forwards again on 15th, clutching the realisation it found from back then and moves back into your inner world, helping creativity, from 28th.

Mercury goes retrograde in your sign on 9th which takes your thinking inwards. It’s a time to review how much physical movement you make time for in your life too. Lots of realisations crop up this month as Uranus and the Sun and Mercury bring fresh light to your inner landscape on 14th and fresh insights on 26th.

Mars continues through your sign, adding to your determination until 21st. And your will is super strong around 5th – 6th when Mars and Pluto join forces. Others watch out! On 21st Mars moves into your 2nd House of money, security and values. Financial matters will be high on the agenda then and you may find yourself forging new paths of income.

The month before our birthday we are often at lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The Sun brings fresh energy and a sense of renewal from 19th when it moves into Taurus. Your birthday is your personal new year and the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.

New Moon on 26th is in Taurus too and marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make resolutions for the year ahead that will bring happiness to your emotional life!


Gemini: How you’ve been relating in your friendships, groups and communities is up for review during the first half of the month. An opportunity was missed or mishandled in late January and the reason for this is connected to issues around fathering, career and social status in some way. With luck, you’ll have understood this by the time Venus goes direct on 15th and can apply it to your friendships and groups from 28th.

Saturn goes retrograde too on 6th taking you back to also review your position on relationships and partnerships. You have until late August to dwell on this. Saturn also squares Chiron which can raise old wounds that inform the current difficulty.

Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 9th and tensions around joint funds, sharing or intimacy are heightened then too.

The mood brightens from 21st when Mars leaps into your sign, ready for action and forward movement. You’ll enjoy this gear change which is the forerunner to the Sun that’s coming to cheer you up next month. Despite all of the dwelling this month, stay hopeful!


Cancer: Certain matters need reviewing this month, starting with Venus which begins the month retrograde and leaves your father, career and social status zone on 3rd to seek answers to problems that stem from steps taken late January. The answer lies in your travel and philosophy zone. Was your approach ethical? Or did you overlook cultural or legal matters?

The long-running T-square of the Sun, Jupiter and Pluto hit three of your sensitive spots around 8th – 9th and the conclusion is yet again – something has to give in your relationships and partnerships…

Full Moon early morning of 11th falls in your mother and home zone, shaking roots and foundations. On 14th the Sun and Uranus join forces in your father, career and social status zone where unexpected opportunities or solutions cast a new light on everything.

The following day Venus goes direct and starts to head back to where it left off, clutching new realisations that you can apply to your public sphere from 28th. On 26th more new ideas or events crop up professionally which carry you to the end of the month with a much wider outlook than you had at the start of it. The only limit is ourselves and how we think. Keep that mind open!


Leo: Your travel, studies and philosophy zone is busy all month with Venus heading off backwards on 3rd in search of finding out what went wrong in your intimacy, joint funds and sharing zone in late January. Venus goes direct again on 15th (hopefully with information in hand), ready to apply what has been learnt to your travel, studies and philosophy from 28th.

There can be other awakenings here too when Uranus meets up with your ruling planet the Sun around 14th and with Mercury on 26th. These meet ups can bring fresh light and flashes of insight which help you to reassess where truth lies and how you’ve been looking at things.

Meanwhile, Mars forms a strong aspect to Pluto from 5th – 6th helping you to push your plans around work and career forward. Pluto leaps out forcefully in a less comfortable way around 8th – 9th when the Sun and Jupiter square up to it. Make sure it isn’t your health that suffers in the stresses that may be around then. Mercury goes retrograde in your professional zone on 9th too so try to make any important communications before then or after May 3rd.

Mars heads off into your collective zone from 21st and you’ll find you have lots of energy to give (and receive) from dealings with friends, groups and community. When New Moon falls in your father and career zone on 26th, make resolutions for the year ahead that will help your ambitions!


Virgo: Planets keep changing direction in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone and it may be hard to keep up with what is happening. Virgos love to pre-analyse everything but just going with what feels right is an equally valid path to take (and often a happier one), so don’t make your decisions before you even have the experience.

Saturn goes retrograde on 6th to review how you’ve been dealing with mother and home, including self-nurture and personal development. Chiron gets triggered off too by Saturn and Venus, raising old wounds around relationships and partnerships. We mustn’t let the past imprison us and although most people try to avoid pain rather than pursue happiness, understanding past pain can help us to move beyond it to a wider future.

Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 9th too in your travel, legal and studies zone. Examining your philosophy, different cultures and ethics could be part of this review too. On 20th Mercury moves even further back into your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone to review communications here too. When it meets Uranus on 26th new ways of thinking about things opens up. Accept these new insights!

Relationships and partnerships benefit from Venus passing to and fro this month. This is a second chance to pursue possibilities that you may have passed by in late January.

Mars moves into your father, career and social status zone on 21st, giving you energy and determination to push ahead with your ambitions, be they professional or your emotional status…


Libra: Your ruling planet Venus spends half the month going backwards and half the month going forwards and you may feel you’re doing the same. Starting in your relationships sphere, Venus retreats back into your work, health and service to others zone on 3rd, searching for what went wrong late January. Did you make any unhelpful choices back then?

Saturn goes retrograde too on 6th taking you back to review how you’ve been dealing with comminications (and possibly siblings and neighbours). The Sun, Jupiter and Pluto T-square is active too around 8th – 9th making you even more aware of the changes needed at home or in matters connected to mother figures, nurturing and personal development.

Mid-month is eventful. Full Moon early morning on 11th (so the build up is on 10th) is in your sign which raises emotions. And on 14th the Sun and Uranus meet up in your relationships and partnerships zone bringing surprises and prompting you to forego any compromising that may have become a habit.

Venus goes direct on 15th and by 28th is ready to apply the new answers in how you relate to your relationships and partnerships. This may have been about dismissing your own well-being to accommodate others or a daily routine or job that does not serve you well. Whichever it is, self-care is high on the agenda. Honour it!


Scorpio: Venus starts the month retrograde in your work, health and service to others zone and moves back into your romance, children and creativity sphere to find what went wrong in late January. Whatever it was has been effecting your work, health or well-being and needs to be looked at again.

Saturn also goes retrograde on 6th in your money and finance zone taking you back to review these too. Budgets may need re-jigging to meet your income or to make a serious purchase possible. Self-esteem can come into this too and it is important not to confuse whatever you are or aren’t paid with your true value!

Your ruling planet Pluto is on good terms with Mars around 5th – 6th which gives you determination to move forward communications in relationships and partnerships. This should be about opening communications, not any kind of pushing or shoving (which might look quicker but completely defeats the object).

Pluto has a difficult time around 8th – 9th and Mercury goes retrograde on 9th too in your partnerships zone. This is an opportunity to look at how you’ve been communicating in partnerships. Do your inner homework on this with full honesty.

Uranus brings flashes of insight to your work and health zone this month, first of all on 14th when it joins the Sun which helps you to look at things in a fresh light and with optimism and then again on 26th when it joins with Mercury, bringing fresh ideas that can change your everyday landscape.

The Sun glides into your partnerships zone on 19th, bringing opportunities for warm self-expression. Take them and make them! And make resolutions for the year ahead on 26th when the New Moon marks your Partnerships New Year!


Sagittarius: How you’ve been relating to children and in romance is up for question this month, along with your approach to your own creativity. Venus is going retrograde as the month begins and on 3rd it goes back to find answers to questions you may have answered too hastily in late January. The root of your oversight is connected to issues around mother and home and personal development. Venus goes direct on 15th and by 28th you should have some answers in hand to move forwards with.

Saturn which has been solemnly moving through your sign for some time, goes retrograde too on 6th, taking you back to look once again at identity, self-expression and outlets for that expression. You have until late August to ponder how you’ve been dealing with all of this and how you want to be in the future.

Both Saturn and Venus run into Chiron this month which raise old wounds to do with father, career and social status. Be open to the information on offer.

Mercury goes retrograde in your work, health and service to others zone on 9th and on 20th reaches even further back into your romance, children and creativity zone too. Mars jumping into your partnerships zone catches your attention from 21st. Someone may be feeling more assertive. Could that be you? or your partner?…


Capricorn: You will be firing on all cylinders from 8th – 9th when the Sun and Jupiter square up to Pluto which is in your sign. This comes about through conflict between your 4th House of mother, home and personal development and your 10th House of father, career and social status. They are in conflict and you will have to grow to handle them. This is no bad thing and is only painful to the degree that you resist it. You must remain ethical in your behaviour towards others though, even if they don’t!

Your ruling planet Saturn starts going retrograde on 6th, taking you back to explore your inner workings and any self-sabotage that you may have been tripping yourself up with. You have until late August to review where things might be going wrong.

Venus is also retrograde at the start of the month and retreats from your mother and home zone, back into communications. How you were thinking (and speaking) late January may have given cause for this needed review. Dealings with neighbours or siblings could be part of this too. Venus goes direct on 15th and moves back into your mother and home zone on 28th, hopefully better-informed.

Uranus is shaking up your roots and foundations too this month. On 14th it meets the Sun, shedding fresh light on your mother and home zone and on 26th it meets Mercury when new ideas flash into existence. Be open to what they ignite!


Aquarius: Home and nurturing are important this month and although you love being out in the world, it’s still important to remember that we spring into the world from our home, roots and foundations. Give yours the attention they deserve.

Mars is also busy in this area of your life which can give you the energy and determination to tackle jobs that you’ve been putting off… From 5th – 6th it joins forces with Pluto which is rumbling along in your unconscious which means any mental blocks or obstacles can be moved out of the way. Then get moving before Mars moves on to new fields on 21st!

Pluto gets a ruder awakening around 8th – 9th when the Sun and Jupiter challenge it in their conflict about how the mind should be used and how literal one should be about the truth.

Mercury heads backwards on 9th in your mother and home zone. Try to avoid signing anything important after that and take the opportunity to look at how helpful your communications and movements have been regarding mother, home and personal development recently. All is not lost, as New Moon on 26th also falls in this area and marks your Domestic New Year. Make resolutions for the year ahead that will help you achieve a happy home life!


Pisces: Your finances are in fluctuation this month as Venus comes and goes, looking for a reference point in your value system. Your charms will be high too from 3rd – 28th. You may not have played your charms to their best advantage in late January but a second chance to do so comes up once again after 15th.

There could be unexpected events around finance and security as the Sun and then Mercury meet up with Uranus on 14th and 26th. Security can be a state of mind and events this month could help to make that much more visible. Be open to new insights about your relationship to money. It is also crucial that you don’t confuse your value with what you are or aren’t paid. Welcome new ways of thinking about this. There could possibly be new ideas for income generation too.

Saturn goes retrograde in your father, career and social status zone on 6th. This marks the beginning of a review of how you have been dealing with these areas, how you want to deal with them in the future but they may not be easy to deal with in the present. Saturn and Venus also touch on Chiron this month, bringing up past inner wounds. Painful as this is, it’s a gift if you can work with it. And any therapeutic support you can find would be very helpful to you.

Mars leaps into your 4th House of mother and home from 21st giving you energy for home improvements, personal development and nurture projects. Now what might they be?


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

March 2017

Our shared planetary picture

We have a dreamy start to March as the Sun conjuncts Neptune in Pisces from 1st – 2nd. But this is soon followed on 4th by Venus going retrograde. Things set in motion or approaches taken late January need to be reviewed and we will all be taken back to review them, in different areas of life for each sign. Venus remains retrograde until mid-April and then catches up with itself by mid-May when you can then start to take your new adjustments forward.

Venus moves backwards through Aries back into Pisces, from fire to water. It appears to be more than a coincidence that Mercury in its retrograde movements this year goes from fire back to water before returning and carrying on. This is a further echo of our need to examine and work on our intentions which are reflected in all of our actions and how we carry them out.
More compassion is needed on a collective level. Help it all that you can.

Mars moves into Taurus on 10th offering us deep determination, again in different areas of life for each sign. This is also a good energy for building solid foundations and for pushing creative projects ahead. Mars is only going to stay here until late April so make hay while the Sun shines!

The Sun moves into Aries ushering in spring on 20th. We have survived another winter here in the northern hemisphere and both in north and south; day and night are equal at each equinox. New Moon in Aries follows on 28th which is a perfect point to direct our energies on starting new projects, again in different areas of life for each sign.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries: The month before our birthday we are often at lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. Arians may not have felt this so keenly as other signs this year, as your ruling planet Mars has been firing your engines since late January. And when it joined Uranus at the end of last month and still at the beginning of this, you have been pretty much an unstoppable force.

The Sun brings fresh energy and a sense of renewal from 20th on the Spring Equinox which is always when the Sun moves into Aries and you, more than any other sign, know how to get things started. The Sun returning to your sign is also an excellent time to explore your planets for your year ahead, with a good astrologer!

Venus has also been in Aries since early Feb but on 4th it goes retrograde, taking you back to re-examine whatever was started late January. More on this next month, but for now delve into what you started. If youre not sure what this refers to, it could be to do with relationships, creativity or values.

Mars leaps out of Aries on 10th and gets going in your 2nd House of money, possessions and security. Your entrepreneurial spirit will be strong and you may find yourself in pursuit of a new strand of income. On 13th Mercury enters your sign giving you a silver tongue and you could probably talk anyone into anything

In addition to the Sun revitalizing you from 20th, New Moon early morning on 28th (03.58 BST) is in Aries and this marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make some resolutions for the year ahead that will benefit your emotional life. Many Happy Solar Returns!

Taurus: Many things are happening to your friends or the groups and communities that you are a part of. Your ideals are high about these and humanitarian movements as the month begins and your words can have a healing effect around 10th -11th.

The main emphasis of the month though is in your 12th House of spirituality, compassion, healing and creativity behind the scenes. Your ruling planet Venus is here but it goes retrograde on 4th, taking you back to review your intentions late January. You have until mid-April to revisit whatever it is that needs your further attention. And all being well you can start to make progress once again from mid-May.

From 13th Mercury helps behind the scenes with ideas and communications, then from 20th, the Sun brings new creative or spiritual realisations. New Moon early on 28th also falls in this area of your solar chart. Take it as a fresh start for new creative or spiritual projects, active compassion and self-healing. If you’ve been considering a new spiritual practice, this is a perfect time to start.

On 10th Mars moves into Taurus, giving you access to new wells of energy and determination. If you feel you’ve been complacent with yourself over the winter, now is the time to take yourself in hand and push forward for a more active and dynamic you!

Gemini: Your social status starts the month on a misty high as Sun and Neptune conspire to give you top mystique in the eyes of the world. Any professional negotiations should go well too if you aim for the first ten days of the month. Your ruling planet Mercury gets weighed down by restrictions for a few days after that but surfaces triumphant from 13th in your friends, groups and community zone where it has much to say and possibly not all that quietly!

This is the busiest area of your solar chart this month. Venus goes retrograde here from 4th for you to review how you were dealing with these areas late January. Adjustments need to be made and you have until mid-May to get things back to how they should have been.

The Sun adds warmth and light to your groups and friendships from 20th and you’ll enjoy expressing yourself here. Mercury makes good aspects to Uranus on 26th and Saturn on 29th here too which will be fun and productive respectively. New Moon early on 28th marks a fresh start in some way in these areas of your life. Set the compass for happy communal times ahead!

Cancer: Although the month begins with more comings and goings in your travel, studies and ethics zone, the main focus gradually moves to your 10th House of father, career and social status. You’ll be feeling more assertive about pushing for what you want with Mars urging you onwards until 10th. Saturn is on board too and adds the discipline needed for a concrete outcome.

On 13th Mercury joins the party, adding to your communication skills and bringing fresh ideas. The Sun sheds light on everything here from 20th and New Moon early on 28th marks the beginning of your professional New Year too and possibly puts you in the public eye in some way on that day. If you have ambitions in mind, make your plans on this New Moon.

Venus goes retrograde on 4th also in your busy public zone. This takes you back to review issues that were around late January which could be to do with relationships, creativity or values. You have until mid-April to reflect on this and then you can start applying your conclusions and finally move forward mid-May.

Mars leaps into your collective zone from 10th. You’ll have energy to give to friends, groups and community and you’ll feel stimulated by these areas of life too. If battles of will loom on the horizon, look for common interests to channel this strong energy forward positively. Or embark on a challenge together side by side.

Leo: Your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone starts the month with high ideals as your ruling planet the Sun briefly joins Neptune. Making allowances for others is important but your needs should be voiced too if others seem to have forgotten them. Discussions or negotiations on these topics go best from 4th – 10th.

From 10th Mars is forging through your 10th House of father, career and social status. This is a fresh burst of energy to push forward and build whatever projects and ambitions have been on your mind. Your determination and stamina will be high which helps to achieve success.

Meanwhile your 9th House of exploration: both physically in terms of travel and metaphysically as in studies, philosophies, different cultures, in-laws, ethics and legal matters is very active all month. On 4th Venus goes retrograde here, taking you back to review your intentions late January that set things in motion. You have until mid-April to work out what changes need to be made.

The Sun moves into this exploration zone too on 20th and New Moon early on 28th is the best day for making new resolutions for these areas of your life and getting them started. Set your sights far and wide!

Virgo: Relationships and partnerships continue to loom large for the first three weeks of February with ideals riding high from 1st – 2nd. And your ruling planet Mercury has a good chance of negotiating up to 10th. Negotiations are for both sides to express and reconcile their needs and the end result should not be an act of martyrdom on your part.

Full Moon on 12th is in your sign which raises emotions about yourself in relation to others. And Mars moves into your travel, studies and ethics zone on 10th, urging you to press forward with your explorations (geographical, academic or cultural) and with your principles or legal matters.

On 13th your ruling planet Mercury moves into the most active part not your solar chart this month – your 8th House of joint funds, sharing and intimacy. This includes taxes, debts and inheritances. And also the transformational processes of life: birth, sex and death.

Venus goes retrograde in these areas from 4th taking you back to review the approach you took late January. Further adjustments need to be made by mid-April but they may not start to show until mid-May.

On 20th the Sun moves into this shared area bringing more things to light. New Moon on 28th is also here, marking the beginning of a new cycle. Start as you mean to go on!

Libra: Relationships and partnerships are the hot-bed of activity this month as Mars continues its revolutionary role with Uranus that began late last month. You have until 10th to continue your push forward. After that Mars moves into your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing and starts shaking things up there.

Mercury planet of thought and communication also moves into your partnerships zone on 13th helping discussions along and offering new ways of looking at things.

On 4th your ruling planet Venus goes retrograde to take you back to review compromises made late January. Should you have made them? Take some time to ponder this. Even so, things will not be resolved until mid-May.

Work, health and service to others takes up your attention too until 20th. Then the Sun moves into your relationships and partnerships zone too, bringing fresh light to ongoing situations and the energy to tackle them afresh. New Moon early on 28th falls here too which marks the beginning of a fresh cycle in relationships and partnerships. This is an opportunity to make a fresh start in partnerships. Take it with both hands.


Scorpio: Ideals and dreams around romance, children and creativity start the month and Mercury helps you to communicate them until 10th and the Sun helps to open and warm your expression until 20th.

The growing focus however is in your 6th House of work, health and service to others. Mars continues to heat things up and push things forward up to 10th but Venus goes retrograde on 4th to review whatever you set in motion late January. Your approach needs to be adjusted and you have until May to work out what changes are needed on your part.

The Sun moves into your work and health zone too on 20th and New Moon early on 28th is the perfect day to make new resolutions about these areas for the year ahead. As well as work and health in general, this includes your daily routine, colleagues, daily companions and pets.

From 25th – 30th Jupiter squares your ruling planet Pluto which suggests your inner-workings or self-talk are not supporting your need for security or self-esteem. Try to get to the bottom of this self-sabotage.

Mars leaps into your relationships and partnerships zone on 10th bringing energy, drive and passion to the forefront. Mars can also stir up conflict, so if you feel its heat heading in that direction, take time out to think of joint goals that you could use this energy to work on together, side by side not head to head.

Sagittarius: The home front starts on a high at the start of the month as the Sun and Neptune join forces from 1st – 2nd to make dreams come true. Uranus is also opposite your ruling planet Jupiter on 2nd, checking whether you’ve been compromising too much in group ventures or with friends.

On 4th Venus goes retrograde in your romance, children and creativity zone. The approach you took late January needs reviewing and you have until mid-May to get it back on course.

Full Moon on 12th raises emotions about professional or status matters or issues to do with father and authority figures (which could be you). Clearer thinking helps the next day as Mercury planet of thought and communication gets more focused and more feisty and remains so for the rest of the month.

Mars moves into your 6th House of work, health and service to others on 10th which means time to take action regarding your daily routine, how you tend to yourself physically, your focus at work and how you serve others. Determination is yours. It just needs applying.

The Sun warms up your creative expression and sense of fun from 20th and New Moon early on 28th offers a fresh start with children, romance and creativity. Put your best foot forward!

Capricorn: Communications, short journeys or dealings with neighbours or siblings continue to be busy for much of this month. And if you have outstanding correspondence, see to it by 10th as Mercury squares up to your ruling planet Saturn, soon afterwards which may not give the best results.

As the month progresses more emphasis moves to your 4th House of mother and home, roots, foundations and personal development. Mars starts the month in this sector of your solar chart and is in a helpful aspect to Saturn which helps to move things forward from 3rd – 5th.

In the middle of this, Venus goes retrograde though, taking you back to review a path taken late January, also connected to mother and home. You have until May to work out a better solution.

Mercury moves into your mother and home zone on 13th bringing fresh ideas or movement of some kind. Then the Sun glides in on 20th bringing warmth, light and pleasure. New Moon early on 28th is also in this area of your chart and marks the beginning of your domestic New Year. Make some resolutions that include self-nurture.

Mars leaps into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity from 10th and you’ll have energy to spare. Push ahead with projects in any of these areas!

Aquarius: Your ideals about finances and security are high at the start of the month and the Sun helps to shed light on Neptune’s ongoing mists here, while Mercury offers ideas and energy for positive negotiations until 10th.

Mars enters your 4th House of mother and home, roots, foundations, self-nurture and personal development on 10th. New reserves of energy and determination are yours for the taking. Take them! If you have DIY or home improvement projects in mind, now is the time to roll up your sleeves. The same applies to areas of your development that you would like to move forwards.

Communications have the strongest dynamic this month though as five planets pass through or stay in this area of your solar chart. This covers speech, writing, languages, physical movement, short journeys and dealings with neighbours and siblings. Venus goes retrograde in this area of your chart on 4th, taking you back to review whatever began in late January. You have until May to work out what should have been done differently.

Mercury planet of communication enters your 3rd House of communications on 13th, helping to make you lighter of tongue and foot. The Sun adds its radiance from 20th and your power of persuasion will be strong! New Moon on 28th is also in this area. Make some resolutions for the year ahead to exercise your body and mind. A new form of movement or learning a new language would be perfect!

Pisces: The month begins with the Sun joining forces with your ruling planetNeptune from 1st – 2nd which is your idea of heaven. And the Sun ball remains in your court until 20th offering warmth, optimism and self-expression.

The even busier area of focus this month though is your 2nd House of finance, security, values and self-esteem. Venus goes retrograde here on 4th pressing you to review decisions taken late January. You have until mid-April to make the necessary adjustments and from mid-May you can start to make progress.

Mars jumps into your communications zone on 10th making you more verbally forthright and perhaps more physically energetic. And Full Moon on 12th falls in your relationships and partnerships zone, creating an emotional high tide. But on 13th Mercury’s move into Aries helps you to re-focus – on the finance and security main agenda of the month.

The Sun adds light to these matters from 20th and New Moon on 28th is also in this area of your solar chart. Thinking of making a new budget or taking a different approach to values? This is your day!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).


February 2017

Our shared planetary picture

We have a dynamic start to February. From 3rd Venus joins Mars in Aries. This is a creative mix combining the urge to co-operate with the will to press forward. With charm and guts on our side, much can be achieved (in different areas of life for each sign). Make the most of this early on, as from 20th more complicated dynamics take centre stage.

From 6th Jupiter goes retrograde and remains so until early June. This presses us to review decisions or actions taken mid-November which may not have been the best choice for our true growth. Sometimes we mistake expansion for growth but there is a difference which we now have a second chance to look into. We have until early june to work out what turning we should have taken. And by mid-October we should have caught up and be back on track. Take on this helpful inner home work.

The Sun and Jupiter promote optimism around 10th–11th and Full Moon early on 11th (00.34 GMT) falls in Leo, providing a dramatic outlet for our creative talents. Mercury is also on good terms with Jupiter around 20th–21st which makes for positive thinking too.

A longer-lasting dynamic starts up from 20th–28th when Jupiter opposes Uranus and squares Pluto. This is a tricky volatile energy (called a T-square) which gets inflamed even further when Mars joins Uranus from 23rd

A welcome distraction arrives on 26th with New Moon and a solar eclipse in Pisces (at 14.54 GMT), very close to Neptune. Every eclipse belongs to an eclipse family and this particular one is considered very benevolent. Added to the ideals of Neptune in its own sign, fresh possibilities are open to us. We just have to set sail, navigate and take them.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   Who’s that dazzling, dashing figure we can’t help noticing this month? Yes, it’s you! From 3rd both Venus and Mars are in your sign and as Mars is your ruling planet, it gets extra points for dynamism when in Aries. Your charms will be as strong as your will this month, so go for it!

Uranus which is also in your sign gets into interesting waters later in the month from 20th when it opposes Jupiter and squares Pluto. Although this is a tense aspect, in your case it will just spur you on to achieve your ambitions, regardless of what partners think or say!

And when Mars catches up with Uranus from 23rd–27th anyone else’s hopes that you’ll change your mind will disappear. You know exactly what you want and half-measures or compromise will not do! With an inspiring eclipse behind the scenes on 26th, your clarity is so strong it may look scary to some. But for anyone who wants to learn how to get things done – tell them to just watch you this month!


Taurus:   Creativity behind the scenes is a rich and active area for you this month. On 3rd your ruling planet Venus reaches over to join Mars in this spiritual sector of your solar chart and they’re both there all month! This works best of all during the first three weeks of Feb, so make hay while the sun shines!

Jupiter is less straight forwards and in fact goes retrograde on 6th taking you back to look once again at what happened in your work, health, service to others and daily routine zone last November. Changes need to be made and you have until October to make the necessary adjustments for real growth (as opposed to questionable or inadvertent expansion).

Work and career are looking good from 10th–11th but Full Moon early on 11th may distract you by raising emotions to do with mother figures, personal development or home.

Tensions build for us all towards the end of the month (from 20th) and in your case it may be a conflict of interest between your daily life and your creative unconscious or health versus inner-workings; bursting out in your travel, philosophy and ethics zone.

Your friends, groups and community area is very active too this month and friends may need your solid support. The solar eclipse on 26th also falls in your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone. This is part of a lucky eclipse family and Neptune is close by too. Friends may need to escape pressure they’re under and you might be able to help or even escape with them! Campaigning is another avenue that might appeal – for a better world!


Gemini:   Pleasure with friends, groups and community are on offer as Venus and Mars join forces this month lending energy and charm to collective activities. This includes organisations and campaigns. Apply your energies during the first three weeks while it’s plain sailing, as later on progress is still possible but the price is higher.

Your ruling planet Mercury is moving fast (just how you like it) and spans three signs. It spends most of the month though in your travel, studies and ethics zone. This is good for language learning, communication with in-laws and people from different cultures and exploring your beliefs. You should be able to find the words you need easily if involved in legal matters too.

Jupiter goes retrograde on 6th in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity to review decisions taken last November. It then runs into tensions from 20th–28th when it clashes with Uranus and Pluto. Others may try to compromise your need for freedom and it could all burst out in matters to do with joint funds, inheritances and sharing.

Mars leaps into the picture too from 23rd reinforcing Uranus. If compromises have to be made at this time, you’ll feel it shouldn’t be you making them. Stand your ground and let others stretch their flexibility and self-knowledge for once. It’s about time!

Your father, career and social status zone is also super active this month. From 18th the Sun sheds new light on your possibilities and the New Moon and solar eclipse on 26th which lands near Neptune marks a fresh chapter, inspired by ideals.


Cancer:   If your ambitions have been in a lull recently, this month is the antidote! Mars is in your 10th House of father, career and social status all month and your energy and determination will be high. Venus arrives here too from 3rd, adding to the creative mix and making people in authority look on you kindly. If you need favours, don’t be afraid to ask!

Jupiter in your joint finance zone goes retrograde on 6th taking you back to review decisions and actions taken last November. You have until early June to work out what adjustments need to be made and by October you should be back on course.

Full Moon early on 11th may raise feelings of insecurity about your own money, income, possessions and security. Notice them but keep calm. They’re just anxieties.

Four planets line up in a T-square from 20th which you may experience as tension between your mother and home zone versus father, career and social status. Something has to give and this is likely to be in relationships and partnerships. Watch out for power plays – your own and others’…

The New Moon and solar eclipse on 26th falls in the other very active area of your solar chart – your 9th House of travel, exploring, philosophy, in-laws, ethics and legal matters. Ideals will be strong in one or more of these areas and should inform your plans for the year ahead. Take aim.


Leo:   Your travel, studies, culture and ethics zone is super-creative this month with Venus and Mars balancing your determination with pleasure and co-operation from others. Different cultures or philosophies may appeal as might new places to suit your pioneering mood.

Daily communications are less easy as Jupiter goes retrograde from 6th calling you back to look at possibly faulty thinking (or words) around last November. Jupter goes direct again early June and you have until October to move forwards with the adjustments you identify during this review period.

From 20th three and later four planets stir up some tricky dynamics which land in your higher mind versus lower mind axis. An overwhelming need to stick to your principles may come up and your work, health and daily routine zone might take the flack…

The eclipse on 26th may serve as a welcome distraction as new possibilities arise in your joint funds and intimacy zone. Neptune is offering ideals and the New Moon – a fresh start. Taxes, debts and inheritances are areas to look at afresh, along with sharing resources and being open yourself!


Virgo:   Venus and Mars are opening up creative paths in your 8th House of transformation this month. Joint funds, inheritances, taxes and debts may look more manageable. And you find helpful resources (inner and outer) to help others in crisis and in dealing with any of your own. Apply your solutions early on as the picture gets more complicated from 20th.

Jupiter goes retrograde on 6th in your security and finance zone, requiring you to carry out a review of decisions taken last November. Jupiter’s real function is growth which shouldn’t be confused with mindless expansion. You have until early June to find the best, truly growthful way forward and until October to finish applying it.

From 20th Jupiter runs into Uranus and Pluto, sparking tensions between your income and the financial demands of others. This may burst out in your romance, children and creativity zone. Any form of creativity will help to ease the tension which is at least some measure of action you can take, regardless of how others are behaving.

The New Moon and solar eclipse on 26th falls in the other active area of your solar chart this month – relationships and partnerships. It falls on Neptune which raises ideals. A fresh start is on offer. Take it.


Libra:   Jupiter which has been bringing growth and opportunity to you since September goes retrograde on 6th to review whether you’ve been really growing or just expanding lately… Your actions around last November need looking at once again and you’ll have until early June to review what adjustments you need to make and until October to make them.

Meanwhile you have a heady month ahead with relationships and partnerships taking your breath away! Your ruling planet Venus glides into this part of your solar chart on 3rd, joining Mars which is there all month. This is a creative combination and if romance is on your agenda, this month shouldn’t disappoint! Business partnerships come into this too, so much can be achieved working closely together with your partners up to 20th.

Towards the end of the month, Jupiter in your sign gets caught up with unpredictable Uranus in your partnerships zone which has repercussions at home or with your roots and foundations in some way. When Mars puts in its point of view from 23rd– 27th things may feel unmanageable. Keep your cool and grow to meet the situation. Opportunities for personal growth are strong, as are the situations that call for it. Keeping everyone happy is no longer the answer.

The New Moon and solar eclipse on 26th falls in your work, health, service to others and daily routine zone. Make new resolutions in these areas for the year ahead!


Scorpio:   Your month begins on a positive flow when Venus moves into your work, health and service to others zone from 3rd. Mars has been here right from the start and together they make a creative environment at work and with colleagues and daily companions. Adding a health regime to your day could feature too. If it does, make sure it’s something you enjoy.

Jupiter goes retrograde from 6th to re-explore an area of your inner-workings which missed the turning for further growth last November In the months ahead there is a second chance to reflect on where growth lies and what your response to it should be. Put this into action by October.

From 20th there’s some tension between your inner world and daily demands which shows up in communications. Your need for freedom at work or in your daily life will be especially strong from 23rd when Mars joins Uranus but make sure anything you have to say is fair. If in doubt, take a walk. Dealings with trade, neighbours and siblings could feature too.

In contrast to all of this, the eclipse on 26th falls in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity. Neptune is involved too so ideals will be high. The new events or new resolve on your part will colour the coming months. Be creative in the best possible way!


Sagittarius:   Your 5th House of romance, children and creativity looks very promising up to 20th as Venus and Mars provide just the right amount of give and take. Take pleasure in these domains, you deserve it.

From 6th your ruling planet Jupiter goes retrograde in your friends, groups, community and organisations zone, taking you back to review decisions taken last November. This is a second chance to get things right for future growth and you have until early June to work out how that could be and until October to get that up and running.

From 20th Jupiter runs into Uranus and Pluto which shakes up the system. Mars joins in too from 23rd and tensions between your personal creativity and group well-being are not compatible. This mis-match makes itself known in your finance and security zone… The group picture looks like it has the upper-hand this time and you may have to forego personal projects.

Mother and home is the other active area this month, with the Sun bringing warmth and light from 18th. Mercury helps communications here from 25th and the New Moon and solar eclipse on 26th triggers ideals which inspire you to make a fresh start.


Capricorn:   It’s all go on the mother and home front this month as Venus and Mars add sparkle, creativity and pleasure to your surroundings or the emotional dynamics within them. This is a great time to decorate or entertain, especially during the first three weeks of the month.

Things will be less clear in your father, career and social status zone though when Jupiter goes retrograde from 6th. This will take you back to review decisions or moves made last November. And you have until early June to work out what went wrong and until October to get things back on track.

From 20th things kick off due to tensions between your private and public life or career versus home or even between mother and father figures. Mars adds to the agro or action on the home front from 23rd when it joins Uranus and compromises won’t look like an option! You may emerge super-strong from this situation which is fine but don’t gloat.

The New Moon and solar eclipse on 26th is in your communications zone offering a new approach or new forms of communication (which includes physical movement) and a fresh page can be turned in your approach or dealings with siblings and neighbours. Your antennae will also be super-strong and you may pick up the unspoken message louder than what was actually said. Double-check what has been agreed to make sure you don’t confuse the two. Keep hold of the ideals that come to mind at this time. Keep them with you and alive.


Aquarius:   Your tongue or pen will be working like a charm this month as just the right words help you to navigate your chosen terrain. You’ll be clear about what you want to achieve and the co-operation of others will part the waves to allow you safe passage. Make the most of this early in the month as by 20th ‘other’ dynamics will be in play…

Jupiter’s retrograde movement from 6th will call you to look again at your approach towards travel, studies, different cultures and ethics. If you have legal situations going on, they too might back-peddle for some time to correct a misunderstanding back in November.

Jupiter’s in good aspect with the Sun though around 10th–11th but Full Moon on 11th is in your opposite sign, bringing up strong feelings about relationships and partnerships.

Later in the month, your ruling planet Uranus gets caught up in an unrelenting dynamic from 20th and stands its ground regardless of the opposition when Mars joins it from 23rd–27th. New ideas could seem compulsive or your nervous system may be operating on over-drive and sleep may be harder to find. It’s important to put your mental energy into projects and to get LOTS of exercise to use up some of this high voltage energy!

The New Moon and solar eclipse on 26th falls in your income and finance zone, an area which has been mystifying you for months. Neptune’s central position in the picture doesn’t help to bring clarity but it is an idealistic fresh start of some kind and perhaps a new value system or a new source of income. Put your best foot forward.


Pisces:   The month before our birthday we are often at lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. This year the Sun returns to your sign on 18th bringing energy and a sense of renewal. Your birthday is your true New Year, not January 1st. (It’s also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer!).

Your finances are undergoing a creative process this month as Venus and Mars lend good luck and energy to your efforts at securing an income or a sense of security in some way, perhaps on a non-material level, through creativity or philosophical beliefs. Apply your good ideas early on, as from 20th things get more complicated.

Jupiter goes retrograde in your joint funds zone on 6th taking you back to review decisions taken last November. Steps taken then may not have led to your best chance of true growth and you have until early June to explore better alternatives and until October to apply them.

From 20th–28th Jupiter runs into Uranus and Pluto which for Pisceans involves a clash between your income or value system and unpredictable changes in the finances of others that you’re involved with in some way. This could also involve taxes, debts and inheritances. The demands of others becomes more pressing as Mars joins Uranus from 23rd. Something has to give and it looks like the repercussions will be felt in your friends, groups, community and collectives zone. Campaigning in some way could also be a useful outlet for these energies.

Mercury enters your sign on 25th adding strings to your communications bow and helping physical movement. And then the highlight of the month is New Moon and a solar eclipse in your sign on 26th. Your ruling planet Neptune also happens to be very close which means not only is this your personal New Year, it is also completely in tune with your own process. Make resolutions for your interesting year ahead!


To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth chart consultations by phone, wherever in the world you are, please get in touch – – 07929 261231 or ++44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK.



January 2017

Our shared planetary picture

Happy New Year everyone! And welcome to an interesting January! Structural changes are still taking place as Pluto purges its way through Capricorn. Uranus and Jupiter are pressing for change too. The Sun joins Pluto on 7th which could result in power-plays or bring to light unhelpful abuses of power.

Mercury is retrograde until 8th causing confusion or mix-ups, in different areas of life for each sign. After that we have a stretch of 28 days with ALL the planets moving forwards! It is years since this has been the case so let us do all we can to make positive headway during this period.

On 12th Mercury moves into focused Capricorn and communications become more practical and strategic. There is a Venus-Neptune conjunction also on 12th, a Sun-Uranus square and Full Moon is that morning too (at 11.35 GMT). Venus and Neptune are the grand superstars of romance, Sun and Uranus bring surprises and Full Moon in Cancer brings an emotional high tide, so this could be a day to remember…

Mars starts the month with Neptune too which can have two ranges of outcome. At best it gives the ability to put dreams and ideals into action. At worst it can just be a dissipation of energy through fantasy, stimulants, self-delusion or lethargy. Mars discovers healing opportunities later in the month though around 17th-18th but then runs into difficulties on 18th-19th when ‘the dream’ and ethics may not agree.

New Moon in Aquarius on 28th (at 0.08 GMT) coincides with Mars leaping into Aries – its own sign. This is a big gear change and a big burst of exuberant energy for us all! Make your New Year’s Resolutions on this day (if you missed the previous New Moon on December 29th). Or reinforce or amend them if you made yours on January 1st.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   There are many comings and goings in your father, career and social status sector this month with the Sun warming things up until 19th. When Sun catches up with power-wielding Pluto on 7th you may find yourself (or others) operating at full force. Ambitions are all well and good but be sure to remain ethical. Words also carry more weight than usual on 29th, be ethical here too, even if others are not.

Mercury helps communications along after 12th, also in your public sphere. Full Moon happens to fall on the same day (although the build up is the night before) so emotions about mother, home, nurturing and personal development will be high then too.

The Sun-Uranus square springs surprises and a meeting of Venus and Neptune, also on 12th adds romance, idealism or spirituality to the mix. This is great for creative and compassionate work but possibly not as good for self-awareness and clarity. Resist the urge to ‘rescue’ others or martyrdom. And think before making sweeping promises that you may not be able to see through.

The last week of the month is possibly the most exciting for you as your ruling planet Mars leaps into Aries on 28th ready to take the world by storm. It’s two years since this particular elixir ran through your veins and Mars is your favourite fuel.

New Moon also falls on 28th in your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone. This is the day to make New Year’s Resolutions about your collective life and there is no danger of empty promises with Mars revving away in your sign. Anything you set your mind on then is going to happen! Full speed ahead!


Taurus:   Your ruling planet Venus glides into your collective sphere on 3rd, joining Mars, Neptune and Chiron. Relationships with friends, groups and community go well and creative projects are propelled forward. Inspiration is especially strong on 12th when Venus meets with Neptune. Full Moon falls on the same day in your communications zone and Mercury enters your travel, culture and ethics zone on 12th too. This could be a pivotal day so have your balls ready or already in play by then.

Mid-month there’s lots of activity around communications, perhaps involving neighbours and siblings. Then the Sun enters your father, career and social status zone from 19th shedding light and giving energy to your ambitions.

New Moon on 28th falls in your professional sphere too. Make plans for your public year ahead. Mercury and Pluto join forces the next day in your publishing zone. Could that be your name being mentioned?

Mars makes a move too on 28th and enters your ‘behind the scenes’ sector. Direct this burst of energy into creative acts: be that poetic, compassionate, online or spiritual. The path may not be clear but following your instincts, takes you surely forward.


Gemini:   The month begins with Mars and Neptune working together in your father, career and social status zone which could find you pursuing your dream ambitions or lost and wondering where to go next. Neptune has been in this area of your solar chart for five years so you’re probably used to the lack of clarity by now.   It isn’t possible to make everything visible right now so don’t waste good energy trying to do so. As before, just feel your way forward.

It may be hard to make headway before 8th or 12th as Mercury is darting backwards and forwards both in direction and between signs. This creates an ever-changing picture regarding partnerships and joint funds, including taxes, debts and inheritances. Sharing and intimacy may seem bewildering too. Part of the problem of course could be you constantly changing your mind… Best keep uncertainty to yourself until everything you are decided.

Full Moon on 12th heightens emotions regarding your finances. But your ruling planet Mercury comes through and helps you to now talk about joint and shared funds, clearly and to the point. Venus and Neptune join forces on 12th too adding to your professional glamour. This is great but don’t fall for flattery and avoid ‘rescue scenarios’… Partners may block your ambitions around 18th-19th but this too will pass.

On 28th Mars leaps into your friends, groups and community zone. You may also find yourself being more political with the energy to push forward causes you believe in. New Moon is on the same day in your travel, culture, deep study and ethics zone. Make some resolutions to make your world wider in the year ahead.

When your ruling planet Mercury meets Pluto on 29th, others may feel the sting of your tongue. But that is the risk they take for seeming disrespectful. Say your piece!


Cancer:   Relationships and partnerships continue to dominate the field with the Sun helping self-expression until 19th. When Sun meets Pluto here on 7th the stage could be set for the clash of the Titans or deep passion. Remember you have a voice in which you’d prefer. Communications could get intense too around 29th when Mercury and Pluto want to say it, how it is…

Full Moon in Cancer on the morning of 12th finds an emotional you. Mercury moves into your relationships and partnerships sphere also on 12th, helping to resolve earlier mix-ups. The Sun and Uranus square each other too, reminding you of the need for a new approach to long-standing conflicts between partnerships and your career or social status.

Towards the end of the month things liven up again. On 28th Mars leaps into your father, career and social status zone. Any ambitions you have had on hold need to be unleashed, as now you have the energy and vision to drive them forward. New Moon is on 28th too in your joint funds and sharing zone (including intimacy). Make resolutions here for the year ahead too.

Travel, culture, philosophy and ethics remain a rich and creative area all month with Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron spinning a varied web. Explore, explore, explore.


Leo:   Work, health and service to others continue to be the ‘hot potato’ this month as your ruling planet the Sun illuminates these areas of your life. Daily routine and how you tend to yourself physically come into this too and possibly ‘pets’. The Sun joins forces with powerful Pluto on 7th and if you had a new regime in mind, this would be a good day to start it. Mercury also joins Pluto on 29th when communications regarding work and health could get out of hand. Keep an eye out for obsessive thinking and channel it into physical exercise if it shows up!

Many things are happening in your joint funds and intimacy area which includes ‘the money of others’, taxes, debts, inheritances and sharing (including yourself on an intimate level). Venus and Mars are creatively bringing things up that need looking at while Neptune and Chiron cloud the issue. If you can be totally honest with yourself, healing could take place too. Meanwhile avoid ‘rescue’ scenarios and speak your truth.

A higher calling challenges you around 12th when the Sun squares Uranus. Your previous position on travel, philosophy, culture and ethics is being challenged by Jupiter too. And when Mars leaps into the picture from 28th, action will become inevitable. You must be true to yourself!

The Sun moves into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships (both business and personal) from 19th, illuminating anything hidden. New Moon on 28th falls into the same area and marks the beginning of your Relating New Year. Make honest-to-yourself resolutions for the year ahead. You have to make room for your truth.


Virgo:   Relationships and partnerships may seem bewildering this month but not necessarily unpleasant. Ideals are high and healing opportunities are around from 17th-18th, the only obstacle coming from your mother and home zone.

Your ruling planet Mercury is going backwards and forwards causing indecision up until 8th. And only after 12th do you find clear expression, perhaps to do with romance, children and creativity. Full Moon is on the same day with a Sun-Uranus square bringing the unexpected and Venus joins Neptune which could make for a heady romantic mix. Even so, don’t let others take advantage of your good nature. Any decisions you make should be yours alone.

On 19th the Sun moves into your work, health and service to others zone and New Moon on 28th falls in this domain too. If you’re considering a new regime, 28th would be a perfect day to start. Mars moves into your joint funds zone on the same day, making you assertive and more determined than ever to ‘sort out’ taxes, debts, inheritances and the whole realm of sharing.

Mercury meets Pluto on 29th and your words will be clear and remembered by others. Good! It’s about time people started listening!


Libra:   Many things are happening in your mother and home zone this month with the Sun providing light and warmth until 19th and Mercury joining in from 12th to help sort out earlier misunderstandings. On 7th the Sun meets Pluto which produces power urges. Whether yours or someone else’s, keep things fair!

Your creative urges find an outlet in your work, health and service to others arena. Venus and Mars are both operating here for most of the month. Neptune and Chiron are involved too which adds idealism and the possibility of wounding and/or healing to the mix. Your daily routine is up for improvement too. Is there a helpful addition you could make to your day? Soothing exercise or a pet perhaps?

The 12th may be a bewildering day as Venus and Neptune create romance at work and health or ideals in these areas or service to others, Full Moon pumps extra emotion into your father, career and social status zone. Plus a dash of lightening from the Sun-Uranus square which electrifies your mother and home versus partnerships dynamics. How all of this gets packed into one day should be interesting!

Jupiter in your sign is at odds with Uranus and Pluto all month which causes some discomfort as your growth and expansion causes friction with partners and home life. They’ll get used to it. Stick with your growth.

New Moon on 28th is in your romance, children and creativity zone. Make resolutions for the year ahead in these areas. Mars jumps into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships on the same day, heating things up. Passion or disputes? You decide…


Scorpio:   Financial dealings are looking unfathomable for the first half of the month as Mercury tos and fros in both directions. Communications and dealings with trade, neighbours and siblings is very active though and power plays loom up around 7th and 29th. Make sure your self-awareness is up to recognising the factors involved. Knee-jerk reactions are unhelpful and could even be harmful. The enlightened battle is with ourselves, not others and in examining how we think, not blaming others. If in doubt, take lots of exercise!

Your romance, children and creativity zone is busy all month with Venus and Mars in accord and Neptune and Chiron adding depth and hope. Movements around 18th – 19th may provoke fears about security but they will pass. Again observe them and your reactions rather than leaping into action.

On 19th the Sun moves into your mother and home zone bringing warmth and clarity to your domestic life. New Moon falls here too on 28th. This marks the beginning of your Domestic New Year. Make plans for the coming year to achieve a happy home. Self-nurture comes into this too and personal development, so include these in your ‘to do’ list of resolutions for the year ahead.

Keep the exercise up and watch your tongue on 29th. Exploring the power of positive thought is better than a negative outburst… This is the path of true strength.


Sagittarius:   Your finances set you a fluster at the start of the month as indecision unsettles everything. A power play when the Sun and Pluto join forces on 7th may not help either, whether that’s on your part or someone else’s. Nothing can really proceed until Mercury goes direct on 8th and finally arrives in forward motion in your finance zone on 12th.

The 12th also happens to be Full Moon in your joint funds zone which may feel like a sensitive area too. The Sun and Uranus square up to each also on 12th, bringing the unexpected and a Venus-Neptune meeting also on 12th adds the desire for an ideal home and nurturing to the mix. Be open to whatever this interesting day has to show you…

Your ruling planet Jupiter is also at odds with Uranus and Pluto this month which presents you with conflicting demands between your need for friends, groups and community and individual creativity, romance and children. A dominating need for security is part of the picture too.

Healing opportunities occur on the mother and home front around 17th – 19th. The only obstacle to this taking place, may be you! Try to find within yourself whatever flexibility is being called for.

Things look more fun from 28th with New Moon in your communications and trading zone. Make resolutions for the year ahead. Mars jumps into your travel, culture, deep study and ethics zone on the same day and you’ll be feeling adventurous. That’s more like it!


Capricorn:   Your energy reserves continue to top-up this month as the Sun continues to revive your sign until 19th. Mercury keeps coming and going too but isn’t any real help until after 12th when it re-enters your sign in direct motion and recent misunderstandings can finally be sorted out.

From 19th your energies extend to creative forms of generating more income and a greater sense of security. Now what could they be? Consider creativity and philosophy as part of the answer or even the answer.

Communications and dealings with trade, neighbours or siblings look rich and creative this month. It may not be the best time for sorting out the wheat from the chaff though so go with your instincts as rational analysis hasn’t yet set in. Every project starts from a vision and this may be your time to dream up just what that could be. Short trips bode well too.

Full Moon on 12th raises emotions in your relationships and partnerships zone. Be ethical however emotional you may be feeling. Be scrupulously fair too on 7th when the Sun and Pluto powerfully meet in your sign.

New Moon on 28th marks the beginning of your new financial year. Make a budget and plans for the year ahead. Mars jumps into your career and social status zone on the same day too, giving drive to your ambitions. When Mercury meets Pluto in your sign on 29th watch your words. They carry more weight than usual, so all the more important that you use them evenly and for ethical ends…


Aquarius:   Many things are being sifted and sorted in your unconscious at present and some of them will make themselves known on the conscious front too. Make these revelations welcome and see how they can inform your life at present. Look out especially for the content of your dreams and examine self-talk to make sure it’s positive and helpful. Creativity is taking place behind the scenes too on an artistic, online, humanitarian or spiritual front. This could be life-changing so give it the time it needs!

The month before our birthday we are often at lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. This year the Sun returns to your sign on 19th bringing energy and a sense of renewal. Your birthday is your true New Year, not January 1st. (It’s also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with agreat astrologer!).

The other very active area right now is your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values. Venus and Mars are searching for creative means to increase your income possibilities either in addition to current strands or to replace them all together.

Neptune and Chiron are in the picture too which doesn’t make for clarity.  Neptune creates a mist of idealism and although Chiron can bring about wounding or healing, it may be hard to see which steps would bring which…

Mars jumps into your communications zone from 28th giving you tons of mental energy. New Moon on 28th (at 0.08 GMT) falls in your sign too and marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Resolutions made then have a better chance than any made on January 1st. Take this second chance!


Pisces:   Your world is awash with dreams this month as Venus and Mars spend most of the month in your sign, joining Neptune and Chiron your current long-term residents. Your glamour stakes are sky-high with this heady mix and you may just have to accept that from 3rd you’re everyone’s darling.

Although you may encounter passing obstacles in the form of authority figures around 18th-19th, little else will cloud your sky this month. On January 1st Mars joins your ruling planet Neptune, ready to push forward your dreams and make them real.

On 12th Venus does the same which happens to coincide with Full Moon in your romance, children and creativity zone. So this could be a whirlwind, emotional day!

On 28th the planets conspire again as Mars leaps into your finance zone providing energy and the determination to improve or increase your sources of income. New Moon is on the same day in your ‘behind the scenes’ life. Make resolutions for the year ahead regarding creativity, your online life, healing and spirituality. Get your self-talk on board too and any meditative practices that appeal, to help guide you through these open seas!


To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth chart consultations by phone, wherever in the world you are, please get in touch – – 07929 261231 or ++44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK.

December 2016

Our shared planetary picture

We are going to be busy and enjoying ourselves on the collective front this month as Venus moves into Aquarius from 7th helping us to build harmonious friendships, groups and communities.  Mars which started the ground work here last month, stays in Aquarius until 19th and provides the energy and determination to make co-operation possible.

We have some extra help on offer from the Sun, when it joins Saturn on 9th – 10th bringing insights to long-standing obstacles.  And when Mercury goes retrograde on 19th we have an opportunity to review our recent communications out in the world, professionally or with father figures.  (Traditional astrologers warn us not to sign important contracts during Mercury’s retrograde periods and this one lasts until Jan 8th).

Mars jumps into Pisces on 19th helping us to make our compassion and spirituality more active.  And when it joins Neptune from 29th, we have a chance to put our dreams into action.  Getting lost in dissipation is another possibility, so opt for plan one!

The second half of the month, Jupiter opposes Uranus calling for some kind of balance between just going our own way and building bridges with others.  Uranus also teams up with Saturn in a helpful way up to 25th enabling us to bring change to existing structures and give structure to new ideas.  The traditional and the modern understand each other during this period and can work together, as can young and old!

Uranus has been retrograde since late July calling us to examine how far we have or have not been compromising ourselves (in different areas of life for each sign).  On 29th Uranus goes direct and you can put your conclusions into action.  New Moon in Capricorn is on the same day which could be the perfect point to make your New Year’s Resolutions.  Why wait until 31st?  The early bird catches the worm!

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   You’ll be expressing yourself on the travel and ethics front this month and may even get your words in print.  Your main focus however will be your career, ambitions and social status.  Venus helps things to go smoothly here until 7th.  Mercury is active too but goes retrograde from 19th so get important negotiations over before then.

Power dynamics out in the world, with father figures or in your professional sphere continue to be intense, especially during the first few days of the month and around 19th.

Your ruling planet Mars is still forging ahead in your friends, groups and community zone.  Organisations and politics could come into this too.  You know what needs to be done and lucky for everyone else, you know how to do it.  On 19th Mars moves into your 12th House of inner workings, creativity behind the scenes, institutions and compassion.  Your dreams could carry helpful content.  Listen to what they have to say.

Uranus in your sign has been retrograde since late July, taking you back to reassess any compromises you may have made in the past, especially in summer 2015 and spring 2016.  On 29th Uranus goes direct on the same day as New Moon in your career zone.  Make resolutions for your professional year ahead then.  Others may think they’ve already got the measure of you.  But they haven’t seen anything yet!  Time to take the world by storm!


Taurus:   Your ruling planet Venus moves into your father, career and social status zone on 7th, smoothing the way for your ambitions and the helpful  regard of people in authority.  Ask for favours if you need them.  Mars has been doing the spade work here for a month.  Now plant your seeds in this newly dug ground.

Realisations about your finances may cause concern around 14th when Full Moon falls into your finance and income zone.  Acknowledge your feelings but don’t get too caught up in them.  Your joint finances are looking a bit brighter or clearer this month as the Sun here helps to clarify what has been worrying you, especially around 9th – 10th.

Trips or dealings with different cultures go well up to 7th but Mercury going retrograde from 19th could scupper travel plans.  Double check your bookings and tickets etc.  Legal matters and inter-cultural dialogues could also take a temporary turnaround.  Be patient on all fronts.

From mid-month Jupiter in your work, health and service to others zone is opposite Uranus which could indicate that certain mindsets or self-talk could have been hindering your health, daily routine or work life.  Take a good look at what that could be.  Uranus starts to move forwards on 29th which will help you to make helpful changes internally.  Self-awareness is more than half the battle.


Gemini:   The Sun has been melting your misgivings about relationships and partnerships this month and it may feel like there’s been a breakthrough in some way around 9th – 10th. But from 21st the Sun moves on to illuminate other matters.

‘Joint funds’ is the main area of activity though this month with lots of comings and goings effecting taxes, debts, inheritances and sharing.  Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde here on 19th so try to sign any important documents before then.  Even so there may be mix-ups during this period.

Mars changes sign on 19th too making you keen to push ahead with your career, ambitions and social status.  There’s plain sailing until 29th when Mars runs into Neptune which makes it very difficult to see what’s going on and where you’re going.  Put your energies into creative pursuits until early Jan when you can make headway once again.

Uranus going direct on 29th brings progress to friendships, groups and community ventures.  But Jupiter opposite is asking whether you should be pursuing individual creativity instead?

Full Moon in your sign early on 14th (so the build up is on 13th) – finds an emotional you.  Let others know how you feel.


Cancer:   Work, health and service to others is a lively area during the first three weeks of December, with the Sun shedding light, especially around 9th – 10th, on knotty problems that have been weighing you down for some time.  Adjustments to your daily routine could have a beneficial impact too.

There’s also lots of focus in your partnerships zone once again with Venus bringing pleasure until 7th and then Mercury going retrograde on 19th which provides an opportunity to review recent communications.  New Moon on 29th in your opposite sign will also help to inform you of the emotional dynamics involved.

Uranus also goes direct on 29th in your father, career and social status zone.  A review has been going on here since late July.  Have been compromising too much?  Apply your conclusions but keep a balance with home needs too.

Mars adds to your determination to sort out joint finance situations (including taxes, debts and inheritances) until 19th.  It then heads off in search of the bigger picture and when it joins Neptune near the end of the month, you may find yourself setting out on a quest of some kind.  This is the stuff heroes are made from.  Courage on your visionary path!


Leo:   Your ruling planet the Sun is lighting up your favourite romance, children and creativity zone and obstacles that seem to have been in the way for some time may just melt away around 9th -10th.  And yes, your mindset or communications (or lack of them) may have created the problem in the first place!

The really busy area this month though is your 6th House of work, health, daily routine and service to others.  Things go smoothly until 7th but on 19th Mercury goes retrograde and you need to double-check what has been agreed.  This would be a good time for a health review too.  Have you been moving that body enough to stay healthy?  Make some resolutions and start them at New Moon on 29th.

Relationships and partnerships go nicely from 7th as Venus brings harmony and pleasure.  This gets even better from 19th when feisty Mars moves out of the picture too.

Joint funds need looking at which could include taxes, debts and inheritances.  Sharing in a broader sense may need looking at too, including intimacy.  It will become harder to fathom things out after 29th when Neptune creates a fog.  Make your move before then.  But as visibility of that door slips away, Uranus goes direct, urging you to push forward with travel and study plans and explorations of all kinds.  Keep daily exercise going, as you allow yourself access to a wider world!


Virgo:   Venus creates harmony in your romance, children and creativity zone until 7th.  Then it moves on to soften things connected to your work, health and daily routine.  Being of service to others brings pleasure and dealings daily companions (colleagues, flatmates and pets) goes well too.

Emotions run high in your professional life around Full Moon on 13th – 14th.  Then on 19th your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde until early next month.  This is also in your romance, children and creativity zone where a review of communications is needed in some way.

Mars has been making you more determined in your work and health zone and will continue to do so until 19th, when it moves into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships.  You may find yourself being more assertive here than usual or running into someone else who is…  If you have plans in this department, put them into action before 29th when Mars starts getting lost in  Neptunian mists.

Uranus goes direct on 29th in your joint funds zone which means progress can commence regarding taxes, debts, inheritances and sharing, including intimacy.  Uranus is opposite Jupiter during the second half of the month, so all of this has to be balanced with your personal income and security needs.  New Moon is also on 29th and offers a fresh start in romance, children and creativity.  Make some resolutions to help the year ahead go in the direction you would like it to!


Libra:   Home is where the heart is up to 7th but then your ruling planet Venus glides into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity bringing pleasure and ease.  Mars has already been making headway in these areas for a month, so enjoy your achievements.

Mars moves on to tackle your work, health and service to others zone from 19th.  So if anything needs attending to in any of these areas, push ahead.  Choose your words carefully from 19th when Mercury goes retrograde in your mother and home zone as complicated power dynamics are still around.

New Moon on 29th marks the beginning of your domestic New Year – make some resolutions.  Uranus goes direct the same day in your partnerships zone so there’s a positive gear change here too.  Uranus has been retrograde since late July, pulling you back to reassess whether or not you have been over- compromising in partnerships (both business and personal).  If you have been, now is the time to start a new regime.  Others may be surprised but they’ll get used to it!


Scorpio:   Venus glides into your mother and home zone on 7th bringing domestic harmony and perhaps the final decorative touches to projects you’ve been working on.  This is also a good time for entertaining at home and your personal development could benefit too.

Long-standing financial constraints may look more optimistic too as the Sun sheds light on worries and feelings of not having ‘enough’.  Sometimes a feeling of security can be found through creativity or a value system that gives a sense of security.  Explore these areas if anxieties persist, especially around 9th -10th.

Communications could get tricky from 19th when Mercury goes retrograde.  If important discussions are needed, try to schedule them in before then.  Communications with neighbours and siblings may need revisiting too.  And are you getting enough exercise?

Mars and Neptune join forces from 29th and add mystique to your romance, children and creativity zone.  Heightened creative flow may be more reliable than the beckon of a certain someone but your own mystique could be intriguing to others.  This is a passing Neptunian mist, so keep your feet on the ground.

There’s a further change of gear on 29th when Uranus goes direct in your work, health and service to others zone, urging you to put a new regime in place.  New Moon’s on the same day in your communications zone.  Now what new form of physical movement or self expression could you start?  29th is your day to make and start new resolutions (not 31st).  Now what should they be?


Sagittarius:   Your two-year struggle with Saturn in your sign feels a bit lighter this month as the Sun brings light relief and perhaps helpful insights around 9th – 10th.  Then Full Moon on 13th – 14th is in your opposite sign, raising emotions around relationships and partnerships.

Your finances are a big focus this month too.  All seems to be well up until 7th but then Mercury goes retrograde here on 19th which causes you to review recent moves.  The Sun gets involved from 21st which helps you to keep hold of optimism even though there are hold-ups until Jan 8th.

From 7th Venus charms you with the pleasures of the mind.  Dealings with neighbours and siblings bring pleasure too.  From 19th Mars makes you feel energetic on the mother and home front but from 29th it runs into Neptune making it very difficult to decipher anything or make headway.

Your ruling planet Jupiter opposes Uranus mid-month onwards which raises the dilemma of whether to go along with group projects or individual ones.  There could also be uncomfortable choices around whether to accommodate  children or friends.

New Moon on 29th falls in your busy finance zone.  Create a new budget – and keep to it of course…


Capricorn:   The month before our birthday we are often at lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time but on 21st the Sun enters Capricorn bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal.  New Moon on 29th is also in your sign which marks the beginning of your personal new year.  Make resolutions for the year ahead that especially involve how you would like to run your home and emotional life.  (December 31st resolutions are just for the uninformed!)

Venus is also in your sign until 7th heightening your charms, then it moves into your finance zone which usually bodes well for income or a sense of security.  Mars is already in this zone making you energetic in your pursuit of new possibilities.  On 19th it moves into your communications zone however and your may be more decisive than usual in deed and word.  Mercury goes retrograde in your sign on the same day however, so it may pay to hold your tongue until next month.

When Mars runs into Neptune from 29th communications with siblings or neighbours may be baffling and you may have to take other people’s feelings into consideration more.

On 29th Uranus also goes direct in your mother and home zone.  This has been retrograde since late July which has provided a chance for you to review whether you have been making too many compromises in these areas: or not enough.  You may also need to make space for your personal development too.  As Uranus moves forward you can set out anew, better informed and ready to bring about the necessary changes.  You know what they are…


Aquarius:   On 7th Venus moves into your sign putting you at the top of everyone’s favourite list!  It’s going to stay there until January 3rd so make the most of that extra popularity!  Mars is already energising you Aquarians until 19th which means you’re a creative dynamo right now, especially mid-month!

Dealings with friends, groups and community are more cheerful too with the Sun’s warmth cheering things up and any misunderstandings that have been weighing you down could get cleared up around 9th – 10th.

You’ll start to be more pro-active about finances from 19th but by 29th Neptune clouds the way forward and you may just have to pause until it passes on January 5th.

Your inner workings are being pummeled this month which can be helpful and New Moon on 29th offers a new way forward in creativity, spirituality or compassion.  Your ruling planet Uranus goes direct on the same day which means full steam ahead!  Yes, at last!


Pisces:   The Sun is lighting up your public life until 21st, helping ambitions along and shedding light on some of the obstacles that have been holding you back for the last couple of years.  Your relationships with father figures could improve too.  Be open to helpful insights, especially around 9th -10th.

Your friends, groups and community zone goes well until 7th but gets trickier from 19th when Mercury goes retrograde.  Review recent communications in these areas.  New Moon on 29th falls in this zone too, marking the beginning of your collective New Year.  Make some resolutions for the year ahead in these areas of life.

Mars enters your sign on 19th bringing energy, drive and determination to forge ahead in whichever direction you choose.  From 29th Mars catches up with your ruling planet Neptune which puts your intuition into action and helps you to pursue your ideals and even make dreams come true.

Work behind the scenes starts to move forward too when Uranus goes direct, also on 29th.  You have a unique approach to creativity, spirituality and compassion right now and having carried out a review on how far you have compromised; the fresh, true version is ready to go.  This has to somehow balance with your daily life where Jupiter is also encouraging you to expand or make yourself free.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, please get in touch and we can explore your planets together by phone or skype-phone: 07929 261231 or ++44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK.





November 2016

Our shared planetary picture

Ethics and principles are high on the agenda this month as Venus, Mercury and the Sun bring long-standing situations back to our attention.  This includes looking again and with a more open mind, at cultural differences, what we are told by the media, different religions and the many truths which coexist.  Communications will be key too from individual to international levels.

New Moon on 29th in Sagittarius offers a fresh start in these areas and the opportunity to be more principled, true to our word and to operate more from the higher mind

The use of power by authority structures is also up for scrutiny, yet again…  And power plays around 24th-25th will be noticeable in the patterns of our own relationships and internationally.

Mars moves into Aquarius on 9th which energises community and humanitarian ideals.  Neptune goes direct too on 20th and clears the mist which has been surrounding our ideals and compassion (or lack of it) since mid-June.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   You’ll be pushing ahead with your own ambitions until 9th but then your ruling planet Mars leaps into your collective zone, making you more interested in group achievement.  You’ll have lots to offer friends, groups and community and these are areas where you’ll find energy too.  Any collective movements, politics and humanitarian ideals will fire you up and if they’re looking for a leader, you may be in demand!

This could be a good month for trips too or exploring in some way, including the higher mind through study, philosophy, different cultures or ethics.  Venus brings you pleasure through these areas until 12th, especially on 4th-5th when Venus teams up with Uranus in your sign, bringing surprises or the unexpected.

Mercury gives you mental energy from 12th and the urge to communicate your understanding.  The Sun joins Mercury from 21st urging you to express yourself too.  Have you thought about learning a new language of some kind?

When Venus enters your professional zone from 12th, others will be willing to assist you in your plans.  The meeting of Venus with Pluto from 24th-25th could also bring about a successful coup, getting someone important on your side.  If you manage to do this, the wind will be behind you!


Taurus:   Your ruling planet Venus starts the month with a zing as it woos Uranus, planet of change disruption and revolution from 4th-5th.  This could bring about a sudden attraction, a sudden change of routine or a burst of creativity.  Whichever it is, it won’t be boring!

The Sun is warming up relationships and partnerships until 21st, then it moves into your transformation and sharing zone which highlights matters to do with birth, sex and death and joint funds (including taxes, debts and inheritances).

Saturn has been weighing down one or more of these areas for almost two years, so the presence of lighter, warmer planets will be welcome.  Venus is smoothing things along there too until 12th which could also bring ‘the money of others’ your way.

Emotions will be closer to the surface with Full Moon in Taurus early afternoon (GMT) on 14th (which means the build-up is on 13th).  And from 12th your ruling planet Venus brings pleasure through travel, exploring in its widest sense (including different cultures), philosophy and the higher mind.

On 24th-25th Venus meets up with Pluto which could involve intense encounters and perhaps a heightened awareness of power dynamics and ethics.  This could be in your own relationships, national matters or international issues.

Neptune goes direct on 20th bringing some clarity to friendships, groups and humanitarian ideals.  And Mars is ready to take action to further your ambitions from 9th.  You know what needs doing…  Just do it!


Gemini:   Work, health, service to others and daily routine take your attention at the start of the month but the focus soon moves to relationships and partnerships.  Venus is smoothing things along here until 12th, followed by your ruling planet Mercury which helps communications all round, apart perhaps from 23rd when it encounters Saturn.  Saturn has been applying the brakes here for almost two years, so the energy of the faster-moving planets will be welcome.

From 12th Venus enters your joint funds and intimacy zone which can attract ‘the money of others’.  When it joins Pluto on 24th-25th there may be powerful intimate experiences or power plays regarding joint funds.  It looks interesting either way.

On 20th Neptune goes direct in your father, career and social status zone after a number of months in reverse.  This can help to make things clearer about what’s been happening and to see your position more clearly.

New Moon just after midday on 29th (GMT) falls in your relationships and partnerships zone.  Make some resolutions to help create what you’d like to find in this area pf life during the year ahead!


Cancer:   Your work, health and service to others zone is active all month as Venus, Mercury and then the Sun lighten up longer-term resident… serious Saturn.  Exercise and physical activity keep your sense of well-being up-beat and relationships with colleagues and daily companions (including pets) should go well (apart from a possible misunderstanding or serious discussions on 23rd).

Relationships and partnerships will be high on the agenda too.  You’ll be pushing ahead with your plans until 9th then on 12th Venus brings pleasure and harmony to the equation.  On 24th-25th Venus meets Pluto which promises intensity.  Pluto is offering long-term transformation in your partnerships and with Venus on hand at present, you may be able to sway partners round to your way of thinking.

From 9th Mars points out the need for action, regarding joint funds or sharing in some way.  This could include the sharing of yourself intimately too.  Neptune goes direct on 20th, helping to clear the fog which has been surrounding romance, children, speculation or creativity since mid-June which is helpful too.

New Moon on 29th falls in your work and health zone.  Ready to start a new job or regime?


Leo:   Expressing yourself at home looks good until 21st as your ruling planet the Sun illuminates your nurture zone and personal development.  You may lose sight of this to some extent though as other areas of life claim your attention.

From 9th Mars thrusts a bolt of energy and determination to take action in relationships and partnerships.  Or perhaps a partner is presenting challenging behaviour…  Neptune goes direct on 20th after five months in reverse which helps to make the whole area of joint finances clearer and your shared area which includes taxes, debts, inheritances and the sharing of yourself intimately.  It can be hard to force things into view when dealing with Neptune but at least it starts to move forwards again.

Your romance, children and creativity zone is very active this month.  Venus smoothes everything along until 12th, then Mercury steps in to help communications.  Saturn has been weighing you down with responsibilities in one or more of these areas for almost two years but your ruling planet the Sun moves in to lift the pressure a little from 21st.

Work, health and service to others is the other big focus.  Venus glides in on 12th strengthening your sense of well-being and smoothing relations with colleagues or daily companions.  On 24th-25th though Venus runs into Pluto and powerful experiences or power dynamics could raise their head…  Either way, you will learn something about yourself or others.


Virgo:   Communications and dealings with neighbours and siblings go well during the first three weeks of November and physical movement is more joyful and expressive too.

The main focus though is in your mother and home zone which will feel lighter than it has since Saturn took up residence almost two years ago.  This has left you to ponder many things about home life, mother figures, how you nurture yourself, your roots and foundations and personal development.

On 12th Venus glides into your romance, children and creativity zone, bringing ease and pleasure.  When it joins Pluto on 24th-25th intensity arrives which could take the form of a deep creative act or an obsessive attraction towards someone, possibly even both!  The power dynamics you tend towards in romance could become more apparent too.  Pay attention to this, it’s helpful information.

Health, work, service to others or daily routine experience a change of gear as Mars fills you with energy and determination for these things from 9th.  There’s also another change of gear on 20th when Neptune moves out of reverse and starts to move forwards, helping your relationships and partnerships to be clearer.  This includes business partnerships too.

New Moon on 29th marks the beginning of your domestic New Year, make resolutions that will enhance your home-life and nurture you in the year ahead!


Libra:   Your ruling planet Venus goes from one extreme to the other during the first week of November, starting the month with serious Saturn, then moving quickly to align with surprising Uranus though on 4th -5th which is much more fun.

Venus glides into your mother and home zone on 12th and you may find yourself entertaining or wanting to beautify the home in some way.  A big transformation could take place from 24th-25th when Venus meets Pluto.  This could be a massive makeover at home or a significant shift in emotional dynamics within the home or with mother figures!

Mars jumps into your romance children and creativity zone from 9th and you’ll have energy to spare for all of these.  When Mars aspects Jupiter in your sign on 30th there’s fun to be had too.  Another plus is that Neptune goes direct on 20th which should help to clarify work or health mysteries that have been puzzling you for some months.

New Moon on 29th falls in your communications zone.  This is a good day to start new projects, including courses of study or a new form of physical movement.  Get going!


Scorpio:   The Sun in Scorpio lends you full force until 21st and your intuition will be especially strong on 1st.  And Full Moon – early afternoon on 14th GMT (which means the build-up is 13th) falls in your opposite sign raising the emotional climate in relationships and partnerships.

Your finances are looking busy this month with Venus helping things along until 12th.  Mercury then brings a new approach or some movement and the Sun brings hope from 21st.  Saturn has been sitting heavily in your finance and security zone for almost two years now so some lighter relief will no doubt be welcome.

From 9th Mars is in your mother and home zone.  Whereas most people take their shoes off when they get home, this month you’ll be putting yours on – for action!

From 12th Venus improves communications and relations with neighbours or siblings.  Then on 24th-25th it meets your ruling planet Pluto.  This could raise your awareness of language and power dynamics in your communications.  Be open to everything you can learn about yourself and others.

Neptune goes direct on 20th which starts to clear the ongoing fog which has been clouding your view of romance, children and creativity for some months.  New Moon on 29th falls in your money, possessions, security, values and self-esteem zone.  Time to make a budget or look for a new job?


Sagittarius:   The month before our birthday we are often at lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time.  This month however the Sun returns to your sign on 21st re-energising you and bringing a sense of strength and renewal.

It’s also a good month for other reasons, as Venus is in your sign until 12th making you irresistibly charming and Mercury lends you a silver tongue from 12th onwards.  All of this activity will be very welcome as Saturn has been in your sign, weighing you down for almost two years.

Finances are looking better too as Venus brings a probable improvement from 12th, although it will be hard to predict what will happen when it runs into powerful Pluto on 24th-25th.  There could be power plays about money or life-changing amounts coming… or going…

Mars may make you more assertive from 9th and on 20th Neptune goes direct in your 4th House of mother and home, roots and foundations.  The lack of clarity that has been bothering you since mid-June should start to ease.  Neptune is the least clear of planets at the best of times but at least a move forwards is progress.

New Moon falls in your sign on 29th, marking the beginning of your personal New Year.  Make your resolutions for the year ahead now, not January 1st.


Capricorn:   Your internal workings continue to be busy this month and your outlook should be softened by Venus, Mercury and the Sun cheering up Saturn which has been weighing in for almost two years.  Although Saturn is your ruling planet and you understand it better than most, it can be easy to lose sight of the fact that we’re going through a learning process which isn’t going to last forever.

These lighter planets could stimulate acts of compassion or creativity behind the scenes or even an online romance!  Self-talk should be more helpful too.

Mars leaves your sign on 9th and starts asserting itself in your money and income zone.  You’ll find you have more get-up-and-go on the financial front and may seek out an additional form of income.  Venus enters your sign three days later on 12th, adding to your charms and making you darling of the zodiac.  When Venus meets Pluto in your sign on 24th-25th, your magnetism will be at its highest and hard for others to resist…

Neptune goes direct from 20th in your communications zone.  This will help you to think more clearly and mysteries surrounding neighbours or siblings could now be solved!


Aquarius:   Mars leaps into your sign on 9th bringing a renewal of energy and determination to push forward the boundaries of your self-expression.  If anyone is foolish enough to try and cramp your style, they’ll soon realise you’re a force to be reckoned with right now!

Your professional life, issues to do with father-figures or your ambitions are high on the agenda too until 21st.  Then the Sun joins Mercury and Saturn in your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone which brightens things up.  Saturn has been sitting heavily here for almost two years so some movement and warmth will help to make things more enjoyable.

Venus starts the month off helping your ruling planet Uranus to relate to others and people will appreciate you in a way that they sometimes don’t.  From 12th Venus glides into your inner world, helping creativity behind the scenes and acts of compassion towards the vulnerable.  Online relations go well and your self-talk should be gentler too.  On 24th-25th Venus meets Pluto bringing deep realisations to light or intense and thought-provoking experiences…

Neptune starts to go direct on 20th in your finance zone, allowing the first glimpse of clarity for some months.  Even so, Neptune is nebulous, idealistic and sometimes unrealistic so a clear head about your finances and future security is still needed.  The other possibility with Neptune around in this zone (and it’s going to be there for another ten years) is developing a sense of security from creativity or work of an idealistic nature.  Being Aquarius, you could just pull this off!


Pisces:   The month starts well for travel, exploring cultures, ethics and studies but the emphasis moves on to your father, career and social status zone which has been weighed down with Saturn for almost two years.  Saturn may have taken the form of restrictions or the extra responsibilities of having more authority in some way.  It has been a time of reaping what you have sown in the past and the presence of faster moving planets in this area will be a welcome lightener this month.

Venus brings pleasure to friendships, groups, community and humanitarian ideals from 12th and as it meets Pluto around 24th-25th you will become more aware of power dynamics in your friendships, collectives or even local or world politics.

As your ruling planet Neptune goes direct on 20th after five months in reverse, you will start to see all the ground you have covered since mid-June when this invisible process began.  Where you are now will become clearer as the Neptunian mists subside.  You’ve been doing a lot of internal work, now it’s time to reap the rewards.

New Moon on 29th marks the beginning of your public status or professional New Year.  Make resolutions for the year ahead to achieve your ambitions.  With a greater sense of self from Neptune’s turnaround, you’ll have a better idea of what they could be!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone  –  or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).



October 2016

Our shared planetary picture

New Moon in Libra on 1st marks a collective urge to find co-operation and harmony and begins the month’s early focus on Libra.  A lovely conjunction (meeting) of Mercury and Jupiter on 10th-11th, finds our minds are at their most positive, and only then do we become fully aware of all our possibilities.  Make a note of all the ideas that spring to mind at this time so you can follow them up later without forgetting any.

On 14th-15th an opposition between Sun and Uranus points out the need to weigh up how much of our individuality and self-interest we might be willing to trade for making or keeping the peace.  This dilemma develops further as Mars and Pluto join forces from 17th-19th and become the focus of the planetary tension of the Sun – Uranus opposition.

Mars and Pluto bursting out is a massive, raw energy and being in Capricorn which represents hierarchies, authorities and structures we need to be on the lookout for abuses of power.  On an individual level, we need to guard against our own ruthlessness (especially regarding our own ambitions and status) and to stand up to anyone trying to railroad others.

Mars causes further concerns on 26th-29th when it squares Uranus and co-operation may be hard to find.  As Venus leaves Scorpio on 18th, it moves into Sag where it meets Saturn on 29th-30th.  This is a time for us all to reflect on how we have been dealing with relationships (especially inter-cultural ones), creativity and values and how we want to deal with them in the future.

This review is valuable both individually and collectively.  Welcome what it reveals.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   New Moon on 1st falls in your opposite sign, marking the beginning of your relationships and partnerships new year.  Make some resolutions to help bring about what you’d like to find in these areas of life in the year ahead.  (Partnerships can include business relationships as well as personal).  Mercury and Jupiter also join forces in your partnership zone on 10th -11th.  Be ready to develop the brainwaves that burst out then.

Your ruling planet Mars is operating at full force this month, starting on 4th-5th when it squares Jupiter, making you more likely to fight for your beliefs or against the beliefs of others.  This pales into insignificance though later in the month when Mars joins Pluto in your father, career and social status zone.  These two planets operating together are high-powered, pretty much unstoppable and possibly ruthless.  You are very likely to run into these energies and it would be best if the ruthless part isn’t coming from you.  If however others are displaying this, use your strength of will (and this month it’s phenomenal) to battle, expose or speak out against any injustices you uncover.

Later in the month Mars squares Uranus which is also quite an extreme line up and again nothing but the truth will do.  You may find yourself refusing to be restricted or silenced by the status quo and the more honest voices there are out there, the better.  We may be relying on you this month to lead by example and to champion just causes in your forthright way.  Show us all how it’s done!


Taurus:   Your ruling planet Venus is having an interesting run this month.  It continues until 18th in your relationships and partnerships zone, smoothing things along nicely, then glides into your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone which could attract the money or amourous attentions of others.  Who knows, maybe even both!  The Sun also moves into your partnerships zone on 22nd which will highlight these matters through into next month.  On 29th-30th Venus runs into Saturn though which looks like an obstacle or you may apply the brakes on whatever started earlier.  Have a long cool look before continuing (if you decide to).

On 10th-11th Mercury and Jupiter meet up in your 6th House of work, health, daily routine and service to others.  These two planets put the mind at its most positive.  Your communications will be upbeat and great ideas could crop up that can benefit your well-being and that of others.  Be ready to implement them.  .  Physical movement or a new exercise regime could be pleasurable too!

Mars and Pluto join forces in Capricorn from 17th-19th and these two have a strong impact when working together.  For Taureans they fall into your travel, deep study, ethics, legal and publishing zone.  If you have projects at lined up in any of these areas, your willpower and determination will be extra strong at this time.  Equally, you could run into others whose intentions are just as strong…  Make sure that if any misuse of power is happening, it doesn’t come from you.  And don’t be intimidated by others!  (Of course they’d be silly to try… )


Gemini:   Your romance, children and creativity zone is in an upward flow and when your ruling planet Mercury meets expansive Jupiter on 10th-11th, communications are a delight.  Jupiter is bringing growth and expansion to one or more of these areas of your life for the next 12 months so this isn’t just a flash in the pan.

The other area of activity is your 6th House of work, health and service to others.  Venus is passing through here until 18th smoothing relations with colleagues and daily companions and enhancing your sense of well-being.  Pets if you have them or are considering them could also be a source of pleasure.

The tricky T-square mid-month that we’ll all experience places its main impact in your 8th House of transformational processes: birth, sex and death, joint funds, taxes, debts inheritances and sharing.  Mars and Pluto are working together from 17th-19th which means much can be achieved but the energies unleashed can be hard to handle..

On 18th Venus moves into your relationships and partnerships zone bringing ease and pleasure here too.  Things get more serious however when Venus runs into Saturn from 29th-30th when you may run into obstacles, put things on hold or even make a commitment!  Yes you!


Cancer:   The home front is lively this month and New Moon on 1st marks the beginning of a new phase in your mother and home sphere.  Make resolutions for your domestic year ahead and for personal development.   Mercury and Jupiter meet up here too on 10th-11th and new expansive ideas could open up fresh possibilities.  Be ready to take them forward.

Full Moon on 16th falls in your travel, philosophy and ethics zone.  It’s conjunct Chiron which offers opportunities for healing or the realisation of areas that need healing.  Self-awareness is half the battle so be glad of this.

Relationships and partnerships are your other very active area which can include business partnerships too.  On 7th Sun and Pluto square up to each other in a bid for power.  Then on 17th-19th Mars and Pluto join forces and a significant battle of wills could develop or intense interactions of some kind.  On 26th-29th Mars and Uranus are in conflict which could create a clash between partnerships and your ambitions or social standing in some way.  You must be honest with yourself about this.

Venus meets up with Saturn on 29th-30th in your work, health, daily routine and service to others zone.  This is not the time to take action in these areas but it is time to give them a long, cool look.  Next month you can apply your conclusions!


Leo:   For the first three weeks the Sun is in your communications zone, adding warmth and dazzle to whatever you have to say.  Mercury planet of communication is also moving through this area from 7th-24th adding to your mental, verbal and physical agility.  Best of all, Mercury meets Jupiter from 10th-11th putting your mind at its most positive and expansive.  Capture all the thoughts and ideas that come to you – for ongoing development.

The Sun squares up to Pluto on 7th which may raise questions about who’s in charge or how power is being used.  An opposition to Uranus on 14th-15th further questions what or who is or isn’t being authentic…  This also forms part of a tense planetary line up where issues of power and the role of authority is under question.  Mars and Pluto meet up on 17th-19th which are an indomitable pair.  In terms of will power they’re extreme but the biggest danger is ruthlessness.  Make sure this isn’t coming from you and be ready to challenge it in others.

Mars and Pluto fall in your transformational areas of life zone – i.e. birth, sex and death.  Joint funds, the money of others, taxes, debts and inheritances also come into this area.  Sharing in all its many aspects is part of this too which includes how much you share of yourself on an intimate level.  Experiences in any of these areas could be both deep and transformational.

Venus wings its way through your mother and home zone till18th bringing pleasure through entertaining, beautifying the home or spending time with mother figures.  Then the Sun moves in on 22nd continuing this theme.  Make time to enjoy the comforts of hearth and home.


Virgo:   Your 2nd House of finance, security and values is super-active this month with a very fortunate meeting of Mercury and Jupiter from 10th-11th.  Make a note of good ideas that occur around then, as Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity is with you in this area of life for the next 12 months.  Your income, values and self-esteem are all available for growth and expansion too and where you get a sense of security from.  This may not be about money but in finding a sense of security from creativity or a value system that gives you a sense of security.

Communications are also a very active area with Venus lending you a silver tongue until 18th and offering pleasure through physical movement and an ease in relations with neighbours and siblings.  The Sun also moves in on 22nd followed by your ruling planet Mercury on 24th, so lots of energy here all month.  If you have things to say or write, the words are ready and waiting.

The T-square (tricky planetary line up) mid-month will first be felt from 14th-15th in a clash between your finances and joint funds or ‘the money of others’.  Taxes, debts, inheritances and sharing (including yourself intimately) can come into this.  The focus then falls on romance, children and creativity from 17th-19th with a lot of intensity!  The final part of this dynamic comes on 26th-29th when romance, children and creativity clash with joint funds and sharing.  Don’t be coerced into meeting other people’s unreasonable demands.

Full Moon in the midst of this maelstrom on 16th falls in your relationships and partnerships zone.  Chiron is close by too which in addition to high emotion, adds the theme of wounding and healing with the best scenario being healing your own (and perhaps other people’s) wounds.

On 18th Venus moves into your mother and home zone, smoothing things along.  Entertaining, beautifying the home and spending time with mother figures can be sources of pleasure.  This comes to a halt though on 29th-30th when Venus runs into Saturn and things need to be looked at once again.  Take that look!


Libra:   The month begins with New Moon in your sign marking the beginning of your personal new year.  Make some resolutions for your year ahead.  Your ruling planet Venus continues to improve money and finance situations until 18th when it moves into your communications zone, helping you to charm others round to your way of thinking…

A lovely aspect between Mercury and Jupiter in your sign on 10th-11th puts your mind at its most positive.  Make a note of the ideas that crop up at that time for you to develop in the future.

Challenging things are happening in your mother and home zone this month, starting on 7th when Sun in your sign squares Pluto, followed by a Mars-Pluto conjunction on 17th-19th.  Power plays will be strong and applying your will or struggling against the will of others could be very intense.  26th-29th could bring about a clash between mother, home and personal development versus partnerships.  Again this is not a time for compromise.

The month ends with Venus meeting Saturn on 29th-30th which may require you to look hard at relationships, creativity or values to see what is now not serving your needs and how you would like to proceed.  This isn’t a month for the faint-hearted so summon up your courage to be at the ready!


Scorpio:   Your self-talk and creativity behind the scenes are looking good this month, especially around 10th-11th when Mercury and Jupiter meet up, heightening your compassion and positive thinking.  Venus is in your sign too until 18th which intensifies your charms, making you irresistible…  From 18th Venus then moves into your finance zone which should help things along there too.

The month before your birthday is often a time of lowest ebb, as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.  The Sun returns to Scorpio however on 22nd bringing energy and a sense of renewal.  When we say ‘Many Happy Returns’ it refers to the return of the Sun to the same position as when you were born (your solar return).  Your birthday is your new year and it’s good and more meaningful to make New Year’s Resolutions for your year ahead now rather than on January 1st.

Your ruling planet Pluto has an interesting meeting with Mars from 17th-19th in your communications and physical movement, siblings and neighbours zone.  Exchanges could be intense and if you find yourself offering some home truths, make sure your words are measured and fair.  Alternatively this planetary combination could bring about a breakthrough in your own thought processes.  Be open to this possibility!

Full Moon on 16th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone.  Chiron is involved to which adds the themes of wounding and healing.  Aim to heal old wounds.


Sagittarius:   Your ruling planet Jupiter gets to meet up with Mercury this month from 10th-11th which is good news for everyone, especially you!  This falls in your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone bringing great ideas, positive communications and good times!

A lot of planetary activity is also going on behind the scenes in your 12th House of compassion, the pain and suffering of others and your inner workings.  These areas are the most difficult for us to see clearly and the most difficult if not impossible for us to control.  That being the case, courage is needed and any commitment you can make to exploring these areas through therapy, spirituality, healing or prayer will be rewarded.

The T-square (challenging planetary line up) that we are all experiencing from 14th-19th impacts you first of all in clashes between your romance, children and creativity zone and your friends, groups and collective arena.  Then as Mars meets Pluto from 17th-19th, the focus falls very pointedly and intensely on money, possessions and values.  And you will want to take action based on your new insights.

26th-29th brings a further clash of interest between on the one hand – romance, children and creativity and on the other – money, possessions, security and values.  This is immediately followed on 29th-30th by a meeting of Venus and Saturn in your sign which can be finding yourself in a lonely or isolating place and one in which you need to look at relationships, creativity and values.  Equally it could mean the taking on of a commitment.  Whichever it is, you’re likely to come face to face with what is truly important to you.  Stand up for whatever that is.


Capricorn:   This is likely to be a very memorable month as all manner of planetary combinations impact your sign.  Your 10th House of father, career and social status is very lively too and New Moon in this area on 1st is the beginning of your professional new year and you should make some resolutions to help your ambitions along in the year ahead.  Mercury and Jupiter also meet in this area on 10th-11th and a terrific new idea could (if developed) make your world a bigger place!

On 7th Sun in your career zone clashes with Pluto in your sign, indicating the need for more inner change to meet the demands of the world.  The Sun opposite Uranus on 14th-15th shows up incompatible demands of career versus home or mother versus father or ambitions versus personal development.  Whichever it is, look for ways they can work together.

Mars planet of goal-setting, applying your will, assertiveness and the assertive side of sexual expression and use of physical energy in general is in your sign all month.  Mars is exalted in Capricorn (works at its strongest) and your energy reserves should be high.  Mars and Pluto join forces in your sign from 17th-19th and little will be able to stop or block your will.  This is an intense energy and should only be used for high-minded purposes.  Be sure to use and apply it ethically.

Mars in your sign also squares up to Uranus from 26th-29th, making you aware of further changes that are needed either at home or regarding mother figures or in your personal development.  The personal development aspect is echoed in a different way when Venus joins your ruling planet Saturn on 29th-30th.  This may draw you to a halt to examine your inner-workings.  Be open to the information it reveals!


Aquarius:   Your travel, philosophy, cultural and legal zone is an upbeat area this month as the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter bring energy and expansion.  10th-11th is especially fortuitous when Mercury and Jupiter meet, making your thinking broad and inclusive.  This is a great time for trips, embarking on courses of study, exploring the world of ethics, philosophy and different cultures.

Meanwhile Venus is smoothing interactions in your father, career and social status zone until 18th.  If you need favours from people in authority, they’re likely to look favourably upon your request.  The Sun also enters this zone on 22nd warming and energising your ambitions.  Mercury arrives too from 24th helping communications and strategic agility.  Press ahead with your plans.

Your ruling planet Uranus clashes with the Sun and Pluto mid-month which involves you in the collective tension taking place from 14th-19th.  The outlet for this tension lands in your 12th House of inner workings, spirituality, healing and compassion and work behind the scenes and your online life.  Both Mars and Pluto join forces here from 17th-19th which can bring breakthroughs of some kind.

Mars squares up to your ruling planet Uranus from 26th-29th urging you to speak your new truths, however difficult for others it may be to hear them.  Neighbours or siblings may be involved in this in some way.  New ideas, learning a new language or new forms of physical movement could also be possible outcomes.  Be open to all of your possibilities!


Pisces:   The Sun is illuminating your joint funds, and sharing zone until 22nd which highlights taxes, debts, inheritances and ‘the money of others’.  Sharing includes the sharing of yourself on an intimate level, as well as materially.  And on 10th-11th Mercury and Jupiter join hands, expanding communications, positive self-expression and brilliant new ideas about how resources could be better used or shared.  Your ability to bring growth to people in crisis through your way of communicating is another avenue open to you.  And as you know, communications start with listening.

Full Moon falls in your sign on 16th which raises emotions.  Chiron which has been moving through Pisces since 2010 is also involved which adds the themes of wounding and healing to the emotional mix.  The best scenario is healing your wounds and perhaps those of others.

This possibility of healing comes at a very pertinent time as the T-square (difficult planetary line-up) mid-month will challenge us all.  From 14th-15th Sun opposes Uranus which brings up contradictory pulls between your money, possessions, security and values zone and your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone.  Then from 17th-19th this tension springs out at a third point – as Mars and Pluto join forces in your friends, groups, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals zone.  This is an intense focus and your urge to take action will be almost compulsive!

Your travel, studies, ethics, philosophy and legal zone is also very active this month.  Venus smoothes things along until 18th, followed by the Sun on 22nd  and Mercury on 24th.  Venus enters your father and career zone from 18th.  People in positions of power will look upon you favourably.  If you need favours, just ask.

Obstacles or extra responsibilities will cause you to pause and reflect on dealings with father figures, your career or social status around 29th-30th.  Don’t resent this apparent holdup.  It’s an opportunity to double-check that your path is clear so your progress will be true.


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart by phone  – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).



September 2016

Our shared planetary picture

There are three significant planetary changes this month.  Two planets which have been retrograde go direct and Jupiter moves into Libra which only happens every 12 years. 

The first planetary event though is New Moon in Virgo on 1st (10.05 BST) which also happens to be a solar eclipse.  Traditionally solar eclipses are considered beneficial to women as the Moon supercedes the Sun.  Eclipses also belong to eclipse families and this one is part of a re-occuring cycle (that started in the year 1331 and runs until 2575).  Each eclipse family also has a theme and this one is to do with seeing things as they truly are (perhaps for the first time) and being realistic in our approach.

On 22nd Mercury goes direct after just over three weeks in retrograde.  This helps communications in general and helps to clear up misunderstandings.  Pluto also goes direct on 26th after five months in reverse.  Collectively this has been a deep review of power and authority structures for us all and in more personally it has been a period of review in certain areas of life, different for each sign.

When a retrograde planet goes direct we can start to apply the information we have learnt during this review and Pluto’s turnaround on 26th makes this possible.  All of this is taking place in Capricorn and just by chance the following day Mars moves freshly into Capricorn where it is exalted (works at its best).  So the conclusions gathered during the Plutonian review have a double chance of moving forwards!

Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity changes signs on 9th.  It leaves Virgo and moves into Libra where it will stay for the next 14 months.  Collectively this brings about growth through justice, awareness and sharing resources more fairly and a willingness to look for solutions to current conflicts. 

For us as individuals, personal disarmament and researching and adopting the principles of ‘Non-Violent Communication’ is something we can all do to help the bigger picture. 

Jupiter in Libra brings growth on a more personal level too which you can discover below.  Be open to the opportunities which come your way!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.   

Aries:  If your love life has been flagging recently, help is at hand as Venus smoothes your relationships and partnerships zone until 23rd and is then immediately replaced by the Sun.  Even better, on 9th Jupiter glides in too for a 14-month stay!  This could bring new partners into your fold or opportunities for growth and expansion in existing partnerships (business as well as personal). 

People from different countries or cultures or someone of a religious or philosophical outlook could turn up.  Whether already in a partnership or looking, the need for growth is strong and if an existing relationship isn’t moving, you might extract yourself from it, in search of one that is.

Your ruling planet Mars is galloping through Sag for most of the month.  You will love the sense of adventure this brings and especially the weekend of 16th-18th when it teams up with Uranus for surprising boisterous fun.  Venus is involved too so who knows?..

Mercury goes direct on 22nd improving communications (and possibly physical agility) in your work and health zone.  Pluto which has been retrograde since mid-April, also goes direct a few days later on 26th which helps your ambitions which have been under review, to move forward too.  This is followed by Mars jumping in on 27th which means double acceleration!  Enjoy the ride!


Taurus:   New Moon on 1st marks the beginning of your romance, children and creativity New Year.  This also involves a solar eclipse which belongs to an eclipse family gearing us towards being realistic.  As Taurean are some of the most realistic people in the zodiac, this should resonate well with you.  Make some resolutions for the year ahead in your New Moon areas.

Jupiter changes signs on 9th and moves into your 6th House of work, health and service to others for over a year.  Jupiter brings growth, expansion and opportunities so be on the lookout for all of these in the year ahead.  Work in other countries or dealings with people from different countries or cultures could feature strongly or a promotion or rise in status could occur too or growth in your relationships with colleagues and daily companions (including pets).

Healthwise, attending to your needs could be an area for growth or a new regime or programme of exercise could bring a happy change.  The only area to watch out for is excess of any kind as Jupiter can at worst lead to overindulgent extremes (not to mention extra weight)…  Your daily routine is up for expansion too so be open to exploring what that could include.

On 22nd Mercury goes direct, helping your romance, children and creativity zone to move forwards.  And on 23rd Venus moves into your relationships and partnerships zone which might find you being more open to the charms of others.  Existing partnerships should run more smoothly too.  Whether new or old, enjoy the attentions of your suitors!

Gemini:   New Moon on 1st is in your mother, home, roots and foundations zone and is the beginning of your domestic New Year.  The solar eclipse will help to focus your attention on your needs in these areas.  Make some resolutions for the year ahead that will help these to be met. 

Romance, children and creativity also take off this month as Venus glides through until 23rd followed by the Sun.  Even more significant is Jupiter’s arrival in this area of your solar chart on 9th.  Opportunities for growth and expansion are all on the agenda for the next 14 months so be aware of all of the possibilities which arise during this period.

Your ruling planet Mercury meets Jupiter on 1st – 2nd producing new ideas to follow up.  Mercury also goes direct on 22nd which helps with communications and changes on the home front.  Pluto also goes direct on 26th in your joint finance zone after five months in reverse.  Mars leaps in too the next day on 27th, firing your determination to now push things forward.

Venus brings pleasure to your work, health, service to others and daily routine from 23rd.  Relationships with colleagues and daily companions also run smoothly.  Enjoy the simple pleasures of your everyday life!        


Cancer:   Jupiter the biggest planet is special to Cancer as it is exalted (or works at its best) in your sign.  On 9th it doesn’t move into your sign but it does move into your favourite area of mother and home and it’s going to stay there for over a year!

Jupiter is planet of growth expansion and opportunity and during this period your home or family could become ‘bigger’ in some way.  This could mean an extension or a home in another country or a more philosophical or more nurturing home in some way.  Your relationship with mother figures could also expand or you may find personal growth through a nurturing role you find yourself in.  

Personal development is another possible area for growth and expansion so be open to that too.  Therapy or any form of exploration to understand yourself, your roots, foundations, early life and your inner workings better could also bring about great positive change.

Towards the end of the month communications improve when Mercury goes direct on 22nd.  Relationships and partnerships also start to make progress as Pluto goes direct on 26th and Mars leaps in on 27th giving you added energy and determination to push things forward once again. 


Leo:   Finances are still lively this month.  The Sun is shedding light here until 22nd and Mercury starts to move forward on the same day which is also a help in making things clearer.  A good aspect between the Sun and Pluto on 7th helps on the work, health and income front too. 

The new area of interest though is your 3rd House of communications.  Venus is here until 23rd helping you to charm others through the way you speak or express yourself and the Sun arrives for a month-long stay on 22nd

The big news though is Jupiter, the biggest planet of all moves in on 9th and is staying for over a year.  Jupiter is planet of growth, expansion and opportunity which can open things up in the way you think, the different ways you express yourself, the passing on or gathering of information, new languages, trading and movement.  There can also be growth in your dealings with neighbours and siblings.  New forms of physical movement can open up new ways of thinking too.

There’s also a gear change towards the end of the month in your work, health, service to others and daily routine zone when Pluto goes direct on 26th after five months in reverse and Mars jumps in to push things forward in these areas from 27th – full speed ahead!

Virgo:   New Moon in Virgo on 1st marks the beginning of your personal new year so make some resolutions to enhance your emotional well-being.  This New Moon also involves a solar eclipse belonging to a grounded, realistic eclipse family but as most Virgos already have these qualities in abundance, this should be comfortable too.

Venus and then the Sun are helping to improve your finances this month and even better, Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity should be a significant help when it moves into this area of your solar chart on 9th and stays for 14 months! 

Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system and brings growth, expansion and opportunities.  This could represent financial growth, more prestigious employment or work overseas or with different cultures or a change of values which gives you a stronger sense of security, perhaps through a new philosophy or through creativity.  This is all positive and the only danger is financially extending yourself too far, so keep this in mind.

Your ruling planet Mercury goes direct on 22nd which should help communications along and Venus moving into your communications zone on 23rd will give your words extra charm.  Pluto goes direct on 26th in your romance, children and creativity zone and Mars moves into this same area the following day, heating up passions and determination!  Looks interesting…


Libra:  The month before our birthday the Sun has been away from us for the longest time and we are often at low ebb.  This month however the Sun returns to your sign on 22nd re-energising you and bringing a sense of renewal.

It’s a good month for other reasons too as your ruling planet Venus is in your sign until 23rd, adding to your charms and making you darling of the zodiac!  Not to mention Jupiter – planet of growth, expansion and opportunity which moves into Libra for over a year on 9th!  This is good for overall buoyancy and optimism and introduces a more adventurous approach to life.  Jupiter only visits every 12 years so be ready to make the most of the opportunities which present themselves in the year ahead. 

On 23rd Venus helpfully enters your finance zone and on 26th Pluto goes direct in your mother and home zone opening the way for progress here too.  This could indicate domestic repairs or transformation of some kind, a moving forward of dynamics in the home or progress in your personal development.  Mars moves in the following day to make sure there’s no going back!

Scorpio:   Scorpios are usually fearless in looking at themselves and their inner workings honestly.  This month, this should start to get a whole lot easier as Venus is helping things along here until 23rd but of much more significance, Jupiter moves in on 9th and is going to stay in your 12th House for over a year!

This will bring many opportunities for growth and expansion in consciousness raising, spirituality, acts of compassion to those less fortunate, creativity behind the scenes, self-talk and attention to your inner workings.  Any training in meditation or consciousness-raising techniques should go well and embarking on the adventure of therapy would also bring very rich and helpful fruits.

Meanwhile Venus moves into your sign on 23rd adding to your charisma and making you darling of the zodiac for a month.  Your ruling planet Pluto also goes direct on 26th after being retrograde since mid-March.  This completes a deep review in how you think, communicate and move (and possibly how you relate to siblings and neighbours).  Having hopefully examined these areas during the last five months, you can now apply your new understanding and move forwards.

Mars also leaps into your thought and communications zone on 27th adding to your new resolve.  With this determination, energy and strength of mind, you can think and talk your way to wherever you’d like to be!


Sagittarius:   Your ruling planet Jupiter is on the move this month, having completed a year in your father, career and social status zone it’s now moving into your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. 

Jupiter is planet of growth expansion and opportunity so its new arrival on 9th can lead to a year of new friends from other countries or cultures or of a philosophical outlook, groups which expand your consciousness, happy experiences within a new or existing community and a growing awareness about the misfortunes and needs of your fellow humans.  Be open to all that you will learn.

Mars makes its final gallop through your sign this month and makes a riotous aspect to Uranus on the weekend of 16th-18th.  Mars then leaves your sign on 27th after spending a total of four months in your sign this year!  Its new area of action is your finance and security zone and Pluto’s forward movement on 26th in this same area (after five months in reverse) makes this a doubly welcome change!  You’ll be at your enterprising best as these two planets rev things up and your determination to increase your income or achieve security in other ways will move anyone blocking your path.

Spending time with friends is pleasurable this month while Venus and then the Sun linger in your collective zone.  This is important too as well as your go-getting quest.


Capricorn:   There’s lots of planetary activity that catches you personally towards the end of the month but before then Jupiter the biggest planet in our solar system glides into your father, career and status zone on 9th bringing growth, expansion and opportunities in one or more of these areas.  These are Capricorn’s favourite areas and Jupiter is going to be here for a year so be ready to grasp the opportunities which arise.  Your ambitions have the planetary wind behind them and your world view could expand too.

Venus is also moving through this area until 23rd which attracts the help of people in positions of authority.  If you need favours, don’t be afraid to ask.  Venus then enters your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone.  Make time to enjoy these too.

Mercury goes direct in your travel, legal and ethical zone on 22nd which helps to improve communications and movement.  Pluto also goes direct in your sign on 26th completing a deep review of who you now are and how that should be expressed.  This began mid-March and hopefully having grown in self-understanding you can now apply your conclusions about the best way to move forward.

Last but not least Mars enters your sign on 27th bringing energy, determination and dynamism.  This follows Pluto going direct the day before so the gear change is double strength for pushing forward and applying your will.  Make sure your goals are ethical, then forge ahead, little can stop you!


Aquarius:   Pleasure through travel, study and interactions with different cultures is high this month as Venus and then the Sun light up these areas of life.  On 9th though Jupiter jumps in bringing growth and expansion for a year!  Opportunities will come along and it’s important to be on the lookout for them and to be ready to respond.

Travel opportunities could increase, as could your worldly awareness through exploring different cultures and religions and the higher mind.  Deep study of any kind will be fruitful.  It’s also good for publishing and legal cases and a growth or strengthening of your principles.

On a lighter front, Mars aspects your ruling planet Uranus on the weekend of 16th-18th which offers excitement and/or good fun!  Then Venus moves into your father, career and social status zone on 23rd smoothing your career path and softening the view of authority figures towards you.  Ask for favours if you need them.

On 26th Pluto which has been going backwards since mid-March in your inner-workings zone, goes direct and Mars leaps in to add it’s forthrightness on 27th.  Self-realization and any ways in which you undermine yourself are becoming more conscious. Self-awareness is more than half the battle and the determination to turn this in a more positive direction is available as these two planets move forward together.

Creative work behind the scenes is also an open avenue to explore and take action in, along with active compassion towards those less fortunate, healing and spiritual development. 


Pisces:   Saturn continues to square your ruling planet Neptune all month and in particular during the first ten days.  You will probably be used to this by now as the ongoing misty process of change within your identity collides with earlier professional ideals and requirements.  

After a year of bringing expansion to relationships and partnerships, on 9th Jupiter moves into your 8th House of joint funds (including taxes, debts and inheritances) and the transformational processes of life (birth, sex and death).  Jupiter is planet of growth expansion and opportunity so one or more of these arenas could become areas that make your life ‘bigger’ in some way.  Be open to these opportunities.

Mercury goes direct in your partnerships zone on 22nd helping communications along.  Pluto also goes direct on 26th in your 11th House of friends groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  A deep review has been taking place in this area of your solar chart since mid-March and now that the process is complete, you can put your conclusions into action.  Just one day later on 27th Mars leaps into this area of your chart too, bringing a whoosh of fresh energy.  Go with it!

August 2016

Our shared planetary picture

Mars leaves Scorpio and moves into Sagittarius on 2nd bringing energy and drive to a new area of life (different for each sign).  This coincides with New Moon in Leo which also marks a new cycle.  Both planets are in fire signs so there is a gear change for us all to take action at the start of the month.

Mars makes headway until it runs into Saturn from 18th which has been slowly reversing through Sag since late March.  This has been to review events from last winter that we did not fully understand at the time.  Saturn helpfully goes direct on 13th but then Mars gets involved from 18th-24th…

When Mars (planet of drive and assertiveness) comes into contact with Saturn (planet of restrictions and resonsibilities) the results are not always enjoyable.  Each operates in such a different manner, it can be difficult to find common ground.  At least this time they are in the same sign and the best option is for disciplined, planned action, playing by the rules.

If you are more of a Saturnian cautious person, the arrival of Mars will feel aggravating and annoying.  And if you are a more action-oriented Martial person, Saturn’s restraint will feel very frustrating.  At best we need to subdue our egos during this period (18th-24th), knuckle down and take full responsibility for our actions.

On a lighter note Mercury meets up with Jupiter on 21st-22nd making our minds at their most positive.  Only then do we become aware of our full possibilities so make a note (i.e. write them down) of all the ideas that come to mind at this time.  We cannot act on them all at once but keep hold of them so they do not get lost or forgotten in the busy-ness of life.

Venus and Jupiter meet up from 26th-28th.  This is a lovely buoyant, happy combination.  Tolerance is high and generosity is wide.  Make time to enjoy the warm company of your fellow human beings (and animals are included too!).


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   Your ruling planet Mars moves into Sag on 2nd which will make you active on the exploration front.  Travel, deep study, philosophy or ethical matters leap into action.  It would be good to give those legs a stretch too.

New Moon in Leo is also on 2nd.  This should suit you nicely as this and Mars are in your fellow Fire signs.  Make the most of the first half of the month and enjoy the creative Sun-Uranus line-up on 15th-16th which is a perfect outlet for your eccentricities!

From 18th-24th Mars runs into Saturn which can be frustrating…  The planet of assertiveness meeting the planet of restrictions isn’t one of your favourite scenarios.  We have to work with what we’re given however.  And if you can knuckle down to accepting rules and regulations, manage to pace your energy and find patience when needed, progress can still be made.  Slow motion isn’t your favourite approach but look upon it as a chance to develop your style.


Taurus:   The main emphasis this month is in your romance, children and creativity zone.  Venus is smoothing things along here, bringing ease and pleasure (apart from a hiccup on 13th-14th).  When Venus joins Jupiter on 26th-28th good times are waiting for you.

Mars in your 8th House is urging you all month to sort out joint finances, including taxes, debts, inheritances and sharing.  (The sharing of yourself intimately comes into this too).  Saturn has been creating a block in one or more of these areas of life since March but this too goes direct on 13th enabling progress once again.  The meeting of Mars and Saturn here from 18th-24th may not be comfortable.  Apply your Taurean endurance and determination to get through to the other side.

Creative ideas are at their bubbling best from 21st-22nd.  Make a note of everything that comes to mind so that none of them get lost in the rush.  Only when the mind is at its most positive do we become aware of our full potential.  This is one of those times.


Gemini:   Everything’s happening in your mother and home zone which includes self-nurture and personal development.  When Venus moves through from 5th-30th you maybeautify your home or entertain others in it.  And when Venus meets Jupiter from 26th-28th gather others around you for good times.

On 2nd Mars moves into your relationships and partnerships zone.  This could either send you off in hot pursuit of a desirable someone or make you more assertive (or argumentative) in a current partnership.  Saturn has been weighing things down in this area of your life for some time and even more so since late March when it went retrograde to review the events of last winter.  Saturn goes direct once again on 13th which makes further progress possible but Mars runs into it from 18th-24th making things quite uncomfortable.

Your ruling planet Mercury works decisively on 10th when strong communications are needed and from 21st-22nd when Mercury meets Jupiter putting your mind at its most positive.  Capture all the possibilities that occur to you and make a note of them for future expansion.  These ideas are gold dust to build on, don’t let them escape!


Cancer:   New Moon on 2nd falls in your money zone, marking the beginning of your Financial New Year.  Mars moves into your work and health zone on the same day which is a double prod for you to make some resolutions about money matters, work and health.

Saturn has been weighing down your 6th House of work and health for some time, causing restrictions, responsibilities and delays.  It has also been retrograde since late March in order to carry our a review of events last winter.  On 13th Saturn thankfully goes direct but Mars joins it from 18th-24th.  Mars will want to push ahead with plans but Saturn won’t be rushed so there may be frustrations around this time.

Your mind will be at its most positive around 21st-22nd when Mercury meets Jupiter in your 3rd House of communication.  Make a note of any ideas that come to mind at this time so they don’t get lost of forgotten.

Venus meets Jupiter from 26th-28th which offers pleasure through communications or physical movement.  Seek out others to enjoy it with!


Leo:   New Moon is in your sign on 2nd which marks the beginning of your emotional New Year.  This coincides with Mars moving into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity so there’s a distinct gear change at the start of this month.

Mars could make you more amorous and you may persue a certain someone with more determination than usual.  Creative expression could take off too.  Make the most of this during the first half of the month as from 18th-24th Mars runs into Saturn which may bring progress to a halt.  Saturn has been weighing down these areas of life for some time and even more so since late March when it went retrograde.  This was to carry out a review of events last winter.

Although Saturn goes direct on 13th, it’s still moving very slowly and a meeting of Mars (the planet of assertiveness) and Saturn (planet of restrictions) is rarely a comfortable e perience.  It can provide an opportunity though to review how you’ve been dealing with goal setting, applying your will, assertiveness, sexual expression and use of physical energy in general in relation to romance, children and creativity.  Sports could come into this too and speculation.


Virgo:   The month before our birthday we are often at lowest ebb as the Sun has-been away from us for the longest time.  But Sun re-enters your sign on 22nd bringing warmth, energy and renewal.  When people say Many Happy Returns they often don’t realise this refers to the solar return.  Your birthday is your New Year, not January 1st (unless you happen to be a Capricorn born on that date) and it marks the beginning of your personal New Year.

Other planets are busy in your sign too.  On 5th Venus moves into Virgo until 30th, adding to your charms and making you darling of the zodiac.  The 13th and 14th could be tricky but other than that, enjoy your popularity!

Jupiter is also still with you and there are two lovely meet ups with it this month.  On 21st-22ndyour ruling planet Mercury joins Jupiter making your mind fantastically positive.  Only when this is the case do we become aware of our full potential in life and the wonderful ideas we can bring to fruition.  Make a note of every idea that occurs to you during this period for future development.

Saturn goes direct on 13th making progress once again possible in your mother and home sphere.  Mars leaps into this area too on 2nd bringing energy and wanting to assert itself.  Good headway can be made on the mother and home front during the first half of the month but then Mars meets Saturn causing aggravation….  Self nurturing and personL development come into this sphere too so be open to addressing any underlying issues that you’re presented with during this period.

Venus and Jupiter meet in your sign from 26th-28th and you’ll be feeling upbeat and sociable.  Put aside work and make time for pleasure with others!


Libra:   Communications may heat up during the first half of this month as Mars hits your 3rd House of ideas, movement and information.  You may be more assertive than usual.  And people (especially siblings or neighbours) may get a stronger reaction from you than they expect…

Getting some exercise would be good and as Mars heads towards and meets Saturn from 18th-24th lessons in disciplined movement (such as martial arts, yoga or breathing meditation) could be helpful.  This and Saturn’s forward movement on 13th could also help to lift the heaviness that has been weighing on your mind since last September.

Mid-month on 15th-16th your ruling planet Venus joins the North Node of the Moon.  This puts you in tune with the moment and endows you with the gift to respond in a collectively helpful way.  Your unconscious is working well too on 21st-22nd and again from 26th-28th.  Act on what it’s telling you.


Scorpio:   On 2nd Mars moves into your 2nd House of money, possessions, security, values and self-esteem zone which spurs you into action.  Saturn which has been retrograde since late March has been carrying out a review of events last winter in one or more of these areas but it too goes direct on 13th.  Progress is once again possible but the meeting of Mars and Saturn from 18th-24th may be testing…

Also on 2nd is New Moon that evenin, marking the beginning of your professional New Year.  This is a good time to make resolutions for the year ahead regarding your dealings with or as a father, your ambitions and your social status.

Mercury and Jupiter meet up from 21st-22nd making for positive thoughts and communications regarding friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  Only when our mind is at its most positive do we become aware of all the possibilities.  Be open to them all.

Plan social or community events for 26th-28th when the meeting of Venus and Jupiter promise good times!


Sagittarius:   Mars leaps into your sign on 2nd bringing extra energy and assertiveness and New Moon occurs that evening too marking a new cycle in your travel, deep studies and ethics zone.  Other cultures and philosophies could come into this too.  It’s time to explore.

Mars forges ahead during the first half of the month but then runs up against Saturn which has been weighing heavily on you for some time.  This has been even more intense since late March when it went retrograde to revisit how you dealt with things last winter.  The good news is that Saturn goes direct on 13th so onward movement once again.  Mars however catches up with it from 18th-24th which results in something like internal warfare…  Be steadfast and honest with yourself about issues that come up then.

Pleasures await later in the month.  On 21st -22nd your mind is on a positive high and new possibilities are visible from this lofty perspective – follow them up!  Also from 26th-28th Venus joins your ruling planet Jupiter which helps massively in your father, career and social status zone.  Good times are on offer too and professional expansion.  If your ambitions need a kick start, here it is!


Capricorn:  New Moon on the evening of 2nd marks a new phase in your joint finance zone.  This includes taxes, debts, inheritances and sharing.  Sharing yourself on a physical level comes into this too.  Make some resolutions for the year ahead.

Big decisions or tricky communications go well on 10th.  Your ruling planet Saturn goes direct on 13th after four months in retrograde.  This means you can stop going over events last winter and move on.  Mars however is stirring things up behind the scenes this month and anything you’ve been sweeping under the carpet may make itself apparent.

Mercury and Jupiter bring in a positive mindset around 21st-22nd.  Your mind will be working at its widest and it’s best.  From 26th-28th put generous thoughts into words and into action!


Aquarius:   New Moon on 2nd in your relationships and partnerships zone marks the beginning of a new cycle.  Make some resolutions that will help to create the conditions you would like to find here in the year ahead.

Another event on the same day is Mars’s move into your collective zone.  This will make you keen to assert yourself with friends, groups, community and about humanitarian ideals.  The coast is clear here for the first half of the month but from 18th-24th Mars runs into Saturn which has been holding things up for some months.  Mars and Saturn operate completely differently from each other, so this may not be a comfortable period and you may have to follow the rules to make progress.

Full Moon in your sign on the morning of 18th finds an emotional you.  And around the 21st-22nd be on the lookout for brainwaves about joint funds (which includes taxes, debts and inheritances) and the best way to share resources.

Make time for others and extend your generosity around 26th-28th when Venus and Jupiter meet.  You could also benefit from ‘the money of others’ but rather than sitting around hoping for this, share what you have.  You will benefit in well-being (and karma) if you do.


Pisces:   There’s lots of action in your relationships and partnerships zone this month.  Venus smooths things pleasurably along from 5th-30th (apart from a hiccup on 13th-14th) and planetary meet-ups with Jupiter bring a sense of optimism and expansion later in the month.

New Moon on 2nd falls in your work, health and service to others zone.  This marks the beginning of a new cycle which includes your daily routine.  Make some resolutions to improve your daily well-being in the year ahead.

Mars enters your father, career and social status zone from 2nd heating up your ambitions but it runs into Saturn from 18th-24th.  Headway slows right down then as underlying issues need to be examined.  Saturn has been doing this for some time and has been particularly exacting since late March when it went retrograde.  It helpfully goes direct on 13th indicating that issues from last winter are now better understood.  This Mars-Saturn meeting may be uncomfortable but welcome the realisations it offers.

Communications with partners are at their most positive around 21st-22nd and good times are on offer from 26th-28th.  Allow yourself some light relief.  You’ve earned it!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch to explore your birth chart by phone or Skype phone – or 07929 261231 (or ++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).  And to find out more about the benefits of astrology or more about me, visit







July 2016

Our shared planetary picture

We have a mix of challenging and harmonious planetary aspects happening this month, starting with an opposition from Pluto to Venus, Mercury and Sun in Cancer one by one from 1st – 7th. This is a collective opportunity for us all to examine the power dynamics in our relationship patterns and in how we communicate with others and express ourselves. Self realisation is good but should not be at the expense of others.

A sequence of Grand Trines (a lovely formation of planets making equilateral triangles in the heavens) runs from 5th – 16th. It is in Water signs which creates an emotional and compassionate flow. But Uranus in Aries (sign of pioneering and self-interest is at odds with many of these planets from 1st – 16th. So the fundamental issues of compassion versus self-interest are very visible collectively for us all to observe and ponder on…

On 20th Jupiter finally gets clear of an ongoing entanglement with Saturn and Neptune, leaving them to frustrate each other, as one represents reality and the other the dream. Jupiter in Virgo brings expansion through what we can actually do with our own hands which includes work of any kind, hands-on healing, crafts and service to others. Pursue the area that most excites you and be part of Jupiter’s free leap forwards!

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   Your ruling planet Mars is at odds with Uranus which is slowly moving through your sign. This creates a dilemma as your natural Martial urge is to make headway whereas Uranus in your sign is challenging you to be the pure uncompromised version of yourself. Mars is presently in your 8th House of joint funds and sharing (financially and intimately) and you want to push ahead here but Uranus is asking – is this really you? You have until 14th to fathom this out.

Meanwhile, three personal planets are bringing pleasure to your mother and home zone and you may want to beautify your nest or invite others to share it. There’s some conflict though between this and your worldly ambitions between 1st – 7th.

Mars is in good aspect to Chiron all month which can help with healing your inner workings and from 5th – 16th they form a positive Grand Trine with three other planets. This provides a healing emotional flow which is also an important opportunity this month. Let it flow!

Taurus:   Ideas are flowing as three personal planets pass through your communications zone during the first three weeks of the month and you might be zipping about physically yourself. Relations with siblings and neighbours should be good and shopping might hold some extra appeal…

From 12th these planets move one by one into your mother and home zone, starting with Venus and you will probably want to beautify your home or invite others to share its pleasures. Sun is the last to arrive on 22nd and self-expression at home or through nurturing (yourself and others) feels important. Personal development is an area to explore too.

Mars is making headway in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships all month which can either arouse desires or cause friction or both. This runs counter to Uranus until 14th which is warning you not to compromise yourself, if that seems to be the cost. Your individuality and growth are paramount and repeating unhelpful emotional patterns might not be the best use of your time. So the question is – are you? You may not be but self awareness is half the battle.

Gemini:   The first half of the month throws emphasis onto your money, possessions, security and values zone as Venus, Mercury and the Sum pass through. This is usually positive for income although people you’re financially linked with may make heavy demands on joint funds during the first week.

The three planets above are part of a lovely Grand Trinewhich creates a circuit of positive energy between your income, work and social status zones bringing a feeling that all is well in these areas at least. And this continues from 6th -16th. New Moon on 4th falls in your finance zone too, marking the beginning of your financial new year. This is a perfect time to make some fiscal resolutions and plans for the 12 months ahead.

One by one these three personal planets move out of your finance zone into your 3rd House of communications which includes trading, teaching, short journeys and dealings with siblings and neighbours. This House is Gemini’s home ground and favourite and many social and mental delights will be on offer from 12th onwards.

Jupiter gets clear of Saturn and Neptune from 20th, bringing growth and expansion to your mother and home zone which has been stifled for some time. Self nurture and personal development can take off too. Fly with them!

Cancer:   Venus in your sign until 12th means your charms are still at their height and Sun in your sign also adds to your vibrancy until 22nd. New Moon on 4th is in Cancer too and marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make some resolutions for your year ahead.

Some opposition seems to be coming from Pluto in your partnership zone until 7th. But support from other planets is strong as the Grand Trine (mentioned above) brings a positive, emotional and healing flow.

Part of this is Mars surging forwards in your romance, children and creativity zone, bringing energy and determination. This is good for making progress but Uranus in your 10th House of father, career and social status is not behind this in some way and you have until 14th to unravel the different strands involved.

As Venus, Mercury and the Sun leave your sign, they one by one move into your finance zone, starting on 12th which should improve your income or self-esteem in some way. Can’t be bad!

Leo:   Mars is once again making headway in your mother, home and personal development zone but Uranus is pulling in a different direction during the first two weeks of the month. This is coming from your travel, deep study, legal and ethics zone where you don’t want any restrictions right now. This friction should have run its course by 14th though.

The month before our birthday, we’re often at lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. But when it returns to our sign, we experience a sense of renewal and our energy is restored back to our full-force, vibrant selves.

This applies to us all but as the ruling planet for Leos is the Sun, this annual process of renewal is especially important for you. The Sun moves into Leo on 22nd. And when the Sun returns to the same degree as when you were born (around you birthday), we call this a solar return and it’s the beginning of your New Year. Make some resolutions!

There is more good news before then, as Venus enters your sign on 12th making you darling of the zodiac. Mercury follows on 14th so you’ll have lots of ideas to express and share too. Venus makes a positive aspect to Saturn on 19th – 20th which is good for disciplined creativity and there can be a concrete outcome if you seriously apply your talents and skills!

Virgo:   Activity in your friends, group, community and humanitarian ideals zone starts the month with Venus offering good relations and pleasure. The need for personal creativity may get in the way of collective achievement in some way during the first week of July but support from a Grand Trine (a very fortunate line-up of planets) keeps your group projects buoyant.

Mars is now forging ahead in your communications zone keeping your mind positive and you may be more assertive than usual which is no bad thing and can actually be helpful in relationships and partnerships.

Jupiter in Virgo which should have been bringing expansion to you has been bogged down by Saturn and Neptune during the last few months but on 20th it gets clear of them both and a sense of optimism about your present and future possibilities returns.

Full Moon on 19th raises emotions in your romance, children and creativity zone. Express them!


Libra:   Planetary emphasis in your father, career and social status zone during the first half of the month is good for ambitions and people in positions of power will feel inclined to grant you favours if you ask before 12th. Murmurings from home or even eruptions may run counter to your ambitions though from 1st – 7th.

A Grand Trine is helping your public life and your finances as Mars makes headway and provides the energy to work on new or further streams of income. Partners (business or personal) may not be fully behind this though and some discomfort is around until 14th as these twoareas of life collide.

On 12th your ruling planet Venus moves into yourgroups, friends, community and humanitarian ideals zone. This is followed on 14th by Mercury and by the Sun on 22nd. Make time to enjoy them all!


Scorpio:   Three planets are opposite your ruling planet Pluto during the first week of the month, bringing emotional intensity and possible power plays to the fore. Mars is charging your energy levels and assertiveness all month too. This means you can push ahead with your ambitions and wishes and cover a lot of ground in a short time.

The only fly in the ointment seems to be coming from Uranus in your 6th House of work, health, service to others and daily routine. Your unwillingness to compromise or your need for freedom in these areas Is at odds with Mars until 14th. However Mars is in a Grand Trine with Chiron and with Sun, Mercury and Venus as they pass by. They’re all in water signs which gives a series of positive emotional circuits from 5th – 16th.

Planetary and ego energies are strong this month and could be tricky to handle. Insisting on being right isn’t a good use of them. While valuing your mettle and self-assurance, resist the temptation to impose your will or opinions on others. And if the urge arises, use it internally to explore power patterns in your relationships.


Sagittarius:     Planets are highlighting your 8th House of transformation, joint funds and sharing (both financially and intimately), bringing pleasure until 22nd. Concerns about your actual income may cloud the skies during the first week of the month and at Full Moon on 19th but your 8th House planets form part of a lovely Grand Trine with Mars and Chiron which offer the energy to seek positive outcomes.

From 12th Venus moves into your travel, deep study and ethics zone, followed two days later by Mercury and then Sun from 22nd. If you can, arrange trips away or cultural exploration closer to home if time is tight. Your general outlook should be good which in itself attracts interesting opportunities.

Your ruling planet Jupiter gets clear of Saturn and Neptune from 20th which means clear steering ahead in your father, career and social status zone. This will come as a relief after being bogged down by the other two planets over the last few months. Optimism may have been hard to find during that period but you can pick up the badge once again, dust it off, give it a polish and off you go!

Capricorn:   Venus, Mercury and then Sun start the month in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships, offering harmony, good communications and pleasure but some aspect of yourself can’t seem to relax into this and may actually be stirring up conflict between 1st – 7th. Don’t blame others for this as your own dynamics are behind it…

Mars is pushing energy into your friends, groups, community and organisations zone all month which works well with partnerships and ideas. It can also help to heal communications with neighbours and siblings and improve your flexibility including physical movement.

Your ruling planet Saturn is still squaring up to Neptune which brings up the theme of reality versus the dream. The opportunity on offer is to explore how the workings of your unconscious effect your thinking. With Saturn on board some kind of disciplined practice is recommended such as meditation or spiritual practice.

Full Moon on 19th is in Capricorn and finds an emotional you. Be open to the material it presents.

Aquarius:    Uranus your ruling planet spends the first half of the month at odds with Mars which wants to make headway in your father, career and social status zone but your mindset doesn’t quite agree. Other planets also disagree with Uranus in passing but for better or worse you will keep to your tune…

Meanwhile planets in your 6th House are making work and health enjoyable areas and relations with colleagues should be good too. New Moon on 4th is also in this area of your solar chart and is the perfect day to start a new regime to improve your health, well-being and daily routine.

On 12th Venus moves into your relationships and partnerships zone, followed by Mercury on 14th and the Sun on 22nd. This helps relating, communications and self-expression and you may be more susceptible than usual to the charms of others…

Pisces:   A Grand Trine of planets (a very positive formation) is supporting Chiron in Pisces which can have a healing effect on youridentity and sense of self from 5th – 16th. Yourromance, children and creativity zone is involved in this too and offers pleasure until 22nd. Your travel, study, publishing, legal and ethics zone is the third area involved where Mars is forging onwards. Uncertainty about your finances may block progress here though until after 14th.

Uranus in your 2nd House creating disruption to finances and security also scuppers the range of romantic or creative expression from 7th – 16th. Living with uncertainty is something we do all the time but often don’t realise it due to the buffers we have in place. With Uranus here though, the buffers don’t seem to work and we have to face life head on. This is no different to usual but it feels different. Acknowledge these feelings but don’t be defeated by them.

Saturn continues to keep Neptune in Pisces pinned to the ground and unable to take flights of fancy. This is restrictive for Neptune but you have most of this year to get used to it… Jupiter gets clear of these two though from 20th which brings a sense of optimism and opportunities to relationships and partnerships which has been missing for some time. This is something to be grateful for and celebrate. Time for growth and expansion!

To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch to explore your birth chart by phone or skype phone – or 07929 261231 (++44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK)

June 2016

Our shared planetary picture

The human race seems not to be at its best or happiest this month, as a sequence of planets are forming ‘a Grand Cross’ in the heavens (a number of planets all at 90° to each other).  This makes for tensions in general and possible deadlocks.  All these planets are in mutable signs too (Gemini, Virgo, Sag. and Pisces) which are the most prone to nervous energy, so we might all be feeling a share of the anxiety going around.

Each sign will experience this in four different areas of life.  The first week is particularly challenging and also the period from 19th – 23rd.  Neptune (which is one of our main players this month) also goes retrograde on 13th making things even more unfathomable but Mars at least goes direct on 29th which should help us to at least be fit to move forwards.

One of the positive aspects of mutable signs is that they assimilate information and break it down to make it more accessible to us all.  They also form a kind of ‘digestion’ and breaking down process at the end of things, making space for new ideas, concepts and structures to be initialised.  So bear this in mind if you find yourself getting anxious: it is an essential part of all growth processes, however uncomfortable that might be this time.

Attending to your well-being is helpful, taking more exercise can also be a good way of dispelling nervous energy (encourage others to join you) and calming, soothing activities are good for all.

There is also a ‘blue moon’ of sorts as the Full Moon on the morning of 20th (so the build up is on 19th) is for a second month running in Sag.  This presents us with a second chance in some way.  Last month the Full Moon was at 1° Sag, right at the beginning of the sign and this month it is at 29° which is right at the end.  The best hope is that having had an extra month to think about things, we are now hopefully wiser and more principled and will make better judgements.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun Sign  and  your Ascendant Sign if you know it.


Aries:  Nervous energy is high during the first week of the month as a collection of planets dash through your 3rd House of communications, trading and dealings with neighbours or siblings and once again from 19th – 23rd.  This upsets three apple carts: that of your travel, legal and ethics zone and also your work, health and service to others zone plus spiritual ideals.

This high-pitched dynamic is happening globally.  We’re all in this together and you more than most will want to take action but your ruling planet Mars is retrograde until 29th so you may just have to bear the discomfort until then.  Even so an aspect between Mars and Uranus (which is in Aries) may trigger one of your unique brainwaves between 9th – 12th or from 29th, so be on the lookout for flashes of brilliance!

Meanwhile, more exercise might help and further attention to intimacy, joint funds and sharing – all possible areas that Mars is still currently reviewing until 29th.  After that, with a better understanding of what needs doing, you’ll be ready to move forwards!


Taurus:  Your financial and security area looks very busy this month as three fast-moving planets dash through.  They’re in difficult aspect to three slower-moving planets though which makes for uncertainty, lack of clarity and possibly not the best behaviour from others…  This may be more noticeable during the fIrst week of the month and again from 19th – 23rd.  There could be disputes around 9th too.

New Moon falls in your income and security zone on 5th too which is a good day to make new financial plans for the year ahead and perhaps consider your values too.  Joint funds, intimacy and sharing are presented emotionally once again in the build-up to Full Moon on the morning of 20th.  This is the second month Full Moon that has been in Sag. which provides a second chance to resolve whatever needs resolving here.

Mars continues its retrograde movement through your 7th House for most of the month pressing you to review your recent position on relationships and partnerships.  It goes direct on 29th though so progress could be at hand.  The end of the month from 25th is emotionally, financially or creatively interesting and intense on a number of counts as your ruling planet Venus encounters Saturn, Neptune and then Pluto – a week to remember!


Gemini:  Venus in your sign is adding to your charms until 17th when it moves on to improve your finances for the rest of the month.  Despite winning the popularity stakes though, things are tricky…

The Sun and Venus in your sign get caught up with a difficult dynamic between Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune from 1st – 7th which could be tense.  Of course as the zodiac’s prime communicator, you’ll find the words needed to skate over difficulties but when your ruling planet Mercury runs into the same planetary line up from 19th – 23rd, even you might be lost for words!

The areas of life likely to throw up conflicting demands are father, career and social status versus mother, home and personal development; and also partnerships versus who you now are…  New Moon falls in Gemini on 5th during this period too which marks your personal New Year.  Despite the dynamics facing you, make some New Year’s Resolutions to improve your emotional life in the year ahead.

For a second month running, Full Moon on 20th is in Sag your opposite sign which once again raises the emotional stakes in partnerships.  This time it’s at the end of the sign and having had a month to think about it, your responses should now be more in balance.  Second time lucky!


Cancer:  So many things are going on behind the scenes and information may come to you from your unconscious, perhaps in dreams.  While information coming from your inner workings is usually welcome, the repercussions to your work, health or daily routine may make you wonder about that…

Daily communications, dealings with siblings or neighbours or trading are also effected along with concerns about legal, cultural or ethical matters.  So all in all there are lots of opportunities for anxieties, all of which (of course) you must avoid!

New Moon on 5th falls in your unconscious zone too.  Make resolutions to handle worries better, perhaps along the lines of mindfulness, meditation, spiritual practice, helping others less fortunate or creativity behind the scenes.

Mars spends most of the month still going back to review how you’ve been dealing with romance, children or creativity but then goes direct on 29th when you can start to apply your conclusions.  On the pleasurable side, Venus enters your sign from 17th making you darling of the zodiac.  Doors will open!


Leo:  Mars is still moving backwards through your mother, home and personal development area, pressing you to review how you have or haven’t been asserting yourself in these domains.  On 29th it starts moving forwards but the process won’t be complete until early August.

The ‘noisy’ areas this month though are coming from planets moving through your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals which somehow clash with romance, children or personal creativity.  This sets off another reaction in your personal finances which should have been improving versus your joint funds area which is at best unclear and looks like it’s going from bad to worse when Neptune goes retrograde on 13th.  The first week of the month is perhaps the trickiest but 19th – 23rd could also be challenging.

New Moon on 5th falls in your ‘collective’ area.  Make plans for future projects with friends, groups, communities and humanitarian ideals!


Virgo:   A collection of planets are forming a difficult dynamic during the first week of June which impacts you personally.  Jupiter planet of growth and expansion is still bringing opportunities your way but conflicting demands from other areas of your life may make you wonder whether this is a blessing…  There’s still a clash between your father, career and social status zone and your mother and home life.  On top of which partnerships are unclear and possibly more is being asked of you than it should.

In the face of these confusing dynamics and other people’s messes, working on personal development is helpful.  You may need to draw boundaries too.  This can be done gently but you must stick to them!

The same dynamics as the first week crop up again briefly from 19th – 23rd when your ruling planet Mercury runs into them all.  This highlights communications – not necessarily making them easier but your insight will be sharp.

Full Moon falls for a second month running in Sag in your mother and home zone (on the morning of 20th).  You already have serious Saturn sitting here and the second Full Moon in a row raises the emotional temperature once again but also opens the opportunity of a different response this time – one that expresses your true position!


Libra:  Your ruling planet Venus is taking various batterings this month (especially at the beginning and the end) but so are most planets.  Quick planetary movements through your travel, ethics and legal zone are deepening the divide in communications, trading and dealings with neighbours and siblings.  Your work and health zone is also a bit phased by this as is your inner world.

Keep in mind that these tricky dynamics are global not just personal and look for opportunities to mediate, liaise and work with others.

Venus helpfully moves into your 10th House of father, career and social status from 17th which helps smooth the path for future ambitions.  People with authority will also be well-disposed towards you.  Ask favours if you need any.

As last month, Full Moon in Sag. falls in your communications zone, this time on the morning of 20th.  It’s a second chance to speak forthrightly…


Scorpio:  Your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing is being stimulated this month and any of these (including taxes, debts, inheritances and the money of others) could have quite an impact on your sense of security.  Your personal creativity versus group achievement could also be set off uncomfortable or matters to do with children or romance versus friendship.

Mars continues its backward journey through your sign until 29th, wanting you to review how you’ve been asserting yourself recently, along with goal-setting, sexual expression or physical energy in general.  It’s going to be in your sign for just over one more month so matters are not yet settled or complete but at least it’s moving forwards from the end of this month!

New Moon also falls in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone on 5th.  Make some resolutions for the 12 months ahead about how you ‘share’ both your resources and yourself personally!


Sagittarius:  All kinds of tricky dynamics come to prod you this month.  Saturn retrograde in your sign continues its serious soul searching and Jupiter and Neptune bring up ideals about mother and home which conflict with your urge for expansion in your father, career and social status zone.  While you may have got used to all of this last month, partners throw in a new ingredient to the mix this month which could possibly confound you.

Your focus during this complex dynamic should be inwards.  The question is who you really are and how that should now be expressed.  If we’re completely true to ourselves, we can’t then be false to others.  You’ve been accommodating everyone, except perhaps yourself… and as you know this self-neglect can’t go on indefinitely.

New Moon on 5th falls in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships.  Make some New Year’s Resolutions about that (again where you and your needs also feature). The money of others looks helpful from 17th.  And Full Moon on the morning of 20th is in your sign for a second month!  This is a second chance to express your emotions – take it!


Capricorn:  Planets moving through your 6th House of work, health, service to others and daily routine are triggering off nagging self-doubts.  Communications in general, trading or dealings with siblings or neighbours continue to be of concern in some way, as do legal, cultural or ethical matters.

The first week of the month is especially challenging, with a lot of planets at odds with Saturn your ruling planet.  The 19th – 23rd is tricky too.  New Moon on 5th also falls in your work and health zone which could indicate that taking more exercise or a new regime could perhaps help with current tensions.

Mars is working backwards through your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone for most of the month, looking at changes that are still needed.  It goes direct however on 29th and then headway can once again be made.

There’s more good news too from 17th when Venus moves into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships, smoothing ruffled feathers and bringing pleasure.  Enjoy!


Aquarius:   Planets are moving through your 5th House of romance, children and creativity this month.  Normally this would be pleasurable but this time it triggers conflicts in your friends, groups and community zone and rebounds too on your finance and joint funds area.  Personal finances also take a turnaround when Neptune goes retrograde on 13th, making them even more unfathomable…

Retrograde Mars in your father, career and social status zone urges you to review how you have or haven’t been asserting yourself in terms of ambitions or public standing. It goes direct however on 29th but still has another month to run after that for you to fully attend to these matters.

Although Mars makes a bit of a challenge to Uranus from 9th – 12th and from 29th, you have a better chance than most this month of having a bit of fun.  A number of planets make nice aspects to Uranus your ruling planet.  From 11th – 12th Venus smooths things along and brings pleasurable interactions with others or creatively.  On 13th – 14th the Sun is in good aspect, bringing fortitude and well-being and on 26th – 27th Mercury brings mental delights and good fun.  In a difficult month for all, be grateful for these blessings!


Pisces:  Planets moving through your 4th House of mother and home are triggering off conflict with your father, career and social status zone, as well as rubbing against ongoing issues about partnerships versus your true identity.

Although Venus is one of the planets involved which usually brings pleasure to the home, this time things are more complicated. New Moon falls in your 4th House however on 5th which marks the beginning of your domestic New Year.  Make some resolutions for a happy homelife in the year ahead and make some for personal development too.

Your ruling planet Neptune goes retrograde on 13th obscuring once again your sense of ‘self’ in some way or your ability to see how you present yourself.  Full Moon on the morning of 20th is for a second month running in your father, career and social status zone.  This is a second opportunity to voice how you’re feeling about these matters.  Grasp the nettle.  There won’t be a third for some time!


To find out what this means for you as an individual or to explore your birth chart by phone, please get in touch 07929 261231 (or ++ 447929 261231 if calling from outside UK) or write to me –



May 2016

Our shared planetary picture

Jupiter is at the centre of things this month as it is involved in the two big planetary  alignments taking place.  There is an ongoing Grand Trine (an equilateral triangle formed by planets in the heavens) which is a positive and lovely dynamic, this time in practical Earth signs, formed by Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Virgo and the Sun, Venus and then Mercury in Taurus.

Jupiter also goes direct on 9th after having been retrograde since early January which offers the possibility of progress for us all.  And if we have done our inner homework… – expansion and opportunities!

At the same time however, Jupiter is involved in a T-square (where three planets are all at 90° from each other, as in the shape of the letter ‘T’) which is a tense and stressful dynamic.  This involves two planets opposite each other bursting out at a third point.

Our present T-square features Jupiter in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces which means a clash between the desire for growth and protecting ideals.  The conflict here bursts out at a third point – Saturn in Sag – which represents the responsibility of being ethical and principled.  As Mars is already going retrograde in Sag, we all have to review our past and present stances on religion, philosophy, ethics and ‘the truth’ however we see it and our responsibility to uphold the rights of others to see it differently.

Pluto, Saturn and Mars continue in retrograde motion all month.  On 27th Mars moves back into Scorpio to remind us of questionable past actions…  But on 22nd Mercury goes direct.  Try not to sign anything important until after that.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun Sign and your Ascendant Sign if you know it.


Aries:   There’s lots of financial activity this month and some of it looks promising!  The Sun, Venus and Mercury (although it’s retrograde until 22nd – so don’t sign anything important before then if possible) are all moving through your 2nd House of money, security, values and self-esteem.  They’re also in good aspect to Jupiter and Pluto which are operating in your 6th House of work, health and service to others and your 10th House of father, career and social status.  So things are looking good in your professional or public life – and fruitful!

Your travel, philosophy, legal, cultural and ethics zone is not looking so cheerful though and more thought is needed about one or more of these areas.  Emotions that well up in relation to this at Full Moon on 21st might just be the trigger you need to think this through and even to get help.

Your ruling planet Mars appears to be moving backwards and re-enters your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and ‘the money of others’ from 27th.  More work to do here too… and another chance to get it right!


Taurus:   The Grand Trine in Earth signs during the first week of May involves your Sun in a powerful, up-beat dynamic.  Jupiter planet of growth and opportunity and Pluto planet of deep transformation are urging you to expand beyond your present, self-imposed limits and if you’re brave enough to break out, it looks like this could be fun!

Further opportunities present themselves later in the month when Venus (also in your sign) lines up with the same two planetary ‘big boys’, bringing happy social times, attractions and possible obsessions with others…

Venus your ruling planet is in Taurus until 24th, making you darling of the zodiac and as Jupiter and Pluto are aspecting it from 10th – 14th, your charisma will be high!  Enjoy all the attention and try to make time for creativity too.  Mercury (although retrograde until 22nd) enjoys the same dynamic from 13th, so all in all this looks like a memorable month.

New Moon on 6th is also in Taurus.  This is the beginning of your personal new year.  Make resolutions for your emotional life.  If you’re clear about what you want, this month you might just manifest it.  Begin by opening your arms and saying – “I accept the ___________ (say here whatever it is you’d like) that’s coming into my life”.  Then write in to me when it shows up!


Gemini:   Clashes between your public and private personas create heavy responsibilities or dilemmas in your partnerships zone.  Ideals (possibly misled)  about your career or social status (and possibly connected to your experience of your father) clash with the need for real growth in your personal development.  Jupiter goes direct on 9th in your mother, home and personal development zone, demanding expansion – and something will have to give…

Meanwhile more pleasant things are happening in your spiritual and creative life and ‘the money of others’ could benefit you too.  Time spent on creativity behind the scenes, healing and meditation are particularly enriching this month.

The month before our birthday the Sun has been away from us for the longest time and we’re often at lowest ebb but on 20th the Sun enters your sign, bringing renewal and fresh stores of energy.  Venus enters Gemini too from 24th adding to your irresistible charms.  Enjoy!


Cancer:   Your social and community life look full of pleasure this month as Sun, Venus and Mercury form good aspects to Jupiter and Pluto.  Make time to spend with friends and join or form a group that develops ideas you’re interested in.  Partners are supportive too, so make the most of this.

Jupiter goes direct on 9th helping forward movement in positive thinking, physical movement and dealings with siblings and neighbours.  Capture good ideas that crop up  (i.e. write them down) for future use.  Only when our mind is at its most positive, do we become aware of our full potential.  Everything you think of can’t be acted on at once, so be sure not to lose any of these gems and get your good ideas written down!

Work, health, service to others and daily routine continue to be ‘heavy jelly’.  Do your best and work on understanding what inner dynamics of your own may have helped to create this situation.  Don’t avoid looking into this.  The worst thing that could happen is that you could learn something important to help you in the future and even more important – now!


Leo:   A stellium of planets (a big gathering) in your 10th House of father, career and social status, firm up your ambitions this month and incline people in authority to look upon you favourably.  If you need to ask favours, do so.

New Moon on 6th also falls in this area of your chart, marking the beginning of your professional New Year.  Make time to form plans and resolutions for your year ahead.  And to give them even more strength, share them with selected others, as this increases the likelihood of you following through.

The planets mentioned above (the Sun, Venus and Mercury) are also in excellent aspect to Jupiter and Pluto which bring opportunities, growth and transformation, especially after Jupiter goes direct on 9th.  You might also be pleased to know that Jupiter’s in your 2nd House of money, security and values which should improve your income or sense of security (which have been in question since early January).

Get to work on those plans and forge ahead!


Virgo:   Contradictory things are going on this month as Jupiter in your sign makes lovely aspects to the Sun, then Venus and then Mercury and also to Pluto all month.  This brings good cheer, optimism and a sense of your own potency and strength.  Jupiter also goes direct on 9th after four months retrograde which means in one way, the brakes are off – hurray!

The areas of life benefitting from this lovely line-up are your 9th House of exploring which includes travel, religion, philosophy, deep study and legal matters.  They can all be sources of pleasure this month) and your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  Mixing with people from different cultures and mindsets will be enjoyable and can also widen your awareness of the rich, human diversity in our wonderful world.

At the same time though, Jupiter’s in a challenging T square with Neptune and Saturn.  All three planets are in mutable signs which means lots of tensions…  Relationships and partnerships may seem unfathomable and responsibilities in your 4th House of mother, home and personal development weigh heavily.  Do your duty and make room for the freedom of travel or exploring and creativity.  And keep a note of good ideas that crop up from 13th!


Libra:   The lovely Grand Trine of planets in the heavens at present are working favourably in the water Houses of your chart and many things can be achieved subtly and sensitively.  Creativity behind the scenes starts to generate progress once again when Jupiter goes direct on 9th after being in limbo since early January.  There’s activity in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone too as Sun, Venus and Mercury travel through.  ‘The money of others’ could benefit you.  And your roots, foundations and personal development are being helped along too.

Less comfortable is a T- square (three planets all at 90° from each other) which may be generating unsettling thoughts.  Your work or health may be at odds with ideals and the present dilemma is what to think and just as importantly, what to say and perhaps even more importantly, how to say it.

Dealings with siblings or neighbours could be demanding too and even physical movement could be more difficult in some way.  When the way is blocked or heavy-going, a review is needed to look at how we’ve been dealing with things in the past and how we want to deal with them in the future.  In this instance, it’s one or more of the following – your communications, how you think, how you move, trading and dealings with siblings and neighbours.  Get stuck in and see what you come up with!


Scorpio:   A dazzling series of planetary happenings are enhancing your relationships and partnerships zone this month which should feel good – very good!  Jupiter is adding to the growth and expansion that’s taking place and your ruling planet Pluto gives the satisfying depth that you need to feel fully alive!

As well as giving a massive boost to your partnerships, the triangular formation of planets (this Grand Trine) is also helping your 3rd House of communications, physical movement, ideas, trading, siblings and neighbours.  The other area benefitting from this line-up is your 11th House of friends, groups, community, society and humanitarian ideals.  Jupiter goes direct in these areas on 9th and expansion and pleasure follow.

Mars re-enters your sign on 27th going retrograde (backwards) to remind you of past actions you might prefer to forget but need to look at again.  Meanwhile, finances and security continue to groan along.  Do your best…


Sagittarius:   Your ruling planet Jupiter goes direct on 9th after four months in retrograde and it’s in lovely aspect to Sun and then Venus and then Mercury, along with a good aspect to Pluto all month.  This will be enjoyable and instill you with confidence about your abilities and how to use them to their best advantage in the future.  It’s just now that weighs more heavily.

Conflicting demands from your father and career zone and your mother and home sphere are clashing and the impact from this falls on you.  Whether this is fair or not is another question but your shoulders will need to be broad for the time being…

Mars continues to bring frustrations as it travels backwards in your sign until 27th (when it revisits Scorpio for a couple of months).  And Full Moon in your sign on 21st will bring up emotions.  Share them.


Capricorn:   It’s a contradictory month for Goats.  While Pluto in your sign is making positive aspects all month with an array of co-operative planets, your ruling planet Saturn is taking some flack!

Your love affairs, children and creativity zone is full of fun and pleasure and travel, exploring or legal matters look fine too!  The difficulties that are around quite separate to this, seem to be coming from your movement and communications zone (including siblings and neighbours) which is clashing with the bigger picture.  The result is disquiet in your internal workings.

Whereas a vivid imagination has much creative potential, it’s important right now that it isn’t used to feed anxieties.  Speak to others about worries or fears, seek respite through creative channels or meditation and keep your self-talk positive!


Aquarius:   Planets are pleasurably activating your mother and home zone all month, including Venus which may inspire you to beautify your home or entertain others there.  They’re also in a Grand Trine (amazing triangular dynamic in the heavens) with Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunities and Pluto, planet of transformation.

Jupiter is in your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing and it goes direct on 9th after four months in retrograde which means forward movement and growth are once again possible and probable.  You could also benefit from ‘the money of others’ in some way!

New Moon on 6th falls in your 4th House of mother and home, roots and foundations.  This marks the beginning of your domestic New Year.  Make some resolutions for a happy home in the year ahead.  Your friends, groups and humanitarian ideals area looks a bit tricky.  Keep it simple if you can!


Pisces:   After four months of being retrograde and going back over old ground, Jupiter goes direct on 9th, bringing growth and forward movement to relationships and partnerships.  This alone would be good news but even better are the positive aspects it forms to other planets.  Friends, groups and community add to the happy picture, as do communications, neighbours and siblings.

Meanwhile, confusion, over-idealism or under-estimation about yourself finds growth in partnerships hard to accept and the whole area of father, career or social status needs reviewing.  At best this could result in gaining well-earnt authority, there’s also a chance you could be taking too much responsibility for things outside your control or at worst you might encounter crippling self-doubt.

If the latter, do your inner homework to work out what events or thoughts are holding you back.  Full Moon on 21st may bring all of this to a head.  Find a good listener to hear you through and if that means a professional, even better.  An opportunity for growth is on your doorstep!


To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch to arrange a birth chart phone consultation or reading –

April 2016

Our shared planetary picture

A startling New Moon in Aries on 7th involves Uranus – planet of change, disruption and revolution which could bring either exciting, alarming or astonishing events and awakenings.  It also squares Pluto in Capricorn which poses a challenge to existing hierarchies and the current status quo.

As individuals we have very little say in world events unless we group together to have a collective voice and there is a chance now of actually being heard.  Also in our own lives, how we think about things makes our ‘reality’ so being open to new ways of thinking can revolutionise our own lives too.

Mars goes retrograde in Sag. on 17th taking us all back to look at how we have been asserting ourselves in certain areas of life (different for each sign).  We have until late June to review this, before moving forwards again.

Saturn also went retrograde in these same areas of life last month, so a doubly deep review is taking place.  If we can face our earlier and present shortcomings, we can find better ways of asserting ourselves and taking responsibility, when taking action becomes fully possible again mid-August.

Meanwhile Neptune in Pisces is squaring both Mars and Saturn so proceeding in our old way of doing things is unlikely to work anyway.  We need to develop subtler strategies that take others into consideration and the bigger picture too.  A wider way of thinking (and acting) can also bring personal growth.

A Grand Trine (an equilateral triangle) of planets in Earth signs mid-month (13th – 17th) offers creative, expansive and workable good ideas.  Be open to these too, apply them now and also keep hold of them for future application.

Pluto goes retrograde on 18th challenging old ambitions and their worthiness.  If they hold positive content, they will survive this testing but if they are now inappropriate to who you truly are, these too will need to go.  This is just dead wood moving out of your path.  Resist holding on to anything that seems to be on the way out.  Let it go.

How appropriate our leaders are is another huge area up for review and who we give authority to needs deep thought…

This looks like an interesting and important month both individually and collectively.  Do your personal ‘homework’ and use your local and global voice for a better world (before 28th when Mercury goes retrograde)!


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   The Sun illuminates your sign until 19th and New Moon in Aries on 7th marks a dazzling fresh start to your personal new year.  Make new resolutions regarding your emotional life.  Your social status is linked to this in some way too.

Your ruling planet Mars can’t really push ahead at present as Neptune diffuses it all month and it also goes retrograde on 17th.  Saturn is already retrograde in the same area of your chart which means a double review is needed – now!

The areas to re-assess involve exploring – both physically as in travel and the great outdoors and metaphysically as in deep study, religion and philosophy.  Cultural, legal and ethical principles and ‘the truth’ (whatever that means to you) are also up for grabs. Give the matters that resonate with you right now, the time that they need.

On a lighter note, Venus in your sign makes you the zodiac’s favourite from 5th onwards.  You’ll love surprising others around 20th – 22nd when Uranus joins in too.  Enjoy your popularity!


Taurus:   Your inner workings are hyper-active this month as Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and New Moon (on 7th) all shake you up.  Any self-defeating or self-harming habits can be examined and taken in hand.  Pay attention to the content of your dreams and your self-talk too.  There could also be an awakening through your online, charitable, spiritual or creative life.  The 20th – 22nd could bring surprises too.

The month before your birthday is often one of lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.  But on 19th the Sun moves into Taurus and restores your energy reserves bringing a very welcome sense of renewal.

The Mars-Saturn review everyone is getting falls in your 8th House of the transformational processes of life (birth, sex and death), joint funds (taxes, debts and inheritances) and sharing.  These are heavy-weight areas and you have to go back and re-examine how you’ve been dealing with one or more of these and work out what would be a better way forward.  You have until mid-August to think this through.

Mercury in Taurus is looking good until 28th (when it goes retrograde) and especially good from 13th – 17th.  Only when our mind is at its most positive do we become aware of our full potential and this is one of those periods!  Be sure to make a note and follow up on creative ideas that come to mind around this time.

A strong Full Moon in Scorpio is in your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships.  It’s early morning (06.23 BST) on 22nd and the big build up on 21st finds an emotional you!


Gemini:   All kinds of unfathomable things are going on with relationships and partnerships.  Mars and your urge to push forward is thwarted by Neptune all month (which continues to mystify and confuse your public and your social status zone). On 17th Mars also goes retrograde and the following day Pluto does likewise (in your joint funds zone).

Saturn is already retrograde in your 7th House when Mars joins it in reverse which means a double review needs to take place about relationships and partnerships.  Further thought is needed and you have until mid-August to mull this all over before you can fully take action.

Your ruling planet Mercury is busy behind the scenes bringing some of your inner workings to light.  This is rich material for creative work and for understanding others better.  Mercury goes retrograde on 28th however so deal with any important paperwork before then.

The welcome relief of the month comes from friends, groups, and community who wake you up, enthuse you and keep you going.  New Moon on 7thalso falls in this area of your chart and brings fresh possibilities and surprises could follow around 20th – 22nd.  Enjoy their company and input!


Cancer:   There’s lots happening in your professional sphere of father, career and social status.  And New Moon on 7th brings an unexpected fresh start and could propel you into the public eye in some way.  Partners however may have a strong opinion about this which could be tricky…

Making headway in your 6th House of work, health and service to others may not be possible right now.  This could include dealings with colleagues, daily companions, employees, daily routine and pets!  Mid-month Mars goes retrograde, joining Saturn which is also in reverse here.

You need to stop and carry out a review in how you’ve been dealing with one or more of these areas and how you want to deal with them in the future.  You have until mid-August to complete this review.  Then, better-informed, you can take action.

Neptune squares both Mars and Neptune all month.  Ideals, unrealistic thinking or mis-information around travel, studies, cultural differences, in-laws, legal or ethical matters, cause you to stop in your tracks.  Do stop and explore the issues involved.

Expect the unexpected around 20th – 22nd when out of the blue opportunities arise or a benefactor brings surprises.  Of course, without question, you’re worth it!


Leo:   ‘Exploring’ either physically (through travel and the great outdoors) or metaphysically (through deep study, religion, philosophy, different cultures, ethics or legal matters) present you with new perspectives.  This is an awakening.  How we think about things makes our reality and here is a chance to break out of the restraints of your usual mindset.  Be open to this vast new view!

Mars and Saturn have put the brakes on in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity and you have to carry out a review in one or more of these areas.  How have you been handling things in the past?  And what might better strategies be?  You have until mid-August before you can apply your conclusions.  Do your inner homework meanwhile.

Sun moves into your 10th House of father, career and social status on 19th, illuminating and giving energy to your ambitions.  Mercury’s there too from 5th but goes retrograde on 28th.  See to important professional communications during the middle three weeks of the month.

Money-making ideas that abound around 13th – 17th could bear real fruit in the future.  Get to work to make them possible!


Virgo:   Joint funds, sharing, intimacy and ‘the money of others’ dominate the month which could take the form of donations, taxes, debts and inheritances.  And a radical new regime, budget or agreement is possible with New Moon on 7th.  Events around 20th – 22nd could also shake things up and take you by surprise!

Your mother, home, self-care and personal development zone is very demanding at present.  Saturn went retrograde here last month and on 17th Mars too goes retrograde, so pushing ahead may not be possible until you’ve carried out a deep internal review.  You have until mid-August to carry this out.

Mars and Saturn are also blocked all month by Neptune’s idealism or self-deception in your relationships and partnerships zone.  Ideals, unhelpful dreams or unscrupulous partners may be getting in the way of your growth.  Drastic action to solve this may not be possible.  Deeper thought, self-honesty and developing subtler strategies are your best immediate responses until you’re fully able to take action mid-August.

On the plus side, your ruling planet Mercury is busy exploring your travel, different cultures, deep study, religion, philosophy and legal zone.  It is also in good aspect with Jupiter and Pluto from 13th – 17th.  Make a note of creative ideas that come to mind then.  They have real content.

Make hay while the sun shines as Mercury goes retrograde on 28th, so deal with any important paperwork well before then.


Libra:   There’s lots happening in your relationships and partnerships zone and an intense New Moon on 7th offers a fresh start here in some way which may be startling and there may be repercussions on the home front.  Surprises turn up too around 20th – 22nd.

Communications and dealings with siblings and neighbours may feel skewered this month, on the one hand by Neptune creating fog in your work, health and service to others zone and then mid-month Mars goes retrograde, joining Saturn which is already retrograde in this area of your chart.

This means a review is needed in relation to thought, communications, trading, physical movement and dealings with siblings and neighbours.  Look at how you’ve been dealing with these areas in the past and how you want to deal with them in the future.

Give thought to joint funds, loans and debts this month.  Good ideas could occur mid-month but keep a clear head about finances around Full Moon on 21st – 22nd


Scorpio:   Work, health and service to others is a lively area this month and new offers may turn up around New Moon on 7th.  Venus is one of the planets involved which brings harmony to relationships with colleagues or daily companions.  There could be pleasant surprises around 20th – 22nd too.

Finances may resist improvement, despite every effort on your part, as Mars and Saturn are both heading backwards by mid-month.  This brings up the subject of what is enough and where or how a feeling of security is found and it may not be through material things.  The changes needed may be inner not outer and creativity or a value system that gives a sense of security could hold the key.

Your ruling planet Pluto is well-aspected mid-month (13th – 17th).  Follow through with creative ideas, especially ones that include friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  Pluto goes retrograde on 18th however to take you back to review how you think about things and perhaps how you’ve been dealing with neighbours or siblings.  This review lasts until late September.

Full Moon in your sign on 21st / 22nd finds an emotional you.  Gather up the insight it provides and keep things rational…


Sagittarius:   It’s hard to tell if you’re coming or going with Saturn going backwards in your sign.  Mars, also in Sag is clouded by Neptune and you can’t just keep doing things in your usual way.  It won’t work.  More subtle strategies are needed and you need to stop and take stock to find out what they may be.  (Taking others into consideration could be a clue… ).

Mars also goes retrograde on 17th.  This means a double review is needed to look at how you’ve dealt in the past with goal setting, applying your will, assertiveness, sexual expression and the use of physical energy in general and your whole identity and how you want to deal with these things in the future.  Meanwhile, don’t despair and remember – confusion is a creative state!

Pluto also goes retrograde on 18th in your finance, security and values zone.  A transformation is taking place here.  The question of what is enough presents itself and exploring where the feeling of enough comes from.  Your stand on what is important in life is undergoing deep changes.  You may have to let go of past values for the inner growth that is needed.

Romance, children and creativity thankfully offer excitement and fun this month with New Moon on 7th bringing fresh beginnings and then surprises on 20th – 22nd.  Take comfort here.


Capricorn:   A Grand Trine in Earth signs mid-month (from 13th – 17th) fills you with creative ideas.  Strike while the iron is hot and put them into action.  On 18th Pluto goes retrograde in your sign, taking you back to review how you’ve been handling your personal power.  You have until late September to look into this.

Otherwise everything’s happening on your mother and home front.  There’s a startling fresh start with New Moon here on 7th.  Venus is in residence too from 5th encouraging you to beautify your home, entertain and share its pleasures with others.

Your inner workings are busy too.  Mars goes retrograde mid-month and your ruling planet Saturn is already retrograde here.  A review is needed of one or more of the following: how you deal with your psychological patterns, self-talk, self-harming habits, compassion, your online life, your spiritual life and creativity behind the scenes.  Your conscious mind may not be helpful in achieving this but help from an experienced counsellor or spiritual guide may be.

Confusion around communications, depleted physical energy or dealings with siblings or neighbours could also get in the way of doing your inner homework.  Seek professional help and guidance to keep you on track.


Aquarius:   So much is happening in your 3rd House of communications.  Ideas are bursting out, your mind is buzzing and it may be hard to sleep with so much going on in your head.  Direct some of this energy into projects (New Moon on 7th would be a good time to start) and direct some into exercise, so that it doesn’t just run around your nervous system.  Get your ideas out there.

New forms of physical movement can bring exciting changes too.  Our neural pathways are linked to physical movement and new moves can open up new ways of thinking – be experimental!   Neighbours and siblings could be startling too…

Mars and Saturn are reversing through your 11th House of friends, groups, community, organisations, collectives and humanitarian ideals.  Making headway isn’t possible as a review needs to take place in how you’ve been dealing with one or more of these areas.  You have until mid-August to give this some thought and only then can all of your conclusions be applied.

Your ruling planet Uranus meets up with Venus around 20th – 22nd bringing mental delights.  This also coincides with Full Moon in your professional or public sphere.  The world needs your original ideas!


Pisces:   Your financial situation seems to be changing by the minute or your attitude towards it is – perhaps both…  A startling New Moon on 7th brings unexpected changes or realisations and marks the perfect time to put a new budget or money plan in place.  New money-making ventures could also be exciting and bring surprises, especially around 20th – 22nd.

Alternatively, an awakening could take place in your value system.  And freedom from possessions or a minimalist, eco-friendly-low-impact lifestyle could be the exciting challenge you’ve been looking for.

Meanwhile your 10th House of father, career and social status is under strain.  Saturn moved retrograde here last month and on 17th Mars does likewise.  Your ruling planet Neptune is also squaring these two all month so making headway is unlikely as a deep review needs to take place in looking deeply into one or more of these areas of life and also how fittingly (or otherwise) you’ve been asserting yourself…

You have until mid-August to work out what changes you need to make, then you can take action to apply your conclusions.  It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to proceed as normal until then, so take this time to also develop more subtle strategies that take others into more consideration.

Pluto also goes retrograde on 18th in your communications zone.  New ways of thinking about things can bring transformation to you.  Look into different ways to train your mind (e.g. meditation, hypnosis, positive-thinking, affirmations etc.).  Different forms of physical movement can have massive impact too.  Dealings with neighbours and siblings may also need reviewing.  Apply positive principles to the use of your mind and how you express it!


To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth chart consultations by phone, just get in touch – – 07929 261231 or ++44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK.


March 2016

Your Horoscope for March 2016

Our shared planetary picture

Each eclipse belongs to an eclipse family that reoccurs approximately every 18 years, for a period of roughly 1260 years. And on March 9th we have a total solar eclipse from the 130 Saros cycle that started in 1096 when European Christians launched the Cruscades.

Eclipses are connected to world events and the last time we had an eclipse from this cycle was in 1998 when two US embassies were bombed and prior to that was the one in 1980 when Iraq invaded Iran, the USA opposed the USSR’s invasion of Afghanistan and there was an assassination attempt on Syrian President Assad’s life.

It should be interesting to see what happens around the present eclipse in this series.  And keep in mind that the effects of an eclipse can be experienced in the months before it and afterwards.

Being in Pisces which is a mutable, water sign, the areas this eclipse influences are likely to include: matters to do with oceans, water, oil, feet, body fluids, waste lands, viruses, rodent outbreaks, religious orders, institutions (prisons, hospitals, psychiatric units etc), spirituality, visions, the pain and suffering of others, refugees, charities, compassion, the internet and the collective unconscious.

We may need more sleep during the week of this eclipse, medications (and alcohol) may have a stronger effect on us than usual as our sensitivity and receptivity is higher. It could also be a good idea beforehand to back up anything of value saved on your computer. This is a good time though for spiritual practices as ‘the veil’ (or the boundaries between different worlds) are thinner than usual.

As well as the eclipse, there is also a gathering of planets in Pisces this month. The Sun, Mercury and Venus all spend part of the month in Pisces whereas Neptune and Chiron continue their long residence all month.

Mars moves into Sag on 6th and Saturn goes retrograde on 25th (also in Sag), taking us back to review choices and events, in certain areas of life, different for each sign. We have until mid-August to carry out this review and may not be able to apply our conclusions until mid-November.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Your ruling planet Mars completes its tour of your intimacy, joint funds and sharing zone until 6th, then it moves into your travel, cultural, deep study, legal and philosophy zone. Explorations in any of these directions look exciting, although Saturn turns back to review a certain issue here from 25th.

Social life with friends, groups and community run pleasantly until 12th when Venus moves into the busiest area of your life this month – your behind the scenes life. A gathering of planets and an eclipse on 9th bring important inner dynamics to your attention.

The areas for you to examine are one, two or a mixture of the following – compassion, charity and the pain and suffering of others, institutions i.e. prisons, hospitals and psychiatric units, escapism (including through drink and drugs), time spent alone, your spiritual life, self-undoing, creativity behind the scenes, your online life and psychological inner workings.

These often unfathomable areas are not favourite dwelling places for straight forwards Aries but avoidance will not be to your advantage, so set aside some time to visit these depths. There is hidden treasure here to guide you on your onward path. Stop to find it.


Career matters and ambitions go well from 1st – 12th as Venus moves through your 10th House of father, career and social status. If you need the assistance of people with influence, go ahead and ask.

The main emphasis this month though falls in your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. The eclipse on 9th falls in this area which also has the passing input of Sun, Mercury and Venus and the constant input of Neptune and Chiron.

Your ideals about friends and groups etc. will be string when Venus joins Neptune on the weekend of 18th – 20th and there are opportunities for healing and mending misunderstandings and severed ties from 27th – 29th.

Mars spends the first week of the month in your partnerships zone, activating and heating things up there and then goes to join Saturn in your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. Saturn also goes retrograde in this area of your chart on 25th, taking you back (until mid-August) to review something unresolved in one of these areas.

Full Moon which occurs around mid-day on 23rd brings up emotions around work, health, service to others and your daily routine. Are any of these out of balance? Your reactions around this time could offer the answer. Notice what you notice. It could be helpful information.


Things are happening fast but they’re also bewildering and unexpected. A build-up of planets in your father, career and social status zone dominates the month and an eclipse on 9th adds to the drama.

Neptune has created a veil of uncertainty around these areas over the past few years. Ideals have been guiding you towards your desired goal and this month you should be able to see what has been blocking the way (and this could be something internal just as easily as it could be external).

New Moon with a total eclipse marks a new era in your public life on 9th. And from 12th Venus encourages people with influence to look favourably in your direction. If you have favours to ask, just ask.

Partnerships is the other active part of your chart. Mars gives you drive and determination from 6th to push things forward but Saturn goes retrograde on 25th in this same area, calling you back to revisit something that needs a second look. You have until mid-August to look into this and it may not be possible to move ahead with your conclusions until mid-November. Meanwhile do all your homework so that your decisions are clear and well-informed.


Mars continues in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity until 6th when it moves into your work, health and service to others zone. This provides a boost of energy for your work and for health routines.

Meanwhile Venus helps with intimacy, sharing and the money of others until 12th, when it moves into your 9th House, where there’s a build-up of planets all month.

This section of your chart covers travel, deep study, religion and philosophy, legal matters, in-laws and different cultures. Neptune and Chiron have been obscuring matters in one or more of these areas for quite a time but the Sun and Mercury help to bring some clarity and the eclipse on 9th falls in this area of your chart. This could be to do with separation, leading to better things.

Venus’s arrival on 12th makes things easier and brings harmony to relations in these areas. And when Venus meets Neptune on the weekend of 18th – 20th ideals are strong.

Full Moon (at mid-day GMT) on 23rd falls in your 4th House of mother and home. Explore the emotions raised to see if anything in these areas of life are out of balance.

There are opportunities for healing 29th – 31st as Venus meets Chiron. Be open to building bridges.


Six more days of action on the home front, then on 6th Mars moves into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity. And you’ll have energy for creative projects in any of these arenas. Your competitive instincts will be strong and you can push plans forward. You may be stopped in your tracks however when Saturn turns back on 25th to review certain matters connected to one or more of these areas, so make hay while the sun shines mid-month.

Partnerships run smoothly until 12th as Venus continues to bring harmony and co-operation. The main planetary emphasis though falls in your 8th House of birth, sex, death, joint funds, taxes, debts, inheritance, the money of others and sharing.

Neptune and Chiron have been clouding the view regarding one or more of these matters, so hopefully this build-up of other planets – the Sun, Mercury and Venus will help to illuminate these unclear areas. The total eclipse on 9th also falls here so expect many events around these transformational areas of life, this month.

Venus and Neptune join forces on the weekend of 18th – 20th. This could bring a wave of emotional idealism, reckless credit card use or selflessness with shared finances. Be sure the object of your attention is worth it…


You start the month with lots of mental energy (and possibly heated discussions) as Mars completes its stay in your communications zone. Your determination then moves on 6th to taking action on the mother and home front. Obstacles halt you in your tracks though when Saturn goes retrograde, also in this area from 25th. An internal review is needed to look once again at something that you thought did not matter. But it does. This review lasts until mid-August but it may not be possible to apply your conclusions until mid-November.

Venus smooths your work, health and service to others zone until 12th when it moves into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships. This area is perhaps the main emphasis this month as five planets gather there, in addition to the solar eclipse on 9th.

Neptune has been clouding and perhaps idealising your view of partnerships for a few years but the present planetary line up may bring some welcome clarity. While Virgos are renowned for their selflessness, this shouldn’t be taken to the point of submissiveness and self-harm. Factor your needs into whatever solutions you come up with, not just other people’s, especially around the weekend of 18th – 20th.

Full Moon on 23rd raises emotions around money and security. And a meeting of Venus and Chiron from 28th – 31st offers an opportunity for healing in partnerships. Take it.


Your ruling planet Venus brings pleasure to romance, children and creativity until 12th when it moves into your 6th House of work, health, daily routine and service to others. A gathering of planets in these areas of your life demand you devote your full attention this month to whatever needs looking at.

This focus runs for the whole month as Sun starts the month in this area of your chart, followed a week later by Mercury and the total solar eclipse on 9th. The general theme of this eclipse family is separation leading to better things, so this should be interesting.

Neptune and Chiron have been in this area of your chart for some time which has been creating a mist of uncertainty. And although clarity can’t be forced, time spent focusing on these areas of life this month will be helpful.

The Venus – Neptune conjunction on the weekend of 18th – 20th brings ideals to the fore. Relationships with colleagues and daily companions are highlighted, as are what you include in your daily routine and how it impacts your well-being.

This is followed by Full Moon in your sign on 23rd (at 12.02 GMT so the big build up is the night of 22nd), raising emotions about yourself. Be open to what it tells you.


Mars spends the first six days of March in your sign, urging you to be pro-active, assertive and dynamic. If you have any projects that need pushing forward, devote these days to doing just that. Your determined efforts then move on to money, security and values. If you’ve been thinking about creating a new form of income, this could be your year, starting from 6th. Saturn’s retrograde movement on 25th may halt things though, as an internal review of these areas needs to take place before progressing further.

You might also find you wander off task as another area of life bursts into life. Five planets are active in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity and two of them keep residence for the whole month. The eclipse on 9th also falls in this House so you won’t be complaining of boredom! The general theme of this eclipse is separation leading to better things.

The meeting of Venus and Neptune from 18th – 20th could also sweep you off your feet or if creativity is more your bag, a flow of inspiration could carry you far away. Dealings with children could also be the focus of selflessness on your part.

Later in the month from 28th – 31st Venus joins Chiron bringing opportunities for healing in these same areas too. Be sure to seize these days!


You’ll be raring to go this month when Mars leaps into your sign on 6th. Your will and determination will be strong and some headway can be made until an old chestnut blocks the works as Saturn goes retrograde in your sign on 25th.

An internal review needs to take place before you can fully move ahead and this concerns you, your identity and how you’ve been expressing yourself. This review will throw you in on yourself which is necessary. You have until mid-August to explore your inner workings and then by mid-November the way forward should be clear.

Your 4th House of mother, home, roots and foundations is the other big area of activity this month. Five planets and a solar eclipse show up which is not an easy agenda but it’s rich in terms of opportunities for personal growth.

Outer or inner confusion has been a feature as Neptune has been moving through this area of your chart over the past few years. And this month’s focus on them, may offer some glimpses of clarity as to what is actually happening. Be open to new information.

The weekend of 18th – 20th may call for selflessness on your part and 28th – 31st offers chances for healing, also on the mother and home front.

Sun moves into your romance, children and creativity zone from 21st – fun for all!


Your ruling planet Saturn goes retrograde this month on 25th in your behind the scenes life. This is taking you back to review an area of your inner workings that need a second look. This could be in the area of compassion and charity, institutions (prisons, hospitals and psychiatric units), time spent alone, self-undoing, your spiritual life, creativity behind the scenes or your online life. Mars is also stimulating these same areas from 6th, giving you energy to explore whatever needs looking at.

A build-up of planets all month and an eclipse on 9th in your 3rd House of communications, physical movement, trading, neighbours and siblings dominate the month however. Things may not have been clear in one or more of these areas over the last few years as Neptune is clouding the view. Change is taking place on a subtle level but it isn’t possible to see what exactly is happening. You just have to trust this process but events this month will help to bring some matters to light.

Venus helps your finances along until 12th and Full Moon on 23rd in your father, career and social status zone brings emotions to the surface. Be open to compassion for siblings or neighbours from 18th – 20th and the opportunity to mend relations with them from 28th – 31st.


Venus in your sign continues to heighten your charms until 12th. It also forms a nice aspect to your ruling planet Uranus from 1st – 3rd which provides fun with friends, groups and communities. Then on 12th Venus moves into your 2nd House of money, possessions, security, self-esteem and values. Venus usually brings ease to wherever it lands, so finances may be helped.

Prior to this the Sun is highlighting your finance zone and Mercury, not to mention the total solar eclipse here on 9th. This could be a mixed bag, so Venus coming to the rescue will probably be a relief.

Neptune has been clouding a clear view of your finances for some time. Deep changes in your value system could be at the root of this or perhaps blind wishful thinking or both. Whichever has been the case, this planetary line-up marks time to give this area of life some deep thought and more attention.

The meeting of Venus and Neptune from 18th – 20th, may heighten your ideals and you may feel moved to put your money where your mouth is. Venus then moves on to meet with Chiron at the end of the month, adding the theme of wounding or healing in some way.

Mars makes headway in your career and ambitions zone until 6th, then you’ll be feeling energetic about friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. Saturn starts a review here on 25th so push plans ahead before then.


This is a memorable month with many internal and external events taking place. On a worldly level, Mars moving into your father, career and social status zone from 6th, heightens your ambitions and your competitive instincts.

On 25th though Saturn goes retrograde in this same area, taking you on an internal review to look at what has been achieved and perhaps more importantly how it has been achieved. Something needs looking at again. This review will last until mid-August and it may not be possible to apply all of your conclusions until mid-November.

The other major focus this month is yourself. Massive planetary events are taking place in Pisces. Your ruling planet Neptune has been moving through your sign for a few years. This can cloud your sense of self as a seemingly unfathomable, internal process has been taking place. But this month glimpses of clarity can be gained as to what this on-going process is about.

The New Moon and solar eclipse fall in your sign on 9th, marking the beginning of your personal new year. This eclipse cycle is linked to separation and new beginnings. Venus then moves into your sign on 12th, heightening your charms and making you darling of the zodiac!

The meeting of Venus and Neptune could sweep you off your feet romantically or provide a wave of inspired creativity around the weekend of 18th – 20th. Then there are opportunities for healing around 28th – 31st. Be open to everything that the planets can teach you!

Find out more…

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth chart consultations by phone, just get in touch – email at or call +44(0) 7929 261 231.

Or (++44) 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK.

February 2016

Your Horoscope for February 2016

Our shared planetary picture

The first week of February is the most challenging, when Venus meets Pluto in Capricorn, raising the issue of power in relationships.  Take this opportunity to observe your own relationship patterns (in relationships of all kinds).  The aim as always, is transformation through equal relating, not the power of one over the other.  Look at levels of compromise too as Uranus is also on the planetary menu and personal freedom is often part of relationship power balance or imbalance.

On 7th Sun squares up to Mars (so who’s in charge?)  But then New Moon in Aquarius on 8th brings in a fresh start for us all (in different areas of life for each sign).  Mars is still doing collective detective work in Scorpio all month, along with Pluto in Capricorn – more unsavoury revelations expected in power-wielding structures and hierarchies…

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Your ruling planet Mars continues all month in your 8th House of birth, sex and death, joint funds, taxes, debts, inheritances and sharing (which in addition to money includes yourself emotionally and physically).  Mars here isn’t a peaceful presence but it gives you the grit and determination needed to make headway in these weighty areas.

Meanwhile Venus continues through your father, career and social status zone until 17th, helping you to get the co-operation you need to move forward with your ambitions.  People with authority or influence are likely to help you if you ask and public relations should go well from 9th – 17th.

New Moon on 8th opens new possibilities in your friendships, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  There are pleasures to be found here too in the second half of the month.  Make time to enjoy them.  Full Moon on 21st/22nd brings intensity and an analytical eye to your work, health and service to others zone.  Take action accordingly but avoid going over the top!

Taurus:   The Sun is illuminating your father, career and social status zone until 19th and New Moon in the same areas offers a fresh start on 8th.  Your ruling planet Venus brings pleasure to travel, cultural pursuits and the higher mind until 17th, then it too assists in your father, career and social status zone.  If you need help from people in authority or with influence, don’t hesitate to ask from 17th onwards.

Mars continues to heat up and drive things forward in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships.  This is dynamic energy and gives you strong determination to push things forward or pursue (or perhaps resist) current or possible future partners…

Full Moon on 21st/22nd brings emotional intensity to your romance, children and creativity zone.  And from 25th dedication to friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals lead the way till the end of the month – lucky them!

Gemini:   Your joint funds, intimacy and shared area is once again active, especially during the first half of the month when you may benefit from the money of others in some way.  The first week may be rather too intense for comfort though but New Moon on 8th appears to rescue you for the moment.

The Sun, this New Moon and from 13th Mercury, all nudge you to travel and explore (physically or via studiesand the higher mind, including laws and ethics).  Venus joins in from 17th onwards and brings harmony and agreement.  Romance could even show up when you’re not expecting it.

Mars is still strongly firing your go-getting spirit on the work, health and service to others front.  Your determination is high.  Direct all your efforts on bringing more well-being into your daily routine.  This could help you to get closer to your career or status ideals from 25th too.  Pursue that dream!

Cancer:  Partnerships and your ‘public face’ have a tricky start from 4th – 7th but this is resolved by New Moon on 8th in your birth, sex, death, taxes, debts, inheritances and joint funds zone.  A fresh start is on offer in some way.  Venus helps to develop this further from 17th.  ‘The money of others’ looks helpful too…

Mars continues to forge ahead all month in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  Your determination and energy will move things forward and your desired goals look within reach.

Full Moon on 21st/22nd brings emotional intensity to communications.  This could also involve relations with neighbours or siblings in some way.  Despite the high emotional temperature, choose your words with care.

Dreams and ideals about travel, studies, different cultures and ethics steer the last five days of the month.  Follow your higher mind!

Leo:   Your active determination on the mother and home front continues this month with Mars adding revs to your engine.  This could take the form of you as DIY hero or interior designer of the months.  It could also bring progress as you push ahead with personal development (or worst case scenario – conflict at home).

Relationships and partnerships are looking lively too with Sun presiding until 19th and New Moon also here on 8th offering new possibilities.  Venus helps to smooth things along too from 17th onwards.

Finances, security self-esteem and values may feel like an emotional subject around Full Moon on 21st/22nd.  Get the point but keep your cool…

Virgo:   Jupiter has put you on pause to review recent expansion before going further.  But Mars is making you more assertive in your communications, especially with siblings and neighbours and in trading.

The Sun and then New Moon on 8th are in your 6th House of work, health and service to others.  This gives renewed energy and a fresh start in some way (good for starting new regimes).  Mercury joins in too from 13th with fresh ideas and Venus smooths things along from 17th!

From 19th Sun lights up your 7th House of relationships and partnerships and from 25th onwards meets up with Neptune, stimulating dreams and ideals.  Most human beings don’t compare well to ‘the dream’ but who knows?  But just before this, Full Moon in Virgo on 21st/22nd finds an emotional you.  Now why might that be?

Libra:  You may find tricky situations at home in the days leading up to New Moon on 8th.  Every New Moon offers a new opportunity though and this one falls in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  You can enjoy exploring these possibilities further from 17th when Venus takes residence here too.

Earlier in the month Venus continues to bring pleasure to your mother and home zone from 8th – 17th.  This is a perfect time to beautify your home, enjoy the pleasures it offers and perhaps share it with others entertaining.

Meanwhile all four cylinders are still firing on the money-making and security front as Mars continues its push ahead.  People will get the message that you really are serious about your values.  Ideals around work, health and service to others guide you from 25th onwards.  We all need inspiration – share your vision!

Scorpio:   Another dynamic month for Scorpios as Mars continues to forge ahead in your sign.  Known for your grit and resilience at the best of times (and even more so in the worst of times), this extra boost from Mars gives you super-sonic-bionic drive and will-power.  Set your sights on current goals as gale force winds are helpfully behind you!

Communications are intense from 1st – 7th.  Your insight will be forensic but for the sake of the rest of us mere mortals, keep your wording fair.  Pleasure through movement, communications and perhaps dealings with neighbours and siblings can be found from 8th – 17th.  This is a good period for trading too.

The Sun illuminates your mother and home zone until 19th, then Venus takes over and helps to soften things.  Beautify your home and perhaps extend these pleasures to others by entertaining.  Personal development can bring well-being too.  Enjoy!

Sagittarius:   Your finances continue to be lively, to the point of obsession from 4th – 7th, your everyday communication style may have unintended results too during this period.  Measure your words and watch your temper…  New Moon on 8th gives you pause to turn your mindset to a fresher setting and Venus helps to smooth communications from 17th.

Mars has a second month in your 12th House of inner workings, online life, compassion and healing (yourself or others).  This is dynamic and things about yourself that you have been unaware of may ‘crop up’.

Full Moon in your public zone raises emotions around 21st – 22nd.  And Sun and Neptune go hand in hand from 25th onwards in search of ideals in your mother and home zone.  You’re also the zodiac’s smoothest talker from 17th!  Now who might you be wanting to charm?

Capricorn:   Your heightened charms continue until 17th but this isn’t a reason to pull rank unfairly when Venus and Pluto meet in your sign around 4th – 6th.  The wind is already behind you, so play fair.  If you find yourself feeling obsessional then too, note it but be aware that this a fleeting transit.

It also forms part of the intense lead up to New Moon on 8th which offers new opportunities in your finance and security zone or perhaps a new approach to values.  Sometimes less is more.  Venus helps to develop this fresh start further and gives finances or well-being a rosy glow from 17th.   (It’s also good for self-esteem).

Mars continues to forge ahead in your 11th House of friends, groups, organisations, community and humanitarian ideals.  Help us all by moving things forward.

Aquarius:  The Sun illuminates your path and energies until 19th and then turns its attention to your finance zone which could do with some fresh energy, although clarity may still be too much to ask…  Neptune has been clouding the view for some time and Chiron (which brings wounding or healing) has also been part of the hazy cocktail for some time too and they won’t be moving out of the picture for quite a while.

New Moon on 8th in Aquarius marks the start of your personal New Year which gives a welcome fresh start to your emotional life.  Mercury is with you too from 13th, bringing bright ideas and then Venus joins you from 17th making you – irresistible!

Added to all of this is Mars in your father, career and social status zone for a second month.  Set your goals, apply your will and push ahead with ambitions.  Doors could open!

Pisces:  You’re raring to go on the travel, studies, cultural, legal and ethics front as Mars drives you forward in search of adventures and deeper truths.  Your friends, groups and community zone isn’t far behind either, especially during the first week of Feb when things could get complicated.  Venus smooths things along here in the following ten days, so make time to enjoy friends and group activities from 9th – 17th.

Jupiter continues its review of recent expansion in partnerships which impedes movement at present.  Continue to give this review your attention.  Full Moon in your opposite sign on 21st/22nd also raises the emotional temperature in partnerships.

Sun enters your sign on 19th after being away from you for the longest time.  This brings a welcome renewal of energy levels and optimism.  The Sun also meets Neptune in your sign on 28th re-connecting you to your ideals.  Let them imprint your mind and carry them with you during the year ahead.

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth chart consultations by phone, just get in touch –  – 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).

January 2016

Your Horoscope for January 2016

Our shared planetary picture

Mercury goes retrograde for three weeks this month from 5th to 25th (so be sure to make your resolutions before then).  Mercury starts in Aquarius but spends most of its backward journey in Capricorn.  Try to avoid signing anything until after 25th if possible as otherwise things may need to be re-done later.

Four planets are in Capricorn over this month, so authorities, structures and hierarchies are likely to be a prominent focus.  This includes managers, bosses and parents, some of whom may be making power plays around 4th – 6th.

Jupiter also goes retrograde on 8th to re-examine recent expansion.  So lots of reviews are going on.  Mars however, is not holding back and leaps firmly into Scorpio, ready for decisive action from 3rd.  This will be dynamic in different areas of life for each sign.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign  and  for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:  There’s lots of action in your father, career and social status zone this month as Sun, Mercury, Pluto and then Venus take residence and keep you busy there.  Sun and Pluto create intensity around 4th – 6th, so watch out for power surges (yours or other people’s).  This is followed by New Moon on 10th which marks a new beginning professionally or status-wise in some way.  Meanwhile Mercury goes retrograde from 5th – 25th taking you back to review how you’ve been dealing with communications in these areas.

Jupiter also goes retrograde on 8th calling for a review in your work, health and service to others zone.  Perhaps some of these could helpfully feature in your New Year’s Resolutions?

Your ruling planet Mars leaps into your 8th House of birth, sex, death, joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances on 3rd.  You’ll want to take action and fortunately there’s lots of energy on hand to do so.

Mars also co-operates well with Neptune from 14th – 16th linking your inner world to these events.  Honour your sensitivity!

And read about your year ahead on

Taurus:  Mars in your opposite sign from 3rd is making relationships and partnerships dynamic.  This could feature you pursuing a certain someone or someone pursuing you or fireworks from feisty partners or perhaps from you!

Your ruling planet Venus has lots going on too.  It gets constrained by Saturn from 7th – 9th but excitement follows when it teams up with Uranus from 11th – 13th.

Mercury retrograde from 5th falls in your travel, studies, legal and ethics zone.  Double-check communications and side-step power plays around 4th – 6th.  Jupiter goes retrograde too from 8th in your romance, children and creativity zone.  A review of some kind is needed here too.  Now what could that be?

Read all about your year ahead on

Gemini:  Most of the planetary action is in your 8th House of birth, sex, death, joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances this month.  Sun and Pluto join forces there from 4th – 6th which is strong stuff and New Moon on 10th offers a new start too.  Your ruling planet Mercury is also retrograde in these areas from 5th – 25th so be sure to check and double check that everyone’s on the same page.

Relationships and partnerships are also on your mind, especially around 7th – 9th when Venus joins serious Saturn.

Mars hits your 6th House from Jan 3rd, meaning action on the work, health and service to others front.  Your daily routine could benefit from Mars’s attention too, to prepare for the many changes ahead in 2016.

Read all about them on

Cancer:  Relationships and partnerships (personal and business) take centre stage this month.  As well as the Sun, Pluto and later in the month, Venus moving through your opposite sign, Mercury’s there also for most of the month and it’s retrograde.  This means you have to be clearer than usual in your communications with partners and double-check anything important that’s been discussed.

There’ll be some intensity around 4th – 6th, possibly around power issues with partners but New Moon on 10th offers a fresh start.  If you have documents to sign though, try to leave it until after 25th when Mercury goes direct.

Mars is activating your romance children and creativity zone from 3rd. This means you’ll be wanting to take action.  A nice aspect from Mars to Neptune around 14th – 18th includes your ideals and ethics and other cultures may feature in some way.

Here’s more about your 2016

Leo:  Work, health and service to others is your main focus this month, along with colleagues, living companions and your daily routine.  4th – 6th could feature intense experiences around these and communications are key from 5th – 25th when Mercury goes retrograde.  Be extra clear to avoid misunderstandings.

Mars moves into your mother and home zone on 3rd which means action (or heated exchanges) on the home front.  If this involves DIY or make-overs, try not to overspend as Jupiter goes retrograde in your finance area from 8th.

Full Moon in Leo on 24th finds an emotional you!  Now why might that be?

Read about your year ahead on

Virgo:  Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde from 5th – 25th in your romance, children and creativity zone.  There could be communication mix-ups so double-check you’ve been understood.  Powerful experiences could occur in these areas from 4th – 6th when Sun and Pluto join forces.

Mars in Scorpio heats up communications with siblings and neighbours but gives you lots of mental energy.  Physical exercise would be a good use of some of it too.

Jupiter goes retrograde in your sign on 8th to re-examine recent expansion and you have until early August to complete your review.

Venus meets Saturn in your mother and home sphere from 7th – 9th which is a good time to work on relating or home improvements.

An interesting year lies ahead!

Read all about it, on

Libra:  Your mother and home zone is positively buzzing this month and when Sun meets power-wielding Pluto around 4th – 6th anything could happen…  Mercury is retrograde though from 5th – 25th so communications can be tricky.

Mars leaps into your finance and security zone from 3rd, rustling up lots of energy to generate existing or even new income streams.  A nice aspect to Neptune around 14th – 18th is looking to include idealistic work too (humanitarian or creative).  Help it along!

Your ruling planet Venus is having a hard time with Saturn around 7th – 9th but Uranus comes to the rescue from 11th – 13th, ushering in the unexpected…

So what will 2016 bring?

Read about your year ahead on

Scorpio:  If you’re wondering who that human dynamo is who just whizzed by – it’s you!  Mars bursts into your sign on 3rd bringing energy, drive and action.  Any plans or projects that catch your attention have a very good chance of forging ahead, as you’re feeling unstoppable!

Finances might feel serious around 7th – 9th but by 11th you’ll be feeling more liberated.  Mid-month Mars also forms a positive aspect to Neptune which could enhance romance, dealings with children and creative flow.

Along with everyone else, you’re having to deal with a retrograde Mercury from 5th for over three weeks, so be very, very clear in all your communications and avoid signing anything until after 25th if you can.

Full Moon on 23rd/24th falls in your 10th House of father, career and social status, so there will be more emotion than usual in these areas for some reason…

Find out about your year ahead on

Sagittarius:  Finances may confound you this month as even the smartest fiscal expert would be scratching their head with this planetary line up.  For one thing Mercury goes retrograde from 5th – 25th in your finance zone, along with a Sun – Pluto meeting from 4th – 6th when displays of power could crop up.  New Moon on 10th offers hope of a fresh start but avoid signing anything until after 25th if you can.

Your ruling planet Jupiter also goes retrograde from 8th in your father, career and social status zone.  Any recent over-expansion will need to be re-examined.

On a positive note, Venus is in your sign until 23rd adding to your charms.  This isn’t an easy month and being charming may be your best strategy.  2016 is looking interesting!

Read all about your year ahead on

Capricorn:  You have a planetary plate-full this month as a cluster of planets gather in your sign.  To start the month off, Mercury goes retrograde from 5th – 25th, skewing up communications and a meeting of Sun and Pluto from 4th – 6th provides power surges (yours or others’).  New Moon follows though on 10th also in Capricorn, marking your personal new year.

Mars urges you to take action in your friends, groups, communities and organisations zone from 3rd and Jupiter goes retrograde on 8th in your travel, study, ethics and legal zone, causing you to re-examine your principles, cultural attitudes or legal situation…  This is going to be quite a year!

Read all about it on

Aquarius:  Many things are happening behind the scenes this month in your inner workings, your creative imagination or your online life.  There could be communication mix-ups too until 25th but also a new beginning with New Moon on10th.

Professionally you’ll have lots of energy to apply to career and social status matters as Mars jumps in to push things forward from 3rd.

The Sun also returns to your sign from 20th bringing restorative strength and energy to you after its long absence.  Full Moon in your opposite sign on the morning of 24th raises emotions around relationships and partnerships.  And your ruling planet Uranus is looking for fun with Venus around 11th – 13th…

Read about your year ahead on

Pisces:  Recent developments in relationships and partnerships take a reverse turn from 8th when Jupiter goes retrograde.  Mercury likewise goes retrograde from 5th – 25th in your friends, groups, community and organisations zone.  This in fact is the liveliest area of the month with power plays from 4th – 6th (better to observe rather than get involved) but also a fresh start there with New Moon on 10th.

Mars is busy in your travel, study, publishing, ethics and legal zone from 3rd and spurs you on in terms of getting your ideals ‘out there’ around 14th – 18th.

Venus remains in your 10th House of father, career and social status until 23rd.  People in high places will look on you kindly and are more likely than usual to grant your wishes.  If you have favours to ask, go ahead.

An interesting year awaits you!

Read all about it on

December 2015

Your Horoscope for December 2015

Our shared planetary picture

Saturn weighs in at the start of the month and holds its hovering, serious presence throughout, reminding us of reality, our duties and the jobs that must be done.  We may be distracted by more dramatic events though, during a T-square of Uranus and Mars to Pluto which stirs things up from 4th – 13th.

Communications are fraught from 18th – 21st but then cheer up from 23rd and on the approach to Full Moon which is on the morning of 25th (11.13 GMT).

Uranus goes direct on 26th after being retrograde since late July.  This will urge us all to be more authentic in a certain area of life (different for each sign).  And if we can do this, we will find a new way forward!

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun Sign  and  your Ascendant Sign if you know it.

Aries:  Your ruling planet Mars runs up against Pluto and Uranus from 4th – 13th and as Uranus is in Aries for the next few years, this will feel very personal and will call for change.

Mars is throwing challenges from your 7th House of relationships and partnerships and Pluto is in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  A conflict between these two areas will demand more from you.  And your range of responses can and must stretch.  Uncomfortable as this may be, there’s opportunity for growth here and looking at yourself afresh.

Discussions with authority figures may be intense around 18th – 19th.  Mercury also squares up to Uranus around 20th – 21st which may bring challenges to your present way of thinking.  Keep ego out of the picture and try to remember your survival doesn’t depend on winning arguments and being right!

Full Moon falls on the morning of 25th in your 4th House of mother and home and emotions will run high.  The following day (26th) there’s an outlet for tensions when Uranus goes direct in your sign after being retrograde for five months.  This means the evolving version of ‘the new you’ can once again start to move forward – your favourite direction.  Be your magnificent, dashing, daring, uncompromised self!

Taurus:  Sun clears Saturn on 3rd and you can put your conclusions into action regarding the sticky areas of joint funds, intimacy and sharing.  Having decided what to do, you can then relax into Venus moving through Scorpio your opposite sign from 5th, softening and sweetening relationships and partnerships (this can apply to business partnerships too).  You’ll be more susceptible to the charms of others (especially around 9th – 11th) so keep this in mind if someone unworthy is tempting you.

From 4th – 13th conflict between the reality of daily demands and your behind the scenes world, challenges you to examine your principles and urges you to voice them in a broader sphere around 18th – 21st.

On a different note, Full Moon on the morning of 25th falls in your 3rd House of communications, siblings and neighbours.  Offer whatever kind words you can find.

On 26th Uranus goes direct in your 12th House of behind the scenes life which includes creativity, compassion, spiritual development and your online world.  Exhilarating forward movement is possible once again.  Be open to change!

Gemini:  Sun is in your 7th House until 22nd, high-lighting relationships and partnerships.  And once it clears Saturn’s restrictive influences from 3rd, you can express yourself freely and apply the conclusions from your review of this area last month.   New Moon on 11th clears the way for a fresh start here too.

Venus moves into your 6th House of work, health and service to others from 5th.  This makes relations with colleagues pleasurable and is good for health, as long as you don’t over-indulge…

Your urge for individual creativity or romance clashes with collective or friendship ideals from 4th – 13th and triggers big reactions in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone.  Heated discussions could feature too around 18 – 21st.

High emotions with Full Moon on 25th around money, values or security.  Then on 26th Uranus goes direct in your friends, groups, organisations and community zone, bringing in a fresh breeze.  Breathe deep!

Cancer:  Your focus is still on the home front as Mars forges your determination to create harmony (whether visual or emotional) and you have the energy to push ahead with your projects.

Uranus and Pluto present challenges though from 3rd – 14th which could take the form of the changing demands of father or career and possible opposition from partners or partnerships.

Meanwhile, New Moon on 11th falls in your 6th House of work, health and service to others.  This is the best possible time to start a new work or health regime.  And Saturn’s even on hand to provide self-discipline and long-term stamina!

Communications with partners could be intense around 18th – 19th and may lead to new ways of thinking about your public and professional life and status around 21st – 22nd.  Full Moon in your sign on the morning of 25th puts you in your element.  Gather loved ones around you.

The long-term changes that have been unfolding in your father, career and social status zone move forward once again on 26th when Uranus goes direct after five months in retrograde.  That unique, off-beat idea that you’ve put on hold, might just be viable…

Leo:  Saturn continues to demand duty from you in the romance, children or creativity fields all month but Venus moves into your mother and home zone from 5th bringing harmony, pleasure and an urge to beautify your domestic sphere and entertain.

Meanwhile Mars is providing lots of energy in your 3rd House of ideas and communications, so you may find yourself ‘debating’ more than usual…  This or your current thinking may run counter to your principles and bring changes to your work, health, service to others, daily routine or well-being.  This applies especially to the periods 4th – 13th and 18th – 21st when you should avoid obsessive thoughts and take more gentle exercise.

Emotions may catch you unawares with Full Moon on the morning of 25th.  But then Uranus goes direct on 26th in your travel, studies, publishing and ethics zone, offering the possibility of progressive change!

Virgo:  Sun is in your 4th House lighting up mother and home for the first three weeks and New Moon there on 11th promises a fresh start in one of these areas.  Self-nurture and personal development are included in this too.

From 5th, Venus moves through your 3rd House of neighbours, siblings and communications, heightening your verbal charms and easing dealings with these people.  It’s good for teaching and trading too.

Mars, still energetic in your finance and security zone, challenges the status quo in joint funds, intimacy and sharing, resulting in fireworks in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity!  The more you express yourself in these areas, the better.  (This can be creatively as well as verbally).  Creative movement and sports can have a powerful effect too.

Full Moon on the morning of 25th raises emotions in your friends, groups and community zone.  And joint funds, sharing and intimacy improve from 26th as Uranus goes direct.  Be open to changes!

Libra:  Mars in your sign gives you extra vim and vigour all month but it runs into Pluto and Uranus from 4th -13th.  This may feel a little unfair as just when you’re ready to assert yourself, challenges and opposition come from both partnerships and your mother and home zone!  This is followed by intense discussions at home around 18th – 19th, followed hopefully by new solutions around 20th and 21st.

Your ruling planet Venus moves into your finance and values zone from 5th. This usually indicates an improvement.  Venus also makes a good aspect to Neptune in your work, health and service to others zone from 9th – 11th.  If that involves doing work of an idealistic nature, even better.

Full Moon on the morning of 25th falls in your 10th House of father, career and social status, so allow for high emotions.  The next day (26th) Uranus goes direct after five months in reverse in your 7th House.  This allows forward movement in the changes taking place for partners or in partnerships.  Allow events to show you new ways of being!

Scorpio:  Venus enters your sign on 5th making you darling of the zodiac for the rest of the month.  Your ability to charm others will be at full force (so watch out everyone!).  A Venus – Neptune trine from 9th – 11th could bring romance or additional inspirational, creative flow too.

Your ruling planet Pluto is under challenge from Mars and Uranus from 4th – 13th.  Thoughts will go deep and ditto communications during this period and from 18th – 21st.  Hear people out as best you can.  Dealings with siblings or neighbours or physical movement could be involved too.  Be honest but be aware of the weight your words carry and the impact on those receiving them.  Egos should be put to one side during discussions, if a satisfactory outcome or understanding is to be achieved.

New Moon on 11th falls in your finance zone, so good to turn over a new leaf here.  And Uranus’s direct movement on 26th brings forward movement in your 6th House of work, health, service to other and daily routine.  Keep the changes coming!

Sagittarius:   Expansive Jupiter runs into communication difficulties around 3rd and 4th but New Moon in your sign on 11th puts that quickly behind you.  This is your personal New Year and a clean slate so make your resolutions now, not in January!

Mars is stirring up issues around friendships, groups, organisations and community which clashes with your romance, children and creativity zone.  And the results is intensity in your money, security and values zone.

Heavy discussions could develop concerning all of this around 18th – 21st but things start to look more optimistic around 23 rd – 24th when Mercury teams up with your ruling planet Jupiter.

Full Moon on the morning of 25th raises emotions around joint funds, intimacy and sharing.  But Uranus clears the way for further changes in your travel, studies, legal  and ethics zone from 26th.  Strike out afresh!

Capricorn:  Your ruling planet Saturn makes its presence felt all month, keeping everyone’s feet on the ground.  Meanwhile, Mars in your 10th House of father, career and social status squares up to Pluto in your sign and then opposes Uranus in your 4th House of mother and home.  This runs from 4th – 13th.  Mother is opposite father or your public and personal lives are pulling in opposite directions.  Whichever it is, something’s got to give and that might mean you.

Communications could be intense too around 18th – 19th.  Try not to insist on being right.  The ego energies around need to be put to one side, if objectivity is to have a chance.  New ideas and communications could also be challenging around 21st – 22nd. Keep an open mind.

Full Moon in your partnership zone on the morning of 25th raises the emotional richter scale.  But Uranus’s direct motion from 26th helps to move things forward in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone after a five month struggle.  Be open to new approaches!

Aquarius:  Sun clears Saturn from 3rd and the brakes on groups and friendships are lifted.  Venus is in your 10th House of father, career and social status from 5th and people in high places will be looking upon you favourably.  If you have favours to ask –  ask away.  Finances look more hopeful too around 9th – 11th, especially if ideals or creativity are involved.

Your ruling planet Uranus features alot this month.   From 4th – 13th it’s in conflict with Mars and Pluto which brings up uncomfortable matters around communications, principles and your inner workings.  Unconscious material may surface and it can be a shock (to you as well as others).  Explore any dreams you have during this period for meaning too.  Working with self-talk and seeking out therapy can be helpful during this period and from 18th – 21st.  Your online life may be intense and creative expression runs deep.

Full Moon on the morning of 25th may call for you to be selfless – (just do it).  And on 26th Uranus goes direct bringing new ideas and new forms of communication and movement.  Be open to all possibilities!

Pisces:  This is a good month for exploring, as Venus eases travel, studies, legal and ethical matters from 5th.  Your ruling planet Neptune throws in some ideals which help the flow too from 9th – 11th.  New Moon also on 11th in your father, career and social status zone offers a fresh start in some way which could be welcome now that serious Saturn’s in residence there.

Mars is causing agitation from your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone, causing further challenges to your finances, security and values.  This all bursts out intensely with friends, groups, community or organisations from 4th – 13th.  Communications in these areas could be intense too from 18th – 21st.

Despite all of this, changes in your personal finances start to move forwards from 26th.  Appreciate your freedoms more than possessions!

November 2015

Your Horoscope for November 2015

Our shared planetary picture

A Saturn – Neptune square this month until 26th will make us aware of the wide distance between reality and the dream in certain areas of our lives (different for each sign).

This does not mean that reality is worse than the dream, just that the two seem far apart right now.  Having recognised this, the next step is to either to try to bring the two closer together or to leave the reality in search of the dream or to make a better relationship with the reality.  And with Saturn transits, getting to grips with the reality is usually the wisest course.

Sun approaches Saturn too this month from 23rd – 30th (just as the square with Neptune above completes).  This is always a sober point in the year where we are ‘invited’ to take a closer look at ourselves and at how well we have been relating to who we truly are and at how well we have been expressing this.  This is not a call for action but a time to pause and review before we apply our conclusions once Sun is clear of Saturn (after Dec 3rd).

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for both your Sun sign  and  your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:  Saturn and Neptune are raising uncomfortable questions about a current mis-fit between your 9th House of travel, studies, publishing, religion, law and ethics and the ‘behind the scenes’ world of your 12th House.  Institutions, charities, healing, self-undoing, time spent in isolation, your online life, self-talk and the unconscious are all possible areas that might seem to be at odds with the above.  In-laws or different cultures could be somewhere in the mix too.

This creates a lot to think about, so curb that Aries urge to leap into action and give it your full thought.

On 12th your ruling planet Mars and Venus both move into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships.  If you’ve been toying with whether to make a commitment or not, the combined charms of these two could push you over the brink. Or if unattached, a dazzling someone might just sweep you off your feet!

The partnerships ruled by the 7th House also relate to business partners, so if romance isn’t your bag right now, a very creative alliance could spring up at this time.  Whatever form this planetary coalition takes, you’ll be feeling co-operative in your approach to others and you should be well-received.

A T-square of planets on 22nd – 23rd could have an unexpected outcome in your public life.  Never suppress your inventive and unique self but watch out for involuntary, knee-jerk reactions.  Yes, yours…

Taurus:  Neptune which fosters ideals is in your 11th House of friends, groups, community, organisations and humanity. This on its own is fine but this month Saturn squares it from your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy, ‘ the money of others’, debts and sharing which creates conflict or unease.  Make time to look at how this applies to your present situation.

New Moon on 11th heralds a fresh start in partnerships.  Take it.  This could mean looking at things from a different viewpoint, just as much as it could suggest an actual event.  How we think about something, makes it so.  This is an opportunity to change your perspective to a more open and helpful position.

On 12th, your ruling planet Venus (along with Mars) moves into your work, health, service to others and daily routine zone.  This is great for creative work, expressive exercise or possible romance through these arenas…

Full Moon on 25th may excite your passions regarding finances and security but Sun and Saturn turn your focus towards the transformational processes of life (i.e. birth, sex and death), joint funds, ‘the money of others’, taxes, debts and sharing.  Take time to review these areas to position yourself correctly for taking action next month.

Gemini:  Partnerships clash with your father, career and social status zone this month, as Saturn in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships squares up to Neptune in your public sphere.  Bear in mind that partnerships can mean the intimate or business kind.  November isn’t the month to take action on these matters but take time to give them some thought.

Venus and Mars both leap out of your domestic sphere and into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity on 12th which should be enjoyable and fun.  You’ll be on top form charm-wise too.

A T-square with Venus, Uranus and Pluto around 22nd – 23rd could bring some intense surprises.  Respond creatively!

A sense of woundedness by or from the world urges you to make headway in your personal development.  And a review of relationships and partnerships takes place from 23rd – 30th when Saturn holds you still.  Full Moon in Gemini on 25th finds an emotional you.  Express it!

Cancer:  The demands of Saturn in your 6th House of work, health, service to others and daily routine make a stark contrast to your 9th House dreams of travel, study, in-laws and principles. While these dreams are all well and good, your everyday responsibilities may not lighten up for some time.  One helpful approach would be to come to more comfortable terms with the restrictions of your current reality.

While you’re busy pondering all of this, things take off creatively as Venus and Mars move into your 4th House of mother and home from 12th.  This is great for DIY, decorating and entertaining.

A planetary line-up around 22nd – 23rd involving father and mother or your public and private life could have a dramatic impact on partnerships.

As the month comes to a close, the focus is once again on daily routine and how to position yourself in relation to it.  This includes a review of how you you’ve been tending to the needs of your body – i.e. food, rest, exercise and sleep, in the face of conflicting demands from others.  Give time to this important review.

Leo:  The dilemma for Leos at present is between the reality of Saturn in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity and the ideals of Neptune in your 8th House of joint funds and intimacy.  The reality is far from the dream and this is the underlying issue for you to scrutinise this month.

Meanwhile your personal finances continue to flourish up to 12th when Venus and Mars move into your 3rd House of communications, trading, siblings and neighbours.  Your creative expression will be at its most fruitful.  Make lots of time to enjoy it!

New Moon on 11th falls in your 4th House of mother and home.  This marks a fresh start in some way.  There’s also lots of movement or discussion going on in these areas during the first three weeks as Mercury whizzes quickly through.

Sun approaches Saturn during the last week of November, insisting you carry out a review of romance, children and creativity.  How have you been dealing with them in the past?  And how do you want to deal with them in the future?  Refrain from springing into action however (that comes next month).  This time is for reflecting and taking a long, cool look.

Virgo:  Jupiter in your sign opposes Chiron early in the month from 1st – 4th which highlights the rate at which you’re growing, in contrast to the woundedness of partners or you in respect to partnerships.  There are healing opportunities here for all involved.  Be alert to them.

Restrictions or responsibilities regarding mother or home continue to weigh you down.  They also seem to be scuppering ideals about relationships and partnerships.  And what to do about this is question of the month…

Luckily your charms are at an all time high until 12th.  And although you may wish they’d stay at their peak for a little longer, Venus and Mars then move immediately into your 2nd House of finance, security and values bringing creativity and improvements all round!  You should also discover you have the energy, enterprising spirit and charm to carve out and attract new income sources (if that’s on your wish list).  And if it’s through creative work, even better!

Neptune which has been retrograde in your 7th House of partnerships goes direct on 18th bringing possible forward movement.  This applies to business partnerships (which might also be connected to the new income stream), as well as intimate relationships.

Full Moon on 25th raises emotion in your father, career and social status zone.  And the month ends with the Sun approaching Saturn, insisting you carry out a review on how you’ve been dealing with mother, home, emotional needs, nurturing and personal development.  Hold back until after Dec 3rd to apply your conclusions.

Libra:  Saturn in your 3rd House of communications, movement, siblings and neighbours is pointing a finger at the Neptunian ideals that are swimming around your work, health and service to others zone.  This could mean that lack of exercise or negative thinking could be working against your optimum health and well-being.

Equally it could be that your communication style or your reluctance to communicate could be undermining your work or relationships with colleagues.  Or perhaps they are the ones being uncommunicative.  Siblings or neighbours are a cause of unrest or lack of sleep.

The endless demands of electronic communications and information could even seem to be ruining your daily routine.  Whichever it is, put some time aside to sit down (or even better go for a walk) and think this through.  Also bear in mind that your ideals about colleagues, work or health may be the area that needs adjusting.

New Moon on 11th in your finance zone is the perfect time to make a new budget or to create a new income stream.  But Venus and Mars might steal your attention when they enter your sign on 12th.  You’ll be at your most creative and gorgeous and apart from 22nd -23rd when Venus gets into an intense corner, others will probably just surrender and bend to your wishes.  Enjoy every minute of this but don’t forget to do the Saturn-Neptune homework above!

Scorpio:  Saturn’s call for caution and long-term planning in your finance and security zone clashes with the Neptunian ideals swimming around your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  How to get these two areas working together is one of your major pondering tasks this month.

Meanwhile, New Moon in your sign on 11th marks the beginning of your personal New Year.  Decide how you’d like the next 12 months to go emotionally and make some new resolutions to help things along!

Mercury enters your sign from 2nd – 20th and others may be glad that you’re more communicative than usual.  This can be a help with physical agility too.  On 22nd – 23rd you may be feeling obsessive as both Venus and Uranus square up to your ruling planet Pluto.  This is happening for us all in different respects but you may feel it more keenly.

From 23rd – 30th Sun approaches Saturn in your 2nd House of money, possessions, income, food, security, values and self-esteem, insisting on a review in one or more of these areas.  You’ll know when the time comes which it should be!

Sagittarius:  The month before your birthday is often one of lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.  Its arrival in Sag on 22nd is therefore cause for celebration.  This brings fresh energy and a welcome sense of renewal.

This year however, Saturn is involved along with Sun and Mercury bringing serious thoughts and the need to review how you’ve been dealing with identity (who you truly are) and how you’ve been expressing this and how you want to express it in the future.

This is a kind of culmination of the theme of the whole month around the Saturn – Neptune square.  For you this manifests as unrest between a Saturnine sense of limitations re identity, self and ego and your deals about mother, home, nurturing and personal development.  This might even involve wondering whether you’re compatible with (or even worthy of) your dream home and nurturing.

Avoid leaping into action until next month.  A deep review is needed first.  Give it all you’ve got.

On a lighter note, Venus and Mars are gracing your friends, groups and community zone from 12th and you’ll be operating at your most creatively in those areas. This should be enjoyable too.

Full Moon on 23rd in your opposite sign brings up strong emotions about relationships and partnerships.  Say whatever needs saying.

Capricorn:  From 12th Venus and Mars move into your 10th House of father, career and social status.  This is creative and people in high places can grant your wishes.  But as they’re not mind-readers, be sure to let them know what exactly your wishes are…

You’re also likely to notice a T-square to Pluto in your sign around 22nd – 23rd, possibly caused by sudden changes to do with mother or events at, or close to home.  This could be a bit of a rude awakening.

Your ruling planet Saturn, the voice of reality is relentlessly challenging dreamy Neptune for most of the month.  For you the areas in question housing these two planets are your 12th House and 3rd House which can represent the unconscious and conscious minds.

Interestingly Saturn is in your unconscious zone which could bring buried memories or realisations to the surface which then challenge any rose-tinted thinking you may have been indulging in.

The 12th House rules institutions, charity, time spent alone, self-undoing, self-talk, your online world and unconscious inner workings.  Whereas Neptune is in your 3rd House which rules speaking, writing, movement, trading, neighbours and siblings.  Any illusions or delusions that you may have been harbouring in any of these areas are having to face the harsh light of day.

The truth is always helpful if we work with it.  Do that work!

Aquarius:  New Moon in your father, career and social status zone on 11th marks a fresh start and new possibilities in your public life which might help to take your mind off the challenges of the month for a while.

These are posed by sober Saturn in your 11th House of friends, groups, community and organisations pressing you to look at any unrealistic Neptunian haziness around finances, security or values.  Financial entanglements with friends or collectives may raise their heads.  Or they may act as a catalyst in some way in calling you to question any possible illusions or delusions about your own finances or values.

Venus and Mars move into your 9th House of travel, studies, publishing, law and ethics from 12th.  Creativity will abound and there should be some fun on offer here too.  Venus and Mars could mean romance through any of these channels too and with people of different beliefs or from other cultures.  Enjoy exploring!

Pisces:  Partnerships continue to glow until 12th when Venus and Mars move into your joint funds and intimacy zone.  This can be both creative and passionate (or it might even materialise in a windfall) and can help to alleviate some of the weightier matters that are presenting this month.

Saturn in your 10th House of father, career and social status is squaring up to Neptune in your 1st House of identity and self-hood.  This is not a comfortable process as the demands of the world challenge how you see and regard yourself.  Your ‘ideal self’ and  ‘father’, professional standing or social status are at odds in some way.  More thought and honesty are needed here.

Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion in your partnerships zone also challenges Chiron in your sign to examine wounded parts of yourself, so that they can heal.  Start with total self-honesty and then offer your findings (when they eventually emerge) to others.  A counsellor or therapist can be hugely helpful in this process.

From 23rd Sun enters your 10th House of father, career and social status and heads towards Saturn.  This brings about a review of how you’ve been dealing with the world and a sense of reaping what you’ve sown.  Whether rewards or a fall seem to be facing you, they offer equally helpful feedback.

Full Moon on 25th is in your 4th House of mother and home.  Allow for high emotions.

October 2015

Your horoscope for October 2015

Our shared planetary picture

Mercury in Libra goes direct this month on 9th but the big news is…

There is a gathering of planets in Virgo which will get your health, compassion and creative molecules wide excited.  Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity (which has been in Virgo since mid-August) has dynamic Mars for company all month and from 8th Venus adds pleasure and ease.

Being perhaps the most selfless sign of the zodiac, planets in Virgo make for active compassion and helpfulness which is one of our main themes of the month.  If you have been thinking about volunteering or helping someone out, go ahead, the planets are right behind you.

Attending to your health and that of others is also a good focus for these energies, as are eco-actions that will help the planet (and everyone else too).

As these planets in Virgo one by one, all make good aspects to Pluto in Capricorn throughout most of the month, we might also see a turnaround in attitude towards the kind of leaders we want and a reappraisal of the qualities of those in positions of power.

The boastful and arrogant will be seen for what they are, whereas those wanting to be of service, will be recognised and attract the respect and allegiance of others.  And what is more, they will do it quietly and efficiently.

This is a month for busy hands.  Lend them to others in help or healing, use them to grow or make things and be generous in giving your time to whatever requires care and attention to detail.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun Sign  and  for your Ascendant Sign if you know it.

Aries:  You may feel you’re getting nowhere fast at the start of the month but this is just Neptune’s effect which is opposite your ruling planet Mars.  Your usual forthright manner is unlikely to have the desired effect but subtler strategies might just work – try them!  Thankfully the coast is clear from 8th and you can revert back to your normal dynamic ways.

On 9th Mercury goes direct in your opposite sign after more than three weeks retrograde. Any confusion, misunderstandings or mix-ups can now be resolved.  The second piece of good news is that New Moon is also in your opposite sign on the night of 12th/13th. This offers a fresh start in relationships and partnerships.  Take it!

With Mars forging through your 6th House of work health and service to others all month, you’ll be intensely occupied.  As Mars catches up with Jupiter from 12th -17th, you’ll be feeling optimistic, positive and persuasive.  Growth and action on a big scale is now possible.

Heavy-duty Pluto is also hovering at a helpful angle which could very well mean that ‘the powers that be’ will support and help you.  Your own authority could increase too.  With this planetary line-up, what couldn’t you achieve?   Seize the week!

Full Moon on 27th falls in your finance and security zone.  Feelings will be high.  (Let’s hope income will be too!)

Taurus:  Your ruling planet Venus is in for a busy month.  The first seven days, it continues gliding through your 4th House of mother and home before going on 8th into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.

This isn’t initially easy as Saturn squares up to it until 11th, bringing up the need to review certain issues, such as intimacy, sharing or joint funds.  Mercury goes direct during this review process which helps you to think and communicate better.

New Moon on 13th falls in your work, health and service to others zone.  Yes, this is the best day to start a new regime!  Just do it!

Dealings with children or even romance with others from a different country, culture or philosophy could be one planetary possibility this month or creative inspiration could come from similar sources too.  Either way, the energy is up-beat!

The Venus – Jupiter conjunction from 22nd – 25th brings pleasure (so long as you don’t go to excesses). And Full Moon in your sign on 27th just after mid-day (so the big build-up is the night of 26th) is a culmination of all the emotions that have been building up all month.  And you may even be swept off your feet…  yes…  you !

Gemini:  A Mars – Neptune opposition from 3rd – 7th falls in your public – private axis and changes you want to make at home will have to wait until later in the month (and action is definitely on the agenda… ).

Your ruling planet Mercury goes direct on 9th after three weeks going retrograde.  Misunderstandings that may have arisen melt away and apart from some reflection needed around mother, home and partnerships (from 8th – 11th), it’s full steam ahead!

New Moon on 13th falls in your romance, children and creativity sector marking the beginning of a new cycle.  Make some resolutions.

The big emphasis this month though is in your 4th House of mother and home, nurturing and personal development.  Jupiter, Mars and Venus all agree – it’s time to think bigger.  In terms of home, this could mean bigger, overseas, a home run on philosophical principles, de-cluttering or re-designing to make more space or it could be an improvement in emotional conditions at home.  Growth, self-nurture and personal development are also on the agenda.  And your eco-awareness could be awakened too!

Pluto is helpfully lending its weight to all of the above from your 8th House of joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances, intimacy and sharing.  So ‘the money of others’ could have some bearing here or developments in your intimate life.

While all of this is major, it’s also up-beat so make time for entertaining in your enjoyable, domestic hub and share the good times with others.  22nd – 25th is especially fun.  Enjoy!

Cancer:  Your communications area is full of energy and optimism this month and your mind is working at its most positive.  Only when this happens, do we become fully  aware of all our possibilities in life.  You’re going to be busy but be sure to make time to make a note of ideas that spring up.  They could have real potential in the future!

Trading, teaching and relations with siblings or neighbours look lively too (apart from a reflective period from 8th – 11th).  These also seem to be helped along by partners or partnerships in some way.

A fresh regime starts at home with New Moon on 13th.  Mars and Jupiter align helpfully with Pluto on the same day, making for lively but good-natured exchanges with partners.  If domestic changes are needed (whether practical or emotional) put them in place today.

A meeting of Venus and Jupiter from 22nd – 25th brings pleasure and fun.  Spend it with others.  Full Moon follows on 26th/27th in your friends, groups and community zone.  Express yourself!

Leo:  There could be challenges to authority (yours or others) from 4th – 6th but Venus in Leo keeps your charms fully charged until 8th then it’s back to being a mere mortal like the rest of us.  There’s a pause for reflection from 8th – 11th to examine how finances or the pursuit of them has been impacting romance, children or creativity.  But then soon afterwards, so much is happening, there’s little time to reflect!

Your most active area this month is your 2nd House of money, possessions, income, security, values and self-esteem.  Jupiter and Mars are in residence all month bringing energy, opportunities and drive.  Venus joins them from 8th which makes for one of the most favorable combinations.  The only danger could be going over the top with luxury purchases, so keep an eye on that!

Pluto is looking helpful all month in your work, health and service to others zone.  It’s also helping to make your daily routine compatible with possible improvements in income.  Your diet could change for the better too and general well-being is looking good!

Sun moves into your 4th House of mother and home on 23rd, warming and cheering your domestic life and Full Moon on 26th/27th raises emotions in your father, career and social status zone where you might make your feelings known…

Virgo:  A glowing cluster of planets in Virgo smooth the month along and the likelihood is – you’ll be feeling good!  Mars and Jupiter are in your sign all month, making you buoyant, confident and forthright and from 8th, Venus is with you too, making you darling of the zodiac and adding even further to your charms!

Apart from a pause from 8th – 11th when Venus squares Saturn,  Positive expansion is the theme and this applies to you!  So often you edit certain possibilities out of your agenda.  This month, leave them in!  Broaden your horizons, grow and have fun!

Relationships and partners may seem unenthusiastic or needy, especially from 3rd – 7th but don’t allow that to dampen your spirits.  Partnerships aren’t meant to be clear right now and partners may need to sort themselves out in some way before they can be!

Mars conjuncts Jupiter from 16th -18th generating lots of energy and giving you a sense of conviction about what you’re doing or intend to do.  If it’s the latter, make some preliminary steps now to set things in motion.

Venus and Jupiter meet up from 22nd – 25th.  This is a lovely aspect that indicates happy times shared with others.  Over-ride any solitary tendencies and enjoy being part of the human race!  And if you’re still unsure…  Just go, they’ll love you!

Libra:  Your ruling planet Venus moves into your 12th House of inner workings on 8th and immediately has to deal with a challenge from Saturn.  This is coming from your 3rd House of thought and communications.  Take this pause from 8th – 11th to get your conscious and unconscious minds working together co-operatively.  Mercury thankfully goes direct in your sign on 9th after three weeks of being retrograde which should help with this.

New Moon is in your sign on 13th which marks the beginning of your personal New Year.  If you’ve noticed areas that would benefit from improvements, this is the time to make your New Year’s Resolutions.  Think about what these should be, the night before and start on 13th.  The Moon is behind you!

From 21st Venus is well-starred.  First of all it forms a positive aspect with Pluto in your mother and home zone until 23rd and from 22nd it meets up with Jupiter in a lovely aspect.  Your compassion for others will be strong, as will your ability to get down to detailed work behind the scenes.  Avoid the temptation of excesses and explore creative and spiritual ground.  Whether you share it with others or savour it alone, this opportunity for growth will be pleasurable!

Scorpio:  It may feel like a charmed existence this month as Jupiter, then Mars and then Venus form flowing aspects to your ruling planet Pluto.

Jupiter starts the month off bringing growth and optimism from 1st – 12th (be sure not to use it for going to extremes though).  Then Mars takes over from 12th – 16th making progress effortless and easy.  And finally Venus offers opportunities for emotional bonding and maybe even passion from 21st – 23rd.

All of these co-operative planets are coming from your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals, so explore and invest in these areas as much as you can for happy outcomes.

The month before your birthday is often a time of low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.  It re-enters your sign though on 23rd, bringing renewed energy for your year ahead.  And during these last days of the month, Sun is forming a good aspect to Neptune, adding to your idealism, empathy and flow.

Last but not least, Full Moon is (just after noon on 27th, BST so the big build-up is 26th) in your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships.   Looks interesting!

Sagittarius:  Activity in your father, career and social status zone may not be entirely comfortable at the start of the month but it’s compelling.  Possible questions may include…  Is this kind of thing really me?  Can I face the restrictions it brings?  And am I up to it?

Saturn is freshly in your sign and this is one of the first encounters it makes with the  other planets and with you.   There’s going to be plenty of time to get used to such dialogues as Saturn’s going to be your close companion for the next two years!

Despite Saturn’s uncomfortable questions, your ruling planet Jupiter is having a spectacular month!  With Mars and Venus alongside it at the top of your solar chart, the opportunities are many.  Once you’ve got over the self-doubt at the start of the month and once Mercury goes direct on 9th – the sky’s the limit!

Pluto’s looking on benignly and is offering support to Jupiter and the other planets in your status zone from 1st -23rd.  This is from your money, possessions, security and values zone which could bring a dramatic change in finances, security or your self-esteem.  Whichever it is, it creates a strong wind behind you and may open very unexpected doors.

Mars adds its dynamic energy to your cause from16th – 18th, days when the Moon too is in Sag giving you even extra support.  The month ends with a pleasurable Venus-Jupiter conjunction from 22nd -25th.  People with influence should be looking on you favourably and could even grant BIG favours.  Don’t be afraid to ask!

Capricorn:  Pluto in your 1st House of self-hood and identity gets glowing aspects from Jupiter, Mars and Venus for most of the month and you’ll feel the benefits!  These planets are offering their gifts from your 9th House of travel, studies, publishing, law, different cultures, belief systems and ethics.

Jupiter is the first planet to get involved from 1st – 12th which can broaden your horizons and bring growth and opportunites.  If you can’t squeeze a trip in or get your book published, join a course for some mental stimulation, do a re-write and explore different cultures nearby.

Mars takes over next from 12th – 16th bringing you energy, drive and assertiveness.  You’ll enjoy a sense of conviction too that you’re in the right and that your actions are ethical.  (Make sure of course, that they are).

Venus shows up next from 21st – 23rd, adding to your charisma and attractiveness.  Relations with in-laws go well, as do relations in all of the areas mentioned.

Venus and Jupiter join forces for everyone from 22nd – 25th which is a time to enjoy the company of others – be they classmates, thinkers, philosophical types or people from different cultures.  Let them all expand your mind!  Legal judgements might go your way too… .

Aquarius:  Venus continues to sweeten partnerships until 8th but then it changes signs and gets immediately way-laid by Saturn for three days (until 11th).  This might be uncomfortable but it can also help to raise awareness about whether certain relationships should be friendships or more?

The Sun opposite your ruling planet Uranus from 10th – 12th could also feel restrictive If you allow it to.  Don’t be squashed by people who want you to conform.  They’re just projecting their own self-consciousness onto you!

The transformational life processes of birth, sex, death, intimacy, joint funds and sharing are your super-active areas this month.  All heavy-duty areas, but the planets involved are positive and they form good aspects to Pluto in your 12th House of self-talk, inner-workings and behind the scenes.  Psychological blocks could be shifted, spiritual practices could be transformational and healing of all kinds (yourself and others) could take place!

You could be of great help to anyone in crisis this month, especially outcasts and those marginalised by society.  A windfall could also come your way (be that money, blessings from those you’ve helped or an abundance of passion!).  These fruits are most likely to fall around 16th – 18th or 22nd – 25th.

Full Moon on 26th/27th falls in your 4th House of mother and home.  Notice the emotions that come up and use this information to arrange things to better meet your needs.  Yes, we’re talking about self-nurture.

Pisces:  A great burst of energy’s taking place in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships all month.  Although this is a boisterous, up-beat vibe, it may feel abrasive at times (especially from 3rd – 7th when partners could be over-assertive… ).

Feelings of self-doubt could surface too in the face of such positivity.  And you may also become aware of quite a distance between your ‘ideal self’ and ‘real self’.  Welcome to the human race!  Personal development and self-acceptance are the two keys to this dilemma.

Saturn which is currently weighing down your public and social status zone, squares Venus from 8th – 11th.  This too could raise questions about whether certain partners support you professionally or not?  Do they understand the pressures of your work

By 22nd Venus and Jupiter have come together, creating pleasure, growth and opportunities in your relationships and partnerships zone.  Enjoy mingling and merging!

September 2015

Your Horoscope for September 2015

Our shared planetary picture

Lots of planetary happenings this month!  Venus and Mars start the month harmoniously and then move on to engage independently with freedom-loving Uranus.  Mars gets there first (4th – 8th) and after moving direct on 6th, Venus takes the same angle (18th – 23rd).  Compromise will not look like a possible option during these periods, nor should it.  Be open to what these two fresh breezes bring.

Every eclipse belongs to a cycle which repeats (often over hundreds of years) in different locations.  The partial solar eclipse this month on 13th (07.55 BST) belongs to a tricky series which often raises anxieties and concerns.

Later the same week on 17th Mercury goes retrograde (until Oct 9th).  So be alert to the higher potential for mix-ups and mis-understandings and avoid signing anything during this period if you can.

Next day on 18th Saturn finally completes its three year stay in Scorpio and moves into Sag.  This marks the beginning of a new focus of learning for us all over the next two years.  The truth and the consequences of mis-using it (in the present and past) are likely to come to light.  This is happening on a collective as well as on an individual level.  Ethics are also likely to be high profile.   The responsibilities of the media, legal system and religions will weigh heavily too (especially if they have not functioned as well as they should).  Navigate this new period as honestly as you can.

The final big shift of the month comes on 25th when Pluto goes direct after five months going retrograde and Mars changes signs from Leo to Virgo.  That makes for two strong forces pushing forwards anew.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun Sign  and  for your Ascendant Sign if you know it.

Aries:  Venus joins your ruling planet Mars at the start of the month bringing passion to your romance, children and creativity zone.  You’ll be more susceptible to the charms of others and your irresistibility will be heightened too!  By 4th Mars and Uranus are driving you on to astonish us yet again with more of your dashing Arian feats!  This wind is only behind you until 8th so follow your reliable impulses and don’t hang around!

The focus falls on your work, health and service to others zone with the eclipse on 13th.  Your daily routine may need examining.  Give it some consideration.  Relationships and partnerships could also suffer from crossed wires during Mercury’s retrograde movement from 17th (until Oct 9th).  Be as clear as you can.

Saturn completes its three year transit through your life processes, intimacy, joint funds and sharing zone on 18th.  Lessons learnt you now know how to proceed correctly.  Venus and Uranus throw up unexpected excitement from 18th – 23rd too, adding to the sense of release from your long Saturn transit.

Mars leaps again on 25th into your work, health and service to others zone on the same day as Pluto moves forward in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  You’ll like this change of pace – action all round!

Full Moon on the night of 27th/28th is in your sign.  Emotions will raise their head.   Don’t side-step them or push them down.  Let it flow!

Taurus:  Your ruling planet Venus starts the month passionately and creatively with Mars and they’re in your 4th House of mother and home, generating lots of energy for DIY, blitzing and perhaps entertaining too.  You have Mars on hand until 25th so push ahead with projects (especially creative ones) at home.  Personal development could benefit from this energy too.

Venus has been retrograde since late July taking you back to examine some relationships once again but this process completes on 6th and you can move ahead with the information you gleened during this period.  Venus also teams up with Uranus from 18th – 23rd which can make for emotional or creative excitement.  Be open to both!

The eclipse on 13th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone.  And two days later Mercury goes retrograde in your 6th House of work, health and service to others until Oct 9th.  Keep communications as clear as you can with colleagues and daily companions and it might be worth getting a second opinion on health diagnoses if any turn up during this period.

Saturn completes its long and arduous lessons in your relationships and partnerships zone on 18th and you can finally put the conclusions (which you may have learnt the hard way) into action.

Saturn is now taking you into a new area of learning – your 8th House of transformation.  This includes the life transformational processes of birth, sex and death and also joint funds, the money of others, taxes, debts, inheritances and sharing.  All hefty numbers, so it’s good that you’re a sturdy, resilient Taurus!

Gemini:  Creative ideas are still bubbling away at the start of the month, as Venus and Mars join forces in your 3rd House of ideas, communications, trading, siblings and neighbours.  Your natural ability to break down information and make it available to others is at its creative best, as is your gift for words.

Venus goes direct on 6th which is even more helpful and Uranus is getting involved with both planets later in the month, bringing excitement and the unexpected.   You don’t have to wait long, as Mars hooks up with Uranus first of all from 4th – 8th.  If you find yourself being more assertive with friends, groups and the many communities that your belong to, it’s that Mars wind in your sails.  Your ideas will take on an original form and your need for pure, uncompromised expression and creative freedom will be exhilarating (and surprising for others).  Whatever you do, don’t compromise.  They’ll get used to it!

Home (in the widest sense) mother, nurturing and personal development are the focus on 13th when the eclipse comes to call.  Reflect well on what comes up and apply some of that creative thinking of yours to the possibly tricky material presented.  Your ruling planet Mercury becomes contrary from 17th while it goes retrograde until Oct 9th.  This falls in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  Be very clear in all of your communications during this period and double-check all the credentials if you’re planning any financial speculation.  (Wait until Mercury’s direct again if you can).

You’ll be pleased to know Saturn finally finishes its long and arduous orbit through your 6th House of work, health and service to others on 18th.  This marks the end of three long years of learning in these areas.  You can now apply your hard-earnt conclusions and move forward.

As one door closes, another opens and your next long stretch with Saturn is in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships.  This may not be immediately apparent as Venus starts to liaise with Uranus also on 18th (until 23rd).  This can be romantically or creatively exciting which may happily distract you from the toll of serious Saturn.

On 25th both Mars and Pluto conspire to change gear in your mother and home zone and in your transformational life processes and sharing arena which includes the sharing of yourself physically (i.e. intimately) and fiscally as in joint funds.  And what I wonder, will that bring?

Cancer:  Your creative financial schemes start the month well as Venus and Mars produce the desired effects.  And things look even brighter when Venus goes direct on 6th.  The month gets less predictable as it unfolds though.  Changeable Uranus enters the creative equation from 4th – 8th as Mars teams up with it.  This brings you unexpected help from authority figures or from your professional or social status.  (Enjoy it and avoid compromise if at all possible!)

The famous eclipse falls into your 3rd House of communications on 13th.  This can make your ideas, sharing of information, trading, physical movement and dealings with siblings or neighbours thought provoking and at worst, tricky.

Mercury goes retrograde later in the week from 17th which is astrologically a double whammy.  The best advice is to be very clear in all your dealings and to double and treble check that people have fully understood you.  Best to avoid signing things if possible.

Saturn leaves your 5th House of romance, children and creativity on 18th.  Many issues have been placed before you over the past three years and now hopefully older and wiser, you can at last put your conclusions into action.  The sense of relief this generates is added to by Venus and Uranus joining forces from 18th – 23rd.  This could be exciting.  Be experimental and open to the unexpected.

Power-wielding Pluto which has been dragging you back to reassess things in your relationships and partnerships zone since mid-April, goes direct on 25th.  Forward movement is once again possible.  Mars changes sign on the same day and leaps into your 3rd House of communications,  Others may think you’re being more assertive… and they’re right!  Time for dynamic action!

Leo:  Venus and Mars add to your charisma at the start of the month, as they conjoin in your sign – mmmmmm.  And what a shining star you are in our sky!  (Being a Leo, we know you can handle it!).

Relating and creativity get even easier when Venus goes direct on 6th, right in the middle of a Mars-Uranus aspect that brings excitement to you from your travel, study, legal, cultural and ethics zone.  This is around from 4th – 8th so make the most of it.  And bear in mind it means others should adapt to you this time!

The tricky eclipse on 13th falls in your 2nd House of finance, security and values.  This is an active area all month and it’s not all problematic, although that may not be apparent this week…

Mercury goes retrograde on 17th in your communications zone.  Be very clear in all you say and double-check you’ve understood others.  (This applies until Oct 9th).  The following day Saturn finally finishes its long lessons in your 4th House of mother and home.  And your new area for learning over the next two years is in love affairs, children and creativity.

Venus teams up with Uranus from 18th – 23rd adding even further to your charms.  You could be prone to the attractions of others too, especially those from different countries and cultures or people with attractively different belief systems or philosophies.

On 25th Pluto and Mars both make a change and stir up action in your work, health and finance zones.  Could that be a new job on the horizon?  Or a change in your daily routine that adds to your sense of security?  Yes it could!  Explore both possibilities!

Virgo:  So much is happening in Virgo.  Sun and Jupiter are both in your sign for most of the month, bringing fresh energy, optimism and a feeling of renewal.  Your unconscious, healing and behind the scenes life is also working creatively and pointing  out things you need to make conscious.  Psychological blocks could be moved or worked on too.

Mid-month the eclipse is in your sign on 13th which is challenging, followed by Mercury’s retrograde movement on 17th in your finance and security zone.  Avoid making major financial moves until after it goes direct (on Oct 9th) if you can.

Saturn which has been testing you in your 3rd House of communications, physical movement, siblings and neighbours for three years, makes its exit on 18th.  This lightens the mind and allows you to apply your hard-earnt conclusion to these areas.  Positive thinking should become easier too.

Saturn’s new area for learning and revision is in your mother and home zone.  Nurturing and personal development come into this too so prepare for a new course of discovery.

On 25th Pluto goes direct in your romance, children and creativity zone after five months of being retrograde.  If plans in any of these areas have been on hold, take the brakes off now and push ahead.  On the same day Mars leaps into your sign bringing energy, drive and dynamic action and it’s around for the next seven weeks.  Forge ahead and make hay while the sun shines!

Libra:  Your ruling planet Venus starts the month next to passionate Mars and then goes direct on 6th.  This is good for friends, groups and collective endeavours.  Partnerships may be more erratic though as Uranus is lying in wait full of surprises.

Mars gets within range of it from 4th – 8th and brings sudden change to partnerships, groups and friendships.  This can be exciting or startling depending on how alert you’ve been lately.  Venus gets there later in the month (18th – 23rd) which brings excitement and unexpected new attractions.  Alternatively, the new attraction may be you!

Your inner world may produce unhelpful thoughts around the time of the eclipse on 13th.  The more conscious you are of them, the easier they’ll be to deal with.  How we think of something, makes it so.  With this in mind, guide your thoughts in a positive direction.  Mercury also goes retrograde in your sign on 17th, making it all the more important to keep your mind buoyant and to take special care with communications.  (This applies until Oct 9th).

Saturn completes its long sojourn in your money, possessions, security and values zone on 18th.  The repetitive nature of this learning process has been necessary to get the point across.   It’s taken you’ve now ‘got it’ (i.e. the point, not necessarily the money!)

There’s a double shift on 25th as Pluto goes direct in your mother and home zone while Mars jumps into your 12th House of behind the scenes activity.  Use it to bring unconscious material to light.

Full Moon in your opposite sign on the night of 27th/28th looks intense for partnerships. Channel that intensity!

Scorpio:  Your father, career and social status zone begins the month creatively with Venus and Mars working together.  On 6th Venus goes direct and people in authority will be well-disposed towards you.  Your ambitions are strong with Mars in your 10th House too.  Ask favours from people who can help.

Uranus in your 6th House of work, health and service to others is helping things along too.  Changes to how you arrange your daily routine can have massive impact on your progress.  And this can apply to both your work and home life routine.  Experiment.

The eclipse on 13th in your friends, groups and community zone could be challenging. Mercury goes retrograde too on 17th in your 12th House of spirituality, compassion, the collective unconscious and healing so try to be clear on your motives in relation to others and take some time to examine how well you acknowledge, soothe and express your inner world and on how helpful your ‘self-talk’ is.

The moment you’ve been waiting for comes to pass on 18th when Saturn moves out of your sign.  After pushing uncomfortable information under your nose for you to review for the past three years, it now leaves you free to apply the conclusions you have drawn.

Saturn is always somewhere teaching us lessons and its next port of call is your 2nd House of money, possessions, self-esteem, security and values.  This is roughly a two-year process and it starts on 18th.

On 25th Mars moves into your 11th House making you more assertive or directive with friends, groups and community.  Your ruling planet Pluto goes direct on the same day in your communications, physical movement, siblings and neighbours zone after five months being in retrograde.  Check your thinking dial is on a positive setting, as you’ll be running at full force.  Forge ahead!

Sagittarius:  Travel, studies, cultural and ethical matters start the month well and get even better when Venus goes direct on 6th.  Uranus in your romance, children and creativity zone helps in a stimulating way too.

The eclipse on 13th falls in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  This is not always the most helpful of things.  On 17th Mercury goes retrograde too in your friends, groups and community zone.  Take care with communications until it goes direct on Oct 9th.

The biggest news this month is Saturn’s arrival in Sag on 18th where it’s going to stay until Dec 2017.  Saturn is the planet of learning, restriction and self-imposed limitations which doesn’t sound very attractive but it also brings maturity, responsibilities and a reaping of what you’ve already sown.  (i.e. this could be good!)

When Saturn enters your sign you’re sometimes drawn to a halt in order to carry out a much-needed review on how you’ve been dealing in the past with identity, self-expression and creativity.  It’s also an opportunity to look at how you want to deal with these in the future, although they may not be easy during this learning process.  Square up to the information about yourself, that’s laid before you during this period.  It’s to help you not punish you.

Your ambitions begin to sharpen on 25th as Mars and Pluto push ahead with money-making career plans or self-esteem improvements.  Go well!

Capricorn:  Your intimacy and joint funds zone goes well at the start of the month as Venus and Mars join forces.  And this gets even better after Venus goes direct on 6th!

Travel, study, legal and ethical matters could cause concerns with the eclipse around 13th.  Communications with authority figures could be tricky too from 17th.  Check and double check everyone is included in the information loop professionally, as this falls in your father, career and social status zone.

Your ruling planet Saturn changes sign this month and moves into your inner workings zone on 18th for two years which should help you to become more compassionate and more self-aware.  Self-sabotage is one area to explore, as is healing.

The other big shift this month is Pluto which has been retrograde in your sign since mid-April.  On 25th it goes direct and you can once again move ahead with your plans.  Mars changes signs on the same day, making you more assertive about travel, studies, and principles.

Full Moon on the night of 27th/28th falls in your mother and home zone.  Fireworks or passion?  You decide.

Aquarius:  Partnerships start the month passionately with Venus and Mars meeting in your 7th House.  Mars then goes on to align with your ruling planet Uranus from 4th – 8th when you’ll want to do things in your own way.  This is a time when others will just have to adapt to you and if they do, they could learn an Aquarian thing or two on the excitement richter scale!

On 6th Venus goes direct, also in your 7th House, improving relationships and creative projects.  It too teams up with Uranus from 18th – 23rd when new attractions could come along or an existing relationship could develop in an unexpected direction.  Or perhaps the call of freedom will be just too loud for you to ignore.  If none of these seem to apply, then it may show up in exciting creative projects instead!

The eclipse on 13th falls in your transformational life processes, intimacy and joint funds zone which isn’t easy.  Mercury goes retrograde later in the week on 17th which isn’t the most helpful situation either.  This is in your 9th House of travel, studies, law, ethics and publishing zone.  Avoid making deals until after Oct 9th if you can.

After a three-year intensive course, Saturn finally leaves your father, career and social status zone on 18th.  With many lessons now tucked under your belt, you now know how to continue.  Your new arenas for Saturn’s scrutiny is friends, groups, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals – areas close to the Aquarian heart.  This is just the beginning, you have just over two years to complete all of your new homework.

Pluto goes direct in your behind the scenes 12th House on 25th after five months of being in reverse.  A psychological block could shift or a dream or revelation could bring helpful information.  Mars changes signs on the same day in your 6th House of work health and service to others.  Apply that energy where it’s most needed.  Could that be a new regime perhaps?  Yes it could.  Your unconscious is prepared to co-operate too.  So with self-sabotage out of the way, there’s nothing to stop you.  Get going!

Pisces:  Harmony at work and in your daily dealings at the start of the month as Venus and Mars join forces.  And things improve even more when Venus goes direct on 6th.  Uranus is helping things along in an unexpected way too from your income zone.

The eclipse on 13th focuses your attention on relationships and partnerships.  Sun and Jupiter are working on the positive side but give it all some thought.  Hold back on joint-fund projects from 17th when Mercury goes retrograde in your intimacy and sharing zone.  And proceed with caution until after it goes direct (on Oct 9th).

Serious Saturn completes its three-year course of lessons in your travel, study, legal, publishing and ethics zone on 18th.  Lessons learnt you can now proceed correctly and move on to your new Saturnian focus – your 10th House of father, career and social status.  This course of learning will last until Dec 2017 and is a time when you will reap what you have sown.

Mars and Pluto both make a move on 25th, bringing action and forward movement to your romance, children and creativity zone and to your friends, groups and community areas.  The way is now clear on all fronts.  Full steam ahead!

August 2015

Your Horoscope for August  2015

Our shared planetary picture

There are two major planetary shifts this month. Saturn which has been retrograde since mid-March goes direct on 2nd. This marks the completion of a four and a half month review of how honest we have been with ourselves and how well we have met our responsibilities for personal growth over the last three years, since Saturn first moved into Scorpio.

The second big shift is Jupiter’s movement into Virgo on 11th after a year in Leo. Although initially this may look like less fun for us all, it sets a collective change of focus from creativity, self-expression and being in the limelight, to health, work and service to others. Self-improvement will be a prominent theme and a turning away from glitzy, mass-produced ‘bling’ to simple, natural beauty and things made by hand.

Ecologically there could be a swell in consciousness over the year ahead too. And work – life balance, health and general well-being are key areas for scrutiny and adjustment. Willingness to devote time to help others could also be one of the many benefits on the crest of this new wave. Be ready to surf and help others to get on their boards too!

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it

Aries:   You’ll be pleased to know your long stretch of lessons and dwelling on shared responsibilities, joint funds and intimacy takes a turn for the better on 2nd as Saturn goes direct and begins its last lap through your 8th House.

Jupiter is on the move too and your year of growth, expansion and opportunity in romance, children, creativity and speculation comes to an end on 11th. This may seem sad in a way but it’s time to devote your attention to work, health and service to others. You know it needs looking at.

Your ruling planet Mars moves into Leo on 8th so even though Jupiter moves out on 11th, there’s still some get up and go for the pursuit of romance, creativity and speculation and it will last until late September (others be warned!)

Venus makes a nice aspect to Uranus in your sign from 16th -19th which should bring harmony and co-operation for your latest original project (which could even be a make-over for you!). Could we be talking about a hair or wardrobe revolution? Yes we could. Keep an open mind!

Taurus:   Saturn goes direct on 2nd in your relationships and partnerships zone after a four and a half month impasse. Your personal development course in these areas is now almost complete and it’s been a long haul since October 2012.

The other good news is that Jupiter moves into your 5th House of romance, children, creativity and speculation on 11th. This marks the beginning of a year of growth, expansion and opportunities in these areas. It’s also good for sports and general enjoyment of life!

Your ruling planet Venus is retrograde all month in your 4th House of mother and home. This could mean a rethink on the home front in some way (whether decor or relating dynamics) or how you’ve been relating to women in the family. It could also be a review of nutrition and how you nurture yourself or your personal development. Mars moves into this area too from 8th giving gumption and determination to any projects you decide upon.

Any confusion or misunderstandings brought about by the Mercury-Neptune opposition on 13th (again regarding mother and home) soon gets cleared up or it may even help to inform the fresh new start offered the next day with New Moon on 14th. The internal and external are reflections of each other in this respect, so any resolutions you make about the physical home or about your personal life, can each have real impact on the other too. Venus is close by helping to smooth things along. So just decide where you want to start!

Gemini:   Saturn changes direction in your 6th House of work, health and service to others on 2nd and any conclusions you may have drawn about these over the last four and a half months when Saturn was retrograde, can now be put into action. This is part of a three-year learning process which is almost complete.

Venus remains retrograde in your 3rd House all month, reviewing communications and perhaps relationships with siblings and neighbours. Mars joins it on 8th and you’ll have lots of mental energy to apply to paperwork, communications, correspondence and creative ideas. Conversations around New Moon on 14th could spark off yet more ideas or even a new project.

Your ruling planet Mercury spans three signs this month, indicating you’ll be covering a lot of ground too, especially in communications with family or regarding ideas and movement at home.

Jupiter also moves into your mother and home zone on 11th and is taking residence for one year. This brings growth, expansion and opportunity which may involve a bigger home, a home overseas, a domestic cultural change or an improvement in emotional conditions at home. Personal development could be a big area for growth too. Be ready!

Cancer:   Hold ups, frustrations and deadlocks with romance, children, creativity and speculation all start to move forwards on 2nd with Saturn’s change of direction. It’s been a long, hard slog but the end is now within sight.

Your finances are still pretty active, even though Jupiter moves out of your income zone on 11th. Mars moves in on 8th making you more assertive or driven to secure income, possessions or security in some way. New Moon alongside Venus on 14th could also bring to light a new source of income or a happier attitude towards values and what at the end of the day is important (which may not be material things).

Jupiter moves into your 3rd House of communications, trading, siblings, neighbours and physical movement on 11th. This augurs a year of growth, expansion and opportunities in one or more or all of these areas. Your mind should also be operating at its most positive and only then do we become fully aware of all our possibilities. Be open to them all!

Leo:   Saturn which has been a weight around your leg in your mother and home zone for three years, moves direct on 2nd after four and a half months in reverse. This will come as a relief but this last review has been necessary to get things quite clear in your mind. You’ve covered a lot of ground in the last three years and your lessons in these areas complete in September. So you’re almost home and dry.

Although Jupiter leaves your sign on 11th after a year of personal growth and expansion, Venus remains all month, making you charmer of the zodiac yet again! Venus is also retrograde offering you chance to look at domestic relating, interior decor and your own personal interior decor – how you’ve been nurturing yourself (or otherwise…) and what would next be helpful in terms of personal development.

While you’re pondering all of this, Mars enters your sign on 8th giving you energy, drive and assertiveness for whatever you set your mind to. So take aim and go for it!

Jupiter (planet of growth, expansion and opportunity) takes its new placement in Virgo from 11th which falls into your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values. This can have one of two good results (so long as you don’t go to excess). Either it can improve your income over the coming year or bring about a shift in your philosophy. A belief system could provide all the security you need while material things lose their importance. Be open to either possibility!

Virgo:   Your ruling planet Mercury is still rushing around and zips through your sign in just three weeks. This stimulates your urge to communicate but it could also rev up your nervous system somewhat, so get plenty of exercise to use some of it up or channel it into projects and make sure you make time to relax too.

Saturn goes direct on 2nd in your 3rd House of communications, movement, siblings and neighbours after being in reverse for four and a half months. There are six more weeks of lessons in one or more or all of these areas, to complete a long three-year learning process, after which you can apply your hard-earned conclusions.

Jupiter leaves your 12th House this month after a year of growth and expansion in institutions, the pain and suffering of others, healing, work behind the scenes, spiritual development and the collective unconscious. Venus remains in this House all month and Mars jumps in on 8th to provide vim and vigour too. New Moon offers new opportunities in one or more of these areas on 14th, helped along by Venus.

The BIG good news is that Jupiter moves into Virgo, your very own sign on 11th, ushering in a year of growth, expansion and opportunity.  There should be lots of optimism too and a wider and more up-beat sense of identity.  This only happens every 12 years so make the most of this lovely, reassuring upbeat wave!  And keep an eye open for those opportunities…

Libra:   Saturn goes direct on 2nd in your finance zone which should allow some helpful headway at last. And if debts or investments need sorting out, a realistic plan could now be put in place.

Your ruling planet Venus remains in your 11th House of friends, teams, groups and community all month, so make time to enjoy collective pleasures. The weekend of 14th -16th adds a lovely New Moon alongside Venus, so pencil in some group plans for then too. Partnerships go well from16th – 19th when Venus and Uranus co-operate and find new solutions. (Lucky you’re on hand to smooth them along!)

On 11th Jupiter moves into your 12th House, bringing a year of growth, expansion and opportunities in institutions, addressing the pain and suffering of others (especially those marginalised or on the edge of society in some way), healing, creative work behind the scenes and spiritual growth. Wishing others well also brings growth (for both you and them). Explore the power of intention, positive thought, meditation and whatever form of prayer or sending of positive thoughts that you might be comfortable with. Revelations await!

Scorpio:   Saturn which has been on your case for almost three years, starts to move forwards on 2nd after four and a half months in reverse. This may have drawn things to a halt but for the best of reasons. It provided space for that necessary one last look at how you’ve been progressing since October 2012.

This long review of identity and self expression is now almost complete. And any omissions or areas you may have skimmed over first time have hopefully been brought to light and are now in hand and part of the new, more highly-evolved you!

There’s still lots of emphasis in your 10th House of father, career and social status. Although Jupiter moves out on 11th after a year of expansion, Venus remains there all month and Mars moves in on 8th adding energy and determination to your ambitions.

Venus in 10th House usually offers the assistance of people in authority. This month it’s retrograde which offers the opportunity to take a look at how you relate to them and how you present yourself in public. New Moon on 14th is offering a fresh start here in some way and Venus is smoothing the whole process along too, so set forth on this new wave.

Another big shift this month is Jupiter which moves into your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals on 11th August. This marks the beginning of a year of growth, expansion and opportunity in these areas, so be open to exploring them. People from different cultures or countries may feature and your whole world view or philosophy could open up to new horizons. Looks enjoyable!

Sagittarius:   Saturn which has been rumbling uncomfortably in your unconscious and your life behind the scenes, starts to move forwards on 2nd. Just six more weeks and you’ll be free at last from this three-year lesson in ‘facing up’. Be open during this last stretch to any remaining ‘information’ that still needs to be brought to light.

Your ruling planet Jupiter is also on the move this month, after a year of expansion in your 9th House of travel, study, culture, publishing, legal and ethical matters. These areas don’t draw to a halt though as Venus is hovering there all month. Mars leaps in too from 8th and adds energy and determination to the coqtail (but don’t use it being vexatious). New Moon provides a new start in these areas too on 14th, helped along by Venus. This could enhance your whole outlook and world view if you let it. Let it!

So where is Jupiter heading for on 11th? Into your 10th House of father, career and social status. A year of growth, expansion and opportunities is about to begin. Your understanding and appreciation of diversity in the world may take a leap forward too. You’ll be visible to others which raises your reputation. Make sure it’s for good reasons!

Capricorn:   Your ruling planet Saturn has been prolonging your ongoing need to look at friends, teams, groups, community and collective ventures. On 2nd it goes direct and things start to move forwards again after a four and a half month impasse (which probably felt longer).

Your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone is the new area for a lighter review as Venus remains retrograde there all month. New Moon with co-operative Venus offer a fresh start on the weekend on 14th -16th. Be sure to make the most of it!

The other good news is that Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity moves into your 9th House of travel, study, publishing, law and ethics on 11th and stays there for a year. Mercury quickly sweeps the path beforehand, so you’ll probably already be thinking about some or all of these areas. Get set and be ready for this new cycle of growth!

Aquarius:   Saturn which has been hanging over your 10th House of father, career and social status for almost three years, goes direct on 2nd after four and a half months in reverse. This is the beginning of the last stretch of this long learning process. It has also been a time of reaping what you have sown in the past, in terms of your status, authority and reputation.

Venus is retrograde in your relationships and partnerships zone all month. So there might be a review or a turnaround in past or present partnerships or in how you view people in your ‘pending file’. New Moon on 14th also falls in this area and ushers in a fresh new start here, helped along by Venus which is hovering close by, smoothing things along.

Jupiter moves out of this area on 11th but Mars moves in on 8th so you may find yourself, partners (including business) or suitors being more assertive than usual. You can also make good headway in these areas if there are things to be done.

Jupiter’s new placement brings growth to your 8th House of joint funds, transformational processes (birth, sex and death), ‘the money of others’, sharing and intimacy for the next 12 months. Looks interesting!

Pisces:   Full Moon in Pisces on 29th finds an emotional you but there’s so much ground to be covered before then! Saturn goes direct on 2nd in your 9th House of travel, different cultures, study, publishing, legal and ethical matters. This brings a turnaround in yet another review of these areas that have been cause for ongoing thought and concern. You’ve now almost completed this three-year ‘course’ of learning (you’ll probably be pleased to know!)

New Moon on 14th falls in your work, health and service to others zone offering a new start. This is a lively area all month with Venus and Mars bringing creativity and vigour to your well-being or to daily relationships (including colleagues). Jupiter moves out though on 11th completing a year of expansion. This isn’t cause for sadness, as it immediately moves into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships for a year.

Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion so the existing form of partnership you may already be in won’t feel satisfying if it remains static. There has to be a sense of growth or you may find yourself looking elsewhere… or being free of relationships all together may look like the best option.

And if presently single, someone may turn up who makes your world a bigger place. They could be from a different country or culture or introduce you to new places, philosophies or activities. Or the ‘partner’ in question, could be a business partner, not an emotional one. If so, here too there must be expansion. Prepare for a wider world!

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth chart consultations by phone, just get in touch – – 07929 261231

July 2015

Horoscope for July 2015

Our shared planetary picture

A concentration of planets and New Moon in Cancer get us in the mood for nurturing and home making this month. Pluto is pulling in the opposite direction of ambitions and worldly power during the first half of the month but personal development is more important right now and fresh new steps can be taken here with New Moon on 16th.

If battles of will look like they could break out (especially around 5th – 6th and 11th – 15th) give them a body swerve and leave the power-driven to stew in their own juices.

Meanwhile there are active opportunities for healing around 4th – 8th and 23rd – 27th. Be sure to tune in and make the most of them!

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries: The month begins on a vibrant note with Venus and Jupiter enjoying the social side of life and teaming up with Uranus in your sign. Full Moon in the early hours of 2nd raises emotions in your father, career and social status zone too.

Your ruling planet Mars is making headway in your 4th House of mother and home, bringing energy and action all month but it runs into opposition with Pluto from 12th – 15th. This indicates conflict between your public and personal life in some way. Authority figures may loom large or career and social status demands could compromise your inner well-being – if you allow them to.

There’s also a build up of planets in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity from 23rd. You can make headway here too and good times are easy to find and to generate.

New Moon on 16th offers a fresh start and opportunities to get home and personal development right. This is important. If you’re not sure how to set about this, start in the kitchen…

Taurus: Your mind will be active this month as Sun and Mars stir up lots of ideas. If at times this seems to be heading towards conflict, aim for discussion rather than arguments. There may also be a lot of to-ing and fro-ing this month, so why not throw in some exercise while you’re at it?

Your ruling planet Venus is moving through your mother and home zone until 18th ,which brings pleasure to home life and relationships with women. You may find yourself wanting to beautify your den and to entertain – go ahead.

A Venus – Saturn square from 11th – 14th brings up discomfort between partnerships and home or relationships and personal development. Take a closer look. Saturn has been prompting you to look more deeply into partnerships for the past two and a half years. It’s time to get to grips with this, however uncomfortable that may be. Self awareness is key.

Venus enters your 5th House of children, creativity and romance on 18th bringing pleasure. But then goes retrograde on 25th, taking you back to review one of these areas. You have until early September to find better expression.

Gemini: Your ruling planet Mercury is whizzing at high speed this month and visits three different signs! It’s in Gemini until 8th, making you even speedier than usual, then it zips through your finance zone until 23rd before speeding up communications till the end of the month.

Creative ideas are at an all time high right now too, especially up to 18th, although the demands of your daily routine may be somewhat of a hindrance from 11th – 14th. Rather than getting annoyed by this, take it as a reminder to eliminate thankless tasks that you’ve allowed to creep into your daily life and/or add more fulfilling ones.

Sun and Mars are being energetic in financial maters and there’s real determination on hand to do whatever now needs doing. Career and finances harmonise from 4th – 8th. But the expectations of others puts a strain on resources from 11th – 15th. Risk versus security are themes which are around too.

From 23rd – 27th there are opportunities for healing in your public status zone. Take them!

Cancer: Full Moon in your opposite sign on the night of the 1st/2nd starts the month off on an emotional note, especially in relationships and partnerships. The Mars – Neptune trine from 4th – 8th helps you to see the bigger picture and there are healing opportunities from 23rd – 27th. This is helpful after possible battles of will from 11th – 15th, especially with partners.

Communications run smoothly from 18th but they may need a second look from 25th when Venus goes retrograde. The same applies to relations with siblings and neighbours. Finances start to look even better after 23rd.

Meanwhile, the Sun and Mars are pumping you full of energy and your determination is unstoppable. New Moon on 16th is in Cancer and this is the beginning of your personal new year. There’s a good chance with Sun and Mars around that any resolutions you make at this point will be kept to. So take aim and commit!

Leo: The month starts on a high as Venus and Jupiter meet up in your sign, signifying good times, even if it is against a backdrop of exhaustion. It’s been a year since the Sun was last gracing your sign and the month before our solar return is often one of lowest ebb and energy. Your generator is back though on 23rd which restores you with new supplies of dynamism to grasp the year ahead.

During the first three weeks of the month before this, the emphasis is on your inner workings and creativity behind the scenes. You’ll be active on both fronts and self-knowledge gained will be a helpful addition to your bag of tools to tackle the year ahead.

Finances seem to improve from 18th but hold back from spending sprees as Venus goes retrograde on 25th till early September. A financial review covering security and values will be taking place. Listen carefully to what comes up!

Virgo: Your ruling planet Mercury is moving fast and busy as a bee this month and most likely you wil be too. Your inner workings and behind the scenes life is full of activity too and helpful revelations, visions and dreams could assist your path of growth and learning. This is great for imaginative creative work too.

Your 11th House of friends, groups and community is full of get up and go all month and you’ll have energy to offer others and will also get energised in the process of participating. New Moon here on 16th opens a new opportunity too.

Venus enters your sign on 18th adding to your charms and attractiveness and making you darling of the zodiac until the end of the month. It goes retrograde on 25th though, wanting to make sure that you’re aware of your gifts too?

Libra: The month starts on a high as your ruling planet Venus teams up with Jupiter and Uranus on a feel-good wave of sociability and expansion. Full Moon early morning on 2nd raises emtions in your 4th House of mother and home.

There may be challenges later in the month around 5th -15th between the conflicting demands of your public and private life or your ambitions and personal development may be pulling in opposite directions. If partners are not helpful or even become contrary while all this is going on, focus on your needs rather than theirs.

Relationships,creativity and values are all up for further review as Venus squares Saturn from 11th -14th. A Mars -Pluto opposition around the same time could indicate battles of will in partnerships too. The answers lie within, not in trying to keep the peace at any price.

New Moon on 16th offers a fresh start in your public life. Make some new resolutions and keep to them!

Scorpio: Your travel, legal and philosophy zone looks lively this month And you’ll be making your views clear to others. You may need to tone it down though around 11th – 15th when your ruling planet Pluto may be drawn to going for the jugular.

Power and how you use it, abuse it or abnegate it to others is definitely on the agenda this month and not for the first time. There are different ways of looking at things and enforcing just your view isn’t a show of strength or even helpful.

Opportunities are presenting themselves in your public life until 18th. But if you allow self preoccupation to dominate, you may miss out on openings to improve your social status. Have faith in yourself!

Sagittarius: The month starts with a bang as Venus and Uranus complement your ruling planet Jupiter in a happy line-up. And there’ a Full Moon on the night of 1st/2nd in your finance and security zone so you’ll probably notice that too!

The main emphasis of the month though is in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone. Lots of energy is around to help you make headway here, along with determination. Making wills, dealing with taxes, debts and inheritances are all possibilities. And re. intimacy, just how much of yourself do you really share?

While you reflect (and hopefully act) on this, the demands of your inner psychological needs pull in a different direction from 11th -14th. As you know, there are still unresolved issues here and this is a reminder that you have until mid-September to get them into light of day to work on!

A Mars – Pluto opposition around the same time raises almost compulsive security needs which pull in the opposite direction to sharing. Be grateful for this (perhaps uncomfortable) raising of awareness. New Moon on 16th falls in the joint funds and intimacy area we have also been talking about. This is an opportunity to take a new and more helpful strategy in the year ahead.

Jupiter squares Saturn from 23rd – 31st demanding you look at how your inner workings, beliefs and world view need to find new ways to talk to each other. Any travel, cultural, legal or ethical dilemmas you may find yourself in, are simply a reflection of this.

Capricorn: Full Moon falls in your sign early morning on 2nd, so the night of 1st will hold a lot of emotion for you. There are some challenges this month but Sun and Mars spend most of the month energising your 7th House of relationships and partnerships. Your determination will be strong but so will any partner’s so try to join forces and direct your energies towards the same goals rather than opposing each other.

Venus squares your ruling planet Saturn from 11th – 14th which could put a strain on sharing, joint funds and intimacy and Mars opposes Pluto in your sign from 12th -15th. Avoid battles of will if at all possible during this period and around 5th – 6th when the Sun opposes Pluto. Might doesn’t make something right. So if you find yourself being overbearing or resisting others’ attempts to take control, take yourself in check and be sure that your actions and responses are more high-minded than theirs. Lead by example!

Aquarius: Sun, Mars and Mercury are directing your attention towards work, health and service to others. Your daily routine is up for grabs and this month you have the energy and determination to do something about it. Job hunting, a new work project or a new exercise regime would all do very nicely. Psychological blocks could get blasted out of the way too.

Relationships and partnerships are well-starred apart from a conflict of interest around 11th – 14th. Could it be between an attachment to how you view your status and existing partnerships or others on offer? Or whether a certain partnership would compromise your ambitions or social status? You have until mid-September to review your public life and to resolve whatever needs resolving…

Your ruling planet Uranus goes retrograde on 26th and will be reviewing levels of compromise in your communications, trading, movements and possibly in dealings with siblings and nneighbours. Interesting!

Pisces: A bundle of energy coming from your 5th House of romance, creativity and children is livening things up and enhancing your sense of well-being, although your friends, groups you belong to or community may be pulling in the opposite direction around 11th – 15th.

Or there could be some conflict between whether a certain relationship should be a friendship or more? Or whether to aim for individual creativity or collective achievement? Sun and Mars say romance and individual creativity and so does New Moon on 16th!

Work and daily routine are a source of pleasure this month, apart from a possible ethical or cultural issue around 11th – 14th. Health should be good too, so long as you don’t go to excess in any way

Mars aligns at a helpful angle to Chiron in your sign from 23rd – 27th. This creates an impetus for self-healing. Go with it!

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth chart consultations by phone, just get in touch – – 07929 261231

June 2015

Your Horoscope for June 2015

Our shared planetary picture

There is lots of surface action as planets whizz through Gemini this month which gets more helpful after 11th when Mercury goes direct once again. Underneath though, two heavier weight planets: Saturn and Neptune are taking us back to revisit certain areas that needs a second look. Lessons for us all – some old, some new and some on frequent repeat!

Towards the end of the month (from 26th) Venus and Jupiter team up to bring us happy times and opportunities (just so long as we don’t go to excess). Uranus takes a role in this too, bringing an element of surprise – even better!

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscopes for your Sun Sign and for your Ascendant Sign if you know it.

Aries:   Your ruling planet Mars is steaming ahead in your 3rd House of ideas, communications, movement, siblings and neighbours until 24th. Your style, even more than usual is decisive and hot (which others might mistake for curt and abrupt… ). Mercury doesn’t help initially until it goes direct on 11th, so if you have important presentations or tricky subjects to broach, hold your horses until then to avoid misunderstandings. This needn’t inhibit your amazingly active thought processes, just wait until your audience is ready. New Moon on 16th (15.07 BST) is the perfect time to show the world what you’ve been cooking up and it looks dynamic!

On 15th Saturn moves back into your 8th House of joint funds, sharing, birth, sex and death. This is a finishing process of the past three years where you’ve had to look some of these issues square in the face. Any areas you skimmed over then have to be dealt with now. Just do it. You have until mid-September to comp!ete your ‘homework’. Self-honesty and honesty with others is the only option.

On a lighter front, Mars moves into your mother and home zone from 24th, so apply energy there. And Venus, Jupiter and Uranus conspire to bring good times in your romance, children and creativity zone from 26th. Be open to the unexpected and have fun!

Taurus:   Saturn returns on 15th to start the final term of the relationships and partnerships (personal or business) course that you’ve been on for the last three years. Although you’ve had a good look at this, the learning process isn’t quite complete or perhaps you haven’t yet fully applied your conclusions. You have until mid-September to do this and to gain your partnerships ‘diploma’. Be an attentive student!

Mars is zooming through your 2nd House of finances for most of the month and Sun moves in too from 21st. This brings you energy and an enterprising spirit so get going! Mercury retrograde clouds the picture at first so do your planning early on and wait until after 11th to initiate things when the wind will be behind you. And if you have a new project, New Moon on 16th (15.07 BST) is a great wave to start off on!

Your ruling planet Venus graces your 4th House of mother and home from 5th. Home and relationships with mother figures will be a pleasure. You may find yourself rearranging, decorating or beautifying your home in some way, sharing it with others and entertaining. Creative projects will go well too. If planning a get together, go for 26th onwards when Venus, Uranus and Jupiter promise lovely times. Nurturing and personal-development also come into the 4th House so make time for these too.

Gemini:   Sun and Mars are with you for the first three weeks of June bringing energy, drive and dynamism. You may not be too sure about it at first but once Mercury goes direct from 11th, the wind really is behind you. As you love to zip around (mentally and physically), you might even break your own record this month!

Full Moon on 2nd brings up emotions about relationships and partnerships which are helpful to look at. New Moon on 16th is in Gemini. This marks the beginning of your personal new year. With emotional life in mind, make some New Year’s Resolutions.

Neptune goes retrograde in your 10th House of father, career and social status from 12th. This clouds matters somewhat. Your ideals need to be looked again as last time something was missed. This could be to do with reputation and the lens through which others see you. Much more important however, is how you see yourself and how you want to be seen in the world.

Venus is looking helpful re finances from 5th and towards the end of the month, things look even better! From 26th Uranus brings the unexpected and Jupiter brings growth, expansion and opportunities to your money, values and security zone. It’s looking good!

Cancer:   Full Moon on 2nd falls into your work and health zone which includes colleagues and the people in your daily life, so the month will probably begin emotionally. You’re likely to sail through more smoothly than others though as Venus is in your sign until 5th. Your charms will be abundant and then when it moves into Leo (from 5th)your finances run more smoothly and start to flourish. The only danger here is the allure of beautiful things on the shopping front… And towards the end of the month from 26th unexpected and big things are lined up. It could be a windfall or a whopping credit card bill. (Remember you have some control over one, if not the other!).

Saturn moves back into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity on 15th to complete its three-year course of lessons. You have until mid-September to review what’s still been left undone and to resolve it. This final process is the opposite of ignoring things and hoping they’ll go away. Now is the time to be totally honest with yourself and others.

The month before our birthdays, we’re often at lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time ever in the year. That’s all about to change though as Sun enters your sign on 21st and even more dynamic, Mars also leaps in on 24th. Others had better look out!

Leo:   Venus enters your sign on 5th making you darling of the zodiac. Being a Leo, this is a role you take to easily, enjoy and help everyone else to enjoy too. And if this wasn’t good enough, later in the month your charms increase even more as Venus meets Jupiter in your sign, helped along by Uranus who throws in a touch of surprise. Socially and creatively from 26th you’re at your peak of irresistibility… Plan events and good times for then!

Mother and home matters keep your feet on the ground though from 15th as Saturn moves back into your 4th House and the weight of obstacles or responsibilities connected to these demand your attention once more. Although you’ve already spent three years working through this, your learning isn’t yet complete. Nurturing and personal development also come into this area, so these could be areas to explore too. You have until mid-September to complete your learning process.

A collection of planets in your friends, groups and community zone make this a lively area this month. Mars provides enterprising spirit and your ruling planet the Sun jumps in there from 21st giving a new burst of energy. Mercury’s goes direct on 11th so wait until after that to start new ventures, or aim for New Moon on 16th!

Virgo:   There’s lots of activity in your father, career and social status zone as Sun and Mars push things forward this month. You may notice you have more energy for these things and keener ambitions than usual and when Mercury goes direct from 11th, the world is yours! New Moon on 16th (15.07 BST) could mark the beginning of a new era professionally or status wise, so keep that possibility in mind too!

Saturn gives your mother and home zone a break from 15th for three months but revisits your 3rd House of communications, siblings, neighbours, ideas and movement. Despite your best efforts, there’s still more to ponder or revisit here. You have until mid-September to work out just what that is and put it right. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to do more than you’ve already done (Virgos often go far beyond the extra mile). It could be about your approach or your way of thinking about these areas of life or drawing boundaries or allowing yourself some peace.

Home could be an emotional place around 2nd when Full Moon comes to call. Neptune retrograde from 12th calls for a rethink about partnership ideals too. They may need reconsidering. Now what could that mean?

Venus is busy behind the scenes in your creativity, compassion and spiritual zone. From 26th Uranus and Jupiter get involved too which looks like an expansive and surprising experience. Be open to being moved.

Libra:   Your ruling planet Venus glides through your friends, groups and collectives zone from 5th. This should be pleasurable unless you’re called upon to administer your mediation and peacekeeping but even that shouldn’t be too arduous As Venus heads towards Jupiter from 27th, your social whirl is at its peak. Plan parties, gatherings, holidays and anything fun you can think of for then. (Beware of excesses though…)

If planning trips or legal moves wait until after 11th when Mercury goes direct or you may find yourself having to go over the same ground again and again. 16th is a good starting point if you’re planning anything along the travel, legal, cultural or study lines.

Saturn moves back into your finance and security zone on 15th which weighs matters down somewhat until mid-September. Having thought you’d got through all of this over the past three years, something further has to be resolved. It could include self esteem, what salary you think you’re worth and your value system. Another question may still be waiting to be answered. What is truly precious and what is more trouble than it’s worth? This time you actually have to decide…

Scorpio:   Full Moon on 2nd raises emotions about personal finances and security whereas for most of the month planets are whizzing through your 8th House of joint funds, sharing, intimacy and transformation. Mars and then later Sun give you energy to take the initiative and to be active in these areas. Mercury may skew communications until 11th but from then onwards it’s full steam ahead!

You may have thought you’d finished getting to grips with yourself over these last three years. But Saturn moves back into Scorpio for the final pressing from 15th for you to attend to areas you glossed over earlier. Yes, time to take a further unflinching look at yourself, including identity, self expression and creativity. Take the lessons on offer over the next three months. They’re meant to be helpful. Scrupulous honesty, especially with yourself will point you in the right direction.

Meanwhile, Venus is softening your public profile from 5th. Father, career and social status are all well-starred. Authority figures will look on you kindly too, so if you have favours to ask, go ahead. A combination of Venus, Uranus and Jupiter team up from 26th and the possibilities are surprising and wide. Be ready!

Sagittarius:   Full Moon in your sign on 2nd raises emotions. Give them your full attention. In a way you get a break mid-month as moves out of Sag on 15th for three months. This isn’t meant to be a holiday though as you have ‘behind the scenes’ work to attend to instead. You’ve had three years to ponder your inner workings but there’s still some work to be done, so take this opportunity to face your inner self and work on any areas you’ve been avoiding – you know the ones I mean…

Neptune reverses on 12th to take you back to look at mother and home ideals once more. Again there’s something in this area too which needs to be looked at in more depth. Your needs for nurturing and personal development could be part of the picture too.

New Moon on 16th falls in your relationships and partnerships zone. This could indicate a new start in some way. In fact your partnerships zone is busy all month. This can include business as well as your personal life. If formalising a partnership or new piece of joint work, wait until after Mercury goes direct on 11th or even better still, wait for New Moon on 16th (15.07 BST).

Venus is helping to smooth your travel, legal, study and ethical zone from 5th. This looks even better towards the end of the month when Uranus and your ruling planet Jupiter lend a hand. Plan trips or happy shared times from 26th onwards. Opportunities could arise too but whatever you do, make the most of these three upbeat planets and have some fun!

Capricorn:   A cluster of planets in your 6th House of work, health, service to others and daily routine are urging you to take action in one or more of these areas. Wellbeing Is a subtle combination of factors in life and right now you’re required to get the daily balance right.   Mars is offering the energy to get things moving so start planning now and put structures in place after 11th when Mercury is being more helpful. If a new regime is on the cards, go with New Moon on 16th (15.07 BST).

From 5th Venus is smoothing your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone. This could indicate money coming your way from others or taking a more genial approach towards sharing. From 26th onwards, there could be big and surprising or sudden changes on this front. Could this be a windfall or a whopping credit card bill???

Your ruling planet Saturn hasn’t quite finished teaching you about friends, groups and collectives. On 15th it returns for three months to put the final icing on the cake. This isn’t about sweetness, it’s about lessons learnt and you’ll realise just how far you’ve come in the last three years. But it isn’t about self congratulations until you’ve completed the final task. Only you know what that is and only you can do it.

Aquarius:   The Saturnian lessons that have been taking you to task in your father, career and social status zone aren’t quite complete. Despite an arduous three years of facing long term issues, there’s more to look at (or areas already looked at that need a further review). This begins on 15th and you have until mid-September to do your homework.

Meanwhile from 5th Venus is bringing love and harmony to your 7th House of relationships and partnerships. This is pleasurable, especially from 26th when your ruling planet Uranus gets involved and Jupiter which brings growth, expansion and fun! Suddenly you might find you can just be yourself with partners without feeling trapped. This could be a breakthrough as Aquarians sometimes view relationships as an unwelcome compromise to personal freedom.  Allow things to happen and enjoy it!

Romance, children and creativity are also busy areas this month. After 11th the wind is fully behind you and New Moon on 16th offers a fresh start. Take it!

Pisces:   Neptune goes retrograde from 12th in your sign, mystifying whatever’s going on with you. Others probably won’t be able to fathom it out and neither may you! All will be revealed in the end of course but not any time soon, so go along with the process, feeling your way along. Answers can’t be forced, just enjoy the wonders of ‘not knowing’ as best you can.

Emotions are high in your father, career and social status zone around 2nd as Full Moon drops in. And misunderstandings at home get resolved from 11th when Mercury goes direct. In fact there’s a lot going on at home and you might find you have energy for DIY or a makeover (better to direct energies in this way than the other option – of being argumentative… ).

Saturn moves out of your father, career and social status zone from 15th for three months. This removes some of the weight you’ve been under but it’s in fact an opportunity to finish off your three-year learning process around ethics, different cultures and beliefs.

Venus and Jupiter are conspiring to bring pleasure to your work and health zone especially from 26th, just as long as you don’t go to excess…

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth chart consultations by phone, just get in touch –  – 07929 261231  or  ++44 7929261231 if  calling from outside UK. 

May 2015

Your Horoscope for May 2015

Our shared planetary picture

A lot of planetary movement is taking place in Gemini this month and Mercury (its ruling planet) goes retrograde from 19th until 11th June.  This is a double-whammy which flags up our collective need to review communications and avoid glibness.  Unthinking quips may miss the mark or reveal more than we intended so the sterling advice of – ‘think before you speak’ is especially relevant during this period.  It may not be the best time to sign anything of importance either, if you can, do it before 19th or wait until after mid-June.  It might also be a time to steer clear of ‘fast talkers’…

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscopes for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Your ruling planet Mars continues to drive your financial ambitions or sense of values until 12th, then it stirs up your 3rd House of ideas and communications.  There’ll be lots of mental energy available, so be sure to use it in a positive way.  Any left hanging around could get caught up in ‘debating’ matters, particularly with siblings or neighbours.  While Arians often favour clearing the air, any attempts to do so around 13th to 15th or after 19th could backfire, so aim for early in the month if it’s absolutely necessary.

Neptune dilutes or dissolves your advances from 22nd to 26th.  So don’t waste energy hitting your head against a misty wall.  Try a more subtle strategy or just observe and appreciate the symbolism of the situation.

New Moon on 18th in your 2nd House could indicate a new strand of income or a new outlook that enables you to feel secure on a non-material level.  Be open to this!

Taurus:   Mars still in your sign continues to reinforce your determination until 12th and Sun offers reinforcement until 21st.  The focus though is changing to interest in what on earth is happening in your finance, security and values zone?

Other people may not understand what is going on and even more alarming, neither may you.  Rest assured that this is par for the course and all the chopping and changing should make sense in the long run.  Your Taurean caution will serve you well if unreliable types seem to be offering the Moon.  Despite this, your own enterprising instincts are strong right now and opportunities are out there.  Avoid dicey projects though, especially after 18th when Mercury’s retrograde.

Partnerships look emotional leading up to Full Moon on the morning of 4th and New Moon in your sign on 18th marks the beginning of your personal new year.  Make some resolutions for a fresh new start!

Gemini:   You are surely the bees’ knees this month as Venus, Mercury, Mars and Sun all skip through Gemini.  Whereas this could be a bit much for some signs, you’ll love all the action, variety and stimulation this rich mix will bring.  Always ready to respond to new situations and opportunities with your many sparkling personas, you’ll be in your element this month!

Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 19th but even this presents less of a problem to you than it does for other signs – it’s an opportunity to change your mind.  And as keeping your options open always feels comfortable, even this will not faze you.

Apart from Saturn throwing in a few obstacles around 2nd to 3rd, 14th to 15th and 22nd to 23rd, the conditions are perfect and you can happily wing, sing and dance your way through the month of May.  Enjoy!

Cancer:   Lovely Venus enters your sign on 7th making you darling of the zodiac until early June and enhancing your charms.  Romance goes well mid-month as Venus teams up with Neptune and broken bonds can be mended with Chiron’s help around 27th.

This month’s emphasis on communications does not apply to you in quite the same way, as the most important focus is self-talk.  What have you been telling yourself that may not have been helpful?

We’re not talking about truth avoidance but inner attitudes based on beliefs about yourself.  Whether you’ve been aware of these or not, this is a useful time to explore your inner world, perhaps with the help of therapies or paying attention to the content of your dreams.

New Moon on 18th favours groups, friends and community.  How might they be able to help?

Leo:   The month begins with almost a conflict of interests as Sun and Jupiter (which is in Leo) square up to each other.  The clash is between your father and career zone and yourself.  Full Moon in the early hours of 4th throws emotion into the mix so be prepared.

Mars continues to provide determination in your father and career zone until 12th and then the Sun picks up where Mars left off on 21st, urging you to express yourself fully.  Meanwhile, New Moon on 18th offers a fresh start in these areas too – take it!

There’s a gathering of planets in your 11th House of friends, groups and community.  This could bring people in and out of your life at quite high speed and communications are lively too.  If you can firm arrangements before Mercury goes retrograde on 19th, it could save some messing about in the future…

Virgo:   Your ruling planet Mercury is leading you a merry dance this month and it all seems to be happening in your father, career and social status zone.  Venus and then Mars and Sun are urging you to push ahead here too and the best time for concerted efforts seems to be 13th – 18th (while Mars is behind you and before Mercury goes retrograde on 19th).

Relationships and partnerships look interesting too.  Venus helps smooth things along around 15th and 16th after a puzzling couple of days.  Mars provides a reality check around 22nd – 25th and there are opportunities for healing around 26th and 27th.

Venus glides through your friends, groups and community zone from 7th.  Apart from a bit of intensity around 21st and 22nd, pleasures await you in these areas.  Make time to relax and enjoy them!

Libra:   Your ruling planet Venus enhances your public sphere this month and if you need favours from people in authority, just ask.  They’re likely to help.  (Try to ask before 19th though). This is a good month to further your career using your co-operative skills.  Work, health and service to others flow nicely around 15th and 16th too.

Mercury and a cluster of planets in Gemini are impacting your 9th House of travel, study, law and ethics.  All manner of things could be happening here.  Cultural awareness could be important too.  If you have travel plans, a flexible ticket might be worth the extra cost and you may need to renege if you stuck your neck out in some way, earlier on.

Career and home might clash around 21st and 22nd and partners may not be at their most helpful around 25th and 26th.  Just ignore them!

Scorpio:   Full Moon in your sign on the morning of 4th raises emotions containing helpful information.  Be attentive to what comes up.  We often distract ourselves with busy-ness away from important processes happening internally.  Make time for your inner world at the start of the month.

A gathering of planets in Gemini are presently darting about in your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing.  The transformational processes of birth, sex and death come into this too – all areas Scorpios have the fortitude to brave.  This is a call (amongst other things) to voice what is happening for you in these areas.  Say what needs to be said before 19th when Mercury goes retrograde.

New Moon on 18th falls into your relationships and partnerships zone.  This offers a new beginning and whether this involves another person or people or just yourself, take this opportunity to turn over a new page.


Sagittarius:   So much is going on in your relationships and partnerships this month it’ll be hard to keep track.  All manner of comings and goings and chopping and changing will keep you fully occupied!

Others may challenge your views around 2nd – 4th, oppose you around 14th – 15th or be difficult around 22nd – 23rd but you can cope with all of these passing irritations.  Venus and Neptune work together to keep your ideals intact about mother and home around 15th and 16th but Mars may have other ideas from 22nd – 25th.

What you really want from relationships and partnerships is a good focus.  Keep it in mind during all this month’s activity.  This also of course will require effort on your part and presents the natural question of:  ‘What are you prepared to put in?’

There are opportunities for healing which are helped by intimacy, sharing or ‘the money of others’ around 26th and 27th.  Take them!

Capricorn:   Venus enters your relationships and partnerships zone on 7th bringing pleasure and harmony.  The fact that partners may be more amenable than usual shouldn’t be a green light to impose your will on them though (especially around 21st and 22nd).  Just go gently and enjoy relating.  And if unattached, who knows, someone may somehow manage to appear in your pending file.

Your ruling planet Saturn is trying to stand for truth this month, as lighter planets flit through the silver-tongued sign of Gemini.  Keep your position, however unpopular or counter-social-trends it may be.  The Gemini planets are impacting your 6th House of work, health, service to others and daily routine.  This could heighten nervous energy so use it up positively through exercise and projects which need your attention.

And say what needs to be said before 19th!

Aquarius:   There seems to be a clash between partnerships and home in the first few days of the month and Full Moon in your public and status zone may just further fuel the fire.  Your determination on the home front and perhaps in personal development continue as Mars completes his transit here on 12th.  The Sun takes over where he left off from 21st, when creativity and self expression may need accommodating too.  New Moon on 18th wants a fresh start in your mother and home zone.  Make one!

Romance, children and creativity are highlighted this month as a cluster of planets zip through your 5th House.  Communications could get confused after 19th so do your talking before then if possible.

Venus squares your ruling planet Uranus around 25th and 26th which could make for some unusual situations or even liaisons…

Pisces:   Home is supposed to be a restful place but that may not be the case this month.  A collection of fast-moving planets are bringing change and perhaps commotion to your mother and home zone and the pace will either feel exhilarating or abrasive, depending on how well you move with events.

Venus, Mercury, Mars and then Sun all have something to say and then on 19th, Mercury goes retrograde which may turn everything around again.  As well as being a call for flexibility, there are opportunities for personal development here too.

A conflict of interest between father and career and mother and home create some friction around 13th – 15th but your ruling planet Neptune is assisted by Venus from 15th – 16th which helps to resolve things.  Mars challenges your idealism from 22nd – 25th but Venus helps a healing process around 26th and 27th.

Nurture yourself regardless of whatever’s happening at home and enjoy the show!

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth charts, just get in touch –   07929 261231

April 2015

Your Horoscope for April 2015

Our shared planetary picture

There are two planetary changes of direction this month.  Jupiter which has been in reverse since early December goes direct on 8th ready for more growth and expansion.  And Pluto goes retrograde on 17th and stays in reverse until late September.  This takes us back to review an area of necessary transformation that we may have skipped over too lightly, during the last few months (since 26th December).  It is time to give this fuller attention.

Meanwhile a cluster of planets in Taurus enable us to get creative and consolidate things.  And if determination has been hard to find lately, there is plenty on hand now!

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope below for your Sun Sign and your Ascendant Sign if you know it.

Aries:   Full Moon in your sign on 4th brings emotions around partnerships to the surface.  This coincides with the Sun hitting Uranus in your sign and you’ll be in no mood to compromise…  You may run into authority figures around the same time.  Your ideas may be prize-winning originals around 8th but watch your communication style.  As you don’t you don’t want to generate opposition from those in a position to help or block you.

Romance, children and creativity start to improve from 8th.  Pluto goes retrograde on 17th in your father, career and social status zone until late September.  Important matters need to be reviewed.  Finances are active and you’ll be go-getting all month.  New Moon falls in your sign on 18th.  This is your emotional New Year.  Make some resolutions!

Taurus:   Your ruling planet Venus continues to heighten your charms until 11th when it moves into your 2nd House to smooth out finances.  The main push though is Mars in your sign all month, giving energy and determination and making you an unstoppable force!  Mars also gathers Pluto as an ally from 19th – 21st.  What couldn’t you achieve this month?  Mercury lends you the power of persuasion too from 14th and you can talk or write others into almost anything on 22nd!

Jupiter goes direct on 8th bringing growth and expansion or more space and freedom to the home.  This could be psychological or philosophical, as well as physicalm.  It could involve other cultures.  Think big!

Gemini:   Your ruling planet Mercury begins the month in good relationship with Saturn which gives your words and thoughts gravitas.

Full Moon on 4th raises emotions around romance, children and creativity.  But the best news is that Venus enters your sign on 11th making you darling of the zodiac for a month.  This isn’t an entirely clear run though as Saturn poses a challenge from 13th – 15th as does Neptune from 18th – 19th and Chiron from 27th – 29th.

Others will be charmed by the quick Gemini sparkle but how you think about yourself is more important.  There may be seismic rumblings in your unconscious this month.  Make a note of your dreams and your online activities, both of which could provide some clues as to what is going on that you may not be aware of.

Cancer:   Full Moon in your mother and home zone on 4th draws your focus to matters close to your heart.  This runs contrary to professional matters which could be unpredictable from 3rd – 8th.

Jupiter goes direct on your finance zone on 8th, ending a long review which has been going on since early December.  This should bring improvements and the possibility of expansion.

Pluto in your partnerships area goes retrograde on 17th.  A transformative process which should’ve taken place since 26th December hasn’t quite got there and you’ll have to cover this ground again to find the renewal promised.

You have until late September for your quest.  Meanwhile lots of action (or friction) in your friends, groups and community zone.  New Moon on 18th in your father career and social status zone offers a new start.  Or could it be a new attitude that will make all the difference?

Leo:   You’ll be happy to know that Jupiter which has been dragging you back to look at yourself (since early December) goes direct on 8th and this means expansion!  It’ll be full steam ahead too in your father, career and social; status zone as Mars and other allies push obstacles out of your way.

There may be a conflict of interest between personal growth and career from 15th – 18th.  Put growth first.  The rest will follow anyway.

Sun and Pluto clash from 3rd – 5th and it may be over who’s in charge.  So who is in charge?  (Leos often have strong opinions on this…).  A Sun Uranus conjunction from 4th – 6th could indicate that you’re unlikely to budge.

New Moon on 18th falls in your travel, studies and philosophy zone.  Turn over a new leaf!

Virgo:   Your ruling planet Mercury begins the month with balance and poise and Venus glides into your 10th House of father, career and social status from 14th.  You’ll find favour with authority figures, although there are a few modifying factors.  Obstacles could occur in your mother and home area from 13th – 15th and confusion in your partnerships zone could get in the way from 18th – 19th and 27th – 29th.

A lot of energy from Mars and other planets brings action (or friction) in your travel, study, legal and ethics zone.

Jupiter moves forward on 8th in your unconscious and behind the scenes area.  This should make your self-talk more positive which could put a new spin on everything…

Libra:   Full Moon in your sign on 4th dominates the emotional climate.  So much is happening in your mother and home and in your partnerships zones.  These happenings aren’t particularly harmonious but friends, groups and community may provide comfort or escape as Jupiter goes direct from 18th.

Pluto goes retrograde on 17th in your mother and home zone.  More blitzing is needed: be that on a physical level or emotional.  Pluto’s relentless pressure for personal development is taking you back to review events since 26th December.  Compromise is not the solution this time.

A collection of planets in your intimacy and joint funds zone make action now possible.  Do what needs to be done.

New Moon on 18th in your relationships and partnerships zone offers a fresh beginning.  This may require you to take a new approach…

Scorpio:   Jupiter brings growth and expansion to your father, career and social status zone when it goes direct on 8th.  This area has been under review since early December and now it’s time for expansion again.

Most of the action though is in your relationships and partnerships zone.  Mars gives energy to push things forward or possibly friction which could achieve the same results.  Venus helps to keep things smooth until 11th.  Mercury keeps communications open and the Sun comes to the rescue on 20th.  All in all it’s a rich mix and a lively ride.

Mars and Mercury support your ruling planet Pluto from 19th – 22nd which put planetary wind in your sails regarding different ways of thinking and expressing yourself.

Sagittarius:   Your ruling planet Jupiter goes direct on 8th after four months in reverse.  This helps with optimism in general and also favours travel, legal, study and ethical matters.

Meanwhile Mars draws your attention to the need to take action on health or work matters or both…

Venus enters your partnerships zone matters on 11th smoothing things along until Saturn puts a spoke in the wheel from 13th – 15th and you may be wondering whether or not you can carry things through.  Neptune and Chiron confuse matters from 18th – 19th and 27th – 29th and the mother and home angle needs to be taken into account but it’s so difficult to get a handle on it or to see what’s going on.  Your ideals about this and old wounds come into play.  Could be a good time to take help in healing them.

Capricorn:   Full Moon in your father, career and social status zone on 4th shakes things up just as home and partnerships are more than enough to occupy you.

Sudden changes seem to be bursting out in all directions until 8th but joint funds, intimacy or ‘the money of others’ improves thereafter as Jupiter goes direct from 8th.  Pluto which has been purging your sign since 2008 goes retrograde on 17th, taking you to task about compromises you may have been making within yourself or necessary challenges which you may have side-stepped or avoided since 26th December.  They’re not going to go away and you have until late September to face up.  This isn’t for the faint-hearted, so summon up that that courage!

New Moon in your mother and home sphere gives opportunity for a new start.  Take a leap!  Action’s called for in your romance, children and creativity zone too, so get going!

Aquarius:   Relationships and partnerships start moving forwards on 8th after being in reverse since early December.  It’s time for growth and expansion and this could mean either within current relationships or freedom from them.

The main area of activity though is your 4th House of mother and home.  Mars moves in for the whole month which could provide you with the energy for DIY, re-organising and you may find yourself being more assertive (I didn’t say bossy but others might…).

Venus sweetens the mix till 11th and gives creative flair to beautifying your home or entertaining and Sun illuminates it all from 20th.  The other area that could benefit from some of that energy is – personal development.  Are you up for it?

Pisces:   Venus enters your mother and home zone on 11th creating a longing for harmony but it may be hard to find at times as Saturn blocks the flow from your public zone from 13th – 15th.  And you may feel you get in your own way from 18th – 19th and 27th – 29th.  There are still some wounds around that need your attention to be healed.

Meanwhile there are also ideals about yourself to reconcile or put to rest.  Getting perspective from counselling or therapy can be helpful with this and the above.

Jupiter helps work and health matters along and lots of action in your communications, trading, siblings and neighbours zone keeps things lively!

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth charts, just get in touch –   07929 261231

March 2015

Your Horoscope for March 2015

Our shared planetary picture
Saturn in Sagittarius goes retrograde on 14th until early August, taking us back to review events that have taken place since 24th December and our use of ethics and honesty.  It provides an opportunity to take a good look at what we are told politically too…

A Saturn – Neptune square for much of the month raises questions about reality versus the dream.  Ideals are important but for any chance of their success, reality has to be embraced too.The total solar eclipse on the morning of 20th belongs to a lovely group of eclipses that favour groups and love relationships.  It ushers in the Vernal Equinox too when the Sun moves into Aries late that evening.  For those of us in the Northern hemisphere, congratulations all round!  We have survived another winter.  Spring has sprung!So what will this mean for us all?Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Venus graces your sign until 17th and brings a few surprises in relationships, creativity and values as it encounters Uranus and Pluto from 3rd -5th.  Mars encounters Uranus and Pluto too from 8th -11th, unexpected results again   Be sure to use your power ethically and wisely during this period.The Saturn – Neptune square calls you to be realistic over the next few months about travel, legal and study plans.  Before your optimistic smile disappears, bear in mind that it may mean making readjustments – not giving up.Your ruling planet Mars is with you all month making you an unstoppable force and a visible human dynamo.  The total eclipse on the morning of 20th is in your sign.  And the Sun bursts into Aries that evening.  Go for it!

Taurus:   So many things are shifting in your unconscious.  This is a spring clean in the usually unreachable recesses of your inner workings.  Welcome it, be open to change and unexpected events from 3rd -11th.  Your online and spiritual life could be dynamically active too.  You may also hold a glamorous allure for others as your antennae tune in and respond to what the world is now ready for.Saturn and Neptune raise questions about how much you share with friends and groups.  This could involve resources or intimate matters in some way.  Saturn goes retrograde mid-month taking you back to review how sharing, joint funds and intimacy have been progressing since December 24th.Venus moving into your sign on 17th heightens your loving nature which will draw people to you.  The eclipse on 20th softens your mindset and seals the deal.  Feel that love!

Gemini:   Full Moon falls in your mother and home zone on 5th.  While New Moon on the morning of 20th marks a fresh start in your father, career and social status zone.  So both public and private realms are emotional arenas this month.

Saturn reverses in your 7th House of partnerships from 14th requiring a second look at ground covered since 24th December.  Your position on how (in your view) partners impact your social status is implicated too.  Are you getting in your own way?

Your collective zone is getting zapped this month, highlighting creative friends, groups and organisations.  A new group could give a new lease of life.  You might find yourself taking a more political stance too.  Harmony in spiritual matters from 17th.  Get your compassion out there!

Cancer:   Your father, career and social status zone is getting most of the attention this month.  Those in authority favour you until 17th and Mars sharpens your ambitions and determination to move forward all month.  There may be unexpected results around 3rd – 5th and 8th – 11th though, when you should take things in your stride and act ethically.

If it feels as though the demands of your daily life are getting in the way of travel, legal or study plans, you could be bumping into the Saturn – Neptune square.  Your hopes and plans will enhance your well-being, it’s just a question of how you can fit them in or apply them to the present situation.  Keep your feet on the ground and be patient.

On 20th a helpful eclipse followed by the Spring Equinox gives your ambitions a huge push forward.  Aim for the stars!

Leo:   There’s lots of activity in your travel, studies, culture, ethics and legal zone, including a favourable eclipse on 20th.  From 8th – 10th Mars is pushing ahead in those areas and encouragng Jupiter in your sign to expand.  This means the planetary wind is behind you and the soil is fertile for your growth and self-expression.

Saturn goes retrograde on 14th in your romance, children and creativity zone.  This calls for you to take a second look at everything that has taken place since December 24th.  Ideals around intimacy and joint funds may need more scrutiny or may need readjusting to be closer to the reality.  This doesn’t necessarily mean that reality is worse than the dream but you may need to improve your relationship to it.  Reality can be a friend too.

From 17th Venus grants your wishes in matters connected to father, career and social status.  People with influence can help you.  Don’t be afraid to ask them.

Virgo:   Full Moon in your sign on 5th sets the mood for an emotional start to the month and there’s a lot of activity including a few surprises in your shared area of ‘the money of others’, joint funds and intimacy, including a helpful eclipse on 20th…

Saturn goes retrograde on 14th in your mother and home spheres, calling you to look once again at these areas. This is an opportunity for more personal development and it can be helpful to look at events since December 24th through this lens too.

Ideals about partnerships are at variance with the reality but that could be a call for a new approach to new or existing relationships.  New Moon falls in your partnerships zone on 20th – good for making new resolutions in line with your new way forward…

Libra:   Your ruling planet Venus is moving through your 7th House of relationships and partnerships until 17th, bringing the unexpected from 3rd – 5th.  Mars is zooming through the same area too and bumps into Uranus and Pluto from 8th – 11th.  This isn’t peaceful and if there are major changes you’d like to make in partnerships, this could be your chance!  It’s also an opportunity to look at power balances.  Librans are so good at keeping everyone happy but has that been at personal cost to you?  Have you been claiming your full power or giving it away in the interests of keeping the peace?  Bear in mind that imbalance is not the path to harmony.

Saturn’s reversal on 14th requires you to look once again at communications in general (and possibly more particularly with siblings or neighbours).  Your ideas and way of thinking is up for review too, especially regarding points of view adopted since 24th December.

Ideals about work, health and daily life can only come to fruition if communications are ‘correct’ and if ‘movement’ (including physical) is possible.  Start new regimes on 20th and make it possible!

Scorpio:   Venus and then Mars trigger off your ruling planet Pluto from 3rd – 5th and 8th – 11th.  This makes the mind creative and communications will be interesting.  Make sure you avoid obsessive thoughts though and direct the strong mental energies available towards personal development.  They can be directed, so be firm with yourself in this.

Communications in your mother and home zone also look lively until 13th and could bring about changes, including in your way of thinking about them.

A cluster of planets all month and a benign eclipse on 20th in your work, health and service to others zone shake up your daily routine for the better.  Initiate new regimes.  This is dynamic energy and if you want to bring about change in your daily life, this gang of planets are conspiring to help you.

Saturn draws your attention back to security and values from 14th, especially in relation to ideals around romance, children and creativity.  Then just as you’re pondering all of this, Venus glides into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships from 17th bringing pleasure and harmony.  Enjoy!

Sagittarius:  Saturn hasn’t finished with you yet, in fact it’s just beginning to iron you out.  A second pressing of ‘Lessons One’ takes place from 14th when Saturn reverses in your sign, compelling even more introspection than you gave first time (i.e. since December 24th).  There’s no escaping, just comply by giving the presenting issues your full attention!  If this seems to be about yourself versus an ideal home, you’re on the right track…

Meanwhile there’s lots of action in your 5th House of love affairs, speculation, children and creativity.  There’s good fun to be had here too, especially from 8th – 10th when Mars encourages your ruling planet Jupiter to go for it!  A helpful eclipse on 20th brings good things too.

Full Moon on 5th and New Moon on 20th emphasise emotional matters in your domestic and public zones respectively. Give them some of your attention too!

Capricorn:   Venus and then Mars challenge Pluto in your sign from 3rd – 5th and 8th – 11th.  Personal change is necessary and these two planets could provide the creative approach and energy needed to help bring it about.  The subject area is you yourself and how you use your personal power.

Meanwhile a cluster of planets in your 4th House require you to examine your approach towards mother and home.  Your determination to move things forward in these areas will be strong.  Take advantage of the planetary wind behind you, especially on 20th and 21st and make headway.

Your ruling planet Saturn goes retrograde on 14th and squares Neptune for most of the month, insisting you’re realistic and precise in your communications.  Relationships with siblings and neighbours could be up for perusal too.

While Saturn’s going backwards, make time to look at self-talk, your online life, spirituality and compassion.  Something here’s been out of kilter since December 24th.  It needs better positioning.

Aquarius:   Mercury in your sign until 13th aids communications and ideas and you’ll have lots to say or write.  Venus and then Mars pass over your ruling planet Uranus this month too from 3rd – 5th and 8th – 11th.  This sparks off new ideas too and new forms of physical movement which can bring great benefits.  Be experimental!  Different ways of moving can open new neural pathways and who knows what that could trigger off?A gentle eclipse on 20th brings a loving quality to your mind.  This could help you to see siblings and neighbours in a softer light too.Friends, groups and organisations may not fall in line with hopes and dreams about finances.  Or they may be the ones to point out the realities that you’ve been avoiding…Venus enhances your domestic sphere from 17th.  Beautify your home and entertain.  You’ll be host or hostess with the mostest!


Pisces:   Finances are almost over-active this month and unpredictable. This may nudge (or even shove) you to get creative and more enterprising in how to feather your nest.  Reviewing your values and ways in which they may be connected to self-esteem could be helpful too. Saturn in your 10th House of father, career and social status is demanding you become more realistic about yourself.  Reality isn’t something to be shunned.  It’s an area to be creative in, right now, just as it is, not in some ideal future when conditions are perfect.  Get dug in now!Full Moon on 5th highlights partnerships.  And New Moon in Pisces on 20th is the beginning of your personal new year.  Resolutions would be timely.

A new leaf perhaps? To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth charts, just get in touch –   07929 261231

February 2015

Your Horoscopes for February 2015

Our shared planetary picture

Mercury remains retrograde for the first 11 days of the month, urging us to reconsider knee-jerk reactions of the past, especially from the last two months.  We sometimes lose touch with our humanitarian side and this is a chance to re-connect and get things into a healthy and happier perspective.

New Moon is in Aquarius for a second time so we have a second chance to make the new start that we may have missed last month.  Be ready for this around 18th.  It will not come round again for another year.

The mood of the month changes dramatically on 20th when three planets move out of Pisces and into Aries, taking us from a reflective mood to full-on action!  Spring is not yet here but from 20th on an energetic level, it is in the cosmic air.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   You may feel thwarted during the first couple of days of the month as your ruling planet Mars has to clear Chiron’s sphere – sometimes an unfathomable and bewildering energy field.  The questions Chiron raises are often uncomfortable but helpful too and they are concerned with the themes of wounding and healing.  How you’ve been dealing with assertiveness, sexual expression and your physical energy in general are all possible areas to explore this time…

Uranus in your sign is moving towards a square with Pluto that completes next month.  Much rumbling is going on underground around career, status, father and authority figures.  Added to that are a bunch of planets murmuring in your 12th House of institutions, compassion, self-undoing and the collective unconscious.  Pay attention and examine your ‘self-talk’, charitable giving and your online activities.  Are you working towards your ideal self or have you been undermining yourself in some way?

The Aries fiery approach saves the day on 20th when all that mulling will have to stop to make way for dynamic action!  Moon, Venus and your ruling planet Mars all leap into Aries.  So by the end of that day, we’d better all look out!  Saturn in Sag lends its weight to support you until 26th.  So if you have a project that needs pushing ahead, the planetary wind is right behind you.  The time for self-doubt is over, just do it!!!

Taurus:   Communications around career and status remain uneasy until 11th.  But once Mercury goes direct, a way forward comes into view.  The second New Moon in Aquarius on 18th gives you a second chance for a new start professionally.  Seize the day!

Organisations, groups and friends seem to be in fluctuation during the first three weeks but on 20th your ruling planet Venus, along with the Moon and Mars all rush into your 12th House and draw your attention to marginalised or vulnerable groups in society, the institutions that serve them and work behind the scenes.  Your awareness will be re-kindled of how others are suffering and you may be in a position to do something about it.  This could be creatively, online, through campaigning or all three.  Whichever it is: do it!

If it feels like the vulnerable party is you, be creative, work on affirmations, seek out healing, try meditation and mindfulness and keep your self-talk positive.  We are all in the pool together and whatever happens to one, happens to us all.  Strive to be a healthy molecule in the wondrous human picture!

Gemini:   Professional ideals are high at the start of the month and you may hold a glamorous allure of some kind for others.   Travel, study, legal and ethical matters are still dragging though as ruling planet Mercury continues to reverse through your 9th House.  Check and double-check travel arrangements and documents of all kinds and don’t sign anything until Mercury’s gone direct after 11th.  The second New Moon in Aquarius on 18th provide an opportunity once again to make a fresh start in one or more of these areas.  Take up the challenge!

Sun and Saturn conspire to restrict you from 18th to 23rd.  Well they don’t of course but it may feel that way as partnerships (your new area for Saturnian learning) impacts on your public life.  This could be the lack of a partner just as easily as a partner that feels detrimental or an unwelcome burden in some way.

Lots of nebulous planets in your 10th House of father, career, status and public standing confuse matters until 20th when three of them jump ship into your 11th House of friends, groups, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals.  This livens up things a lot.  It isn’t just a mental exercise though, put your ideas into action!

Cancer:  Full Moon in your money and security zone on 3rd may raise anxieties about the future but rather than worrying about what money is coming in, change your focus to what is happening in your ‘shared area’ – other people’s money and how resources are being used and shared.  We’re looking for good examples here, so be one!  You have until 11th to get this right and the second New Moon in Aquarius on 18th will give you a further prompt to start a new cycle if you didn’t quite ‘get it’ last month.  (The universe is a generous place but you have to play your part too).

Travel and legal matters may be confounding for much of the month but the entry of your ruling planet the Moon and Venus and Mars all leaping into your 10th House of career, status and authority figures on 20th, marks the beginning of a new dynamic surge forwards.  Your ambitions are keen and you have the energy to see them through.  Influential people could be helpful to you so long as you’re not too pushy.  But don’t be shy either!

Leo:   Full Moon in your sign on 3rd pulls you this way and that and the emotional core of the matter is you!  Meanwhile, Mercury remains retrograde until 11th in your 7th House of partnerships.  Take care over communications and keep your outlook broad and wide.

New Moon on 18th, also in your 7th House provides another opportunity for a fresh start in partnerships, whether new or existing ones.  Seize the moment!

Shared resources and joint funds may be a source of confusion.  Intimacy may be beguiling too.  It’s all those planets in your 8th House in a Piscean fog.  On 20th though, three of them leap into your 9th House of travel, study, law and philosophy.  Time for action and the energy needed to be forthright and effective is at hand.  Saturn is with you in this too, lending weight to your arguments.  Other people should listen.  Your ideas are good!

Virgo:   Ideals and dreams about partners real, past, imaginary or future are floating around you but nailing anything down to reality or a commitment, escapes you for the moment. You may be reminded of old wounds as Mars and then Venus cross Chiron on 1st and 9th but the latter could be an opportunity for healing too.

Partners or a lack of them could impact the home or your personal development in some way.  Concentrating on your daily routine and how you can rethink things to enhance your well-being, is important right now.  It is also something within your control… yes we’re talking food and exercise and how you order your day to make it work best for you.  You have until 11th to put a helpful regime in place and it should be as pleasurable as possible (we know what a hard time you give yourself!).  The second New Moon in Aquarius on 18th is a second nudge.  If there is other helpful content you need to add or stressful content you need to exclude from your routine, do it.

Libra:   Mix-ups, misunderstandings, romance, children and creativity start to improve once Mercury goes direct on 11th. Being objective and taking a wider view helps until then, even when others are erratic.  The zodiac needs people to bring differing sides together and find common ground which so often falls to you, and all that practice has made you good at it!

There are many concerns around work, health and service to others which may feel confusing and unclear.  The best you may be able to do in the present circumstances is to attend to your own well-being in the middle of it all.  You’re a valuable resource and a resource that needs to be looked after.  Others might not have yet grasped this.  If not, you may have to point it out…  Attend to your daily routine.  Allocate yourself reasonable work hours and then give full attention to the basics: yes, food, rest, exercise and recreation.  This is non-negotiable!  You’ll be no use to anyone if you burn out or get ill.  Whatever work culture or daily environment you find yourself in, lead on this by example.

On 20th three planets burst into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships.  You will certainly notice this…

Scorpio:   Your home, roots or foundations are still under review as Mercury continues to go retrograde until 11th.  Communications could be liable to mix-ups and misinterpretations too so double check whatever is agreed during this period.  Objectivity is also a good exercise, so as to take other points of view into account as well as your own.  Full Moon on 3rd raises emotions around your public standing and the second New Moon in Aquarius this year on 18th is last chance (for a while) for a new start regarding mother, home or personal development.  If an opportunity escaped you last month, be sure not to miss it this time!

Many things are happening in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity and they may not all be entirely clear.  Feel your way as best you can and don’t push for certainty.  Not knowing is a big and creative space.  Enjoy the present, just as it is.

There’s a change of gear on 20th though when three planets bound into your 6th House of work, health and service to others.  Your daily routine and well-being come into this too and you might find yourself being pro-active in making your daily life more pleasurable.  Sounds good!

Sagittarius:  Communications continue to bug you or trip you up as Mercury continues retrograde in your 3rd House.  Relationships with siblings, neighbours and trades-people may be prone to misunderstandings too.  Be clear.  Be very clear. This eases up after 11th when Mercury goes direct but New Moon on 18th (the second one in two months in Aquarius) gives you yet another chance to get things right and off to a better start.

Sun opposes Saturn in your sign from 18th to 23rd.  This is coming from your home area which appears to be a source of confusion for much of the month!  Your roots, foundations, early home and present home and the relationship with your mother (past or present) could all show up in the present situation…  Personal development is key.  There are three years of this ahead. It can’t be avoided, so get stuck in!

Capricorn:   Finances may still seem to be moving backwards until 11th then Mercury goes direct once again.  You’ve had time to review security concerns and values and to take a wider view and you’ll hopefully now be taking a more humanitarian stand.  If the penny hasn’t quite dropped, New Moon in Aquarius on 18th (the second in two months) gives you a third and possibly last chance (for a long time) to get this right.

Relationships with siblings, neighbours and trades-people may feel complicated for much of the month but your focus zooms in to mother and home on 20th when three planets rush into your 4th House.  This is a great opportunity to get jobs done around the home and to beautify it and entertain.  If DIY isn’t usually your thing, look on it as a form of creativity and give it a go!

Someone might be getting rather bossy around the home.  Could it possibly be you?…

Aquarius:   Mercury’s still travelling backwards in your sign until 11th requiring you to be aware of what you’re saying and making sure you mean it.  Your thought processes are up for grabs too.  Have you managed to keep your humanitarian stance in the middle of everything?  We rely on you for this so be aware of this responsibility, you’re doing it for us all.  Full Moon occurs in the middle of all of this on 3rd in your partnerships zone.  Emotions will be high but keep your view broad.

Finances or security may seem unfathomable and you won’t be able to force them into clarity.  Just go along with the not knowing and appreciate living in the present.

The second New Moon of the year falls once again in Aquarius on 18th which is almost as if you’ve been given a second chance to make a new start and provides yet another opportunity to make any resolutions you need to make for the year ahead.  This is now with the benefit of understanding provided by personal events which have taken place over the past six weeks.

Three planets burst into your 3rd House of siblings, neighbours, thought and communications on 20th.  Act on new ideas.  Your powers of persuasion will be strong!

Pisces:  You continue to be darling of the zodiac until 20th when Venus leaves your sign and Mars close by makes you quite assertive too.  With so many planets in Pisces, no one seems to know exactly what’s going on for much of this month, apart from you!  Enlighten those who deserve it.

Mercury retrograde is still rumbling through your unconscious and behind the scenes.  Be careful of what you say in your online life and don’t necessarily believe everything people say about themselves.  Of course you may not entirely believe everything you say about yourself this month but that’s poetic licence (granted only to Pisceans at present).

Mars keeps bumping into thwarting planets like Neptune and Chiron which doesn’t help to get things done but it can make for a creative process so go with that rather than insisting on concrete results.

18th to 23rd may be uncomfortable as Saturn applies its weight to your public life.  Authority figures from your past or present may loom large.  This can be helpful though in reviewing how you’re getting along with your identity and self expression and in finding outlets for both.

Regardless of Saturn, Sun moves into Pisces on 18th bringing new reserves of energy.  The month before your birthday is often one of lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time.  Having weathered that, it’s now time for renewal.

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth charts, just get in touch –   07929 261231

January 2015

Your Horoscope for January 2015

Our shared planetary picture

Although traditionally the Winter Solstice was considered New Year, our ‘convenient’ Gregorian calendar gives the honour to January 1st and our symbolic thoughts of a fresh start focus here these days.

With Sun in Capricorn, it is a great time to focus and set our goals.  And the expectation of change is picked up by the planets by the second week of January, as three planets in Aquarius bring a breath of fresh air and surprise, so be ready to go with it.

Mercury goes retrograde three times this year and all three about-turns are in air signs – the element that represents thought and communication.

This is a direct challenge and opportunity to re-view our way of thinking.  Can we incorporate wider ideas and concepts into our mental framework?  There are many ways of seeing things and it would be negligent to think our first response is the only one worth considering.  Looking at things from a self-serving position restricts the view too.  How might things look from an objective point of view?

Your first opportunity to explore this area begins on January 21st and you have until February 11th to get fully re-acquainted with your humanitarian standpoint.  And to remember how good it feels when you stand firm there!

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Full Moon on the morning of 5th demands your attention and the subject is mother and home.  How can you meet your needs for nurturing while father and career demand so much of you?  And your fierce independence may run contrary to admitting you have emotional needs too.

Most of the action though is in your 11th House of groups, friends, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals.  Your ruling planet Mars continues to make this a dynamic area until 12th and Venus smoothes relations here for most of the month.

Just when you think a new opportunity is in sight at New Moon on 20th, Mercury goes retrograde taking you right back to the conflicting demands presented to you on 5th.  No point sweeping emotions under the carpet, they must be given their rightful place but you have to allow it!

Taurus:   Mars is still urging you to push ahead with father, career and social status plans and you have until 12th to enjoy this wind in your sails.  Your ruling planet Venus eases things here too from 3rd to 27th and if you have favours to ask from influential people, ask away but before 21st when Mercury goes retrograde.

Venus also opposes Jupiter around 18th and 19th so go easy in areas where you tend to over-indulge…

New Moon on 20th marks a fresh start in your public persona which is a good time to make your professional resolutions for the year ahead.  With Mercury retrograde the following day till Feb 11th, make this a time to check and double-check current proposals and to consider the well-being of others in your communications and decision making.

Gemini:  Your ruling planet Mercury is dashing about backwards and forwards and the area demanding your attention is your 9th House of travel, studies, publishing, law and ethical matters.  Full Moon on the morning of 5th falls into your money and security zone, clashing with your joint funds and intimate life and also with collectives, friends and organisations.

The first half of the month is a good time to get away but travel complications could occur when Mercury is retrograde between 21st Jan and 11th Feb.  Make this a time to look at the conflicting demands above..

Saturn has now taken residence in your partnerships zone for the next three years which will provide you with plenty of things to mull over and this month, it seems to be in relation to ideals about father, career and social status.  The discomfort this brings will hopefully spur you on to explore these issues in more depth…


Cancer:   The month begins with Sun and Pluto moving together through your 7th House of relationships and partnerships which could bring welcome transformation were it not for Uranus hanging around at 90° urging you to press for more independence in the world. 

Full Moon in your sign early morning on 5th brings emotion into the arena and you may feel sandwiched in between the conflicting demands of these two giants pulling you in different directions…  Solace or rescue comes either through ‘the money of others’, redistributing existing resources or sharing.  Intimacy can lend a helping hand too.

New Moon on 20th falls into your shared area too, seeming to offer a new solution until Mercury goes retrograde the next day suggesting you check things through and wait until after 11th Feb before making big decisions.  Breathing helps.

Leo:   Loads of action this month in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships and you may find yourself being susceptible to the charms of others.  New Moon on 20th falls into this area of your life too but when Mercury goes retrograde the next day, you may have to review, amend or back-pedal on what was said, understood or promised around 5th…

Jupiter still in your sign, opposes Venus on 18th and 19th so don’t go to excess or try to over-please others.  Your mother and home zone, now free of Saturn feels lighter and your new area of learning is your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  Hard work may be involved but there’s no harm in that – it can be highly productive!


Virgo:   Saturn, Mars and Neptune are all trying to achieve different things this month which isn’t very comfortable!  You’ll be pushing for ideals in partnerships from 12th but demands on the home front will make that difficult.

All the nervous energy created needs to go somewhere and a daily routine incorporating exercise and perhaps mindfulness and meditation is one of the quickest routes to calm.

When your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 21st you will be taken back to review decisions or discussions made around Full Moon on 4th and 5th.

How you tend yourself on a physical level is central.  This includes what you feed yourself with, how and when.  Another source of well-being could be pets…  If the commitment of looking after one on a daily basis is too much, could you borrow someone else’s now and then?

Libra:   Full Moon on the morning of 5th brings up some old chestnuts.  Yet again partnership issues clash with home and trigger off emotions about career or social status (parents or parenthood could be part of the equation too) and while Librans often prefer to hope difficult things will just go away, this is an ongoing dynamic, so you might as well take a look…

A cluster of planets ((including your ruling planet Venus) are busy in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity this month.  Avoid excesses here around 18th and 19th (including trying to please everybody) and although New Moon promises a fresh start on 20th, Mercury goes retrograde the next day.

It’s heading back to review those discussions or decisions made around 5th.  If you kept quiet then or agreed to something to keep the peace, the issue will need airing or re-thinking again.  You have until 11th Feb to get this right…

Scorpio:   A cluster of planets are conspiring to bring you harmony on the mother and home front.  Mars gives you energy to make these changes too until 12th.  Venus is in the equation for most of the month bringing pleasure and harmony.  Could that be beautifying the home or entertaining others in it?

New Moon on 20th marks a new beginning in your mother, home and personal development zone.  It’s immediately followed by Mercury going retrograde the day after, so reassess communications and decisions made around 5th and don’t sign anything until after 11th Feb.

Finally free of Saturn in your sign for the next 28 years (hooray!), the serious focus now is security, income, self esteem and where the feeling of ‘enough’ can be found.  This is just the beginning of a three-year voyage so clear the decks of past debris and focus on the new course ahead…

Sagittarius:   Mars opposes your ruling planet Jupiter on 1st and Venus does likewise on 18th and 19th which are times to guard against excess, including the excessive pleasing of others.  Saturn is now settling in to your sign, where it will stay for the next three years and the subject up for review is you! 

Mars, Venus and Neptune complicate the picture this month, pulling you in all directions –particularly how you express your identity, versus your ideals about mother and home.  You want to hold on to these ideals but your exuberant self and your need for freedom keep getting in the way.  You’ll try to make it alright with everyone from 27th to 30th but could the price for doing so be too high?

Making compromises and honouring your sense of true self may not feel compatible and this is just the beginning of your voyage.  Self-honesty is of course the starting point –ouch!

Capricorn:   Full Moon in your opposite sign on the morning of 5th will trigger emotion.  This could be yours, your partner’s or both.  This is in connection to an ongoing power play around changes to do with mother or home – ongoing issues.

The major feature this month is finance and security.  You’ve been on the case for a while and the energy provided by Mars will continue to propel you forward until 12th.  Meanwhile, Venus eases the cash flow from 3rd to 27th.

A new option presents itself with New Moon on 20th but don’t be rushed.  Mercury goes retrograde the next day until Feb 11th.  Don’t sign anything then but do take the opportunity to review or re-think discussions you had earlier, around 5th Jan

Don’t let the selfish tactics of others lower your principles.  A wide humanitarian approach is best.  Once again you may have to lead by example…

Aquarius:   The month starts out at a gallop as Mars continues in your sign (until 12th), swiftly followed by Venus (making you irresistible) and Mercury.  Sun brings its restorative powers to you too on 20th along with the New Moon but then Mercury goes retrograde in your sign the following day.  Everything’s fresh and lovely but you have some thinking to do and it relates back to whatever was being thought about  or said on January 5th…

With Saturn no longer blocking your public persona, headway can be made in the world.  But keep an eye open for over-confident assumptions on 18th and 19th.  Check the facts first.

New Moon in your sign on 20th marks the beginning of your personal new year.  If things were too hectic on 1st, make your resolutions then .

Pisces:   Saturn has entered your 10th House of father, career and social status and is due to stay there for the next three years.  This is an opportunity to review how you’ve been dealing with those areas of life and how you’d like to deal with them better in the future.  Ideals about yourself will be coming under scrutiny this month and when Mars enters your sign on 12th, you’ll want to push ahead to get closer to your ideal self.

Mercury goes retrograde in your 12th House of behind the scenes matters on 21st.  Use this time to examine how you’ve been programming your unconscious.  Self-talk is a good place to start.  Are your thought processes supporting you?  Use this time to make sure you’ve got everything running in a positive direction.  Your online life might need some attention too…

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth charts, just get in touch –   07929 261231

December 2014

December 2014

Our shared planetary picture

Jupiter and Uranus change direction this month, Mars moves into Aquarius and one of the major league players – Saturn, changes signs.

Jupiter – planet of growth and expansion goes retrograde on 8th till early April 2015 to take a closer look at under or over-expansion that took place in September.

Uranus – planet of change, disruption and revolution goes direct on 21st, having been retrograde since late July.  This was to review events in early April that may have been too compromised.

The big shift though is on Dec 24th when Saturn moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius.  One two-year set of lessons ends and a new three-year block begins.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Mars your ruling planet moves forward on 5th into your friends, groups, community and organisations zone.  You’re going to find more energy for and from these arenas and you might even find yourself getting political!

Jupiter goes retrograde on 8th to sort out a romance, children or creativity matter.  On 10th Venus starts smoothing the paths of ambition until early January and those in authority will try to assist you.  Ask and it will probably be given.  Uranus goes direct in your sign on 21st so you can happily get back to doing things in your own sweet way (which is pretty direct).

Saturn finally gets out of your intimacy, joint funds and sharing zone on 24th (you’ll be glad to know).  You’ve been immobilised here for two years but now you can start to take action.

So where does Saturn go next?  Into your 9th House of travel, study, law, publishing, culture and ethics.  A new learning process is about to begin in one or more of these areas.  That doesn’t mean they will necessarily be easy but there will be deep opportunities to review how you’ve dealt with these matters in the past and how you want to deal with them in the future.  This is an opportunity to come to terms with your principles.  Take it!

Taurus:   Your ambitions may sharpen this month as Mars moves into your 10th House of father, career and social status on 5th providing you with the drive to push your projects or yourself forward.  Uranus goes direct on 21st too giving the green light to do things your way.  This may surprise others and so be it.

Your ruling planet Venus favours travel, studies, publishing, ethics and legal matters from 10th.  There may be intense exchanges on 20th and 25th but the Sun illuminates these areas too until 20th January.

Jupiter goes retrograde on 8th in your mother and home zone.  Expansion or space-making you were considering in September may need to be re-thought or acted on.  (You have until early-April 2015 to get things straight).

The big news though is Saturn which has been glowering over your relationships and partnerships for 26 months is moving out on 24th.  This has been a learning period of looking at how you operate and at any avoidance patterns you may have had in partnerships.  Only when we accept the truth about ourselves can we move on and if you’ve earnestly done your inner homework, now is the time to apply your conclusions.

Saturn’s new block of learning is going to be in your 8th House of birth, sex, death and transformation, joint funds and sharing.  This is going to be a three year course requiring total honesty.  Be there!


Gemini:   The burden of Saturn over-shadowing your work, health and service to others zone for the last two years lifts on 24th and your daily routine lightens with it.  This has been a two-year wrestle with the grim reaper in one form or another and you’ve finally earned your reprieve!  Your daily life should feel welcomely lighter and more in line with your Mercurial spirit too.

Mars in Aquarius provides energy for travel, culture, legal matters and philosophy from 5th.  You might be feeling more emotional too at Full Moon on 6th which falls in your sign.  And Jupiter goes retrograde on 8th to check whether you made any promises in September that you might not be able to keep…

Uranus moves direct on 21st helping friendships, groups, community and organisations along and partnerships are busy all month.  Venus continues to provide a warm glow up to 10th then Sun and Mercury pick up the baton until Saturn takes charge on 24th.

The big shift and your next area for review is your 7th House of relationships and partnerships.  A three-year period of learning begins on 24th.  This will be an opportunity to examine how you’ve dealt with these things in the past, how you want to deal with them in the future but they may not be easy in the present.  Be open to what this process has to show you.

Cancer:   Your ruling planet the Moon becomes ‘full’ in your 12th House of inspiration, compassion and work behind the scenes on 6th so be alert to any dreams you have around then (sleeping or waking) as they could hold important meaning.

Mars enters your shared area the day before and will be active all month, generating energy in your intimacy, joint funds and transformation zone.  This could of course take the form of friction but if it does, channel the surge of energy into forward movement.  Uranus helps here too when it goes direct on 21st, encouraging you to do things your way.

On the subject of finances, Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunities heads back on 8th to review any big moves you did or didn’t take in September.  There could be a second chance here to take opportunities you missed or to make adjustments if you over-extended yourself.  You have until early April next year to figure this out.

New Moon falls in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships on 22nd which is the beginning of a new cycle.  This applies to professional as well as personal partnerships.  Venus is easing this area from 10th but then gets intense with Pluto around 20th and Mercury too helps with communications from 18th although you may have to bite your tongue on 25th…

Saturn has been weighing heavily in your romance, children and creativity zone for the past two years.  But on 24th it moves into a new area of life’s lessons: work, health and service to others.

This is three year review for you to examine how you’ve been dealing with these areas and how you might better do things in the future.  Your daily routine and how you tend yourself on a physical level comes into this too.  Notice what you notice!


Leo:   Mars moves into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships on 5th bringing energy or friction that moves you to take action.  Jupiter gliding through Leo changes direction too on 8th giving you until next April to work out how to best build on past successes.  Opportunities you have been too busy or pre-occupied to take could come round again and hopefully you will be ready.  Equally if you’ve been over-extending yourself, this will be a time for working out what is sustainable so that ongoing growth can continue.

There’s emotional intensity in your work and health zone around 20th and 25th and Uranus goes direct helping travel, legal, study and ethical matters to run more freely from 21st.  The big shift this month though is Saturn which moves out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius.

After two years of lessons in your mother, home and nurture zone, Saturn is moving into your 5th House of romance, love affairs, children, sports, speculation and creativity on 24th.  Saturn brings a certain weight to proceedings and there will be much to look at and learn in these new arenas.

Having hopefully learnt in the past two years how to better meet your self-nurture needs, your support structures should now be in place.  This being so, you can now concentrate on how you can best express yourself: emotionally and creatively and Saturn offers the possibility of concrete products or results from your efforts.  This isn’t a free gift, it’s earned.  Go for it!          


Virgo:   You will be glad to hear that the restrictions in your 3rd House of communications, trading, movement, siblings and neighbours lift on 24th.  It’s been a difficult time but having had two years to make a full analysis, you now know what you need to do and from 24th your path is clear to take action.

Mars in Aquarius from 5th provides energy to tackle work, health and service to others.  Full Moon on 6th brings emotion into your public life and on 8th Jupiter goes back to sort out something which has been bothering you in the back of your mind.  Venus moves into your romance, children and creativity zone on 10th too and gets intense around 20th…

On 21st Uranus brings helpful change to your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone.  But the big shift comes though on 24th when Saturn moves into your 4th House of mother and home.  This marks the beginning of a three-year review, looking at how nurturing took place (or didn’t) in your early years, how well you’ve been caring for yourself and how you’d ideally like to handle this in the future.  The mother and home are brought up for review, in the broadest sense too.  It’s a chance to put things right for yourself.  Take it!


Libra:   Your ruling planet Venus enters your 4th House of mother and home on 10th sweetening domestic life and encouraging you to entertain or beautify your home.  It’s around until early January so relax and enjoy.  Meanwhile, Mars moves into your romance, children and creativity zone on 5th giving you energy for one, two or all three departments. If you have projects or desires that need acting on, the planetary wind is behind you.

New Moon and the Sun both illuminate your mother and home zone on the night of the 21st -22nd.  This marks the beginning of a new cycle in your home life and in nurturing.  Personal development comes into this too.  What do you now need to grow?  And what does your soul need?  Put things in place for deep self-nurture.

On 24th Saturn releases its grip on the two-year impasse that’s been taking place in your financial and security area.  It’s time to move on and apply your hard-won conclusions.

Saturn’s new testing area for the next three years is: communications.  The review needed is looking at how you’ve been dealing with communications in the past and how you want to deal with them in the future.  Physical movement could come into this, as could trading and relationships with siblings and neighbours.  Be ready to take an honest look.

Scorpio:   This is the very final stretch of a two-year endurance test which has taken the form of close self-scrutiny.  Uncomfortable as this has been, opportunities for deep self-knowledge are very valuable and hopefully you will now have a good handle on your inner and outer workings.  Survival is one of Scorpio’s greatest strengths and we all look to you to learn some of this for ourselves.  Saturn packs its bags on 24th and at last you’re free of its heavy weight and free to apply the conclusions you’ve come to as a result of this deep introspection.

Saturn’s next port of call is your 2nd House of money, possessions, security, values and self-esteem.  How you’ve dealt with these matters in the past and how you want to deal with them in the future is your main agenda.  They may not be easy during the three-year learning process ahead but why would we bother looking at all if it were just easy?

Most people aim for money and possessions when looking for security but the whole subject of ‘enough’ and where does the feeling of ‘enough’ come from presents itself.  Often a deeper sense of security can be found in the non-materialistic realms of creativity or a value system which provides a sense of security.  Be sure to include these areas in your deep exploration.

Well done for having endured and survived the last two years.  Your certificate is one of resilient and authentic self-knowledge!


Sagittarius:   The two-year rumbling of Saturn behind the scenes ends on 24th which will come as a relief.  Being the subject of major internal events taking place beyond your reach in your unconscious isn’t comfortable and soon things will be out in the clear light of day.

Of course integrity is earned not given and Saturn’s new residence in your 1st House of self, ego and identity will require you to do some honest assessment about how you’ve been dealing with these areas and how you’d like to better deal with them in the future.  It’s a long and serious three-year internal review but at the end of it your sense of true self can take its rightful place.

Meanwhile, Sun in your sign is jollying you along until 21st, Mercury’s there too until 17th helping you to communicate, trade and have fun and Mars in Aquarius helps here too from 5th providing you with tons of mental energy.  You’ll probably want to strike hard bargains but make sure others will benefit too.

Full Moon in your opposite sign on 6th raises emotions in partnerships.  And your ruling planet Jupiter goes retrograde on 8th which could snare up travel or legal situations and takes you back to reassess whatever started on or around September.  Did you over-do it?  On a personal level, Venus gives you up until 10th to make the most of your irresistible charms…  (Others watch out!)

Capricorn:   Venus planet of love, beauty and harmony is in your sign from 10th making you darling of the zodiac until January 3rd.  It meets up with Pluto bringing fascination on 20th and if emotional intensity is your forte, 19th and 20th are open to obsession!

Mercury enters Capricorn on 18th and joins Pluto on 25th.  If you’re looking for a harmonious day, it may be best to keep your thought to yourself and focus on the ‘power of the mind’ rather than the ‘power of words’.  If you find you just have to vent, make your point fairly, without wounding others forever after…

Sun enters your sign on the night of 21st and New Moon, also in Capricorn is just a few hours later.  This is your personal New Year, so make your resolutions ten days earlier than everyone else.

Your ruling planet Saturn finally completes its transit through Scorpio on 24th.  For two years it has been presenting you with uncomfortable lessons about friends, groups, community, organisations, collectives and humanitarian ideals.  Lessons learnt, it’s time to apply your conclusions as action is now possible after all of that mulling and dwelling and being unsure.

Saturn’s new sojourn is in your 12th House of institutions, the pain and suffering of others, time spent alone, the collective unconscious and creative or spiritual work behind the scenes.  The internet may come into this too.  This new line up lasts for three years and you will be required to carry out a deep review on how you’ve been dealing with these matters and how they might be better dealt with.  This is a fantastically fruitful time for therapy.  Consider it.  It’s an investment in that very precious resource – yourself!

Aquarius:   Mars is at your disposal from 5th when it enters your sign giving you energy, drive and daring.  This only comes around every couple of years so if you’ve had projects or ideas on hold, get them moving now!  Your ruling planet Uranus goes direct on 21st too which adds flight to your wings after a six-month drag backwards.  This is particularly good for friendship, groups, community and humanitarian projects – i.e. right up your street!

Jupiter planet of growth and expansion goes retrograde on 8th in your relationships and partnerships zone.  This takes you back to look once again at opportunities you either did or didn’t take in September.  You have until early April next year to work out which path offers the most growth.

Saturn’s two-year review of your father, career and social status completes on 24th.  It’s been a time of reaping what you’ve sown in the past.  And although the way has been somewhat blocked, forcing you to look at all of this, you can now take action.

The new area of Saturnian learning is your 11th House of friends, groups, community, collectives, organisations and humanitarian ideals.  This is a three year transit (longer than usual) that may bring older people, restrictions or responsibilities, political realities and authority structures for you to deal with.  It’s all for you of course – to deepen your understanding and making you all the fitter to take a future leading role.


Pisces:   Saturn has been sitting heavily on your travel, study, law and ethics zone for over two years.  This has been a difficult period of introspection and review with little or no option of taking action or moving forward.  But on 24th this all changes.  Whereas you’ve had to just look on, now at last you can do something about it.

There’s lots of planetary movement at the beginning of the month.  From 5th Mars highlights spiritual values and humanitarian work behind the scenes.  Full Moon on 6th makes for an emotional home.  On 8th Jupiter goes back to sort out a work or health related matter.  And Venus is smoothing your public life until 10th.  Sun and Mercury keep things lively here until Saturn takes over on 24th.

This is the beginning of a three-year learning process in your father, career and social status zone.  A time when you reap whatever you have sown in your public life.  It could bring extra responsibilities, bring you authority or bring you the unwelcome authority of others.  There is a time for action once your learning process is complete but until then, an important internal review needs to take place.  Giving it your full attention, will deepen your understanding.

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth charts, just get in touch –   07929 261231 or to find out more about the benefits of astrology or more about me, visit –

November 2014

November 2014

Our shared planetary picture

Mars triggers off Uranus and Pluto from 7th – 16th yet again.  These are explosive energies that have been re-occuring over the past two years.  Unpredictable events can suddenly occur and power plays can get out of hand.  Hierarchies and authoritarian structures could be under massive pressure too.  Some will think that is good: others may not.

Flexibility is the best response to all of this and self-awareness, so that we don’t unconsciously act out any floating ruthlessness ourselves.  Be aware of power dynamics.  Use yours in an ethical and measured way and deflect attempts for control by others.  This may sound grim but on the positive side, transformation on a collective level is possible and a raising of mass awareness.  Be positive, be boundaried and help to ‘raise the vibration’.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.


Aries:   On a personal level, money matters or security concerns come to a head on 6th and ‘the money of others’ could be a serious item on the agenda from 10th – 18th.  How you share yourself intimately could be up for discussion too.  Certain aspects of yourself may take you by surprise this month.  You’re getting closer to your true, uncompromised core and this could be startling for everyone…

Your ruling planet Mars is stirring things up in your father, career and public status zone from 7th – 15th.  This hones your ambitions into razor-sharp action that will be compelling and hard to resist.  Do your utmost to achieve your goals but don’t hit below the belt.  Unethical situations or people in positions of authority may attract your attention: and they may wish they hadn’t.  Others will stand and gasp at your daring challenges to authority and hierarchies, possibly to expose the unworthy.

Your sense of justice is strong.  Old structures may no longer be appropriate and complacency needs to be challenged.  Something better is clearly needed.  Could it be you?


Taurus:   Full Moon in your sign raises emotions on 6th and there seem to be a lot of comings and goings in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships.  Saturn has been putting the brakes on here for two years but Sun, Mercury and Venus could start to change all that.  Your ruling planet Venus makes you more susceptible to the charms of others in general and when it moves over Saturn from 10th – 14th old or new bonds take form.  Responsibilities may be part of the picture too.  Walk in with your eyes open if you choose this path.

Mars is bombarding its way through Capricorn, triggering off Uranus on its way and then joining Pluto.  Uranus presently in your 12th House of the unconscious, behind the scenes projects and your online life could release forgotten memories, startling realisations and changes to your outlook.  The Mars-Uranus contact may also encourage uncompromised action and striking out, doing your own thing in your own way.

Travel, education, cultural or legal matters offer strong medicine from 8th – 13th as Mars moves over Pluto.  Compulsions may become apparent and men from other cultures or of a philosophical nature could play an important role.  Old stances may no longer seem valid and other points of view are challenging you.  Avoid a defensive stance by listening.  This can help to raise your self-awareness.  Be open to change!


Gemini:   After sluggishly being retrograde for most of last month, your ruling planet Mercury is no longer being dragged through the mud and you will feel on top form this month (in this respect at least) as Mercury lightly skips through three different signs.  Mobility after standstill is always exhilarating for Geminis and a huge relief.

Mars triggers off Uranus from 7th electrifying your friends, groups and organisations zone.  You’ll be looking for individual and possibly unorthodox solutions to presenting situations.  Constraints won’t be tolerated and you will try very hard to talk your way out of situations you don’t much care for, or may find yourself trying to talk others in or out of situations that impact you in some way.

Your 8th House of joint funds, sharing and intimacy are on intense alert too as Mars passes over Pluto here from 8th – 13th.  Compulsive attractions or reactions could feel overwhelming.  Think out the different threads involved so that your actions are conscious and not reactive.  This is testing and important!

Venus enters your 7th House of relationships and partnerships from 16th.  This will make you keenly aware of the charms of others and perhaps susceptible to them.  New Moon on 22nd marks a new start in relationships and partnerships too, so who knows?


Cancer:   Mars in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships stirs things up from 7th – 15th and brings change to your social status and to partnerships.  Your public status has been undergoing changes since 2010 and 2011and Mars will push things even further.

Pluto also gets a shove in the back from 8th – 13th.  Transformation of, or in partnerships is deep and inevitable.  Beware of power battles (control your own and deflect others) and choose a healthy model of relating where the power transforms both of you through equal relating: not the power of one over the other.

Sun, Mercury and Venus are also passing through your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  This helps to soften Saturn’s grip which has been taking you to task for the past two years with extra responsibilities, difficulties or delays.

New Moon on 22nd falls in your work, health and daily routine zone.  This is the perfect time for you to start a new regime.  Service to others is implicated too so if you can help someone or others along at the same time, all the better.  Team workouts perhaps?


Leo:   Full Moon on 6th raises emotions in your public zone and may put you in the limelight (and Leos are supremely good at rising to such occasions).  Your urge for expansion and long-term restrictions continue to get in each other’s way until 10th but after 15th the coast is clear and Jupiter can widen your world.

Venus brings harmony to the home from 1st – 15th – great for beautifying your space and entertaining.  Venus then moves into your children, creativity and romance zone for the rest of the month and beyond.

Mars in Capricorn is sparking things off with Uranus and Pluto from 7th  – 15th.  The first area of impact will be your travel, legal, study, philosophical and cultural zone.  Sudden changes and rebellious feelings of wanting to do your own thing, in your own way could emerge and fly in the face of widely-accepted values.  Be true to yourself, your beliefs and your flair regardless.

The second area of impact is your 6th House of work, health, service to others and daily routine.  Massive transformation here as Mars moves over Pluto and it’s looking intense.  Creative fervour could be part of it.  Be sure to give your vision free rein.


Virgo:   Your ruling planet Mercury is on the move once again after a difficult immobile period last month.  It also spends most of the month in your 3rd House of communications and helps to break through the difficulty that’s been sitting there for two years (Saturn) which may have sometimes taken the form of physical movement, siblings or neighbours.  The Sun and Venus are accomplices in this too which is all to the good and next month it shifts for good.

Intense experiences impact two areas of your life this month – both triggered by Mars.    First of all Mars squares Uranus from 7th – 15th, causing it to kick off erratically in your birth, death, joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone.  Expect the unexpected and sudden or startling events.

Secondly, your romance, children and creativity zone gets zapped as Mars moves over Pluto from 8th – 13th.  Compulsive feelings and reactions could occur.  Self awareness is your best friend when these two strike.  But be open to the opportunities for transformation on offer.

Venus brings harmony to your mother and home sphere from 16th.  This is a great time to beautify your home and for entertaining.  New Moon on 22nd marks a new era in this area of life too.  Make self-nurture a priority!


Libra:   Work or health concerns could get emotional around Full Moon on 6th and finances demand your attention from 10th – 18th.  This may all fade into insignificance though, compared to the main meal of the month…  From 7th – 15th Mars squares Uranus and then meets Pluto.  Your mother, home and roots zone is being transformed by powerful forces.  This is almost a compulsive combination and could take many forms:

The mother or women in the family could be implicated or the physical home, be that a building, its plumbing, your town, country or the planet.  Realisations about your childhood and early home could break through the prettier view you often prefer to hold too.  But this could give you a very helpful handle on the present, as well as the past..

Your ruling planet Venus spends 10th – 14th caught up with Saturn which could feel restrictive and at the very least serious.  From 17th – 21st it’s square Neptune –i.e. not co-operating with the idealised view of things.  These are perfect conditions for more honesty in your relationships, including the relationship to yourself.

Uranus has been shaking things up for a few years now in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships.  And Mars-Pluto squaring it during the first half of the month, gives things yet another challenging jolt.

Be sure to keep in mind that these dramatic processes are for you, not against you.  Welcome them and the fresh and liberating insights they bring.


Scorpio:   Your hypnotic charms are at their height from 1st – 16th as Venus continues to glide through your sign.  Others notice and relationships will demand your full attention with Full Moon on 6thAs Venus moves over Saturn from 10th – 14th you can even feel a softening of the restrictions you’ve felt over the past two years.  The Sun too warms and lightens Saturn’s grip from 15th – 20th and is in your sign all month until 22nd.  This adds enthusiasm and energy to your personal New Year.

Meanwhile, Mars squares Uranus which is in your 6th House of work, health, daily routine and service to others.  Unexpected or sudden changes in these areas could be startling but liberating.

Mars is also pushing your ruling planet Pluto (from 8th – 13th) to bring about the much-needed transformation you’ve been considering or working towards.  This is happening in your 3rd House of communications, thinking, siblings, neighbours, short journeys, physical movement and trading.

Obsessive thoughts and the use of force of any kind are to be avoided but breakthroughs are possible and should be welcomed.  New forms of physical movement could have transformational effects too – experiment!


Sagittarius:   Your ruling planet Jupiter is struggling to express itself in the face of restrictive Saturn up to 10th.  This is frustrating but it can help you to focus on how you want to go about things, once the coast is clear.  After 15th, Jupiter is free again and able to bring you an expansive, wider horizon.

Mars sparks off rebelliousness as it squares Uranus from 7th  – 16th.  You will feel this in your romance, children and creativity zone.  Compromise and submitting to other people’s view of things may not feel possible and they may have to adjust to yours.  Your creative juices are flowing and originality will be your moto.

Mars also moves over Pluto from 8th – 13th.  You may find yourself having compulsive feelings about money, security, self-esteem (linked to your income) and values and you will be pushing hard to achieve your goals.  It may be tempting but don’t resort to ruthlessness.  You have to live with yourself after this planetary transit is over.  Direct the raw energy into effort and willpower instead.

Venus moves into your sign on 16th making you darling of the zodiac for three and a half weeks.  If you need to charm others round to your way of thinking, the wind is behind you till Dec 10th.

Sun returns to your sign on 22nd which is a relief and brings fresh energy and a sense of self-renewal.  New Moon in your sign on 22nd marks the beginning of your personal and emotional New Year too.  Forget the generic January 1st.  Your New Year is now!  Make some resolutions!


Capricorn:   Each planet has a sign in which it operates at its best.  This is not the sign it rules but a different one where it’s considered to be ‘exalted’ and Mars is exalted in Capricorn.  This month that’s exactly where it is.  And Mars in your sign gives you thrust, drive and energy and all four of your cylinders are roaring and raring to go.

This isn’t just a smooth run though, as from 7th Mars squares Uranus (currently in your 4th House of mother and home) which is quite disruptive.  On a physical level, this can spur on house-moves, renovations and makeovers.  On an emotional level, there can be disquiet connected to these changes or the actual emotional dynamics in the home could be the change.  There could be sudden events connected to the mother or women in the family.  Personal development and levels of awareness could be revolutionised too as realisations of emotional patterns during your early years come to light.

As well as aspecting Uranus, Mars meets Pluto (also in Capricorn) which is a powerful combination.  Your will is unstoppable (as others will see).  Your direction is forward and everyone else would be well-advised to get out of the way.  Your vision, determination and certainty all rise up.  The goals are clear and the raw energy needed to achieve them are at hand.  Be ethical, be honest and do it!


Aquarius:   Full Moon on 6th draws your emotions to nurturing and home.  Direct your love into home and those within it.  (Being Aquarius your home could of course mean your community, your planet or beyond).  Meanwhile, Venus continues in your 10th House of father, career and social status until 16th softening authority figures’ attitudes towards you -make the most of it!

Mars is also pummelling Pluto and Uranus your ruling planet.  This may feel like unseen forces challenging your individuality, your thoughts and communications.  Equally it could release buried information from your unconscious for your conscious mind to process.  However strong or overwhelming this may seem, these releases usually only occur when you’re ready and able to handle them.

Another possible expression of these energies is deeply tuning into other wavebands, our collective ether and into the mindsets of others, perhaps those unable to represent themselves.  You can be their voice and your voice will be original, uncompromised and un-ignorable: be that written or spoken.

Your online world could also become very intense and while you’re at it, you might as well check your internet security.  Aquarians are tuned in to the collective and your antennae are on full alert.  This isn’t particularly relaxing, so make sure you get plenty of exercise to release the pressure.  Your voice is important and physical movement helps you to keep a clear head.


Pisces:   Mars is shaking things up from 7th – 16th.  This effects you first of all when Uranus gets involved in your 2nd House of money, security, self-esteem (perhaps linked to income) and values.  Uranus is unpredictable and these areas are likely to follow suit.  Sudden or erratic changes may shake you up.  Enjoy the stimulus towards a freer way of being.

Pluto gets involved from 8th – 13th and compulsive power plays could occur in your friends, groups or organisations zone.  Make sure they aren’t coming from you…  Everyone is getting shaken up in some area or the other so keep self-awareness by your side and don’t take unsavoury moves by others too personally.

Your ruling planet Neptune gets challenged by Venus and then Sun in the second half of the month.  They’re not the harshest of challenges but others may want you to articulate things that haven’t quite taken the form of words for you yet.

Venus smoothes your father, career and status zone from 16th which encourages authority figures to respond favourably to your requests and there’s a New Moon here too on 22nd.  This is the beginning of a new wave in your public persona and you could become more visible.  Now what could that be about?  Keep some ideas up your sleeve and ready!


To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth charts, just get in touch –  (++ 44)  (0)7929 261231

October 2014

October 2014

Our shared planetary picture

The month begins on a high energy note as Mars, Jupiter and Uranus all align in fire signs, bringing action, growth, expansion and revolutionary change.  This is dynamic energy and everything comes to a head on the morning of 8th with Full Moon in Aries, in the same area of the heavens as Uranus, so expect the unexpected…

Mercury goes retrograde from 4th – 25th which can cause misunderstandings.  Be extra clear in your transactions and avoid signing anything important during this period (if possible) to save yourself energy having to re-do things later.  Mercury moves backwards from Scorpio (a water sign) to Libra (an air sign), searching once again for reason in the midst of emotional turmoil.  More oxygen, breathing and objective thought can provide the answers we are collectively looking for.

Another dramatic event takes place on 23rd with the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.  This belongs to a positive, passionate, exciting eclipse cycle that brings in a new wave of motivation and fun.  Sun, Venus and Neptune end the month off smoothly and help us all to relate better emotionally.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:  Mars your ruling planet creates a circuit of positive energy with Jupiter and Uranus from 1st – 8th.  This gives the green light for action Aries-style!  Uranus is in your 1st House too, so this is a fast-paced, exhilarating build up to Full Moon on 8th which yes, is also in Aries and near that Uranus!  Nothing can stop you this week and your dynamism can move mountains.  Just decide which mountains in particular you want to move!  Your philosophy and outlook may be undergoing changes too.  This is creative and should be welcomed.  Meanwhile Mercury goes retrograde in your joint finance and intimacy zone on 4th and takes you back to reassess your way of thinking and communicating in partnerships.  You have three weeks to give this a second look before it moves forward again on 25th.  Venus softens your view of partnerships too and makes you want to be more co-operative.  The money of others could benefit you from 23rd.  Share your good fortune!

Taurus:   Home, joint funds,  intimacy and your unconscious or online life are all humming during the first eight days of October.  Your ruling planet Venus is happy too in Libra for most of the month which helps to smooth progress and wellbeing in your work, health and service to others zone.  Venus is opposite Uranus from 9th – 11th which could bring about some surprises and enters your opposite sign on 23rd enhancing harmony in partnerships.  The New Moon and Solar Eclipse, also on 23rd and also in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships brings in a new wave and can motivate you to be more proactive in pursuing what you want in this area.  When Sun and Venus join forces on the weekend of 25th – 26th, Neptune gets involved too, so ideals and the real possibility of wonderful romance in an ideal partnership is high.  Jupiter squares Saturn all month, looking for a solution to conflicting demands from partners and home.  Hold on for the answer next month.

Gemini:   Mars in your opposite sign joins forces with Uranus and Jupiter for the first eight days of the month.  This means action, change and expansion in your partnerships, friendships and communications.  Full Moon on the morning of 8th in your 11th House of friends, groups and organisations produces the present outcome.  Your ruling planet Mercury spends most of the month retrograde (from 4th – 25th), starting in your work, health and service to others zone.  On 10th it moves back into your romance, children and creativity sphere to look for missed answers that can be found there.  Be sure to search as important information can be unlocked.  Mercury goes direct on 25th but it takes until mid-October to get back to where it started.  The New Moon and Solar Eclipse on 23rd, also in your work and health zone, bring in a new wave and mark your personal New Year in this area of life.  This will motivate you to move forwards.  Make some new resolutions.  And keep them!

Cancer:   Your enterprising spirit is running on all four cylinders from 1st – 8th as the Grand Trine in fire ignites your work, career and finance zones.  This culminates in Full Moon on 8th in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  This could also put you in the public eye or make you more visible in some way.  Sun and Venus enhance your home and family life and Mercury takes you back here too, to find a better way to approach romance, children or creativity.  New Moon and the eclipse on 23rd can also help with these matters and Venus smoothes the way for better ways forward.  Conflicting demands between your public and private life could impact partnerships.  And when Mars enters your 7th House on 26th you may decide to get more proactive about power issues that keep raising their head.  Anyone expecting you to be a pushover may get a surprise.  Keep trouble-makers on their toes and do what needs to be done.

Leo:   Your ongoing need for personal expansion and the demands of your family, roots or foundations continue to pull you in opposite directions this month.  Jupiter in your 1st house of identity and selfhood is just waiting for you to give it some oxygen and space to fly.  Mars and Uranus completely agree and do their best to help from 1st – 8th.  Be open to new ways of doing things, striking out and giving yourself more leeway.  The culmination of all three planets’ efforts come to fruition at Full Moon on the morning of 8th when emotions will be running high in your travel, study and legal zones.  Mercury could make communications more difficult on the mother and home front from 4th but the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on 23rd bring in a fresh new wave at home and by 25th Mercury will be going forward again and Sun, Venus and Neptune work together to create domestic harmony.  Your personal development and self-care could be included in all of this too.  Have you been meeting your own true needs?  Because it’s time to do just that.

Virgo:   Mars is pushing its way through your mother and home area all month, being revved on by Jupiter behind the scenes and Uranus in your joint funds and shared area from 1st – 8th.  Push ahead with projects at home and work on your own emotional roots and foundations.  This energy builds up to a crescendo at Full Moon on the morning of 8th in your 8th House of joint funds, sharing, intimacy and transformation.  This action at home raises an awareness of old wounds in or from partnerships or even a wounded partner.  Look this in the face as best you can, rather than flinching away.  And let it inform your actions in terms of self care and personal development.  You’re so good at meeting other people’s needs but the question is:  how can you attend to your own inner needs more effectively?  While you’re pondering all of this, situations arise and subside with neighbours and/or siblings but keep your focus on yourself.

Libra:   The Grand Trine in fire signs stimulates communications with partners, groups and friends from 1st – 8th.  And with Venus your ruling planet gliding through Libra from 1st – 23rd you’re the darling of the zodiac and others will find it hard to resist your charming requests.  Even when Mercury goes retrograde on 4th, you’ll fare better than most.  Challenges may come from people in authority but this pushes you to get in touch with your own personal power.  And the message is: “Yes you can!”  Full Moon in your opposite sign on 8th raises emotions in and around partnerships and the Sun moving through Libra till 23rd, replenishes your energy and appetite for life.  The underlying theme of money, security and values rumbles on in the background.  How you’ve been thinking about yourself has been partly to blame and a re-think is needed.  The eclipse on 23rd brings a change of outlook.  Venus helps your finances too from 23rd and there’s still more to come next month!

Scorpio:   Your three areas of finance, work and career are all in active flow from 1st – 8th.  And Full Moon on 8th in your 6th House of work, health and service to others brings emotional results.   Mercury goes retrograde in your sign on 4th which takes you back to look at how self-talk may have been impacting on your communications with the rest of the world.  The Sun has been away from you for the longest time and when it returns to Scorpio on 23rd your energy and life-force are revitalised.  The New Moon and Solar Eclipse both take place in your sign on the same day so this really is your own personal New Year and the eclipse brings in a new positive wave of energy for you.  This is a good time to make resolutions for your year ahead based on your best hopes for the future.  Venus enters your sign on 23rd adding charm to your hypnotic powers and there’s a feeling of overall wellbeing over the last weekend of the month (25th – 26th) when Sun, Venus and Neptune all align to ease your path.  It’s about time!

Sagittarius:   Mars in your sign gives you energy and the drive to push ahead with your projects all month and Jupiter and Uranus are right behind you in this from 1st – 8th.  They bring the added gifts of growth, expansion and revolution to your dynamism, so be courageous!  Big changes are possible!  Full Moon on the morning of 8th falls into your romance, children and creativity zone where Uranus continues to shake things up.  And your ruling planet Jupiter continues to bring expansion in your 9th House of travel, study and principles.  Your inner world is at odds with at least one of your principles here though which results in inner tension.  Turn it into action if you can.  Mars also squares Chiron which is moving through your 4th House of mother and home so old wounds may present themselves as may some inner needs that haven’t been met for some time.  Be attentive to this information and let it inform your decisions and self-care.  This isn’t a month for compromises…

Capricorn:   The planetary dynamic in fire signs from 1st – 8th activates three areas for you: your unconscious and online life, your mother and home life and your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone.  All three spheres should be working well together, so make headway while you can.  Full Moon on 8th in your 4th House of mother and home is the culmination of this exhilarating rush and emotions will run high.  Meanwhile, Venus is helping in your father, career and social status zone and if you need assistance from people who carry influence, don’t be afraid to ask.  Mercury goes retrograde on 4th in your groups, friends, community and organisations area and gradually makes its way back to find better solutions than the current ones.  The status you normally give yourself may be relevant in some way and requires more thought.  You can proceed once again on 26th when this review is complete.  Mars enters your sign on 26th and you will be a force to be reckoned with.  Energy will be yours.  Apply it!

Aquarius:   Your urge for expansion in partnerships (or freedom from them) is at odds with your public persona all month.  Mars and Uranus try their best to encourage growth with or through partners from 1st – 8th and Full Moon in your public sphere on the morning of 8th will have some bearing on the matter.  Sun and then Venus oppose your ruling planet Uranus from 7th – 11th which suggests you won’t feel like compromising but people around you will half expect that already.  Communications with authority figures may be tricky during Mercury’s journey retrograde from 4th – 25th but New Moon and the Solar Eclipse on 23rd bring professional motivation and a fresh start that gets into full swing when Sun and Venus join in from 25th.  Finances and possible new forms of income are looking good around this time and beyond.  Now just what could that new income stream be?

Pisces:   Your own ambitions or assertive people in positions of authority are rubbing against some inner wounds and it may hard to think of anything else.  This is a gift rather pointless suffering, as we have first to be aware of our vulnerabilities before we can work on them and move forwards rather than be held back by them.  While you consciously want to move ahead with finances, work and health and your public status, especially from 1st – 8th, this personal stuff keeps coming up.  Full Moon on the morning of the 8th raises emotions in your 2nd House of money, possessions and security.  On a deeper level this is really about your values and self esteem.  Adjustments here can create the inner peace you’re searching for.

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse on 23rd fall in your travel, study and principles zone.  A new wave will be helpfully blowing the cobwebs from these areas.

Your ruling planet Neptune finishes the month nicely, flowing in harmony with the Sun and Venus from  25th.  Take comfort in your beliefs and from different philosophies and cultures.

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth charts, just get in touch –   07929 261231 or to find out more about the benefits of astrology or more about me, visit –

September 2014

Your Horoscope for September 2014

The 23rd is also our Autumn Equinox when the Sun moves into Libra.  This is a power point in the year and marks the beginning of autumn.  So we have the themes of ‘power’ and ‘moving forwards’ accented twice.

Mercury runs up against Pluto and Uranus this month too so previously hidden information and sudden insights may be unsettling.

Mars completes its tour through Scorpio on 13th and rushes into Sagittarius.  Neptune complicates the picture though and requires Mars (and us) to go forward more sensitively than usual and to take other people’s situations into consideration.  This could feel frustrating if you are in a hurry but the opportunity on offer is to develop new strategies and to appreciate subtleties rather than instant results.

Meanwhile Mars forms a Grand Trine with Jupiter and Uranus towards the end of the month (three planets at equal distance from each other).  They are all in fire signs which generates enthusiasm, optimism and energy.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Partners could have surprising things to say this month which might feel challenging.  Aries usually likes a challenge, so try to look on it as an opportunity to expand your view.  New Moon on 24th is also in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships and offers a fresh new cycle in your emotional life.

Pluto’s change of direction on 23rd helps to propel the long transformation taking place in your father, career and social status zone.  More authority could be coming your way.  And if it does, be sure to use it well.

Mars your ruling planet changes sign on 13th but soon squares up to Neptune.  Hasty actions and your usual forthright style may need some adjustments till the end of the month.  Other people’s feelings and the bigger picture have to be taken into account.

Your favourite part of this month is likely to be from 22nd onwards when Mars and Jupiter fall into step with Uranus which is zapping through your sign.  This hot fiery energy looks like big, up-beat, boisterous fun.  Get out there!

Taurus:   Friends or groups may be the cause of high emotions around 9th and the divide between friendship and romance may not be clear from 6th – 10th.  Keep an open mind.

As Mars moves out of Saturn’s shadow, you start to get a clearer view of relationships and partnerships and your role in them.  And if action is needed to initiate or end things, aim for the first half of the month.

When Mars moves into your 8th House of sharing, joint funds and intimacy on 13th, it won’t be clear what’s happening there either, as Neptune immediately fogs the view.  Feel your way forward but don’t push (or be pushed).

Work, health and service to others draw your attention from 23rd as Sun and New Moon take up residence.  This is the perfect time to set up a new regime.  So just do it!

Also on 23rd Pluto goes direct after being retrograde in your 9th House of travel, law and philosophy.  This should make travel, studies, dealings with in-laws easier and your higher-mind will be working better too.  You’ve had five months to review some of your policies too.  Could it be time to change some of them?

Gemini:   Full Moon on 9th in your father, career and social status zone raises familiar emotions.  Home and career seem to get in each other’s way too from 6th – 11th but then domestic affairs glide smoothly, including any entertainment plans you may have in the pipeline.

Mars enters your 7th House of partnerships on 13th but squares Neptune until 27th.  This clouds your view regarding the status of partnerships, including professional ones.  You’ll just have to sit this one out and feel your way until clarity returns at the end of the month.

Sun moves into your romance, children and creativity area on 23rd and New Moon follows one day later.  This offers a creative new start to heart-felt projects and new stores of energy to apply to them.  .

Pluto goes direct around the same time on 23rd.  This brings about forward movement in your 8th House of transformation, joint finance, the money of others, sharing and intimacy.  Things have been on hold or worse since mid-April which has been uncomfortable but progress is now possible.  This is good news but not the end of the story as Pluto’s going to be bringing transformation to your 8th House for another ten years…

Cancer:   Full Moon on 9th falls into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.  You’ll be tuned in to at least one of these, perhaps all three.  Communications are a lively area too, especially from 8th – 13th when discussions in or about the home challenge partners and suggest possible change around career or status.

If partners try to lay down the law, don’t be browbeaten into agreeing to things you might later regret.  Remain the calm voice of reason and wait until Pluto goes direct on 23rd to deal with partnership concerns.

Pluto has been back-peddling for the last five months, providing time to look again at power plays or responsibilities in partnerships.  (This includes professional partners as well as intimates).  The way forward for you should now be clearer.  Not just in terms of direction but in how to assert yourself.  But if you’ve been the one wielding power, then this could be an opportunity to start being fairer.

Sun moves into your 4th House on 23rd and New Moon falls here the next day too.  This is the perfect time for a new approach towards mother or home…


Leo:   As Mars moves away from Saturn during the first half of the month, you get a clearer view of ongoing matters to do with mother, home and early foundations.  And feelings of being stuck start to lift too.

Mars then moves into your romance, children and creativity zone on 13th but Neptune blocks the view and it’ll be hard to make out exactly what’s happening.  Your usual strategies don’t seem to work, so just feel your way forwards until the view gets clearer (after 27th).

Finances are changeable and look uncertain from 6th – 10th as Venus is opposite Neptune.  But from 11th onwards Venus should help to improve things.

Your 3rd House of communications is an active area later in the month.  Sun moves in on 23rd, followed by the New Moon the next day.  This opens a new door in your way of thinking.  Seek out mental stimulation, be open to new ideas and express yourself.  This means in the broadest sense.  Be open to new forms of physical movement too.

Pluto’s shift forwards in your 6th House of work, health and service to others on 23rd could bring positive changes to your daily routine.  This might come about through work, helping others or through how you feed yourself or a new health routine.  Whichever it is, it will be a welcome change to the past five months of back-peddling.

The Grand Trine in fire signs from 22nd brings fun too.  Get moving!


Virgo:   Venus in your sign from 5th – 29th heightens your natural charms and makes you irresistible.  If you need co-operation, you’ll find it and people will bow to your wishes.  Relationships and partnerships may not be entirely straight forwards though when Venus opposes Neptune from 6th – 10th.  It’ll be hard to see what’s happening during this period and pressing for clarity won’t work.  Trust your instincts and wait for the mist to clear.  Full Moon in your opposite sign on 9th will bring things to a head during this emotional wave and may bring some realisations.

Mars moves into your 4th House of mother and home on 13th.  The urge for action will be strong but again Neptune clouds the way forward and you’ll have to feel your way gently forward until 27th when the coast clears.

Pluto goes direct on 23rd and matters concerning romance, children and creativity start to move forwards once again, after five months of standstill.  (There is yet further to go in this direction, as future years will reveal).

Your finances undergo a renewal around the same time as Pluto’s turnaround when Sun moves into Libra on 23rd, followed by New Moon on 24th.  This is your financial New Year.  Make some resolutions!

Libra:   You’ll have a lot to say this month as Mercury zooms through your sign.  And matters you raise around 8th – 13th may raise some eyebrows, especially with partners and at home but stand your ground.

This month is your Astrological New Year (January 1st is just an arbitrary date for collective convenience).  The Sun brings energy and a sense of renewal on 23rd as it enters your sign.  New Moon the following day is also in Libra which marks the beginning of your emotional new year too.

This may bring new people into your emotional circle or a breath of fresh air to existing emotional situations and involvements.  It’s a positive energy and so whatever may have seemed difficult before, becomes less so, as your emotional resources are refilled.  This shouldn’t be used to maintain unacceptable situations though.  Use this fresh energy well.

Pluto also goes direct on the same day, so deep matters connected to the mother or home start to move forwards again.  They have been on hold for five months to give you chance to reappraise things.  This could be a great time to start therapy, explore your early roots, renovate your home or to move beyond impasses that have held you back.  It’s an ongoing process.

Scorpio:   As Mars moves away from Saturn in your sign, your perspective will become clearer and taking yourself in hand should become easier too.  Any action that you now realise is needed, with regard to yourself, can be put in place before 13th.

Mars then moves into your 2nd House of money and possessions but Neptune clouds the way so just feel your way gently in this area until the coast is clear (from 27th).

Your mind will be active but sometimes reactive around siblings, neighbours and work situations.  Weigh your words carefully as much as possible. People will pick up on your mood so carving it out in words may not be helpful.  Mindfulness will help you to keep things together and keep things in proportion.

Your ruling planet Pluto moves forwards on 23rd after five months in reverse.  This has been in your 3rd House of communications, siblings, neighbours and short journeys.  While the past five months may not have been easy, they have provided an opportunity for you to look at these areas afresh and now with Pluto’s forward movement you can start to apply your conclusions.

Make your mind your friend and try techniques designed to help with this (e.g. mindfulness, relaxation techniques, meditation, hypnosis, creative visualisation and others).  It’s a great time to start therapy too.  And remember, drink and drugs are really not the answer…

Sagittarius:   Full Moon in your mother and home zone on 9th brings up emotions, perhaps from the past and your early years.  Your foundations and career seem to get in each other’s way from 6th – 10th but then things run smoothly in your father, career and social status zone for the rest of the month.

Mars enters your sign on 13th, bringing energy and drive but unclear conditions at home make it difficult to apply yourself.  Things get clearer after 27th when Mars gets free of Neptune’s influence.

Pluto goes direct in your finance zone on 23rd after five months of standstill.  Your understanding about security, finances, income and self-esteem are all ready to move forwards.

And if you’re on the lookout for fun, this is your month.  Mars in your sign triggers off a Grand Trine in fire signs from 22nd.  It’s in good company with Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries.  Adventures, risks and rollicking fun all beckon!

Capricorn:   Official letters could be winging their way towards you this month or it could be you sending them.  Either way, the repercussions are going to be noticeable, especially around 8th – 13th.  Your reactions will be strong and changes to mother or the home could take you by surprise.  It’s usually better if the changes are instigated by you, so keep an eye open for new solutions and the untried.

Your favourite part of the month will probably be towards the end when Sun moves into your 10th House of father, career and social status, followed by New Moon on 24th which could even put you in the public eye.  This is the beginning of a new cycle professionally.  Keep an eye open for opportunities or carve some out yourself.

Most important of all, Pluto goes direct in your sign on 23rd, after five months of being retrograde, This will have been a frustrating time for you but wisdom gathered during these delays can now be applied to your situation.  You’re back in the driving seat and it’s time to go forwards.  What other people think about this is irrelevant.  Lead by example!


Aquarius:   Venus enters your shared area on 5th and immediately opposes Neptune which blurs the division between what is yours alone and what you’re happy to share.  By 11th things are clearer and you start to see that personal freedom has its limitations and that merging with others can bring other fruits, just as valuable.

Other long-term policies may be up for review too from 23rd as Sun and then New Moon highlight your 9th House of travel, culture, philosophy and law.  This is a great time for a trip or exploring other cultures and your own personal policies.  This new beam can illuminate areas where you may have been too closed and open new horizons.

Mars is already moving away from Saturn at the start of the month in your 10th House of father, career and status.  This allows you to push ahead with ambitions, clear of recent frustrations and hold ups.  You have until 13th to do this.

Major shifts behind the scenes are still taking place.  Pluto goes direct on 23rd after five months going retrograde.  This has been a chance to review earlier mindsets and you could try out new or different ones now that things are going forwards.

Your online life could change gear too.  Any work you do on your unconscious will be helpful, be that mindfulness, therapy or meditation.  It’s also a good time for charitable activities, your imagination and creative work, perhaps behind the scenes.

Pisces:   Venus opposite Neptune in your sign starts stirring things up emotionally from 6th and Full Moon in your sign on 9th sweeps you up into emotional highs (or lows).  This happens to every sign once a year and this month, the experience is yours.  Partners may seem to be at the centre of the storm but most likely it’s uncertainty about yourself that catches you unawares.

Partnerships run smoothly after this but career, status or father issues are likely to be more problematic.  Mars is ready to push ahead here from 13th but again, your uncertainty stops play.

The challenges to Neptune will call for much soul-searching about your present situation and how you’re dealing with yourself these days.  It might even bring up questions about who you truly are now.  Are self-sabotaging habits getting in the way?  Take time and space to reflect on this.  A retreat or therapy can be helpful with this process.

Pluto goes direct in your 11th House of friends, groups, community and organisations on 23rd.  This offers progress in areas which have been on hold for five months.  Be open to transformation!


To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth charts, just get in touch –         07929 261231

August 2014

August 2014

Our shared planetary picture

All kinds of peculiar events seem to be on the horizon between 19th and 25th.  Mars meets Saturn (not very cosy and possibly uncomfortable), Mercury opposes Neptune and Chiron (not straight forwards) and Venus squares Saturn and trines Uranus which confuses everyone!

While we are puzzling out what to make of all this, New Moon in Virgo comes to the rescue on 25th bringing purity of purpose and attention to detail and a new beginning.

Virgo understands perhaps better than others ‘how’ things should be done.  While they unfairly get a lot of bad press for this, we actually all feel much better when Virgos are putting things right and making sure things are being done properly.  Even when it is done privately and behind the scenes, we all feel better, without knowing why.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope below for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Your ruling planet Mars is charging through Scorpio and your 8th House this month.  This means action in your ‘shared area’ of joint funds, the money of others and the sharing of yourself through intimacy.  Mars doesn’t hang about and you’ll be fully focused on moving things ahead and broaching previously ‘stuck’ areas.

While this is all welcome (assuming you’re taking other people’s needs into consideration too and not just your own), there is a tricky period when Mars catches up with Saturn and overtakes him.  This isn’t as straight forwards as it sounds…  Saturn represents authority – not your favourite word (unless it means you) and frustration could be the outcome when the god of action meets the god of limitations.  This happens around 19th – 23rd when clusters of other planets are reacting to each other too, right up to 25th.

New Moon in Virgo on 25th saves the day in your 6th House of work, health and service to others.  Self-care or a new regime could be the answer to increased well-being.  This could also benefit your colleagues and daily companions if you stretch to include their needs into your new program too.  You know it makes sense!

Taurus:   Full Moon on 10th raises your professional profile or your feelings about father or matters connected to status in some way but the main focus this month is relationships and home.  Your ruling planet Venus meets Jupiter in your 4th House of mother and home on 16th and 17th.  These two planets are the ‘feel-good’ archetypes and represent pleasure and expansion.  This is good for enjoying your home in whichever way you love most and enjoying the company of others.

The following week might feel less pleasurable however when Venus squares up to Saturn.  For almost two years, Saturn has been keeping partnerships on hold, requiring you to carry out a review in this area of life.  It started to inch forwards last month but Mars planet of drive and assertiveness gives it a big shove forwards this month from 19th -23rd.

There’s also a complex mix of planetary goings on causing tension that week, right up to 24th but New Moon in Virgo on 25th provides a channel for all of this energy to move forwards and offers a fresh start in your romance, children and creativity zone.  This is an opportunity.  Be sure to grasp it.

Gemini:   Venus helps with money matters until 12th when it moves into your 3rd house of communications.  This increases your power of persuasion, especially around 16th and 17th when Venus meets Jupiter and you delight in the company of others.

A week later, communications also present the biggest challenge this month.  Against a back drop of complex planetary combinations, your ruling planet Mercury gets into some sticky situations from 19th to 25th.  First of all it opposes Neptune on 19th which makes ‘the truth’ hard to fathom and find.  Remain straight forwards yourself however tricky others are being.  Mercury then trines Pluto and opposes Chiron.  This brings up the power of words and secrets.  Watch your words and your thoughts and make sure they don’t wound or hurt others.

New Moon on 25th in your 4th House of mother and home, creates an opening for resolving current tensions.  A fresh and healthy approach to mother figures, nurturing and home life brings wellbeing and a resolution to recent confusion.  Be kind and attentive to others and to yourself.

Cancer:  Venus continues to add to your charms for the first 12 days of August, then it glides into your 2nd House of money and possessions where it joins Jupiter around 16th and 17th.  This is a feel good combination but if you’re shopping, bear in mind luxury goods will look more appealing than usual and there’s a possibility of going to excess.  This could apply to food consumption too…

If misunderstandings or different versions of ‘the truth’ crop up around 19th, be as patient as you can.  Tensions could build in your romance, children and creativity zone from 19th too.  This can be helpful in drawing your attention to restrictions that may have become a way of life but which may now be ready to move on.  Finances could be involved in this too, especially around 24th.

New Moon in Virgo saves the day on 25th, helping communications and fresh ways of looking at things.  Despite the relief this brings, don’t forget the details.  An added benefit this Moon brings is turning over a new leaf with neighbours and siblings.  If things have soured in any way, this is an opportunity to freshen and renew them for everyone’s well-being, including your own.

Leo:   You’re glowing this month as the Sun, your ruling planet lights up your sign until 23rd and Venus adds to your many charms from12th, making you ‘darling of the zodiac’ until 5th September.

Full Moon in your opposite sign on 10th raises emotions about partners and relationships and the placement of Saturn suggests this may be connected to restrictions or responsibilities in the home in some way.

The auspicious meeting of Venus and Jupiter in your sign on 16th and 17th highlight a memorable weekend when you will be in your element.  Spread your optimism around and share it with others.  From 19th blockages around mother or home have to be looked at, when Mars the planet force meets Saturn the planet of resistance.  Something needs to give so don’t try to hold on to the old status quo or anything that is moving out of your life (including people).

Other planetary combinations collide this week, including Mercury, Chiron and Neptune which may generate troubling thoughts about security or difficult financial discussions.  Tensions build up right until New Moon on 25th which shows a new way forward regarding your security needs.  Attend to all the details but keep it simple.

Virgo:  Work or health matters get highlighted by Full Moon in Aquarius on 10th.  This is a quick-passing phase so try to keep any anxieties on short rein.

Many things are happening behind the scenes this month in your institutions, charities, suffering of others, creativity behind the scenes and your online life.  The two benefics Venus and Jupiter are both in this arena from 12th and they actually meet on the third weekend on 16th and 17th.  This raises your compassion and brings growth and pleasure to these areas of your life and you may be able to radiate them to those you care for too, whether nearby or far away.

From 19th it may be hard to work out which feelings are yours and which belong to others.  Clarity is hard to find which is uncomfortable in itself and partnerships seem complex.  Your thoughts may be at odds with your instincts or ‘words’ and dealings with siblings or neighbours could be troubling.  Be sure to direct energy away from your nervous system and towards action.  Mars meets Saturn in thiese areas and is determined to move things forward.  This disturbs the status quo but it’s time to start moving beyond the restrictions of the last two years.

New Moon in your sign on 25th marks the beginning of your personal new year and you realise everything is fine.

Libra:   Mars is zipping through your finance sector this month, sorting things out that have been in limbo for far too long.  This is helpful (unless it takes the form of disagreements about how to handle finances… ).  But even that could be helpful in the long run.  Much as Librans dislike discord, it’s good to air things now and then.  When Mars bumps into Saturn from 19th – 23rd, you’ll have to look carefully at security fears and concerns once again and tread even more carefully to find the right solution.

Meanwhile, your ruling planet Venus continues to smooth your father, career and status path until 12th and then joins Jupiter your 11th House.  Venus and Jupiter meet roughly once a year and this is the month, from 16th -18th (the middle weekend of the mont).  This is a lovely opportunity to enjoy sharing time with friends and community and with groups and teams that share your ideals.

A week later on 24th and 25th, Venus squares up to Saturn (ouch!) which could step on your finances, with a call for restraint and then trines Uranus (way out!) bringing the unexpected in partnerships.  If looking to improve relationships, try an element of surprise…   

Scorpio:   Full Moon on 10th in your 4th House of mother and home brings up many emotions about your roots, foundations and early years and about your needs for nurture in the present.  This is a challenging month for Scorpios, especially during the third week – self-honesty is the best policy.

The fortuitous meeting of Venus and Jupiter in your 10th House of father, career and social status bodes well in your public life.  Your personal life is the main focus though this month.  Saturn which has been sitting heavily on you for almost two years, gets a shove from Mars from 19th to 23rd.  This is more than a nudge for you to make vigorous headway in your personal development.  The past months of dwelling on your identity and how you’ve been dealing with yourself are starting to come to the first stage of completion. Holding on to an impasse is no longer viable and you have to change your position to a more helpful one, based on what you now know about yourself.

The planetary cocktail from 19th to 25th may be confusing but avoid distractions and focus on your self.  New Moon in Virgo on 25th brings fresh opportunities with friends, groups or community.  Help out and take comfort where you can.

Sagittarius:   Explorations (physical and non-physical) are a source of pleasure on 16th and 17th when lovely Venus meets jolly Jupiter, your ruling planet.  This is a feel-good transit and it would be a waste to let it pass in isolation.  Surround yourself with people and enjoy.

Your home and career axis could be a source of confusion from 19th.  We spring into the world from the home and changes to either end of this axis, impact on the other.  Your idealism about mother, home and nurture may pull you in one direction, while clear thinking and attention to detail are still needed in your father, public and status zone.  At best there could be healing as Chiron gets involved from 24th but make sure your words are productive rather destructive, even if they are needed to challenge the status quo.

Mars is buffeting Saturn in your 12th House from 19th to 23rd and your internal workings will be on the move again.  New Moon in your 10th House of father, career and social status leads you out of this confusion on 25th bringing a fresh start in your public life.

Conscientiousness will be called for.  Rustle some up.

Capricorn:   Partnerships continue to run smoothly till 12th as Venus finishes its transit through your relationship zone.  Full Moon on 10th may raise emotions about your own finances and security but two days later, Venus moves into your 8th House of joint funds and intimacy bringing harmony and possibly financial benefits from others.  The chances of this are even higher when Venus catches up with Jupiter around 16th and 17th.  These two planets bring pleasure (and possibly excess) so make sure this doesn’t take the form of debts running up in the other direction.

If misunderstandings occur from 19th, be as philosophical as you can.  Further tensions to do with friends, groups or collectives of any kind could begin to build around the same time.  This isn’t comfortable but it draws attention to where exactly things need to change.  The situation builds up to 24th but New Moon on 25th brings creative solutions and new ways of moving forward.  This could involve the way you look at things just as much as concrete external changes,

How we think about things makes them so, to us at least.  And so we can become the authors of our own unhappiness or fulfilment.


Aquarius:   Full Moon in your sign on 10th brings up emotions about your present situation and yourself.  Make a note of these passing feelings as this is helpful information for self-understanding.

Partnerships benefit from the Venus-Jupiter conjunction, the weekend of the 16th and 17th.  This could be the blossoming of a new relationship, growth within an existing one or an exhilarating bid for freedom to escape from existing bonds.

On 19th Mars meets Saturn in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  Things have been under review here for almost two years and Mars is now urging you to take steps forward.

Communications around finance, security and sharing could be tricky this week.  Things are not entirely clear and you can’t force them into clarity.  Information provided may be unreliable or open to interpretation and you may be left to try and fathom things out yourself.

New Moon on 25th in your shared area of joint funds and intimacy provides a way forward.  Details need to be gone into and a new strategy is needed that takes the needs of others into account, as well as your own.  Acts of generosity can only be a good thing but they should be given freely, not under coercion.

Pisces:   Communications in your partnership zone may be challenging from mid-month onwards.  Mercury opposes Neptune in your sign on 19th and then Chiron on 24th with a brief interlude with Pluto in between.  Take on board what partners have to say and try to welcome insights they are offering.  This may not be comfortable but growth sometimes takes challenging forms.

There is a lovely meeting of Venus and Jupiter in your 6th House of work, health and service to others on 16th and 17th.  This is a pleasurable and social weekend, so long as you don’t take things to excess…

Mars buffets Saturn in your travel, deep study, legal and publishing zone from 19th.  Compromises you may have reached in these arenas now require further action.  Sticking your head in the sand is no longer an option with Mars around so take action gladly.

New Moon on 25th in your relationships and partnerships zone brings an end to the general confusion and offers a fresh start and a new path forwards.  Take it.

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual, just get in touch –

07929 261231

July 2014


We have a lot going on this month.  There are three planetary changes of direction: Mercury and Saturn move forwards (on 1st and 20th) and Uranus moves backwards (on 22nd).  We also have two planets changing signs for quite a while.  Mars moves into Scorpio (on 26th) but the big news is… Jupiter moves into Leo.

Physically, Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system and its magnetic field is the largest and accordingly, BIG opportunities could come along.

Astrologically, Jupiter represents growth, expansion and opportunity and if you are receptive, it can bring a growth in perspective and understanding and a readiness to trust life and whatever it brings our way.  This might even involve taking the odd risk here and there and keeping in mind – ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’.

Jupiter is also associated with ‘luck’.  Some would say good luck is the degree to which we are ready to grasp new opportunities.  Whether you agree with this or not, it is a good stance to take during the year ahead.  Jupiter is going to be in Leo until August 2015.

The Leo influence means the mode of operation is big, out-going, expressive and creative.  And this expansion applies to us all but in different areas of life.  So in which areas of life will Jupiter be making your world bigger over the next 12 months?

Read your Sun Sign and your Ascendant Sign if you know it.

Aries:   Uranus goes retrograde in your sign on 22nd taking you back to look once again at what version of yourself you’ve been presenting to the world and to what degree it’s been a compromised one.  You’ve had Uranus in your sign, bringing disruption and revolution since March 2011 so you’re used to these sudden changes.  One aspect though needs looking at again and it’s about your identity and yourself, rather than others.  You have until the Winter Solstice to figure this out.  And figure it out you must.

Obstacles (inner or outer) lift as Saturn and then Mars your ruling planet start to move things forward in your ‘shared area’ of joint funds and intimacy from 20th.

But Jupiter is bursting into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity on 16th and it’s going to be there for a year, bringing growth, expansion and opportunities!  People from different cultures or those of a religious or philosophical outlook might feature too.  What would expansion mean for you in these areas?  Have you been makng enough time for your creative talents?

And if you’re feeling more athletic, don’t rein that in either.  The 5th House covers sports, games and speculation too.  So stretch those legs, experiment and explore!

Taurus:   Uranus heads backwards behind the scenes on 22nd to uncover unconscious motivations that you may not have been aware of.  This could have some impact on your dealings with institutions, creativity, self-talk, spiritual understanding and in your online world as well.   

Relationships and partnerships thankfully start to move forward on 20th as Saturn goes direct after months of long consideration and standstill.  Mars jumps in on 26th too, heating things up and adding to the momentum.  And that ‘heat’ could be anger or passion.  Your big new area for growth and expansion though is your 4th House of mother and home.  Jupiter glides in on 16th and takes up residence until August next year.

Expansion in the home can take many forms.  It could indicate a bigger home, one in a different country, a change of philosophy in your home, seeing the planet as your home, people from different cultures coming to live with you or an expansion in emotional conditions and nurturing that makes your home feel bigger.

The Leo factor could involve decorating and entertaining on a royal scale too and a more creative home in some way.  You have a year to explore these possibilities and if nurturing becomes one of your areas of exploration (which it could), don’t forget to include yourself!

Gemini:   Uranus starts a review in your friends, groups and collectives zone on 22nd to examine whether you’ve been too conventional in your approach to these areas recently or whether you need to be more exclusive.

Meanwhile, Venus in your sign adds to your charms until 18th, then things start to move forwards on the work, health and daily routine front.  On 20tth Saturn changes direction and Mars drops in to give energy to your resolve.  After months of impasse, this is a welcome shift in these areas and you’ll feel a lot better for it.

But communications is going to be your main focus for growth.  You may think you’re at your most persuasive right now but this is just a taste of more to come.  Jupiter takes residence in your 3rd House of communications for a year, starting on 16th.  This could expand your mind, widen your channels of communication, introduce a new language into your life, help with trading and keep your thinking buoyant.

Only when our mind is at its most positive do we become aware of all our possibilities.  This year, Jupiter brings these very conditions.  Exercise looks more fun.  And relationships with neighbours and siblings can blossom too.

Be alert to new opportunities.  Your products, ideas and words (spoken or written) could start to reach a much wider audience…

Cancer:   Full Moon in your opposite sign on 12th raises emotion in partnerships but after Venus enters your sign on 18th, you’re irresistible and getting others onto your terms will be easy.

Uranus reverses on 22nd to re-examine how you’ve been approaching father, career and social status.  You have until 21st December to work out either how to avoid earlier compromises or whether you should make more.

The main focus though, is your 2nd House of money, possessions and security as Jupiter moves in on 16th.  You’ll be active and even a visionary on the money-making front.  This could be the beginning of a year when you capitalise on past efforts and actually achieve some security for yourself.

It would be a mistake to only think of security on a material level though.  It can be found in other ways too.  Developing a value system that gives a sense of security can meet the mark just as well, if not better: so can being creative.  Explore these possibilities too.

A new strand of income or new understanding could come into view with New Moon on 26th.  This is an extra endorsement that you truly are on your way!

Leo:  Uranus puts things on hold in your travel, studies, philosophical and legal zone until December, giving you time to adjust your position and look for pure solutions.  The good news is – Jupiter enters your sign on 16th and stays till August next year.  Think about what you would like this new cycle of expansion to be about.  Then stretch to reach it.  Don’t just sit around and wait for opportunities.  Carve some out yourself.

Your year of gestation when Jupiter was in your 12th House of the unconscious is now complete and it’s time to take whatever you’ve been brewing up behind the scenes, into the light of day and even into the lime light!

If temporary shyness or self-doubt has been holding you back, bear in mind that it’s an act of generosity to share your creative self with the rest of the world.  We need Leo creativity, especially now that Jupiter’s taken up residence there, so roll out whatever you’ve been hiding (including yourself)!

Saturn starts to move things forward on the mother and home front from 20th.  You have been looking at security needs for almost five months and on 26th Mars jumps in to give energy and impetus to complete whatever needs doing.  New Moon on 26th is also in your sign, marking the beginning of a new cycle in your emotional life too.  It’s been a long time since things looked this good!

Virgo:   A review begins on 22nd when Uranus goes retrograde in your shared area of joint funds and intimacy.  It will stay there till 21st December, giving you time to work out how to move forward in these areas without the usual self-imposed restrictions.  This could include looking at whether you’ve allowed yourself to be compromised by others too.

Communications become forthright (if not heated) this month as Saturn goes direct on 20th and Mars joins in on 26th raising mental energy.  As a result, siblings, neighbours, trades people and the general public might get more of your opinion than they had bargained for…

Your most active area however is ‘behind the scenes’ in your 12th House of institutions (prisons, hospitals and charities), the pain and suffering of others and the collective unconscious.  You’ll have lots of energy to push things forward as Jupiter glides in on 16th and stays until August next year.

This can bring about a spiritual flowering, informative dreams, a heightening of compassion and a better understanding of the collective unconscious and your ability to ‘tune in’.  Your online world could take off too.

What should earthy Virgoans do with all of this?  Make your compassion active towards those less fortunate, perhaps even train in healing techniques, make your self-talk positive, be creative and share your fears and dreams.  The latter may not come easily but practice makes perfect and the outcomes can be rewarding and healing, both for you and those around you.

Growth, expansion and opportunities will be waiting for you over the next 13 months to say ‘Yes’.  Say it!

Libra:   Mars completes its long run in your sign on 26th and jumps straight into your 2nd House of money, possessions and security needs.  This is very timely as Saturn has kept everything on hold there since March.  Things start moving on 20th as Saturn at last, goes direct and you can apply your mulled-over conclusions.

Full Moon on 12th stirs things up at home and from 22nd Uranus takes you back to look at where you might have over-compromised in relationships and partnerships.  Librans hate to be alone but your willingness to keep the peace may have been damaging your personal integrity and this must be addressed.  You have until the Winter Solstice to reflect on this and to find a better way forward.

The big new area for development though is your 11th House of friends, groups, teams, community, organistaions and humanitarian ideals.  Be prepared for a year of expansion in these areas starting 16th, when Jupiter moves in for a whole year!

Those who are philosophical, possibly religious or from other countries or cultures could come into your life.  They will enrich your world.  Groups you join or start can also expand your outlook and understanding.  Play your part and enjoy this collective form of nourishment.  Make time to enjoy all the pleasures they have to offer and invest yourself in them.  They will make your world a bigger place.


Scorpio:  Saturn moves forward in your sign on 20th after months of stand-still, treading water, introspection and dwelling on the past.  It’s time to move forward with your hard-earned, new understanding.  Mars brings you energy too to implement your new resolve as it enters your sign on 26th.  At last you can push ahead.

Uranus goes retrograde in your 6th House of work, health and service to others on 22nd.  Your daily routine, how well it sustains you and relationships with colleagues could come under this review too.  Have you been compromising yourself or others too much?  Or do you need to change your job or line of work?  You have until 21st December to reflect on this, so as to move forwards in a clearer fashion.

But the big new focus is in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  On 16th Jupiter moves in and you can charm the birds from the trees, including big influential ones who can help your career!

A growth in worldly status could be yours, as could a deeper cultural understanding of the world, work abroad, career expansion or freedom from all that.  As Jupiter takes residence until August 2015, people in authority can be helpful to you all year.  If you happen to be one yourself – extend your benevolent influence as far as you possibly can.

Sagittarius:   Venus helps your partnerships to run smoothly and sweetly up to 18th although Full Moon on 12th could raise the temperature about money and security.

Uranus moves backwards in your romance, children and creativity zone until after your birthday.  This will give you chance to catch up with yourself before moving forward further on this front.

You will be pleased to know that Saturn’s hold on your unconscious starts to move forwards on 20th, after a long, uncomfortable but necessary review of your internal workings.  Mars helps by leaping into your 12th House too on 26th providing a fresh burst of energy to push your new understanding forward.

But the tidings of great joy come on the travel, study, cultural, philosophical, publishing, in-laws and legal front.  Jupiter your ruling planet moves in for a year from 16th, expanding your opportunities, outlook and world view in these areas.

This is in your 9th House – the area of the zodiac associated with Sagittarius so you are getting a double dose of positivity.  ‘The truth’ (whatever that means for you) can widen your horizons, free you and fill you with optimism.  Your outlook, world view and cultural understanding are about to soar.  Fly with them!

Capricorn:   Full Moon in your sign on 12th will fill you with emotion about yourself and your present situation but Venus in your 6th House of work, health and daily routine until 18th should soon restore your sense of well-being.

Uranus goes retrograde in your father, career and social status zone on 22nd and stays there almost until your next birthday, giving you time to review planned changes.  But Saturn your ruling planet, goes direct on 20th after almost a five-month suspension in your 11th House of friends, groups community, organisations and humanitarian ideals.  You should have gained a better understanding of these areas during this review and from 20th you can apply your conclusions.  Mars moves into this area too on 26th adding extra momentum and energy in the shift forwards.

But the main focus moves to your ‘shared area’ where Jupiter is about to take up residence from 16th.  Jupiter in your 8th House of birth, sex, death and joint funds may bring financial benefits from others.  This could be through partners, inheritances or tax rebates.  Learning to share is the big opportunity on offer – not just your resources but yourself – scary as that may be – growth lies in this direction.

Aquarius:   Matters connected to father, career and social status start to move forwards as Saturn changes direction on 20th.  Mars joins in too on 26th, providing an extra bolt of energy to really move things forward.  If you have a career plan in mind, this is a good time to push it ahead.

Uranus your ruling planet goes retrograde on 22nd in your 3rd House of communications, siblings, neighbours and daily movement.  Staying there until the Winter Solstice, this gives you time to review how you’ve been handling these areas and to dwell on the issue of compromise.  Have you been going too far in either direction?

The big news though is Jupiter’s move into your 7th House on 16th which means relationships and partnerships (personal and business) are your next realm for expansion.  This could either be a new partnership, growth in a current one or a breaking of existing bonds for the freedom of new choices.  Some of the characters involved, may be culturally different too.  Either way, your world will feel bigger and better.

As Uranus-ruled Aquarians you excel in independence – one of your natural strengths but this may have been at the expense of emotional intimacy in relationships and partnerships.  This year is an opportunity to explore this often-avoided area of life.  Jupiter will be insisting on growth and why refuse?  You won’t lose your individuality, you can express yourself in this area of life too without losing that quirky originality.

New Moon on 26th is in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships too which marks a fresh new personal beginning!


Hindrances to travel plans, studies, publishing, relationships with in-laws, cultural, legal or philosophical problems start to lift on 20th when Saturn goes direct.  Mars jumps in shortly afterwards and after almost a five-month impasse, things really leap forward.

Uranus’s retrograde movement on 22nd takes you back to look once again at your stance on income, security and values.  You have until the Winter Solstice to find a more original approach.  Could this be a new form of income or a change in the importance you’ve been giving to security?

Your 6th House of work, health and service to others is the new highlighted area for growth though.  Jupiter moves in on 16th and stays until August next year, bringing growth, expansion and opportunities!  This can help to ease tensions, either through work, service to others or by lovingly tending yourself on a physical level.

Colleagues take on more importance too, as does creativity at work.  Work overseas could even become possible or a deeper cultural understanding of some kind and work that makes the world a better place.  Daily routines are up for grabs too.  What about including some sports or dance for fun or a new form of creativity?

Your well-being is high and daily routine should become more enjoyable.  If food becomes a feature, try new dishes from different lands and make sure ’eating well’ means eating healthily.  Without stating the obvious, get enough sleep and exercise too.  Don’t over-indulge and keep things simple!

Pets and their impact on your well-being is another theme to explore too…  Is there room for a little (or even bigger) friendly creature to share life with you?  Or perhaps you could pet-sit now and then or help out at the animal shelter?  Give it some thought.

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth charts, just get in touch –   07929 261231

June 2014

Horoscopes for June

Mars, Uranus and Pluto continue to challenge each other all month.  But meanwhile two planets, Mercury and Neptune go retrograde.  While not always easy, this is an opportunity to take a second look at areas we may have been mishandling – different for each sign.

Mercury usually goes retrograde (appears to move backwards) three times a year.  And this year it moves each time from a water sign to an air sign.  This is a collective message that we need to suspend emotional judgements and stances and be more objective in our responses to events and each other.  This is our second opportunity in 2014 to develop these skills and we should take it.

Misunderstandings can occur and things can go astray during Mercury’s retrograde movements.  Whatever is started during this period (from 7th) often has to be re-started later, so if possible put off starting and signing things until after Mercury goes direct on July 1st.

Neptune also goes retrograde on 9th for a longer review.  The question here is: to what extent do we measure up to our ideals?  We have until mid-November to look at this.   And as realisations may come through symbols and dreams, be sure to notice whatever you notice.

So what will this mean for us all?  Read the horoscope below for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Finances in connection to others are once again under strain from 11th – 13th but the main action this month is with your dynamic ruling planet Mars.  Big feathers will be ruffled during the first half of the month (when Mars squares up to Pluto).as you challenge hierarchies and structures that don’t seem right to you.  Others may accuse you of being confrontational but perhaps someone needs to be.  Then from 15th – 25th Mars opposes Uranus and you’ll be looking to do your own thing and in your own way.  Many lose their way along the road of compromise and this is not a month to go anywhere near it.  Strike out and show us all how it’s done!

Taurus:   Venus your ruling planet glides through Taurus till 23rd enhancing your natural charms.  This is enjoyable, apart from a brief period around Full Moon on 13th when emotions are heightened regarding joint funds or intimacy.  Venus opposes Saturn (from 11th – 13th) too and you may be taken to task.  Bear in mind that others may be envious, not realising that your seemingly smooth path is the result of a lot of hard work and not a life of ease.  Mercury goes retrograde on 7th taking you back to look once again at finances and security.  More objective thinking is needed here.  Give this some time and thought and wait until July 1st before taking new steps.

Gemini:   Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 7th which means it’s time to reflect on finances and security.  On 17th Mercury even moves back into Gemini to take a second look at how you’ve been dealing with yourself.  Take time to look at that too and how these two matters may be linked.  Neptune also goes retrograde on 9th in your father, career and social status zone.  Time to review dreams and ideals and if it isn’t clear to you what exactly is happening, don’t worry, it’s not meant to be, until mid-November.  It may not be clear to others what exactly your status is either.  New Moon on 27th marks a new year in your finances but don’t sign anything until after July 1st.

Cancer:   Mars in your mother and home sector is in challenging mode – others beware!  For the first half of the month partnerships are your target.  Then from 15th – 25th father, career and social status become your focus.  None of this is relaxing but in terms of decisive action, you are hot!  Mercury goes retrograde in your sign on 7th providing an opportunity to look once again at how you’ve been dealing with yourself.  Keep looking until after July 1st when you can put your conclusions into action.  Sun enters your sign on 21st renewing your energy reserves and then New Moon also in Cancer on 27th marks the beginning of a new year emotionally.  Go with your gut feeling.

Leo:   Venus in your 10th House of father, career and social status smoothes the way forward and people with influence respond well to your wishes.  Be sure to make them clear before 7th when Mercury goes retrograde.  A Venus – Saturn opposition from 11th – 13th brings up once again the need to get the right balance between career and emotional needs.  Full Moon on 13th in your romance, children and creativity zone brings these issues into the mix too.  Keep calm, take some time alone and plan for a new and better approach to dealing with your inner world, starting on 27th with the New Moon.  You need your unconscious to work with you and support you.  Positive affirmations can help.

Virgo:   Mercury goes retrograde on 7th in your friends, groups and organisations zone which may require your patience and forbearance.  Look at your communications in these areas and from 17th when Mercury moves back into your father, career and social status zone, see how these might be connected.  Neptune’s retrograde movement on 9th in your relationships and partnerships sector, brings up the need to reflect on your ideals in these areas and how near or far they are from the reality.  You have until mid-November to ponder all of this.  Full Moon in your mother and home zone on 13th raises the emotional temperature at home.  Say it how it is.

Libra:   Mars in your sign for an unusually long stretch continues to buffet but empower you as you find yourself bumping into certain injustices around you.  As a co-operative Libran, it may be up to you to negotiate or mediate towards fairer solutions.  Communications with authority figures may be uneasy as Mercury goes retrograde from 7th but stay philosophical until July 1st when things get back to normal.  Finances (yours and others’) or intimacy, once again cause tension from 11th – 13th.  Then Mars opposes Uranus from 15th – 25th.  This raises the unexpected in partnerships and it’s time to do things your way.  And this time others will just have to get used to it…

Scorpio:   Venus brings a glow to relationships and partnerships till 23rd, apart from a hiccup from 11th – 13th when you get in your own way (and possibly everyone else’s…).  We all have bouts of insecurity from time to time.  Examine what this one is about and don’t sabotage the good things on offer.  Neptune goes into reverse on 9th leading you to re-examine ideals around romance, children or creativity.  It will take until mid-November for these areas to become clear.  Meanwhile, Mercury going retrograde on 7th leads you back to look once again at travel, study, philosophy and legal matters.  From 17th you’re taken even further back to look at joint funds, the money of others, intimacy and sharing.   .  More communication is needed here!

Sagittarius:   Two planets go retrograde early this month and both touch sensitive points in your chart.  First of all joint finances, sharing and intimacy are put on hold as Mercury moves backwards on 7th and on 17th it re-enters your partnership zone to review how communications have been here recently which is connected in some way.  Neptune also goes retrograde on 9th in your mother and home zone.  Dreams and ideals need reviewing here too.  A Venus-Saturn opposition from 11th – 13th raises once again the need to find a better balance between your inner needs and daily routine and Full Moon in your sign on 13th puts your well-being right at the top of your agenda.  Let others know how to help.

Capricorn:   Matters connected to father, career and social status continue to challenge you, especially during the first half of the month as Mars squares up to Pluto.  Try to look upon this as an opportunity (albeit tough) for inner growth and resilience.  From 15th – 25th mother and home become the focus for conflicting Mars and Uranus and compromises shouldn’t be made.  Do things in the way you think they should be done.  Others will eventually get used to your decisions.  Mercury retrograde from 7th in your partnerships zone could make for misunderstandings.  Go back and look at your daily routine for the answer to these and apply your newly-found understanding from July 1st.

Aquarius:   Venus glides through your mother and home zone until 23rd, providing comfort, beauty and pleasure.  And if on the road, remember that the wider world is your home too.  Saturn makes a stern entrance from 11th – 13th in the form of authority of some kind.  Acknowledge others’ anxieties but don’t make them your own.  On 7th Mercury goes retrograde in your 6th House of work, health and daily routine.  Have you been attending to communications and getting enough exercise recently?  Get your good intentions lined up for New Moon on 27th – a perfect day to start a new regime.  And don’t forget, it should include fun!

Pisces:   Mercury goes retrograde in your romance, children and creativity zone on 7th and plans may go askew.  On 17th it retreats further into your 4th House of mother and home as this is the area that may be behind current difficulties.  Reflect well until Mercury starts to move forward once again on July 1st.  Neptune your ruling planet, also goes retrograde on 9th and in your sign.  Who you are and your very identity may seem unclear.  How close is the real you to the ideal you these days?  You have until mid-November to fathom all of this out and the process may not be visible. Just trust that your inner furniture is moving in the mist…

To explore in person what the planets are doing for you as an individual, please contact me and we can arrange to do your birth chart or update together, by phone or skype-phone.

May 2014

May 2014

Sun and Saturn oppose each other from 8th -10th which could lead to deadlocks, further fuelled by Full Moon on 14th.  The more you can be flexible these days: the better.

Mars in Libra goes direct on 20th after two and a half months of back-peddling.  This has been a frustrating period that has caused us to review how we’ve been using our energy and asserting ourselves recently.  Armed with better self-knowledge, we can now hopefully move forward in a more helpful and fairer way.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope below for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Venus is in your sign making you the zodiac’s favourite for most of the month.  The clouds thicken a little mid-month though when Sun and Saturn oppose each other around 8th – 10th.  This represents a stand-off between your position on your money and the money of others or sharing.  (Sharing yourself in an intimate sense may also be a consideration).

Full Moon on 14th escalates things further but there may be a sudden breakthrough on 16th when Venus meets Uranus in your sign,  bringing personal awakenings and surprises.  You may be expressing yourself in ways that others don’t expect too…

Your ruling planet Mars changes direction in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships on 20th.  This ends two and a half months of fruitless battling.  Hopefully, some newly-found wisdom will help you to proceed with just the right amount of assertiveness this time…

Taurus:   The Sun continues to bring warmth and energy to you for the first three weeks of May and you reclaim your sense of sturdiness and health.

When your ruling planet Venus meets Uranus behind the scenes, around 16th, it could bring a creative flash of inspiration or the unexpected in your virtual world.  While change isn’t always your strong point, be open to this one.

Good intentions on the work, health and ‘service to others’ front, may have been thwarted for the past couple of months but from 20th Mars is moving forward and it’s time to put some of that newly-replenished energy to good use.  Consider an exercise routine too.

Saturn urges moderation from 8th – 10th to keep your sensual nature in check but with Full Moon in Scorpio, your opposite sign on 14th, all the brakes are off…

New Moon in Gemini on 28th marks a new cycle in your finances.  Communicate!

Gemini:   Ideas are buzzing this month as Mercury your ruling planet zips through your sign from 7th, followed by the Sun bringing a new wave of energy on 21st.

This will be very welcome as Saturn has been doggedly demanding your time and attention on the work and health front for over 18 months.

A Sun – Saturn opposition around 8th – 10th will remind you that there’s still further to go on the well-being front and that you may need the help of your unconscious to make real changes.  Not easy to access alone, the help of a counsellor, therapist or healer could be really helpful.

On 14th Full Moon in the same areas raises even more emotion in connection to all of this but you are getting closer to the end of this tunnel (late December).

Mars moves forward on 20th in your romance, children and creativity zone.  This  breaks recent stagnation and gives the green light to delayed projects.

What are you waiting for?  Get going!

Cancer:   Venus glides through your 10th House of father, career and social status for most of this month, smoothing your path and providing a sense of professional well-being.  If you need favours from people in high places, they will be forthcoming, (as will the unexpected around 16th).

Sun and Saturn oppose each other from 8th – 10th which may not be much fun on the romance, children and creativity front and Full Moon on 14th highlights emotions regarding these.

Things start to move forwards in your mother and home front though from 20th (after a two and a half month lull).    Decisions you’ve been mulling over get put into action.  And yes, others will notice…

Leo:   Sun and Saturn oppose each other in your father versus mother and career versus home zones around 8th – 10th.  Take this opportunity to look into how to create the best balance for yourself in terms of ambition and emotional needs.  Full Moon on 14th brings up feelings about security needs too that need acknowledging.

Mars has been dragging communications (and perhaps positive thinking) backwards for the past two and a half months.  But from 20th it’s full speed ahead.  Attend to neglected correspondence and get more exercise.

Venus glides through your travel and culture zone this month, so get out there and enjoy the world.  Legal matters may fall in your favour too.  Uranus zaps things up around 16th and you may find yourself bewitched or creatively excited.  Go with it!

Virgo:   New approaches to your father and career zone help you to negotiate recent and not so recent setbacks in these areas. New Moon on 28th provides fresh impetus here too!

If you’ve been cautiously pondering certain financial moves for a couple of months,  once Mars goes direct on 20th – pounce!

Saturn and Full Moon around 8th – 10th and 14th respectively, cause you to solemnly dwell on communications with siblings or neighbours.  This isn’t easy and there may not be much you can presently do.  Just stay on a correct path yourself.

Venus smoothes things along in your sharing and intimacy zone.  Time to allow yourself some comfort here!

Libra:   Venus is moving through your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships for most of the month.  This helps you to smooth things and make tactful headway in tricky areas.  And one particularly tricky area may be personal money and income versus ‘the money of others’ …

A Sun – Saturn opposition around 8th – 10th polarises these issues which could also include intimacy and the sharing of yourself in a very personal sense too.  Full Moon on 14th offers little respite and when Venus meets Uranus in your opposite sign on 16th, surprises may jolt you out of your comfort zone and any unhelpful complacency.

This awakening helps to inform a change of strategy on 20th when Mars goes direct in your sign.  The two and a half months it’s been back-peddling may have given you a short reprieve but action is now needed and this time it really is up to you!

Don’t avoid decisions.  Move forwards!

Scorpio:   You’ll be looking closely at relationships and partnerships this month, especially around 8th – 10th which may prove uncomfortable.  The role you play in them is linked to how you’ve been handling yourself and there are still many things to be resolved and further to go where you’ve already made a start.

Full Moon in your sign on 14th will push certain items right under your nose.  Examine your immediate responses and make use of these observations in your ongoing quest for personal growth.

Mars which has been dragging you back to re-examine the past for over two months, moves forward on 20th.  This too provides an opportunity to focus and to be more conscious rather than reactive.

And remember: oblivion isn’t the answer.

Sagittarius:   Communications in relationships and partnerships are fast (and possibly furious) but at least something is happening.

This may come as a welcome distraction from ongoing, unsettling under-currents that get polarised around 8th – 10th and with Full Moon on 14th between your unconscious workings and their impact on your health and work life.  The more you can unravel from your past, the more helpful this will be (and yes the arrow may be pointing to counselling or therapy of some kind).

Around 20th, you’ll know from realisations within all of this, what to do about friends or groups which have been hovering on hold for over two months.

New Moon on 28th in your opposite sign marks a new phase with partners.  Keep talking.

Capricorn:   Venus enhances your mother and home sector this month which could involve beautifying your palace, entertaining or just feeling good.  And unexpected changes around 16th could turn out for the better too, so keep an open mind.

The Sun – Saturn opposition from 8th – 10th brings up conflicting interests between romance, children and individual creativity versus friends and group interests.  Then Full Moon on 14th rubs the point home even more…

Mars (which has been a spanner in your father, career and social status zone for the past two and a half months) thankfully moves forward on 20th and so can you.  The time has come to apply those clever strategies you’ve been mulling over.

New Moon on 28th augurs a new trend in joint finances and sharing.  Be open to discussion.

Aquarius:   Communications are flowing this month as Venus charms your tongue and pen.  Your mind is tuned to feel-good and it’s infectious.

Home is flourishing too, although demands from the world might prevent you from luxuriating there (or even being there much at all) especially around 8th – 10th.  Full Moon on 14th highlights the conflicting demands of this axis.  Look for future ways to incorporate well-being into your professional life or working more from home.

Mars moves things forwards in your travel, legal and culture zone on 20th and your ruling planet Uranus brings new ideas or exciting communications around 16th.

New Moon on 28th marks a new cycle in your romance, children and creativity zone.  Be aware of your many options…

Pisces:   Your travel, legal and cultural zones may feel like heavy weather at times but Venus in your finance zone offers some material comfort.  Your good ideas and communication skills help to save the day too.

After two and a half months of frustrations with joint funds and sharing (including intimacy), Mars starts to move forwards once again on 20th which can only be good news.  If you’ve done your inner homework, you should now know how to get and offer co-operation better and move towards a fairer solution.

New Moon on 28th brings a fresh new era to your mother and home sector.  Could it be time for a spring clean, decorating, nurturing yourself in new ways or entertaining others?   And even a new reputation as host or hostess with the mostest perhaps?

November 2013

November 2013

Two planets that were in reverse go direct this month: Mercury on 10th and Neptune on 13th.  This helps to make the terrain clearer for us all to see and to speak about.  A solar eclipse added to the New Moon on 3rd in Scorpio near Mercury and Saturn, marks the beginning of a six month period of new insights that will be released from the unconscious.  This applies to us as individuals and to our collective unconscious too.  We should pay heed and let them guide us forwards, better informed.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   The eclipse on 3rd in your sharing and intimacy zone, brings realisations, possibly about how open or guarded you are regarding sharing, joint funds, intimacy and the transformational processes of life.  This new awareness is urging you to take a less defended and more fluid position.  Venus gliding through your 10th House for most of the month, eases career progression.  Observe and be aware of power dynamics mid-month though and remain squeaky clean and ethical, however others choose to behave.  Mars your ruling planet is soldiering away in your 6th House of work, health zone and service to others.  Tackle any health matters you’ve been avoiding and organise and attend to details and daily systems.  You’ll make more progress if you make time to help others too.

Taurus:   An emotional month, starting with a solar eclipse and New Moon in your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships, on 3rd.  This offers fresh understanding and insight.  It’s time to take stock and look at what needs to be left behind and what needs to be developed and taken further (and this could be certain relationships and people).  Communications get easier regarding all of this from 10th too.  Mid-month your whole philosophy on relationships will be presented to you.  And Full Moon in your own sign on 17th raises many feelings of your own to look at.  They deserve your full attention.  Give it!

Gemini:   Solar eclipse and New Moon on 3rd marks the beginning of a six-month period of yet further realisations regarding your work and health.  These new insights should be acted on.  Venus flows through your intimacy zone from 7th, encouraging you to share more of yourself.  And things could become intense mid-month, when it encounters Pluto.  Mars continues to march through your 4th House of mother and home all month, scrutinising details.  Get those jobs done (you know which ones), put new systems in place and work on your personal development while the wind’s behind you!

Cancer:   Children, creativity or romance have been on your agenda for some months now and New Moon, along with a solar eclipse on 3rd opens up new opportunities for self expression.  Venus smoothes and softens relationships and partnerships from 5th (apart from an intense bubble mid-month).  Mars in your 3rd House all month urges you to analyse and address communications regarding trading, siblings or neighbours.  Creative thinking improves from 10th, opening up new opportunities for self-expression.  Apply those ideas!

Leo:   Further seismic shifts as the solar eclipse on 3rd occupies your mother and home sector.  More insights will be illuminating your path during the next six months.  We spring into the world from the home.  So whatever we create in this sphere to contain and support ourselves (the physical home and emotional conditions within) are hugely important both to our wellbeing and progression in the world.  Communications and thinking productively about all of this may have been difficult for the past three weeks but improve after Mercury’s turnaround on 10th.  Venus softens relations with colleagues and daily companions from 5th.  And tending yourself on a physical level and even routine tasks can be a source of comfort this month.  Your status gets highlighted by Full Moon on 17th and Mars offers entrepreneurial drive all month to analyse security needs and source new incomes.

Virgo:   A month to assert yourself where you often loathe to tread.  Mars is pushing you forward into the fray and about time too!  Be bold.  Your sharp analytical skills enable you to be surgically incisive when making assessments.   Observe new insights and understanding released by the solar eclipse and New Moon from 3rd and let them be heard after 10th.  The arenas in question are communications, your way of thinking, writing, trading, siblings and neighbours.  This is no time for mincing words.  Don’t choose depression over expression.  Say it how it is!

Libra:   Money, security, values and self-esteem have been hot potatoes for over a year now but New Moon and solar eclipse on 3rd offers fresh perspective on how all of these can be approached.  New insights need to be integrated into the picture over the next six months.  They may not be initially welcome but be glad of them.  Mercury’s forward movement on 10th makes dialogue easier here too, including difficult subjects which need broaching.  Mars is also stirring up your unconscious, bringing back matters previously swept under the carpet.  Acknowledge and attend to these too.  Venus is gracing your home for most of the month.  Beautify it, enjoy and entertain.  Acts of kindness are never wasted.

Scorpio:  More challenges and opportunities this month.  If you thought you had more or less got a handle on your identity and how it should now be expressed, 3rd November’s New Moon and solar eclipse in your sign may prove you wrong.  They usher in a six-month period of new realisations, as previously unaccessible material from your unconscious gets released to guide you.  Your communications review completes on 10th too and you can start to put new decisions in place.  Apart from intense communications mid-month, you’ll find gentle words work best to clear your path: but clear it you must.  Intense situations could occur with siblings or neighbours mid-month and if they do, apply fair solutions.  Full Moon in your opposite sign on 17th may involve you in having to listen to others.  Do so willingly.  We can learn from everyone.

Sagittarius:   The solar eclipse and New Moon in your 12th House of the unconscious, releases a big chunk of important material that has been waiting for you to be ready for it.  The new awareness that comes with it, over the next six months, needs to be applied and put into action.  Your mind also starts working for you rather than against you with Mercury’s change of direction on 10th.  Venus helps finances for most of the month, with a possible hiccup around 15th – 16th when spending fever should be resisted…  Meanwhile, Mars is fuelling your ambitions all month.  Analyse the situation and what needs to be done on the career front.  Assert yourself and improve whatever needs attention.

Capricorn:   Charmer of the month goes to you as Venus sails through your sign from 5th.  And watch reactions as your charisma heightens even more around 15th – 16th!  Romance, children and creativity are highlighted too by Full Moon on 17th.  The only tricky area is your 11th House (of friends, groups, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals) which has been sitting on your agenda for over a year now.  If you felt you had more or less got it sussed, the solar eclipse and New Moon on 3rd releases subterranean aspects (whether your own or others’) which will take you back to the drawing board over the next six months.  New realisations have to be included in your reckoning.  Wait until after 10th to unveil your master plan.

Aquarius:   New awareness of unconscious dynamics that have been impacting your approach towards father, career and social status, becomes available with the solar eclipse and New Moon on 3rd.  This new understanding should be applied over the next six months and inform how you move forwards.  Mercury’s change of direction on 10th facilitates change here too.  Neptune going direct on 13th helps to make finances clearer.  Your confidence takes a turn for the better too.  Full Moon on 17th in your mother and home brings up emotions in these areas and perhaps your needs for nurturing.  Don’t edit them out.

Pisces:   There are opportunities to understand other cultures better this month and that includes workplace cultures too.  Solar eclipse and New Moon on 3rd in your travel, education. legal and philosophy zone, present aspects of yourself that you weren’t previously aware of.  This may not be comfortable but it is helpful and may explain knee-jerk approaches you may have taken in the past.  Mercury moving direct on 10th helps too.  Neptune’s forward direction in your sign on 13th also gives a clearer sense of self and purpose.  If things seem to get too heated from Mars in your partnership zone, take comfort in friends, groups and your communities.

October 2013

October 2013 

As Mercury is going retrograde, see to important communications before 21st.  This is part of a big line-up in Scorpio which requires us all to do some inner-reflection this month (in different areas for each sign).

So what will this mean for you?

Read the horoscope below for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Cultural and legal matters go well from 7th (as do dealings with in-laws) and agreements can be reached.  The Sun lights up relationships and partnerships till 23rd and Full Moon in your sign on 18th might make it more difficult to see other people’s point of view…  Your 8th House of ‘sharing’ is the main focus though and will demand most of your attention.  This includes resources and intimacy and you will be challenged to think beyond yourself.  Energy abounds on the work and health front from 15th.  Tackle whatever needs attention but be sure not to bully colleagues or those in your daily life.  Aim to better your best, not others!

Taurus:   New Moon on 5th in your 6th House of work, health and service to others, is the perfect day for work resolutions and to start a new regime and put health improvement measures in place.  Your ruling planet Venus then attracts the money of others or suitors seeking intimacy from 7th onwards (not a bad start to the month!).  Consider them presents from life.  But the big focus this month is relationships and partnerships which will require a lot of thought, reflection and honesty on your part (with others and yourself).  If the Mars-Neptune opposition mid-month blurs the boundaries between romance and friendship, just surf the wave.  Mercury goes retrograde on 21st so say your piece before then.

Gemini:   New openings in romance, children or creativity coincide with New Moon on 5th and the Sun maintains this glow till 23rd.  But the main focus, for a second month is work, health and service to others.  There’s still more to look at and work through.  Don’t stop until your daily routine provides total well-being.  Relationships and partnerships are looking good from 7th and you’ll have energy to tackle things at home, mid-month onwards.  Strange as it may seem, the way to achieve career and status ideals is through getting things ‘right’ at home and maybe some personal development.

Cancer:   New Moon on 5th marks a new cycle in your mother and home front which remains active till 23rd.  As this area is one of your fortes, you’ll know just what New Lunar Year’s Resolutions to make.  Work, relationships with colleagues and health are glowing from 7th too, just so long as you don’t over-indulge.  Full Moon in your father, career and social status zone on 18th can make emotions very public but creative ideas and communications you have around 17th – 21st help to reinforce your sense of well-being and to think about yourself in creative new ways.  Your main concern this month though is romance, children and creativity.  Get important communications in these areas out of the way before 21st and then enjoy the Sun lightening things up from 23rd.  You’ll be glad of it…

Leo:   Energy abounds during the first half of the month while Mars zaps through your sign.  Then after 15th your energies turn to money, income and security which you’ll pursue with your full creative force and vigour.  Changes you make or new ways of thinking about ‘home’ from 17th – 21st can increase wellbeing.  The internet might even play a role here too.  Home and nurturing is still the big topic.  From 23rd – 26th search for ideal solutions to connect home and sharing.  Other people’s resources, sharing yours and intimacy could all be included.  Full Moon on 18th calls for pioneering beliefs, including self-belief.  Step up to that call.

Virgo:   When Mars hits your sign on 15th, you’ll find energy to plough through whatever needs doing and courage to tackle tasks or people that normally look too daunting.  Communications, siblings or neighbours continue to be the main focus for yet another month.  We can’t change other people but we can change how we think about things.  From 17th – 21st ideas abound regarding friends, groups, organisations and humanitarian ideals.  Choose the best ones and apply them.  Then from 23rd – 26th apply your creative thinking and communication skills to help with partnerships.  Home’s looking lovely from 7th.  Share it with others.

Libra:   You’re full of love and light as the Sun illuminates your sign till 23rd and New Moon in your sign on 5tth marks a personal new beginning too.  Money possessions security and values continue to be the main focus though.  Your mind is full of positivity and working for you from 17th – 21st.  Be sure to make a note of good money-making ideas and have discussions with people who can help your career or status.  23rd – 26th, tune into colleagues.  They can help here too.  Sign anything important before 21st!

Scorpio:   Scorpios, the big focus this month continues to be yourself.  Who you truly are now and how and where that should be expressed.  New Moon on 5th puts you in tune with yourself which is exactly what you need to do to work out the way forward.  Be sure to express yourself from 17th – 21st and be open to whatever philosophical and belief systems have to offer.  Creativity will help from 23rd – 26th but soul searching will provide the answer, which lies within.  Don’t shrink away from it!

Sagittarius:   You’re charmer of the month from 7th when Venus enters your sign.  This could be helpful in your new push forward re father, career and social status from 15th.  Full Moon on 18th in your children, romance and creativity zone is buoyant and livens things up too.  Despite this bright and breezy wave, your unconscious hasn’t finished with you yet and is demanding that you look at something important in more depth again.  Forgotten or buried memories from the past may emerge and demand to be dealt with or known truths that you’ve been suppressing.  Creativity can help you to get a handle on it.  Dive in!

Capricorn:   A new cycle begins on 5th with New Moon in your father, career and social status zone and the Sun extends this sense of ‘feel-good’ right through to 23rd.  But on a more serious note, friends, groups, community and organisations continue to be the big challenge.  Make sure important discussions and signatures take place before 21st.  Good ideas abound from 17th – 21st which link partnerships and ideals.  Then applying your imagination is the best strategy.  Full Moon raises the emotional temperature at home on 23rd.  Keep things reasonable!

Aquarius:   The first three weeks of October are good for travel, in-laws, legal matters and dealings with other cultures.  And Mars keeps things heated up in relationships and partnerships till 15th.  Then passions or joint funds demand your attention.  Career-related discussions from 17th – 21st improve your sense of well-being and money may flow in from 23rd – 26th.  The main focus though continues to be father, career and social status.  Even more reflection is needed here and something has to be rethought in some way.  Action comes next month!

Pisces:   Your whole philosophy and belief system, travel, in-laws or legal matters occupy you for yet another month and the more creative you can be about this from 17th – 21st, the better.  From 15th, Mars in your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships may make you (or them) rather sharp, if not more aggressive.  Use this energy to iron out differences; or if single, to pursue your options.  Beliefs or culturally different ways of looking at things can guide you closer to your ideal self.  Those in authority smile on you from 7th.  If favours are needed, ask away.

September 2013

September 2013

Pluto goes direct on 20th this month, completing our four-month second look at hierarchies, authorities and how power is used.  Venus joins Saturn and the North Node of the Moon around 18th, softening hard lines and Full Moon on 18th/19th paves the way for Pluto’s change of direction the following day.  Time to move forward with our understanding.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope below for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Venus and then Mercury liven up relationships and partnerships and Sun moving into your opposite sign on 22nd gives even more opportunities to relate well.  Mars gives you energy to pursue romance, children and creativity too.  New Moon on 5th in work, health and service to others, heralds a fresh start and a perfect time to put good habits in place.  Be alert to what can be learnt around 18th to 20th.  This concerns intensely personal matters.  How you share resources and yourself intimately can bring transformation.  ‘The money of others’ could feature here too.  Be honest with yourself and others.  Important things can be turned around.

Taurus:   You’re ready for action at home this month as Mars in Leo sweeps clean.  Clear hoarded areas and make room for comfortable, creative space.  Do some entertaining too.  And if others find your tolerance levels lower than usual – too bad!  New Moon on 5th favours romance, children and creativity.  The most significant event this month though, is Venus meeting Saturn in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships around 18th – 20th.  The North Node of the Moon is mid-point too, implying a mission or something important to your life direction is trying to take place.  This could involve business or intimate partnerships.  Agreements could be cemented.  Or long-burning embers could become steady flames, fanned by the Full Moon (coming from your 11th House of friendships, groups and humanitarian ideals on 18th/19th).  Pluto awaits on the other side to lead you forward to new understanding.  Be open.

Gemini:   Venus warms up your 5th House of romance, children and creativity up to 11th, then Mercury picks up the baton and hands it to the Sun on 22nd, keeping things lively.  New Moon in your mother and home zone augurs a fresh start on 5th too. Venus’s meeting with Saturn in your 6th House around 18th – 20th brings opportunities.  These could include learning to relate more constructively at work and understanding how your daily activities and habits impact your health.  The larger picture however raises the question of the whole direction you’re going in re work.  What should you truly be doing?  Where do you need to direct your energies?  On some level you know the answer.  Just do it!

Cancer:   Mars in your 2nd House of security revs up your entrepreneurial spirit to look for new sources of income and Cancerians are more canny than most when it comes to gathering money…  Romance, children and creativity get more serious too around 18th – 20th.  Venus and Saturn along with the North Node of the Moon move things onto a more concrete basis.  This could involve an actual product from your creativity, more responsibility connected to children or the transition of a romance from a love affair to partnership.  This involves growth and a development in your direction in life.  Don’t resist change.  Life is moving forward!

Leo:   Mars in your sign zaps up your energy levels and dynamism all month.  And finances look sweet too.  The big emphasis though centres on changes at home.  Around 18th – 20th Venus and Saturn meet in your 4th House of mother and home, roots and foundations.  How well does your home-life support you?  How well are you looking after yourself emotionally?  Your relationship with your mother or your early years have some bearing on all of this.  Don’t be afraid to look at whatever might be or might have been unhelpful.  Here is an opportunity to put healthier patterns in place.  Helpful courses of action could include: a review of your food shopping list, unearthing clarity from past events in your life, improving emotional conditions at home (pets are a possibility) and allowing Pluto to move things forwards.  Counselling or therapy could be helpful in your brave explorations too.

Virgo:   New Moon in your sign on 5th marks a personal new beginning and finances are flowing all month, although it may not be entirely clear in which direction…  Behind the scenes life is very active too (be that your imagination, compassion, creativity, charitable deeds or spirituality).  The big news though is Venus’s meeting with Saturn in your 3rd House of communications, trading, siblings and neighbours, around 18th – 20th.  Agreements, deals, lessons and understanding reach some kind of culmination which alters your direction in life in some way.  Full Moon in your opposite sign during this time, adds an emotional roller-coaster element too.  Enjoy the ride and allow new ideas in!

Libra:   Venus continues to heighten your charisma till 11th and Mercury makes you a deft communicator all month.  Mars in your 11th House means you both find and generate energy re. friends, groups, community and possibly even politics!  You may not be feeling as diplomatic as usual.  Up to you whether you decide to wear your velvet glove, or not…  The big crunch comes around 18th – 20th  though when your ruling planet Venus meets Saturn and the North Node of the Moon around the same time as Full Moon and Pluto moving direct!  What a combination!  They are gathering in your 2nd House of money, possessions, security, values and self-esteem and in your 10th House of father, career and status.  Your direction in life is in motion, as is your understanding.  Embrace transformation!

Scorpio:   Venus entering your sign on 11th makes you the charmer of the zodiac for one whole month!  This brings comfort and its meeting with Saturn around 18th – 20th including the North Node of the Moon, makes you feel like part of the world’s unfolding, almost as if your fate is moving with world events!  More importantly, it makes movement possible where you have felt stuck for almost a year.  Mars in your 10th House of father, career and status, handily lends energy to press forward with your ambitions.  Communications improve after 20th as does your outlook, when Pluto your ruling planet starts to move forward.  Move with it and be honest with everyone.

Sagittarius:   New Moon on 5th marks a fresh start in career or your status in some way.  It’s unpretentious, so hang onto that honesty and purity of vision.  Mars urges you to search for the truth all month and the chances are you’ll find it.  Unconscious cogs and wheels stop grinding and start flowing around 18th – 20th when Venus meets Saturn in your 12th House.  The North Node of the Moon is there too which allows you to tune into the collective unconscious!  If this sounds a bit too overwhelming, it just means your antennae are finely tuned to whatever is needed in the world right now.  Respond to your intuitions, they can be helpful to the bigger, collective picture.  Your finances or value systems start to move forwards on 20th.  Phew!

Capricorn:   Mars in your 8th House of intimacy and joint funds all month, fires your determination to make headway in these areas.  (But bear in my mind that head-on attack may not produce the best results… ).  From 11th, pleasure can be found through friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  Pay special attention to these areas around 18th – 20th.  Something important here should be learnt and if understood, Pluto’s change of direction in your sign on 20th allows you to move forward.  You’ve been on hold for four months.  Now it’s time to apply yourself.  (Think ‘humanitarian’!)

Aquarius:   Mars in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships heats things up all month.  But whether this results in passion, conflict or both, remains to be seen…  Venus approaches Saturn around 18th – 20th, softening hardships connected to father, career and social status.  Your mission or direction in life is on the move and you are ready to embrace it.  Your unconscious shifts on 20th too.  Forgive where necessary, accept help from those with influence and move forwards.  Deep wells of creativity get released as a side-product.  Be sure to find exciting new outlets for them!

Pisces:   New Moon in your relationships and partnerships zone on 5th marks a fresh new cycle and Full Moon ion your own sign on 18th/19th reminds you what an emotional creature you are!  Mars heats up your 6th House of work, health and service to others all month.  At best, this involves putting healthy structures in place and getting through your to-do list.  (At worst, crashing into colleagues, daily companions and over-doing things).  Aim for the first options.  Lots of activity in your 9th House of travel and law.  Important things can be learnt from other cultures around 18th – 20th.  Be open to new understanding.  Pluto goes direct on 20th, bringing movement to ‘stuck’ areas: friends, community and ideals.  Go with this new movement!

July 2013

July 2013

The on-going Uranus – Pluto square gets ignited this month as Jupiter joins the equation.  But a Grand Trine in Water with Saturn and Neptune offers emotional flow, idealism and possibly guidance in our time of changing values.

Three planets change direction too.  Mercury which went retrograde towards the end of last month goes direct on 20th.  Saturn which has been retrograde since mid-February goes direct on 8th .    These review periods are now complete and we can move forwards once again.

Meanwhile, Uranus begins its retrograde movement on 17th until mid-December.

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope below for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Four planets are moving through your mother and home area this month, including Mars from 13th, providing a call to action.  These planets are opposing your father and career section, so something’s got to give: and it’s you!  Your personal revolution requires a second look and you have intil mid-December to find how the uncompromised version of yourself can fit with everything else: or otherwise…

Taurus:   Communications demand your attention this month as your lower mind and higher mind battle it out and land in your 12th House of the unconscious.  Your creative imagination will be firing on all cylinders, so get creating!  If this doesn’t look feasible, invest some time in calming exercises.  Saturn finishes its retreat in your relationships and partnerships area and you can start to move forward and cover more ground.  Harmony in the home until 22nd and then romance, children and creativity become the source of pleasure.  Emotional matters emerge around status with Full Moon on 22nd.  Stay cool!

Gemini:   Money, money, money is your main concern this month.  Mars moves into your 2nd House on 13th giving you get-up and go on the earnings front.  New Moon on 16th could herald a new income stream too.  You’re thinking and communicating well and the Grand Trine in your 2nd, 6th and 10th Houses indicates money, work and status have a harmonious flow.  Changes in your friends, groups and community zone – time for a 6month review!

Cancer:   You are still the centre of planetary attention this month Cancerians.  And Mars joining your sign from 13th makes you unstoppable!  Money’s looking good up to 22nd too!  Father, career and social status needs a second look.  The version you’ve been using so far, may be too compromised.  You have till mid-December to work out what it should be.  New Moon in your sign on 8th gives yet another boost to your new phase.  Enjoy it!

Leo:   Venus in your sign until 22nd makes you ‘darling’ of the month but the rumblings from your unconscious are justy getting louder and louder.  This brings up two pertinent points:  1. Your work and daily routine.  2. Your geography / studies / in-laws / legal matters / philosophy.  At least one item in list 2 needs a second look.  You have until mid-December to work out what changes are needed.  They may be huge.  Be ready when Full Moon in your opposite sign on 22nd raises the emotional temperature in relationships and partnerships.  Don’t be afraid to say your piece.

Virgo:   So many things are still going on in your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  And there is energy to get group ventures going or to find groups that will move you forwards.  Saturn makes movement more possible in general and edges things forwards with siblings and neighbours from 8th (after being on a back foot since mid-February).  Venus enters your sign on 22nd but opposes Neptune.  This may make you dreamy and idealistic (and possibly unrealistic) about ‘the other’.  Avoid partners who need rescuing and before getting involved with anyone new – read the label!

Libra:   Father, career and social status are booming but the noise might seem a bit too loud…  Though New Moon on 8th could bring a new career opportunity.  Relationships and partnerships could catch the fall-out decibels, leading you to carry out a long review (till mid-December) on how you should deal with these.  Saturn goes direct on 8th which enables you to make fully-informed financial decisions but don’t sign anything until after 20th when Mercury goes direct.  Full Moon on 22nd falls into your children and romance sector.  Plan something nice.

Scorpio:   You will be glad to know that Saturn moves forward in your sign on 8th which provides a forward shift to your long personal review.  It also forms a Grand Trine to Jupiter and Neptune, helping your love affairs, children and creativity zones.  This is your busiest area this month, especially after 13th when Mars gives you energy to lead the field.  Full Moon on 22nd raises emotions at home.  You know you can handle it!

Sagittarius:   four planets in your ‘shared’ area, heats things up around joint finance, debts and passions.  Uranus in your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity takes the flack and a more original or adventurous solution may ne needed.  (you have until mid-December to ponder this over).  Venus spends the last 9 days of the month in your career and social status zone.  People in high places will smile upon you.

Capricorn:   Four planets are jumping up and down in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships this month and they could be challenging for you, as growth is the opportunity on offer.  Mother and home become the receptacle for all of these energies and further radical changes may be needed here.  It may not be quite clear until mid-December what these should be.  Meanwhile, take some time to reflect on how you wield power and make sure it’s fair!

Aquarius:   You have until 13th to apply your energies to mother and home.  Then work, health, daily routine and service to others demands most of your attention.  This is in contrast to career and status which starts to move forwards once again with Saturn change of direction on 8th.  Your ruling planets Uranus heads backwards on 17th for a 6 month stroll to reassess the situation with communications, physical movement and possibly neighbours and siblings.  A more radical solution is needed and by mid-December you should know what that is.  Meanwhile this month, relationships bloom thanks to Venus and Full Moon in your sign on 22nd, raises emotions.  Be ready to share them.

Pisces:   Apply action to the home front until 13th then romance, children and creativity are your busy area and New Moon on 8th stars here too.  Relationships with colleagues or those in your daily life go well all month.  But finances make a change of direction on 17th for 6 months.  This may be a call for a more radical approach to your value system.

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June 2013

June 2013

Jupiter completes its year-long tour through Gemini this month.  So the offer of growth and opportunity now moves into Cancer, bringing a year of expansion for us all in a different area of life.

So what will this mean for you?

Read the horoscope below for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   Communications are forthright (if not heated) this month as Mars your ruling planet raises mental energy.  Siblings, neighbours, trades people and the general public might get more of your opinion than they bargained for…  And Full Moon on 23rd raises emotions around father issues, career or social status.  But the main focus of the month is in your 4th House of mother and home.  This is a good month for domestic harmony.  Contact mother figures, decorate or beautify your home and entertain.  Jupiter also glides into this area on 26th for one whole year.  Home could become bigger, overseas, more philosophical or more nurturing over the next twelve months!

Taurus:   You’re active on the money-making front this month and a new strand of income could come into view with the New Moon on 8th.  But communications is your main focus.  If charm is needed to smooth negotiations, you’re a winner but complete them before the last four days of the month.  You may think you’re at your most persuasive right now but this is just a taste of more to come.  Jupiter takes residence in your 3rd House of communications for a year, starting on 26th.  This could expand the mind, widen your channels of communication, help with trading and keep your thinking buoyant.  Your products, ideas and words (spoken or written) could start to reach a much wider audience…

Gemini:   Push to get as much as possible done this month, while Mars on your side.  And adept multi-tasker that you are, that could be a lot of action!  The main focus though, is money and possessions.  Your silver tongue could generate some extra income and when Jupiter moves into your 2nd House of money and possessions on 26th, it could be the beginning of a 12 month block when you capitalise on past efforts and achieve some security.  New Moon in your sign on 8th brings new hope too!

Cancer:   All the balls are in your court this month, as you charm, delight and dazzle us all.  Mercury and Venus, followed by the Sun are all batting on your team and then Jupiter enters your sign on 26th and stays till July next year.  Your unconscious is still busy this month and there could be intense emotions in relationships and partnerships too with Full Moon on 23rd in your opposite sign.  But don’t just sit around and wait for opportunities.  Carve some out yourself.  That Jupiter wind will be behind you for one whole year!

Leo:   You have lots of energy to push things forward on the collective front this month but your most active area is ‘behind the scenes’ in your 12th House.  This includes your dreams, unconscious, spirituality, healing, self-talk, internet activity and compassion for those less fortunate.  All go smoothly up to 26th and you communicate well – be that through words or silently tuning in.  Then Jupiter, the biggest boy on the block, moves into these same areas for a year, starting on 26th.  Growth, expansion and opportunities are just waiting for you to say ‘Yes’.  Say it!

Virgo:   New Moon on 8th in your father, career or social status zone brings a fresh start on 8th and Mars is urging you to push forward with your ambitions all this month.   Full Moon on 23rd raises emotion connected to romance, children and creativity too.  But the big new area for development is your 11th House of friends, groups, teams, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals.  You are hitting just the right note in your communications with them but make time to enjoy all the pleasures they have to offer this month too.  And be prepared for a year of expansion in these areas starting 26th, when Jupiter moves in for a whole year!

Libra:   New Moon on 8th breathes fresh wind into your sails on the travel, study, in-laws and legal front this month and Mars provides the energy to sustain it right through the month.  But the big new focus is in your 10th House of father, career and social status.  You can charm the birds from the trees this month, including big influential ones who can help your career!  Finalise as much as you can by 26th and then prepare for a year of growth and opportunities ahead!

Scorpio:   Mars in your ‘shared area’ this month could either manifest as friction or passion.  Whichever it is, you will be determined to pursue things.  Meanwhile, there are tidings of great joy on the travel, in-laws, legal and study front.  Venus and Mercury ensure harmony rules this month and then Jupiter moves in for a year from 26th.  Your outlook, world view and cultural understanding are all about to expand!  Let them!

Sagittarius:   Assertiveness or even aggression may turn up in your relationship and partnership zone this month, with Mars stirring and heating things up.  But the main focus moves to your ‘shared area’ where things flow smoothly with Mercury and Venus.  You may benefit from ‘the money of others’ in some way this month.  And the good news is – thanks to Jupiter your ruling planet, from 26th this could be happening on an even bigger scale for a whole year!

Capricorn:   You have lots of energy to apply to work, health, service to others and daily life but this month.  But something else is going on too.  Mercury and Venus are creating a gentle start to your new area of expansion – relationships and partnerships.  Communications and understanding go well until 26th and then there is a change of gear.  Jupiter moves into this area for a year, insisting on growth.  Full Moon in your sign on 23rd is an opportunity for emotional self-expression.  Use it.

Aquarius:   You have lots of creative energy this month, some of which could turn towards love affairs and children.  New Moon on 8th in this area could bring the breath of fresh air you’ve been hoping for.  But work, health and service to others is the new highlight, as Mercury and Venus help everything to run smoothly.  Jupiter moves here too on 26th and stays until July next year, bringing growth, expansion and opportunities!

Pisces:   You find second wind with New Moon on 8th and have energy to push things forward all month on the home front.  This is due to firey Mars which should be directed.  It’s good for blitzing, so get something done or it could apply itself to stirring up discontent or havoc at home.  Your new active zone however, is your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity.  They flow easily this month and then become areas for real growth, expansion and opportunity, as Jupiter glides in on 26th for a one-year stay!

May 2013

May 2013

A Solar Eclipse on May 10th belongs to the ‘15 South’ cycle of eclipses (which started in 1472 and completes in 2716!).  Reoccuring every 18 -19 years, this cycle is about a release of tension and clearing the air…

So what will this mean for us all?                                                                                              Read the horoscope below for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it).

Aries:   The emphasis this month centres on your 2nd House of money, possessions, earnings, security and values.  You have massive energy to apply but the question is how to apply it?  The eclipse on 10th suggests it may be time for a new approach.  Releasing your concerns would be a good start.  Vision can then lead the way.  Your ruling planet Mars is right behind you and will provide the grit to establish a new productive framework.  If need be, you can even pull the wool over critical eyes… but why would you want to do that?

Taurus:   Your irresistible charm continues at its peak until 9th  .  Then money flows your way with ease, for the rest of the month.  New Moon and Solar Eclipse in your sign on 10th is an important point in your recent self-searching.  Saturn has been a sobering task master since October but it can be helpful to face our mortality from time to time and gain a wider perspective of where we are in our lives.  Things should start to crystalise or fall into place right now.  The treasure to gather from this internal review could be a new sense of self-awareness or self-expression.  Listen carefully to your internal voice – the positive, helpful one!

Gemini:   Once Venus enters your sign on 9th you will be able to en-trance whoever you wish and even sell your magic carpet to hard-nosed sceptics!  But there’s a danger that the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 10th might get missed altogether, if you only focus on practising your charms.  This eclipse falls in your 12th House of behind the scenes matters.  Good for creative productivity or a solid, new pledge to attend to your inner-workings or perhaps the needs of others less fortunate.  From mid-month, Mercury gives you the gift of the gab (yes, even more than usual!) and then the Sun glides into Gemini on 20th, restoring your health and well-being.  If planning a party, aim for 25th – 28th!

Cancer:   Loads of action on the friends, groups and collective front and things may come to a head with the Solar Eclipse and New Moon on 10th.  Let your associates know how you feel and then be prepared to put in the slog to make your vision, a reality.  It’s a busy time behind the scenes later in the month and you can push internet projects forward and acts of kindness.  Have a look at self-talk too!  Full Moon on 25th in your 6th House, raises the emotional temperature in work, health and service to others.  Do your best to be objective…

Leo:   Authorities are smiling upon you till 9th and then Venus sweetens friendships, group and collective activities.  New Moon and the Solar Eclipse on 10th also mark an important new phase in your father, career and status zone.  It’s time to go public and release whatever you’ve been storing up.  Mars is also on hand to provide the energy and determination to push your new conclusions or project forward.  Get out there Leos and be seen in the world!  Friends, teams and the communities you are a part of provide joy and entertainment, especially towards the end of the month.  Just what you needed!

Virgo:   Travel, different cultures and legal or philosophical matters occupy you during the first half of the month and then New Moon and Solar Eclipse on 10th could mark a meaningful release and a change in your outlook.  The truth is such a subjective thing and you don’t have to be oppressed by other people’s versions of it.  Adopt your own!  Be sure too to make sure your beliefs are enabling and self-sustaining.  Improvements in your father, career and social status zone fill the second half of the month.  People in authority will help you.  Your natural modesty is always lovely but it’s fine to ask!  .

Libra:   What’s going on with joint finance and sharing?  It all starts the month smoothly but then the Solar Eclipse and New Moon on 10th bring things to a head.  It’s time to release whatever’s been pent up: be that passions or home truths about sharing, debts or inheritances.  Having embarked upon this, Mars in Taurus provides the sticking power and determination to see things through.  A broader perspective shows up in the second half of the month as travel, philosophical and legal matters help to open up your thinking.  In-laws could feature too.  Keep the bigger picture in mind as much as you can.

Scorpio:   Relationships and partnerships go smoothly up to 9th and then the Solar Eclipse and New Moon on 10th release pent up energy and possibly a home truth.  This is an opportunity to see YOURSELF more clearly, against the backdrop of relationships and partnerships.  This opportunity could be lost, if you just keep blaming others (the easy path of self-avoidance) so take a deep breath and look deeply at yourself and how you’ve been operating in this area.  Your ‘shared area’ then takes on importance.  Think about and discuss how you share your resources and yourself on a most personal level.  (Generosity is usually a good policy!)

Sagittarius:   Work and relationships with colleagues and people in your daily life go smoothly till 9th but then the Solar Eclipse and New Moon takes things deeper.  Your well-being, especially the physical aspect of it, is demanding some attention and recognition and this could be the beginning of something that is going to form a new structure in your life.  You’re not alone.  Mars will provide the determination and fortitude to establish new patterns.  Relationships and partnerships then take the lead.  Discuss and negotiate your position.  Planets lend a kindly light here towards the end of the month and Full Moon in your sign on 25th removes any self-imposed brakes!

Capricorn:   Romance, children and creativity start the month off as a breeze but then the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on 10th add insight and the need for reflection.  Although collective demands on you may have been high since October, they need to be balanced by an equally important joy: individual creativity.  Whether this is expressed through dealings with children, romance, financial speculation or the arts doesn’t matter.  But express it you must!  This eclipse can mark the beginning of a positive on-going outlet for your energies.  Then work, health and service to others occupies you for the rest of the month, bringing pleasure from 26th to 28th.  Tend yourself physically too.  Full Moon on 25th adds emotional impact to what’s going on behind the scenes and possibly to dreams too.  Slide the veil to one side – to see what your unconscious is trying to tell you…

Aquarius:   Lots of activity in your mother and home area during the first half of the month, gathers extra momentum with the Solar Eclipse and New Moon on 10th.  The 4th House is to do with your roots and foundations as well as the physical home (be that a room, a building or the planet you live on).  It also covers how we nurture ourselves (and possibly others too).  This Taurus eclipse is a call to establish a solid and perhaps physical, new way forward.  Self-discovery could play a part here in terms of your basic make-up and how you meet your fundamental needs.  The emphasis then shifts to romance, children and creativity towards the end of the month with Venus and Jupiter creating lots of fun from 26th to 28th – yeah!

Pisces:   Communications are full and flowing till 9th and then New Moon and Solar Eclipse in your 3rd House of thoughts, words, ideas, short journeys and trading, put forward a new stand.  This could take the form of a new idea crystalising or an important new ‘dialogue’ perhaps with a neighbour or sibling.  Or perhaps it could be a new form of physical movement that helps to establish a steadier frame of mind.  Full Moon in your father, career and status zone on 25th raises the thermometer but Venus and Jupiter conspire to end the month with a happy glow at home.  If entertaining, choose 25th to 28th!

April 2013

April 2013

It’s a firey start to the month. A whole load of planets and also the New Moon on 10th are all in Aries, explaining the hot energy that is zapping us all. Then mid-month, Venus in Taurus starts to gently ground us and bring us back to our senses: all five of them!

So what will this mean for you? Read your Sun Sign  below and your Ascendant Sign if you know it.

Aries:   This time of year reminds you of yourself – bursting with energy and full of potential. Charm is yours too till 15th which could help to smooth any feathers you ruffle as you forge ahead. But even then, Mercury freshly in your sign, grants you a silver tongue for the remainder of the month too. New Moon in your sign on 10th reinforces you and heightens your feel for new directions and Mars your ruling planet, sparks ignition, drive and action. Money looks good second half of the month and from 20th you’ll have tons of energy to pursue it, or other values…

Taurus:   So much activity behind the scenes can be exhausting but this offers opportunity for change – just embrace it! Dreams and the internet can be sources of revelation too. Venus endows your natural charms from 15th and once Sun and Mars have entered your sign by 20th you are fully restored and nothing short of magnificent! Full Moon in your opposite sign on 25th magnetises. And you could be the big attraction or the iron filing. Things can be learnt either way…

Gemini:   Friends, groups and collectives start the month as rich and creative areas – good for launching group projects and forming or joining new groups. New Moon on 10th brings a fresh start here too and Mercury provides new ideas and benefits from straightforward communication. Gemini’s don’t always see the need for this, but out of curiosity, why not give it a try? Then the focus moves to your unconscious and activity behind the scenes. Could it be a secret love? Or a work of art? Full Moon on 25th raises the emotional temperature re. work and health. Keep it sane!

Cancer:   Tons of activity and creative ideas are heralded in your father, career and social status zone. And the New Moon on 10th offers a brand new start. Do you have a project in mind? There’s energy galore to push forwards and electrifying ideas or startling communications around 20th. Full Moon on 25th heightens the emotional charge in romance, children and creativity. And friends, groups and community go very well from 15th. Nurture collective creativity and take comfort in the wonder of fellow human beings!

Leo:   A new wave is on the horizon and other cultures, travel, publishing, law or in-laws could herald exactly the clean sweep you’ve been looking for. A new philosophy could arise too around New Moon on 10th which provides direction. (Might be an idea to have your passport on the ready!) Father, career or social status features mid-month onwards. Creativity here brings benefits too. People with influence will grant favours. It isn’t demeaning to request them. Just ask!

Virgo:   A line-up of planets and New Moon on 10th mark a fresh trend in your shared area. This includes ‘the money of others’, joint funds, taxes, debts, inheritances and the ‘sharing’ of yourself in the most personal sense. Communications around this remain active all month. Travel or a new philosophy of life may spring forth as a result and bring a sense of well-earned relief. You always do your bit but to keep a balance, we have to be open to receiving too. Allow life to reward you!

Libra:   Resident Uranus and four personal planets spend the month passing through your 7th House of relationships and partnerships. And then New Moon, also in your opposite sign on 10th heralds a new phase with ongoing communications. Mid-month the focus changes to your shared area in a beneficial way. ‘The money of others’, joint funds and the sharing of yourself are on the agenda. The more creative you are about this, (and possibly the more generous), the more benefits you will reap!

Scorpio:   New Moon on 10th in your work, health and service to others zone, suggests a fresh approach to an already highly active and possibly emotive area. Your well-being is implicated here too. Add something restorative to your daily routine or take something draining, out! Mid-month onwards, your sights turn to relationships and partnerships. Creative approaches bring rewards. Full Moon in your sign on 25th reminds you to honour your feelings. You are a water sign. Honour your emotions. As Shakespeare wrote: ‘This above all: to thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day. Thou canst not then be false to any man’.

Sagittarius:   Romance, children and creativity – all full of life and raring to go, find fresh faith with the New Moon on 10th. Innovate, create and relate. Your focus then moves to work, health and service to others. Relationships with colleagues go well, as does health, so long as you don’t over-indulge. Consider adding sensory pleasure to your day too (Yes! This could even include exercise). Full Moon in your 12th House of the unconscious, brings emotional realisations to the surface around Full Moon on 25th. However inconvenient, welcome them!

Capricorn:   A lively line-up of personal planets, intensified by New Moon on 10th, marks a new phase in mother and home and perhaps in self-care too. And if beautifying your home, start the ball rolling in the first half of the month. Mid-month the focus shifts to romance, children and creativity. Allow yourself to enjoy them all! Full Moon on 25th raises emotion around friends, groups, communities and humanitarian ideals. Use your organisational skills to bring good intentions to fruition!

Aquarius:   Your mind and communications are buzzing and although this may not be relaxing, you are at your devastating best! If new ideas arise around New Moon on 10th, capture them and take them forwards. Mid-month the heart seeks solace in mother and home. This is a good time to solidify and beautify your home and to put self-nurture seriously on your agenda too! Full Moon on 25th dramatically features father, career and social status and you may find yourself in the public eye. Apply emotional energy to these areas.

Pisces:   Money, possessions, security and self-worth all take up your attention in the first half of the month. And with New Moon on 10th they take on a new light and a new phase begins. While you are digesting all of this, the focus evolves into communications, including physical movement. Singing or dance lessons could bring fresh delights and new ways of thinking. Be creative in all communications and the outcome (and mental outcome) should be good! Full Moon on 25th highlights the emotional side of travel, philosophical or legal matters. Face this head-on and seek to understand.

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And for an amazing birth chart consultation (on skype-phone) just get in touch –

March 2013

March 2013

We have a gentle, watery start to the month, with four planets in Pisces (or five if you include Chiron).  This is a good time for reflection and checking in with yourself and others.  When Moon joins them on 10th, leading to New Moon in Pisces 11th, emotion guides us to a fresh start.  Mercury goes direct on 17th, bringing clarity.  Wait for that before signing anything important.  When Mars rushes into Aries on 11th, followed by the Sun (on 20th) and Venus (on 22nd), suddenly it’s Spring!  Uranus gets triggered off too – surprises for all…

So what will this mean for you?

Read your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   The Sun has been away from you for the longest time which brings low ebb until Mars (your ruling planet) changes the tempo on 12th and from 20th onwards, you are buzzing!  Uranus brings excitement, Sun – energy, Venus – charm and Mars – drive.  Nothing can stop you!  Even the challenge of Plutonian authority only serves to sharpen your resolve!  Look out everyone, Aries is back!

Taurus:   Friends, groups and community absorb you up to 11th when new opportunities could open up.  Mars takes the spotlight the following day though when it moves into your 12th House of the unconscious, institutions, the internet, compassion and healing.  Sun and Venus your ruling planet follow on 20th and 22nd so loads of creative energy is available behind the scenes.  Uranus gets stirred up by all of these which could re-arrange your usual internal setting.  Allow sudden realisations to lead the way!

Gemini:   New Moon on 11th marks a new cycle in your father, career and social status zone.  Use it to look at things afresh.  The day after, Mars directs your energy towards friends, groups, community and collectives.  Sudden changes are startling but bring excitement and refreshment.  Politics or humanitarian movements might grab you too.  Full Moon on 27th could bring romance.  Be open to change!

Cancer:   Travel and new horizons (including inner ones) are highlighted on 11th but Mars draws your attention immediately afterwards to your father, career and social status zone.  Uranus has been shaking things up here for two or three years and the present rush of planets will remind you that there’s still further to go.  Full Moon on 27th falls in your mother and home area, so lots of emotion will be pulling you this way too!  Try to find a balance but don’t abandon your ambitions.

Leo:   Reflect on ‘shared areas’ at the start of the month.  New Moon on 11th could bring in a new regime on the joint finances front too.  The world beckons from 12th onwards and by 20th it’s insistent.  This is an exciting time for travel, deep study, exploring, finding meaning and legal matters.  Events and results will be unexpected in the build-up to 28th.  Be open to adventure!

Virgo:   New Moon in your relationships and partnerships zone on 11th brings a breath of fresh air but there is barely time to enjoy it as Mars shifts the focus to joint funds and your shared area.  Sun and Venus follow suit soon after, which could mean money in and not just money out.  Uranus already there gets awakened and promises a lot of surprises.  Allow yourself to be open to life.

Libra:   New Moon on 11th brings a fresh start at work or with health.  But eyes swing quickly to relationships and partnerships the following day as Mars leaps into action.  Sun and your planet Venus are close on its heels and one by one, they all activate Uranus.  Change, disruption and revolution don’t sound relaxing but they could be exciting!  Full Moon is in Libra on 27th.  Be forthright!

Scorpio:   Venus and Mercury harmonise with Saturn in your sign on 7th.  This helps others to understand where you are right now.  Then New Moon on 11th brings a fresh cycle in love affairs, children and creativity.  The focus moves quickly on though as Mars bursts into your work, health and service to others zone.  Forget routine as it meets Uranus on 22nd, bringing sudden surprises.  Sun and Venus are not far behind, so expect a week of wonders.  Relationships with colleagues look lively too.

Sagittarius:   Home hums nicely along and New Moon on 11th marks a new era for you.  There isn’t much time to reflect on this as Mars moves into your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity, the very next day.  This is just the beginning of an exhilarating adventure as Sun and Venus join in and wake up Uranus.  Make time for creative pursuits and fun!

Capricorn:   The mind is calm as the month begins, until Mars hits your 4th House of ‘mother and home’ on 12th.  Time to move things forward on the home-front: be that roll up your sleeves or get professional help.  All kinds of unexpected events and discoveries occur too.  Take them in your stride, knowing you’re up to whatever it takes.  Full Moon on 27th raises emotion around father, career and social status.  Do whatever’s necessary.

Aquarius:   Attend to security matters at the start of the month and then follow Mars into your 3rd House of communications.  With tons of ideas and mental energy to spare, get talking, writing, broadcasting, teaching and networking!  Siblings and neighbours may feature in an unexpected way too.  Keep an eye out for your nervous system amidst all the excitement.  It could get fried, so be sure to make time for physical movement and direct some of this energy there.  Find a form you like and get going!

Pisces:   Your month starts in comfortable waters and we’re all going to be on your wave-length.  There’s a helpful line-up of planets on 7th too.  New Moon on 11th is also in your sign and brings a sense of fresh renewal.  The focus then changes as Mars leaps into your 2nd House of security.  It’s time for action!  This could involve job-hunting, profile raising, new projects to increase the coffers or alternatively, a shake-up of your value system and downsizing.  Whichever path you take, it’ll be creative and exhilarating!

For a birth chart, reading or other consultation, just get in touch

February 2013

February 2013

Two planets go retrograde this month. Saturn goes into reverse on 18th taking us on a six month review of emotional matters that were glossed over in mid-November. Mercury goes retrograde on 23rd too, also in a Water sign, so we need to give some thought to emotional communications too.

So what will this mean for us all?  Read your Sun sign below and your Ascendant sign, if you know it.

Aries:   Pleasure, as Venus glides through your friends, groups, and communities zone this month but the main thrust forward is behind the scenes. Creative work, compassion, healing and the internet are buzzing. Full Moon on 25th puts work and health into the foreground. If you’ve been going to excess in any way, in relation to these, put sensible thoughts into action. (Yes, this could include more exercise!) Meanwhile, Saturn calls for a review of joint funds, taxes, debts, inheritances and ultimately, the sharing of yourself…

Taurus:   Energy is humming in your friends, groups and communities zone. Enjoy and take care with communications from 23rd. Meanwhile, Saturn is beckoning you back to take a second look at partnerships. Something got over-looked mid-November and needs to be reviewed again. Full Moon on 25th brings possible romance in a friendship or group setting when thoughts and actions move mysteriously together. Career is running smoothly too and people in high places will respond well to your requests, so don’t be afraid to ask!

Gemini:   Lots of contradictory things are happening in your father, career and social status zone and you will find the will and energy to push ahead. And remember to take care with communications from 23rd. Full Moon on 25th falls in your ‘home’ area. Put your ideas to create a dreamier home, into action. From 18th it’s time to look again at work, health and daily routine. Saturn is suggesting you’ve glossed over something that presented itself in November. Go back and look. You have until July to work out what it is. It involves your well-being!

Cancer:   Money from others looks sweet but your lively area is travel, other cultures, studies, in-laws and legal matters, although communications here may need careful handling from 23rd. Love affairs, children and creativity will require a long second look starting on 18th. Events in November need looking at again. Get organised and put structures in place to cover your responsibilities. This will then allow time and space for creativity. Full Moon on 25th may bring certain details to light, regarding siblings, neighbours or communications. You can hit the nail on the head if you choose but a compassionate approach might be more productive.

Leo: Joint funds, the money of others and sharing yourself are looking lively, and communications may be tricky from 23rd. Sign anything important before then. Full Moon on 25th falls into your money, security and self-esteem zone. Thoughts are things, so think well and take action. Mother and home matters require a second look which may involve nurturing (or a shortage of it). So what is needed in the home? Give this your attention. (And we’re not talking furniture. Or if we are: it’s symbolic).

Virgo: Relationships and partnerships are full of action. Enjoy riding the wave. Venus is in your work and health zone for most of the month too which brings well-being and good relationships with colleagues. Communications and dealings with siblings or neighbours pull you up mid-month though. Heavy matters here which may have escaped your full attention in November, require more of your attention. Wade through but keep your mind positive. Full Moon in your sign on 25th brings a tsunami of emotion too. You have a voice. Just use it.

Libra:   Work, health, colleagues, daily routine and service to others are lively but watch communications after 23rd. Full Moon on 25th highlights your unconscious. Pay attention to your dreams (and day-dreams, including internet browsing). There may be inspiration that could be applied to your work and wellbeing. Meanwhile, security (whether that takes the form of finances, income, food, values or self-esteem) requires a second look from 18th. Matters which arose in November need more thought and more attention from you. One or two of these areas may even be connected. Apply deep thought. You have until July to fathom it out!

Scorpio:   Travel, philosophy, other cultures, in-laws, studies or legal matters are active this month. Enjoy them and watch communications from 23rd. Full Moon on 25th highlights your friends, groups and community zone. Some words may be needed. Saturn’s reverse movement on 18th brings the need for even more soul-searching. It’s in your sign and you’ll have to go deeper. We’re looking at identity and self-expression. Something was missed mid-November and it’s key to your long-term development. Go back and find it.

Sagittarius:   Father, career and social status are lively areas this month and watch communications from 23rd. On 18th Saturn changes direction behind the scenes and so perhaps will you. Others may not be aware of this but you will be. It relates to something not fully grasped last November. You have until July to work out what this was. Give it your earnest attention. Full Moon on 25th falls in your 4th House of mother and home, bringing huge emotion and the need for nurture. Express it.

Capricorn:   Communications or dealings with siblings or neighbours are buzzing this month. Apply your energy here but take care with communications and contracts from 23rd. Finances look pretty good this month though. Full Moon on 25th raises emotions around travel, in-laws, philosophical or legal matters. However tempting, don’t say anything you might regret… Friends, groups, communities and organisations need a second look from 18th or even a third, as Saturn goes retrograde until July. Something meaningful was over-looked or missed mid-November. Retrieve it.

Aquarius:   Your charm flows this month which helps you to seemingly sail through tricky matters. But be sure to attend to financial matters before 23rd. Full Moon on 25th falls into your ‘shared area’. Can you allow your individuality to be breached by deeply sharing yourself with another? This always a knotty question for Aquarians: even more so this Full Moon. Father, career and social status need your full attention from 18th as Saturn changes direction. Your own authority may need looking at too. What career path or status makes sense to who you now are? Think hard! Cast your mind back to last November. A nugget passed over then could help to inform you. You have five months to work it out.

Pisces:   Loads of planets are zooming through your sign this month, including the Sun which brings you energy and Mars which brings vigour. This is lucky, as you’ll need both! How could so much be going on at once? Full Moon on 25th tests your position on mind versus heart and partnerships… And from 18th, Saturn clouds the travel, study, philosophy and legal horizon and will require your total honesty (yes, even with yourself). Make sure you have a leg to stand on.

To explore your planets in more depth (by phone or skype-phone) please get in touch:      07929 261231    (++44 7929 261231 from outside UK)

December 2012

December 2012

The New Moon in Sag. on 13th coincides with a planetary change of direction as Uranus goes direct on the same day.  The recent review of matters which started mid-July this year is now complete.  Change is on the agenda once again – and action too!  Impulses might be strong but they help us to understand aspects of ourselves that we may have been neglecting and need to integrate.

So what will this mean for us all?

(Read your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign too if you know it).

Aries:  Mars continues to push your career and status area ahead until 26th while travel, education and your outlook all look fresh and frisky, especially with the New Moon on 13th.  Having now absorbed recent inner changes, Uranus’s turnaround in your sign on the same day, heralds it’s time to surge ahead.  Charm carries you forward from the 16th to 19th and luckily gathers co-operation from others. Projects  considered in late March and abandoned in July, look viable again.  And you, more than anyone, have just the panache to make something of them!  The Sun and Moon in your career versus home axis at Full Moon (on 27th and 28th) may require decisions.  Be ready to make them!

Taurus:   The New Moon on 13th opens opportunities to share (including sharing yourself).  Your antennae are receptive to new frequencies too and suddenly everything seems once again possible.  Projects considered in late March and put to one side in mid-July are worth another look.  The internet could be helpful or instrumental in this too, as could opportunities for healing.  Relationships go smoothly until 16th and then ‘shared areas’ sweeten and you could benefit from ‘the money of others’.  Venus and Uranus confirm your inner-landscape is changing.  Go with it.  Your outer landscape will change too.  If this brings realisations that you may have outgrown some people, remain pleasant but be sure to go with that growth.

Gemini:   Changes to friendships, teams and community startle you at first but prove stimulating from 13th onwards.  Partnerships also take a fresh turn on the same day and go well from 16th and you move easily in society together.  Mars moving into your 9th House on 26th requires a re-think in your outlook.  Time to travel, pursue outstanding legal matters, initiate a course of study or look at life afresh – outside the box.  Broader horizons are needed now so don’t let the comforts of habit hold you back!  Full Moon on 27th and 28th brings up a familiar, old chestnut –  should you hold on to what you’ve got or share it with others?

Cancer:   Romance, children and creativity flow until 16th and then your charms are needed at work or in being of service to others.  The New Moon on 13th signals a fresh start in health matters too.  Don’t wait until New Year to re-vamp your health routine, start on 13th!  Intensity in partnerships calms somewhat after 26th but career and social status is the real area for movement after 13th.  Although work and career sound like the same thing to many, astrologically they are quite different areas.  From 16th to 19th though they’re in perfect synch.  Innovate!

Leo:   Creating harmony at home is easier up to 16th then romance, children and creativity become the areas that start to flow.  Travel plans, academic pursuits or legal matters freshen up on 13th and ideas thought about in March and abandoned in July, hold exciting viability once again!  Mars in your opposite sign from 26th   prepares you to be more assertive and challenge partners and opponents.  This may take them by surprise but surprise can be a very effective strategy!  Full Moon on 27th and 28th brings up the private need to look at the relationship either between: work versus mission or your present daily routine versus spiritual well-being.  Make the adjustments needed for a meaningful way forwards.

Virgo:   Lots of communication, a fresh start and harmony in your mother and home area this month, especially on 13th while intensity continues in romance, children and creativity.  Work and health get your attention from 26th as Mars moves in, bringing fresh energy and get-up and go.  This is the perfect time to set up a new health regime, so don’t wait till New Year!  Good time to look for a new job or promotion too!  Joint funds and sharing (including sharing yourself) take an energetic turn on 13th.  If it’s time for new rules (including new rules for yourself): make them!  Full Moon on 27th and 28th brings up the question of romance versus friendship or family versus humanity or community.  You have a voice in this too – use it!

Libra:   Finances settle after mid-month and communications improve.  If you have any tricky negotiations ahead, plan them for 16th – 19th.  Working on communications can help to bring about a change of gear and forward movement in relationships and partnerships on 13th    This could include reviving plans that were thought of in March but abandoned in July.  The Full Moon on 27th and 28th brings up the contradictory demands of career and social standing versus power issues at home.  You may have to make a stand!  As the month ends, it’s time to focus on romance, children or creativity.  Assert yourself and be experimental!

Scorpio:   Work, health, being of service to others and also your finances make a turnaround on 13th and flow together with anew zing from 16th to 19th.  Possibilities looked at in March but then discarded in July, may in fact be viable as Uranus starts to move forwards once again.  Venus in your sign until 16th highlights your charisma but communications (and possibly dealings with siblings or neighbours) remain intense and culminate at Full Moon on 27th and 28th.  The themes presented as the Sun and Moon oppose each other are: – the higher mind versus the lower mind.  And possibly – how can you apply your principles to daily communications?  Guard against obsessive thinking and stretch your legs as you mull this over.  Once it’s passed and you’re resolved, you’ll find you have new energy to take action in or about the home.

Sagittarius:   Your charms are irresistible from 16th but you might be too preoccupied with finance and security to make the most of it…  Compulsive goings-on are changing your security and financial landscapes and with it your sense of self-worth.  Full Moon on 27th and 28th also poses a question: what should you share and what should you keep for yourself?  While more assertive in your communications from 26th, the big shift this month lies in your romance, children and creativity zone.  Be open to change and surprises!

Capricorn:   You remain a powerhouse for most of the month as Pluto, Mars and then the Sun seek to express themselves in your sign.  New possibilities appear in dreams or through the internet from mid-month which somehow enable change to take place in your mother and home zone where the big shift is taking place.  Things kept or put on hold in March or July can once again move forwards but make sure your new approach is original.  Prepare to readjust on 13th and innovate!  You’ll get more assertive about finances from 26th which may not suit others… too bad!

Aquarius:   The background rumbling of changes taking place in friendships come to light on 13th with the New Moon.  New people and groups turn up to delight and refresh you.  Communications and ideas also awaken you with a jolt as Uranus starts to move forwards once again.  Your new line of thinking attracts different people who also provide fresh and exciting ideas.  The landscape of your mind has changed which is both startling and freeing!  Try new forms of physical movement too or learn a new language!  Your career path looks smooth until 16th, then friends, groups and community or organisations become your source of pleasure.  A build-up in your unconscious challenges your work and health routine at Full Moon on 27th and 28th but then fuels you into personal action and much can be achieved!

Pisces:   Travel and studies bode well till 16th then career prospects glow and favours could be granted from authority figures.  New Moon on 13th also highlights a new phase linked to father, career and social status.  The big shift though is in finances and security as Uranus changes direction, also on 13th.  Changes linked to income generating ideas or security, looked at last march and put on hold in July, can come to fruition.  Self esteem and values may undergo a shift too.  Your unconscious may demand to be heard from 26th when Mars moves in, so pay it some attention, dreams too.  The question posed by Full Moon on 27th and 28th is: friendship or romance?

November 2012

November 2012

Mercury goes retrograde this month from 6th to 26th requiring us to rethink a certain area and a total eclipse of the Sun on 13th also occurs in this same area of life (different for each sign).  This eclipse belongs to a positive cycle of joy found through making a commitment.  Soon after, Mars catches up with Pluto from 18th to 27th, bringing other intensities to the fore…

So what will this mean for us all?

Aries:   The solar eclipse on 13th and Mercury’s rethink area are both in your 8th House of transformation.  This includes the fundamental processes of life (birth, sex and death), joint funds and sharing.  Focus your attention on these areas and learn what you can about yourself, not forgetting that crises are full of opportunities too.  The 8th House covers survival through our interaction and sharing with others.  Examine your financial matters and indebtedness of all kinds but don’t take action until late in the month.  On a sweeter level, relationships and partnerships are harmonious up to 22nd after which those ‘shared’ areas get more structured.  Mars and Pluto highlight father, career and social status.  Ambitions will be riding high but watch out for ruthlessness!

Taurus:   Relationships and partnerships and your position or attitude towards them need a rethink.  Taureans are not reknowned for changing their minds but as you may not have made yours public, there is still plenty of room to manoeuvre.  Dealings with others may make life messier but perhaps in the interests of ‘life’ that’s OK.  The eclipse on 13th introduces the theme of happiness found in making a commitment.  Your philosophy is also encountering intense realisations.  This could come about through travel or dealings with deep-thinkers, other cultures or legal matters.  Relationships at work go smoothly up to 22nd.  And  partnerships shape up from Venus’s arrival in your 7th House soon after!

Gemini:   Work, health, service to others and daily routine all need a rethink.  Relationships with colleagues may need looking at too.  The eclipse on 13th suggests making a commitment.  Could this be to fulfilling work?  Or a commitment to your own health and wellbeing?  Love affairs, children and speculation all run smoothly until 22nd.  Although it becomes apparent from 18th to 27th that joint funds, taxes or debts need some forensic action.  Don’t be faint-hearted!  Passions may be riding high too.  The Full Moon in your sign on 28th can also offer expression to pent up energies which have been gathering in your ‘shared’ area.  Give emotional expression full reign!

Cancer:   Love affairs, children and creativity are your areas for scrutiny this month.  They require a rethink.  Communications may not be easy but the conclusions from your deep reflection can be voiced after 26th.  The eclipse on13th in this same areas, along with an intense reminder of power dynamics (including passions) in your relationships and partnerships zone make for strong experiences.  With your Water sign heritage, you do not shrink away from depth.  Delve into your innate wells of understanding as you process the events of this month (be they internal or external) and try to relax demanding schedules in order to give this important process the time it deserves.

Leo:   Mother and home( in the broadest sense) occupy your thoughts this month and can help to inform your personal development in coming to terms with nurturing patterns you grew up with and patterns of self-nurture that may need reviewing now.  We spring into the world from the home, so paying attention and perhaps rethinking the structure of the home and emotional conditions there can be helpful too.  If living alone, seeking out sensitive people and self-soothing should help.  Mars and Pluto in your work, health and daily routine zone stress the importance of what you arrange for yourself in daily life.  Be sure to put positive structures in place.

Virgo:   Communications and your thought patterns or way of looking at things need to be re-examined this month.  However we think about things makes it so.  Therefore a different angle may be needed to obtain a calmer mind.  Or things may need to be said so that others are quite clear where the boundary lies.  Always noted for their precision, Virgos can hit the nail exactly on the head.  Don’t be afraid to do so now!  Powerful feelings arise in connection to love affairs, children and creativity.  Don’t implode.  Express yourself!

Libra:   Although you are oozing charm this month (up to 22nd), money, possessions, security, values and self-esteem are the hot potatoes and should be your focus.  A review is needed.  This may not be comfortable but your foundations need to be realistic and in the right place.  Mother and home are also highlighted towards the end of the month.  Powerful forces are at work here too and dramatic action may be needed.  Power issues within the home may need looking at and acting upon.  Personal development is implicated too.  Get the basics sorted so you can spring into the world without tangled reeds around your feet.

Scorpio:   Well Scorpios, this month is the beginning of your huge self-reckoning process and it won’t be light-weight.  As depth is your forte, this is par for the course and many things about yourself begin to move into focus which is massively helpful in the journey ahead of conscious development as opposed to knee-jerk reactions.  Communications and the power of thought and words add to the intensity.  While you are capable of saying things to people that they may never forget, the person to address now may be yourself (although siblings or neighbours may feature too).  Total honesty should be used to clarify, not to hurt.  Be aware of the power of words as you fairly state what you have to say.

Sagittarius:   Dreams, visions, the unconscious (including the collective unconscious) and possibly even internet activity are all areas to reconsider.  The eclipse on 13th might also herald that compassion towards the pain and suffering of others, outcasts and people on the edge of society could be an area to mull over and possibly make a commitment to too.  Loving feelings towards friends and groups warm the first three weeks of the month.  But from 18th onwards survival matters regarding finances, self-esteem or values will be compelling.  The changes which have been rumbling since 2008 may now require action.  Steer well away from fear and be brave!

Capricorn:   Friends, groups, communities and organisations require a rethink which becomes especially apparent with the eclipse on 13th.  Meanwhile people in positions of authority will grant you favours up to 22nd.  However the land lies and whatever the huge changes since 2008, the movement of Mars into Capricorn on 18th will reinforce you and enable you to take bold and even drastic action.  Mars and Pluto last joined up in your sign mid-December 2010.  You now have a better understanding of issues which became apparent then and know what you must now do…

Aquarius:   A whole rethink regarding father, career and social status change the landscape and the implications are massive.  Feel your way towards what makes personal sense to your experiences and understanding.  The path may not yet be clear but you will become aware of the central agenda.  Have faith that it will unfold in due course.  Travel, study and legal matters favour you up to 22nd.  The internet may provide you with important information so long as you guard against compulsive use.  Your unconscious is working intensively behind the scenes too from 18th.  Retreats and time away from daily demands can be transformational.  Pay attention too to the information carried in your dreams and be a good friend to yourself!

Pisces:   Travel, philosophy, people from other cultures or legal matters may require your attention.  A rethink is on the agenda which will colour your approach to life.  An honest application of principles – positive principles – beyond self-interest, are called for.  Mars joins Pluto in your House of friends, groups, community and organisations from 18th.  This implicates power issues.  Be high-minded here too.  There will be benefits until 22nd from the money of others and sharing.  Aim for harmony and fairness.

October 2012

October 2012

There is a major shift this month as Saturn changes residence after a three year stay in Libra.  Saturn, ‘the teacher’ has been providing us with prolonged lessons in responsibility and self-awareness and the material covered should now be firmly under our belts.  Saturn never disappears though, he just moves on to the next stage of our ongoing development, so expect a change of focus on the head-scratching front.

Mercury and Venus and even Mars are whizzing through the signs.  Mercury zips through Libra, Scorpio and Sag, while Venus glides from Leo to Virgo and then Libra.  She spends most of the month in Virgo though, so they will be our ‘Charmers of the Month’.

Mercury moves into Scorpio on October 5th, along with Saturn.  And Mars, never keen on restrictions, moves out on 7th into Sag. and sets up a wild and lively dynamic with Uranus in Aries from 11th to 18th.  He then opposes Jupiter from 25th to the end of the month, when philosophical, cultural or religious differences could get heated.

So what will this mean for us all?

Aries:   You’ve just graduated from ‘relationships and partnerships school’ and your next course of study is in the transformational processes of life: birth, sex and death, joint funds and resources (including taxes, debts and inheritances) and sharing.  Relationships at work go well for most of the month, as should health (so long as you don’t over-indulge).  Travel, deep-study, philosophy and other cultures are looking lively too.  You’ll be tempted to strike out on your own beam mid-month.  Be creative about it and don’t settle for compromise.

Taurus:   You’ve done your bit in work, health and service to others and now the area for reflection is relationships and partnerships.  Your quest should become clear during the first week of the month.  Romance, dealings with children and creativity look sweet for most of the month.  Sharing (including sharing yourself) shakes you up and questions outworn mindsets, especially your previous position on security…  This could be exciting IF you allow it to show you a new way.  Full Moon in Taurus on 29th agrees!

Gemini:   You’ve completed three years of ‘learning’ in your love affairs, children and creativity zone and the new sobering area is going to be work, health and service to others.  Mother and home will be lovely for most of the month – good for entertaining!  Unexpected developments in your partners and friends zones strike mid-month.  Prepare to be challenged by partners at the end of the month too.  Although it may feel like someone trying to burst your bubble, this is a chance to grow.

Cancer:   Saturn concludes its long lessons in your mother and home sector and you can now apply your conclusions on the home front.  Mars raises your energy levels at work or in your daily routine.  Use it to get things done rather than feeding conflict situations.  You might feel like striking out and doing your own thing mid-month which could surprise others and impact your status in some way.  Relationships with siblings and neighbours go well from 6th to 28th.  Enjoy them.

Leo:   Saturn finishes its three year sombre stay in your communications zone which will lighten your mind, allow you to be more expressive and could even make physical movement easier too.  Relationships with siblings and neighbours could improve accordingly.  Creative energy is on hand from 7th which will have surprising effects on travel, philosophical or legal matters.  This could also be a call to be more romantic or to make headway in your dealings with children.  After some confusion during the first week, finances sweeten up, as does a sense of security and self-esteem.  October’s looking good!

Virgo:   Saturn gets out of your finance zone on 5th after a long and testing stay and conditions improve even more after 28th.  Energy (or friction) in the home will make you more assertive.  This could raise unpredicted passions mid-month about sharing or joint funds (or intimacy) and could affect your status from 25th.  You might feel beguiled by someone up to 6th but after that the person doing all the beguiling will be you!  Venus in Virgo bestows you with irresistible charm.  Go easy on your natural modesty and enjoy it!

Libra:   The weight moves off your back on 5th as Saturn leaves Libra where it has been weighing you down full-time since mid-July 2010 and for a while before that (from  late October 2009 to early April 2010).  Communications get brisker too as Mars in your 3rd house makes you more assertive and astute.  This could take partners by surprise mid-month and could affect travel, philosophical and legal matters from 25th.  Meanwhile, time spent alone or on retreats is healing.  Amidst the hectic pace of life, make time for gentle reflection and daydreaming!

Scorpio:   The long, hard-to-pinpoint rumblings of Saturn moving through your unconscious come to an end on 5th and things become more visible and concrete.  This will probably come as a relief but it’s time to take stock and look at yourself square on.  This will take some time and three years has been allotted for you to do just that.  Mercury moves into your sign on the same day so this doesn’t have to be an exercise in solitary confinement.  Communication is going to be key during this first month.  Money, work and ‘sharing’ all look unrestful but do your best.  The lovely area is friends – take comfort there.

Sagittarius:   Things lighten in your groups and friendships zone from 5th as Saturn moves out of your 11th House, your lessons are complete for now in this area and hopefully you’ve graduated.  Mars entering your sign on 7th gives you an extra boost of energy that’s going to be around until late December.  People might find you more assertive as a result and no harm in that.  There may be a knock-on effect mid-month in your romance, children and creativity zone which could surprise others and you might have more than usual to say to ‘partners’ from 25th.  People in high places smile upon you from 3rd to 28th, if seeking favours, ask then.

Capricorn:   Saturn leaves its long sojourn in your 10th House of father, career and social status on 5th.  You’ve survived your three years of lessons and things should now lighten in these areas.  Mars stirs up your unconscious from 7th which could have surprising consequences mid-month in your romance, children and creativity zone.  This could be just as much of a surprise to you as to others.  There could also be a knock-on effect in work, health, service to others and daily routine from 25th.  Travel and legal matters run sweetly from 3rd to 28th – spread those wings!

Aquarius:   Hold-ups in travel, study and legal matters lift on 5th and your philosophical outlook should be cheerier as a result.  How to think about things has been one of the items under scrutiny and you can now apply your conclusions.  Mars gives you extra energy for friendships, groups and community from 7th.  This gives you exciting ideas mid-month and challenges your present position on love affairs, children and creativity from 25th.  The money of others and sharing both bring benefits this month!

Pisces:   Your long and hard-learnt lessons in sharing and the money of others complete on 5th and should lighten things up accordingly.  Venus gliding into your 7th House of partnerships for most of the month also brings warm, light relief.  The only tricky fly in the ointment could be Mars which heightens your ambitions and brings surprising effects to your changeable finances and possibly self-esteem mid-month (and then challenges home-life from 25th).  Make sure you use this positively and don’t ride roughshod over others.

August 2012

Your Horoscope for August 2012

This month Mercury goes direct on 8th releasing us from a catalogue of miscommunications and mislaid items.  Then we have a few days of plain sailing until Mars hits Saturn from 12th until 20th (which might be felt earlier too).

Mars -Saturn suggests force v. resistance.  Not comfortable: but this can help to bring about a breakthrough in stagnant structures, defences and debilitating fears.  At the very least, underlying tensions will be brought to the surface which can be helpful, although not everyone welcomes such outings.

Mars can help Saturn to move forwards and overcome its self-imposed limitations, if Saturn allows it to, rather than trying to control everything (its usual stance).  Whether Mars benefits at all however, is hard to say.  Certainly it may learn some self-discipline and become more practical and grounded but it could equally turn into an exercise in sheer frustration.  Accordingly, this would not be a good time for launching new projects.

The New Moon in Leo on 17th reminds us to be creative in our problem solving.  But wait until after 20th to apply your great solutions.  Venus completes its extended four-month tour through Gemini on 7th and glides into the next sign, making Cancerians the charismatic darlings of the zodiac for a month.  Be sure to include them in your invitations.  For the rest of us, it is a good time to create some harmony in the home, be that visual, emotional or musical.

So what will these planetary movements mean for us all?

Aries:   Your mother and home zone sweetens from 7th and communications with children or love affairs moves forwards from 8th.  The two year build up of difficulty in relationships and partnerships starts to crescendo from 12th.  There’s a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel on 17th when the New Moon helps you to realise how to move creatively forwards (although action may not be possible until after 20th).  Work and health look brighter after 23rd, include positive self-talk so you’re firing on all cylinders.

Taurus:   Communications are your forte this month (from 7th), as Venus turns your tongue and pen to honey.  A sobering week from 12th when health or work matters demand your attention.  A sideways approach will strangely help.  Make a creative new start at home on 17th and see how it helps these other areas.  Mars bursts into your relationships and partnerships zone on 23rd, just as Sun moves into your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity.  Could this be romance, or even love?

Gemini:   Finances look good from 7th and communications pick up from 8th.  So all is well, until Mars hits Saturn in your love affairs, children and creativity zone from 12th to 20th (and maybe earlier).  Ouch!  New Moon on 17th should creatively oil the wheels in communications.  But don’t forget, however we think about things, makes it so.  Why do I mention this?  It’s time to be more creative in your way of thinking…  I can see you frowning as you read this but keep an open mind, you might even enjoy it!

Cancer:   Venus enters your sign on 7th making your charms more than apparent to all.  But what a contrast to things with mother and home…  Try to welcome or be philosophical about whatever gets stirred up and voiced.  Better out than in.  And look for a creative approach to whatever’s causing all this tension.  The New Moon on 17th should give you a wider angle on how security should be looked at.  Take action with words (spoken or written) from 23rd.

Leo:  You’ll be pleased to know that Mercury (which has been scuppering up your sense of self) starts getting more helpful from 8th after over three weeks in reverse gear.    The New Moon in your sign also heralds a new start on 17th when life can be looked at afresh once again.  Venus is soothing your unconscious this month too.  The Mars – Saturn battle will be in communications from 12th – 20th.  It’s temporary.  Keep that in mind if things get unpleasant for a while (including your own thoughts).  Old structures and ways of thinking are being challenged.  Welcome this as a break-through.  And get more exercise!

Virgo:   For someone so helpful, why is it you’re so unhelpful to yourself?  Yes, Mercury’s been retrograde for a while, confusing your compassion and self-talk but that gets resolved on 8th.  Could the underlying cause be self-esteem?  Either that or money are going to raise their heads from 12th to 20th.  And the two may somehow be linked.  It’s time to look honestly and unflinchingly at whatever comes up.  New Moon in Leo on 17th could be an opportunity to start being nicer to yourself.  And the Sun entering your sign on 23rd (after a 12-month absence) brings renewal and fresh energy.  This is your astrological New Year.  Make resolutions that favour yourself.  And stick to them!

Libra:   The tensions arising from 12th (and possibly before), bring personal realisations you may have been trying to avoid.  There’s been a two and a half year build up to this opportunity for deeper self-understanding.  It may be a bitter herb but grasp it as a helpful friend.  If you can embrace the truth, the New Moon on 17th shows the way forward and movement becomes possible on 20th.  Make the most of Venus enhancing your reputation from 7th.  It will incline those in authority to smile warmly upon you.  You have right up until Sept 6th to ask them for favours.

Scorpio:   The confusing mess-ups and misunderstandings in your father, career and status zone move out of reverse on 8th which will doubtless be a relief.  The New Moon on 17th brings a creative fresh start there, so hang on till then.  Mars and Saturn meet up from 12th to 20th in your unconscious zone.  This isn’t comfortable but it could be time to look yet again at unhelpful thinking patterns and self-talk.  Work on whatever you find and become more supportive of yourself (not defensive).  Mars enters your sign on 23rd.  What does that mean?  Loads of energy and fresh resolve!  Use it to move forwards.

Sagittarius:   Money from others or sensual delights may flow your way after 7th and career and status brighten from 23rd.  Serious matters build up in your friends, groups and community area from 12th and will require some serious thought.  The New Moon on 17th might help with a new philosophical outlook or a clearer perspective.  If hitting the road, wait until after 8th.  Squeeze in time with nature too.  Wherever you hang your hat is your home.

Capricorn:   Another memorable month for Goats!  Relationships and partnerships proceed sweetly from 7th and the communication block on shared funds lifts on 8th.  Your father, career and status zone take momentous priority from 12th to 20th.  This may not come as a surprise as you’ve been battling both restrictions and extra responsibilities for two full years (perhaps even two and a half).  New Moon in Leo on 17th comes to the rescue, bringing creative sharing and generosity to the surface.  Apply your new understanding from 20th.  Travel and legal matters brighten from 22nd.  Friends, groups and community help you to think and communicate more creatively from 23rd.  Take their advice.

Aquarius:   Communications in relationships and partnerships improve after 8th and the New Moon on 17th brings a fresh start.  This will help with the tensions presenting from 12th to 20th connected to travel, philosophy, and legal matters.  Venus glides into your 6th House of work and health on 7th, softening relationships with co-workers and people in your daily life.  Health should be glowing too, so long as you don’t over-indulge…

Pisces:   Communications at work start to improve after 8th and the New Moon on 17th  heralds a fresh start in this area.  Strangely, this could also help an on-going situation in your 8th House, regarding the money of others, joint funds and sharing which get even more tense from 12th to 20th.  There are still things for you to learn here.  Venus smoothes along travel and legal matters and softens your outlook from 7th.  Apply it to those tricky areas.

September 2012

Your Horoscopes for September 2012

Mercury, normally clear as a bell in Virgo, runs into fog during the first week of September, as it finds itself opposite Neptune and Chiron.  Venus helps by attracting attention elsewhere, as she dramatically strides into Leo on 6th.  The main player this month though is Pluto which goes direct on 18th after being retrograde since mid-April; changing power dynamics in many situations.  This will be in a different area of life for each sign of the zodiac.

So what will it mean for you?  (Read your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it).

Aries:   Pluto starts to move forwards on 18th in your father, career and social status zone.  It’s been in reverse since mid-April, so any uncertainty will soon be behind you.  Pluto is about power too, so you may gather a sense of your own (use it wisely).  Overcoming obstacles that have been holding you back (possibly yourself…) could be one good application.  Romance and children look good from 6th and partnerships become more active after 22nd.  Saturn’s last lap through your 7th House is finishing off the two and a half year learning process in your relationships and partnerships area.  The Sun arrives there on 22nd and tries to rescue or jolly things along.  Whether this is possible or not will probably become clear when Full Moon in your sign on 30th will demand total uncompromising honesty.  Insist upon it from others and be sure to offer nothing less yourself.

Taurus:   Philosophical, travel or legal matters start to move forwards on 18th and home is sweet from 6th.  Share some of that harmony entertaining others.  Beautifying it could be part of the picture too.  Friendship v. romance looks confusing the first week of the month and Mars may arouse passions regarding relationships and partnerships.  Full Moon on 30th brings sudden realisations and an aspect of yourself that you usually keep under wraps may come to the fore.  The two and a half year weight of Saturn in your work and health zone is almost over.  The Sun brightens prospects from 22nd and by Oct 5th it will all be history!

Gemini:   Pluto shifts helpfully forwards on 18th, improving your joint finances zone and attitudes towards sharing.  Your two and a half year study programme on love affairs, children and creativity is rounding the last bend.  And the Sun helps to lighten things a little from 22nd.  Complexities between career and home look tricky from 1st to 7th but Venus in your 3rd House of communications should help to resolve any misunderstandings.  Full Moon on 30th brings the unexpected from friends, groups and community and something can be learnt about your ideals.

Cancer:   Venus in your sign squares up to Saturn on 3rd which could feel like obstacles in the home.  (Yes, this could take the form of people).  Saturn’s almost completed its long and heavy run (or two and a half year crawl) through your mother and home zone and the Sun helps things along from 22nd.  Romance, children and creativity give you energy and partnerships start to move forward on 18th.  Siblings, neighbours and different cultures, travel or legal matters clash during the first week of August but fortunate finances help to sort things out in the following weeks.  Your hunches are still working well –  trust them.

Leo:   What a charmer you are this month as Venus glides into your sign from 6th.  Saturn’s two and a half year stay in your 3rd House of communications has only five more weeks to run and meanwhile you have lots of ‘energy’ to apply to your roots, home and personal development.  Power issues connected to work, health and service to others start to move forwards from 18th after a five month period in reverse.  And the Full Moon on 30th brings emotional surprises connected to travel, philosophy and legal matters.  Let it excite you.

Virgo:   Thinking straight (your usual forte) will be far from easy during the first week of September.  Your ruling planet Mercury moving through your sign would normally delight in Virgo’s crisp, clarity but this time Neptune and Chiron are fogging things up from your partnership zone and it’s hard to see the wood for the trees.  Venus comes to the rescue from 6th when the best thing might be to trust your hunches but be precise in your communications.  Romance, children and creativity start to move forwards from 18th after five months in reverse.  If the Full Moon on 30th brings things to light about sharing or joint funds, be prepared to be honest with yourself and take action!

Libra:   The month begins with an opportunity to look at how ways of thinking impact your health but the big shift this month is in your mother and home zone when Pluto moves direct on 18th after five months in reverse.  This could indicate forward movement in power issues in the home, a home make-over, plumbing work or progress in your personal development.  Energy abounds as Mars gallops through your 2nd House.  Use it to further your income (rather than conflicts over money).  Friends, groups and community matters go well from 6th.  If the Full Moon on 30th brings up surprises in partnerships, be ready with the truth!

Scorpio:   There may be confusion between friendship and romance during the first week of September but this fades into insignificance as Mars propels you along with a huge amount of energy and drive to get things done.  Communications and dealings with siblings and neighbours improve from 18th after five months in reverse.  Channel the power of your mind for transformation.  And those in authority smile upon you from 6th so if you need any favours – ask.  Your status looks rosy too.  Saturn’s two and a half year long plod through your unconscious is almost complete and you should be much more aware of your inner-workings as a result.  Take any work or health surprises that crop up with the Full Moon on 30th, in your stride.

Sagittarius:   Getting things clear with father, career and social status is tricky during the first week of September due to confusion and interference from mother and home.  But Venus saves the day bringing a gentler philosophy or favourable travel or legal matters from 6th.  (Attraction to people from other cultures or viewpoints is a possibility too).  The big shift though is Pluto’s change of direction in your 2nd House of money, security and self-esteem, after five months in reverse.  Things are moving forwards.  Look on the interesting side of surprises that crop up on 30th when the Full Moon stars in your romance, children and creativity zone.

Capricorn:   The law is clear but communications are not – which just creates confusion during the first week of September.  Nevertheless, a sense of power returns to you from 18th after a five-month ebb, seemingly of others wielding theirs inappropriately.  You’re still currently the phoenix of the zodiac as this month will yet again prove.  This is the last full month of Saturn in your 10th House which has been weighing down matters to do with father, career and social status for the last two and a half years.  From 6th Venus favours you in sharing, joint funds and the money of others – about time!

Aquarius:   Finances look confusing during the first week of September but the distraction of Venus in your 7th House of partnerships will draw your focus to sweeter things from Sep 6th onwards.  You feel better inclined towards existing partners or more open to new possibilities if you’re single.  You’ll be applying energy to your career and status this month but the biggest shift is far behind the scenes in your unconscious when Pluto goes direct on 18th after five months moving backwards.  This means you can harness your mind to work for you, not against you.  Yes, anything is possible.

Pisces:   Communications and thought processes may not lend themselves to clarity during the first week of September, so use the flow for painting, poetry and dancing instead.  Pluto moves direct on 18th, turning around power dynamics with friends, community and organisations.  Be sure to use yours honourably.  Saturn has almost completed its long stretch of lessons in your area of sharing, joint funds and the money of others.  The Sun will help things along here from 22nd.  The Full Moon on 30th brings about surprises in finances, security and self-esteem.  Be ready for an awakening.

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