February 2023

The Month Ahead

Almost as soon as February is underway (before Full Moon in Leo on 5th) the Sun in Aquarius challenges Uranus in Taurus.  This could enlighten our understanding of the human body and larger realities and finances or creativity could take us by surprise.

More importantly though, February is a month of completion, especially of long-term projects.  Saturn is finishing off its 27-month stay in Aquarius, encouraged by the Sun mid-month to push through one of the humanitarian tasks still remaining.  Saturn has been teaching us about collective responsibilities since December 2020; politically and hopefully ecologically and also about being responsible for each other.

A new awareness of neighbours and who might need support was one positive outcome of lockdown (and hopefully will continue).  Our dependency on technology heightened too in many cases which is going to be a major feature of the Aquarian Age which I believe we have already entered.  (Alexa and Siri think so too… ).

This is also the last full month of Pluto in Capricorn.  Pluto which brings hidden things to the surface, is a purging force and at its best, transformational.  It has certainly exposed many of our hierarchies and their use and abuse of power.  Pluto has been in Capricorn unearthing unpleasant truths since 2008.  What we do about these discoveries will be one of the jobs of Pluto in Aquarius which dawns next month: involving public accountability amongst many other things.

Mid-month while Sun is encouraging Saturn. Venus joins Neptune in search of the ideal.  Romance can be intoxicating but reality may not measure up to the dream.  Act on your urge for compassion though.

Sun moves into Pisces on 18th (at 22.35 GMT).  This is followed by New Moon in Pisces on 20th (at 07.07 GMT) which marks the beginning of a new intuitive cycle.  Venus then glides into assertive Aries less than an hour later.  This gives us the ability to tune into how we and others are feeling, understand what the moment is ready for and to then do something about it.  Be forthright and direct!  Jupiter is already there in Aries, egging us on to be more adventurous, pioneering and more authentic too.

Mars is in Gemini all month providing lots of mental energy and dialogue.  And when Mercury squares Uranus on 21st communications or sudden flashes of understanding may take us by surprise.  And sleep may seem a waste of time.

At the end of the month Venus approaches Mars in Aries and fortune favours the bold!  Make your move!

And have a wonderful month!


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