August 2021
Our shared planetary picture
The Leo air of play and creativity continues until 22nd with New Moon on 8th urging us all to get creative. This New Moon also triggers Uranus in Taurus which gives a necessary shake-up to our values. Uranus also goes retrograde on 19th, taking us all back to really review how we think about money, possessions, security and our values. We have until mid-January next year to move to a more uncompromised position.
Uranus’s apparent change of direction puts all of the outer planets (including Saturn) retrograde. So we all collectively have a lot of reviewing to do at present. This includes our government and power structures, our collective relationships (both growth and responsibilities), our spirituality and support of others who are vulnerable and our values around money and the importance (or over-importance) we give to it. So that should keep us all preoccupied and collectively busy. Full Moon on 22nd (at 13.03 BST, so the lead up is on 21st) also echoes this.
The main personal emphasis this month is work, health, service to others and what we can do to improve our daily routines and general well-being. Each sign will experience all of the above in different areas of life.
So what will this mean for us all?
Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.
Aries: This looks like a creative month as the Sun is generating warmth and energy in your 5th House of romance, dealings with children and creativity until 22nd. Sports and recreation look fun. You may be feeling more playful too which your playmates will also enjoy. New Moon on 8th marks a fresh cycle in one of these areas of life that can also shake up your values in some way…
Work and health feature strongly too as your ruling planet Mars forges its way through this area of your solar chart. If you have been thinking about starting a new regime, your moment has arrived! And the same applies to looking afresh at your work situation or a voluntary position. Your daily routine is up for grabs too. Initiate ways to enhance your well-being.
Uranus goes retrograde in your finance zone on 19th, taking you back to review how closely your finances fit with your values. Have you gone astray? Uranus does not accept compromise. Only radical solutions will do, whether that involves you changing your fiscal habits or reassessing your value system.
Chiron in your sign gets activated by many planets this month which opens up opportunities for personal healing. Your sense of identity can be better understood which is a helpful, strengthening process. Neptune in your spiritual zone also gets challenged which again can help with your self-awareness. Keep an eye open for these opportunities.
Taurus: There is an emphasis on your 5th House of romance, children and creativity this month as Venus bestows pleasure and ease up to 16th. Make time for enjoyment. This may not totally apply from 8th – 10th however when Venus opposes Neptune. Make sure you do not over-idealise others. Mercury and the Sun make their presence felt at various points, along with Mars which is there all month. A lot of energy is bouncing around here. And you will be feeling buoyant and creative.
New Moon on 8th falls in your mother and home zone, marking a fresh cycle in some way. Self-nurture and personal development come into this too, along with your home conditions, both physically and emotionally.
Saturn and Jupiter are both still retrograde (moving backwards) at the top of your solar chart, taking you back to review your career, social status and dealings with authority figures. Saturn often represents self-discipline or restrictions and Jupiter, growth. Full Moon on 22nd is up here too, making you look at the conflicting needs of your public and private life.
Your ruling planet Venus moves into your work, health and service to others zone from 16th. This makes relations with colleagues and daily companions pleasant and your health should be good, so long as you do not over-indulge. You also find pleasure through self-care and your daily rituals. Now and again we are able to fully enjoy the simple things of life. This is one of those times.
Uranus goes retrograde in your sign on 19th, taking you back to reassess decisions you made in late-April or early-May. You have until mid-January next year to fathom out where you played safe. We are looking for the pure uncompromised expression of who you now are, nothing less!
Gemini: Your 4th House of mother and home is very prominent this month, with Venus around until 16th, urging you to beautify your home. Your ruling planet Mercury spends much of the month here, filling you with good ideas and Mars delivers the energy and determination all month to see projects through. Dealings with mother-figures go well and paying attention to self-nurture and personal development go well too.
New Moon on 8th marks a fresh cycle in communications and thought processes. Uranus triggers your compassion or spiritual life at the same time. Have you thought of trying meditation? Or volunteering on a helpline? Relations with neighbours, tradespeople or siblings could undergo a change. And this could also be a good time to start an exercise regime.
Romance, children and creativity look sweet from 16th as Venus bestows pleasure and ease right into next month. Make time for enjoyment. This may not totally apply from 14th – 17th however when Pluto and Jupiter may make things feel a bit over the top. Make sure you are not pleasing others to excess.
The lead up to Full Moon on 22nd brings up the opposing pulls of spending all your energies on everyday chat while your higher mind is hungering for depth and satisfying input. If chat has to happen, find interesting people from different countries, cultures or views to feed your lust for learning. And how about signing up for a course of study too?
Cancer: Communications are especially important this month and luckily you will be mentally and verbally nimble and creative in your choice of words which will be delivered with charm. Short journeys, trading and dealingss with neighbours and siblings go well, as does physical exercise (be creative here too).
New Moon on 8th marks a fresh cycle in your finance zone. This is a good time to draw up a budget or to take stock of your finances. Uranus is electrifying things, urging you to be true to your principles. Friends, groups or communities may have an impact on your funds or values or you may feel moved make a donation to a humanitarian cause. Your financial life needs now to truly reflect your values.
Uranus goes retrograde on 19th, taking you back to review how you have been dealing with friends or groupie or community projects. You may have taken an unhelpful turn around late-April or early-May which needs reviewing.
Full Moon around midday on 22nd BST (so the build-up is on 21st) raises emotions about joint funds (which includes taxes, debts, inheritances and joint accounts), along with intimacy and sharing in general.. Jupiter close by heightens your feelings and wants freer expression. Think about what that should be.
Leo: The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 22nd radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too until 11th. And for you August birthday Leos, your birthday is your personal new year and the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.
New Moon in your sign on 8th marks a fresh emotional cycle. This is also a good point to explore your birth chart and focus on what you hope for emotionally in the year ahead. The world is looking fresh and new. Many Happy Solar and Lunar Returns!
This New Moon also triggers Uranus in your father, career and social status zone. Uranus is planet of change, disruption and revolution, so no compromises here. Uranus also goes retrograde on 19th, taking you back to review decisions made late-April to early-May. Did you compromise too much or not enough?
Finances are a hot topic too this month with things looking rosy until 16th. But Mars is on the case all month, generating energy and ideas for new income streams.
The lead up to Full Moon (around midday on 22nd BST) highlights the opposing demands of individual needs versus relationships and partnerships. And Jupiter favours relationships and partnerships…
Virgo: Energy levels may have been low last month. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 22nd!
Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.
But you do not even have to wait until 22nd as right at the end of July, Mars leapt into your sign (as it does approximately every two years). This is a change of gear and energy settings around how you see yourself and how you go into the world. Every planet has a metal which best describes it. And for Mars this is the metal is iron which describes your determination to push your goals forward. Others beware! You will have no trouble being assertive, unless you veer into aggression (which of course we would all like to avoid… ).
New Moon on 8th marks a fresh cycle in your compassionate spiritual life or in creativity behind the scenes. It also triggers change-bringing Uranus in your travel and philosophy zone. Exploring new belief systems or adopting a new spiritual practice can be a creative way of working with these energies. Uranus also goes retrograde on 19th which will demand a review of your beliefs in some way. You have until mid-January 2022 to work out fully what that is!
Libra: Many things are bubbling behind the scenes this month and although you are aware of this activity, you may not be able to see what exactly it is. You will be very sensitive to the pain and suffering of others and will want to actively help others in any way you can. This can also be a good time to develop a spiritual practice and incorporate it into your daily routine.
New Moon on 8th marks a fresh cycle with friends, groups or communities. Uranus makes this an unusual fresh start which might impact joint funds, intimacy or sharing. And just days later the Sun helps partners or partnerships to heal as it aspects Chiron in your opposite sign from 11th – 13th.
Uranus goes retrograde from 19th taking you back to review whether you have been compromising too much over joint funds, intimacy or sharing. Uranus insists on freedom of expression and a turning you took late April or early May needs to be reviewed. You have until mid-January next year to work out where you gave in. You then get a second chance to be more true to yourself.
Your ruling planet Venus glides into your sign on 16th, making you darling of the zodiac. Your charms will be at their height and co-operation from others comes easily. It almost seems to fall at your feet (although partners may find that difficult around 25th – 27th). Think about what you would like co-operation on and from who!
Scorpio: Friends, groups and community are high profile this month with Venus providing pleasure and ease until 16th and with Mars in this area of your solar chart all month, your energies lean towards friends, groups and community matters. Collective projects grab your imagination and you may find yourself feeling more political than usual. Friends, groups and community can also be a source of energy for you. If you have been thinking of joining a group or campaign, or starting one, now would be a great time!
New Moon at the top of your solar chart on 8th marks a fresh cycle regarding your career, social status or dealings with father or authority figures. This New Moon also involves Uranus in your opposite sign, so the knock-on effect is to bring changes to your relationships and partnerships in some way.
Uranus also goes retrograde from 19th. Uranus is planet of change, disruption and revolution and is going back to look at changes you possibly did not make but needed to around late-April to early-May. Did you side-step matters when you needed to take action?
Saturn and Jupiter are both still retrograde (moving backwards) at the root of your solar chart, taking you back to review your early years and emotional patterns. Saturn often represents hardship and Jupiter, growth. The Sun and Jupiter are pulling in different directions from 18th – 20th when the demands of the world (in the form of your career or social status) run contrary to your need for personal growth. This happens again in the lead up to Full Moon on 22nd. Which is it to be?
Sagittarius: The top of your solar chart is looking lively this month as a number of planets are generating energy to help you along the path to your worldly ambitions. Venus helps to smooth things along until 16th and if you need support from people in positions of authority, just ask (apart from 8th – 10th when Neptune clouds the view). Mars sharpens your ambitions too and is determinedly pushing ahead all month.
New Moon on 8th marks a fresh cycle in your love of exploration. This could be through physical travel or mental: learning about different languages, countries and cultures and philosophies. Uranus gets activated at the same time, bringing unexpected changes to your work or health. Uranus goes retrograde on 19th too, calling for a long review of how you have been dealing with your daily life and well-being.
From 16th Venus glides through your 11th House, bringing pleasure through friendships. You will feel co-operative and enjoy group and community gatherings. You will also be able to help the group or campaign to put their ideas into words.
Your ruling planet Jupiter is sitting on the Full Moon on 22nd. This is in your 3rd House of communications and heightens your urge to communicate, teach or trade on a wider scale. You are good at understanding high-minded subjects and the bigger picture. Now the challenge is to make your understanding (or goods) accessible to others!
Capricorn: Finances are still under review as your ruling planet Saturn and Jupiter continue to move backwards in your finance zone. Saturn represents contraction, while Jupiter represents expansion and both need thinking about. They both start to move forward again in mid-October.
New Moon on 8th also falls in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone which marks a fresh cycle and is a good point to carry out an audit of your financial or intimate interactions with others. Uranus is calling you to also look afresh at financial involvements concerning lovers, children or creativity. Some financial changes may be needed in relation to one or more of these. And when Uranus goes retrograde from 19th, the need for this review cannot be ignored any longer.
From 16th Venus is smoothing your path in your interactions with father or authority figures, career and social status. If you need favours from people in influential positions, be sure to ask.
Mars starts to stimulate your higher mind this month and your urge to travel (mentally, if physically is not possible) will be strong. Taking on a course of study could fire your energy, as could exploring different cultures, philosophies or learning a new language. Exploring the great outdoors on foot could be life-enhancing too.
Ethics and principles take on more prominence at this time too. Religious and spiritual questions may need answering, leading you to seek out people who can answer them. And if you have any legal matters to attend to, Mars will spur you onwards!
Aquarius: Your ruling planet Uranus plays an active role at New Moon on 8th. This New Moon marks a fresh cycle in relationships and partnerships and Uranus is bringing changes to your career or social status. Sounds interesting! Uranus also goes retrograde on 19th, taking you back to review earlier decisions around late-April or early-May. Have you compromised too much re your social status? You have until mid-January next year to get back on track.
Your 8th House is a very active area this month which can help joint finances and intimacy during the first half of the month and you may benefit from ‘the money of others’. Taxes, debts or inheritances could also feature and with Mars on the case here all month, you will follow up anything you are entitled to. Your passions could be running higher than usual too!
There may be conflict between your individual needs and partnership needs around 21st, in the lead up to Full Moon in your sign around midday on 22nd. Jupiter in your sign is close to this Full Moon which heightens these mixed emotions. Your need to be an individual is strong but your need to grow may be stronger.
Venus is smoothing the way in your travel and ethics zone from 16th. Journeys will be pleasant as will dealings with people from different countries and cultures. Legal matters look positive too. And remember, “Life is an adventure or nothing at all!”
Pisces: Relationships and partnerships are looking lively this month with Venus smoothing your path until 16th and Mars pushing your agenda forward all month. Mars also suggests conflict or passion, so aim for the latter. Both Venus and Mercury oppose your ruling planet Neptune from 8th – 10th and 24th – 25th which may feel uncomfortable. But the Sun moves into your partnership zone too from 22nd, bringing warmth and the urge to fully express yourself.
New Moon on 8th marks a fresh start in your 6th House of work, health and service to others. This is a good time to start a new regime, seek out new work or volunteer positions and to pay attention to your daily routine and overall well-being. This also triggers Uranus in your friends, groups and community zone, showing you the need to make changes here too. Uranus also goes retrograde on 19th, taking you back to review your affiliations and campaigns you may have been involved with. Have you compromised too much or not enough?
Venus glides into your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone from 16th and you may benefit from ‘the money of others’ in some way. This includes taxes, debts and inheritances, although your self-generated income may suffer around 25th – 27th and is also good for intimacy and sharing. The fundamental processes of birth, sex and death are also themes of transformation that you may come across in some way.
In the lead up to Full Moon on 22nd, you become very much aware of your compassionate, spiritual side and your need to grow. Jupiter, planet of growth, expansion and opportunity is close by. Can you add a spiritual practice to your daily routine? Creativity behind the scenes is also a strong theme. Now what form could that take?
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
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See you there!
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