February 2019
Our shared planetary picture
Commitments and responsibilities loom large this month as Venus and Saturn in Capricorn remind us of our duties and obligations from 16th – 18th. We also have chance to observe power patterns in our relationships from 22nd – 23rd. with Venus joining Pluto, also in Capricorn. Mars is on the move this month too. It finishes its stay in Aries in spectacular fashion from 10th – 13th when it meets up with Uranus for a rebellious finale.
Chiron (planet of wounding and healing) which has been moving through Pisces for eight years, finally leaves on 18th and moves into Aries for a seven-year stay. Time for us all to round up healing in one area of life and move on to another. Aries is about assertiveness and going after what we want. If you feel you may have wounds connected to this, an opportunity to work through them is opening up.
From 14th Mars in Taurus adds energy and determination to help us build solid foundations (in a different area of lifw for each sign). All of the planets are direct for the whole month, so this is a good time to press forwards.
So what will this mean for us all?
Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.
Aries: The month starts with a bang as your ruling planet Mars squares Pluto. You may find yourself at odds with authority figures. Or if you are the authority, you may find others challenging you. No one is likely to bend and each will resist any show of power by the other. Deal with this as best you can. Authority figures continue to feature throughout the month, sometimes helpful and sometimes not.
Mars continues to forge ahead in your sign, adding to your grit and determination and propelling you ever forward until mid-month. And from 10th – 13th Mars meets up with Uranus, urging you to do your own thing in your own way. The raw, uncompromised core of yourself can achieve the unexpected and surprise us all. This is not a time for pleasing others. Do what you must do. Be who you must be. Do not compromise!
New Moon on 4th opens a fresh chapter in your friends, groups and communal life. Have you thought about joining or starting a group or humanitarian project? This is a good point to do so.
From 14th Mars will be in your 2nd House and you will be pouring your energy into building up money reserves, acquiring possessions and you will want to take action with regards to security, values and self-esteem. You have the raw energy to get a second income or a new project off of the ground. And others would be advised to keep out of your way!
Chiron moves into Aries on 18th for a long stay. This opens up a seven-year period when you have the possibility to heal old wounds to your identity in some way. Take the possibility and make it a reality.
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
Taurus: New Moon on 4th marks the start of your Professional New Year. Make resolutions that will help to generate whatever you hope to find in your career and social standing in the month and year ahead.
Your ruling planet Venus has an eventful month ahead too. From 3rd it is in your 9th House which usually smooths out travel, philosophical and ethical matters but this month it has encounters with three heavy-weights. The first is a meeting with Saturn around 16th – 18th when duty calls. Though this can result in a commitment or a product if you have been working creatively.
Pluto is close behind from 22nd – 23rd. This brings about intensity either through a creative process or an intense attraction (even obsession) towards a desirable someone.
And then Venus squares Uranus from 27th – 28th which shakes up any pre-conceived ideas around relationships, creativity and values. If you have been compromising in some way, here is a challenge to be true to yourself, starting now!
On 14th, Mars leaps into your sign adding extra dynamism and determination to your creative self-expression. Any projects that need an extra thrust, will benefit from this fresh turbo charge. The bull has got loose. Others beware!
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
Gemini: There are many bumps and starts in your joint funds this month. Venus which graces this area of your solar chart usually helps things along here but it runs into Saturn from 16th – 18th which may draw things to a thought-provoking halt.
Joint funds includes taxes, debts and inheritances. ‘The money of others’, sharing and intimacy are also included. This Venus-Saturn aspect from can generate fears of loss or separation and commitments are sometimes taken on, in response to this. Venus then joins Pluto from 22nd – 23rd and power issues or fatal attraction get added to the mix too…
Mars continues to liven up your dealings with friends, groups and community. Surprises could come too as it finishes its stay in an encounter with Uranus – calling for the pure uncompromised version of who you truly are, to express itself here. Do you need to change the terms of a friendship or perhaps join or leave a group?
From 18th the Sun is illuminating your father, career and social status zone. Chiron (planet of wounding and healing) leaves here too after an eight-year stay. With lessons hopefully learned and healing hopefully in place, you can now go into the world as a more integrated human being. Your new area for healing is friendships, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
Cancer: New Moon on 4th (at 21.05 GMT) is in Aquarius and marks the start of a new cycle to do with joint funds, sharing and intimacy. This includes taxes, debts and inheritances. Mercury helps with ideas and communications until 10th too.
Mars helps you to forge ahead with your ambitions until 14th and may cause quite a stir when it joins forces with Uranus from 10th – 13th. If anyone imagines you are a pushover, they will quickly learn otherwise. You will not tolerate shows of authority from anyone. This is not a time for compromise. Be true to yourself.
From 14th Mars livens up your experiences with friends, groups and community. You will have energy to offer here and your determination can help group projects, humanitarian ideals or a friend in need. Collective goals will be the sweetest.
Relationships and partnerships continue to be the hot potato as Venus runs into Saturn around 16th – 18th. This could result in restrictions or a commitment of some kind. And when Venus reaches Pluto from 22nd – 23rd powerful feelings come to the fore. This may be around power patterns in your relationships or an intense attraction to someone (possibly to someone you know might not be good for you). But when Venus squares Uranus from 27th – 28th you will insist on freedom to do whatever you like. Unexpected attractions may crop up then too!
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
Leo: New Moon on 4th falls in your relationships and partnerships zone. It may be time to turn over a new leaf here either in an existing relationship or by finding a new one. Make resolutions that will help you to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead. Mercury and the Sun add energy and thought to this process until 10th and 18th respectively.
Work, health and service to others are a big focus this month. There will be demands on your patience and things could get intense but there can be creative outcomes. Actual products could be the result of a Venus-Saturn meet-up from 16th – 18th. And observe powerful dynamics around 22nd – 23rd with work colleagues or daily companions. You could learn something helpful about your patterns of relating. An intense attraction to a colleague is another possibility…
During the first half of the month Mars is forging ahead in your 9th House of exploration. This gives energy for travel, studies, legal matters and publishing (including the internet). And from 10th – 13th Mars joins Uranus, pushing for pure uncompromised expression.
On 14th Mars jumps into your professional zone. This puts you in the driving seat, determined to push your career and ambitions forward. Dealings with father or authority figures could be heated. If you happen to be one yourself, use your influence well.
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
Virgo: It may be time for a new job or health routine as New Moon on 4th (at 21.05 GMT) flags up an opportunity for a fresh start. Your ruling planet Mercury is on board too until 10th, providing ideas and willingness to be more physically active or open-minded. What you include in your daily routine (and when) makes a big difference to your sense of wellbeing. Experiment to see what works best for you. It may be time to consider or start a new line of work too.
Your romance, children and creativity zone is also fully occupied this month as Venus tries to glide through but not without incident. From 16th – 18th it runs into Saturn which carries a serious note. This can also result in a concrete product of some kind if you are active, creatively.
Venus then runs into Pluto from 22nd – 23rd when powerful feelings (and perhaps actions) may emerge. These can be realisations around power patterns in your relationships or an obsessive fascination with a certain someone. These are passing transits but learn what you can about yourself from them.
Mars spends the first half of the month in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone, urging you to sort out debts, loans, taxes and inheritances. Compromise will not be on the cards from 10th – 13th when Mars meets Uranus and you must be true to your inner self. Then from 14th Mars revs up your appetite and energy for travel, deep study, philosophy and ethical or legal matters.
Then from 18th, your attention turns to relationships and partnerships. Chiron has hopefully been attending to old wounds here over the past eight years. It is replaced by the Sun on the same day. And your new area for healing is joint funds (including joint accounts, taxes, debts and inheritances), intimacy and sharing.
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
Libra: Your ruling planet Venus loves harmony and a tranquil time but this month is not likely to provide that. From 3rd it is in your 4th House of mother and home which usually helps to smooth out domestic matters, self-nurture and dealings with mother figures but this month is looking very eventful. Venus’s first encounter is with Saturn around 16th – 18th when duty calls. Hard work may be called for: be that practical or emotional obstacles in the home.
Pluto is close behind from 22nd – 23rd. This brings about an intense desire for transformation in or of the home. Watch out for power plays. This could also symbolically be a deep desire to work on your personal development. Be open to this possibility too.
Then Venus squares Uranus from 27th – 28th which shakes up any pre-conceived ideas around relationships, partnerships, creativity and values. If you have been compromising in some way, here is a challenge to be true to yourself, starting now!
Mars continues to heat your relationships and partnerships zone until 14th with a big rebellious jolt around 10th – 13th. It then leaps into your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. This includes taxes, debts, joint accounts and inheritances. Do you need to take action in one of these areas? Mars will help you to press forwards.
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
Scorpio: It may be time to turn over a new leaf at home as New Moon on 4th marks the start of your Domestic New Year. Make resolutions and plans that will help you to achieve a home that supports you. Personal development also comes into this. Are there any courses that would benefit you? The Sun and Mercury lend energy and thought to this process too.
Finances continue to look good, especially up to 3rd. Then Venus glides into your communications zone. This is a busy area this month and not without challenges. When Venus meets Saturn around 16th – 18th, your mind will be serious. Give time and attention to how you are relating to others in your daily life. If a letter needs writing or a creative project working on, you could come up with a concrete result.
Venus meets your ruling planet Pluto around 22nd – 23rd and the issue of power in relationships presents itself, along with the power of thought and the power of words. Is your self-talk doing a helpful job? Venus and Pluto can also take the form of obsessive attraction… This could be a good time to examine your emotional patterns.
Uranus is on its last lap shaking up your work, health and service to others zone and Mars joins it from 10th – 13th. This is a call for change and doing your own thing, in the way you want to do it. Changes to your diet, exercise and daily routine are up for experimentation. Then from 14th, Mars leaps into your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships, bringing heat and energy. Will you direct that towards conflict or passion?
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
Sagittarius: Venus spends the first few days of the month in your sign. Enjoy your popularity. But from 3rd onwards it is doing its best to smooth out your financial wrinkles. This is not all plain sailing as Saturn gets in the way from 16th – 18th, followed by Pluto from 22nd – 23rd and Uranus from 27th – 28th. These could signify delays, power plays and sudden changes. Keep a calm head regardless.
New Moon on 4th falls in your communications zone. If you have been considering taking or teaching a new course, a new exercise or dance regime or a written or spoken project; now is a good time to start. Singing looks good too! A new approach to relations with siblings and neighbours can also be timely.
Mars completes its run through your romance, children and creativity zone until 14th then it leaps into your 6th House of work, health and service to others. This is another indicator that it is time to start a new regime or job search if you are unhappy in your work. Your daily routine as well as diet can benefit from a clean sweep and daily companions may notice you being more ‘feisty’ than usual…
Chiron, planet of wounding and healing, finishes its eight-year stay in your mother and home zone and from 18th moves on to heal wounds around romance, children and creativity for the next seven years.
Mercury zips through your mother and home zone from 10th and the Sun joins it from 18th. This will provide new ideas about your home and you may find yourself moving furniture around or ringing in the changes in some way. And when Neptune throws in an idealistic mist on 18th – 19th, make sure you have been understood by mother-figures and housemates. Navigate with your antennae.
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
Capricorn: You have an eventful month ahead as Venus glides through your sign from 3rd but not without incident. Its first encounter is with Saturn around 16th – 18th when fears of loss or separation might colour your mood and even your decisions. Sit this out though. It is a passing transit and fear-based decisions rarely turn out to be the best ones.
Venus then runs into Pluto around 22nd – 23rd and the power balance in your relationships may become apparent. The person you are mainly tussling with this month: is yourself! Deal with this as honestly and as best as you can. Self-awareness is 90% of the battle.
New Moon on 4th (at 21.05 GMT) is in your money and security zone. This is a perfect time to draw up a new budget or financial plan for the year ahead. It is also an opportunity to look afresh at non-material ways that offer a sense of security. This can be through a philosophy or through creativity.
Around 10th – 14th Mars joins Uranus and ends its stay in your mother and home zone in an unexpected way. You will want to do your own thing, in your own way and others may just have to adjust to that this time. Self-nurture, personal development and dealings with mother figures come into this too.
From 14th Mars brings energy to your romance, children and creativity zone. Time to get the show on the road!
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
Aquarius: The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 18th radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. New Moon on 4th (at 21.05 GMT) is also in Aquarius. The world is looking fresh and new. Many Happy Lunar Returns! This marks the start of your Personal New Year. Make resolutions that will help to generate whatever is needed to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead.
Your 12th House of spirituality and creativity behind the scenes is very active this month. Your compassion will be heightened and you will be especially sensitive to the pain and suffering of others. There can be creative products from your understanding and imagination too. Dreams and visions could be informative, as could the internet. Pay attention to your self-talk too and keep it positive.
Communications and movement in the physical world are also high-lighted this month with a burst of revolutionary thought or movement on offer around 10th – 13th! Express yourself in your pure uncompromised way. (Keep dance in mind as an outlet for expression too!)
On 14th Mars leaps into your mother and home zone. Any DIY or home improvement projects will benefit from this burst of energy. Self nurture and personal development are areas to take action on too. Dealings with mother-figures could be energetic… Make them fair and productive too!
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
Pisces: Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 18th!
Your birthday whether this month or next is your Personal New Year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.
Mars completes its energetic stay in your finance and security zone in a surprising flash, as it joins forces with Uranus from 10th – 13th. This brings up raw, primal energy that urges you to be completely true to your values. Compromise is not an option right now. This could be to do with how (or how not) you are willing to generate an income and what money should (or should not) be spent on.
From 14th Mars livens up communications and physical movement. This could be good for writing, dancing and your day to day communications. Add self-talk to your list of priorities and be sure to keep it positive!
On 18th Chiron completes its eight-year stay in your sign. This has been an opportunity for healing old wounds around identity. Its next area to work on over the next seven years is money, possessions, security, values and self-esteem. Time to heal old wounds here now.
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
To find out more get in touch. To view more horoscopes, please go to the Horoscopes page.