June 2016
Our shared planetary picture
The human race seems not to be at its best or happiest this month, as a sequence of planets are forming ‘a Grand Cross’ in the heavens (a number of planets all at 90° to each other). This makes for tensions in general and possible deadlocks. All these planets are in mutable signs too (Gemini, Virgo, Sag. and Pisces) which are the most prone to nervous energy, so we might all be feeling a share of the anxiety going around.
Each sign will experience this in four different areas of life. The first week is particularly challenging and also the period from 19th – 23rd. Neptune (which is one of our main players this month) also goes retrograde on 13th making things even more unfathomable but Mars at least goes direct on 29th which should help us to at least be fit to move forwards.
One of the positive aspects of mutable signs is that they assimilate information and break it down to make it more accessible to us all. They also form a kind of ‘digestion’ and breaking down process at the end of things, making space for new ideas, concepts and structures to be initialised. So bear this in mind if you find yourself getting anxious: it is an essential part of all growth processes, however uncomfortable that might be this time.
Attending to your well-being is helpful, taking more exercise can also be a good way of dispelling nervous energy (encourage others to join you) and calming, soothing activities are good for all.
There is also a ‘blue moon’ of sorts as the Full Moon on the morning of 20th (so the build up is on 19th) is for a second month running in Sag. This presents us with a second chance in some way. Last month the Full Moon was at 1° Sag, right at the beginning of the sign and this month it is at 29° which is right at the end. The best hope is that having had an extra month to think about things, we are now hopefully wiser and more principled and will make better judgements.
So what will this mean for us all?
Read the horoscope for your Sun Sign and your Ascendant Sign if you know it.
Aries: Nervous energy is high during the first week of the month as a collection of planets dash through your 3rd House of communications, trading and dealings with neighbours or siblings and once again from 19th – 23rd. This upsets three apple carts: that of your travel, legal and ethics zone and also your work, health and service to others zone plus spiritual ideals.
This high-pitched dynamic is happening globally. We’re all in this together and you more than most will want to take action but your ruling planet Mars is retrograde until 29th so you may just have to bear the discomfort until then. Even so an aspect between Mars and Uranus (which is in Aries) may trigger one of your unique brainwaves between 9th – 12th or from 29th, so be on the lookout for flashes of brilliance!
Meanwhile, more exercise might help and further attention to intimacy, joint funds and sharing – all possible areas that Mars is still currently reviewing until 29th. After that, with a better understanding of what needs doing, you’ll be ready to move forwards!
Taurus: Your financial and security area looks very busy this month as three fast-moving planets dash through. They’re in difficult aspect to three slower-moving planets though which makes for uncertainty, lack of clarity and possibly not the best behaviour from others… This may be more noticeable during the fIrst week of the month and again from 19th – 23rd. There could be disputes around 9th too.
New Moon falls in your income and security zone on 5th too which is a good day to make new financial plans for the year ahead and perhaps consider your values too. Joint funds, intimacy and sharing are presented emotionally once again in the build-up to Full Moon on the morning of 20th. This is the second month Full Moon that has been in Sag. which provides a second chance to resolve whatever needs resolving here.
Mars continues its retrograde movement through your 7th House for most of the month pressing you to review your recent position on relationships and partnerships. It goes direct on 29th though so progress could be at hand. The end of the month from 25th is emotionally, financially or creatively interesting and intense on a number of counts as your ruling planet Venus encounters Saturn, Neptune and then Pluto – a week to remember!
Gemini: Venus in your sign is adding to your charms until 17th when it moves on to improve your finances for the rest of the month. Despite winning the popularity stakes though, things are tricky…
The Sun and Venus in your sign get caught up with a difficult dynamic between Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune from 1st – 7th which could be tense. Of course as the zodiac’s prime communicator, you’ll find the words needed to skate over difficulties but when your ruling planet Mercury runs into the same planetary line up from 19th – 23rd, even you might be lost for words!
The areas of life likely to throw up conflicting demands are father, career and social status versus mother, home and personal development; and also partnerships versus who you now are… New Moon falls in Gemini on 5th during this period too which marks your personal New Year. Despite the dynamics facing you, make some New Year’s Resolutions to improve your emotional life in the year ahead.
For a second month running, Full Moon on 20th is in Sag your opposite sign which once again raises the emotional stakes in partnerships. This time it’s at the end of the sign and having had a month to think about it, your responses should now be more in balance. Second time lucky!
Cancer: So many things are going on behind the scenes and information may come to you from your unconscious, perhaps in dreams. While information coming from your inner workings is usually welcome, the repercussions to your work, health or daily routine may make you wonder about that…
Daily communications, dealings with siblings or neighbours or trading are also effected along with concerns about legal, cultural or ethical matters. So all in all there are lots of opportunities for anxieties, all of which (of course) you must avoid!
New Moon on 5th falls in your unconscious zone too. Make resolutions to handle worries better, perhaps along the lines of mindfulness, meditation, spiritual practice, helping others less fortunate or creativity behind the scenes.
Mars spends most of the month still going back to review how you’ve been dealing with romance, children or creativity but then goes direct on 29th when you can start to apply your conclusions. On the pleasurable side, Venus enters your sign from 17th making you darling of the zodiac. Doors will open!
Leo: Mars is still moving backwards through your mother, home and personal development area, pressing you to review how you have or haven’t been asserting yourself in these domains. On 29th it starts moving forwards but the process won’t be complete until early August.
The ‘noisy’ areas this month though are coming from planets moving through your 11th House of friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals which somehow clash with romance, children or personal creativity. This sets off another reaction in your personal finances which should have been improving versus your joint funds area which is at best unclear and looks like it’s going from bad to worse when Neptune goes retrograde on 13th. The first week of the month is perhaps the trickiest but 19th – 23rd could also be challenging.
New Moon on 5th falls in your ‘collective’ area. Make plans for future projects with friends, groups, communities and humanitarian ideals!
Virgo: A collection of planets are forming a difficult dynamic during the first week of June which impacts you personally. Jupiter planet of growth and expansion is still bringing opportunities your way but conflicting demands from other areas of your life may make you wonder whether this is a blessing… There’s still a clash between your father, career and social status zone and your mother and home life. On top of which partnerships are unclear and possibly more is being asked of you than it should.
In the face of these confusing dynamics and other people’s messes, working on personal development is helpful. You may need to draw boundaries too. This can be done gently but you must stick to them!
The same dynamics as the first week crop up again briefly from 19th – 23rd when your ruling planet Mercury runs into them all. This highlights communications – not necessarily making them easier but your insight will be sharp.
Full Moon falls for a second month running in Sag in your mother and home zone (on the morning of 20th). You already have serious Saturn sitting here and the second Full Moon in a row raises the emotional temperature once again but also opens the opportunity of a different response this time – one that expresses your true position!
Libra: Your ruling planet Venus is taking various batterings this month (especially at the beginning and the end) but so are most planets. Quick planetary movements through your travel, ethics and legal zone are deepening the divide in communications, trading and dealings with neighbours and siblings. Your work and health zone is also a bit phased by this as is your inner world.
Keep in mind that these tricky dynamics are global not just personal and look for opportunities to mediate, liaise and work with others.
Venus helpfully moves into your 10th House of father, career and social status from 17th which helps smooth the path for future ambitions. People with authority will also be well-disposed towards you. Ask favours if you need any.
As last month, Full Moon in Sag. falls in your communications zone, this time on the morning of 20th. It’s a second chance to speak forthrightly…
Scorpio: Your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing is being stimulated this month and any of these (including taxes, debts, inheritances and the money of others) could have quite an impact on your sense of security. Your personal creativity versus group achievement could also be set off uncomfortable or matters to do with children or romance versus friendship.
Mars continues its backward journey through your sign until 29th, wanting you to review how you’ve been asserting yourself recently, along with goal-setting, sexual expression or physical energy in general. It’s going to be in your sign for just over one more month so matters are not yet settled or complete but at least it’s moving forwards from the end of this month!
New Moon also falls in your joint funds, intimacy and sharing zone on 5th. Make some resolutions for the 12 months ahead about how you ‘share’ both your resources and yourself personally!
Sagittarius: All kinds of tricky dynamics come to prod you this month. Saturn retrograde in your sign continues its serious soul searching and Jupiter and Neptune bring up ideals about mother and home which conflict with your urge for expansion in your father, career and social status zone. While you may have got used to all of this last month, partners throw in a new ingredient to the mix this month which could possibly confound you.
Your focus during this complex dynamic should be inwards. The question is who you really are and how that should now be expressed. If we’re completely true to ourselves, we can’t then be false to others. You’ve been accommodating everyone, except perhaps yourself… and as you know this self-neglect can’t go on indefinitely.
New Moon on 5th falls in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships. Make some New Year’s Resolutions about that (again where you and your needs also feature). The money of others looks helpful from 17th. And Full Moon on the morning of 20th is in your sign for a second month! This is a second chance to express your emotions – take it!
Capricorn: Planets moving through your 6th House of work, health, service to others and daily routine are triggering off nagging self-doubts. Communications in general, trading or dealings with siblings or neighbours continue to be of concern in some way, as do legal, cultural or ethical matters.
The first week of the month is especially challenging, with a lot of planets at odds with Saturn your ruling planet. The 19th – 23rd is tricky too. New Moon on 5th also falls in your work and health zone which could indicate that taking more exercise or a new regime could perhaps help with current tensions.
Mars is working backwards through your friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals zone for most of the month, looking at changes that are still needed. It goes direct however on 29th and then headway can once again be made.
There’s more good news too from 17th when Venus moves into your 7th House of relationships and partnerships, smoothing ruffled feathers and bringing pleasure. Enjoy!
Aquarius: Planets are moving through your 5th House of romance, children and creativity this month. Normally this would be pleasurable but this time it triggers conflicts in your friends, groups and community zone and rebounds too on your finance and joint funds area. Personal finances also take a turnaround when Neptune goes retrograde on 13th, making them even more unfathomable…
Retrograde Mars in your father, career and social status zone urges you to review how you have or haven’t been asserting yourself in terms of ambitions or public standing. It goes direct however on 29th but still has another month to run after that for you to fully attend to these matters.
Although Mars makes a bit of a challenge to Uranus from 9th – 12th and from 29th, you have a better chance than most this month of having a bit of fun. A number of planets make nice aspects to Uranus your ruling planet. From 11th – 12th Venus smooths things along and brings pleasurable interactions with others or creatively. On 13th – 14th the Sun is in good aspect, bringing fortitude and well-being and on 26th – 27th Mercury brings mental delights and good fun. In a difficult month for all, be grateful for these blessings!
Pisces: Planets moving through your 4th House of mother and home are triggering off conflict with your father, career and social status zone, as well as rubbing against ongoing issues about partnerships versus your true identity.
Although Venus is one of the planets involved which usually brings pleasure to the home, this time things are more complicated. New Moon falls in your 4th House however on 5th which marks the beginning of your domestic New Year. Make some resolutions for a happy homelife in the year ahead and make some for personal development too.
Your ruling planet Neptune goes retrograde on 13th obscuring once again your sense of ‘self’ in some way or your ability to see how you present yourself. Full Moon on the morning of 20th is for a second month running in your father, career and social status zone. This is a second opportunity to voice how you’re feeling about these matters. Grasp the nettle. There won’t be a third for some time!
To find out what this means for you as an individual or to explore your birth chart by phone, please get in touch 07929 261231 (or ++ 447929 261231 if calling from outside UK) or write to me – diane@positive-elements.com
To find out more get in touch. To view more horoscopes, please go to the Horoscopes page.