January 2020 Horoscopes
Our shared planetary picture
January 2020 is an intense start to an intense year. Mars leaps into Sag on 3rd urging us collectively to seek the truth and wisdom. And Uranus goes direct on 11th in Taurus, enabling us to make changes in our attitude towards consumption, ownership and values (which have been under review since mid-August).
This happens during the most intense few days of the month when Full Moon in Cancer on 10th leads on to a gathering of the Sun, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn until 13th. We have collectively been undergoing a long process of transformation in relation to hierarchies and the leaders we have lived under or voted for and the first crunch of mass awareness (and most likely dissatisfaction and awakening) will be felt from 10th – 13th. And there is more to come this year…
New Moon in Aquarius on 24th marks a fresh start in humanitarian principles and collective thinking and in what the individual has to offer the collective and vice versa. Is there a movement that resonates with you, that you would like to join? If so, you may find your new tribe there.
So what will this mean for us all?
Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.
Aries: Your ruling planet Mars sharpens your urge to travel from 3rd. Is there a part of the world or the great outdoors that you would like to explore? Different cultures and belief systems and studies may also carry an allure and if you have legal or publishing matters to sort out, your determination to do so is high. Neptune clouds the view around 26th – 28th which is a good point to pause. But otherwise it is full speed ahead.
The mystery surrounding your finances should clear from 11th when Uranus goes direct. Money will be valued for the freedom and experiences it can provide and you may be looking at generating an income that is more closely in line with your values.
The busiest area of your solar chart though is your 10th House of father, career and social status. And when Mercury joins Jupiter on 2nd and then the Sun, Pluto and Saturn intensely group together around 12th, you will have both ideas and insight into these areas of your life.
New Moon on 24th falls in your friends, groups and community zone. This marks a fresh cycle and is the perfect time to join or start a new group. And if there is a cause you feel strongly about, your dynamic leadership skills and energy will find good company and will help towards the changes you are working for.
Taurus: Taxes, debts, pensions, wills and inheritances are looking active from 3rd when Mars leaps into your 8th House, determined to sort things out. Joint funds need to be crystal clear too. The 8th House also covers the transformational processes of life – i.e. birth, sex and death. Sharing is an aspect of this too, including emotional and physical intimacy. And Mars will be shaking things up and pushing things forward or perhaps you will!
The main emphasis this month is in the travel and exploration area of your solar chart. Opportunities to travel, study, publish, explore the great outdoors or different cultures or languages can all have a big impact. Legal matters could be weighty too.
On 11th Uranus goes direct in your sign, having been retrograde since mid-August. This has been a review period, looking at whether you have been compromising and not fully expressing the pure essence of yourself. So what do you think? Have you? Opportunity to do just that is open to you once again. Go with it.
Things look in your favour careerwise as Venus charms authority-figures to be on your side until 13th. New ideas arrive too from16th and you will be fully expressing yourself from 20th when the Sun warms and illuminates your social status. New Moon on 24th also falls in this area of your solar chart and marks the beginning of a new cycle. Do you have ambitions? You do? Then start now to make them become a reality!
Gemini: Mars leaps into your relationships and partnerships zone from 3rd which turns up the heat. This may find you in hot pursuit of a certain someone or vice versa. Or the heat may take the form of conflict through either you or a partner being more assertive than usual. Passion can take different forms…
Joint funds, intimacy and sharing are the big focus this month though, with a gathering of planets from 10th – 13th making things pretty intense. We know Geminis like to keep things nice and light but there will be very little chance of that during this period… Transformational processes are at work which may include births, sex and deaths. Taxes, debts and inheritances may take on a more serious tone too, as could joint accounts and loans.
From 14th Venus is smoothing your path in your interactions with father or authority figures, career and social status. If you need favours from people in influential positions, be sure to ask. You may also become aware of your dream ambition around 26th – 27th when Venus meets up with Neptune at the top of your chart but this may be incompatible with your present choice of partner.
From 16th your ruling planet Mercury is thinking about travel and exploring new ideas. The Sun provides energy for this too from 20th. Now where would you like to go? Or what would you like to learn?
Cancer: Energetic Mars leaps into your work, health and service to others zone on 3rd and livens things up here immediately. If you have been thinking about looking for a new job or volunteering, Mars will provide the energy to do so. And could it be time to start a new regime? Mars specialises in determination too which is exactly what you need to embark upon and stick to a new, healthier way forward. Your daily routine is up for grabs too and we are looking at how to enhance your health and well-being.
Full Moon on 10th is in your sign, highlighting contradictions between your needs and your partner’s. Partnerships are an ongoing focus and particularly so this month. On 2nd Mercury meets Jupiter and your mind will be at its most positive, giving a wider, more philosophical view. Deeper insights are available too on 12th which may not be altogether comfortable but you need to look at issues or realisations that arise then, straight in the face.
Any unhelpful disruptions to friendships, groups and community start to sort themselves out from 11th when Uranus goes direct. This is a changing area anyway but at least things will be moving forwards once again.
Travel is well-starred from 13th as Venus glides into your 9th House of exploration. The great outdoors may hold extra appeal. Dealing with people from different countries and cultures is a pleasure and learning about other cultures and perhaps a foreign language could be fun. And if you have been considering studying something in depth, you will enjoy it!
Leo: Romance, dealings with children or creativity stir your creative juices from 3rd when Mars leaps into your 5th House and energises you to pursue your desires. You will enjoy good-natured competition with others and sports may appeal. You may be more attracted to speculation too.
But the main focus this month is work, health and service to others. A build-up of tension around 10th – 13th may squeeze you to look deeply at how well your physical needs are being met and how well (or otherwise) you have been tending yourself. Your daily routine and habits come into this, as does diet and exercise. What you mentally focus on is important too. Saturn and Pluto are looking for transformative change which may require a job change or a health change. This may need a lot of self-discipline… Just find it!
Relationships with colleagues and daily companions could be intense. It is important to be conscious of how you use your power and influence. Be as ethical as possible, even if others are not being so. Pets could be important too and have a strong impact on your well-being and daily routine.
The review that has been taking place since mid-August in your 10th House of father, career or social status completes on 11th and you will then hopefully be aware of whether you have been compromising too much (or too little). And you will also be in a position to do something about your conclusion. A seven-year revolutionary process is taking place in your worldly standing. Position yourself to go with it.
Virgo: If you have been planning projects to do with your home, the planetary wind is behind you from 3rd when Mars leaps in giving you the energy and determination to get things done. Mars also represents heat, so the personal dynamics at home could be feistier than usual, as could dealings with mother-figures. And if self-nurture and personal development have been on a back-burner, you may want to push them forwards too.
Planetary intensity gathers around 10th – 13th this month which for you means romance, children or creativity will be burning issues. Whichever of these demands your attention, creativity can be a good outlet for any build-up of tension.
During the same period, Uranus goes direct on 11th which is part of the 7-year shake-up of your belief system and world-view. A review has been taking place here since mid-August but you can now move forwards once again. Dealings with in-laws and people from different countries and cultures could play a part in this, as could writing, publishing and legal matters. Ethics could be central to whatever form this takes too.
From 13th Venus glides which into your relationships and partnerships zone, helping to smooth things along. And New Moon on 24th is calling out for a fresh start in your 6th House of work and health and service to others. Could it be time for a new regime, a new job or voluntary position? Or have you even considered getting a pet?
Libra: Mentally you will be on top form from 3rd when Mars leaps into your communications zone. This gives lots of mental energy and the determination to make your voice matter. Mars is good for physical exercise too and if it is competitive, all the better.
The other side of Mars is combat and others may notice an unexpected inclination to defend your views more energetically than usual. You may also want to tackle matters relating to siblings and neighbours that you have let ride until now.
Mother and home continue to be the main focus this month with three big planets in residence and Mercury passing through. Good ideas occur to you on 2nd when Mercury meets Jupiter and you might have deeper insight into some of these matters around 12th.
Your ruling planet Venus glides into your work and health zone on 13th which makes relations with colleagues and daily companions harmonious. You take pleasure too in tending to your daily needs and enjoy your daily rituals.
New Moon on 24th is in your romance, children and creativity zone. This marks a fresh cycle. What would you like it to include? Take action, in line with the answers to that question.
Scorpio: Finances are high on your list from 3rd when energetic Mars leaves your sign and leaps into your 2nd House of money, possessions, income, security and values. This may prompt you to pursue an additional stream of income or to yank your life closer to your true values.
Communications is the big focus this month though, especially from 10th – 13th when the Sun, Saturn and Pluto meet two days after the Full Moon on 10th. It is important to keep your mind (and tongue) positive at this time as the intensity will be high.
This could also indicate a breakthrough though in understanding what triggers your self-sabotaging outbursts or moments of doubt. Find outlets for these build-ups of tension: singing, dance or other forms of physical movement can be helpful, as can meditation, martial arts and exploring past traumas with a counsellor or therapist.
In the midst of this maelstrom, Uranus goes direct on 11th in your relationships and partnerships zone. This completes a review that has been around since mid-August, looking at whether or not you have been completely true to yourself and others in your relationships. And if you have not, it is time to start now!
Mother, home, self-nurture and personal development are also highlighted by Mercury and the Sun from 16th and 20th and New Moon here marks an opportunity for a new committment to meeting your needs for a home-life that supports you and your personal development. Just do it!
Sagittarius: On 3rd Mars leaps into your sign adding extra dynamism and determination to your creative self-expression. Your daily habits will be ready for a change too when Uranus goes direct on 11th. If you have been mulling over a change of job, a new health regime or becoming a volunteer, now is the time to forge this new path.
Finances are a massive focus at present, particularly this month from 10th – 13th when storm clouds gather in your income, security and values zone. The focus may seem to be purely financial, but it may not be. The present planetary squeezing that is going on could be forcing you to undergo a transformation that changes your values. Creativity or a value system that gives a sense of security may become more important than physical currency or possessions that you can count.
Venus glides into your mother and home zone from 13th, easing relations at home and with mother-figures. You may find yourself wanting to beautify your home at the same time. And sharing its charms with others through entertaining will be a pleasure too.
New Moon on 24th falls in your communications zone. This is a perfect time to start a new course or to start sharing your skills with others by offering a course yourself. New forms of physical movement can also have a positive impact on your state of mind. Be experimental!
Capricorn: The Sun ball remains in your court this month until 20th radiating warmth, optimism and freer self-expression. Mercury lends you mental energy too until 16th with consciousness-raising possibilities on 2nd and 12th. This is also your first full month of Jupiter in your sign which adds an upbeat swing.
Finances are looking rosy too with Venus smoothing things along until 13th. Mercury adds income-generating ideas from 16th and the Sun adds creativity from 20th. New Moon on 24th also falls in your income zone which is an excellent time to plan finances and draw up a budget.
Full Moon in your opposite sign on 10th illuminates the different pushes and pulls of your partner’s needs and your own or the longing for a partner if there is not one around. There is also a shift in romance, creativity or dealings with children from 11th when Uranus forges forwards once again to look at what further changes are needed.
Communications run smoothly from 13th. Dealings with siblings and neighbours go well and your flow with words enrapture others (apart from a few hiccoughs around 26th – 28th when you would do well to keep your own counsel). But your silver tongue (or pen) sings once again from 29th onwards.
Aquarius: Energy levels may have been low recently but that is about to change. The month before our birthday we are often at low ebb as the Sun has been away from us for the longest time. The good news is the Sun is bringing fresh energy and a sense of renewal to you from 20th! Venus also continues to heighten your desirability until 13th and few will be able to resist your charms. From 13th Venus adds a rosy glow to your finances too.
Your birthday whether this month or next is your personal new year and a more meaningful time to make resolutions for the year ahead than January 1st. Many Happy Solar Returns! It is also the perfect time to explore your planets for the year ahead with a good astrologer. New Moon on 24th is in Aquarius too which is a natural point to reflect on your emotional needs in the month and year ahead and to take steps in how to best meet them.
Your ruling planet Uranus goes direct on 11th, enabling much-needed changes on the mother and home front (that have been on hold since mid-August) to resume. There are more changes that still need to be made. This can include your home, relations with mother-figures, self-nurture and personal development. Welcome and help along the changes that are on their way. This coincides with a period of intensity from 10th – 13th when realisations about your psychology and inner-workings come to light.
Mars leaps into your friends, groups and community sector from 3rd. These are all areas of life that you love and you will be firing on all four cylinders here over the next six weeks. You will have a lot of energy to offer groups, even enough to start a new one. You may be feeling politically active too. And if there is a campaign that is close to your heart, get out there and change the world!
Pisces: Mars leaps into your social status zone on 3rd and stays for six weeks, sharpening your ambitions and giving you the determination to do something about them. What standing would you like to achieve in the world? Dealings with father and authority figures may be heated too during this period, as either you, them or both will be feeling more assertive…
The big focus this month though (and this year) is friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals. An intense gathering of planets around 10th – 13th focuses your mind very strongly on who your true tribe is and on what you need to achieve collectively. Campaigns and causes become super-important and there can be personal growth for you this year and growth that you take to others, if you take an active role. Events or interactions from 10th – 13th may present you with the difficulties that you will face along this path: but also with the resilience to navigate them.
Venus is helping creativity behind the scenes along until 13th. This can help to soften your self-talk too. On 24th New Moon marks a fresh start here too. Have you thought of adding a meditative practice or ritual to your daily routine? From 13th Venus is going to be in Pisces, making you darling of the zodiac until 7th Feb. Enjoy your popularity!
To find out what this means for you as an individual, get in touch and we can explore your birth chart together by phone – diane@positive-elements.com or 07929 261231 (++ 44 7929 261231 if calling from outside UK).
To find out more get in touch. To view more horoscopes, please go to the Horoscopes page.