September 2018
Our shared planetary picture
The long review that started mid-April, looking at our individual and collective responsibilities, completes this month as Saturn goes direct in Capricorn on 6th. Mars, also in the same sign is ready to pick up the baton and run forward with our conclusions from 6th until 11th.
Meanwhile, New Moon in Virgo on 9th reminds us to pay attention to our work-life balance and to tend ourselves physically with healthy food and exercise. This is also a good time to start helpful, new daily habits (and maybe drop some less helpful ones…). Using our hands in a creative way is also highlighted, as is giving others a hand too.
Venus also changes sign on the same day and forms a tense aspect with Mars and Uranus. This is a reminder that we may need to look afresh at how we assert ourselves and relate to others. Sudden attractions could take place too or new forms of self-expression.
From 11th Mars moves into Aquarius giving us more energy for friends, groups and community. Mars can also be hot-headed, so avoid ego scenarios and use this energy to push group projects ahead.
Full Moon is in the early hours of 25th (so the build-up is on 24th). This Full Moon is in Aries and lands on Chiron, planet of wounding and healing. This gives us the emotional energy to address old wounds which is an opportunity to begin to heal them. This is in different areas of life for each sign.
So what will this mean for us all?
Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.
Aries: The long review of Saturn’s transit through your father, career and social status zone ends on 6th which means the brakes that have been in place since mid-April are off and you can start to apply your hard-earned conclusions. Your ruling planet Mars is raring to go in this area of your solar chart too until 11th, so push ahead with whatever needs to be done.
The Sun is in good aspect to Pluto which is in this area of your chart too from 10th – 11th. Daily, creative hard work will help you to achieve your ambitions. New Moon on 9th falls in your work, health and service to others zone. This is a good time to take a health audit. Have a good look at your daily routine too and make sure healthy habits are in place!
From 9th there is some conflict between your earnings and sense of security and ‘the money of others’ and sharing. The way out of this tension is to focus your energies into friends, groups, community, organisations and humanitarian ideals. The more you make headway here, the better you will feel.
Full Moon in the early hours of 25th is in Aries. You will doubtless feel the build-up on 24th. Old wounds may get triggered which reminds you to do something about them. Surf that wave!
Taurus: Saturn which has been bringing about a review in your travel, deep study, ethics and philosophy zone since mid-April, goes direct on 6th and you can start to put your plans into action. Mars has been trying to push things ahead here since March (on and off) and finally can break through past old obstacles now that you are ready to make your decision. The planetary coast is clear from 6th – 11th, so push ahead with your conclusions!
Your ruling planet Venus starts the month sweetly in your work, health and service to others zone, bringing pleasure through the rituals of daily life. Then on 9th Venus glides into your relationships and partnerships zone. This should be a harmonious thing but Uranus in your sign will demand some changes within yourself to allow this harmony to happen.
From 11th Mars leaps into your father, career and social status zone and you will have the energy and determination to push your ambitions forwards. Any projects which have been on hold since late June, look viable once again. Take steps to get them moving. This too will require willingness on your part to change how you see yourself. Stretch to meet this challenge!
New Moon on 9th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone. This is a good time to start new projects here too. Ideas will be thick on the ground, especially around 6th – 7th when a flash of inspiration or a certain someone captures your imagination.
New things are ready to come your way but for these to come to fruition, things will have to change. And that means you too…
Gemini: Since mid-April, retrograde Saturn has had you in its grip regarding joint funds, taxes, debts and inheritances. But on 6th it goes direct and you can finally put your hard-earned conclusions into place. Intimacy and sharing come into this too. Mars is standing by to push a new way forwards until 11th, so make the most of that period from 6th – 11th.
Your ruling planet Mercury will be on top form and full of creative ideas around 6th – 7th. Ideas and plans about changes to the home or your nurturing responsibilities are active this month too, especially around New Moon on 9th. This is a good time to make plans for home improvement or even better, get things started. Nurturing, including yourself and your personal development also come under this umbrella.
Venus changes sign on 9th too and glides into your 6th House of work, health and service to others. This brings pleasure through relating to colleagues and daily companions and through the rituals of your daily routine. The only caution is not to go to excess in what you eat or drink.
On 11th Mars pours energy into your travel, deep studies, culture and ethics zone. And Full Moon in the early hours of 25th falls in your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. Chiron gets triggered by this too which heightens the possibility of healing old wounds in any of these areas. Take yourself in hand and make this possible.
Cancer: Saturn has been retrograde since mid-April, putting things on hold and forcing you to review your relationships and partnerships. The good news is – you can start to put your conclusions in place from 6th when Saturn goes direct. Mars will help you to put this into action while it stays in this area of your chart until 11th. Aim to move things forward swiftly from 6th until then.
Mars then leaps into your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. Are there any financial matters involving others that need sorting out? This can include taxes, loans, debts, inheritances, making a will and money that you share with others. This may not be straight forwards as Venus and Uranus trigger off Mars from 9th – 21st. But the discomfort of this will prompt you to take action.
New Moon on 9th falls in your communications zone. This is a good time to make plans for an exercise regime, sign up for classes of any kind and work on relations with neighbours and siblings. It is also good for photographic projects. And if you have ever thought of doing some writing, this is a perfect time to start!
Full Moon in the early hours of 25th, falls in your father, career and social status zone. It also touches Chiron, planet of wounding and healing, in this area of your solar chart. Emotions will be raised in connection to one or more of these areas. The possibility of healing old wounds is there too. Help it to happen!
Leo: Finances and security are uppermost in your mind until 23rd. New Moon on 9th also falls into this area of your solar chart which is the perfect time to make a financial audit and draw up a budget for the year ahead. New ideas for ways of generating income crop up too, especially around 10th – 11th.
Saturn retrograde has had you on hold since mid-April in your work, health and service to others zone. But this changes on 6th when Saturn goes direct and you can move forwards once again with your newly-found conclusions. This applies to your daily routine and how you create well-being for yourself too. Mars provides the energy and determination to immediately push ahead with this. Act quickly after 6th and before 11th when Mars then moves on.
Venus moves into your mother and home zone from 9th and you will want to beautify your home and perhaps invite others to enjoy its pleasures with you. Dealings with mother figures are harmonious too, although there may be conflicts between home and career or mother and father figures from 9th – 15th. Your best bet if this does occur, is to apply your energies to your own relationships and partnerships, rather than getting tangled up in theirs…
Full Moon on 25th falls in your travel, philosophy and culture zone. It also triggers Chiron, revealing any wounds you have been carrying in any of these areas or in your overall outlook or world view. Self-awareness is more than half the battle. Attend to what you discover.
Virgo: The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 23rd, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Your ruling planet Mercury gives you mental energy too from 6th – 22nd and you will be on top form and full of creative ideas around 6th – 7th.
Saturn goes direct on 6th too in your romance, children and creativity zone. This allows matters that have been on hold since mid-April, to move forwards once again.
New Moon in your sign on 9th marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make resolutions that will support and meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead.
After helping your finances along for the first nine days of the month, Venus changes signs on 9th and softens your style and smile. Your communications whether spoken, written, capturing images or through movement, have the ability to please and captivate others. You find pleasure too through your interactions. Relationships also go well with siblings and neighbours (apart perhaps from possible unexpected exchanges around 9th – 15th). Short journeys will be a pleasure too.
Full Moon in the early hours of 25th falls on Chiron in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone. This can prompt you to heal earlier wounds that may have arisen from sharing in some way. Loans or debts can be negotiated, wills can be made or adjusted and sharing yourself on an intimate level can be improved or considered once again.
Libra: You will be pleased to know that Saturn goes direct in your mother and home zone on 6th after being retrograde since mid-April. This has brought about a much-needed review of your nurturing and self-nurturing style and what you want from a home and how and where that should be. Relations with mother figures may have been prominent too. Mars is in this area of your chart too until 11th so put your conclusions into action as soon after 6th as you can.
Mars then leaps into your romance, children and creativity zone and gets involved in a dispute between your ruling planet Venus and Uranus. This could involve money (and ‘the money of others’ which looks unpredictable), sharing or intimacy. Creative solutions are your best choice!
The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 23rd. Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.
Full Moon in the early hours of 25th is in your opposite sign of relationships and partnerships. It also falls on Chiron which brings the themes of wounding and healing to the emotional mix. Aim for the healing aspect: be that healing your relationship, your partner or yourself.
Scorpio: The five-month review period that has been keeping things on hold in your communications zone, changes gear on 6th and you can start to put your hard earned conclusions into action once again.
Mars is on hand to help you press ahead until 11th. You may also be able to clear any impasses that have occurred with siblings or neighbours. Physical movement may become easier in some way too.
Your ruling planet Pluto gets the benefit of the Sun’s warming rays around 10th -11th which helps to generate positive thoughts. Mercury too helps to keep your mind flexible around 15th – 16th.
From 11th Mars jumps into your 4th House of mother and home. This is great for making your home a friendlier place and being proactive in self-nurture and personal development. You know what you need for future growth. Take steps to make this possible.
Venus glides into your sign on 9th which is also New Moon. This is a good time to join groups, your community and humanitarian organisations. Venus too adds to your charms and charisma. Enjoy the fruits of your agreeability!
Sagittarius: The long review of your finances that has been in place since mid-April completes on 6th. Any hold-ups should resolve themselves, as should indecisiveness about how to proceed. Mars is also on hand until 11th to help you put your conclusions into action and press them forward.
Mars then moves once again into your communications zone and mental energy follows. Your general feistiness may not always be appreciated at work or by daily companions, so keep a watch on any tendency to be sharp-tongued. Apply your mental energy to projects, exercise and physical movement.
New Moon on 9th falls in your father, career and social status zone. This is a good time to put plans into place regarding your ambitions in any of these areas.
Venus changes sign on the same day and moves into your 12th House encouraging you to be creative behind the scenes. Your compassion for the pain and suffering of others is softened too. And you find you relate well to invalids, outcasts and people on the edge of society. This brings pleasure to you and them, as do altruistic donations to charities. We are all in the pool together and whatever happens to one person happens to us all.
Full Moon in the early hours of 25th, lands on Chiron in your romance, children and creativity zone. This gives you emotional energy that can be used to help heal wounds or wounded ones in these areas of your life. Being creative is therapeutic too – for all concerned.
Capricorn: Your ruling planet Saturn goes direct on 6th, after five months of being retrograde. This has been an opportunity to review your identity or self-expression in some way. And now that it is direct you can put your conclusions into action. Mars in your sign until 11th will be urging you forwards too so make as much headway as you can from 6th – 11th!
Mars then jumps into your 2nd House of money, possessions, security and values. You will want to make headway here too and will have energy to apply to new money-making projects. Venus and Uranus are not entirely on board with this and may cause some waves but push ahead anyway!
Career prospects or dealings with authority figures look good both early and late in the month. And New Moon on 9th is a good time to plan or make a trip or to sign yourself up for classes in cultural subjects – be that languages, philosophy or different cultures. Also from 9th Venus offers pleasure from time spent with friends, groups and community.
Full Moon early on 25th falls in your mother and home, nurturing, self-care and personal development zone. It also lands on Chiron which opens up the possibility of healing old wounds in one or more of these areas. Be open and ready to work with this opportunity!
Aquarius: The three planets in your 12th House of compassion for others, your inner workings and creativity behind the scenes, keep these areas of your life very active this month. And even better, Saturn goes direct here on 6th, completing a five-month review of how to best deal with yourself. Mars stays around too until 11th to push your newly-found conclusions ahead.
Mars then moves into your sign, making you a force to be reckoned with. And with this extra determination and energy, you have a good chance of achieving whatever you set your mind to.
Meanwhile, Venus glides into your father, career and social status zone from 9th. This smoothes the path of your ambitions and inclines people in authority to lean your way. If you need favours from them, do not be afraid to ask. And if you hold influence yourself, use it to help others along.
Even so, unexpected events or changes to do with your home or mother figures may pull in the opposite direction to your ambitions. Or you may need to make changes at home or of your home to accommodate career moves and any new personal plans.
New Moon is also on 9th in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone. This is a good point to sort out taxes, debts and loans and even make a will. Mercury helps with communications and good ideas here too from 6th – 22nd, with flashes of inspiration around 6th – 7th.
Full Moon in the early hours of 25th falls on Chiron in your communications zone. This can help to bring healing to your mindset, communications and dealings with neighbours and siblings. Physical movement could be helped in some way too. Stay open to all of these possibilities.
Pisces: Saturn goes direct on 6th in your friends, groups and community zone, helping to resolve things that have been on hold since mid-April. This has been a long review and hopefully you will now know how things should be handled. Mars in this area of your chart is more than ready to push ahead with your conclusions from 6th – 11th. Act quickly, before Mars springs off on other missions.
The Sun opposes your ruling planet Neptune around 6th – 7th and Mercury does the same from 13th – 14th. These may take the form of challenges from partners or people you are in relationship with. Relationships are always challenging but we grow through them and New Moon on 9th marks the beginning of your Relating New Year. Make resolutions that will help you to find or build what you hope to find in your relationships in the month and year ahead.
Mars changes signs on 11th, energising your imagination (which is good for creative work behind the scenes). It can also give you the energy and determination to work on unconscious patterns. And as they are unconscious, doing this alone is not the way. This is a courageous journey and if you are ready for it, find some good, professional help to support you on your voyage.
Full Moon in the early hours of 25th lands on Chiron in your finance zone. This activates opportunities to help heal your finances or sense of security. We often wrongly link self-esteem to our income. Make sure you are not doing this. Your values are also up for grabs. Make time to ponder these and give yourself a compassionate break from harsh self-judgement.
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
To find out more get in touch. To view more horoscopes, please go to the Horoscopes page.