May 2021 Horoscopes
Our shared planetary picture
One planet changes sign this month and two planets change direction. Jupiter moves into Pisces from 13th. This heightens our collective intuition and compassion but possibly also our urge for fantasy and escape. Finding a healthy way to do that is probably quite important. (A friend recommends virtual reality table tennis but I haven’t tried it). Incorporating spiritual practice into your day would fit the bill wonderfully too.
New Moon on 11th (at 20.01 BST) is in Taurus. Taurus rules the senses and our need for security. So this could be a good time to draw up a budget, start a new eating plan or embark on a wonderful creative project.
Mars continues in Cancer all month, encouraging us to be active nurturers (to ourselves and others). Home improvement projects could fit into this too.
We have two planets go retrograde this month. Saturn goes into reverse on 23rd until October, taking us back to carry out a deep review (in different areas of life for each sign). And Mercury goes retrograde on 29th, so keep communications as clear as possible after that.
So what will this mean for us all?
Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.
Aries: Finances will be very much on your mind this month and Venus helps things to look rosy until 9th. And if you need to carry out an audit or draw up a budget, New Moon on the evening of 11th marks a new financial cycle for you.
Your ruling planet Mars is forging ahead at the base of your solar chart all month. This gives you lots of energy to tackle projects at home or to move things forward with mother-figures, self-nurture or personal development. Mars squares up to Chiron though from 9th – 12th which will make you aware of your vulnerabilities in some way. Take time to attend to your sensitive self. Healing is trying to take place here and you should help it along
Saturn goes retrograde on 23rd, taking you back to review friendships, team. group or community projects or your relationship with organisations, collective ventures or campaigns. This is a long review and you have until October to give one or more of these areas your considered attention.
Jupiter has been generating opportunities for growth in this collective area since late December but Jupiter moves forward on 13th bringing expansion to your active compassion, spirituality, healing, creativity behind the scenes or your online life. This is just a two-month introduction but Jupiter is coming back for a longer stay in December so lay the groundwork now.
Mercury goes retrograde in your communications zone on 29th too, so double-check from then on, that everyone has the same understanding when making arrangements and drawing up agreements!
Taurus: The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too until 4th. And for those of you with May birthdays, your birthday is your personal new year and the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.
New Moon in your sign on 11th which marks a fresh emotional cycle is a good point to explore your birth chart and focus on what you hope for emotionally in the year ahead too.
More good news is your charms are also at their height as your ruling planet Venus continues in your sign until 9th with possibly obsessive attractions around 5th – 6th when compulsive Pluto adds intensity to your need to relate…
From 9th Venus helps your finances to look rosier but when Mercury goes retrograde from 29th, things may need reviewing. Saturn goes retrograde too from 23rd at the top of your solar chart. This starts a five-month review of your career,social status and dealings with authority-figures and your own use of power if you are an authority-figure yourself!
Saturn is also starting to square Uranus in your sign which it does three times this year. Your need for personal revolution and your ambitions (professional or social status) are at odds in some way and whichever way you look at it, dramatic change is the only option!
Gemini: Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th!
Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.
Your personal charm reaches danger level from 9th when Venus glides into Gemini. And with your ruling planet Mercury also in your sign from 4th, your silver tongue can persuade people to do all kinds of things that perhaps they should not. Others beware! And Geminis beware too after your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 29th. That silver tongue may come back to bite you…
Mars is revving in your finance zone all month which may find you in hot pursuit of money or an extra income stream. Security may seem more important these days and you are ready and determined to take action in whatever way needed. You could also move your reputation forward when Mars tunes into Neptune at the top of your chart from 26th – 31st.
Jupiter arrives at the top of your solar chart from 13th, bringing growth, expansion and opportunity to your career, social status or dealings with father or authority-figures. And if you happen to be a father or authority figure yourself, you can have far-reaching influence for the good, if right is on your side.
Cancer: Friendships and group or community projects continue to bring pleasure at the start of the month. And New Moon on 11th marks a fresh cycle on the collective front in some way. Is there a friend, project or movement close to your heart that you would like to support? Or a campaign or project you would like to start?
Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity makes an introductory move into your travel, studies and ethics zone from 13th. Exploring the physical or philosophical world can bring growth, as can interactions with people from different belief systems or different cultures, especially around 26th – 30th when energetic Mars joins forces with idealistic Neptune.
Saturn goes retrograde on 23rd to carry out a five-month review of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. This is an opportunity to look at how you have been dealing with things in the past, how you want to deal with them in the future but they may not be so easy to deal with in the present. Joint funds includes taxes, debts and inheritances.
Mars continues to forge through your sign all month, giving you energy and determination to push your agenda forward, whatever that might be. Idealistic projects connected to exploring (in the broadest sense) can benefit from this boost of energy, especially from 26th – 30th.
Full Moon on 26th falls in your 6th House of work, health and service to others, highlighting the impact of your physical health on your mental health and vice versa. Improving one will have a beneficial effect on the other!
Leo: Your ruling planet the Sun starts the month with Uranus (planet of change, disruption and revolution) right at the top of your solar chart which indicates revolution in your career, social status or in dealings with father or authority figures (or in your own dealings if you happen to be one yourself). New Moon on 11th marks a new cycle here too. Venus is also helping you to charm influential people too until 9th. Use 4th – 8th to ask for any favours that would help you along.
Saturn has been demanding a lot of thought about relationships and partnerships since it entered your opposite sign last December. On 23rd it goes retrograde, calling you back to review what has happened so far and what needs to happen next. But making headway in this area is unlikely during this review period. It is time to take stock rather than take action. You have until October to think this through.
Jupiter planet of growth, expansion and opportunity has also been in your opposite sign since December. But on 13th it moves into your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone temporarily. This could bring ‘the money of others’ your way or growthful opportunities for ‘sharing’. From 26th – 31st you may also become more aware of how your inner-workings (and perhaps your unconscious) impact these areas.
Friends, groups and community offer light relief as deep processes are taking place. Make time to enjoy some easy company here. This could be good for collective creative projects too.
Virgo: Your ruling planet Mercury is generating lots of thinking at the start of the month around your world-view, travel, beliefs and people from different cultures. This is followed by a focus on your professional life, ambitions and social status. Venus is smoothing things along here too from 9th and influential people have your back. If you need favours, just ask. But be sure to do so before Mercury goes retrograde on 29th.
Saturn goes retrograde on 23rd which marks the need for a long review around your work, health, service to others and daily routine. How have things been running here and how would you like things to be in the future? You have until October to think this through. Give it lots of your attention.
On 13th Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity moves into your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships for two months. Possible partners from different cultures or belief systems could open up a wider world to you. Business partnership opportunities could widen your horizons too.
Mars is busy all month being decisive in matters to do with friends, groups, community and campaigns. Mars also makes a good aspect to Neptune from 26th – 31st which links friends and partners or a group could offer up an ideal partner. Keep an eye open for all of your possibilities!
Libra: Your ruling planet Venus is helping joint finances along until 9th. Then it moves into your exploration zone. This is good for travel, philosophy, ethics, legal matters and relations with people from different cultures. Venus forms a helpful link with Saturn too around 18th – 20th which could help to bring concrete outcomes in romance, creativite projects or in dealings with children.
Mars is revving away all month at the top of your solar chart. This is excellent for making headway in your career or pushing your agenda forward with authority or father-figures. You have energy and determination all month to pursue your ambitions, whatever they may be. Partners may feel wounded by this around 8th – 12th or their vulnerabilities may present an obstacle to your plans.
Jupiter makes an introductory move on 13th into your work, health and service to others zone. Volunteering and being of service to others can add to your well-being. Your daily rituals and routines might benefit from regular spiritual practice too or a new regime or new form of exercise could expand your world.. You could find yourself having even more enthusiasm for this from 26th – 30th when energetic Mars joins forces with idealistic Neptune
Mercury goes retrograde from 29th which can bring delays to travel plans, studies or legal matters. You may just have to be patient until it goes direct again in three weeks time.
Scorpio: Relationships and partnerships continue high on your agenda as the month starts with Venus smoothing things along until 9th. The Sun and Uranus are also here squaring Saturn at the base of your chart though, presenting you with the incompatibility of your present living situation and your need for partnership or your partner’s dislike of the present home situation.
Saturn also goes retrograde from 23rd, pressing you to carry out a rethink regarding your home or emotional patterns. Dealings with mother-figures need thinking about too (or your own dealings if you are a mother-figure yourself). Saturn is retrograde until October. Give this review your full attention.
Your urge to explore is strong all month as Mars seeks to roam. This can be through travel, covering terrain in the great outdoors or exploring the higher mind. Studying can be satisfying and dealings with people from different cultures are lively and heated, possibly due to conflict or passion.
New Moon on 20th marks a fresh start in relationships and partnerships. Romance and intimacy could be on the cards as Mars aspects Neptune around 22nd – 23rd and Venus glides through your intimacy zone from 9th and Jupiter brings growth to love affairs, dealings with children or creativity.
Mercury goes retrograde on 29th though. Avoid signing joint finance contracts. And do not make any promises you might not keep…
Jupiter is also on the move this month, leaving growth in your mother and home zone from 13th for the headier areas of love affairs, children or creativity. Jupiter brings growth, expansion and opportunities. Could be fun!
Sagittarius: Your ruling planet Jupiter is on the move this month. It glides into the all important area of mother and home from 13th which could lead to thoughts about a bigger home or home abroad or a yearning for more emotional expression within your home. Dealings with mother-figures could take prominence too. Jupiter is just on a short visit here until July but will be back full-time to take things further in December.
Saturn changes direction and goes retrograde on 23rd to review your mindset, communications, trading, short journeys or dealings with neighbours or siblings. Physical movement and exercise could be under review too. You have until October to think things through.
Work, health, service to others and your daily routine remain a strong focus until 20th, then relationships and partnerships (including business partnerships) become more of a focus. And there may be a clash here with home around 20th – 21st. There may also be conflict between your individual needs and partnership needs around in the lead up to Full Moon in your sign on the morning of 26th. Mercury goes retrograde here on 29th which can open the door to misunderstandings. Double-check and check again that everyone is on the same page.
Capricorn: Romance, children or creativity continue to run smoothly until 9th when Venus moves on to bring pleasure to work, dealings with colleagues and daily companions, health, routine and being of service to others. You will enjoy your daily rituals too.
Meanwhile Mars if firing things up in relationships and partnerships all month. Mars brings heat which could mean conflict or passion or maybe both! Mars triggers feelings of vulnerability around home or dealings with mother-figures or your own dealings as a mother-figure if you happen to be one around 8th – 12th.
Your ruling planet Saturn goes retrograde on 23rd to carry out a long five-month review of your finances and your previous position on security, values and self-esteem. This could even be an opportunity to explore how a belief system or creativity can give a sense of security. It does not have to be monetary.
Jupiter also leaves this area of your solar chart for a while on 13th. Its new avenue for expansion is communications and thinking, short journeys, trading and dealings with neighbours and siblings. How we think about things determines our reality and Jupiter is here to show you life can be more benevolent than you previously thought…
Mercury goes retrograde too from 29th in your work, health and service to others zone. Perhaps one or more of these areas (including your daily routine) could do with a re-think too?
Aquarius: The Sun joins forces with your ruling planet Uranus as the month begins which makes for a lively you! This takes place in your 4th House of mother and home. Could it be time for a revolutionary change here? A home makeover perhaps or even a new home? And are there any habits you would like to change? Or could it be time to revolutionise the way you nurture yourself or handle your personal development? New Moon on 11th marks a new cycle in one or more of these areas of life, including dealings with mother-figures (or your own dealings as a mother-figure if you happen to be one yourself).
Romance, children or creativity may be increasingly on your mind as Mercury followed by Venus and the Sun move iinto your 5th House this month. Venus is smoothing things along from 9th and the Sun brings warmth from 20th. Mercury goes retrograde here though on 29th so be very clear in your communications from then onwards.
Saturn in your sign which has been demanding serious thought about your identity (since last December), goes retrograde on 23rd to review the progress you have made so far. Saturn is looking at who you now are, how you need to express that and outlets for that expression. You have until October to give all of that some deep thought.
Jupiter has also been in your sign since December, helping to keep things buoyant but it moves into your 2nd House temporarily from 13th, bringing growth, expansion and opportunities to your finances or in establishing a sense of security.
Mars is still catapulting through your work, health or service to others zone all month. Could that be a new regime, job or voluntary position? Yes, I think it could…
Pisces: You have been busy behind the scenes since December when Saturn and Jupiter moved into your natural home of the unconscious, compassion, healing and inner-workings. You are about to harvest some of the fruits of your inner-homework (assuming you have done some) when Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity moves into your sign from 13th. This is just a two-month stay but Jupiter will be returning to your sign towards the end of the year.
Meanwhile Saturn is still taking you to task and goes retrograde on 23rd to start a long review, also of your inner-workings, healing, spiritual practice or creativity behind the scenes. This is a good time to enlist the help of a counsellor or therapist to explore deep issues which may need an airing and rethinking.
Communications are key as the month starts and New Moon on 11th marks a new cycle here. This can include short journeys, trading, dealings with neighbours and siblings and also physical movement, exercise and your mental health.
Mars adds energy and determination to your dealings with romantic contenders, children and creativity. And through these interactions, around 26th – 31st you may discover an aspecte of your ideal self!
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
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See you there!
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