March 2013

March 2013

We have a gentle, watery start to the month, with four planets in Pisces (or five if you include Chiron).  This is a good time for reflection and checking in with yourself and others.  When Moon joins them on 10th, leading to New Moon in Pisces 11th, emotion guides us to a fresh start.  Mercury goes direct on 17th, bringing clarity.  Wait for that before signing anything important.  When Mars rushes into Aries on 11th, followed by the Sun (on 20th) and Venus (on 22nd), suddenly it’s Spring!  Uranus gets triggered off too – surprises for all…

So what will this mean for you?

Read your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know it.

Aries:   The Sun has been away from you for the longest time which brings low ebb until Mars (your ruling planet) changes the tempo on 12th and from 20th onwards, you are buzzing!  Uranus brings excitement, Sun – energy, Venus – charm and Mars – drive.  Nothing can stop you!  Even the challenge of Plutonian authority only serves to sharpen your resolve!  Look out everyone, Aries is back!

Taurus:   Friends, groups and community absorb you up to 11th when new opportunities could open up.  Mars takes the spotlight the following day though when it moves into your 12th House of the unconscious, institutions, the internet, compassion and healing.  Sun and Venus your ruling planet follow on 20th and 22nd so loads of creative energy is available behind the scenes.  Uranus gets stirred up by all of these which could re-arrange your usual internal setting.  Allow sudden realisations to lead the way!

Gemini:   New Moon on 11th marks a new cycle in your father, career and social status zone.  Use it to look at things afresh.  The day after, Mars directs your energy towards friends, groups, community and collectives.  Sudden changes are startling but bring excitement and refreshment.  Politics or humanitarian movements might grab you too.  Full Moon on 27th could bring romance.  Be open to change!

Cancer:   Travel and new horizons (including inner ones) are highlighted on 11th but Mars draws your attention immediately afterwards to your father, career and social status zone.  Uranus has been shaking things up here for two or three years and the present rush of planets will remind you that there’s still further to go.  Full Moon on 27th falls in your mother and home area, so lots of emotion will be pulling you this way too!  Try to find a balance but don’t abandon your ambitions.

Leo:   Reflect on ‘shared areas’ at the start of the month.  New Moon on 11th could bring in a new regime on the joint finances front too.  The world beckons from 12th onwards and by 20th it’s insistent.  This is an exciting time for travel, deep study, exploring, finding meaning and legal matters.  Events and results will be unexpected in the build-up to 28th.  Be open to adventure!

Virgo:   New Moon in your relationships and partnerships zone on 11th brings a breath of fresh air but there is barely time to enjoy it as Mars shifts the focus to joint funds and your shared area.  Sun and Venus follow suit soon after, which could mean money in and not just money out.  Uranus already there gets awakened and promises a lot of surprises.  Allow yourself to be open to life.

Libra:   New Moon on 11th brings a fresh start at work or with health.  But eyes swing quickly to relationships and partnerships the following day as Mars leaps into action.  Sun and your planet Venus are close on its heels and one by one, they all activate Uranus.  Change, disruption and revolution don’t sound relaxing but they could be exciting!  Full Moon is in Libra on 27th.  Be forthright!

Scorpio:   Venus and Mercury harmonise with Saturn in your sign on 7th.  This helps others to understand where you are right now.  Then New Moon on 11th brings a fresh cycle in love affairs, children and creativity.  The focus moves quickly on though as Mars bursts into your work, health and service to others zone.  Forget routine as it meets Uranus on 22nd, bringing sudden surprises.  Sun and Venus are not far behind, so expect a week of wonders.  Relationships with colleagues look lively too.

Sagittarius:   Home hums nicely along and New Moon on 11th marks a new era for you.  There isn’t much time to reflect on this as Mars moves into your 5th House of love affairs, children and creativity, the very next day.  This is just the beginning of an exhilarating adventure as Sun and Venus join in and wake up Uranus.  Make time for creative pursuits and fun!

Capricorn:   The mind is calm as the month begins, until Mars hits your 4th House of ‘mother and home’ on 12th.  Time to move things forward on the home-front: be that roll up your sleeves or get professional help.  All kinds of unexpected events and discoveries occur too.  Take them in your stride, knowing you’re up to whatever it takes.  Full Moon on 27th raises emotion around father, career and social status.  Do whatever’s necessary.

Aquarius:   Attend to security matters at the start of the month and then follow Mars into your 3rd House of communications.  With tons of ideas and mental energy to spare, get talking, writing, broadcasting, teaching and networking!  Siblings and neighbours may feature in an unexpected way too.  Keep an eye out for your nervous system amidst all the excitement.  It could get fried, so be sure to make time for physical movement and direct some of this energy there.  Find a form you like and get going!

Pisces:   Your month starts in comfortable waters and we’re all going to be on your wave-length.  There’s a helpful line-up of planets on 7th too.  New Moon on 11th is also in your sign and brings a sense of fresh renewal.  The focus then changes as Mars leaps into your 2nd House of security.  It’s time for action!  This could involve job-hunting, profile raising, new projects to increase the coffers or alternatively, a shake-up of your value system and downsizing.  Whichever path you take, it’ll be creative and exhilarating!

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