July 2015

Horoscope for July 2015

Our shared planetary picture

A concentration of planets and New Moon in Cancer get us in the mood for nurturing and home making this month. Pluto is pulling in the opposite direction of ambitions and worldly power during the first half of the month but personal development is more important right now and fresh new steps can be taken here with New Moon on 16th.

If battles of will look like they could break out (especially around 5th – 6th and 11th – 15th) give them a body swerve and leave the power-driven to stew in their own juices.

Meanwhile there are active opportunities for healing around 4th – 8th and 23rd – 27th. Be sure to tune in and make the most of them!

So what will this mean for us all?

Read the horoscope for your Sun sign and for your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries: The month begins on a vibrant note with Venus and Jupiter enjoying the social side of life and teaming up with Uranus in your sign. Full Moon in the early hours of 2nd raises emotions in your father, career and social status zone too.

Your ruling planet Mars is making headway in your 4th House of mother and home, bringing energy and action all month but it runs into opposition with Pluto from 12th – 15th. This indicates conflict between your public and personal life in some way. Authority figures may loom large or career and social status demands could compromise your inner well-being – if you allow them to.

There’s also a build up of planets in your 5th House of romance, children and creativity from 23rd. You can make headway here too and good times are easy to find and to generate.

New Moon on 16th offers a fresh start and opportunities to get home and personal development right. This is important. If you’re not sure how to set about this, start in the kitchen…

Taurus: Your mind will be active this month as Sun and Mars stir up lots of ideas. If at times this seems to be heading towards conflict, aim for discussion rather than arguments. There may also be a lot of to-ing and fro-ing this month, so why not throw in some exercise while you’re at it?

Your ruling planet Venus is moving through your mother and home zone until 18th ,which brings pleasure to home life and relationships with women. You may find yourself wanting to beautify your den and to entertain – go ahead.

A Venus – Saturn square from 11th – 14th brings up discomfort between partnerships and home or relationships and personal development. Take a closer look. Saturn has been prompting you to look more deeply into partnerships for the past two and a half years. It’s time to get to grips with this, however uncomfortable that may be. Self awareness is key.

Venus enters your 5th House of children, creativity and romance on 18th bringing pleasure. But then goes retrograde on 25th, taking you back to review one of these areas. You have until early September to find better expression.

Gemini: Your ruling planet Mercury is whizzing at high speed this month and visits three different signs! It’s in Gemini until 8th, making you even speedier than usual, then it zips through your finance zone until 23rd before speeding up communications till the end of the month.

Creative ideas are at an all time high right now too, especially up to 18th, although the demands of your daily routine may be somewhat of a hindrance from 11th – 14th. Rather than getting annoyed by this, take it as a reminder to eliminate thankless tasks that you’ve allowed to creep into your daily life and/or add more fulfilling ones.

Sun and Mars are being energetic in financial maters and there’s real determination on hand to do whatever now needs doing. Career and finances harmonise from 4th – 8th. But the expectations of others puts a strain on resources from 11th – 15th. Risk versus security are themes which are around too.

From 23rd – 27th there are opportunities for healing in your public status zone. Take them!

Cancer: Full Moon in your opposite sign on the night of the 1st/2nd starts the month off on an emotional note, especially in relationships and partnerships. The Mars – Neptune trine from 4th – 8th helps you to see the bigger picture and there are healing opportunities from 23rd – 27th. This is helpful after possible battles of will from 11th – 15th, especially with partners.

Communications run smoothly from 18th but they may need a second look from 25th when Venus goes retrograde. The same applies to relations with siblings and neighbours. Finances start to look even better after 23rd.

Meanwhile, the Sun and Mars are pumping you full of energy and your determination is unstoppable. New Moon on 16th is in Cancer and this is the beginning of your personal new year. There’s a good chance with Sun and Mars around that any resolutions you make at this point will be kept to. So take aim and commit!

Leo: The month starts on a high as Venus and Jupiter meet up in your sign, signifying good times, even if it is against a backdrop of exhaustion. It’s been a year since the Sun was last gracing your sign and the month before our solar return is often one of lowest ebb and energy. Your generator is back though on 23rd which restores you with new supplies of dynamism to grasp the year ahead.

During the first three weeks of the month before this, the emphasis is on your inner workings and creativity behind the scenes. You’ll be active on both fronts and self-knowledge gained will be a helpful addition to your bag of tools to tackle the year ahead.

Finances seem to improve from 18th but hold back from spending sprees as Venus goes retrograde on 25th till early September. A financial review covering security and values will be taking place. Listen carefully to what comes up!

Virgo: Your ruling planet Mercury is moving fast and busy as a bee this month and most likely you wil be too. Your inner workings and behind the scenes life is full of activity too and helpful revelations, visions and dreams could assist your path of growth and learning. This is great for imaginative creative work too.

Your 11th House of friends, groups and community is full of get up and go all month and you’ll have energy to offer others and will also get energised in the process of participating. New Moon here on 16th opens a new opportunity too.

Venus enters your sign on 18th adding to your charms and attractiveness and making you darling of the zodiac until the end of the month. It goes retrograde on 25th though, wanting to make sure that you’re aware of your gifts too?

Libra: The month starts on a high as your ruling planet Venus teams up with Jupiter and Uranus on a feel-good wave of sociability and expansion. Full Moon early morning on 2nd raises emtions in your 4th House of mother and home.

There may be challenges later in the month around 5th -15th between the conflicting demands of your public and private life or your ambitions and personal development may be pulling in opposite directions. If partners are not helpful or even become contrary while all this is going on, focus on your needs rather than theirs.

Relationships,creativity and values are all up for further review as Venus squares Saturn from 11th -14th. A Mars -Pluto opposition around the same time could indicate battles of will in partnerships too. The answers lie within, not in trying to keep the peace at any price.

New Moon on 16th offers a fresh start in your public life. Make some new resolutions and keep to them!

Scorpio: Your travel, legal and philosophy zone looks lively this month And you’ll be making your views clear to others. You may need to tone it down though around 11th – 15th when your ruling planet Pluto may be drawn to going for the jugular.

Power and how you use it, abuse it or abnegate it to others is definitely on the agenda this month and not for the first time. There are different ways of looking at things and enforcing just your view isn’t a show of strength or even helpful.

Opportunities are presenting themselves in your public life until 18th. But if you allow self preoccupation to dominate, you may miss out on openings to improve your social status. Have faith in yourself!

Sagittarius: The month starts with a bang as Venus and Uranus complement your ruling planet Jupiter in a happy line-up. And there’ a Full Moon on the night of 1st/2nd in your finance and security zone so you’ll probably notice that too!

The main emphasis of the month though is in your joint funds, sharing and intimacy zone. Lots of energy is around to help you make headway here, along with determination. Making wills, dealing with taxes, debts and inheritances are all possibilities. And re. intimacy, just how much of yourself do you really share?

While you reflect (and hopefully act) on this, the demands of your inner psychological needs pull in a different direction from 11th -14th. As you know, there are still unresolved issues here and this is a reminder that you have until mid-September to get them into light of day to work on!

A Mars – Pluto opposition around the same time raises almost compulsive security needs which pull in the opposite direction to sharing. Be grateful for this (perhaps uncomfortable) raising of awareness. New Moon on 16th falls in the joint funds and intimacy area we have also been talking about. This is an opportunity to take a new and more helpful strategy in the year ahead.

Jupiter squares Saturn from 23rd – 31st demanding you look at how your inner workings, beliefs and world view need to find new ways to talk to each other. Any travel, cultural, legal or ethical dilemmas you may find yourself in, are simply a reflection of this.

Capricorn: Full Moon falls in your sign early morning on 2nd, so the night of 1st will hold a lot of emotion for you. There are some challenges this month but Sun and Mars spend most of the month energising your 7th House of relationships and partnerships. Your determination will be strong but so will any partner’s so try to join forces and direct your energies towards the same goals rather than opposing each other.

Venus squares your ruling planet Saturn from 11th – 14th which could put a strain on sharing, joint funds and intimacy and Mars opposes Pluto in your sign from 12th -15th. Avoid battles of will if at all possible during this period and around 5th – 6th when the Sun opposes Pluto. Might doesn’t make something right. So if you find yourself being overbearing or resisting others’ attempts to take control, take yourself in check and be sure that your actions and responses are more high-minded than theirs. Lead by example!

Aquarius: Sun, Mars and Mercury are directing your attention towards work, health and service to others. Your daily routine is up for grabs and this month you have the energy and determination to do something about it. Job hunting, a new work project or a new exercise regime would all do very nicely. Psychological blocks could get blasted out of the way too.

Relationships and partnerships are well-starred apart from a conflict of interest around 11th – 14th. Could it be between an attachment to how you view your status and existing partnerships or others on offer? Or whether a certain partnership would compromise your ambitions or social status? You have until mid-September to review your public life and to resolve whatever needs resolving…

Your ruling planet Uranus goes retrograde on 26th and will be reviewing levels of compromise in your communications, trading, movements and possibly in dealings with siblings and nneighbours. Interesting!

Pisces: A bundle of energy coming from your 5th House of romance, creativity and children is livening things up and enhancing your sense of well-being, although your friends, groups you belong to or community may be pulling in the opposite direction around 11th – 15th.

Or there could be some conflict between whether a certain relationship should be a friendship or more? Or whether to aim for individual creativity or collective achievement? Sun and Mars say romance and individual creativity and so does New Moon on 16th!

Work and daily routine are a source of pleasure this month, apart from a possible ethical or cultural issue around 11th – 14th. Health should be good too, so long as you don’t go to excess in any way

Mars aligns at a helpful angle to Chiron in your sign from 23rd – 27th. This creates an impetus for self-healing. Go with it!

To find out what all of this means for you as an individual and for birth chart consultations by phone, just get in touch – diane@Positive-Elements.com – 07929 261231

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