March 2020 Horoscopes
Our shared planetary picture
There are some intense energies around this month as Mars in Capricorn moves over Jupiter and then Pluto. The former indicates daring expansion but the latter can be hard to handle as the will to get what you want can become obsessive. Willpower will be strong and can be transformative. It is imperative though that this does not veer into ruthlessness.
Mercury goes direct on 10th after three weeks moving retrograde and moves back into Pisces on 16th. This helps to clear up recent misunderstandings and helps communications all round.
Saturn moves into Aquarius on 22nd to review how we are working collectively. Mars wants to take action when it too leaps into Aquarius on 30th but Saturn is still taking stock.
On 20th the Sun enters Aries, marking the spring equinox (at 03.51 GMT), when day and night are of equal length: the first day of spring. For those of you in the cold north, we have survived another winter. And for those in the south, autumn is just beginning.
So what will this mean for us all?
Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.
Aries: Venus starts the month in your sign until 5th, heightening your charms. Your inner-dialogue should get more helpful too after 16th when Mercury, once again direct, moves into your 12th House of the unconscious. This should help communications, including with yourself.
Career and social status continue to occupy you as your ruling planet Mars meets Jupiter (16th – 20th) and Pluto (19th – 23rd). These are momentous meetings and if it is a joining of forces, much can be achieved. But if you see a confrontation looming, make sure it is a necessary one. You will be encountering power, authority and discipline: either in others or yourself. Whichever is the case, stay ethical!
From 5th Venus gives a rosier glow to your finances. There could be a surprising or original new idea or source of income as Venus joins Uranus from 5th – 8th. Be open to the unexpected.
On 22nd Saturn moves into your friends, groups and community zone, starting a deep review of how you have been dealing with your collective and political life and how you want to be in the future. Mars joins Saturn on 30th, wanting immediate action but Saturn will not be rushed. Yes, this could be frustrating…
General energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before your birthday you are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from you for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th! This also marks the start of spring.
New Moon in your sign on 24th falls on Chiron (asteroid of wounding and healing). This is an opportunity to look afresh at old wounds and move on in a healing way. This New Moon also marks the beginning of your personal New Year. Make resolutions that will help to meet your emotional needs in the month and year ahead!
Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer.
Taurus: Your ruling planet Venus graces your sign from 5th which heightens your attractiveness to others. It also immediately encounters Uranus (from 5th – 8th) which can bring sudden attractions or flashes of creative genius! Full Moon on 9th (at 17.49 GMT) intensifies this theme as it falls in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity.
The big guns this month though are out in your 9th House of exploration. Mars moves over Jupiter and Pluto, bringing intense experiences through travel, dealings with people from different countries and cultures, deep study, philosophy and ethics. Mars first encounters Jupiter (16th – 20th) when you may find yourself wanting to be part of a wider world or a more just one. You will be prepared to fight for your beliefs or to fight against what you think is wrong. You may want to spread your influence (perhaps online) or through teaching. Or undertaking a course of study that widens or deepens your knowledge could provide the expansion that you are looking for.
When Mars meets Pluto (19th – 23rd) you may feel like going to extremes. This is a strong energy and needs to be used carefully. Your will to bring change to the world is second to none. It is important to remember though that (in most cases) your survival does not depend on converting others round to your way of thinking. Act on your convictions but do not become a tyrant.
Mars meets up with Saturn at the very end of the month in your father, career and social status zone. This can be frustrating as Mars wants to take immediate action wherever it is. And Saturn wants to think carefully and have long-term goals before attempting anything…. Making a clear, rational strategic plan to achieve your ambitions, could be the way forward.
Gemini: Your ruling planet Mercury starts the month still retrograde and moves backwards leaving Pisces for Aquarius on 4th. This is a time to àâreview your principles and what you hold as true. On 10th Mercury starts to move forwards again and on 16th it skips back into Pisces, hopefully. Your career, social status and dealings with father or authority figures (or 1your own dealings if you happen to be one yourself) will hopefully now be clearer.
Joint funds, intimacy and sharing are the main focus of the month. This includes taxes, debts, inheritances and the fundamental processes of life: birth, sex and death. Mars is shaking Jupiter and Pluto to take action on 16th – 20th and 19th – 23rd, respectively. Powerful issues and energies are at play here, so remain aware of what you are doing or getting into.
Mars does not catch up with Saturn until 30th, after Saturn has moved into your 9th House of exploration. Wherever Saturn lands, a review is called for. And the Saturnian review that starts on 22nd is looking at how you have explored in the past (which includes physical travel, belief systems, your online life and world view) and how you want to approach the world in the future. Mars is pushing Saturn for action from 30th but the focus for Saturn is inward reflection.
New Moon involving Chiron on 24th, marks a new cycle in friendships, groups and community. Chiron’s presence adds the possibility of healing old wounds through the groups you attend, start or join and healing rifts in fiendships or with organisations. Go with it!
Cancer: People in influential positions are willing to help you with your ambitions until 5th, then Venus glides into your friends, groups and community zone, bringing good times and possibly sudden attractions around 5th – 8th. Have you considered joining (or starting) a group that you would find stimulating? This is not a month to be alone.
Philosophical and legal matters and dealings with in-laws and people with different belief systems start to improve after 10th when Mercury, once again direct, re-enters your 9th House. If you have any legal matters or anything important to sign, wait until after that if you can.
Relationships and partnerships are looking dynamic as Mars meets Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn each in turn, triggering determination to find growth for yourself either within or outside of current partnerships. Passions will be high (and possibly battles of will) when Mars hits Pluto from 19th – 23rd. Keeping the status quo will not feel like an option. And your will to push your agenda forwards will be unstoppable. If you do not claim this energy yourself, you may find your partner exhibiting it themselves. Be pro-active!
Mars joins Saturn in your 8th House from 30th onwards. But joint funds or intimacy start to look serious before that, from 22nd when Saturn starts to weigh up the present situation. What now needs to be done?
New Moon on 24th falls on Chiron (asteroid of wounding and healing) in your father, career and social status zone. This marks a new cycle with the possibility of leaving old wounds behind. For this to happen though, you have to let go of them. And in case that did not quite go in… You have to let go of them!
Leo: Things are looking good professionally from 5th when Venus starts to smooth your path in your interactions with father or authority figures, career and social status. If you need favours from people in influential positions, be sure to ask. It also meets Uranus from 5th – 8th when surprises, unexpected help from people in positions of power or your own social status changes for the better in some way. Creative ambitions are well-starred too.
Mercury goes direct on 10th in your relationships zone. Joint funds, intimacy and sharing improve too from 16th when Mercury returns. This helps to clear up any recent misunderstandings and opens the path to applying the conclusions you have come to over the past three weeks.
The big focus this month though is work, health and service to others. Mars is pressing for action here, starting with Jupiter which it hits16th – 20th, wanting expansion in your range of work or daily activities. Could you add a consciousness-lifting activity to your daily routine? Or find a job or volunteering position that widens your world?
The most intense process this month is when Mars hits Pluto from 19th – 23rd. This is also in your 6th House and also demanding not just change but transformation. If you want to make changes to your health, habits, daily routine or working world or develop skills that require willpower; this is your moment! Also be alert to colleagues or daily companions going on power trips… Side step them if they do and be sure not to go on one yourself (unless it is taking yourself in hand).
Saturn’s final planetary meeting this month is in your relationships and partnerships zone. Saturn solemnly steps in on 22nd, starting a deep review looking at how you have dealt with relationships and partnerships in the past and how you want to deal with them in the future. Mars starts pushing Saturn for action from 30th but will it succeed?
Virgo: There is the promise of pleasure from 5th when Venus glides into the travel and exploration zone of your solar chart. This is good for physical exploration, covering terrain and also for philosophical travel, exploring different beliefs and cultures. From 5th – 8th Venus meets Uranus which is already in residence here and this brings excitement and sudden attractions, possibly to someone from a different country or culture. Taking a course of study could also be exciting.
Full Moon in your sign is on 9th, bringing an emotional wave with it. And your ruling planet Mercury goes direct the following day, having decided what to do about a work or health situation. On 16th Mercury moves back into your relationships and partnerships zone and you will now hopefully know what you want to say.
The strongest emphasis this month though is your urge for growth, expansion and transformation in either romance, children or creativity. Mars meets expansive Jupiter from16th to 20th and again you may meet someone who makes your world a bigger place. Dealings with children may feel freer and more expansive or maybe the creative urge will claim you.
When Mars joins Pluto from 19th to 23rd, things could get very intense and you may be swept away on a wave of passion (or compulsive fear from feeling out of control). This is a huge (and often sexual) energy and it will need an outlet that involves taking action. Take it!
New Moon on 24th brings a new cycle with the possibility of healing old wounds to do with joint funds, intimacy and sharing. This could take he form of tax rebates, iinheritances or a new era in sexual expression. Be open to that too!
Libra: Your ruling planet Venus softens relationships and partnerships until 5th and then moves on to either improve your intimate life or income from ‘the money of others’. Whichever of these it is, there could be some surprises and possibly sudden attractions around 5th – 8th.
Home however looks stormier or at the very least, dynamic. Mars is stirring things up and you will be taking action or experiencing it from others which impacts you on a deep level. Mars meets Jupiter from 16th – 20th when the need for growth and expansion within the home will feel like a must. This could involve searching for a bigger home or one abroad or wanting growth in emotional conditions in the home or possibly freedom from your home altogether.
Whichever it is, the following meeting of Mars with Pluto from 19th – 23rd brings up power issues and the power of the will and commitments but whether that will be yours or a mother-figure’s, remains to be seen…
On 22nd Saturn moves into your 5th House of romance, children and creativity, starting a deep review there. When action-loving Mars joins it from 30th, there may be some frustrations as Saturn will not be hurried or pushed.
New Moon on 24th marks a fresh cycle in your relationships and partnerships. It is also on Chiron (asteroid of wounding and healing). This could be an opportunity to put away oldqwq wounds and move forwards.
Scorpio: Relationships and partnerships will be grabbing your attention from 5th when Venus glides into your opposite sign. Venus immediately triggers Uranus from 5th – 8th which can act as an exciting awakening to aspects of your partner and relationship that you had not fully appreciated before. Another possibility is the prospect of a new partnership, whether business or personal. Be open-minded.
Mercury planet of communication goes direct on 10th, helping to clear up any misunderstandings or uncertainty regarding romance, children and creativity. But your way of thinking is undergoing a much deeper process that will be presented to you in no uncertain terms this month, as Mars triggers two heavy-weight planets in your 3rd House of communications.
In the first encounter, Mars joins Jupiter (from 16th – 20th) when you will be prepared to fight for your beliefs or expand their field of influence in some way. You may join a course of study or offer one to others. Dialogue will be important too, so surround yourself with enriching minds.
The next trigger is (from 19th – 23rd) when Mars joins your ruling planet Pluto. Passions will run high during this learning process. And we are looking for a learning process, not a knee-jerk reaction. The possibility of harnessing the power of thought, the power of words and the power of the mind is phenomenal right now. Use it to good effect. This may be all too much for one to one relationships. Apply it to yourself. It is fantastic too for public speaking!
Mars hits Saturn when it has already moved into your 4th House of mother and home which it does on 22nd. This is the start of a deep review looking at your roots, foundations, emotional conditions in childhood and what is still left to work through. You will be looking with a sober eye too at your present home, emotion conditions within it, personal development and self-nurture. What are the next steps that you need to now take?
Another opportunity presents itself at New Moon on 24th in your work, health and service to others zone. This New Moon falls on Chiron, the asteroid of wounding and healing. And so we have the perfect time for a new regime: one that meets your need to move away from self-harming habits, in search of a deeper sense of well-being.
Sagittarius: Health, work and service to others take on a new pleasure from 5th when Venus arrives bringing a sense of well-being. Your daily rituals and the way you tend yourself physically are sources of well-being too, as are colleagues and daily companions, including pets. Venus also immediately runs into Uranus from 5th – 8th, bringing surprises, creative impulses and perhaps even sudden attractions. Work can take on a new zest or you may find volunteering your services gives you a new !ease of life.
Mercury goes direct on 10th and from 16th helps to sort out any recent misunderstandings to do with mother-figures or home. And there is further need for reflection about your habitual ways of thinking and speaking, when Saturn moves into your 3rd House of communications from 22nd.
But the big guns this month are in your finance and security zone. Determined Mars is shaking up the big boys presently moving through this area of your life. And the first planet it meets is your ruling planet Jupiter from16th to 20th. This brings an urge for action and expansion and to fight your corner if need be.
When Mars joins Pluto though from 19th to 23rd, your will to survive may feel intense and show itself in compulsive ways. This is a huge energy that needs to be kept in hand. Your willpower will be unbeatable (and your sex drive possibly ditto) but guard against ruthlessness, even if others are displaying it. If you are trying to bring a new income stream into action, little can stop you at this time.
New Moon on 24th falls in your romance, children and creativity zone. Chiron is here too which brings the theme of wounding and healing to this new cycle. Make opportunities for healing old wounds.
Capricorn: The month begins with domestic pleasure as Venus completes its stay in your mother and home zone on 5th. Mercury goes direct too on 10th which helps to resolve any recent misunderstandings, especially conversations about values or money. This includes conversations with yourself.
You may be displaying memorable behaviour this month, as an intense build-up of planets can make things feel extreme. Mars the planet of goal-setting, assertiveness, sexual expression, dealings with men (or manhood), physical energy and applying your will; activates two big planets, one after the other and this all happens in Capricorn, your sign.
The order of sequence Mars fires them up is Jupiter (from 16th – 20th) generating energy to fight for your beliefs or expansion and then Pluto (from 19th – 23rd) when power rushes, battles of will or dealingss with men or your own sexuality take on huge proportions. Compulsive behaviour may try to take over in your determination to be right: do not let it!
Your ruling planet Saturn is on the move too and leaves your sign for the first time in over two years, on 22nd. It will come back again in July but this is the first opportunity to weigh up how far you have come since the end of 2017 and how that should now be expressed in your values and dealings with money and security.
And when Mars joins Saturn from 30th, it can feel like hitting a brick wall and the outcome can never be sure. Will you get through that wall or have to go back and review your approach yet again?
New Moon on 24th marks a fresh cycle in your father, career and social status zone. This falls on Chiron, asteroid of wounding and healing. Can you pursue your ambitions in a way that will help old wounds to heal?
Aquarius: Your ruling planet Uranus gets triggered by lovely Venus (from 5th – 8th) in your mother and home zone. This can bring pleasing and unexpected changes to your home, the emotional conditions within it (and in you). Dealings with mother-figures should be enjoyable, as should self-nurture and personal development. You could have a sudden attraction to someone you meet through any of the above too. Venus is going to stay in your 4th House until early-April and you will be creative in beautifying your home and enjoying the company of others there, perhaps through entertaining.
Your 12th House of the unconscious is hyper-active this month making your unconscious processes more noticeable which can be helpful if you are willing to look at what is going on internally. You will also want to make compassion active. And creativity behind the scenes will be coming from a deep place too. The more you can discover about yourself: the better.
On 22nd Saturn moves into you sign for an introductory stay of justthree months but he is coming back in December. This is the first part of an internal review looking at how you have dealt with the issues of identity and self-expression and its outlets in the past, how you want to deal with these things in the future but the focus during this review process will be inwards.
Mars stirs things up from 30th onwards which contradictory to Saturn, wants to take action. Saturn has pressed the brakes but Mars is stepping on the gas. Making plans for your path ahead may be your best bet with these two on the scene.
New Moon involving Chiron on 24th, marks a new cycle in communication. Chiron’s presence adds the possibility of healing old wounds through approaches you make where there have been misunderstandings. New ways of thinking and new forms of physical movement can bring healing to you too. Give them a go!
Pisces: The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th, radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. And when the Sun joins your ruling planet Neptune around 7th and 8th you feel well with the world. This is also the lead-up to Full Moon on 9th in your relationships and partnerships zone. And it will be interesting to see what or who you attract from your position of well-being.
Mercury goes direct on 10th and moves back into your sign from 16th. This helps you to communicate better and from a more authentic place than last month when Mercury went retrograde. Venus glides into your communications zone too from 5th and stimulates Uranus from 5th – 8th. This can bring exciting ideas to the fore, even flashes of brilliance! Trying new forms of physical movement can be exciting too! Be experimental!
The biggest impact this month though is Mars which impacts two heavy-weight planets in your friends, groups and community zone. The first of these is Jupiter which it hits from 16th to 20th. You will want to expand your circle of friends or be part of a wider world through joining (or starting) groups, communities or finding your tribe!
Mars them moves into Pluto from 19th to 23rd which is a huge intense energy that stirs up survival issues, linked in some way to these same matters, including organisations, campaigns and political movements. If you have not previously been political, this could be an intense awakening!
Saturn has been applying the brakes here for the last two years but it moves off for a few months from 22nd. This allows you to see how far you have come since the end of 2017 and it also allows you to start applying some of your conclusions from this long review. Saturn moves into your 12th House of the unconscious from 22nd which is the first step of reviewing your inner-dialogue and psychology.
New Moon on 24th marks a fresh cycle in your finances and with Chiron nearby, this could be a healing process. This is a great time to draw up a budget or financial plan. Get out the calculator!
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK). And to find out more about the benefits of astrology or more about me, visit
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