The Age of Aquarius!!! (Jan 2024)

The Age of Aquarius is here!!!

We have a major shift on January 21st as Pluto moves into Aquarius.  We had an introductory period of this late-March to mid-June but this time we are moving fully into a new era.  The long-heralded Aquarian Age is here!



Known as the precession of the equinoxes, every 2000 years or so, a new age unfolds.  In Western symbology there are references to these in the bible.   When Moses was up Mount Sinai receiving the ten commandments, his tribe waiting below smelted a golden calf (Taurus).  He was in a rage at this discovery and sacrificed a lamb (Aries) as this symbolised the new age.  Christianity repeatedly uses fish (Pisces) as its symbol with Jesus ‘the fisher of men’ etc. etc.

Aquarius is represented in the zodiac as the water bearer, someone pouring water from a large pot.  Aquarius is not a Water sign though.  It is an Air sign (along with Gemini and Libra) and Air rules thought, communication and information.  So, it is information and ideas that are being shared, as opposed to emotion which the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) rule.  The glyph or symbol for Aquarius is two parallel wavy lines.  Again, they are not water waves but air waves!

The Age of Aquarius will last 2,000 years or so.  While Pluto in Aquarius, its decisive start, will last until 2043 and brings a powerful wave of change.  And strangely here in UK we have unusual winds of 90mph on our very first day of Pluto in Aquarius!


First Stage

Jupiter and Saturn moved together into Aquarius around the Winter Solstice in 2020 and now with Pluto moving in, the big guns have arrived.  Pluto is the planet of deep transformation.  It was discovered in 1930 around the time the atom was split and Pluto represents annihilation and elimination for regenerative purposes.  This is invariably uncomfortable, as we so often resist change as hard as we can.  But Pluto represents deep transformation: where and when it is really needed.

Pluto has mostly finished its fifteen-year transit through Capricorn (returning briefly just to finish off finer details next September to mid-November).  During Pluto’s journey through Capricorn, it exposed the defects and unworthiness of many of our leaders and many others holding positions of power (although some still cling on).   Unhealthy hierarchies have been exposed and trust in them shaken as a result.  Although shocking, such exposures are helpful and we have hopefully deepened confidence in our own values, uncowed by authority figures.

This time in its new sign of Aquarius, Pluto will be exposing, transforming and working on different issues.  Aquarius rules friends, groups, community and humanitarian ideals.  Thinking and decision-making is likely to take place on a more collective level, hopefully creating the greater good for the greatest number.

Already over the horizon and on its way, AI will be running our services and lives more and more.  This may bring welcome advances in medical diagnoses and treatments but plans for a cashless society and the use of face recognition technology may bring many perhaps unwelcome changes…  Gender fluidity is already here and will grow.  Aquarius has little time for old, traditional ways of thinking and perhaps we will discover the capacity of the 90% of our brains that we do not yet use.  And who knows, our knowledge of or contact with beings from others planets may occur or become more commonplace.

Along with big sweeping changes in our collective lives, there will as always, be opportunities for individual growth.  Pluto raises power dynamics and perhaps you will run into other people’s or discover some your own.  Responsibility goes with power and it is imperative that you use your personal power for the greater good, not for your personal benefit.


So what will this mean for us all?

Read about your Sun sign and if you are familiar with your birth chart, the sign on your Ascendant too (and any planets you have at the beginning of a sign will also be impacted, apart from those in Capricorn and Pisces).


Aries:   Pluto will bring up issues of power in friendships, groups, community and campaigns.  In your personal life, friendships will play a more dominant role.  Deep transformation could take place for you through a friend or group or vice versa.  Equally you may find yourself in a tussle with a friend or group…

Leading is always a natural choice for Aries.  Perhaps you could form, lead, support or challenge a group or movement you feel passionate about.  Whereas your needs are usually more than clear to you, you may have to subsume these as group needs will be stronger.  Perhaps you will finally find your tribe.  Campaigns may also call loudly.

However it comes about, you will be tested in some way and total self-honesty will be needed for you to fully grow in one or more of these areas of life.  Any campaign group would do well to have you on board!


Taurus:   Pluto has now moved to the top of your solar chart and you may climb to a position of authority in some way, be that professionally or within your circle.  Decisions you make can impact others strongly and you must be absolutely ethically clean in making them.

You may also have to deal with or stand up to parental or authority figures or bodies, possibly do battle with them and discover your own personal authority in the process.  A complete change of status could take place too, either through the kind of work you do, your status within new or existing work or your standing in society in some way.  Involving yourself in transformational processes in the world (where there is a ‘before and after’ element) will be attractive to you and satisfying.

How to fit your talents into the larger framework may be a challenge you have to overcome.  And if you find yourself in a position of power, have regular check-ins with yourself and someone whose moral compass you trust, to make sure all of your actions are above board, ethical and for the greater good.


Gemini:   The power of exploration will be key for Geminis in the 20-year period ahead.  Curiosity is Gemini’s normal position but now you will be drawn further and deeper.  Exploring the world physically through travel, different countries and different cultures or immersing yourself in the great outdoors can bring about great personal change and a massive shift in your world view.

Exploring metaphysically can have enormous impact too.  Deep dives into belief systems, religions and philosophies can transform your understanding of  peoples of the world and the true nature of reality.  Your intuitive understanding of life will deepen.

Deep studies, the internet, learning a new language, teaching, publications and perhaps getting published can also have a big impact.  The truth becomes pressingly important and finding your truth is one of the opportunities on offer.  The next twenty years will be a pilgrimage of a kind.  You may encounter extremism; you may encounter the deluded and the mad.  Observe but do not stay and do not stop until you find your path.


Cancer:   The transformational processes of life: birth, sex and death can offer deep and intense experiences.  They do of course for us all but your understanding around one or more of these processes will deepen considerably.  Abandoned issues from the past may re-emerge for you to address and work through.  There can be a re-birth for you in some way too.

You will come to understand the opportunities that crises provide, either for yourself or others (or both).  As sometimes it is only through a crisis that deep change and growth become possible.  You may also find that others in crisis will be drawn to you as a mast to hold on to during the storm.  And they will have made a good choice.

Joint funds and the money of others (including taxes, debts and inheritances) can be impactful and your understanding of sharing in its smallest and broadest levels will also deepen.   Your instinct in how resources should be used and shared on a collective level will deepen too.  Share your understanding.  The world needs it.


Leo:   Power in relationships and partnerships come to the fore in a very strong way over the next twenty years and you may have to review the power patterns you tend to get drawn into or create in one-to-one partnerships.  ‘Partnerships’ here can indicate business or personal partners and your transformation and growth may come about through intense dealings with either or both.

We can often find ourselves in relationships where we take control or where the other person takes control.  Meeting the needs of someone so deeply that they become dependent on us or vice versa is a subtler but similar dynamic of this too.

But the challenge and opportunity here is to create an equal relationship where both partners are  transformed through sharing power equally, not the power of one over the other.  This is not easy to achieve.  Make it your aim.


Virgo:   Virgos have a natural interest in work, health and service to others which is exactly the area that Pluto is moving into for the next twenty years.  So, although these areas of life are already strongly within your realm of understanding, powerful experiences await you.

Workwise, you may find yourself completely changing the kind of work you do or the times at which you do it.  And work which involves a transformation of some kind, with a ‘before and after’ element, will be particularly satisfying.  Relationships with colleagues could also be intense, even involving power struggles.  Or you may stop working altogether or start working or volunteering.

All of this may impact your daily routine and this is another area up for transformation as Pluto makes its way through.  How we order our day (including the details of what you do first, second and third first thing in the morning etc) can have a massive effect on your well-being and ultimately your health.  And what you include (or exclude) in your day can have huge impact (as can pets).  Be open to scrutinising how your daily routines, rituals, health care choices and diet impact you.  Transformation and a deeper understanding of holistic health is on offer!


Libra:   Pluto is bringing transformation to your creative world in its broadest sense.  This includes love affairs (the transient type), your interactions with children, sports, recreation, fun and games, pleasure and actual creativity itself.

In the West we use the word ‘relationship’ to cover many different kinds of emotional dynamics.  In more conservative cultures, this is not the case and love affairs as opposed to partnerships are viewed quite differently.  Astrology makes this differentiation too.  Information relating to marriage and business partnerships can be found in one area of the chart (the 7th House), whereas love affairs belong to another (the 5th House).

You may therefore find yourself swept away by intense passions, possibly by someone you feel is not even good for you.  But you discover or rediscover the passionate aspect of yourself and this awakening may be more important than the person who seemed to bring it about.

A new sport or creative activity could become massively important and consume you.  Speculating financially or gambling could seem irresistibly attractive too and take hold if you let it…  Your relationship with a child or children (and your own inner child) could deepen your sense of joy too.  Welcome creativity in all of its very broadest forms and enjoy!


Scorpio:  Pluto is your ruling planet and so you, more than anyone understand the powerful waves that transformation brings.  It is your signature in the zodiac.  Your resilience is second to none and you fear deep transformation and what it brings, far less than most.  In fact, you welcome it.

For you, this time, mother, home, roots and foundations, self-nurture and personal development are the spheres up for transformation.  Early conditions in our childhood home have huge bearing throughout life and the more conscious we are of the dynamics we experienced there and their ongoing influence are areas for exploration with professional help.  Yes, a counsellor or therapist or therapy group are your best and necessary companions on this crucial journey.

Relationships with mother figures or any role in which you are motherly will also undergo deep change.  Your current physical home, renovations or a change of home or emotional conditions within the home are possible.  And these too may undergo massive transformation which will reflect your inner growth or trigger the need for you to do some work on yourself.  Do it willingly!


Sagittarius:   You love exploring which is great and this time Pluto is going to pull you along to explore communications, your mindset, dealings with neighbours and siblings and how you deal with everyday life, including your use of language.

These may feel like minor issues to lofty-minded Sagittarians but how we think and deal with others on an everyday level has a massive impact on is all.  Communications are not only the words we use.  Tone of voice carries a louder message, as does physical posture.

How are you dealing on a daily level with others?  And could that be improved?  Pluto may think so and take you in hand, especially related to your dealings with neighbours and siblings.  These relationships could take on new meaning or become more prominent in your life, as could learning a new language.

How we think about things, makes it so.  And your lens on the world is going to be transformed.  Sagittarians often have a good understanding of the higher mind and broader issues but you may now be called upon to share your understanding or to break it into smaller parts that can be understood by others.  Teaching or making knowledge available to more people, may become your mission.  Do it gladly!


Capricorn:   Having just had Pluto moving through your sign for the past fifteen years, you will have got the idea of its transformative way of changing your life.  You still have the finishing touch of this process from September to mid-November 2024 when Pluto goes back one last time into your sign to attend to the final details of your transformative process.

Pluto’s new focus for you in the twenty years ahead is: money, possessions, food, security, values and self-esteem.  Your position on one or more of these areas is in need of transformation.

We often assume that having money, property or possessions brings with it a sense of security but it may become apparent that this is not necessarily the case.  You may have to look in more depth at where the feeling of ‘enough’ comes from and it may not come from the expected material world. Having a value or belief system that gives a sense of security could be the answer or creativity in some form may meet your need.  Explore all possibilities.

We often confuse our financial standing or earnings with self-esteem but valuing who you are quite separately from your material status may be called for, whether you are rich or poor.  How you show up as a human being is more important than what you do or do not have.  Be open to a whole new set of values!


Aquarius:   Pluto, planet of transformation is now in your sign and is going to stay there for the next twenty years!  Being Aquarian, you are open to new things and original ways of looking at things but this will be challenging and you may not be able to adopt the distant, detached position on things that you prefer.  You will understand our new Aquarian Age though better than most and will be called upon to make a contribution to its direction.

Pluto in your sign brings up issues of personal power and you will be challenged to fully claim yours.  How this comes about is less important than that it comes about.  Sometimes it can involve doing battle with another individual or other powers, who are unfit or who wield power unethically and humiliations may even be involved.  But claim your power, you must and will: all four cylinders.

Your identity (and appearance) may also undergo a transformation in some way.  Be open to that too, followed by how do you now express the new you?  Finding outlets and new forms of self-expression will be important.  Be as open-minded and experimental regarding this as you can.  The Aquarian Age is here and you will resonate with it!


Pisces:   Your natural domain in the zodiac is the 12th House of compassion towards the pain and suffering of others, healing, spirituality, institutions (prisons, hospitals, psychiatric units etc), creativity behind the scenes and the collective unconscious.  These are all areas of life you have a natural affinity with and now Pluto is moving through your 12th House and so powerful experiences are at hand.

Your creativity may become a driving force and sharing your creations with the world will be important.  The sending out of creative acts, healing energy (and perhaps prayers) will become more and more important.  Their impact will not be measurable but your understanding that we are all in the pool together and whatever happens to one, happens to us all, will deepen.  You understand that what we ‘send out’ impacts us all and that we can help both individuals and the bigger picture through distant healing and positive thoughts.

An urge to escape the confines of daily life could veer towards addictions – watch out for that and lift the need to merge with something greater, to transcendent paths.  Your already strong intuition will intensify over the next twenty years and possibly develop into psychic ability or spiritual longing.  Seek structural support for yourself from trained experts who know the way, if this does develop.  The power of meditation and spiritual practices can also have a huge impact on you.  Again, choose carefully who or which bodies you align yourself with and who will best nurture and support your growth.


To explore how this will impact you as an individual, get in touch to arrange a birth chart or update by phone or Zoom.

07929 261231

(+44 7929 261231 from outside UK)

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