July 2016
Our shared planetary picture
We have a mix of challenging and harmonious planetary aspects happening this month, starting with an opposition from Pluto to Venus, Mercury and Sun in Cancer one by one from 1st – 7th. This is a collective opportunity for us all to examine the power dynamics in our relationship patterns and in how we communicate with others and express ourselves. Self realisation is good but should not be at the expense of others.
A sequence of Grand Trines (a lovely formation of planets making equilateral triangles in the heavens) runs from 5th – 16th. It is in Water signs which creates an emotional and compassionate flow. But Uranus in Aries (sign of pioneering and self-interest is at odds with many of these planets from 1st – 16th. So the fundamental issues of compassion versus self-interest are very visible collectively for us all to observe and ponder on…
On 20th Jupiter finally gets clear of an ongoing entanglement with Saturn and Neptune, leaving them to frustrate each other, as one represents reality and the other the dream. Jupiter in Virgo brings expansion through what we can actually do with our own hands which includes work of any kind, hands-on healing, crafts and service to others. Pursue the area that most excites you and be part of Jupiter’s free leap forwards!
So what will this mean for us all?
Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.
Aries: Your ruling planet Mars is at odds with Uranus which is slowly moving through your sign. This creates a dilemma as your natural Martial urge is to make headway whereas Uranus in your sign is challenging you to be the pure uncompromised version of yourself. Mars is presently in your 8th House of joint funds and sharing (financially and intimately) and you want to push ahead here but Uranus is asking – is this really you? You have until 14th to fathom this out.
Meanwhile, three personal planets are bringing pleasure to your mother and home zone and you may want to beautify your nest or invite others to share it. There’s some conflict though between this and your worldly ambitions between 1st – 7th.
Mars is in good aspect to Chiron all month which can help with healing your inner workings and from 5th – 16th they form a positive Grand Trine with three other planets. This provides a healing emotional flow which is also an important opportunity this month. Let it flow!
Taurus: Ideas are flowing as three personal planets pass through your communications zone during the first three weeks of the month and you might be zipping about physically yourself. Relations with siblings and neighbours should be good and shopping might hold some extra appeal…
From 12th these planets move one by one into your mother and home zone, starting with Venus and you will probably want to beautify your home or invite others to share its pleasures. Sun is the last to arrive on 22nd and self-expression at home or through nurturing (yourself and others) feels important. Personal development is an area to explore too.
Mars is making headway in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships all month which can either arouse desires or cause friction or both. This runs counter to Uranus until 14th which is warning you not to compromise yourself, if that seems to be the cost. Your individuality and growth are paramount and repeating unhelpful emotional patterns might not be the best use of your time. So the question is – are you? You may not be but self awareness is half the battle.
Gemini: The first half of the month throws emphasis onto your money, possessions, security and values zone as Venus, Mercury and the Sum pass through. This is usually positive for income although people you’re financially linked with may make heavy demands on joint funds during the first week.
The three planets above are part of a lovely Grand Trinewhich creates a circuit of positive energy between your income, work and social status zones bringing a feeling that all is well in these areas at least. And this continues from 6th -16th. New Moon on 4th falls in your finance zone too, marking the beginning of your financial new year. This is a perfect time to make some fiscal resolutions and plans for the 12 months ahead.
One by one these three personal planets move out of your finance zone into your 3rd House of communications which includes trading, teaching, short journeys and dealings with siblings and neighbours. This House is Gemini’s home ground and favourite and many social and mental delights will be on offer from 12th onwards.
Jupiter gets clear of Saturn and Neptune from 20th, bringing growth and expansion to your mother and home zone which has been stifled for some time. Self nurture and personal development can take off too. Fly with them!
Cancer: Venus in your sign until 12th means your charms are still at their height and Sun in your sign also adds to your vibrancy until 22nd. New Moon on 4th is in Cancer too and marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make some resolutions for your year ahead.
Some opposition seems to be coming from Pluto in your partnership zone until 7th. But support from other planets is strong as the Grand Trine (mentioned above) brings a positive, emotional and healing flow.
Part of this is Mars surging forwards in your romance, children and creativity zone, bringing energy and determination. This is good for making progress but Uranus in your 10th House of father, career and social status is not behind this in some way and you have until 14th to unravel the different strands involved.
As Venus, Mercury and the Sun leave your sign, they one by one move into your finance zone, starting on 12th which should improve your income or self-esteem in some way. Can’t be bad!
Leo: Mars is once again making headway in your mother, home and personal development zone but Uranus is pulling in a different direction during the first two weeks of the month. This is coming from your travel, deep study, legal and ethics zone where you don’t want any restrictions right now. This friction should have run its course by 14th though.
The month before our birthday, we’re often at lowest ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. But when it returns to our sign, we experience a sense of renewal and our energy is restored back to our full-force, vibrant selves.
This applies to us all but as the ruling planet for Leos is the Sun, this annual process of renewal is especially important for you. The Sun moves into Leo on 22nd. And when the Sun returns to the same degree as when you were born (around you birthday), we call this a solar return and it’s the beginning of your New Year. Make some resolutions!
There is more good news before then, as Venus enters your sign on 12th making you darling of the zodiac. Mercury follows on 14th so you’ll have lots of ideas to express and share too. Venus makes a positive aspect to Saturn on 19th – 20th which is good for disciplined creativity and there can be a concrete outcome if you seriously apply your talents and skills!
Virgo: Activity in your friends, group, community and humanitarian ideals zone starts the month with Venus offering good relations and pleasure. The need for personal creativity may get in the way of collective achievement in some way during the first week of July but support from a Grand Trine (a very fortunate line-up of planets) keeps your group projects buoyant.
Mars is now forging ahead in your communications zone keeping your mind positive and you may be more assertive than usual which is no bad thing and can actually be helpful in relationships and partnerships.
Jupiter in Virgo which should have been bringing expansion to you has been bogged down by Saturn and Neptune during the last few months but on 20th it gets clear of them both and a sense of optimism about your present and future possibilities returns.
Full Moon on 19th raises emotions in your romance, children and creativity zone. Express them!
Libra: Planetary emphasis in your father, career and social status zone during the first half of the month is good for ambitions and people in positions of power will feel inclined to grant you favours if you ask before 12th. Murmurings from home or even eruptions may run counter to your ambitions though from 1st – 7th.
A Grand Trine is helping your public life and your finances as Mars makes headway and provides the energy to work on new or further streams of income. Partners (business or personal) may not be fully behind this though and some discomfort is around until 14th as these twoareas of life collide.
On 12th your ruling planet Venus moves into yourgroups, friends, community and humanitarian ideals zone. This is followed on 14th by Mercury and by the Sun on 22nd. Make time to enjoy them all!
Scorpio: Three planets are opposite your ruling planet Pluto during the first week of the month, bringing emotional intensity and possible power plays to the fore. Mars is charging your energy levels and assertiveness all month too. This means you can push ahead with your ambitions and wishes and cover a lot of ground in a short time.
The only fly in the ointment seems to be coming from Uranus in your 6th House of work, health, service to others and daily routine. Your unwillingness to compromise or your need for freedom in these areas Is at odds with Mars until 14th. However Mars is in a Grand Trine with Chiron and with Sun, Mercury and Venus as they pass by. They’re all in water signs which gives a series of positive emotional circuits from 5th – 16th.
Planetary and ego energies are strong this month and could be tricky to handle. Insisting on being right isn’t a good use of them. While valuing your mettle and self-assurance, resist the temptation to impose your will or opinions on others. And if the urge arises, use it internally to explore power patterns in your relationships.
Sagittarius: Planets are highlighting your 8th House of transformation, joint funds and sharing (both financially and intimately), bringing pleasure until 22nd. Concerns about your actual income may cloud the skies during the first week of the month and at Full Moon on 19th but your 8th House planets form part of a lovely Grand Trine with Mars and Chiron which offer the energy to seek positive outcomes.
From 12th Venus moves into your travel, deep study and ethics zone, followed two days later by Mercury and then Sun from 22nd. If you can, arrange trips away or cultural exploration closer to home if time is tight. Your general outlook should be good which in itself attracts interesting opportunities.
Your ruling planet Jupiter gets clear of Saturn and Neptune from 20th which means clear steering ahead in your father, career and social status zone. This will come as a relief after being bogged down by the other two planets over the last few months. Optimism may have been hard to find during that period but you can pick up the badge once again, dust it off, give it a polish and off you go!
Capricorn: Venus, Mercury and then Sun start the month in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships, offering harmony, good communications and pleasure but some aspect of yourself can’t seem to relax into this and may actually be stirring up conflict between 1st – 7th. Don’t blame others for this as your own dynamics are behind it…
Mars is pushing energy into your friends, groups, community and organisations zone all month which works well with partnerships and ideas. It can also help to heal communications with neighbours and siblings and improve your flexibility including physical movement.
Your ruling planet Saturn is still squaring up to Neptune which brings up the theme of reality versus the dream. The opportunity on offer is to explore how the workings of your unconscious effect your thinking. With Saturn on board some kind of disciplined practice is recommended such as meditation or spiritual practice.
Full Moon on 19th is in Capricorn and finds an emotional you. Be open to the material it presents.
Aquarius: Uranus your ruling planet spends the first half of the month at odds with Mars which wants to make headway in your father, career and social status zone but your mindset doesn’t quite agree. Other planets also disagree with Uranus in passing but for better or worse you will keep to your tune…
Meanwhile planets in your 6th House are making work and health enjoyable areas and relations with colleagues should be good too. New Moon on 4th is also in this area of your solar chart and is the perfect day to start a new regime to improve your health, well-being and daily routine.
On 12th Venus moves into your relationships and partnerships zone, followed by Mercury on 14th and the Sun on 22nd. This helps relating, communications and self-expression and you may be more susceptible than usual to the charms of others…
Pisces: A Grand Trine of planets (a very positive formation) is supporting Chiron in Pisces which can have a healing effect on youridentity and sense of self from 5th – 16th. Yourromance, children and creativity zone is involved in this too and offers pleasure until 22nd. Your travel, study, publishing, legal and ethics zone is the third area involved where Mars is forging onwards. Uncertainty about your finances may block progress here though until after 14th.
Uranus in your 2nd House creating disruption to finances and security also scuppers the range of romantic or creative expression from 7th – 16th. Living with uncertainty is something we do all the time but often don’t realise it due to the buffers we have in place. With Uranus here though, the buffers don’t seem to work and we have to face life head on. This is no different to usual but it feels different. Acknowledge these feelings but don’t be defeated by them.
Saturn continues to keep Neptune in Pisces pinned to the ground and unable to take flights of fancy. This is restrictive for Neptune but you have most of this year to get used to it… Jupiter gets clear of these two though from 20th which brings a sense of optimism and opportunities to relationships and partnerships which has been missing for some time. This is something to be grateful for and celebrate. Time for growth and expansion!
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch to explore your birth chart by phone or skype phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK)
To find out more get in touch. To view more horoscopes, please go to the Horoscopes page.