May 2015
Your Horoscope for May 2015
Our shared planetary picture
A lot of planetary movement is taking place in Gemini this month and Mercury (its ruling planet) goes retrograde from 19th until 11th June. This is a double-whammy which flags up our collective need to review communications and avoid glibness. Unthinking quips may miss the mark or reveal more than we intended so the sterling advice of – ‘think before you speak’ is especially relevant during this period. It may not be the best time to sign anything of importance either, if you can, do it before 19th or wait until after mid-June. It might also be a time to steer clear of ‘fast talkers’…
So what will this mean for us all?
Read the horoscopes for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.
Aries: Your ruling planet Mars continues to drive your financial ambitions or sense of values until 12th, then it stirs up your 3rd House of ideas and communications. There’ll be lots of mental energy available, so be sure to use it in a positive way. Any left hanging around could get caught up in ‘debating’ matters, particularly with siblings or neighbours. While Arians often favour clearing the air, any attempts to do so around 13th to 15th or after 19th could backfire, so aim for early in the month if it’s absolutely necessary.
Neptune dilutes or dissolves your advances from 22nd to 26th. So don’t waste energy hitting your head against a misty wall. Try a more subtle strategy or just observe and appreciate the symbolism of the situation.
New Moon on 18th in your 2nd House could indicate a new strand of income or a new outlook that enables you to feel secure on a non-material level. Be open to this!
Taurus: Mars still in your sign continues to reinforce your determination until 12th and Sun offers reinforcement until 21st. The focus though is changing to interest in what on earth is happening in your finance, security and values zone?
Other people may not understand what is going on and even more alarming, neither may you. Rest assured that this is par for the course and all the chopping and changing should make sense in the long run. Your Taurean caution will serve you well if unreliable types seem to be offering the Moon. Despite this, your own enterprising instincts are strong right now and opportunities are out there. Avoid dicey projects though, especially after 18th when Mercury’s retrograde.
Partnerships look emotional leading up to Full Moon on the morning of 4th and New Moon in your sign on 18th marks the beginning of your personal new year. Make some resolutions for a fresh new start!
Gemini: You are surely the bees’ knees this month as Venus, Mercury, Mars and Sun all skip through Gemini. Whereas this could be a bit much for some signs, you’ll love all the action, variety and stimulation this rich mix will bring. Always ready to respond to new situations and opportunities with your many sparkling personas, you’ll be in your element this month!
Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 19th but even this presents less of a problem to you than it does for other signs – it’s an opportunity to change your mind. And as keeping your options open always feels comfortable, even this will not faze you.
Apart from Saturn throwing in a few obstacles around 2nd to 3rd, 14th to 15th and 22nd to 23rd, the conditions are perfect and you can happily wing, sing and dance your way through the month of May. Enjoy!
Cancer: Lovely Venus enters your sign on 7th making you darling of the zodiac until early June and enhancing your charms. Romance goes well mid-month as Venus teams up with Neptune and broken bonds can be mended with Chiron’s help around 27th.
This month’s emphasis on communications does not apply to you in quite the same way, as the most important focus is self-talk. What have you been telling yourself that may not have been helpful?
We’re not talking about truth avoidance but inner attitudes based on beliefs about yourself. Whether you’ve been aware of these or not, this is a useful time to explore your inner world, perhaps with the help of therapies or paying attention to the content of your dreams.
New Moon on 18th favours groups, friends and community. How might they be able to help?
Leo: The month begins with almost a conflict of interests as Sun and Jupiter (which is in Leo) square up to each other. The clash is between your father and career zone and yourself. Full Moon in the early hours of 4th throws emotion into the mix so be prepared.
Mars continues to provide determination in your father and career zone until 12th and then the Sun picks up where Mars left off on 21st, urging you to express yourself fully. Meanwhile, New Moon on 18th offers a fresh start in these areas too – take it!
There’s a gathering of planets in your 11th House of friends, groups and community. This could bring people in and out of your life at quite high speed and communications are lively too. If you can firm arrangements before Mercury goes retrograde on 19th, it could save some messing about in the future…
Virgo: Your ruling planet Mercury is leading you a merry dance this month and it all seems to be happening in your father, career and social status zone. Venus and then Mars and Sun are urging you to push ahead here too and the best time for concerted efforts seems to be 13th – 18th (while Mars is behind you and before Mercury goes retrograde on 19th).
Relationships and partnerships look interesting too. Venus helps smooth things along around 15th and 16th after a puzzling couple of days. Mars provides a reality check around 22nd – 25th and there are opportunities for healing around 26th and 27th.
Venus glides through your friends, groups and community zone from 7th. Apart from a bit of intensity around 21st and 22nd, pleasures await you in these areas. Make time to relax and enjoy them!
Libra: Your ruling planet Venus enhances your public sphere this month and if you need favours from people in authority, just ask. They’re likely to help. (Try to ask before 19th though). This is a good month to further your career using your co-operative skills. Work, health and service to others flow nicely around 15th and 16th too.
Mercury and a cluster of planets in Gemini are impacting your 9th House of travel, study, law and ethics. All manner of things could be happening here. Cultural awareness could be important too. If you have travel plans, a flexible ticket might be worth the extra cost and you may need to renege if you stuck your neck out in some way, earlier on.
Career and home might clash around 21st and 22nd and partners may not be at their most helpful around 25th and 26th. Just ignore them!
Scorpio: Full Moon in your sign on the morning of 4th raises emotions containing helpful information. Be attentive to what comes up. We often distract ourselves with busy-ness away from important processes happening internally. Make time for your inner world at the start of the month.
A gathering of planets in Gemini are presently darting about in your 8th House of joint funds, intimacy and sharing. The transformational processes of birth, sex and death come into this too – all areas Scorpios have the fortitude to brave. This is a call (amongst other things) to voice what is happening for you in these areas. Say what needs to be said before 19th when Mercury goes retrograde.
New Moon on 18th falls into your relationships and partnerships zone. This offers a new beginning and whether this involves another person or people or just yourself, take this opportunity to turn over a new page.
Sagittarius: So much is going on in your relationships and partnerships this month it’ll be hard to keep track. All manner of comings and goings and chopping and changing will keep you fully occupied!
Others may challenge your views around 2nd – 4th, oppose you around 14th – 15th or be difficult around 22nd – 23rd but you can cope with all of these passing irritations. Venus and Neptune work together to keep your ideals intact about mother and home around 15th and 16th but Mars may have other ideas from 22nd – 25th.
What you really want from relationships and partnerships is a good focus. Keep it in mind during all this month’s activity. This also of course will require effort on your part and presents the natural question of: ‘What are you prepared to put in?’
There are opportunities for healing which are helped by intimacy, sharing or ‘the money of others’ around 26th and 27th. Take them!
Capricorn: Venus enters your relationships and partnerships zone on 7th bringing pleasure and harmony. The fact that partners may be more amenable than usual shouldn’t be a green light to impose your will on them though (especially around 21st and 22nd). Just go gently and enjoy relating. And if unattached, who knows, someone may somehow manage to appear in your pending file.
Your ruling planet Saturn is trying to stand for truth this month, as lighter planets flit through the silver-tongued sign of Gemini. Keep your position, however unpopular or counter-social-trends it may be. The Gemini planets are impacting your 6th House of work, health, service to others and daily routine. This could heighten nervous energy so use it up positively through exercise and projects which need your attention.
And say what needs to be said before 19th!
Aquarius: There seems to be a clash between partnerships and home in the first few days of the month and Full Moon in your public and status zone may just further fuel the fire. Your determination on the home front and perhaps in personal development continue as Mars completes his transit here on 12th. The Sun takes over where he left off from 21st, when creativity and self expression may need accommodating too. New Moon on 18th wants a fresh start in your mother and home zone. Make one!
Romance, children and creativity are highlighted this month as a cluster of planets zip through your 5th House. Communications could get confused after 19th so do your talking before then if possible.
Venus squares your ruling planet Uranus around 25th and 26th which could make for some unusual situations or even liaisons…
Pisces: Home is supposed to be a restful place but that may not be the case this month. A collection of fast-moving planets are bringing change and perhaps commotion to your mother and home zone and the pace will either feel exhilarating or abrasive, depending on how well you move with events.
Venus, Mercury, Mars and then Sun all have something to say and then on 19th, Mercury goes retrograde which may turn everything around again. As well as being a call for flexibility, there are opportunities for personal development here too.
A conflict of interest between father and career and mother and home create some friction around 13th – 15th but your ruling planet Neptune is assisted by Venus from 15th – 16th which helps to resolve things. Mars challenges your idealism from 22nd – 25th but Venus helps a healing process around 26th and 27th.
Nurture yourself regardless of whatever’s happening at home and enjoy the show!
To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth charts, just get in touch – 07929 261231
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