May Horoscopes
Our shared planetary picture
In the Northern hemisphere spring is now fully underway and dormant plants, trees and shrubs are filling out in their full glory. It is the Taurean time of year and New Moon in Taurus late on 4th presents us all with an opportunity to be fertile – in different areas of life for each sign.
Venus enters Taurus too (one of her own signs) on 15th. This heightens the senses and a longing to embrace Mother Nature, wherever in the world you are. There may be surprises and sudden attractions around 16th – 18th when Venus joins Uranus. Perhaps a new form of creativity will grab you too!
Mars finishes its tour of Gemini on 16th and leaps into Cancer for the rest of the month. Home, nurturing (including self-nurture) and dealings with mother figure, all get a bolt of energy. Personal development comes into this too.
What do you need to do for yourself? If you already know or can work it out, this could be your time to get started!
So what will this mean for us all?
Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.
Aries: New Moon on 4th falls in your finance zone which is the perfect time to draw up a budget or financial plans for the month and year ahead. These may not go entirely to plan as Uranus (which is occupying this area of your solar chart for the next seven years) brings the unexpected… but Venus adds a rosy glow to your present financial picture from 15th.
Communications may be tricky from 1st – 9th or you may rub up authority figures in an unhelpful way. But with Venus in your sign until 15th, you should be able to charm your way through any prickly situations.
Your ruling planet Mars leaps into your mother and home zone from 16th when it will be all stations go on home improvement projects, dealings with mother figures (or the need to be more assertive if you are one yourself). Personal development raises its head too. Give it your full attention and push for more enlightened vistas!
Taurus: The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 21st, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. And New Moon on 4th marks the start of your emotional New Year. Make resolutions that will help to generate what you hope to find in your emotional life in the year ahead. The world is looking fresh and new. Many Happy Solar and Lunar Returns!
You will be actively working on your finances until 16th as Mars provides the energy and impetus to sort things out. And perhaps you will work out op ways of generating a new or second income.
Your ruling planet Venus glides into your sign from 16th, adding to your charms. Others will notice them too, especially around 17th – 18th which coincides with Full Moon in your opposite sign. Could love be knocking at your door? Creativity is exciting too!
Gemini: The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 21st!
Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal New Year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.
Your ruling planet Mercury is zooming around and skips into your sign from 21st. Mars stays in your sign too until 16th, adding resolve and determination to your endeavours. It then moves into your 2nd House of money, possessions, income, security and values. This could be the bolt of energy you have been looking for, to start up a new or second stream of income. Now what could that be?
Cancer: Despite possible initial misunderstandings from 6th – 9th, Venus helps to eventually get authority figures on your side up until 15th. The same applies to dealings with father figures (or your own dealings as a father, if you are one). Harmonious outcomes can be found around 10th.
Time spent with friends and in groups and community is interesting and enjoyable, especially from 15th onwards. You may also be introduced to new ideas or new people which will be refreshing and enlivening. Have you thought about joining a group? Or maybe even starting one?
On 16th Mars leaps into your sign, filling you with energy and determination to push your agenda forwards. Make headway immediately as after June 12th it may run into some opposition from Saturn and Pluto.
Venus and Uranus could spark attraction tto a friend around 16th – 18th. And Full Moon on 18th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone. Who knows what this wave may bring?
Leo: Your principles and daily demands may clash around the start of the month. Work commitments may get in the way of taking a trip, taking up studies or sorting out legal matters. This should pass by 9th though and you can then proceed.
Mars in your 12th House after 16th can help you to confront and sort out any self-sabotage that has been going on. It can also help you to get creative behind the scenes.
If your career has been in the doldrums, that is about to change as New Moon on 4th marks a fresh start and time to put new resolutions in place. How would you like to be seen in public? And what can you do in the year ahead to bring that about?
Venus glides in to help here from 15th (until 9th June). Influential people in positions of authority will want to help you advance. If there is a way they can help you, be sure to ask!
Virgo: If you are thinking of planning a trip, a course of study or attending to legal matters, the New Moon on 4th may be a good point to get started. Venus’s arrival from 15th favours you and makes interactions pleasurable. And when it joins Uranus around 16th – 18th, unexpected outcomes could take you by surprise!
Mars continues to forge your career and social status onwards until 16th. And your ruling planet Mercury takes over with quick-thinking, bright ideas from 21st. Your sparkling voice (whether spoken or written) is out there in the public eye.
From 16th Mars energises dealings with friends, groups and community. This is good for leadership and getting things done. Have you been thinking of joining or starting a group? The planetary wind is now behind you. Forge ahead!
Libra: Your ruling planet Venus keeps relationships running smoothly until 15th, despite a choppy start to the month on the mother and home front. These two areas of life are not that compatible right now and your Libran charms may be tested.
New Moon on 4th falls in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone. This is a good point to sort out loans, debts, wills, inheritances and joint accounts. Venus helps things along here too from 15th but it immediately encounters unpredictable Uranus around 16th – 18th when anything could happen (including sudden, intense attractions… ).
Mars zooms into your father, career and social status sector from 16th. If you have been holding back on ambitions for any reason, get back on track as Mars will provide the energy, drive and determination to push things forward.
Scorpio: Work and health are looking good during the first half of the month as Venus smoothes relations with colleagues and daily companions (apart from a few differences of opinion around 6th – 9th when you should avoid being dramatic…).
Your personal relationships and business partnerships are looking good too, especially from 16th onwards when Venus creates harmony and co-operation. New Moon on 4th falls here too, marking a fresh phase in relationships and partnerships. Make resolutions that will help them along.
Full Moon in your sign on 18th follows an exciting two days of Venus and Uranus creating attraction and excitement. Be experimental!
Sagittarius: New Moon on 4th marks a fresh start in work, health or service to others. Pets could come into this too. Have you been thinking about a new daily companion? Or perhaps a new job or health regime?
Venus joins Uranus around 16th – 18th in this same area of your solar chart. This is an exciting combination and could generate a passing attraction to a work colleague or to a creative new regime.
Mars keeps things sparky in relationships and partnerships until 16th, then it changes focus onto joint funds (including taxes, wills, debts and inheritances), sharing and intimacy. Do you have matters that need sorting out? Here is the bolt of energy to get you started.
Capricorn: If you have plans concerning romance, children or creativty; May 5th (following the New Moon late on 4th) is a good point to roll them into action. This becomes even more enjoyable after Venus arrives on 15th.
The first half of the month presents some challenges, when keeping things harmonious at home or with mother figures, demands much of you. Or the process of beautifying your home could be challenging in some way too. All of this will have blown over by 9th though and you can hope to enjoy the results of your efforts from 10th – 15th.
Mars completes its energetic tour of your work and health zone and leaps into relationships and partnerships on 16th. Mars generates heat which can express itself in passion or conflict. Opt for the former!
Aquarius: Home sweet home is looking even sweeter this month with New Moon on 4th marking the start of a new cycle. Make resolutions that will help you to achieve the home that you want. We all spring into the world from the home, so how things are domestically, colours our trajectory into the world. This also includes dealings with mother figures and working on our personal development.
Venus joins the picture too from 15th and you may find yourself wanting to beautify your home or inviting others to share its pleasures with you. When Venus joins your ruling planet Uranus here around 16th – 18th, memorable experiences are likely. If entertaining, be ready for surprises.
You may even find romance while sitting at home! This is not to be confused with lasting love. But what would life be without some excitement? Another possibility is a brand new design to an area of your home or making a new space for creative activity. This is exciting too!
Mars leaps into your work and health zone from 16th. Time to look for a new job perhaps or to start a new health regime?
Pisces: Communications and your way of thinking are ready for a breath of fresh air which comes in the form of New Moon on 4th. This is a good point to practise positive thinking and affirmations and to take classes or to teach your skills to others. Or perhaps create a new presence on the internet?
Finances look mostly rosy until 15th, apart from some tricky dynamics around 6th – 9th. But from 15th onwards, Venus smoothes things along in communications which makes for enjoyable conversations and pleasure from short journeys, trading and dealings with neighbours and siblings.
You might have a brainwave around 16th – 18th when Venus meets Uranus. Full Moon on 18th could intensify this and Mars moving into your romance, children and creativity zone at the same time (from 16th) could result in the unexpected. This does not always produce long-lasting situations but it is an awakening. Awaken!
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
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